Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2007 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.PropertyException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import net.opengis.kml._2.AbstractFeatureType; import net.opengis.kml._2.AbstractGeometryType; import net.opengis.kml._2.BasicLinkType; import net.opengis.kml._2.DocumentType; import net.opengis.kml._2.FolderType; import net.opengis.kml._2.IconStyleType; import net.opengis.kml._2.KmlType; import net.opengis.kml._2.ObjectFactory; import net.opengis.kml._2.PlacemarkType; import net.opengis.kml._2.PointType; import net.opengis.kml._2.StyleType; import net.opengis.kml._2.TimeSpanType; import; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id; import org.matsim.core.config.Config; import org.matsim.core.config.ConfigUtils; import org.matsim.core.gbl.MatsimResource; import org.matsim.core.scenario.ScenarioImpl; import org.matsim.core.scenario.ScenarioUtils; import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.CoordImpl; import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.transformations.CH1903LV03toWGS84; import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.transformations.WGS84toCH1903LV03; import org.matsim.core.utils.misc.Time; import org.matsim.facilities.ActivityFacilities; import org.matsim.facilities.ActivityFacilitiesImpl; import org.matsim.facilities.ActivityFacility; import org.matsim.facilities.ActivityFacilityImpl; import org.matsim.facilities.ActivityOptionImpl; import org.matsim.facilities.FacilitiesReaderMatsimV1; import org.matsim.facilities.FacilitiesWriter; import org.matsim.facilities.OpeningTime; import org.matsim.facilities.OpeningTimeImpl; import org.matsim.facilities.OpeningTime.DayType; import org.matsim.vis.kml.KMZWriter; import; import; /** * In April 2005, I collected information on shop facilities of the major * Swiss retailers, incl. Migros, Coop, Pickpay and Denner. The information * includes addresses and opening times, as it is available on the respective * company websites. * * This class fuses this information and formats it to a MATSim compatible * facility file. * * @author meisterk * */ public class ShopsOf2005ToFacilities { public enum Day { MONDAY(DayType.mon, "Mo"), TUESDAY(DayType.tue, "Di"), WEDNESDAY(, "Mi"), THURSDAY(DayType.thu, "Do"), FRIDAY(DayType.fri, "Fr"), SATURDAY(DayType.sat, "Sa"), SUNDAY(DayType.sun, "So"); private final DayType abbrevEnglish; private final String abbrevGerman; Day(final DayType abbrevEnglish, final String abbrevGerman) { this.abbrevEnglish = abbrevEnglish; this.abbrevGerman = abbrevGerman; } public String getAbbrevGerman() { return this.abbrevGerman; } public DayType getAbbrevEnglish() { return this.abbrevEnglish; } public static Day getDayByGermanAbbrev(final String germanAbbrev) { Day theDay = null; Day[] days = Day.values(); for (Day day : days) { if (day.getAbbrevGerman().equals(germanAbbrev)) { theDay = day; } } return theDay; } } private static final String HOME_DIR = System.getenv("HOME"); private static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator"); private static final String FIELD_DELIM = ";"; private static final String SANDBOX_NAME = "sandbox00"; private static final String SHOPS_CVS_MODULE = "ivt/studies/switzerland/facilities/shopsOf2005"; private static final String SHOPS_PATH = HOME_DIR + FILE_SEPARATOR + SANDBOX_NAME + FILE_SEPARATOR + SHOPS_CVS_MODULE + FILE_SEPARATOR; private static final String PICKPAY = "Pick Pay"; private static String pickPayOpenTimesFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "pickpay_opentimes.txt"; private static String pickPayAdressesFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "pickpay_addresses.csv"; private static final String COOP = "Coop"; private static final String COOP_ZH = "Coop Zrich"; private static final String COOP_TG = "Coop Thurgau"; private static String coopZHFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "coop-zh.csv"; private static String coopTGFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "coop-tg.csv"; private static final String MIGROS = "Migros"; private static final String MIGROS_ZH = MIGROS + " Zrich"; private static String migrosZHFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "migros-zh.csv"; private static final String MIGROS_OSTSCHWEIZ = MIGROS + " Ostschweiz"; private static String migrosOstschweizAdressesFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "migros-ostschweiz-filialen.csv"; private static String migrosOstschweizOpenTimesFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "migros-ostschweiz-oeffnungszeiten.csv"; private static final String DENNER = "Denner"; private static String dennerTGZHFilename = SHOPS_PATH + "denner-tg-zh.csv"; private static final String ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP = "shop"; private static final String ANYTHING_BUT_DIGITS = "[^0-9]"; private static final String ANYTHING_BUT_LETTERS = "[^a-zA-Z]"; private static final String BEGINS_WITH_3_DIGITS = "^[0-9]{3}.*$"; private static final String FAX = "FAX"; private static final String CONTAINS_FAX = ".*" + FAX + ".*"; private static final String SATURDAY = ";SA "; private static final String CONTAINS_SATURDAY = ".*" + SATURDAY + ".*"; private static final String PALETTE = "PALETTE"; private static final String CONTAINS_PALETTE = ".*" + PALETTE + ".*"; private static JAXBContext jaxbContext = null; private static ObjectFactory kmlObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); private static KmlType myKML = null; private static DocumentType myKMLDocument = null; private static FolderType mainKMLFolder = null; private static String kmlFilename = "output" + FILE_SEPARATOR + "shopsOf2005.kml"; private static HashMap<String, StyleType> styles = new HashMap<String, StyleType>(); private static StyleType coopStyle = null; private static StyleType pickpayStyle = null; private static StyleType migrosStyle = null; private static StyleType dennerStyle = null; private static HashMap<String, String> icons = null; private static ShopId shopId = null; /** * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { Config config = ConfigUtils.loadConfig(args[0]); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.prepareRawDataForGeocoding(); // ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.transformGeocodedKMLToFacilities(config); // ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.shopsToTXT(config); // ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.shopsToOpentimesKML(); // ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.applyOpentimesToEnterpriseCensus(config); } private static void prepareRawDataForGeocoding() { ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.setUp(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.setupStyles(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.dennerTGZHAddressesToKML(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.pickPayAddressesToKML(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.coopZHAddressesToKML(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.coopTGAddressesToKML(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.migrosZHAdressesToKML(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.migrosOstschweizAdressesToKML(); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.write(); } private static void transformGeocodedKMLToFacilities(Config config) { ActivityFacilitiesImpl shopsOf2005 = new ActivityFacilitiesImpl("shopsOf2005"); JAXBElement<KmlType> kmlElement = null; try { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("net.opengis.kml._2"); Unmarshaller unMarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); kmlElement = (JAXBElement<KmlType>) unMarshaller .unmarshal(new FileInputStream(config.facilities().getInputFile())); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } KmlType kml = kmlElement.getValue(); DocumentType document = (DocumentType) kml.getAbstractFeatureGroup().getValue(); System.out.println(document.getName()); // recursively search the KML for placemarks, transform it into a matsim facility // and place it in the list of facilities or in the quadtree, respectively List<JAXBElement<? extends AbstractFeatureType>> featureGroup = document.getAbstractFeatureGroup(); Iterator<JAXBElement<? extends AbstractFeatureType>> it = featureGroup.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JAXBElement<AbstractFeatureType> feature = (JAXBElement<AbstractFeatureType>) (; if (feature.getValue().getClass().equals(FolderType.class)) { //System.out.println("Going into folder..."); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.extractPlacemarks((FolderType) feature.getValue(), shopsOf2005); } else if (feature.getValue().getClass().equals(PlacemarkType.class)) { //System.out.println("There is a placemark!"); } } ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.addOpentimesToFacilities(shopsOf2005); System.out.println("Writing facilities xml file... "); FacilitiesWriter facilities_writer = new FacilitiesWriter(shopsOf2005); facilities_writer.write(null /* filename not specified */); System.out.println("Writing facilities xml file...done."); } private static void setUp() { try { jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("net.opengis.kml._2"); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } myKML = kmlObjectFactory.createKmlType(); myKMLDocument = kmlObjectFactory.createDocumentType(); myKMLDocument.setName("the root document"); myKML.setAbstractFeatureGroup(kmlObjectFactory.createDocument(myKMLDocument)); mainKMLFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); mainKMLFolder.setName("Shops of 2005"); mainKMLFolder.setDescription("All revealed shops of 2005."); myKMLDocument.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(mainKMLFolder)); } private static void setupStyles() { System.out.println("Setting up KML styles..."); icons = new HashMap<String, String>(); icons.put("coop", "icons/shopsOf2005/C.png"); icons.put("pickpay", "icons/shopsOf2005/P.png"); icons.put("migros", "icons/shopsOf2005/M.png"); icons.put("denner", "icons/shopsOf2005/D.png"); for (String retailer : icons.keySet()) { StyleType style = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); style.setId(retailer + "Style"); myKMLDocument.getAbstractStyleSelectorGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createStyle(coopStyle)); BasicLinkType basicLink = kmlObjectFactory.createBasicLinkType(); basicLink.setHref(icons.get(retailer)); IconStyleType icon = kmlObjectFactory.createIconStyleType(); icon.setIcon(basicLink); style.setIconStyle(icon); styles.put(retailer, style); myKMLDocument.getAbstractStyleSelectorGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createStyle(style)); } System.out.println("Setting up KML styles...done."); } private static void dennerTGZHAddressesToKML() { System.out.println("Setting up Denner shops..."); FolderType aFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); aFolder.setName("Denner TG ZH"); aFolder.setDescription("Alle Denner TG ZH Lden"); mainKMLFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(aFolder)); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(dennerTGZHFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } boolean nextLineIsTheAddressLine = false; String city = null; String street = null; String postcode = null; for (String line : lines) { if (nextLineIsTheAddressLine) { nextLineIsTheAddressLine = false; //System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); street = tokens[9]; shopId = new ShopId(DENNER, "", "", "", postcode, city, street); PlacemarkType aShop = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); aShop.setName(shopId.getShopId()); aShop.setDescription(shopId.getShopId()); aShop.setAddress(shopId.getAddressForGeocoding()); aShop.setStyleUrl(styles.get("denner").getId()); aFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(aShop)); } if (Pattern.matches(BEGINS_WITH_3_DIGITS, line)) { nextLineIsTheAddressLine = true; //System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); postcode = tokens[9].split(" ")[0]; city = tokens[9].split(" ")[1]; } } System.out.println("Setting up Denner shops...done."); } private static void coopZHAddressesToKML() { System.out.println("Setting up Coop Zri shops..."); FolderType coopFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); coopFolder.setName("Coop ZH"); coopFolder.setDescription("Alle Coop ZH Lden"); mainKMLFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(coopFolder)); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; String VSTTyp = null; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(coopZHFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { //System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore header line if (tokens[0].equals("OB")) { continue; } VSTTyp = tokens[7]; if (VSTTyp.equals("CC") || VSTTyp.equals("CL") || VSTTyp.equals("CSC") || VSTTyp.equals("M")) { shopId = new ShopId(COOP, VSTTyp, tokens[8], COOP_ZH, tokens[43], tokens[44], tokens[42]); PlacemarkType aCoop = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); aCoop.setName(shopId.getShopId()); aCoop.setDescription(shopId.getShopId()); aCoop.setAddress(shopId.getAddressForGeocoding()); aCoop.setStyleUrl(styles.get("coop").getId()); coopFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(aCoop)); } } System.out.println("Setting up Coop Zri shops...done."); } private static void coopTGAddressesToKML() { System.out.println("Setting up Coop Thurgau shops..."); FolderType coopFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); coopFolder.setName("Coop TG"); coopFolder.setDescription("Alle Coop TG Lden"); mainKMLFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(coopFolder)); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(coopTGFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { //System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore header line if (tokens[0].equals("Verkaufsstelle")) { continue; } shopId = new ShopId(COOP, "", tokens[0], COOP_TG, tokens[2].split(" ")[0], tokens[2].split(" ")[1], tokens[1]); PlacemarkType aCoop = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); aCoop.setName(shopId.getShopId()); aCoop.setDescription(shopId.getShopId()); aCoop.setAddress(shopId.getAddressForGeocoding()); aCoop.setStyleUrl(styles.get("coop").getId()); coopFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(aCoop)); } System.out.println("Setting up Coop Thurgau shops...done."); } private static void pickPayAddressesToKML() { System.out.println("Setting up Pick Pay shops..."); FolderType pickpayFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); pickpayFolder.setName("Pickpay"); pickpayFolder.setDescription("Alle Pickpay Lden"); mainKMLFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(pickpayFolder)); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(pickPayAdressesFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { // System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore header line if (tokens[0].equals("Filialnummer")) { continue; } shopId = new ShopId(PICKPAY, "", tokens[1], "", tokens[4], tokens[5], tokens[2]); PlacemarkType aPickpay = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); aPickpay.setName(shopId.getShopId()); aPickpay.setDescription(shopId.getShopId()); aPickpay.setAddress(shopId.getAddressForGeocoding()); aPickpay.setStyleUrl(styles.get("pickpay").getId()); pickpayFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(aPickpay)); } System.out.println("Setting up Pick Pay shops...done."); } private static void migrosZHAdressesToKML() { System.out.println("Setting up Migros ZH shops..."); FolderType migrosFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); migrosFolder.setName("Migros ZH"); migrosFolder.setDescription("Alle Migros ZH Lden"); mainKMLFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(migrosFolder)); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(migrosZHFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { //System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore header line if (tokens[0].equals("KST")) { continue; } shopId = new ShopId(MIGROS, "", tokens[1], MIGROS_ZH, tokens[3].split(" ")[0], tokens[3].split(" ")[1], tokens[2]); PlacemarkType aMigros = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); aMigros.setName(shopId.getShopId()); aMigros.setDescription(shopId.getShopId()); aMigros.setAddress(shopId.getAddressForGeocoding()); aMigros.setStyleUrl(styles.get("migros").getId()); migrosFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(aMigros)); } System.out.println("Setting up Migros ZH shops..."); } private static void migrosOstschweizAdressesToKML() { System.out.println("Setting up Migros Ostschweiz shops..."); FolderType migrosFolder = kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); migrosFolder.setName("Migros Ostschweiz"); migrosFolder.setDescription("Alle Migros Ostschweiz Lden"); mainKMLFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(migrosFolder)); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(migrosOstschweizAdressesFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { //System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore header line if (tokens[0].equals("VST-Typ")) { continue; } shopId = new ShopId(MIGROS, tokens[0].trim(), tokens[1].trim(), MIGROS_OSTSCHWEIZ, tokens[8].trim().split(" ")[0], tokens[8].trim().split(" ")[1], tokens[7].trim()); PlacemarkType aMigros = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); aMigros.setName(shopId.getShopId()); aMigros.setDescription(shopId.getShopId()); aMigros.setAddress(shopId.getAddressForGeocoding()); aMigros.setStyleUrl(styles.get("migros").getId()); migrosFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(aMigros)); } System.out.println("Setting up Migros Ostschweiz shops..."); } private static void write() { System.out.println("Writing KML files out..."); try { Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); marshaller.marshal(kmlObjectFactory.createKml(myKML), new FileOutputStream(kmlFilename)); } catch (PropertyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } KMZWriter writer; writer = new KMZWriter(kmlFilename); for (String icon : icons.values()) { try { writer.addNonKMLFile(MatsimResource.getAsInputStream(icon), icon); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } writer.writeMainKml(myKML); writer.close(); System.out.println("done."); } private static void extractPlacemarks(final FolderType folderType, final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { List<JAXBElement<? extends AbstractFeatureType>> featureGroup = folderType.getAbstractFeatureGroup(); Iterator it = featureGroup.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JAXBElement<AbstractFeatureType> feature = (JAXBElement<AbstractFeatureType>) (; if (feature.getValue().getClass().equals(FolderType.class)) { //System.out.println("Going into folder..."); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.extractPlacemarks((FolderType) feature.getValue(), facilities); } else if (feature.getValue().getClass().equals(PlacemarkType.class)) { //System.out.println("There is a placemark!"); PlacemarkType placemark = (PlacemarkType) feature.getValue(); JAXBElement<? extends AbstractGeometryType> geometry = placemark.getAbstractGeometryGroup(); // only process if coordinates exist if (geometry != null) { PointType point = (PointType) geometry.getValue(); String name = placemark.getName(); // transform coordinates String[] coordinates = point.getCoordinates().get(0).split(","); //System.out.println(point.getCoordinates().get(0)); Coord wgs84Coords = new CoordImpl(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]); WGS84toCH1903LV03 trafo = new WGS84toCH1903LV03(); Coord ch1903Coordinates = trafo.transform(wgs84Coords); // round coordinates to meters ch1903Coordinates.setXY((int) ch1903Coordinates.getX(), (int) ch1903Coordinates.getY()); // // create facility if (name.equals("migrosZH_Glarus")) { System.out.println("There it is: " + name); System.out.flush(); } /*ActivityFacility newFacility =*/ facilities .createAndAddFacility(Id.create(name, ActivityFacility.class), ch1903Coordinates); } } } } private static void addOpentimesToFacilities(final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.processPickPayOpenTimes(facilities); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.processMigrosZHOpenTimes(facilities); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.processMigrosOstschweizOpenTimes(facilities); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.processCoopZHOpenTimes(facilities); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.processCoopTGOpenTimes(facilities); ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.processDennerOpenTimes(facilities); } private static void processPickPayOpenTimes(final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { System.out.println("Setting up Pickpay open times..."); List<String> openTimeLines = null; List<String> addressLines = null; String[] openTokens = null, closeTokens = null; String[] addressTokens = null; Vector<Integer> openNumbers = new Vector<Integer>(); Vector<Integer> closeNumbers = new Vector<Integer>(); TreeMap<String, String> aPickpayOpentime = new TreeMap<String, String>(); String facilityId = null; int addressLinePointer = 1; // ignore header line final String OPEN = "Auf"; final String CLOSE = "Zu"; String openLinePattern = ".*\\s" + OPEN + "\\s.*"; String closeLinePattern = ".*\\s" + CLOSE + "\\s.*"; try { openTimeLines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(pickPayOpenTimesFilename), "UTF-8"); addressLines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(pickPayAdressesFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // remember relevant lines only String key = null; for (String line : openTimeLines) { if (line.matches(openLinePattern)) { key = line; } else if (line.matches(closeLinePattern)) { if (!aPickpayOpentime.containsKey(key)) { aPickpayOpentime.put(key, line); } } } for (String openLine : aPickpayOpentime.keySet()) { openTokens = openLine.split(ANYTHING_BUT_DIGITS); addressTokens = addressLines.get(addressLinePointer).split(FIELD_DELIM); shopId = new ShopId(PICKPAY, "", addressTokens[1], "", addressTokens[4], addressTokens[5], addressTokens[2]); addressLinePointer++; facilityId = shopId.getShopId(); //System.out.println(facilityId); ActivityFacilityImpl theCurrentPickpay = (ActivityFacilityImpl) facilities.getFacilities() .get(Id.create(facilityId, ActivityFacility.class)); if (theCurrentPickpay != null) { // yeah, we can use the open times ActivityOptionImpl shopping = theCurrentPickpay.createActivityOption(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP); openNumbers.clear(); closeNumbers.clear(); // print out and extract numbers //System.out.print(OPEN + ":\t"); for (String token : openTokens) { if (!token.equals("") && !token.equals(openTokens[0])) { openNumbers.add(Integer.valueOf(token)); //System.out.print(token + "\t"); } } //System.out.println(); closeTokens = aPickpayOpentime.get(openLine).split(ANYTHING_BUT_DIGITS); //System.out.print(CLOSE + ":\t"); for (String token : closeTokens) { if (!token.equals("")) { closeNumbers.add(Integer.valueOf(token)); //System.out.print(token + "\t"); } } //System.out.println(); // now process numbers //String day = "wkday"; Day[] days = Day.values(); int dayPointer = 0; OpeningTimeImpl opentime = null; int openSeconds = 0; int closeSeconds = 0; int previousOpenSeconds = 0; if (openNumbers.size() == closeNumbers.size()) { for (int ii = 0; ii < openNumbers.size(); ii += 2) { openSeconds = openNumbers.get(ii) * 3600 + openNumbers.get(ii + 1) * 60; closeSeconds = closeNumbers.get(ii) * 3600 + closeNumbers.get(ii + 1) * 60; // check if a new day starts if (openSeconds <= previousOpenSeconds) { dayPointer++; } previousOpenSeconds = openSeconds; opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl(days[dayPointer].getAbbrevEnglish(), openSeconds, closeSeconds); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("openNumbers[] and closeNumbers[] have different size. Aborting..."); } System.out.flush(); } else { System.out.println("A pickpay with id " + facilityId + " does not exist."); } } System.out.println("Setting up Pickpay open times...done."); } private static void processMigrosZHOpenTimes(final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { System.out.println("Setting up Migros ZH open times..."); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; String[] openHourTokens = null; String[] openDayTokens = null; Vector<Integer> numbers = new Vector<Integer>(); try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(migrosZHFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { //System.out.println(line); tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore header line if (tokens[0].equals("KST")) { continue; } shopId = new ShopId(MIGROS, "", tokens[1], MIGROS_ZH, tokens[3].split(" ")[0], tokens[3].split(" ")[1], tokens[2]); String facilityId = shopId.getShopId(); System.out.println(facilityId); System.out.flush(); ActivityFacility theCurrentMigrosZH = facilities.getFacilities() .get(Id.create(facilityId, ActivityFacility.class)); if (theCurrentMigrosZH != null) { ActivityOptionImpl shopping = ((ActivityFacilityImpl) theCurrentMigrosZH) .createActivityOption(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP); String openTimeString = tokens[6]; openHourTokens = openTimeString.split(ANYTHING_BUT_DIGITS); openDayTokens = openTimeString.split(ANYTHING_BUT_LETTERS); numbers.clear(); // print open time strings for (String token : openDayTokens) { if (token.equals("")) { } else { System.out.print(token + "\t"); } } System.out.println(); for (String token : openHourTokens) { if (token.equals("")) { } else { System.out.print(token + "\t"); } } System.out.println(); System.out.flush(); // process numbers int openDayTokenPointer = 1; double time = 0; double oldTime = 0; boolean isHour = true; boolean isOpen = true; OpeningTimeImpl opentime = null; Day[] days = Day.values(); for (String openHourToken : openHourTokens) { if (!openHourToken.equals("")) { if (isHour) { time = Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 3600; } else { time += Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 60; // System.out.println(Time.writeTime(time)); if (isOpen) { System.out.println("Open: " + Time.writeTime(time)); // // check if we have to go to the next day if (time < oldTime) { openDayTokenPointer++; while (openDayTokens[openDayTokenPointer].equals("Ausn") || openDayTokens[openDayTokenPointer].equals("")) { openDayTokenPointer++; } } } else { System.out.println("Close: " + Time.writeTime(time)); Day day = Day.getDayByGermanAbbrev(openDayTokens[openDayTokenPointer]); switch (day) { case FRIDAY: System.out.println("Adding times to weekdays..."); for (int weekday = 0; weekday <= 4; weekday++) { opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl(days[weekday].getAbbrevEnglish(), oldTime, time); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); } break; default: DayType englishDayString = day.getAbbrevEnglish(); System.out.println("Adding times to " + englishDayString + "..."); opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl(englishDayString, oldTime, time); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); break; } } isOpen = !isOpen; oldTime = time; } isHour = !isHour; } } } } System.out.println("Setting up Migros ZH open times...done."); } private static void processMigrosOstschweizOpenTimes(final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { System.out.println("Setting up Migros Ostschwiiz open times..."); List<String> openTimeLines = null; List<String> addressLines = null; String[] openTimeTokens = null; String[] openHourTokens = null; String[] addressTokens = null; int addressLinePointer = 1; Day[] days = Day.values(); boolean isHour = true; boolean isOpen = true; double time = 0; double openingHour = 0; OpeningTimeImpl opentime = null; try { openTimeLines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(migrosOstschweizOpenTimesFilename), "UTF-8"); addressLines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(migrosOstschweizAdressesFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : openTimeLines) { openTimeTokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore empty lines if (openTimeTokens.length == 0) { continue; } // ignore header line if (openTimeTokens[0].equals(" Kst. Nr. ")) { continue; } // ignore lines without data if (openTimeTokens[0].equals(" ") || openTimeTokens[0].equals("")) { continue; } //System.out.println(line); // modify facility description in order to get correct ID openTimeTokens[1] = openTimeTokens[1].split(" ", 3)[2]; addressTokens = addressLines.get(addressLinePointer).split(FIELD_DELIM); shopId = new ShopId(MIGROS, addressTokens[0].trim(), addressTokens[1].trim(), MIGROS_OSTSCHWEIZ, addressTokens[8].trim().split(" ")[0], addressTokens[8].trim().split(" ")[1], addressTokens[7].trim()); String facilityId = shopId.getShopId(); addressLinePointer++; //System.out.println(facilityId); ActivityFacilityImpl theCurrentMigrosOstschweiz = (ActivityFacilityImpl) facilities.getFacilities() .get(Id.create(facilityId, ActivityFacility.class)); if (theCurrentMigrosOstschweiz != null) { ActivityOptionImpl shopping = theCurrentMigrosOstschweiz.createActivityOption(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP); // extract numbers for (int tokenPos = 2; tokenPos < openTimeTokens.length; tokenPos++) { String token = openTimeTokens[tokenPos]; int dayPointer = (tokenPos / 2) - 1; openHourTokens = token.split(ANYTHING_BUT_DIGITS); for (String openHourToken : openHourTokens) { if (!openHourToken.equals("")) { if (isHour) { time = Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 3600; } else { time += Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 60; if (isOpen) { openingHour = time; } else { DayType englishDayString = days[dayPointer].getAbbrevEnglish(); System.out.println("Adding times to " + englishDayString + "..."); opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl(englishDayString, openingHour, time); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); } isOpen = !isOpen; } isHour = !isHour; } } } // process numbers } else { System.out.println("Not found: " + facilityId); } System.out.flush(); } System.out.println("Setting up Migros Ostschwiiz open times...done!"); } private static void processCoopZHOpenTimes(final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { System.out.println("Setting up Coop ZH open times..."); final int START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX = 14; final int END_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX = START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX + (4 * 7) - 1; List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; Day[] days = Day.values(); boolean isOpen = true; String time = null; String openingHour = null; OpeningTimeImpl opentime = null; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(coopZHFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // ignore header line if (tokens[3].equals("KST-Nr")) { continue; } shopId = new ShopId(COOP, tokens[7], tokens[8], COOP_ZH, tokens[43], tokens[44], tokens[42]); String facilityId = shopId.getShopId(); System.out.println(facilityId); ActivityFacility theCurrentCoopZH = facilities.getFacilities() .get(Id.create(facilityId, ActivityFacility.class)); if (theCurrentCoopZH != null) { ActivityOptionImpl shopping = ((ActivityFacilityImpl) theCurrentCoopZH) .createActivityOption(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP); for (int tokenPos = START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX; tokenPos <= END_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX; tokenPos++) { String token = tokens[tokenPos]; if (!token.equals("")) { int dayIndex = (tokenPos - START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX) / 4; time = token; if (isOpen) { openingHour = time; } else { DayType englishDayString = days[dayIndex].getAbbrevEnglish(); System.out.println("Open: " + openingHour); System.out.println("Close: " + time); System.out.println("Adding times to " + englishDayString + "..."); opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl(englishDayString, Time.parseTime(openingHour), Time.parseTime(time)); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); } isOpen = !isOpen; } } } else { System.out.println("Not in the facilities file: " + facilityId); } System.out.flush(); } System.out.println("Setting up Coop ZH open times...done."); } private static void processCoopTGOpenTimes(final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { System.out.println("Setting up Coop TG open times..."); final int START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX = 4; final int END_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX = 7; List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; String[] openHourTokens = null; Day[] days = Day.values(); double openingHour = 0; double time = 0; OpeningTimeImpl opentime = null; boolean isHour = true; boolean isOpen = true; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(coopTGFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); shopId = new ShopId(COOP, "", tokens[0], COOP_TG, tokens[2].split(" ")[0], tokens[2].split(" ")[1], tokens[1]); String facilityId = shopId.getShopId(); System.out.println(facilityId); ActivityFacilityImpl theCurrentCoopTG = (ActivityFacilityImpl) facilities.getFacilities() .get(Id.create(facilityId, ActivityFacility.class)); if (theCurrentCoopTG != null) { ActivityOptionImpl shopping = theCurrentCoopTG.createActivityOption(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP); for (int tokenPos = START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX; tokenPos <= END_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX; tokenPos++) { String token = tokens[tokenPos]; if (!token.equals("")) { openHourTokens = token.split(ANYTHING_BUT_DIGITS); // hier gehts weita! for (String openHourToken : openHourTokens) { if (!openHourToken.equals("")) { if (isHour) { time = Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 3600; } else { time += Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 60; if (isOpen) { openingHour = time; } else { System.out.println("Open: " + Time.writeTime(openingHour)); System.out.println("Close: " + Time.writeTime(time)); switch (tokenPos) { case START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX: case START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX + 1: System.out.println("Adding times to weekdays..."); for (int weekday = 0; weekday <= 4; weekday++) { opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl(days[weekday].getAbbrevEnglish(), openingHour, time); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); } break; case START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX + 2: case START_OPEN_TOKEN_INDEX + 3: System.out.println("Adding times to saturday..."); opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl( Day.getDayByGermanAbbrev("Sa").getAbbrevEnglish(), openingHour, time); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); break; } } isOpen = !isOpen; } isHour = !isHour; } } } } } else { System.out.println("Not in the facilities file: " + facilityId); } } System.out.println("Setting up Coop TG open times...done."); } private static void processDennerOpenTimes(final ActivityFacilitiesImpl facilities) { System.out.println("Setting up Denner open times..."); List<String> lines = null; String[] tokens = null; String street = null; String city = null; String postcode = null; String weekDayToken = null; String saturdayToken = null; // String facilityId = null; String[] openHourTokens = null; Day[] days = Day.values(); double openingHour = 0; double time = 0; OpeningTimeImpl opentime = null; boolean isHour = true; boolean isOpen = true; final int UNINTERESTING_LINE = -1; final int STREET_LINE = 0; final int WEEKDAY_LINE = 1; final int SATURDAY_LINE = 2; final int CITY_LINE = 3; int lineType = UNINTERESTING_LINE; try { lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(dennerTGZHFilename), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String line : lines) { // find out what line it is lineType = UNINTERESTING_LINE; if (Pattern.matches(BEGINS_WITH_3_DIGITS, line)) { lineType = CITY_LINE; } else if (Pattern.matches(CONTAINS_PALETTE, line)) { lineType = STREET_LINE; } else if (Pattern.matches(CONTAINS_FAX, line)) { lineType = WEEKDAY_LINE; } else if (Pattern.matches(CONTAINS_SATURDAY, line)) { lineType = SATURDAY_LINE; } tokens = line.split(FIELD_DELIM); // extract interesting data by line type switch (lineType) { case CITY_LINE: postcode = tokens[9].split(" ")[0]; city = tokens[9].split(" ")[1]; break; case STREET_LINE: street = tokens[9]; break; case WEEKDAY_LINE: weekDayToken = tokens[7]; break; case SATURDAY_LINE: saturdayToken = tokens[7]; break; case UNINTERESTING_LINE: continue; default: System.out.println("You should not come here..."); break; } // now process information switch (lineType) { case SATURDAY_LINE: // reset switches in case of lines such as // SA 09.00-17.00 / FR -20.00 // where process only the SA part isHour = true; isOpen = true; shopId = new ShopId(DENNER, "", "", "", postcode, city, street); System.out.println(shopId.getShopId()); System.out.println(weekDayToken); System.out.println(saturdayToken); System.out.println(); ActivityFacility theCurrentDenner = facilities.getFacilities() .get(Id.create(shopId.getShopId(), ActivityFacility.class)); if (theCurrentDenner != null) { ActivityOptionImpl shopping = ((ActivityFacilityImpl) theCurrentDenner) .createActivityOption(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP); for (String openTimeString : new String[] { weekDayToken, saturdayToken }) { openHourTokens = openTimeString.split(ANYTHING_BUT_DIGITS); for (String openHourToken : openHourTokens) { if (!openHourToken.equals("")) { if (isHour) { time = Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 3600; } else { time += Integer.parseInt(openHourToken) * 60; if (isOpen) { openingHour = time; } else { System.out.println("Open: " + Time.writeTime(openingHour)); System.out.println("Close: " + Time.writeTime(time)); if (openTimeString.equals(weekDayToken)) { System.out.println("Adding times to weekdays..."); for (int weekday = 0; weekday <= 4; weekday++) { opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl(days[weekday].getAbbrevEnglish(), openingHour, time); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); } } else if (openTimeString.equals(saturdayToken)) { System.out.println("Adding times to saturday..."); opentime = new OpeningTimeImpl( Day.getDayByGermanAbbrev("Sa").getAbbrevEnglish(), openingHour, time); shopping.addOpeningTime(opentime); } } isOpen = !isOpen; } isHour = !isHour; } } } } else { System.out.println("Not in the facilities file: " + shopId.getShopId()); } break; default: continue; } } System.out.println("Setting up Denner open times...done."); } private static void shopsToTXT(Config config) { ScenarioImpl scenario = (ScenarioImpl) ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); ActivityFacilities shopsOf2005 = scenario.getActivityFacilities(); shopsOf2005.setName("shopsOf2005"); ArrayList<String> txtLines = new ArrayList<String>(); ShopId shopId = null; String aShopLine = null; String facilityId = null; Day[] days = Day.values(); OpeningTimeImpl opentime = null; // write header line aShopLine = "retailer" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "businessRegion" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "shopType" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "shopDescription" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "street" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "postcode" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "city" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "CH1903_X" + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + "CH1903_Y"; for (Day day : days) { aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; aShopLine += day.getAbbrevEnglish(); for (int ii = 1; ii <= 3; ii++) { aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; } } txtLines.add(aShopLine); System.out.println("Reading facilities xml file... "); FacilitiesReaderMatsimV1 facilities_reader = new FacilitiesReaderMatsimV1(scenario); facilities_reader.readFile(config.facilities().getInputFile()); System.out.println("Reading facilities xml file...done."); Iterator<? extends ActivityFacility> facilityIterator = shopsOf2005.getFacilities().values().iterator(); while (facilityIterator.hasNext()) { ActivityFacilityImpl facility = (ActivityFacilityImpl); facilityId = facility.getId().toString(); System.out.println(facilityId); try { shopId = new ShopId(facility.getId().toString()); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { continue; } // name, coordinates etc. (fixed length) aShopLine = shopId.getRetailer() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + shopId.getBusinessRegion() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + shopId.getShopType() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + shopId.getShopDescription() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + shopId.getStreet() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + shopId.getPostcode() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + shopId.getCity() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + (int) facility.getCoord().getY() + ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM + (int) facility.getCoord().getX(); ; ActivityOptionImpl shopping = (ActivityOptionImpl) facility.getActivityOptions() .get(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP); if (shopping != null) { // open times (variable length) Set<OpeningTime> dailyOpentime = shopping.getOpeningTimes(); if (dailyOpentime != null) { // what crappy code is that...but I had to get finished :-) opentime = (OpeningTimeImpl) ((TreeSet) dailyOpentime).last(); aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; aShopLine += Time.writeTime(opentime.getStartTime()); aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; aShopLine += Time.writeTime(opentime.getEndTime()); if (dailyOpentime.size() == 2) { opentime = (OpeningTimeImpl) ((TreeSet) dailyOpentime).first(); aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; aShopLine += Time.writeTime(opentime.getStartTime()); aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; aShopLine += Time.writeTime(opentime.getEndTime()); } else if (dailyOpentime.size() == 1) { aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; aShopLine += ShopsOf2005ToFacilities.FIELD_DELIM; } } } txtLines.add(aShopLine); } System.out.println("Writing txt file..."); try { FileUtils.writeLines(new File((String) null /* filename not specified */), "UTF-8", txtLines); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Writing txt file...done."); } private static void shopsToOpentimesKML() { // variables used Day[] days = Day.values(); String facilityId = null; CH1903LV03toWGS84 trafo = new CH1903LV03toWGS84(); FolderType aShop = null; PlacemarkType aShopOpeningPeriod = null; PointType aPointType = null; TimeSpanType aTimeSpanType = null; Coord northWestCH1903 = null; Coord northWestWGS84 = null; // as a start, let's use the week April, 21 to April 27, 2008 as THE week final int MONDAY_DAY = 21; // we produce two kml files: // 1, the shops of 2005 // 2, the shops from enterprise census final Integer SHOPS_OF_2005 = Integer.valueOf(0); final Integer SHOPS_FROM_ENTERPRISE_CENSUS = Integer.valueOf(1); TreeMap<Integer, String> shopsNames = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); shopsNames.put(SHOPS_OF_2005, "shopsOf2005"); shopsNames.put(SHOPS_FROM_ENTERPRISE_CENSUS, "shopsFromEnterpriseCensus2000"); TreeMap<Integer, String> facilitiesInputFilenames = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); facilitiesInputFilenames.put(SHOPS_OF_2005, "/home/meisterk/sandbox00/ivt/studies/switzerland/facilities/shopsOf2005/facilities_shopsOf2005.xml"); facilitiesInputFilenames.put(SHOPS_FROM_ENTERPRISE_CENSUS, "/home/meisterk/workspace/MATSim/output/facilities_KTIYear2.xml.gz"); TreeMap<Integer, String> kmlOutputFilenames = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); kmlOutputFilenames.put(SHOPS_OF_2005, "/home/meisterk/sandbox00/ivt/studies/switzerland/facilities/shopsOf2005/shopsOf2005.kml"); kmlOutputFilenames.put(SHOPS_FROM_ENTERPRISE_CENSUS, "/home/meisterk/sandbox00/ivt/studies/switzerland/facilities/facilities_KTIYear2.kml"); TreeMap<Integer, String> shopStyleNames = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); shopStyleNames.put(SHOPS_OF_2005, "shopsOf2005Style"); shopStyleNames.put(SHOPS_FROM_ENTERPRISE_CENSUS, "shopsEC2000Style"); TreeMap<Integer, Double> shopIconScales = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); shopIconScales.put(SHOPS_OF_2005, 1.0); shopIconScales.put(SHOPS_FROM_ENTERPRISE_CENSUS, 2.0); ActivityFacilities facilities = null; for (int dataSetIndex : new int[] { SHOPS_OF_2005/*, SHOPS_FROM_ENTERPRISE_CENSUS*/ }) { ScenarioImpl scenario = (ScenarioImpl) ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); facilities = scenario.getActivityFacilities(); facilities.setName(shopsNames.get(Integer.valueOf(dataSetIndex))); System.out.println("Reading facilities xml file... "); FacilitiesReaderMatsimV1 facilities_reader = new FacilitiesReaderMatsimV1(scenario); facilities_reader.readFile(facilitiesInputFilenames.get(new Integer(dataSetIndex))); System.out.println("Reading facilities xml file...done."); System.out.println("Initializing KML... "); // kml and document JAXBContext jaxbContext = null; try { jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(""); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory(); KmlType kml = factory.createKmlType(); DocumentType document = factory.createDocumentType(); document.setName(shopsNames.get(new Integer(dataSetIndex))); kml.setAbstractFeatureGroup(factory.createDocument(document)); // styles StyleType shopStyle = factory.createStyleType(); document.getAbstractStyleSelectorGroup().add(factory.createStyle(shopStyle)); shopStyle.setId(shopStyleNames.get(new Integer(dataSetIndex))); IconStyleType shopIconStyle = factory.createIconStyleType(); shopStyle.setIconStyle(shopIconStyle); BasicLinkType shopIconLink = factory.createBasicLinkType(); shopIconStyle.setIcon(shopIconLink); shopIconStyle.setScale(shopIconScales.get(new Integer(dataSetIndex))); shopIconLink.setHref(""); System.out.println("Initializing KML...done."); Iterator<? extends ActivityFacility> facilityIterator = facilities.getFacilities().values().iterator(); while (facilityIterator.hasNext()) { ActivityFacilityImpl facility = (ActivityFacilityImpl); facilityId = facility.getId().toString(); // System.out.println(facility.toString()); //System.out.println(facilityId); aShop = factory.createFolderType(); document.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(factory.createFolder(aShop)); aShop.setName(facilityId.split("_", 2)[0]); aShop.setDescription(facilityId); // transform coordinates incl. toggle easting and northing northWestCH1903 = new CoordImpl(facility.getCoord().getX(), facility.getCoord().getY()); northWestWGS84 = trafo.transform(northWestCH1903); // have to iterate this over opening times int dayCounter = 0; if (facility.getActivityOptions().get(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP) != null) { Set<OpeningTime> dailyOpentimes = facility.getActivityOptions().get(ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP) .getOpeningTimes(); if (dailyOpentimes != null) { for (OpeningTime opentime : dailyOpentimes) { // build up placemark structure aShopOpeningPeriod = factory.createPlacemarkType(); aShop.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(factory.createPlacemark(aShopOpeningPeriod)); aShopOpeningPeriod.setStyleUrl(shopStyleNames.get(new Integer(dataSetIndex))); aShopOpeningPeriod.setName(facilityId.split("_", 2)[0]); aShopOpeningPeriod.setDescription(facilityId); aPointType = factory.createPointType(); aShopOpeningPeriod.setAbstractGeometryGroup(factory.createPoint(aPointType)); aPointType.getCoordinates() .add(northWestWGS84.getX() + "," + northWestWGS84.getY() + ",0.0"); // transform opening times to GE time primitives aTimeSpanType = factory.createTimeSpanType(); aShopOpeningPeriod.setAbstractTimePrimitiveGroup( factory.createAbstractTimePrimitiveGroup(aTimeSpanType)); aTimeSpanType.setBegin("2008-04-" + Integer.toString(MONDAY_DAY + dayCounter) + "T" + Time.writeTime(opentime.getStartTime()) + "+01:00"); aTimeSpanType.setEnd("2008-04-" + Integer.toString(MONDAY_DAY + dayCounter) + "T" + Time.writeTime(opentime.getEndTime()) + "+01:00"); } } } dayCounter++; } System.out.println("Writing out KML..."); try { Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); marshaller.marshal(factory.createKml(kml), new FileOutputStream(kmlOutputFilenames.get(new Integer(dataSetIndex)))); } catch (JAXBException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Writing out KML...done."); } } private static void applyOpentimesToEnterpriseCensus(Config config) { ScenarioImpl scenario = (ScenarioImpl) ScenarioUtils.createScenario(config); ActivityFacilities facilities_input = scenario.getActivityFacilities(); facilities_input.setName("Switzerland based on Enterprise census 2000."); // init algorithms FacilitiesOpentimesKTIYear2 facilitiesOpentimesKTIYear2 = new FacilitiesOpentimesKTIYear2(); facilitiesOpentimesKTIYear2.init(); System.out.println("Reading Facilities KTI Year 2 file..."); FacilitiesReaderMatsimV1 facilities_reader = new FacilitiesReaderMatsimV1(scenario); facilities_reader.setValidating(false); facilities_reader.readFile(config.facilities().getInputFile()); System.out.println("Processing Facilities KTI Year 2 file...");; System.out.println("Writing Facilities KTI Year 2 file..."); new FacilitiesWriter(facilities_input).write(null /* filename not specified */); } }