Java tutorial
/* * Mupen64PlusAE, an N64 emulator for the Android platform * * Copyright (C) 2015 Paul Lamb * * This file is part of Mupen64PlusAE. * * Mupen64PlusAE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Mupen64PlusAE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mupen64PlusAE. If * not, see <>. * * Authors: fzurita */ package; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Vibrator; import; import; import android.text.InputType; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Surface; import org.mupen64plusae.v3.alpha.R; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; import static; import static; public class CoreFragment extends Fragment implements CoreServiceListener { public interface CoreEventListener { /** * Will be called once the core service is valid */ void onCoreServiceStarted(); /** * Called when a game is requested to exited * @param shouldExit True if we want to exit */ void onExitRequested(boolean shouldExit); /** * Called when a game is done exiting */ void onExitFinished(); /** * Called when a game is restarted * @param shouldRestart True if we want to restart */ void onRestart(boolean shouldRestart); /** * Called when a prompt has finished */ void onPromptFinished(); /** * Called when a game is saved or a save is loaded */ void onSaveLoad(); } private static final String SAVE_STATE_FILE_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE = "SAVE_STATE_FILE_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE"; private static final String RESTART_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE = "RESTART_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE"; private static final String EXIT_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE = "RESTART_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE"; //Service connection for the progress dialog private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection; private boolean mCachedStartCore = false; private AppData mAppData = null; private GlobalPrefs mGlobalPrefs = null; private GamePrefs mGamePrefs = null; private String mRomGoodName = null; private String mRomPath = null; private String mRomMd5 = null; private String mRomCrc = null; private String mRomHeaderName = null; private byte mRomCountryCode = 0; private String mRomArtPath = null; private String mRomLegacySave = null; private String mCheatArgs = null; private boolean mIsRestarting = false; private String mSaveToLoad = null; private boolean mIsRunning = false; private CoreService mCoreService = null; private Surface mSurface = null; private NativeImports.OnFpsChangedListener mFpsChangeListener = null; private int mFpsRecalcPeriod = 1; private File mCurrentSaveStateFile = null; // Speed info - used internally private static final int BASELINE_SPEED = 100; private static final int DEFAULT_SPEED = 250; private static final int MAX_SPEED = 300; private static final int MIN_SPEED = 10; private static final int DELTA_SPEED = 10; private boolean mUseCustomSpeed = false; private int mCustomSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED; CoreEventListener mCoreEventListener = null; // this method is only called once for this fragment @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // retain this fragment setRetainInstance(true); } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); if (mCachedStartCore) { actuallyStartCore(getActivity()); mCachedStartCore = false; } } @Override public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); } @Override public void onFailure(final int errorCode) { final Activity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null) { // Messages match return codes from mupen64plus-ui-console/main.c String message = null; if (errorCode != 0) { switch (errorCode) { case 1: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure01); break; case 2: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure02); break; case 3: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure03); break; case 4: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure04); break; case 5: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure05); break; case 6: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure06); break; case 7: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure07); break; case 8: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure08); break; case 9: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure09); break; case 10: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure10); break; case 11: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure11); break; case 12: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure12); break; case 13: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailure13); break; default: message = activity.getString(R.string.toast_nativeMainFailureUnknown); break; } Log.e("CoreFragment", "Launch failure: " + message); } final String finalMessage = message; activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Notifier.showToast(activity, finalMessage); } }); } } @Override public void onFinish() { //Nothing to do here right now } @Override public void onCoreServiceDestroyed() { mIsRunning = false; } public void setCoreEventListener(CoreEventListener coreEventListener) { mCoreEventListener = coreEventListener; } public void startCore(AppData appData, GlobalPrefs globalPrefs, GamePrefs gamePrefs, String romGoodName, String romPath, String romMd5, String romCrc, String romHeaderName, byte romCountryCode, String romArtPath, String romLegacySave, String cheatArgs, boolean isRestarting, String saveToLoad) { mAppData = appData; mGlobalPrefs = globalPrefs; mGamePrefs = gamePrefs; mRomGoodName = romGoodName; mRomPath = romPath; mCheatArgs = cheatArgs; mIsRestarting = isRestarting; mSaveToLoad = saveToLoad; mRomMd5 = romMd5; mRomCrc = romCrc; mRomHeaderName = romHeaderName; mRomCountryCode = romCountryCode; mRomArtPath = romArtPath; mRomLegacySave = romLegacySave; NativeConfigFiles.syncConfigFiles(mGamePrefs, mGlobalPrefs, mAppData); if (getActivity() != null) { actuallyStartCore(getActivity()); } else { mCachedStartCore = true; } } private void actuallyStartCore(Activity activity) { if (!mIsRunning) { mIsRunning = true; // Defines callbacks for service binding, passed to bindService() mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { // We've bound to LocalService, cast the IBinder and get LocalService instance LocalBinder binder = (LocalBinder) service; mCoreService = binder.getService(); mCoreService.setSurface(mSurface); mCoreService.setOnFpsChangedListener(mFpsChangeListener, mFpsRecalcPeriod); mCoreService.setCoreServiceListener(CoreFragment.this); if (mCoreEventListener != null && getActivity() != null) { mCoreEventListener.onCoreServiceStarted(); } } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName arg0) { //Nothing to do here } }; ArrayList<Integer> pakTypes = new ArrayList<>(); pakTypes.add(mGlobalPrefs.getPakType(1).getNativeValue()); pakTypes.add(mGlobalPrefs.getPakType(2).getNativeValue()); pakTypes.add(mGlobalPrefs.getPakType(3).getNativeValue()); pakTypes.add(mGlobalPrefs.getPakType(4).getNativeValue()); boolean[] isPlugged = new boolean[4]; isPlugged[0] = mGamePrefs.isPlugged1; isPlugged[1] = mGamePrefs.isPlugged2; isPlugged[2] = mGamePrefs.isPlugged3; isPlugged[3] = mGamePrefs.isPlugged4; // Start the core ActivityHelper.startCoreService(activity.getApplicationContext(), mServiceConnection, mRomGoodName, mRomPath, mRomMd5, mRomCrc, mRomHeaderName, mRomCountryCode, mRomArtPath, mRomLegacySave, mCheatArgs, mIsRestarting, mSaveToLoad, mAppData.coreLib, mGlobalPrefs.useHighPriorityThread, pakTypes, isPlugged, mGlobalPrefs.isFramelimiterEnabled, mGlobalPrefs.coreUserDataDir, mGlobalPrefs.coreUserCacheDir, mGamePrefs.coreUserConfigDir, mGamePrefs.userSaveDir, mAppData.libsDir); } } private void actuallyStopCore() { if (mIsRunning) { mIsRunning = false; if (getActivity() != null) { getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mCoreService = null; ActivityHelper.stopCoreService(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), mServiceConnection); } }); } } } public void resumeEmulator() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.resumeEmulator(); } } public void advanceFrame() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.advanceFrame(); } } public void emuGameShark(boolean pressed) { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.emuGameShark(pressed); } } public void setOnFpsChangedListener(NativeImports.OnFpsChangedListener fpsListener, int fpsRecalcPeriod) { mFpsChangeListener = fpsListener; mFpsRecalcPeriod = fpsRecalcPeriod; if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.setOnFpsChangedListener(fpsListener, fpsRecalcPeriod); } } public void setControllerState(int controllerNum, boolean[] buttons, int axisX, int axisY) { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.setControllerState(controllerNum, buttons, axisX, axisY); } } public void registerVibrator(int player, Vibrator vibrator) { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.registerVibrator(player, vibrator); } } public void pauseEmulator() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.pauseEmulator(); } } public void togglePause() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.togglePause(); } } public boolean isRunning() { return mCoreService != null && mCoreService.isRunning(); } public void exit() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.pauseEmulator(); } if (getActivity() != null) { String title = getActivity().getString(R.string.confirm_title); String message = getActivity().getString(R.string.confirmExitGame_message); ConfirmationDialog confirmationDialog = ConfirmationDialog.newInstance(EXIT_CONFIRM_DIALOG_ID, title, message); FragmentManager fm = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();, EXIT_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE); } } public void toggleSpeed() { if (mCoreService != null) { mUseCustomSpeed = !mUseCustomSpeed; int speed = mUseCustomSpeed ? mCustomSpeed : BASELINE_SPEED; mCoreService.setCustomSpeed(speed); } } public void fastForward(boolean pressed) { int speed = pressed ? mCustomSpeed : BASELINE_SPEED; NativeExports.emuSetSpeed(speed); } public void saveSlot() { if (mCoreService != null) { int slot = mCoreService.getSlot(); if (getActivity() != null) { Notifier.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.toast_savingSlot, slot); } mCoreService.saveSlot(); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onSaveLoad(); } } } public void loadSlot() { if (mCoreService != null) { int slot = mCoreService.getSlot(); if (getActivity() != null) { Notifier.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.toast_loadingSlot, slot); } mCoreService.loadSlot(); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onSaveLoad(); } } } public int getSlot() { if (mCoreService != null) { return mCoreService.getSlot(); } else { return 0; } } public void incrementSlot() { if (mCoreService != null) { int slot = mCoreService.getSlot(); mCoreService.setSlot(slot + 1); } } public void setSlotFromPrompt() { if (getActivity() != null) { final CharSequence title = getActivity().getString(R.string.menuItem_selectSlot); Prompt.promptRadioInteger(getActivity(), title, NativeExports.emuGetSlot(), 0, 2, 5, new Prompt.PromptIntegerListener() { @Override public void onDialogClosed(Integer value, int which) { if (which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { mCoreService.setSlot(value); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onPromptFinished(); } } } }); } } public void saveFileFromPrompt() { if (getActivity() != null) { CharSequence title = getActivity().getText(R.string.menuItem_fileSave); CharSequence hint = getActivity().getText(R.string.hintFileSave); int inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT; Prompt.promptText(getActivity(), title, null, null, hint, inputType, new Prompt.PromptTextListener() { @Override public void onDialogClosed(CharSequence text, int which) { if (which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { saveState(text.toString()); } } }); } } public void saveState(final String filename) { if (getActivity() != null) { mCurrentSaveStateFile = new File(mGamePrefs.userSaveDir + "/" + filename); if (mCurrentSaveStateFile.exists()) { String title = getActivity().getString(R.string.confirm_title); String message = getActivity().getString(R.string.confirmOverwriteFile_message, filename); ConfirmationDialog confirmationDialog = ConfirmationDialog .newInstance(SAVE_STATE_FILE_CONFIRM_DIALOG_ID, title, message); FragmentManager fm = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();, SAVE_STATE_FILE_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE); } else { NativeExports.emuSaveFile(mCurrentSaveStateFile.getAbsolutePath()); Notifier.