Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Dominik Jain. * * This file is part of ProbCog. * * ProbCog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ProbCog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ProbCog. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package probcog.hmm.latent; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import probcog.clustering.multidim.EMClusterer; import probcog.clustering.multidim.KMeansClusterer; import probcog.clustering.multidim.MultiDimClusterer; import probcog.hmm.DistributionLearner; import probcog.hmm.IObservationModel; import probcog.hmm.OpdfObservationModel; import probcog.hmm.Segment; import probcog.hmm.SegmentSequence; import probcog.hmm.TransitionLearner; import weka.clusterers.EM; import weka.clusterers.SimpleKMeans; import; import; import; import edu.tum.cs.util.datastruct.ParameterMap; /** * A SubHMM (for use as a submodel of LDHMM), which is itself a dwell-time HMM * @author Dominik Jain */ public class SubHMM extends AbstractSubHMM<ObservationVector> implements ISubHMM { protected int obsDimension; public SubHMM(int numStates, int numSubLevels, int obsDimension) { super(numStates, numSubLevels, new OpdfMultiGaussianFactory(obsDimension)); this.obsDimension = obsDimension; } public SubHMM(int numSubLevels, int obsDimension) { super(numSubLevels, new OpdfMultiGaussianFactory(obsDimension)); this.obsDimension = obsDimension; } @Override public void learn(List<? extends Segment<? extends ObservationVector>> s, ParameterMap learningParams) throws Exception { if (learningParams.getBoolean("learnSubHMMViaBaumWelch")) throw new Exception("Baum-Welch learning not supported by class " + this.getClass().getName()); // learn pi, A and observation models SegmentSequence<? extends ObservationVector> ss = learnViaClustering(this, s, learningParams.getBoolean("usePseudoCounts")); // learn dwell time distributions for (int i = 0; i < this.numStates; i++) { Vector<ObservationReal> lengths = new Vector<ObservationReal>(); for (Segment<? extends ObservationVector> seg : ss.getSegments(i)) lengths.add(new ObservationReal(seg.size())); this.learnDwellTimeDistribution(i, lengths); } } public static SegmentSequence<? extends ObservationVector> learnViaClustering( IDwellTimeHMM<ObservationVector> hmm, Iterable<? extends Segment<? extends ObservationVector>> s, boolean usePseudoCounts) throws Exception { final int dim = s.iterator().next().firstElement().dimension(); Integer numStates = hmm.getNumStates(); // clustering MultiDimClusterer<?> clusterer; if (numStates != null) clusterer = new KMeansClusterer(new SimpleKMeans(), dim, numStates); else clusterer = new EMClusterer(new EM(), dim); for (Segment<? extends ObservationVector> seg : s) for (ObservationVector p : seg) //clusterer.addInstance(p.getArray()); clusterer.addInstance(p.values()); // TODO slow, performs clone clusterer.buildClusterer(); if (numStates == null) { numStates = clusterer.getWekaClusterer().numberOfClusters(); hmm.setNumStates(numStates); } // count transitions and partition // partition observations according to clustering TransitionLearner tl = new TransitionLearner(numStates, usePseudoCounts); DistributionLearner dl = new DistributionLearner(numStates, usePseudoCounts); SegmentSequence<ObservationVector> segseq = new SegmentSequence<ObservationVector>("foo"); for (Segment<? extends ObservationVector> seg : s) { int prev = -1; for (ObservationVector p : seg) { //int c = clusterer.classify(p.getArray()); int c = clusterer.classify(p.values()); // TODO inefficient, clones values, p); if (prev == -1) dl.learn(c); else tl.learn(prev, c); prev = c; } segseq.buildEndSegment(); } hmm.setA(tl.finish()); hmm.setPi(dl.finish()); // learn observation models for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { hmm.learnObservationModel(i, segseq.getSegments(i)); //System.out.printf(" sub-hmm %d: %d data points\n", i, partitions.get(i).size()); } return segseq; } @Override public IObservationModel<ObservationVector> getObservationModel(int state) { return new OpdfObservationModel<ObservationVector>(this.opdfs.get(state)); } @Override public IObservationModel<ObservationVector> getForwardCalculator() { return new DwellTimeForwardCalculator<ObservationVector>(this); } }