Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2012 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package playground.acmarmol.matsim2030.microcensus2010; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.TransportMode; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Activity; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Leg; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Person; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Plan; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.PlanElement; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Population; import org.matsim.core.population.ActivityImpl; import org.matsim.core.population.LegImpl; import org.matsim.core.population.PersonImpl; import org.matsim.core.population.routes.GenericRouteImpl; import org.matsim.core.utils.collections.Tuple; import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.CoordImpl; import org.matsim.core.utils.misc.Time; import org.matsim.utils.objectattributes.ObjectAttributes; import playground.acmarmol.utils.MyCollectionUtils; import; import; import; import; /** * * Helper class with methods to filter/handle the population * * * @author acmarmol * */ public class MZPopulationUtils { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //member variables ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MZPopulationUtils.class); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //public methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void removePlans(final Population population, final Set<Id<Person>> ids) { for (Id<Person> id : ids) { Person p = population.getPersons().remove(id); if (p == null) { throw new RuntimeException("pid=" + id + ": id not found in the plans DB!"); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyPlansWithoutActivities(final Population population) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<Id<Person>>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { if (person.getSelectedPlan() == null) { ids.add(person.getId()); } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyNonHomeBasedPlans(final Population population) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Person p : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = p.getSelectedPlan(); ActivityImpl last = (ActivityImpl) plan.getPlanElements().get(plan.getPlanElements().size() - 1); ActivityImpl first = (ActivityImpl) plan.getPlanElements().get(0); if (!last.getType().equals(MZConstants.HOME) | !first.getType().equals(MZConstants.HOME)) { ids.add(p.getId()); } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyNonRoundPlans(final Population population) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Person p : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = p.getSelectedPlan(); ActivityImpl last = (ActivityImpl) plan.getPlanElements().get(plan.getPlanElements().size() - 1); ActivityImpl first = (ActivityImpl) plan.getPlanElements().get(0); if (!last.getType().equals(first.getType())) { ids.add(p.getId()); } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyPlansWithNegCoords(final Population population) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof ActivityImpl) { ActivityImpl act = (ActivityImpl) pe; if ((act.getCoord().getX() < 0) || (act.getCoord().getY() < 0)) { ids.add(person.getId()); } } } } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyPlansWithTooLongWalkTrips(final Population population) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { Leg leg = (Leg) pe; if ((leg.getMode().equals(MZConstants.WALK)) && (leg.getRoute().getDistance() > 10000.0)) { ids.add(person.getId()); } } } } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void setHomeLocations(final Population population, final ObjectAttributes householdAttributes, final ObjectAttributes populationAttributes) { int counter = 0; for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); String hhnr = (String) populationAttributes.getAttribute(person.getId().toString(), MZConstants.HOUSEHOLD_NUMBER); CoordImpl homeCoord = (CoordImpl) householdAttributes.getAttribute(hhnr, MZConstants.COORD); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities for (int i = 0; i < plan.getPlanElements().size(); i = i + 2) { Activity act = (ActivityImpl) plan.getPlanElements().get(i); if ((act.getCoord().getX() == homeCoord.getX()) && (act.getCoord().getY() == homeCoord.getY())) { if (!act.getType().equals(MZConstants.HOME)) { act.setType(MZConstants.HOME); counter++; // System.out.println(" pid=" + p.getId() + "; act_nr=" + (i/2) + ": set type to '"+HOME+"'"); } } else if (act.getType().equals(MZConstants.HOME) & !