Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Yann-Gal Guhneuc and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Yann-Gal Guhneuc and others, see in file; API and its implementation
package padl.creator.cppfile.eclipse.plugin.internal;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.DOMException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionCallExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTIdExpression;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTName;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTStatement;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumerator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IProblemBinding;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ITypedef;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTArrayDeclarator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTFieldReference;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTFunctionDefinition;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTLinkageSpecification;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTQualifiedName;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTemplateId;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTTranslationUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTUsingDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPASTUsingDirective;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassTemplate;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPConstructor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPEnumeration;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPField;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMember;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethodSpecialization;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPNamespace;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPParameter;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPVariable;
import padl.cpp.kernel.ICPPFactoryEclipse;
import padl.cpp.kernel.IEnum;
import padl.cpp.kernel.IEnumValue;
import padl.cpp.kernel.IGlobalField;
import padl.cpp.kernel.IGlobalFunction;
import padl.cpp.kernel.impl.CPPFactoryEclipse;
import padl.kernel.Constants;
import padl.kernel.ICodeLevelModel;
import padl.kernel.IConstituent;
import padl.kernel.IContainer;
import padl.kernel.IEntity;
import padl.kernel.IField;
import padl.kernel.IFirstClassEntity;
import padl.kernel.IMethod;
import padl.kernel.IMethodInvocation;
import padl.kernel.IOperation;
import padl.kernel.IPackage;
import padl.kernel.IParameter;
import padl.kernel.exception.ModelDeclarationException;
import padl.path.Finder;
import padl.path.FormatException;
import padl.path.IConstants;

 * PADL Generator for C++ source code.
 * @author Seb
 * @author Yann
class GeneratorHelper {
    static int UniqueID;

    private final Set<IASTTranslationUnit> astTranslationUnits;
    private final ICodeLevelModel codeLevelModel;

    GeneratorHelper(final Set<IASTTranslationUnit> someASTTranslationUnits, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) {

        this.astTranslationUnits = someASTTranslationUnits;
        this.codeLevelModel = aCodeLevelModel;

    private void addEntityToModel(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPClassType aCPPEntity,
            final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel, final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        this.addEntityToModelOrMemberToClass(anAccumulator, aCPPEntity, someContainers);

    private void addEntityToModelOrMemberToClass(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPClassType aCPPEntity,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) {

        final IContainer container = someContainers.peek();

        char[] id;
        try {
            id = Utils.getQualifiedName(aCPPEntity.getQualifiedNameCharArray());
        } catch (final DOMException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        char[] name = aCPPEntity.getNameCharArray();
        // It is possible for the name to be empty, 
        // for enumeration for example
        if (id.length == 0 || name.length == 0) {
            // id.length could be 1 in case of union... 
            id = Utils.createAnonymousName(GeneratorHelper.UniqueID++);
            name = id;

        // Yann 2013/09/28: Name vs. ID!
        // Member entities have for name the simple name of the entity
        // but for ID the ID of their container and "$" and their ID.
        char[] memberID = ((IConstituent) container).getID();
        memberID = ArrayUtils.add(memberID, IConstants.MEMBER_ENTITY_SYMBOL);
        memberID = ArrayUtils.addAll(memberID, name);

        // It is possible that the entity already exists in the case of
        // In one file:
        //   class DebuggerWrapper;
        // In another file:
        //   class DebuggerWrapper {
        //      ...
        if (container.doesContainConstituentWithID(id) || container.doesContainConstituentWithID(memberID)) {


        final IFirstClassEntity entity;
        final int type = aCPPEntity.getKey();
        if (type == ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.k_class) {
            if (container instanceof IFirstClassEntity) {
                if (Utils.isInterface(aCPPEntity)) {
                    entity = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createMemberInterface(memberID,
                } else {
                    entity = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createMemberClass(memberID,
            } else {
                if (Utils.isInterface(aCPPEntity)) {
                    entity = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createInterface(id, name);
                } else {
                    entity = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createClass(id, name);
        } else if (type == IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.k_struct) {
            if (container instanceof IFirstClassEntity) {
                entity = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createMemberStructure(memberID);
            } else {
                entity = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createStructure(id);
        } else if (type == IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.k_union) {
            entity = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createUnion(id);
        } else {
            entity = null;
            // Should never happen! Would fail fast!

        anAccumulator.addClassTypes(aCPPEntity, entity);

    private void addEnumerationToModel(final ICPPEnumeration aCPPEnumeration,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        final IContainer container = someContainers.peek();

        char[] id = Utils.getQualifiedName(aCPPEnumeration.getQualifiedNameCharArray());
        // It is possible for the name to be empty, 
        // for enumeration for example
        if (id.length == 0) {
            id = Utils.createAnonymousName(GeneratorHelper.UniqueID++);

        if (!container.doesContainConstituentWithID(id)) {
            final IEnum enumeration = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createEnum(id);

            for (final IEnumerator enumerator : aCPPEnumeration.getEnumerators()) {
                final IEnumValue anEnumValue = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance())


    void addFieldToClass(final ICPPVariable aCPPVariable, final IFirstClassEntity aFirstClassEntity) {

        final Stack<IContainer> temporaryStack = new Stack<IContainer>();
        this.addVariableToModelOrFieldToClass(aCPPVariable, temporaryStack);

    private void addFunctionToModel(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPFunction aCPPFunction,
            final IASTStatement aBodyStatement, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        this.addFunctionToModelOrMethodToClass(anAccumulator, aCPPFunction, aBodyStatement, someContainers);

    private void addFunctionToModelOrMethodToClass(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPFunction aCPPFunction,
            final IASTStatement aBodyStatement, final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) {

        final IContainer container = someContainers.peek();

        // Yann 2014/04/17: Const-ness
        // It is annoying to manage const-ness so, right now,
        // I remove any trace of it... Could do better?
        // Similarly, I cannot deal with ellipses currently.
        // For some reasons, sometimes CDT adds the string
        // CPPMETHOD at the end of a function signature,
        // when the aCPPFunction is a PDOMCPPMethod.
        final String stringID = String.valueOf(Utils.computeSignature(aCPPFunction));
        final char[] id = stringID.replaceAll("const ", "").replaceAll(", \\.\\.\\.", "")
                .replaceAll(" CPPMETHOD", "").replaceAll("/", "US").replaceAll("#", "NUM").toCharArray();

        final char[] name;
        try {
            name = Utils.getSimpleName(aCPPFunction.getQualifiedNameCharArray());
        } catch (final DOMException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        // Yann 2013/07/19: Duplication in case of problem
        // It is possible to have duplicate constituents in the model
        // in case of problematic parameter types, for example:
        //   operator <<(? &, const ? &)
        // is the ID of both
        //   operator <<(A &, const B &)
        // and
        //   operator <<(C &, const D &)
        // if A, B, C, and D are all problematic! So, yes, here it is
        // okay to check for duplication because there would be no
        // way to distinguish one from the other, is there?
        // Although I don't want to create twice the "same"
        // operation, I must add it to the accumulator for
        // later proper retrieval of the operation associated
        // with the ICPPFunction.
        if (container.doesContainConstituentWithID(id)) {
            // Ugly duplication with similar code at the
            // end of this method... TODO Remove duplication
            final IOperation padlFunction = (IOperation) container.getConstituentFromID(id);
            if (container instanceof IFirstClassEntity) {
                anAccumulator.addFunction(aCPPFunction, (IFirstClassEntity) container, padlFunction);
            } else {
                anAccumulator.addFunction(aCPPFunction, null, padlFunction);

        final char[] returnTypeName = Utils.getInterestingTypeName(aCPPFunction.getType().getReturnType())

        final IOperation padlFunction;
        // Yann 2013/06/27: Method vs. Function
        // Right now, I only build methods (constructor, destructor, and method)
        // when the enclosing first-class entity exists, else I built a function.
        if (aCPPFunction instanceof ICPPConstructor) {
            padlFunction = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createConstructor(id, name);
            Utils.setVisibility(padlFunction, (ICPPMember) aCPPFunction);
        } else if (aCPPFunction instanceof ICPPMethod && ((ICPPMethod) aCPPFunction).isDestructor()) {

            padlFunction = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createDestructor(id, name);
            Utils.setVisibility(padlFunction, (ICPPMember) aCPPFunction);
        } else if (aCPPFunction instanceof ICPPMethod) {
            padlFunction = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createMethod(id, name);
            // Create the return type if it does not exist.
            final IEntity returnTypeEntity = SearchHelper.getExistingContainerOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                    someContainers, returnTypeName, false);
            ((IMethod) padlFunction).setReturnType(returnTypeEntity.getName());
            Utils.setVisibility(padlFunction, (ICPPMember) aCPPFunction);
        } else if (aCPPFunction instanceof ICPPFunction) {
            // Global function
            padlFunction = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createGlobalFunction(id, name);
            ((IGlobalFunction) padlFunction).setReturnType(returnTypeName);
        } else {
            padlFunction = null;
            Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "operation", id, aCPPFunction.getClass());


        if (container instanceof IFirstClassEntity) {
            anAccumulator.addFunction(aCPPFunction, (IFirstClassEntity) container, padlFunction);
        } else {
            anAccumulator.addFunction(aCPPFunction, null, padlFunction);

        // Yann 2014/0417: Anti-patterns!
        // I need to set the lines of code of the methods
        // to allow the identification of some anti-patterns
        // like LongMethod and SpaghettiCode. This seems the
        // best place to do so :-)
        Utils.addStatementsToFunction(aBodyStatement, padlFunction);


    void addMemberToClass(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPClassType aCPPClassType,
            final IFirstClassEntity aFirstClassEntity) {

        final Stack<IContainer> temporaryStack = new Stack<IContainer>();
        this.addEntityToModelOrMemberToClass(anAccumulator, aCPPClassType, temporaryStack);

    void addMethodToClass(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPMethod aMethod,
            final IASTStatement aBodyStatement, final IFirstClassEntity aFirstClassEntity) {

        final Stack<IContainer> temporaryStack = new Stack<IContainer>();
        this.addFunctionToModelOrMethodToClass(anAccumulator, aMethod, aBodyStatement, temporaryStack);

    void addParameterToOperation(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPParameter aCPPParameter,
            final IOperation aPADLOperation) {

        try {
            final IType parameterType = aCPPParameter.getType();
            final IType realParameterType = Utils.getInterestingType(parameterType);
            final IEntity parameterEntity = SearchHelper.getExistingContainerOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                    anAccumulator, realParameterType);

            if (parameterEntity != null) {
                final String parameterTypeName = parameterType.toString().replaceAll("const ", "");
                final char[] parameterName = aCPPParameter.getNameCharArray();
                final int cardinality = Utils.getCardinality(aCPPParameter);

                final IParameter padlParameter;
                final int indexOfSpace;
                if ((indexOfSpace = parameterTypeName.indexOf(' ')) > -1) {
                    final char[] parameterQualification = parameterTypeName.substring(indexOfSpace).toCharArray();
                    padlParameter = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance())
                            .createParameter(parameterEntity, parameterName, parameterQualification, cardinality);
                } else {
                    padlParameter = CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance().createParameter(parameterEntity, parameterName,

            } else {
                // Do nothing?
        } catch (final ModelDeclarationException e) {
            // If the type of the parameter cannot be found 
            // and I cannot get its qualified name, then 
            // there is nothing that I can do to add things
            // to its methods.
        } catch (final NullPointerException e) {
            // If the type of the parameter is null, there is
            // nothing to be done even though this is a weird
            // case indeed!

    private void addVariableToModel(final ICPPVariable aCPPVariable, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel,
            Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        this.addVariableToModelOrFieldToClass(aCPPVariable, someContainers);

    private void addVariableToModelOrFieldToClass(final ICPPVariable aCPPVariable,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) {

        final IContainer container = someContainers.peek();

        final String[] qualifiedNameRow;
        try {
            qualifiedNameRow = aCPPVariable.getQualifiedName();
        } catch (final DOMException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        final String fieldTypeName = Utils.getInterestingTypeName(aCPPVariable.getType());
        final String fieldName = qualifiedNameRow[qualifiedNameRow.length - 1];
        final String id = fieldTypeName + '.' + fieldName;
        final IEntity fieldTypeEntity = SearchHelper.getExistingContainerOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                someContainers, fieldTypeName, false);

        if (Arrays.equals(((IConstituent) container).getName(), fieldName.toCharArray())) {

            // It is possible but really I don't understand why:
            // see Chrome/browser/render_widget_host_hwnd.h:class RenderWidgetHostHWND

        final int cardinality = Utils.getCardinality(aCPPVariable);

        IField field = null;
        if (aCPPVariable instanceof ICPPField && !(container instanceof IPackage)) {

            field = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createField(id.toCharArray(),
                    fieldName.toCharArray(), fieldTypeEntity.getName(), cardinality);
            Utils.setVisibility(field, (ICPPMember) aCPPVariable);
        } else if (aCPPVariable instanceof ICPPVariable || container instanceof IPackage) {

            field = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createGlobalField(id.toCharArray(),
                    fieldName.toCharArray(), fieldTypeEntity.getName(), cardinality);

        Utils.setConst(field, aCPPVariable);

    void convertDeclaration(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final IASTDeclSpecifier aDeclaration,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        final IBinding binding;

        // Get the binding
        if (aDeclaration instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) {
            final ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier compositeTypeSpecifier = (ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) aDeclaration;
            binding = compositeTypeSpecifier.getName().resolveBinding();
        } else if (aDeclaration instanceof ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) {
            binding = ((ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) aDeclaration).getName().resolveBinding();
        } else if (aDeclaration instanceof ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) {
            // This seems to the the case of "friend class VCFilter;"
            // that we treat in a subsequent phase: do nothing here!
            //   class BuildsMetaMakefileGenerator : public MetaMakefileGenerator
            //   {
            //       bool init_flag;
            //   private:
            //       struct Build {
            //           QString name, build;
            //           MakefileGenerator *makefile;
            //         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
            //   binding =
            //      ((ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) declSpecififer)
            //         .getName()
            //         .resolveBinding();
            binding = null;
        } else if (aDeclaration instanceof ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) {
            // This seems to the the case of "friend class VCFilter;"
            // that we treat in a subsequent phase: do nothing here!
            // It also includes the case of
            //   void baz(enum Foo foo);
            // in which we repeat that Foo is an enum.
            binding = null;
        } else if (aDeclaration instanceof ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) {
            // Represents a built-in type in C++
            binding = null;
        } else {
            Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "specifier", aDeclaration.getRawSignature(),
            binding = null;

        // To something with the binding.
        if (binding instanceof ICPPClassType) {
            if (binding instanceof ICPPClassTemplate) {
                // Do nothing.
            } else {
                final ICPPClassType classType = (ICPPClassType) binding;
                this.addEntityToModel(anAccumulator, classType, this.codeLevelModel, someContainers);
        } else if (binding instanceof ICPPFunction) {
            // TODO This is from a declaration, not a definition, necessary?
            final ICPPFunction function = (ICPPFunction) binding;
            final IASTStatement body = Utils.getBody(this.astTranslationUnits, function);
            this.addFunctionToModel(anAccumulator, function, body, this.codeLevelModel, someContainers);
        } else if (binding instanceof ICPPField) {
            // Do nothing.
            this.addVariableToModel((ICPPVariable) binding, this.codeLevelModel, someContainers);
        } else if (binding instanceof ITypedef) {
            // Do nothing.
        } else if (binding instanceof ICPPVariable) {
            // Do nothing.
        } else if (binding instanceof ICPPEnumeration) {
            this.addEnumerationToModel((ICPPEnumeration) binding, someContainers);
        } else if (binding instanceof IProblemBinding) {
            // Do nothing.
        } else if (binding != null) {
            Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "binding", aDeclaration.getRawSignature(),

    void convertDeclaration(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final IASTFunctionCallExpression aDeclaration,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        // First, deal with the calling operation.
        final IOperation callingOperation = SearchHelper.getExistingOperationOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                anAccumulator, aDeclaration);
        if (callingOperation == null) {
            // It is possible that the call is "outside" of any function
            // in the case of the initialisation of a variable as in:
            //   static const SkColor kTitleColor = SkColorSetRGB(6, 45, 117);
            // In that case, do nothing.

        // Second, deal with the called operation and the 
        // target entity, defining the called operation.
        final IOperation calledOperation;
        final IFirstClassEntity targetEntity;
            final IASTExpression calledFunctionNameExpression = aDeclaration.getFunctionNameExpression();
            final IASTName calledFunctionName;
            if (calledFunctionNameExpression instanceof ICPPASTFieldReference) {
                calledFunctionName = ((ICPPASTFieldReference) calledFunctionNameExpression).getFieldName();
            } else if (calledFunctionNameExpression instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
                calledFunctionName = ((IASTIdExpression) calledFunctionNameExpression).getName();
            } else {
                Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "function-name expression",
                        calledFunctionNameExpression.getRawSignature(), calledFunctionNameExpression.getClass());

            final char[] calledFunctionNameName;
            final IBinding calledFunction = calledFunctionName.getBinding();
            if (calledFunction instanceof ICPPMethodSpecialization) {
                // Do nothing. We do not handle template right now.
            } else if (calledFunction instanceof ICPPFunction) {
                calledFunctionNameName = ((ICPPFunction) calledFunction).getNameCharArray();
                calledOperation = anAccumulator.getOperation((ICPPFunction) calledFunction);
                targetEntity = anAccumulator.getFirstClassEntity((ICPPFunction) calledFunction);
            } else if (calledFunction instanceof ICPPNamespace) {
                // Yes, it can happen! For some reason, 
                // the parser sometimes says that the
                // called function is actually a namespace,
                // what should be done?
            } else {
                if (calledFunctionName instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) {
                    calledFunctionNameName = Utils
                            .getQualifiedName(Utils.getQualifiedName((ICPPASTQualifiedName) calledFunctionName));
                } else {
                    calledFunctionNameName = calledFunctionName.toCharArray();

                final String pathOfCalledFunction = SearchHelper.getExistingOperationOrCreateGhost(
                        this.codeLevelModel, someContainers, Utils.buildGlobalFunctionID(calledFunctionNameName));
                try {
                    calledOperation = (IOperation) Finder.find(pathOfCalledFunction, this.codeLevelModel);
                    if (calledOperation instanceof IGlobalFunction) {
                        targetEntity = (IFirstClassEntity) calledOperation;
                    } else {
                        targetEntity = (IFirstClassEntity) Finder.findContainer(pathOfCalledFunction,
                } catch (final FormatException e) {
                    // TODO Do something when the operation is missing!
                    // e.printStackTrace(ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput());
            if (calledOperation == null) {
                Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "operation", calledFunctionNameName,

        // TODO Handle calls from fields. 
        //   final IFirstClassEntity entityDeclaringField;
        final boolean isFromField = false;

        final int visibility = callingOperation.getVisibility();
        final int cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_ONE;
        final int type = Utils.getMethodInvocationType(callingOperation, calledOperation, isFromField);

        final IMethodInvocation methodInvocation = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance())
                .createMethodInvocation(type, cardinality, visibility, targetEntity);

    void convertDeclaration(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final IASTSimpleDeclaration aDeclaration,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        // Management of global variables only.
        // Here variables must be declared directly
        // in a translation unit or inside a namespace.
        if (!(aDeclaration.getParent() instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition
                || aDeclaration.getParent() instanceof ICPPASTTranslationUnit)) {


        final String signature = aDeclaration.getRawSignature();
        if (signature.startsWith("typedef ")) {
            // I don't want to deal with typedef, which
            // complicate things like:
            //   typedef LoggerImpl::SharedLoggerImplPtr SharedLoggerImplPtr;

