Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright 2001 (C) Mario Bonassin * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Created on April 21, 2001, 2:15 PM * * $Id$ */ package pcgen.core; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import pcgen.core.prereq.PrereqHandler; import pcgen.core.prereq.Prerequisite; import pcgen.gui.NameElement; import pcgen.persistence.PersistenceLayerException; import pcgen.persistence.lst.prereq.PreParserFactory; import pcgen.util.Logging; import*; import java.util.*; import pcgen.system.ConfigurationSettings; /** * <code>Names</code>. * * @author Mario Bonassin <> * @version $Revision$ */ public final class Names { private static final Names theInstance = new Names(); private static final String TAB_CHARACTER = "\t"; private final List<String> ruleDefinitions = new ArrayList<String>(); private final Map<String, List<String>> allTheSyllablesForEachRule = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); // this is a map of syllable name to list of possible syllables. private File sourceFile; private PlayerCharacter pc = null; private Names() { // Empty Constructor } /** * make sure you init this instance after getting access to it. * @return Names */ public static Names getInstance() { return theInstance; } public static List<NameElement> findAllNamesFiles() { return findAllNamesFiles(new File(ConfigurationSettings.getSystemsDir())); } public static List<NameElement> findAllNamesFiles(File dir) { final File[] fileNames = dir.listFiles(new NamFilter()); final List<NameElement> result = new ArrayList<NameElement>(); for (File fileName : fileNames) { String name = fileName.getName().substring(0, fileName.getName().length() - 4); result.add(new NameElement(fileName, name)); } final File[] directories = dir.listFiles(new DirectoryFilter()); for (File directory : directories) { result.addAll(findAllNamesFiles(directory)); } return result; } /** * This randomly generates a name based on the current name file. * @return random name * @throws RuntimeException if init() has not been called with a valid name file. */ public String getRandomName() { final NameRule ruleToUse = chooseARandomRule(buildTheRuleSyllableMapping()); if (ruleToUse == null) { Logging.errorPrint("Couldn't find a name rule to use."); throw new RuntimeException("No random name available. Try again."); } return constructTheName(ruleToUse); } public List<String> getRandomNames(final int count) { final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { names.add(getRandomName()); } return names; } public void init(final NameElement name, final PlayerCharacter aPc) { this.pc = aPc; clearAllRules(); parseFile(name.getSource()); } //should be private but the makes a call to this so it is package-private for testing String[] getRuleDefinitions() { return ruleDefinitions.toArray(new String[ruleDefinitions.size()]); } //should be private but the makes a call to this so it is package-private for testing String[] getSyllablesByName(final String name) { final List<String> syllables = allTheSyllablesForEachRule.get(name); return syllables.toArray(new String[syllables.size()]); } private List<NameRule> buildTheRuleSyllableMapping() { final List<NameRule> rules = new ArrayList<NameRule>(); final String[] ruleDefs = getRuleDefinitions(); if (ruleDefs.length > 0) { for (final String rule : ruleDefs) { final StringTokenizer newlineStr = new StringTokenizer(rule, TAB_CHARACTER, false); //the first token is the "chance" for this rule... final NameRule newRule = new NameRule(Integer.parseInt(newlineStr.nextToken())); // then we add all the syllable names to the list for this rule. while (newlineStr.hasMoreTokens()) { final String syllableName = newlineStr.nextToken(); newRule.addSyllable(syllableName); } rules.add(newRule); } } return rules; } private static NameRule chooseARandomRule(final List<NameRule> rules) { NameRule ruleToUse = null; final int roll = RollingMethods.roll(1, 100); for (NameRule rule : rules) { if (roll <= rule.getChance()) { ruleToUse = rule; break; } } return ruleToUse; } private String getRandomSyllableByName(final String name) { final String[] syllables = getSyllablesByName(name); if (syllables != null) { if (syllables.length > 0) { final int roll = RollingMethods.roll(1, syllables.length); return syllables[roll - 1]; } } return ""; } private void clearAllRules() { ruleDefinitions.clear(); allTheSyllablesForEachRule.clear(); sourceFile = null; } private String constructTheName(final NameRule ruleToUse) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(30); final String[] ruleSyllables = ruleToUse.getRuleSyllables(); for (String ruleSyllable : ruleSyllables) { if (ruleSyllable.startsWith("[{") && ruleSyllable.endsWith("}]")) { final String fileName = ruleSyllable.substring(2, ruleSyllable.length() - 2); File newFile = new File(sourceFile.getPath() + File.separator + fileName + ".nam"); final Names otherFile = new Names(); otherFile.init(new NameElement(newFile, fileName), pc); final String Name = otherFile.getRandomName(); buf.append(Name); } else { buf.append(getRandomSyllableByName(ruleSyllable)); } } return buf.toString(); } private void parseFile(final File aSourceFile) { String currentLine = ""; BufferedReader br = null; int lineNumber = 0; try { String currentSyllable = null; boolean canWrite = true; boolean inRulesSection = false; br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(aSourceFile))); while ((currentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { ++lineNumber; if (((currentLine.length() > 0) && (currentLine.charAt(0) == '#')) || currentLine.startsWith("//") || "".equals(currentLine.trim())) { continue; } if (currentLine.startsWith("[/PRE]")) { canWrite = true; } if (currentLine.startsWith("[PRE") && (currentLine.indexOf(':') >= 0)) { final StringTokenizer tabTok = new StringTokenizer( currentLine.substring(1, currentLine.length() - 1), "\t", false); final List<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (tabTok.hasMoreTokens()) { aList.add(tabTok.nextToken()); } List<Prerequisite> prereqs = new ArrayList<Prerequisite>(); try { PreParserFactory factory = PreParserFactory.getInstance(); prereqs = factory.parse(aList); } catch (PersistenceLayerException ple) { // Do nothing } canWrite = PrereqHandler.passesAll(prereqs, pc, null); continue; } if (!canWrite) { if ((currentLine.length() > 0) && (currentLine.charAt(0) == '[')) { System.err.println( "Line #" + Integer.toString(lineNumber) + " prereqs not met: " + currentLine); } continue; } if (currentLine.startsWith("[RULES]")) { inRulesSection = true; continue; } if ((currentLine.length() > 0) && (currentLine.charAt(0) == '[')) { inRulesSection = false; } if (inRulesSection) { ruleDefinitions.add(currentLine); continue; } //This is where the syllable types are saved to sylRuleList and the list themselves //are read into a corresponding list. if (((currentLine.length() > 0) && (currentLine.charAt(0) == '[')) && currentLine.endsWith("]")) { currentSyllable = currentLine; allTheSyllablesForEachRule.put(currentLine, new ArrayList<String>()); continue; } // if we make it here, then we actually have a syllable fragment in hand. allTheSyllablesForEachRule.get(currentSyllable).add(currentLine); } } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { if (!"pcgen.ini".equals(aSourceFile.getName())) { Logging.errorPrint("ERROR:" + aSourceFile.getName() + " error " + currentLine + " Exception type:" + exception.getClass().getName() + " Message:" + exception.getMessage(), exception); } } catch (IOException exception) { if (!("pcgen.ini".equals(aSourceFile.getName()))) { Logging.errorPrint("ERROR:" + aSourceFile.getName() + " error " + currentLine + " Exception type:" + exception.getClass().getName() + " Message:" + exception.getMessage(), exception); } } finally { if (br != null) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { Logging.errorPrint("Couldn't close the reader for " + aSourceFile.getName(), ignore); } } } } private static class DirectoryFilter implements FileFilter { @Override public boolean accept(final File file) { return file.isDirectory(); } } private static class NamFilter implements FilenameFilter { @Override public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) { return name.regionMatches(true, name.length() - 4, ".nam", 0, 4); } } public static void main(String[] args) { final List<NameElement> allNamesFiles = Names.findAllNamesFiles(); Collections.sort(allNamesFiles); class Arguments { Integer count; NameElement nameTemplate; List<NameElement> allNamesFiles; List<String> errors = new LinkedList<String>(); private Arguments(final String[] args, final List<NameElement> allNamesFiles) { this.allNamesFiles = allNamesFiles; if (args.length >= 2) { parseTemplate(args[0]); parseCount(args[1]); } } private void parseTemplate(final String requestedTemplate) { for (NameElement template : allNamesFiles) { if (template.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(requestedTemplate)) { nameTemplate = template; break; } } if (nameTemplate == null) { errors.add("Unknown name template. Check spelling. Got: " + requestedTemplate); } } private void parseCount(final String stringCount) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(stringCount); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { errors.add("Got an invalid number for the amount of names to generate: " + stringCount); } } public boolean isValid() { return nameTemplate != null && count != null; } } final Arguments parsedArguments = new Arguments(args, allNamesFiles); if (!parsedArguments.isValid()) { if (!parsedArguments.errors.isEmpty()) { System.err.println( "Invalid arguments:\n" + StringUtils.join(parsedArguments.errors.toArray(), "\n" + "\n")); } System.out.println("Available name templates are:\n" + StringUtils.join(allNamesFiles.toArray(), "\n")); System.out.println("\nArguments are <name template> <number of names to generate>"); System.out.println("\nExample: orc 100"); return; } Names.getInstance().init(parsedArguments.nameTemplate, null); for (String name : Names.getInstance().getRandomNames(parsedArguments.count)) { System.out.println(name); } } }