((act.getCoord().getX() == homeCoord.getX()) && (act.getCoord().getY() == homeCoord.getY()))) { act.getCoord().setXY(homeCoord.getX(), homeCoord.getY()); } } } } System.out.println(" Number of activities set to home: " + counter); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void setWorkLocations(final Population population, final ObjectAttributes populationAttributes) { int counter = 0; for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { if (((PersonImpl) person).isEmployed()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); CoordImpl workCoord = (CoordImpl) populationAttributes.getAttribute(person.getId().toString(), MZConstants.WORK_LOCATION_COORD); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities for (int i = 0; i < plan.getPlanElements().size(); i = i + 2) { Activity act = (ActivityImpl) plan.getPlanElements().get(i); if ((act.getCoord().getX() == workCoord.getX()) && (act.getCoord().getY() == workCoord.getY())) { if (!act.getType().equals(MZConstants.WORK)) { act.setType(MZConstants.WORK); counter++; // System.out.println(" pid=" + p.getId() + "; act_nr=" + (i/2) + ": set type to '"+HOME+"'"); } } } } } } System.out.println(" Number of activities set to work: " + counter); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyPlansWithUndefinedNegCoords(final Population population) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof ActivityImpl) { ActivityImpl act = (ActivityImpl) pe; if (((act.getCoord().getX() == -97) || (act.getCoord().getY() == -97))) { ids.add(person.getId()); } } } } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyPlansWithoutBestPrecision(final Population population) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { Leg leg = (Leg) pe; if (leg.getRoute().getDistance() == -99000) { ids.add(person.getId()); } } } } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * * This method handles legs that cross the border. * * @see #handleTripGoingOutOfCountry * @see #handleTripEnteringCountry * */ public static void HandleBorderCrossingTrips(final Population population, final ObjectAttributes wegeAttributes, Set<String> border_crossing_wids, String countryCode) { final String COUNTRY = countryCode; HashMap<Id, ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>>> toAdd = new HashMap<Id, ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>>>(); HashMap<Id, ArrayList<PlanElement>> toRemove = new HashMap<Id, ArrayList<PlanElement>>(); Set<Id<Person>> overnight_pids = new HashSet<>(); for (String wid : border_crossing_wids) { String sland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid.toString(), MZConstants.START_COUNTRY); String zland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid.toString(), MZConstants.END_COUNTRY); if (sland.equals(COUNTRY) && !zland.equals(COUNTRY)) { handleTripGoingOutOfCountry(population, wid, COUNTRY, wegeAttributes); overnight_pids.add( Id.create(wid.toString().substring(0, wid.toString().indexOf('-')).trim(), Person.class)); } else if (!sland.equals(COUNTRY) && zland.equals(COUNTRY)) { handleTripEnteringCountry(population, wid, COUNTRY, wegeAttributes, toAdd, toRemove); overnight_pids.remove( Id.create(wid.toString().substring(0, wid.toString().indexOf('-')).trim(), Person.class)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("This should never happen! Wege " + wid + " doesn't cross the border"); } } //end loop for all wids addPlanElements(population, toAdd); removePlanElements(population, toRemove); removePlanElementsAfterLastBorderCrossing(population, overnight_pids); }//end method ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * * This method goes through the stages of the leg, identifies * the border crossing , and modifies the leg start_time so that * it only considers the data after the border crossing. * It also eliminates all previous activities and legs that * are executed outside the country. *<p> *For cases of people that are re-entering the country (went out in the same plan), *if the border crossings are different, then adds a virtual new leg with mode *"abroad: teleport" between both border locations/activities * * * * @param population the population * @param wid the id of the leg going out of the country * @param country the country code * @param wegeAttributes attributes of the leg and it's stages */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static void handleTripEnteringCountry(Population population, String wid, String country, ObjectAttributes wegeAttributes, HashMap<Id, ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>>> toAdd, HashMap<Id, ArrayList<PlanElement>> toRemove) { Id<Person> pid = Id.create(wid.toString().substring(0, wid.toString().indexOf('-')).trim(), Person.class); if (pid.toString().equals("87011")) { System.out.println(pid); } int legNumber = Integer.parseInt(wid.toString().substring(wid.toString().indexOf('-') + 1)); //maybe legNumber is not the best way to index, because some planElements are deleted (the ones outside Switzerland) // to overcome this issue, all plan elements are stored first in toRemove, and only in the end are deleted. ArrayList<PlanElement> elementsToRemove = null; List<PlanElement> planElements = population.getPersons().get(pid).getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements(); LegImpl leg = (LegImpl) planElements.get(2 * legNumber - 1); ActivityImpl previousActivity = (ActivityImpl) planElements.get(2 * legNumber - 2); boolean immediate_return = false; String type = previousActivity.getType(); //if goes in via plane, specify previous activity as airport, otherwise as border if (leg.getMode().equals(MZConstants.PLANE)) { if (!previousActivity.getType().contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT) && !previousActivity.getType().contains(MZConstants.BORDER)) { previousActivity.setType(MZConstants.AIRPORT.concat(": ").concat(type)); } else immediate_return = true; } else { if (!previousActivity.getType().contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT) && !previousActivity.getType().contains(MZConstants.BORDER)) { previousActivity.setType(MZConstants.BORDER.concat(": ").concat(type)); } else immediate_return = true; } int curr_mode = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Coord curr_start_coord = previousActivity.getCoord(); boolean start = false; for (int i = 1; i <= (Integer) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid.toString(), MZConstants.NUMBER_STAGES); i++) { Etappe etappe = (Etappe) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid.toString(), MZConstants.STAGE.concat(String.valueOf(i))); if (!etappe.getStartCountry().equals(country) && etappe.getEndCountry().equals(country)) { leg.setDepartureTime(etappe.getDepartureTime()); leg.setTravelTime(etappe.getArrivalTime() - leg.getDepartureTime()); previousActivity.setEndTime(leg.getDepartureTime()); curr_start_coord = (etappe.getStartCoord()); start = true; } else if (start) { if (etappe.getModeInteger() < curr_mode) { curr_mode = etappe.getModeInteger(); leg.setMode(etappe.getMode()); } leg.setArrivalTime(etappe.getArrivalTime()); leg.setTravelTime(etappe.getArrivalTime() - leg.getDepartureTime()); curr_start_coord = (etappe.getStartCoord()); } } //identify if out and in - border crossings are the same, otherwise it necessary to create new virtual activity. boolean different_border_crossing = false; if (immediate_return && !curr_start_coord.equals(previousActivity.getCoord())) { different_border_crossing = true; } else { previousActivity.setCoord(curr_start_coord); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int index = planElements.indexOf(previousActivity); String crossing_type = previousActivity.getType().substring(0, previousActivity.getType().indexOf(':')) .trim(); if (toRemove.containsKey(pid)) { elementsToRemove = toRemove.get(pid); } else { elementsToRemove = new ArrayList<PlanElement>(10); } if (index > 0) { boolean cont = true; if (immediate_return) { //immediate return, only do something if different border crossing is used // if different border crossing is used, a new virtual activity is created with a connecting teleport leg if (different_border_crossing) { LegImpl teleportLeg = new LegImpl(leg); teleportLeg.setDepartureTime(previousActivity.getEndTime()); teleportLeg.setArrivalTime(previousActivity.getEndTime()); teleportLeg.setTravelTime(0); teleportLeg.setMode(MZConstants.ABROAD_TELEPORT); GenericRouteImpl route = new GenericRouteImpl(null, null); teleportLeg.setRoute(route); route.setDistance(0); route.setTravelTime(leg.getTravelTime()); if (toAdd.get(pid) == null) { toAdd.put(pid, new ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>>()); } toAdd.get(pid).add(new Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>(index + 1, teleportLeg)); ActivityImpl virtualActivity = new ActivityImpl(previousActivity); virtualActivity.setStartTime(previousActivity.getEndTime()); virtualActivity.setCoord(curr_start_coord); toAdd.get(pid).add(new Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>(index + 2, virtualActivity)); } } else { //not immediate return, therefore there are activities and legs outside switzerland that need to be eliminated //remove previous plan elements (executed outside switzerland) until "airport" or "border" activity is found // Possibilities: //1) all previous activities and legs are outside switzerland -> remove all //2) there's a previous "airport" or "border" activity, thus the person left