Java tutorial
/* This file is part of secure-permissions-play-module. Copyright Lunatech Research 2010 secure-permissions-play-module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. secure-permissions-play-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public License along with secure-permissions-play-module. If not, see <>. */ package play.modules.securePermissions; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.drools.KnowledgeBase; import org.drools.KnowledgeBaseFactory; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilder; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration; import org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilderFactory; import org.drools.builder.ResourceType; import org.drools.command.Command; import org.drools.command.CommandFactory; import org.drools.event.rule.AfterActivationFiredEvent; import org.drools.event.rule.DefaultAgendaEventListener; import; import org.drools.runtime.StatelessKnowledgeSession; import play.Logger; import play.Play; import play.Play.Mode; import play.vfs.VirtualFile; /** * Permissions checker that uses a JBoss Rules stateless session to perform the check. */ public class Permissions { private static final String RULES_FILE_NAME = "permissions.drl"; private static KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase; private static String rulesFileName; private static Long rulesLastModified; private static String rulesMD5; private Permissions() { } static void maybeLoadKnowledgeBase() { String newRulesFileName = Play.configuration.getProperty("secure.rules"); boolean defaultUsed = false; if (newRulesFileName == null) { newRulesFileName = RULES_FILE_NAME; defaultUsed = true; } VirtualFile rulesFile = Play.getVirtualFile("conf/" + newRulesFileName); if (rulesFile == null || !rulesFile.exists()) { if (defaultUsed) { Logger.warn("No permissions file specified and none found: all permissions checks will be denied."); knowledgeBase = null; return; } // throw only if one was specified and is missing throw new RuntimeException("Rules file conf/" + newRulesFileName + " does not exist"); } if (Play.mode == Mode.PROD) { rulesFileName = newRulesFileName; loadKnowledgeBase(rulesFile.content()); } else { // see if the file changed Long newLastModified = rulesFile.lastModified(); byte[] content = rulesFile.content(); String newMD5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(content); if (rulesFileName == null || !rulesFileName.equals(newRulesFileName) || rulesLastModified == null || !newLastModified.equals(rulesLastModified) || rulesMD5 == null || !newMD5.equals(rulesMD5)) { "old file: %s, new file: %s, old modified: %s, new modified: %s, old md5: %s, new md5: %s", rulesFileName, newRulesFileName, rulesLastModified, newLastModified, rulesMD5, newMD5); rulesFileName = newRulesFileName; rulesLastModified = newLastModified; rulesMD5 = newMD5; loadKnowledgeBase(content); } } } /** * Load and compile the rules definitions. */ private static void loadKnowledgeBase(byte[] rulesContent) {"Loading rules from %s", rulesFileName); // Configure the drools compiler to use Janino, instead of JDT, with the Play classloader, so that compilation will load // model classes from the classloader, and not as .class file resources. Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("", "JANINO"); // this is needed because it's not set in prod Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(Play.classloader); final KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration configuration = KnowledgeBuilderFactory .newKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration(properties, Play.classloader); final KnowledgeBuilder builder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(configuration); // Compile the rules file. builder.add(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(rulesContent), ResourceType.DRL); if (builder.hasErrors()) { Logger.error(builder.getErrors().toString()); throw new RuntimeException("Drools compilation failed: " + builder.getErrors().size() + " errors"); } knowledgeBase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); knowledgeBase.addKnowledgePackages(builder.getKnowledgePackages()); } /** * Check the given permission using a stateless rules session. * * @param check The permission to check * @param user The name of the user whose roles we will check * @param roles The names of the roles that the given user has * @return true if the permission is granted */ public static boolean check(final PermissionCheck check, final String user, final Collection<String> roles) { Logger.debug("%s, user=%s, roles=%s", check, user, roles); if (knowledgeBase == null) { Logger.debug("DENIED (no permissions file specified)"); return false; } final StatelessKnowledgeSession session = knowledgeBase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession(); session.addEventListener(new AgendaLogger()); final List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<Command>(); commands.add(CommandFactory.newInsert(check)); commands.add(CommandFactory.newInsert(check.getTarget())); commands.add(CommandFactory.newInsert(asPrincipal(user))); commands.add(CommandFactory.newInsertElements(asRoles(roles))); session.execute(CommandFactory.newBatchExecution(commands)); Logger.debug((check.isGranted() ? "GRANTED" : "DENIED") + "\n"); return check.isGranted(); } /** * Wraps the given user name in a Principal object. */ private static Principal asPrincipal(final String user) { final Principal principal = new Principal() { public String getName() { return user; } }; return principal; } /** * Wraps the given array of role names in a collection of Role objects. */ private static Collection<Role> asRoles(final Collection<String> names) { final Collection<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>(); for (String name : names) { roles.add(new Role(name)); } return roles; } private static class AgendaLogger extends DefaultAgendaEventListener { @Override public void afterActivationFired(AfterActivationFiredEvent event) { Logger.debug("RULE '%s' %s", event.getActivation().getRule().getName(), event.getActivation().getFactHandles()); } } }