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.toast_savingFile, mCurrentSaveStateFile.getName()); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onSaveLoad(); } } } } public void loadFileFromPrompt() { if (getActivity() != null) { CharSequence title = getActivity().getText(R.string.menuItem_fileLoad); File startPath = new File(mGamePrefs.userSaveDir); Prompt.promptFile(getActivity(), title, null, startPath, "", new Prompt.PromptFileListener() { @Override public void onDialogClosed(File file, int which) { if (which >= 0) { loadState(file); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onSaveLoad(); } } } }); } } public void loadAutoSaveFromPrompt() { if (getActivity() != null) { CharSequence title = getActivity().getText(R.string.menuItem_fileLoadAutoSave); File startPath = new File(mGamePrefs.autoSaveDir); Prompt.promptFile(getActivity(), title, null, startPath, "sav", new Prompt.PromptFileListener() { @Override public void onDialogClosed(File file, int which) { if (which >= 0) { loadState(file); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onSaveLoad(); } } } }); } } public void loadState(File file) { if (getActivity() != null) { Notifier.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.toast_loadingFile, file.getName()); } mCoreService.loadState(file); } public void autoSaveState(final String latestSave, final CoreService.AutoSaveCompleteAction autoSaveCompleteAction) { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.autoSaveState(latestSave, autoSaveCompleteAction); } } public void screenshot() { if (mCoreService != null) { if (getActivity() != null) { Notifier.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.toast_savingScreenshot); } mCoreService.screenshot(); } } public void toggleFramelimiter() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.toggleFramelimiter(); } } public boolean getFramelimiter() { return mCoreService != null && mCoreService.getFramelimiter(); } public void restart() { if (mCoreService != null) { if (getActivity() != null) { mCoreService.pauseEmulator(); String title = getActivity().getString(R.string.confirm_title); String message = getActivity().getString(R.string.confirmResetGame_message); ConfirmationDialog confirmationDialog = ConfirmationDialog.newInstance(RESET_CONFIRM_DIALOG_ID, title, message); FragmentManager fm = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();, RESTART_CONFIRM_DIALOG_STATE); } } } public void restartEmulator() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.restart(); } } public void shutdownEmulator() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.shutdownEmulator(); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onExitFinished(); } } } public int getState() { if (mCoreService != null) { return mCoreService.getState(); } else { return EMULATOR_STATE_UNKNOWN; } } public void incrementCustomSpeed() { setCustomSpeed(mCustomSpeed + DELTA_SPEED); } public void decrementCustomSpeed() { setCustomSpeed(mCustomSpeed - DELTA_SPEED); } public void setCustomSpeed(int value) { mCustomSpeed = Utility.clamp(value, MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED); mUseCustomSpeed = true; mCoreService.setCustomSpeed(mCustomSpeed); } public void updateControllerConfig(int player, boolean plugged, int value) { mCoreService.updateControllerConfig(player, plugged, value); } public int getCurrentSpeed() { return mUseCustomSpeed ? mCustomSpeed : BASELINE_SPEED; } public void setCustomSpeedFromPrompt() { if (getActivity() != null) { final CharSequence title = getActivity().getText(R.string.menuItem_setSpeed); Prompt.promptInteger(getActivity(), title, "%1$d %%", mCustomSpeed, MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED, new Prompt.PromptIntegerListener() { @Override public void onDialogClosed(Integer value, int which) { if (which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { setCustomSpeed(value); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onPromptFinished(); } } } }); } } public void onPromptDialogClosed(int id, int which) { if (id == SAVE_STATE_FILE_CONFIRM_DIALOG_ID) { mCoreService.saveState(mCurrentSaveStateFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (getActivity() != null) { Notifier.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.toast_overwritingFile, mCurrentSaveStateFile.getName()); if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onSaveLoad(); } } } else if (id == RESET_CONFIRM_DIALOG_ID) { if (mCoreEventListener != null) { mCoreEventListener.onRestart(which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE); } } else if (id == EXIT_CONFIRM_DIALOG_ID) { if (mCoreEventListener != null) mCoreEventListener.onExitRequested(which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE); } } public void setSurface(Surface surface) { mSurface = surface; if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.setSurface(mSurface); } } public void destroySurface() { if (mCoreService != null) { mCoreService.destroySurface(); } } public boolean IsInProgress() { return mIsRunning; } public boolean hasServiceStarted() { return mCoreService != null; } }