        final IASTDeclarator[] declarators = aDeclaration.getDeclarators();
        final IASTDeclSpecifier specifier = aDeclaration.getDeclSpecifier();
        for (int i = 0; i < declarators.length; i++) {
            final IASTDeclarator declarator = declarators[i];
            final IASTName declaratorName = declarator.getName();
            final IBinding declaratorBinding = declaratorName.getBinding();
            if (declaratorBinding instanceof ICPPVariable) {
                // Here, I am sure that I am dealing with a variable
                // that must be added to the code-level model, because
                // I "PROCESS_SKIP" the visit of IASTDeclSpecifier in
                // VisitorTopLevelDeclarations.visit(IASTDeclSpecifier).
                try {
                    this.addVariableToModel((ICPPVariable) declaratorBinding, this.codeLevelModel, someContainers);
                } catch (final ModelDeclarationException e) {
                    // Do nothing: we are facing a variable already added
                    // during the first phase... How possible?
                    // TODO How come is a variable added in the first phase?
            } else {
                final int cardinality;
                if (declarator instanceof ICPPASTArrayDeclarator) {
                    cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY;
                } else if (declarator.getPointerOperators().length > 0) {
                    cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY;
                } else {
                    cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_ONE;
                final char[] fieldName = Utils.convertSeparators(declaratorName.toCharArray());
                final char[] fieldTypeName;
                if (specifier instanceof ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) {
                    final IBinding binding = ((ICPPASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) specifier).getName().getBinding();
                    if (binding instanceof ICPPClassType) {
                        // Yann 2013/09/11: Strange code...
                        // I am not comfortable with that piece of code! Even
                        // more so sinceI forgot to check first if an entity
                        // exists before creating it...
                        //   this.addEntityToModel(
                        //      anAccumulator,
                        //      (ICPPClassType) binding,
                        //      this.codeLevelModel,
                        //      someContainers);
                        //   final IFirstClassEntity entity =
                        //      anAccumulator
                        //         .getFirstClassEntity((ICPPClassType) binding);
                        final IFirstClassEntity entity = (IFirstClassEntity) SearchHelper
                                .getExistingContainerOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel, anAccumulator,
                                        (ICPPClassType) binding);
                        fieldTypeName = entity.getID();
                    } else {
                        Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "binding", binding.toString(),
                        fieldTypeName = new char[0];
                } else if (specifier instanceof ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) {
                    final IASTName fieldType = ((ICPPASTNamedTypeSpecifier) specifier).getName();
                    // At this point, I cannot ask the name for its binding,
                    // it would be null, so I know that I must find the
                    // corresponding entity or create a ghost.
                    //   final IBinding binding = fieldTypeName.getBinding();
                    fieldTypeName = fieldType.toCharArray();
                    // I actually do nothing here because qualified name
                    // and type will be taken care of below, when I will
                    // concretely create the global field.
                    if (fieldType instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) {
                        // Do nothing.
                    } else if (fieldType instanceof IASTName) {
                        // Do nothing.
                    } else if (fieldType instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) {
                        // Do nothing.
                    } else {
                        Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "name", fieldTypeName, fieldType.getClass());
                } else if (specifier instanceof ICPPASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) {
                    // The binding is null at this point, nothing much that I can do.
                    fieldTypeName = "struct".toCharArray();
                } else if (specifier instanceof ICPPASTEnumerationSpecifier) {
                    // The binding is null at this point, nothing much that I can do.
                    fieldTypeName = "enum".toCharArray();
                } else if (specifier instanceof ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) {
                    // Basic type.
                    fieldTypeName = ((IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) specifier).getRawSignature().toCharArray();
                } else if (specifier instanceof ICPPASTLinkageSpecification) {
                    fieldTypeName = Utils.PROBLEM_TYPE.toCharArray();
                } else {
                    Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "specifier", specifier.getRawSignature(),
                    fieldTypeName = Utils.PROBLEM_TYPE.toCharArray();

                // I remove any qualifier from the type name,
                // such as static or const.
                char[] cleanedFieldTypeName = Utils.convertSeparators(Utils.removeQualifiers(fieldTypeName));

                if (Utils.isQualifiedName(cleanedFieldTypeName)) {
                    final char[][] qualifiedNameOfFieldType = Utils.getQualifiedName(cleanedFieldTypeName);
                    final IEntity fieldTypeEntity = SearchHelper.getExistingContainerOrCreateGhost(
                            this.codeLevelModel, someContainers, qualifiedNameOfFieldType, false);
                    cleanedFieldTypeName = fieldTypeEntity.getID();

                final IContainer container;
                if (Utils.isQualifiedName(fieldName)) {
                    final char[][] qualifiedNameOfEnclosingContainer = Utils.getQualifiedType(fieldName);
                    // Yann 2014/04/21: Global variable!
                    // Here, I know that I am dealing with a gobal variable,
                    // declared either in a translation unit or in a namespace.
                    // Therefore, I cannot use the following piece of code 
                    // because it assumes that it will return an IEntity. An
                    // IPackage is NOT an IEntity... by definition!
                    //   final IEntity enclosingEntity =
                    //      SearchHelper.getExistingContainerOrCreateGhost(
                    //         this.codeLevelModel,
                    //         someContainers,
                    //         qualifiedNameOfEnclosingType,
                    //         false);
                    container = SearchHelper.findContainerOrCreateGhostInModelRecursively(this.codeLevelModel,
                            qualifiedNameOfEnclosingContainer, false);
                } else {
                    container = (IContainer) this.codeLevelModel.getConstituentFromID(Constants.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_ID);