and entered switzerland on the same plan. // 2.1) if the coords of these two match (same airport or border pass) merge both activities and fix start and end times accordingly // 2.2) if the coords don't match, create intermediate leg with mode "teleport" to keep consistency on plan. for (int j = index - 1; cont && j >= 0; j--) { boolean delete = true; PlanElement pe = planElements.get(j); if (pe instanceof Activity) { Activity activity = (Activity) pe; if (activity.getType().contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT) || activity.getType().contains(MZConstants.BORDER)) { //going in to switzerland via the same path that went out -> merge activites (2.1) if (activity.getType().contains(crossing_type) && activity.getCoord().equals(previousActivity.getCoord())) { previousActivity.setStartTime(activity.getStartTime()); cont = false; } else { //going in to switzerland via other path -> create "teleport" leg (2.2) LegImpl teleportLeg = new LegImpl(leg); teleportLeg.setDepartureTime(activity.getEndTime()); teleportLeg.setArrivalTime(previousActivity.getStartTime()); teleportLeg.setMode(MZConstants.ABROAD_TELEPORT); GenericRouteImpl route = new GenericRouteImpl(null, null); teleportLeg.setRoute(route); route.setDistance(0); route.setTravelTime(leg.getTravelTime()); if (toAdd.get(pid) == null) { toAdd.put(pid, new ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>>()); } toAdd.get(pid).add(new Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>(index, teleportLeg)); delete = false; cont = false; } } } if (delete) { elementsToRemove.add(pe); } } } } toRemove.put(pid, elementsToRemove); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * * This method goes through the stages of the leg, identifies * the border crossing , and modifies the leg end_time so that * it only considers the data before the border crossing. * It also adds at the beginning of next activity's type, * either if the person it's at an "aiport" (if leg's mode is plane) * or at a "border" (for any other mode). * * @param population the population * @param wid the id of the leg going out of the country * @param country the country code * @param wegeAttributes attributes of the leg and it's stages */ private static void handleTripGoingOutOfCountry(Population population, String wid, String country, ObjectAttributes wegeAttributes) { Id<Person> pid = Id.create(wid.toString().substring(0, wid.toString().indexOf('-')).trim(), Person.class); int legNumber = Integer.parseInt(wid.toString().substring(wid.toString().indexOf('-') + 1)); //maybe legNumber is not the best way to index, because some planElements are deleted (the ones outside Switzerland) // to overcome this issue, all plan elements are stored first in toRemove, and only in the end are deleted. List<PlanElement> planElements = population.getPersons().get(pid).getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements(); LegImpl leg = (LegImpl) planElements.get(2 * legNumber - 1); ActivityImpl nextActivity = (ActivityImpl) planElements.get(2 * legNumber); boolean cont = true; int etappen = 1; int curr_mode = Integer.MAX_VALUE; String type = nextActivity.getType(); //if goes out via plane, specify next activity as airport, otherwise as border if (leg.getMode().equals(MZConstants.PLANE)) { nextActivity.setType(MZConstants.AIRPORT.concat(": ").concat(type)); } else { nextActivity.setType(MZConstants.BORDER.concat(": ").concat(type)); } //modify leg and replace with information from before the border crossing (in MZ2010, a new etappe always start at border crossing!) while (cont) { if (etappen > (Integer) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid.toString(), MZConstants.NUMBER_STAGES)) { throw new RuntimeException( "This should never happen! Wege id (" + wid + ") doesn't cross border!"); } Etappe etappe = (Etappe) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid.toString(), MZConstants.STAGE.concat(String.valueOf(etappen))); if (etappe.getStartCountry().equals(country) && etappe.getEndCountry().equals(country)) { if (etappe.getModeInteger() < curr_mode) {// && (leg.getMode().equals("plane")? !etappe.getMode().equals("plane"):true)){ curr_mode = etappe.getModeInteger(); leg.setMode(etappe.getMode()); } leg.setArrivalTime(etappe.getArrivalTime()); leg.setTravelTime(etappe.getArrivalTime() - leg.getDepartureTime()); nextActivity.setCoord(etappe.getEndCoord()); nextActivity.setStartTime(leg.getArrivalTime()); } else { cont = false; } etappen++; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void removePlanElementsAfterLastBorderCrossing(Population population, Set<Id<Person>> overnight_pids) { for (Id<Person> id : overnight_pids) { List<PlanElement> planElements = population.getPersons().get(id).getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements(); boolean cont = true; for (int i = planElements.size() - 1; cont; i--) { PlanElement pe = planElements.get(i); if (planElements.get(i) instanceof Activity) { Activity activity = (Activity) pe; if (activity.getType().contains(MZConstants.BORDER) || activity.getType().contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT)) { cont = false; } else { planElements.remove(i); } } else { planElements.remove(i); } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void addPlanElements(Population population, HashMap<Id, ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>>> toAdd) { for (Id id : toAdd.keySet()) { ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, PlanElement>> elementsToAdd = toAdd.get(id); Person person = population.getPersons().get(id); for (Tuple<Integer, PlanElement> pair : elementsToAdd) { person.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().add(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void removePlanElements(Population population, HashMap<Id, ArrayList<PlanElement>> toRemove) { for (Id id : toRemove.keySet()) { Person person = population.getPersons().get(id); person.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().removeAll(toRemove.get(id)); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id<Person>> identifyPlansOutOfSwitzerland(final Population population, final ObjectAttributes wegeAttributes, String countryCode) { Set<Id<Person>> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities boolean out = true; int legCounter = 0; for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { legCounter++; String sland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute( person.getId().toString().concat("-").concat(String.valueOf(legCounter)), MZConstants.START_COUNTRY); String zland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute( person.getId().toString().concat("-").concat(String.valueOf(legCounter)), MZConstants.END_COUNTRY); if (sland.equals(countryCode) || zland.equals(countryCode)) { out = false; break; } } } if (out) { ids.add(person.getId()); person.getPlans().clear(); } } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static ArrayList<Set<?>> identifyCrossBorderWeges(final Population population, final ObjectAttributes wegeAttributes, String countryCode) { Set<String> wids = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); Set<Id<Person>> pids = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { //avoid persons without activities int legCounter = 0; for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Leg leg = (Leg) pe; legCounter++; String wid = person.getId().toString().concat("-").concat(String.valueOf(legCounter)); String sland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid, MZConstants.START_COUNTRY); String zland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid, MZConstants.END_COUNTRY); if ((!sland.equals(countryCode) ^ !zland.equals(countryCode))) { wids.add(wid); pids.add(person.getId()); } } } } } ArrayList<Set<?>> ids = new ArrayList<Set<?>>(); ids.add(pids); ids.add(wids); return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Set<Id> removeWegesOutsideSwitzerland(final Population population, final Set<Id> ids, ObjectAttributes wegeAttributes) { Set<PlanElement> elements = new LinkedHashSet<PlanElement>(); for (Id id : ids) { int legCounter = 0; Person person = population.getPersons().get(id); Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); for (int i = 0; i < plan.getPlanElements().size(); i++) { PlanElement pe = plan.getPlanElements().get(i); if (pe instanceof Leg) { legCounter++; String wid = person.getId().toString().concat("-").concat(String.valueOf(legCounter)); Leg leg = (Leg) pe; Activity act = (Activity) plan.getPlanElements().get(i + 1); String sland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid, MZConstants.START_COUNTRY); String zland = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute(wid, MZConstants.END_COUNTRY); if ((!sland.equals(MZConstants.SWISS_CODE) && !zland.equals(MZConstants.SWISS_CODE))) { elements.add(leg); if (act.getType().contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT)) { for (int j = i - 1; j == 0; j -= 2) { PlanElement pel = plan.getPlanElements().get(j); if (pel instanceof Activity) { Activity activity = (Activity) pel; if (activity.getType().contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT)) { activity.setEndTime(act.getEndTime()); } } } } elements.add(act); } } } plan.getPlanElements().removeAll(elements); } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final Set<Id> identifyPlansWithRoundTrips(final Population plans) { Set<Id> ids = new HashSet<Id>(); for (Person p : plans.