Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 BMD Software and University of Aveiro. * * Neji is a flexible and powerful platform for biomedical information extraction from text. * * This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. * To view a copy of this license, visit * * This project is a free software, you are free to copy, distribute, change and transmit it. * However, you may not use it for commercial purposes. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Evaluator class that performs evaluation based on the provided evaluation type. * * @author David Campos (<a href=""></a>) * @author Eduardo Duarte (<a href=""></a>)) * @version 2.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class CompleteEvaluator { private static final Pattern conceptPattern = Pattern.compile("T[0-9]+"); private static final Pattern identifiersPattern = Pattern.compile("#[0-9]+"); private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CompleteEvaluator.class); private final String mappersFolderPath; private Map<String, Evaluation> evaluations; private Map<String, List<StatisticsEntry>> fns; private Map<String, List<StatisticsEntry>> fps; public static long numUNIPROTS = 0; public static long numUNIPROTSmapped = 0; public static long numPRGEnames = 0; public static long numPRGEmapped = 0; public static long numUMLSCL = 0; public static long numUMLSCLmapped = 0; public static long numCellNames = 0; public static long numCellMapped = 0; public static long numPROCFUNC = 0; public static long numPROCFUNCwithIDs = 0; public static long numUMLSPROCFUNC = 0; public static long numUMLSPROCFUNCmapped = 0; public static long numPROCFUNCNames = 0; public static long numPROCFUNCMapped = 0; public CompleteEvaluator(final String mappersFolderPath) { this.mappersFolderPath = mappersFolderPath; this.evaluations = new HashMap<>(); this.fns = new HashMap<>(); this.fps = new HashMap<>(); // PRGE numUNIPROTS = 0; numUNIPROTSmapped = 0; numPRGEnames = 0; numPRGEmapped = 0; // Cell numUMLSCL = 0; numUMLSCLmapped = 0; numCellNames = 0; numCellMapped = 0; // ProcFunc numPROCFUNC = 0; numPROCFUNCwithIDs = 0; numUMLSPROCFUNC = 0; numUMLSPROCFUNCmapped = 0; numPROCFUNCNames = 0; numPROCFUNCMapped = 0; } public void evaluate(final InputStream goldA1InputStream, final InputStream silverA1Stream, final EvaluationType evaluationType, final IdentifierMatch identifierMatch) { ConceptList goldList = getConceptListFromInputStream(goldA1InputStream); ConceptList silverList = getConceptListFromInputStream(silverA1Stream); evaluate(goldList, silverList, evaluationType, identifierMatch); } public void evaluate(ConceptList goldList, ConceptList silverList, final EvaluationType evaluationType, final IdentifierMatch identifierMatch) { //Silver on Gold for (Concept gold : goldList) { boolean matched; if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Exact)) { matched = silverList.containsExact(gold, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Left)) { matched = silverList.containsLeft(gold, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Right)) { matched = silverList.containsRight(gold, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Shared)) { matched = silverList.containsShared(gold, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Subspan)) { matched = silverList.containsSubspan(gold, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Overlap)) { matched = silverList.containsOverlap(gold, identifierMatch); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Evaluation type not supported: " + evaluationType); } if (!matched) { String entity = gold.getEntity(); Evaluation evaluation = getEvaluation(entity); evaluation.addFN(); // fn++; evaluations.put(entity, evaluation); // FNs addEntry(fns, entity, gold.getText()); } } // Gold on Silver for (Concept silver : silverList) { String entity = silver.getEntity(); Evaluation evaluation = getEvaluation(entity); boolean matched; if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Exact)) { matched = goldList.containsExact(silver, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Left)) { matched = goldList.containsLeft(silver, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Right)) { matched = goldList.containsRight(silver, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Shared)) { matched = goldList.containsShared(silver, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Subspan)) { matched = goldList.containsSubspan(silver, identifierMatch); } else if (evaluationType.equals(EvaluationType.Overlap)) { matched = goldList.containsOverlap(silver, identifierMatch); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Evaluation type not supported: " + evaluationType); } if (!matched) { evaluation.addFP(); // fp++; // FPs addEntry(fps, entity, silver.getText()); } else { evaluation.addTP(); // tp++; } evaluations.put(entity, evaluation); } } public void printFPs() {"FPs");"============"); printStatistics(fps);"");"");""); } public void printFNs() {"FNs");"============"); printStatistics(fns);"");"");""); } private void printStatistics(final Map<String, List<StatisticsEntry>> map) { for (String group : map.keySet()) {; List<StatisticsEntry> lse = map.get(group); Collections.sort(lse, new StatisticsEntryComparator()); for (int i = 0; i < 10 && i < lse.size(); i++) { StatisticsEntry se = lse.get(i);"{}:\t{}\t{}", new Object[] { i + 1, se.getName(), se.getOccurrences() }); }"---");""); } } private void addEntry(Map<String, List<StatisticsEntry>> map, String group, String text) { List<StatisticsEntry> lse; text = text.toLowerCase(); StatisticsEntry se = new StatisticsEntry(text, group, 1); if ((lse = map.get(group)) == null) { lse = new ArrayList<>(); lse.add(se); map.put(group, lse); } else { if (lse.contains(se)) { se = lse.get(lse.indexOf(se)); se.setOccurrences(se.getOccurrences() + 1); } else { lse.add(se); } } } public void reset() { this.evaluations = new HashMap<>(); } public Evaluation getOverall() { int overallTP = 0, overallFP = 0, overallFN = 0; for (String entity : evaluations.keySet()) { Evaluation evaluation = evaluations.get(entity); overallTP += evaluation.getTP(); overallFP += evaluation.getFP(); overallFN += evaluation.getFN(); } // Overall evaluation Evaluation evaluation = new Evaluation(); evaluation.setTP(overallTP); evaluation.setFP(overallFP); evaluation.setFN(overallFN); return evaluation; } public Evaluation getGroup(final String[] labels) { List<String> labelsList = Arrays.asList(labels); int overallTP = 0, overallFP = 0, overallFN = 0; for (String entity : evaluations.keySet()) { if (!labelsList.contains(entity)) { continue; } Evaluation evaluation = evaluations.get(entity); overallTP += evaluation.getTP(); overallFP += evaluation.getFP(); overallFN += evaluation.getFN(); } // Overall evaluation Evaluation evaluation = new Evaluation(); evaluation.setTP(overallTP); evaluation.setFP(overallFP); evaluation.setFN(overallFN); return evaluation; } public void print() { for (String entity : evaluations.keySet()) { Evaluation evaluation = evaluations.get(entity); printEvaluation(entity, evaluation); }""); // Overall evaluation Evaluation evaluation = getOverall(); printEvaluation("overall", evaluation); } public void printToExcel() { DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0000"); for (String entity : evaluations.keySet()) { Evaluation evaluation = evaluations.get(entity); System.out.println( String.format("%-10s\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getPrecision()).replaceAll(",", ".") + "\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getRecall()).replaceAll(",", ".") + "\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getF1()).replaceAll(",", "."), entity)); // System.out.println(entity + "\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getPrecision()).replaceAll(",", ".")); // System.out.println("\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getRecall()).replaceAll(",", ".")); // System.out.println("\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getF1()).replaceAll(",", ".")); } //""); // Overall evaluation Evaluation evaluation = getOverall(); // printEvaluation("overall", evaluation); System.out.println( String.format("%-10s\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getPrecision()).replaceAll(",", ".") + "\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getRecall()).replaceAll(",", ".") + "\t" + decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getF1()).replaceAll(",", "."), "OVERALL")); } private void