Java tutorial
/* * Acacia - GS-FLX & Titanium read error-correction and de-replication software. * Copyright (C) <2011> <Lauren Bragg and Glenn Stone - CSIRO CMIS & University of Queensland> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package pyromaniac.IO; import; import; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import pyromaniac.DataStructures.FlowCycler; import pyromaniac.DataStructures.MutableInteger; import pyromaniac.DataStructures.Pyrotag; import pyromaniac.DataStructures.Sequence; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class MMFastaImporter. */ public class MMFastaImporter extends TagImporter { /** The logger. */ private AcaciaLogger logger; /** The seq file. */ private String seqFile; /** The qual file. */ private String qualFile; /** The length of the files as longs */ private long qualSizeLong; private long seqSizeLong; private ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Long>> qualStartsLL; private ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Long>> seqStartsLL; /** The Constant BEGINNING_FASTA_HEADER. */ public static final char BEGINNING_FASTA_HEADER = '>'; /** The Constant ACCEPTIBLE_IUPAC_CHARS. */ public static final String ACCEPTIBLE_IUPAC_CHARS = "ATGCNURYWSMKBHDV"; /** The seq buffer. */ private ArrayList<MappedByteBuffer> seqBuffers; /** The qual buffer. */ private ArrayList<MappedByteBuffer> qualBuffers; private FlowCycler cycler; /** * Instantiates a new mM fasta importer. * * @param seqFile the seq file * @param qualFile the qual file * @param flowCycle * @param logger the logger */ public MMFastaImporter(String seqFile, String qualFile, String flowCycle, AcaciaLogger logger) { this.seqFile = seqFile; this.qualFile = qualFile; this.logger = logger; this.seqBuffers = new ArrayList<MappedByteBuffer>(); this.qualBuffers = new ArrayList<MappedByteBuffer>(); this.cycler = new FlowCycler(flowCycle, logger); this.init(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see pyromaniac.IO.TagImporter#getNumberOfSequences() */ public int getNumberOfSequences() { return this.seqStartsLL.size(); } /** * Initialises the qual and seq starts. */ public void init() { //essentially all I want to do is look for delimiters in the file. try { _initSeq(); if (!(this.qualFile == null || this.qualFile.trim().length() == 0 || this.qualFile.equals("null"))) { _initQual(); } else { this.qualFile = null; } } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) { throw new RuntimeException(cce); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * _init qual. * * @throws Exception the exception */ private void _initQual() throws Exception { FileInputStream tempStream = new FileInputStream(new File(this.qualFile)); FileChannel fcQual = tempStream.getChannel(); this.qualSizeLong = fcQual.size(); //qual starts LL contains pairs, marking file #no (in qualBuffers) and position #no (in the buffer). this.qualStartsLL = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Long>>(); for (long startPosition = 0L; startPosition < this.qualSizeLong; startPosition += HALF_GIGA) { MappedByteBuffer qualBuffer =, startPosition, Math.min(this.qualSizeLong - startPosition, HALF_GIGA)); //map half a gig to this channel. this.qualBuffers.add(qualBuffer); int qbf_pos = qualBuffers.size() - 1; int maxBuffer = 2048; int bufferSize = (qualBuffer.capacity() > maxBuffer) ? maxBuffer : qualBuffer.capacity(); qualBuffer.limit(bufferSize); qualBuffer.position(0); while (qualBuffer.position() != qualBuffer.capacity()) { int prevPos = qualBuffer.position(); CharBuffer result = decoder.decode(qualBuffer); qualBuffer.position(prevPos); for (int i = 0; i < result.capacity(); i++) { char curr = result.charAt(i); int posInFile = prevPos + i; if (curr == BEGINNING_FASTA_HEADER) { qualStartsLL.add(new Pair<Integer, Long>(qbf_pos, new Long(posInFile))); } } int newPos = qualBuffer.limit(); if (qualBuffer.limit() + bufferSize > qualBuffer.capacity()) qualBuffer.limit(qualBuffer.capacity()); else qualBuffer.limit(qualBuffer.limit() + bufferSize); qualBuffer.position(newPos); } qualBuffer.rewind(); } } /** * _init seq. * * @throws Exception the exception */ private void _initSeq() throws Exception { FileInputStream tempStream = new FileInputStream(new File(this.seqFile)); FileChannel fcSeq = tempStream.getChannel(); this.seqSizeLong = fcSeq.size(); this.seqStartsLL = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Long>>(); for (long startPosition = 0L; startPosition < this.seqSizeLong; startPosition += HALF_GIGA) { MappedByteBuffer seqBuffer =, startPosition, Math.min(this.seqSizeLong - startPosition, HALF_GIGA)); this.seqBuffers.add(seqBuffer); int sbf_pos = seqBuffers.size() - 1; int maxBuffer = 2048; int bufferSize = (seqBuffer.capacity() > maxBuffer) ? maxBuffer : seqBuffer.capacity(); seqBuffer.limit(bufferSize); seqBuffer.position(0); while (seqBuffer.position() != seqBuffer.capacity()) { int prevPos = seqBuffer.position(); CharBuffer result = decoder.decode(seqBuffer); seqBuffer.position(prevPos); for (int i = 0; i < result.capacity(); i++) { char curr = result.charAt(i); int posInFile = prevPos + i; if (curr == BEGINNING_FASTA_HEADER) { seqStartsLL.add(new Pair<Integer, Long>(sbf_pos, new Long(posInFile))); } } int newPos = seqBuffer.limit(); if (seqBuffer.limit() + bufferSize > seqBuffer.capacity()) seqBuffer.limit(seqBuffer.capacity()); else seqBuffer.limit(seqBuffer.limit() + bufferSize); seqBuffer.position(newPos); } seqBuffer.rewind(); } } //pyrotag at index. /* (non-Javadoc) * @see pyromaniac.IO.TagImporter#getPyrotagAtIndex(int) */ public Pyrotag getPyrotagAtIndex(int index) throws Exception { if (index >= this.seqStartsLL.size()) return null; char[] relSeqBlock = getBlock(this.seqStartsLL, index, this.seqBuffers); //construct the pyrotag in this block. Sequence<Character> pyrotagSeq = processSeqBlock(relSeqBlock); Sequence<Integer> qualitySeq = null; if (this.qualFile != null) { char[] relQualBlock = getBlock(this.qualStartsLL, index, this.qualBuffers); qualitySeq = processQualBlock(relQualBlock); } Pyrotag p = new Pyrotag(pyrotagSeq.getId(), pyrotagSeq.getDesc(), pyrotagSeq, qualitySeq, this.cycler); p.setInternalID(index); return p; } /** * Process seq block. * * @param pyrotagBlock the pyrotag block * @return the sequence */ public Sequence<Character> processSeqBlock(char[] pyrotagBlock) { try { MutableInteger index = new MutableInteger(0); String identifier = _readIdentifier(pyrotagBlock, index); //read identifier and read sequence need to be fixed. String[] idComp = parseIdentifierLine(identifier); ArrayList<Character> nucleotides = this._readSequence(pyrotagBlock, index); Sequence<Character> pyrotagSeq = new Sequence<Character>(nucleotides, idComp[0], idComp[1]); return pyrotagSeq; } catch (SeqFormattingException sfe) { System.out.println(sfe.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return null; } /** * Process qual block. * * @param qualBlock the qual block * @return the sequence */ public Sequence<Integer> processQualBlock(char[] qualBlock) { try { MutableInteger index = new MutableInteger(0); String identifier = _readIdentifier(qualBlock, index); String[] idComp = parseIdentifierLine(identifier); ArrayList<Integer> qualities = this._readQualities(qualBlock, index); Sequence<Integer> pyrotagQual = new Sequence<Integer>(qualities, idComp[0], idComp[1]); return pyrotagQual; } catch (SeqFormattingException sfe) { System.out.println(sfe.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return null; } /** * Parses the identifier line. * * @param identifierLine the identifier line * @return the string[] */ public String[] parseIdentifierLine(String identifierLine) { int posAngle = identifierLine.indexOf(BEGINNING_FASTA_HEADER); int posWhite = identifierLine.indexOf(" "); String[] IDAndDescription = new String[2]; if (posWhite > 0) { IDAndDescription[0] = identifierLine.substring(posAngle + 1, posWhite); IDAndDescription[1] = identifierLine.substring(posWhite + 1, identifierLine.length()); } else { IDAndDescription[0] = identifierLine.substring(posAngle + 1, identifierLine.length()); IDAndDescription[1] = ""; } return IDAndDescription; } /** * _read sequence. * * @param pyrotagBlock the pyrotag block * @param pos the pos * @return the array list * @throws SeqFormattingException the seq formatting exception */ public ArrayList<Character> _readSequence(char[] pyrotagBlock, MutableInteger pos) throws SeqFormattingException { ArrayList<Character> characters = new ArrayList<Character>(); char curr; int index = pos.value(); while (index < pyrotagBlock.length) { curr = pyrotagBlock[index]; curr = Character.toUpperCase(curr); //reads are read in upper case if (Character.isLetter((char) curr)) { if (ACCEPTIBLE_IUPAC_CHARS.indexOf(curr) == -1) { throw new SeqFormattingException("Non-IUPAC character (" + curr + ") in sequence", this.seqFile); } else { characters.add(curr); } } index++; } pos.update(index); return characters; } /** * _read qualities. * * @param pyrotagBlock the pyrotag block * @param pos the pos * @return the array list * @throws SeqFormattingException the seq formatting exception */ public ArrayList<Integer> _readQualities(char[] pyrotagBlock, MutableInteger pos) throws SeqFormattingException { ArrayList<Integer> qualities = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String currInt = ""; char curr; int index = pos.value(); try { while (index < pyrotagBlock.length) { curr = pyrotagBlock[index]; if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(curr) || Character.isWhitespace(curr)) { if (Character.isLetter(curr)) { throw new SeqFormattingException("Non-numeric quality score encountered: " + curr, this.qualFile); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(curr) && currInt.length() > 0) { qualities.add(Integer.parseInt(currInt)); currInt = ""; } else if (Character.isDigit(curr)) { currInt = currInt + curr; } } else if (currInt.length() > 0) { qualities.add(Integer.parseInt(currInt)); currInt = ""; } index++; } if (currInt.length() > 0) { qualities.add(Integer.parseInt(currInt)); } return qualities; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new SeqFormattingException("Quality score: " + currInt + " is not an integer ", this.qualFile); } } /** * _read identifier. * * @param pyrotagBlock the pyrotag block * @param pos the pos * @return the string */ public String _readIdentifier(char[] pyrotagBlock, MutableInteger pos) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); int currPos = pos.value(); char curr = pyrotagBlock[currPos]; while (!(curr == '\n' || curr == '\r')) { buff.append(curr); currPos++; curr = pyrotagBlock[currPos]; } pos.update(currPos); return buff.toString(); } /** * The Class SeqFormattingException. */ public class SeqFormattingException extends Exception { /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Instantiates a new seq formatting exception. * * @param message the message * @param filename the filename */ public SeqFormattingException(String message, String filename) { super("File: " + filename + " FormattingException: " + message); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see pyromaniac.IO.TagImporter#closeFiles() */ public void closeFiles() { //TODO: check for side-effects this.qualBuffers.clear(); this.seqBuffers.clear(); } }