Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 thirdy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package qic.ui; import static java.lang.System.lineSeparator; import static; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trimToEmpty; import static qic.util.Config.MANUAL_AUTO_VERIFY; import static qic.util.Config.MANUAL_SEARCH_BLACKLIST; import static qic.util.Config.getBooleanProperty; import static qic.util.DurianUtils.notBlacklisted; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import qic.Command; import qic.Main; import qic.SearchPageScraper.SearchResultItem; import qic.ui.extra.Worker; import qic.util.Config; import qic.util.SwingUtil; import qic.util.Util; /** * @author thirdy * */ public class ManualPanel extends JPanel { private static final String MANUAL_TXT_FILENAME = "manual.txt"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); private JList<String> searchJList = new JList<>(); private DefaultListModel<String> searchJListModel = new DefaultListModel<>(); private JSplitPane splitPane; private SearchResultTable table = new SearchResultTable(); @SuppressWarnings("serial") public ManualPanel(Main main) { super(new BorderLayout(5, 5)); table.setDoubleBuffered(true); JTextField searchTf = new JTextField(100); JButton runBtn = new JButton("Run"); runBtn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 10)); JLabel invalidTermsLblLbl = new JLabel(); invalidTermsLblLbl.setFont(invalidTermsLblLbl.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); JLabel invalidTermsLbl = new JLabel(); invalidTermsLbl.setForeground(Color.RED); JPanel northPanel = new JPanel(); northPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(northPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); JLabel searchLbl = new JLabel(" Search: "); searchLbl.setFont(searchLbl.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); northPanel.add(searchLbl); northPanel.add(searchTf); northPanel.add(invalidTermsLblLbl); northPanel.add(invalidTermsLbl); northPanel.add(runBtn); this.add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); List<String> searchList = Util.loadSearchList(MANUAL_TXT_FILENAME);; searchJList.setModel(searchJListModel); searchJList.addListSelectionListener(e -> { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { searchTf.setText(trimToEmpty(searchJList.getSelectedValue())); } }); searchJList.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.getClickCount() == 2) { int index = searchJList.locationToIndex(evt.getPoint()); if (index != -1) { String search = trimToEmpty(searchJListModel.getElementAt(index)); searchTf.setText(search); runBtn.doClick(); } } } }); searchJList.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("DELETE"), "doSomething"); searchJList.getActionMap().put("doSomething", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int selectedIndex = searchJList.getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { searchJListModel.remove(selectedIndex); } } }); ActionListener runCommand = e -> { String tfText = searchTf.getText().trim(); if (!tfText.isEmpty()) { Worker<Command> worker = new Worker<Command>(() -> { runBtn.setEnabled(false); Command result = null; try { result = runQuery(main, tfText); } catch (Exception ex) { runBtn.setEnabled(true); SwingUtil.showError(ex); } return result; }, command -> { if (command != null) { if (command.invalidSearchTerms.isEmpty()) { addDataToTable(command); saveSearchToList(tfText); invalidTermsLbl.setText(""); invalidTermsLblLbl.setText(""); if (getBooleanProperty(MANUAL_AUTO_VERIFY, false)) { long sleep = Config.getLongProperty(Config.MANUAL_AUTO_VERIFY_SLEEP, 5000); table.runAutoVerify(sleep); } } else { String invalidTermsStr =", ")); invalidTermsLbl.setText(invalidTermsStr + " "); invalidTermsLblLbl.setText(" Invalid: "); } } runBtn.setEnabled(true); }); worker.execute(); } }; searchTf.addActionListener(runCommand); runBtn.addActionListener(runCommand); splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, new JScrollPane(table), new JScrollPane(searchJList)); this.add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } private void addDataToTable(Command command) { List<SearchResultItem> itemResults = filterResults(command.itemResults); table.clear(); table.setData(itemResults); } private List<SearchResultItem> filterResults(List<SearchResultItem> itemResults) { itemResults = -> notBlacklisted(MANUAL_SEARCH_BLACKLIST, item)) .collect(toList()); return itemResults; } public void initSplitPaneDivider() { splitPane.setResizeWeight(.85d); splitPane.setDividerLocation(.85d); } private void saveSearchToList(String tfText) { for (int i = 0; i < searchJListModel.size(); i++) { String s = searchJListModel.getElementAt(i); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(tfText)) { return; } } searchJListModel.addElement(tfText); } private Command runQuery(Main main, String tfText) throws Exception { String line = null; if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(tfText, "sort")) { line = tfText; } else { String prefix = Config.getPropety(Config.MANUAL_SEARCH_PREFIX, "tmpsc online bo").trim(); line = String.format("s %s %s", prefix, tfText); }"Now running search: " + line); return main.processLine(line); } public void saveToFile() { StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < searchJListModel.size(); i++) { String s = searchJListModel.getElementAt(i); contents.append(s); contents.append(lineSeparator()); } try { Util.overwriteFile(MANUAL_TXT_FILENAME, contents.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }