Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2012 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package; import*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import org.matsim.matrices.*; import playground.michalm.util.matrices.*; import*; public class TaxiStatusDataAnalyser { public static Matrices calculateAveragesByHour(Matrices statusMatrices, int days) { //convert 5-minute-vehicles ==> 1-hour-vehicles 5 / 60 //and then average over days final double normalizeFactor = 5. / 60 / days; return calculateAverages(statusMatrices, normalizeFactor, new Function<String, String>() { public String apply(String from) { try { return StringUtils.leftPad(STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(from).getHours() + "", 2); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); } public static Matrices calculateAverages(Matrices statusMatrices, double factor, Function<? super String, String> keyAggregator) { Matrices avgMatrices = MatrixUtils.aggregateMatrices(statusMatrices, keyAggregator); MatrixUtils.scaleMatrices(avgMatrices, factor); return avgMatrices; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void dumpTaxisInSystem(Matrices statusMatrices, String start, String end, String averagesFile, String taxisOverTimeFile) { Map<String, Double> taxisInSystem = new TreeMap<String, Double>(); Map<String, Double> averageTaxisPerHour = new TreeMap<String, Double>(); SimpleDateFormat hrs = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHH"); try { Date currentTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(start); Date endTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(end); double hourTaxis = 0.; double filesPerhr = 12; while (!currentTime.equals(endTime)) { Matrix matrix = statusMatrices.getMatrix(STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime)); if (matrix == null) { System.err.println("id: " + STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime) + " not found"); currentTime = getNextTime(currentTime); filesPerhr--; continue; } Iterable<Entry> entryIter = MatrixUtils.createEntryIterable(matrix); double totalTaxis = 0.; for (Entry e : entryIter) { totalTaxis += e.getValue(); hourTaxis += e.getValue(); } taxisInSystem.put(STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime), totalTaxis); if (currentTime.getMinutes() == 55) { double average = hourTaxis / filesPerhr; String t = hrs.format(currentTime); averageTaxisPerHour.put(t, average); hourTaxis = 0.; filesPerhr = 12.; } currentTime = getNextTime(currentTime); } dumpMapToFile(averageTaxisPerHour, averagesFile); dumpMapToFile(taxisInSystem, taxisOverTimeFile); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void dumpMapToFile(Map<String, Double> mapToWrite, String fileName) { Writer writer = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(fileName); try { for (Map.Entry<String, Double> e : mapToWrite.entrySet()) { writer.write(e.getKey() + "\t" + e.getValue() + "\n"); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } private static Date getNextTime(Date currentTime) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(currentTime); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 5); return cal.getTime(); } private static void writeMatrices(Matrices matrices, String xmlFile, String txtFile) { new MatricesWriter(matrices).write(xmlFile); new MatricesTxtWriter(matrices.getMatrices()).write(txtFile); } private static final SimpleDateFormat STATUS_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, IOException { // String dir = "d:/eclipse-vsp/sustainability-w-michal-and-dlr/data/OD/2014/status/"; // String dir = "c:/local_jb/data/taxi_berlin/2014/status/"; // String dir = "/Users/jb/sustainability-w-michal-and-dlr/data/taxi_berlin/2014/status/"; String dir = "C:/Users/Joschka/Documents/shared-svn/projects/sustainability-w-michal-and-dlr/data/taxi_berlin/2014/status/"; String statusMatricesFile = dir + "statusMatrix.xml.gz"; String averagesFile = dir + "averages.csv"; String taxisOverTimeFile = dir + "taxisovertime.csv"; String hourlyStatusMatricesXmlFile = dir + "statusMatrixHourly.xml"; String hourlyStatusMatricesTxtFile = dir + "statusMatrixHourly.txt"; String avgStatusMatricesXmlFile = dir + "statusMatrixAvg.xml"; String avgStatusMatricesTxtFile = dir + "statusMatrixAvg.txt"; String zonalStatuses = dir + "statusByZone_tuesday.txt"; String idleVehiclesPerZoneAndHour = dir + "idleVehiclesPerZoneAndHour.txt"; // Matrices statusMatrices = MatrixUtils.readMatrices(statusMatricesFile); // dumpTaxisInSystem(statusMatrices, "20130415000000", "20130421235500", averagesFile, taxisOverTimeFile); String start = "20140407000000"; String end = "20140414000000"; writeStatusByZone(statusMatrices, zonalStatuses, start, end); Matrices hourlyMatrices = calculateAveragesByHour(statusMatrices, 7); writeMatrices(hourlyMatrices, hourlyStatusMatricesXmlFile, hourlyStatusMatricesTxtFile); writeMatrices(calculateAverages(hourlyMatrices, 1. / 24, Functions.constant("avg")), avgStatusMatricesXmlFile, avgStatusMatricesTxtFile); writeIdleVehiclesByZoneAndStatus(statusMatrices, idleVehiclesPerZoneAndHour, start, end); } private static void writeIdleVehiclesByZoneAndStatus(Matrices statusMatrices, String idleVehicles, String start, String end) throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> allZones = new HashSet<String>(); for (Matrix matrix : statusMatrices.getMatrices().values()) { allZones.addAll(matrix.getFromLocations().keySet()); } BufferedWriter writer = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(idleVehicles); Date currentTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(start); Date endTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(end); //header writer.append("zone"); while (!currentTime.equals(endTime)) { if (currentTime.getMinutes() == 00) { writer.append("\t" + STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime)); } currentTime = getNextTime(currentTime); } for (String zone : allZones) { currentTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(start); endTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(end); double hourlyVehicles = 0; writer.newLine(); writer.append(zone); while (!currentTime.equals(endTime)) { Matrix m = statusMatrices.getMatrix(STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime)); if (m != null) { if (m.getFromLocations().containsKey(zone)) { for (Entry entry : m.getFromLocEntries(zone)) { switch (entry.getToLocation()) { case "65": case "70": case "80": case "83": case "85": { hourlyVehicles += entry.getValue(); break; } default: break; } } } } if (zone.equals("1011401")) { System.out.println(STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime) + "\t" + hourlyVehicles); } if (currentTime.getMinutes() == 55) { writer.append("\t" + hourlyVehicles / 12.0); hourlyVehicles = 0; } currentTime = getNextTime(currentTime); } } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } private static void writeStatusByZone(Matrices statusMatrices, String zonalStatuses, String start, String end) throws ParseException { Date currentTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(start); Date endTime = STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(end); Map<String, IdleStatusEntry> statuses = new TreeMap<String, IdleStatusEntry>(); while (!currentTime.equals(endTime)) { Matrix m = statusMatrices.getMatrix(STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime)); System.out.println(STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime)); if (m == null) { System.err.println("time comes without status" + STATUS_DATE_FORMAT.format(currentTime)); currentTime = getNextTime(currentTime); continue; } for (ArrayList<Entry> l : m.getFromLocations().values()) { for (Entry e : l) { if (!statuses.containsKey(e.getFromLocation())) { statuses.put(e.getFromLocation(), new IdleStatusEntry(e.getFromLocation())); } IdleStatusEntry ent = statuses.get(e.getFromLocation()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("65")) ent.inc65(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("66")) ent.inc66(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("70")) ent.inc70(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("75")) ent.inc75(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("79")) ent.inc79(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("80")) ent.inc80(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("83")) ent.inc83(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("85")) ent.inc85(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("87")) ent.inc87(e.getValue()); if (e.getToLocation().equals("90")) ent.inc90(e.getValue()); } } currentTime = getNextTime(currentTime); } BufferedWriter bw = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(zonalStatuses); try { bw.append("zone\ts65\ts66\ts70\ts75\ts79\tss80\ts83\ts85\ts87\ts90\tsum (wait)"); bw.newLine(); for (IdleStatusEntry ise : statuses.values()) { bw.append(ise.toString()); bw.newLine(); } bw.flush(); bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } class IdleStatusEntry { private String zone; private double status65 = 0; private double status66 = 0; private double status70 = 0; private double status75 = 0; private double status79 = 0; private double status80 = 0; private double status83 = 0; private double status85 = 0; private double status87 = 0; private double status90 = 0; public IdleStatusEntry(String zone) { = zone; } public void inc65(double value) { status65 += value; } public void inc66(double value) { status66 += value; } public void inc70(double value) { status70 += value; } public void inc75(double value) { status75 += value; } public void inc79(double value) { status79 += value; } public void inc80(double value) { status80 += value; } public void inc83(double value) { status83 += value; } public void inc85(double value) { status85 += value; } public void inc87(double value) { status87 += value; } public void inc90(double value) { status90 += value; } public String toString() { return zone + "\t" + Math.round(status65) + "\t" + Math.round(status66) + "\t" + Math.round(status70) + "\t" + Math.round(status75) + "\t" + Math.round(status79) + "\t" + Math.round(status80) + "\t" + Math.round(status83) + "\t" + Math.round(status85) + "\t" + Math.round(status87) + "\t" + Math.round(status90) + "\t" + Math.round(status70 + status80 + status65 + status83); } }