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = p.getSelectedPlan(); Activity prevAct = null; for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { Activity act = (Activity) pe; if (prevAct != null) { Coord prevc = prevAct.getCoord(); Coord currc = act.getCoord(); if ((currc.getX() == prevc.getX()) && (currc.getY() == currc.getY())) { ids.add(p.getId()); } } prevAct = act; } } } return ids; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void classifyActivityChains(Population population) { HashMap<String, Integer> actChains = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { StringBuilder actChain = new StringBuilder(); Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { ActivityImpl act = (ActivityImpl) pe; String type = act.getType(); if (type.contains(MZConstants.WORK) || type.contains(MZConstants.BUSINESS) || type.contains(MZConstants.DIENSTFAHRT)) { actChain.append("W"); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.BUSINESS) || type.contains(MZConstants.DIENSTFAHRT)) { actChain.append("B"); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.LEISURE) || type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING_CHILDREN) || type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING_NOT_CHILDREN) || type.contains(MZConstants.ERRANDS) || type.contains(MZConstants.OTHER) || type.contains(MZConstants.FOREIGN_PROPERTY) || type.contains(MZConstants.OVERNIGHT) || type.contains(MZConstants.PSEUDOETAPPE)) { actChain.append("L"); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING_CHILDREN) || type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING_NOT_CHILDREN) || type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING) || type.contains(MZConstants.ERRANDS) || type.contains(MZConstants.OTHER) || type.contains(MZConstants.FOREIGN_PROPERTY) || type.contains(MZConstants.OVERNIGHT) || type.contains(MZConstants.PSEUDOETAPPE)) { actChain.append("O"); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.SHOPPING)) { actChain.append("S"); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.EDUCATION)) { actChain.append("E"); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.HOME)) { actChain.append("H"); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "This should never happen! Type: " + type + " doesn't exist " + person.getId()); } } } if (actChains.containsKey(actChain.toString())) { int total = actChains.get(actChain.toString()); actChains.put(actChain.toString(), total + 1); } else { actChains.put(actChain.toString(), 1); } } } MyCollectionUtils.printMap(actChains); System.out.println("Total of different activity chains: " + actChains.keySet().size()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void changeToMatsimModes(Population population) { Set<String> unknownModes = new HashSet<String>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { Leg leg = (Leg) pe; String mode = leg.getMode(); if (mode.equals(MZConstants.PLANE) || mode.equals(MZConstants.TRAIN) || mode.equals(MZConstants.SHIP) || mode.equals(MZConstants.TAXI) || mode.equals(MZConstants.TRAM) || mode.equals(MZConstants.BUS) || mode.equals(MZConstants.SONSTINGER_OEV) || mode.equals(MZConstants.POSTAUTO) || mode.equals(MZConstants.REISECAR) || mode.equals(MZConstants.TRAIN)) { leg.setMode(; //PUBLIC TRANSPORT } else if (mode.equals(MZConstants.WALK)) { leg.setMode(TransportMode.walk); //WALK } else if (mode.equals(MZConstants.BICYCLE) || mode.equals(MZConstants.SKATEBOARD) || mode.equals(MZConstants.MOFA)) { leg.setMode(; //BICYCLE } else if (mode.equals(MZConstants.CAR) || mode.equals(MZConstants.MOTORCYCLE) || mode.equals(MZConstants.TRUCK)) { leg.setMode(; //CAR } else { unknownModes.add(mode); } } } } } if (!unknownModes.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Unhandled modes: " + unknownModes.toString()); } } public static void removePersonsWithoutPlan(Population population) { final Map<Id<Person>, ? extends Person> persons = population.getPersons(); ArrayList<Id<Person>> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(persons.size()); for (Id<Person> id : persons.keySet()) { Person person = persons.get(id); Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan == null) toRemove.add(id); } for (Id<Person> id : toRemove) persons.remove(id);"Removed " + toRemove.size() + " persons without plan."); } public static void analyzeActivityTypesAndLengths(Population population) throws ExecutionException { LoadingCache<String, SummaryStatistics> activityDuration = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .build(CacheLoader.from(new Supplier<SummaryStatistics>() { @Override public SummaryStatistics get() { return new SummaryStatistics(); } })); for (Person p : population.getPersons().values()) { if (p.getPlans().size() == 0) continue; Plan plan = p.getPlans().get(0); List<PlanElement> planElements = plan.getPlanElements(); for (PlanElement pe : planElements) { if (!