Java tutorial
// <TMSEG: Prediction of Transmembrane Helices in Proteins.> // Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Bernhofer // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. package predictors; import io.ModelHandler; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import processing.Processing; import util.ErrorUtils; import util.Mappings; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.classifiers.trees.RandomForest; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.SparseInstance; import weka.core.converters.ArffSaver; import data.Protein; import data.Pssm; import data.Segment; /** * Class to predict the N-terminal topology of transmembrane proteins. */ public class TopologyPredictor { private static final int indexInside = 0; private static final int indexOutside = 1; private ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = null; private Instances dataset = null; private Classifier classifier = null; private boolean isTrained = false; public TopologyPredictor() { this.buildAttributes(); this.initialize(); } /** * Initializes the attributes list for the Weka arff-format. */ private void buildAttributes() { this.attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { this.attributes.add(new Attribute("conserved_composition_side1_" + Mappings.intToAa(i))); } for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { this.attributes.add(new Attribute("non-conserved_composition_side1_" + Mappings.intToAa(i))); } for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { this.attributes.add(new Attribute("conserved_composition_side2_" + Mappings.intToAa(i))); } for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { this.attributes.add(new Attribute("non-conserved_composition_side2_" + Mappings.intToAa(i))); } this.attributes.add(new Attribute("conserved_pos_charged_side1")); this.attributes.add(new Attribute("non-conserved_pos_charged_side1")); this.attributes.add(new Attribute("conserved_pos_charged_side2")); this.attributes.add(new Attribute("non-conserved_pos_charged_side2")); this.attributes.add(new Attribute("conserved_pos_charged_diff")); this.attributes.add(new Attribute("non-conserved_pos_charged_diff")); ArrayList<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(); classes.add(String.valueOf(TopologyPredictor.indexInside)); classes.add(String.valueOf(TopologyPredictor.indexOutside)); this.attributes.add(new Attribute("class", classes)); } /** * Initializes the classifier and dataset. */ public void initialize() { this.isTrained = false; this.classifier = null; this.dataset = new Instances("TopologyPredictor Model", this.attributes, 0); this.dataset.setClassIndex(this.attributes.size() - 1); } /** * Inputs a given list of proteins for the training data. * * @param proteins */ public void input(List<Protein> proteins) { for (Protein protein : proteins) { this.input(protein); } } /** * Inputs a given protein for the training data. * * @param protein */ public void input(Protein protein) { if (protein == null) { return; } if (protein.getPssm() == null) { return; } if (protein.getStructure() == null) { return; } Pssm pssm = protein.getPssm(); char[] structure = protein.getStructure(); if (Processing.testTopology(structure)) { structure = Processing.extrapolateTopology(structure); int startPos = 0; int structureIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < structure.length; ++i) { int topIndex = Mappings.topToInt(structure[i]); if (topIndex != Mappings.defaultValue) { if (topIndex == Mappings.indexInside) { structureIndex = TopologyPredictor.indexInside; } else { structureIndex = TopologyPredictor.indexOutside; } startPos = i; break; } } if (structureIndex != -1) { this.addProteinToDatabse(pssm, structure, structureIndex, startPos); } } } /** * Predicts the N-terminal topology for a given list of proteins. * * @param proteins * @param cutoff */ public void predict(List<Protein> proteins, double cutoff) { for (Protein protein : proteins) { this.predict(protein, cutoff); } } /** * Predicts the N-terminal topology for a given protein. * * @param protein * @param cutoff */ public void predict(Protein protein, double cutoff) { if (protein == null) { return; } if (protein.getPssm() == null) { return; } if (protein.getPrediction() == null) { return; } if (!protein.isPredTmp()) { return; } Pssm pssm = protein.getPssm(); char[] prediction = protein.getPrediction(); try { ArrayList<Segment> solSegments = findSegments(prediction); Instance instance = this.buildInstance(pssm, prediction, solSegments, 0); instance.isMissing((Attribute) this.attributes.get(this.attributes.size() - 