printEvaluation(final String entity, final Evaluation evaluation) { DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");"{}:\tTP:{}\tFP:{}\tFN:{}\t\tP:{}\tR:{}\tF1:{}", new Object[] { StringUtils.leftPad(entity.toUpperCase(), 30, " "), evaluation.getTP(), evaluation.getFP(), evaluation.getFN(), decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getPrecision()), decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getRecall()), decimalFormat.format(evaluation.getF1()) }); } private enum EntryType { ANNOTATION, IDENTIFIER } private ConceptList getConceptListFromInputStream(final InputStream inputStream) { Map<Integer, Concept> map = new HashMap<>(); try (InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr)) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split("\t"); EntryType entryType; if (conceptPattern.matcher(parts[0]).matches()) { entryType = EntryType.ANNOTATION; } else if (identifiersPattern.matcher(parts[0]).matches()) { entryType = EntryType.IDENTIFIER; } else { continue; } String[] fields; Integer identifier; Concept concept; switch (entryType) { case ANNOTATION: // Get unique identifier identifier = Integer.parseInt(parts[0].substring(1)); fields = parts[1].split("\\s+"); // Get entity String entity = ""; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length - 2; i++) { entity += fields[i] + " "; } entity = entity.trim(); // Convert entity entity = evaluateEntity(entity); if (entity == null) { continue; } // Get start and end positions int start = Integer.parseInt(fields[fields.length - 2]); int end = Integer.parseInt(fields[fields.length - 1]); // Get text String text; if (parts.length < 3) { text = ""; } else { text = parts[2]; } // Set concept concept = new Concept(start, end, entity, text); // Add to map map.put(identifier, concept); break; case IDENTIFIER: boolean UMLS_PROC_FUNC_mapped = false; fields = parts[1].split("\\s+"); // Get unique identifier identifier = Integer.parseInt(fields[1].substring(1)); // Check if identifier exists on map if (!map.containsKey(identifier)) { continue; } concept = map.get(identifier); String identifiersText = parts[2]; String[] identifiers = identifiersText.split("[|]"); boolean isPRGE = false; if (concept.getEntity().equals("PRGE") && identifiersText.contains("UNIPROT:")) { numPRGEnames++; isPRGE = true; } boolean isCELL = false; if (concept.getEntity().equals("CELL") && identifiersText.contains("UMLS:")) { numCellNames++; isCELL = true; } if (concept.getEntity().equals("PROC_FUNC")) { numPROCFUNC++; } boolean isPROCFUNC = false; if (concept.getEntity().equals("PROC_FUNC") && identifiersText.contains("UMLS:")) { numPROCFUNCNames++; isPROCFUNC = true; } Set<String> uniqueIDs = new HashSet<>(); for (String id : identifiers) { if (id.contains(" ")) { id = id.substring(0, id.indexOf(" ")); } if (!id.contains(":")) { continue; } String[] idparts = id.split("[:]"); String finalSource = idparts[0]; String finalID = idparts[1]; if (finalSource.equals("NCBITaxon")) { finalSource = "NCBI"; } // Trick if (concept.getEntity().equals("SPEC")) { if (finalID.equals("10116")) { finalID = "10114"; } if (finalID.equals("10090")) { finalID = "10088"; } } String fi = finalSource + ":" + finalID; if (concept.getEntity().equals("PROC_FUNC") && finalSource.equals("UMLS")) { numUMLSPROCFUNC++; IDConverter converter = IDConverter.getInstance(mappersFolderPath); Collection<String> goIDs = converter.getCUI2GO().get(fi); // concept.getIdentifiers().addAll(goIDs); uniqueIDs.addAll(goIDs); if (!goIDs.isEmpty()) { numUMLSPROCFUNCmapped++; UMLS_PROC_FUNC_mapped = true; } } else if (concept.getEntity().equals("CELL") && finalSource.equals("UMLS")) { numUMLSCL++; IDConverter converter = IDConverter.getInstance(mappersFolderPath); Collection<String> clIDs = converter.getCUI2CL().get(fi); // concept.getIdentifiers().addAll(goIDs); uniqueIDs.addAll(clIDs); if (!clIDs.isEmpty()) { numUMLSCLmapped++; } } else if (concept.getEntity().equals("PRGE") && finalSource.equals("UNIPROT")) { numUNIPROTS++; IDConverter converter = IDConverter.getInstance(mappersFolderPath); // Entrez gene Collection<String> egIDs = converter.getUniprot2EG().get(fi); uniqueIDs.addAll(egIDs); if (!egIDs.isEmpty()) { numUNIPROTSmapped++; } // Protein Ontology // DataList<String> prIDs = converter.getUniprot2PR().get(fi); // uniqueIDs.addAll(prIDs); // if (!prIDs.isEmpty()) { // numUNIPROTSmapped++; // } } else { // concept.getIdentifiers().add(fi); uniqueIDs.add(fi); } } concept.getIdentifiers().addAll(uniqueIDs); if (isPRGE && !uniqueIDs.isEmpty()) { numPRGEmapped++; } if (isCELL && !uniqueIDs.isEmpty()) { numCellMapped++; } else if (isCELL) { boolean s = false; } if (isPROCFUNC && !uniqueIDs.isEmpty() && UMLS_PROC_FUNC_mapped) { numPROCFUNCMapped++; } if (concept.getEntity().equals("PROC_FUNC") && !uniqueIDs.isEmpty()) { numPROCFUNCwithIDs++; } break; } // int start = Integer.parseInt(fields[fields.length - 2]); // int end = Integer.parseInt(fields[fields.length - 1]); // // String text; // if (parts.length < 3) { ////"{}", line); //// continue; // text = ""; // } else { // text = parts[2]; // } // ////"{}|\t\t\t{}", line, entity); // // Concept concept = new Concept(start, end, entity, text); // if (!conceptList.contains(concept)) { // conceptList.add(concept); // } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("There was a problem reading the input stream.", ex); } ConceptList conceptList = new ConceptList(); for (Integer id : map.keySet()) { Concept concept = map.get(id); if (!conceptList.contains(concept)) { conceptList.add(concept); } } return conceptList; } private String evaluateEntity(final String entity) { if (entity.equals("sub") || entity.equals("italic") || entity.equals("sup") || entity.equals("bold") || entity.equals("underline") || entity.equals("independent_continuant")) { return null; } // CRAFT if (entity.equals("NCBITaxon")) { return "SPEC"; } if (entity.equals("taxonomic_rank")) { return "SPEC"; } if (entity.equals("EntrezGene")) { // return null; return "PRGE"; } if (entity.equals("PR")) { // return "PRGE"; return null; } if (entity.equals("SO")) { // entity = "PRGE"; return null; } if (entity.equals("CL")) { return "CELL"; } if (entity.equals("CHEBI")) { return "CHED"; } if (entity.equals("GO_CC")) { return "COMP"; } if (entity.equals("GO_MF")) { return "PROC_FUNC"; } if (entity.equals("GO_BP")) { return "PROC_FUNC"; } if (entity.equals("DISO")) { return null; } // COCOA // if (entity.equals("Organism")) { // return "SPEC"; // } // if (entity.equals("Organism1")) { // return "SPEC"; // } // if (entity.equals("Organism2")) { // entity = "SPEC"; // } // if (entity.equals("Protein")) { // return "PRGE"; // } // if (entity.equals("Molecule")) { // return "PRGE"; // } // if (entity.equals("Category")) { // return "PRGE"; // } // // // if (entity.equals("Bio_Process")) { // return "PROC_FUNC"; // } // if (entity.equals("Process")) { // return "PROC_FUNC"; // } // // if (entity.equals("Cell")) { // return "CELL"; // } // // if (entity.equals("Cellular_component")) { // return "COMP"; // } // if (entity.equals("Complex")) { // return "COMP"; // } // if (entity.equals("Location")) { // return "COMP"; // } // // if (entity.equals("Chemical")) { // return "CHED"; // } // ANEM // if (entity.equals("Multi-tissue_structure")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Organism_subdivision")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("CELL")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("COMP")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Pathological_formation")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Tissue")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Organism_substance")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Immaterial_anatomical_entity")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Anatomical_system")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Developing_anatomical_structure")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Body_part")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Body part")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Organ")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // if (entity.equals("Developing_anatomy")) { // entity = "ANAT"; // } // entity = "ANAT"; return entity; } private Evaluation getEvaluation(final String entity) { if (evaluations.containsKey(entity)) { return evaluations.get(entity); } else { return new Evaluation(); } } public static enum EvaluationType { Exact, Left, Right, Shared, Subspan, Overlap } }