(pe instanceof Activity)) continue; Activity activity = (Activity) pe; double startTime = activity.getStartTime(); double endTime = activity.getEndTime(); SummaryStatistics typeStats = activityDuration.get(activity.getType()); if (endTime != Time.UNDEFINED_TIME) { if (startTime == Time.UNDEFINED_TIME) startTime = 0; typeStats.addValue(endTime - startTime); } } } ConcurrentMap<String, SummaryStatistics> activityDurationMap = activityDuration.asMap(); { int i = 0; final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); for (final String actType : activityDurationMap.keySet()) { final SummaryStatistics stats = activityDurationMap.get(actType); s.append(String.format("<param name=\"activityType_%d\" value=\"%s\" />\n", i, actType)); s.append(String.format("<param name=\"activityPriority_%d\" value=\"1\" />\n", i)); s.append(String.format("<param name=\"activityTypicalDuration_%d\" value=\"%s\" />\n", i, Time.writeTime(stats.getMean()))); s.append("\n"); i++; }"All activities:\n" + s.toString()); } } public static void setMZ2000LegModesWithEtappenInfo(Population population, TreeMap<String, ArrayList<playground.acmarmol.matsim2030.forecasts.timeSeriesUpdate.loaders.etappes.Etappe>> etappes) { for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Id id = person.getId(); Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan == null) continue; ArrayList<playground.acmarmol.matsim2030.forecasts.timeSeriesUpdate.loaders.etappes.Etappe> etappen = etappes .get(id.toString()); int legCounter = 0; for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (!(pe instanceof Leg)) continue; legCounter++; LegImpl leg = (LegImpl) pe; int curr_mode = Integer.MAX_VALUE; String mode = null; for (playground.acmarmol.matsim2030.forecasts.timeSeriesUpdate.loaders.etappes.Etappe etappe : etappen) { if (etappe.getWegeNr() > legCounter) break; if (etappe.getModeInteger() < curr_mode) { curr_mode = etappe.getModeInteger(); mode = etappe.getWegeEquivalentModeFromEtappeMode(); } } leg.setMode(mode); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void setHomeLocationsMZ2000FromHouseholdAdress(final Population population, final ObjectAttributes populationAttributes, final ObjectAttributes householdAttributes, final ObjectAttributes wegeAttributes) { HashMap<Id, ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, Integer>>> homes_info = new HashMap<Id, ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, Integer>>>(); int counter = 0; for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { String hhnr = (String) populationAttributes.getAttribute(person.getId().toString(), MZConstants.HOUSEHOLD_NUMBER); String hh_address = (String) householdAttributes.getAttribute(hhnr, MZConstants.ADDRESS); Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan == null) //avoid persons without activities continue; int legCounter = 0; for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { legCounter++; String address_start = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute( person.getId().toString().concat("-").concat(String.valueOf(legCounter)), MZConstants.ADDRESS_START); String adress_end = (String) wegeAttributes.getAttribute( person.getId().toString().concat("-").concat(String.valueOf(legCounter)), MZConstants.ADDRESS_END); if (!(address_start.equals(hh_address) || adress_end.equals(hh_address))) continue; int pos = 0; ; if (address_start.equals(hh_address)) pos = -1; counter++; if (homes_info.get(person.getId()) == null) homes_info.put(person.getId(), new ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, Integer>>()); homes_info.get(person.getId()).add(new Tuple<Integer, Integer>(legCounter, pos)); } } } setHomeLocations(population, homes_info); System.out.println(" Number of activities set to work: " + counter); } private static void setHomeLocations(Population population, HashMap<Id, ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, Integer>>> homes_info) { Iterator it = homes_info.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); Id id = (Id) pairs.getKey(); ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, Integer>> legs = (ArrayList<Tuple<Integer, Integer>>) pairs.getValue(); Person person = population.getPersons().get(id); List<PlanElement> pes = person.