1)); instance.setDataset(this.dataset); double[] probabilities = this.classifier.distributionForInstance(instance); char top = Character.UNASSIGNED; protein.setTopologyRaw((int) (1000 * probabilities[TopologyPredictor.indexInside])); if (!protein.hasPredSigP() && probabilities[TopologyPredictor.indexInside] >= cutoff) { top = Mappings.intToTop(Mappings.indexInside); } else { top = Mappings.intToTop(Mappings.indexOutside); } for (int i = 0; i < prediction.length; ++i) { char type = prediction[i]; if (Mappings.ssToInt(type) == Mappings.indexNotTmh) { prediction[i] = top; } else if (Mappings.ssToInt(type) == Mappings.indexTmh) { if (top == Mappings.intToTop(Mappings.indexInside)) { top = Mappings.intToTop(Mappings.indexOutside); } else { top = Mappings.intToTop(Mappings.indexInside); } while (i < prediction.length && type == prediction[i]) { ++i; } --i; } } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorUtils.printError(TopologyPredictor.class, "Prediction failed for " + protein.getHeader(), e); return; } } /** * Analyzes a given window and saves it in the database. * * @param pssm * @param structure * @param structureIndex * @param startPos */ private void addProteinToDatabse(Pssm pssm, char[] structure, int structureIndex, int startPos) { ArrayList<Segment> solSegments = findSegments(structure); Instance segment = this.buildInstance(pssm, structure, solSegments, startPos); segment.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(this.attributes.size() - 1), structureIndex); segment.setDataset(this.dataset); this.dataset.add(segment); } /** * Finds all transmembrane helices within a protein and generates * the list of segments that will be used for the features of each * side of the membrane. * * @param structure * @return */ private ArrayList<Segment> findSegments(char[] structure) { ArrayList<Segment> tmhSegments = new ArrayList<Segment>(); ArrayList<Segment> solSegments = new ArrayList<Segment>(); for (int i = 0; i < structure.length; ++i) { char type = structure[i]; if (Mappings.ssToInt(type) == Mappings.indexTmh) { int start = i; while (i < structure.length && structure[i] == type) { ++i; } --i; int end = i; tmhSegments.add(new Segment(start, end)); } } int side = 0; int off1 = 8; int off2 = 15; for (int i = 0; i < tmhSegments.size(); ++i) { Segment segment = tmhSegments.get(i); if (i == 0) { int start = Math.max(segment.start - off2, 0); int end = Math.min(segment.start + off1, structure.length - 1); end = Math.min(segment.end, end); //do not extend beyond helix end solSegments.add(new Segment(start, end, side, 0)); } else { Segment prev = tmhSegments.get(i - 1); int start = Math.max(prev.end - off1, 0); int end = Math.min(prev.end + off2, structure.length - 1); start = Math.max(prev.start, start); // do not extend beyond helix start end = Math.min(segment.start + off1, end); // do not extend beyond next helix cutoff end = Math.min(segment.end, end); // do not extend beyond next helix end solSegments.add(new Segment(start, end, side, 0)); start = Math.max(segment.start - off2, 0); start = Math.max(prev.end - off1, start); // do not extend beyond prev helix cutoff start = Math.max(prev.start, start); // do not extend beyond prev helix start end = Math.min(segment.start + off1, structure.length - 1); end = Math.min(segment.end, end); // do not extend beyond helix end solSegments.add(new Segment(start, end, side, 0)); } side = (side + 1) % 2; if (i == tmhSegments.size() - 1) { int start = Math.max(segment.end - off1, 0); int end = Math.min(segment.end + off2, structure.length - 1); start = Math.max(segment.start, start); //do not extend beyond helix start solSegments.add(new Segment(start, end, side, 0)); } } return solSegments; } /** * Converts a list of segments for both sides of the membrane into a WEKA instance. * * @param pssm * @param structure * @param segments * @param startPos * @return */ private Instance buildInstance(Pssm pssm, char[] structure, ArrayList<Segment> segments, int startPos) { SparseInstance protein = new SparseInstance(this.attributes.size()); double[] consComposition1 = new double[20]; double[] nonConsComposition1 = new double[20]; double[] consComposition2 = new double[20]; double[] nonConsComposition2 = new double[20]; int attIndex = 0; int conserved1 = 0; int nonConserved1 = 0; int conserved2 = 0; int nonConserved2 = 0; int consPosCharged1 = 0; int nonConsPosCharged1 = 0; int conPosCharged2 = 0; int nonConsPosCharged2 = 0; int firstSide = -1; for (Segment segment : segments) { if (segment.end < startPos) { continue; } if (firstSide == -1) { firstSide = segment.type; } int start = Math.max(segment.start, startPos); int end = segment.end; int side = segment.type; for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) { if (Mappings.ssToInt(structure[i]) != Mappings.indexUnknown) { for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) { int score = pssm.getScore(i, j); char aa = Mappings.intToAa(j); if (score > 0) { if (side == firstSide) { ++consComposition1[j]; ++conserved1; if (Mappings.charge(aa) > 0) { ++consPosCharged1; } } else { ++consComposition2[j]; ++conserved2; if (Mappings.charge(aa) > 0) { ++conPosCharged2; } } } else if (score < 0) { if (side == firstSide) { ++nonConsComposition1[j]; ++nonConserved1; if (Mappings.charge(aa) > 0) { ++nonConsPosCharged1; } } else { ++nonConsComposition2[j]; ++nonConserved2; if (Mappings.charge(aa) > 0) { ++nonConsPosCharged2; } } } } } } } conserved1 = Math.max(conserved1, 1); nonConserved1 = Math.max(nonConserved1, 1); conserved2 = Math.max(conserved2, 1); nonConserved2 = Math.max(nonConserved2, 1); //normalize for length for (int i = 0; i < consComposition1.length; ++i) { consComposition1[i] = consComposition1[i] / conserved1; protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), consComposition1[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < nonConsComposition1.length; ++i) { nonConsComposition1[i] = nonConsComposition1[i] / nonConserved1; protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), nonConsComposition1[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < consComposition2.length; ++i) { consComposition2[i] = consComposition2[i] / conserved2; protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), consComposition2[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < nonConsComposition2.length; ++i) { nonConsComposition2[i] = nonConsComposition2[i] / nonConserved2; protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), nonConsComposition2[i]); } protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), (double) consPosCharged1 / (double) conserved1); protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), (double) nonConsPosCharged1 / (double) nonConserved1); protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), (double) conPosCharged2 / (double) conserved2); protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), (double) nonConsPosCharged2 / (double) nonConserved2); protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), (consPosCharged1 - conPosCharged2)); protein.setValue((Attribute) this.attributes.get(attIndex++), (nonConsPosCharged1 - nonConsPosCharged2)); return protein; } /** * Trains the Weka Classifer. */ public void trainClassifier() { try { RandomForest classifier = new weka.classifiers.trees.RandomForest(); Instances data = this.dataset; if (data.classIndex() == -1) { data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1); } data.randomize(new Random(data.size())); String[] optClassifier = weka.core.Utils.splitOptions("-I 100 -K 7 -S 1 -num-slots 1"); classifier.setOptions(optClassifier); classifier.setSeed(data.size()); classifier.buildClassifier(data); this.classifier = classifier; this.isTrained = true; } catch (Exception e) { ErrorUtils.printError(TopologyPredictor.class, "Training failed", e); } } /** * Saves the Weka arff data and model into files. * Extensions: Arff -> .arff; Model -> .[model|model.gz] * * @param filename */ public void dumpModelToFile(String filename) { //if classifier is still untrained, train it! if (!this.isTrained) { this.trainClassifier(); } try { ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(this.dataset); saver.setFile(new File(filename + ".arff")); saver.writeBatch(); weka.core.SerializationHelper.write(filename + ".model", this.classifier); ModelHandler.saveGZip(this.classifier, filename + ".model.gz"); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorUtils.printError(TopologyPredictor.class, "Failed to write model file(s) " + filename + ".[arrf|model|model.gz]", e); } } /** * Loads a previously saved model. * * @param filename */ public void loadModelFromFile(String filename) { try { File model = new File(filename + ".model"); File modelGzip = new File(filename + ".model.gz"); if (model.exists()) { this.classifier = (Classifier) + ".model"); } else if (modelGzip.exists()) { this.classifier = ModelHandler.loadGZip(filename + ".model.gz"); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(filename + ".[model|model.gz]"); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorUtils.printError(TopologyPredictor.class, "Failed to load model file(s) " + filename + ".[model|model.gz]", e); } } }