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements(); PlanElement[] pesArray = pes.toArray(new PlanElement[pes.size()]); for (Tuple<Integer, Integer> leg : legs) { ActivityImpl activity = (ActivityImpl) pesArray[2 * (leg.getFirst() + leg.getSecond())]; activity.setType(MZConstants.HOME); } it.remove(); // avoids a ConcurrentModificationException } } public static void setHomeLocationsMZ2000AccordingToActivitySequence(Population population) { for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan == null) continue; String lastActivityType = null; for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof ActivityImpl) { ActivityImpl act = (ActivityImpl) pe; if (act.getType().equals(lastActivityType)) act.setType(MZConstants.HOME); lastActivityType = act.getType(); } } } } public static void eliminateToursWithUndefinedWegeTimesMZ1989(Population population) { //removes only home-to-home tours for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { if (person.getId().toString().equals("100071")) { System.out.println(); } Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan == null) continue; boolean erase = false; ArrayList<PlanElement> toRemove = new ArrayList<PlanElement>(); ArrayList<PlanElement> tour = new ArrayList<PlanElement>(); for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { System.out.println(pe); tour.add(pe); if (pe instanceof ActivityImpl) { ActivityImpl act = (ActivityImpl) pe; if (act.getType().equals(MZConstants.HOME)) { if (erase) { toRemove.addAll(tour); erase = false; } tour.clear(); } } if (!(pe instanceof Leg)) continue; Leg leg = (LegImpl) pe; if (leg.getDepartureTime() < 0 || leg.getTravelTime() < 0) erase = true; } if (erase) toRemove.addAll(tour); plan.getPlanElements().removeAll(toRemove); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void recodeActivityTypesHWELS(Population population) { for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan != null) { for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { ActivityImpl act = (ActivityImpl) pe; String type = act.getType(); if (type.contains(MZConstants.WORK) || type.contains(MZConstants.BUSINESS) || type.contains(MZConstants.DIENSTFAHRT)) { act.setType(MZConstants.WORK); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.LEISURE) || type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING_CHILDREN) || type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING_NOT_CHILDREN) || type.contains(MZConstants.ERRANDS) || type.contains(MZConstants.OTHER) || type.contains(MZConstants.FOREIGN_PROPERTY) || type.contains(MZConstants.ACCOMPANYING) || type.contains(MZConstants.OVERNIGHT) || type.contains(MZConstants.PSEUDOETAPPE)) { act.setType(MZConstants.LEISURE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // code added by staheale else if (type.contains(MZConstants.BORDER.concat(": ").concat(MZConstants.SHOPPING))) { act.setType(MZConstants.SHOPPING); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.BORDER.concat(": ").concat(MZConstants.HOME))) { act.setType(MZConstants.HOME); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.BORDER.concat(": ").concat(MZConstants.EDUCATION))) { act.setType(MZConstants.EDUCATION); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT.concat(": ").concat(MZConstants.SHOPPING))) { act.setType(MZConstants.SHOPPING); } else if (type.contains(MZConstants.AIRPORT.concat(": ").concat(MZConstants.HOME))) { act.setType(MZConstants.HOME); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // else if(type.contains(MZConstants.SHOPPING)) // {act.setType(MZConstants.SHOPPING);} // // else if(type.contains(MZConstants.EDUCATION)) // {act.setType(MZConstants.EDUCATION);} // // else if(type.contains(MZConstants.HOME)) // {act.setType(MZConstants.HOME);} } } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void removeDuplicateActivities(Population population) { for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan == null) continue; Stack<PlanElement> newPlanElements = new Stack<PlanElement>(); ActivityImpl prevAct = null; List<PlanElement> planElements = plan.getPlanElements(); for (PlanElement pe : planElements) { PlanElement newPe = pe; if (pe instanceof Activity) { ActivityImpl act = (ActivityImpl) pe; if (prevAct != null) { String type = act.getType(); if (type.equals(prevAct.getType())) { PlanElement leg = newPlanElements.pop(); assert (leg instanceof Leg); PlanElement prevActPopped = newPlanElements.pop(); assert (prevActPopped == prevAct); // Choose activity with longest duration if (act.getEndTime() - act.getStartTime() > prevAct.getEndTime() - prevAct.getStartTime()) act.setStartTime(prevAct.getStartTime()); else { prevAct.setEndTime(act.getEndTime()); act = prevAct; } newPe = act; } } prevAct = act; } newPlanElements.add(newPe); } planElements.clear(); planElements.addAll(newPlanElements); } } }