                final char[] id = Utils.buildID(cleanedFieldTypeName, fieldName);
                if (!container.doesContainConstituentWithID(id)) {
                    // It is possible that the constituent already exists
                    // if its binding existed in the previous phase.
                    final IGlobalField field = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance())
                            .createGlobalField(id, fieldName, fieldTypeName, cardinality);

                // TODO Is this condition necessary???
                //   if (declarator instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator) {
                //      //   final char[] id =
                //      //      Utils.buildGlobalFunctionID(Utils.buildID(
                //      //         cleanedFieldTypeName,
                //      //         fieldName));
                //      if (!container.doesContainConstituentWithID(fieldName)) {
                //         // It is possible that the constituent already exists
                //         // if its binding existed in the previous phase.
                //         final IGlobalFunction function =
                //            ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse
                //               .getInstance()).createGlobalFunctionGhost(
                //            // TODO ? See also the if just above...
                //            // id,
                //               fieldName,
                //               fieldName);
                //         container.addConstituent(function);
                //      }
                //   }
                //   else {
                //      final char[] id =
                //         Utils.buildID(cleanedFieldTypeName, fieldName);
                //      if (!container.doesContainConstituentWithID(id)) {
                //         // It is possible that the constituent already exists
                //         // if its binding existed in the previous phase.
                //         final IGlobalField field =
                //            ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse
                //               .getInstance()).createGlobalField(
                //               id,
                //               fieldName,
                //               fieldTypeName,
                //               cardinality);
                //         container.addConstituent(field);
                //      }
                //   }

    void convertDeclaration(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPASTFunctionDefinition aDefinition,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) throws DOMException {

        final ICPPASTFunctionDefinition functionDefinition = (ICPPASTFunctionDefinition) aDefinition;
        final IBinding binding = functionDefinition.getDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding();
        if (binding instanceof ICPPFunction) {
            final IBinding owner = binding.getOwner();
            if (owner instanceof ICPPClassType) {
                // We handle this case after creating all the top-level
                // entities, in the method handleCassMethods().
                // We must do that because the parser may parse the
                // files in any order and thus "see" a method 
                // *definition* before its enclosing class is actually
                // defined... Ah... C++...
            } else if (owner instanceof IProblemBinding) {
                // Do nothing because we would not know what to 
                // do with the build PADL equivalent anyways...
            } else {
                this.addFunctionToModel(anAccumulator, (ICPPFunction) binding, aDefinition.getBody(),
                        this.codeLevelModel, someContainers);
        } else {
            Utils.reportUnknownType(GeneratorHelper.class, "function definition", binding.getName(),

    void convertDeclaration(final Accumulator anAccumulator, final ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition aDeclaration,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) {

        IContainer container = someContainers.peek();
        // If the current container is the default package,
        // I add the new package (if one must be created)
        // into the code-level model.
        if (container.equals(this.codeLevelModel.getConstituentFromID(Constants.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_ID))) {

            container = this.codeLevelModel;

        final IBinding binding = ((ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) aDeclaration).getName().resolveBinding();
        final String namespaceName = binding.getName();
        final char[] id;
        if (StringUtils.EMPTY.equals(namespaceName)) {
            id = Utils.createAnonymousName(GeneratorHelper.UniqueID++);
        } else {
            id = namespaceName.toCharArray();

        // In C++, it is legitimate to have the same space
        // declared in multiple files, a way to share its
        // content and its declarations... So, yes, if it
        // already exists, do nothing, just reuse the one
        // created the first time.
        if (container.doesContainConstituentWithID(id)) {
            final IContainer existingPackage = (IContainer) container.getConstituentFromID(id);

        final IPackage newPackage = ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createPackage(id);

    void convertDeclaration(final Accumulator accumulator, final ICPPASTUsingDeclaration aDeclaration,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) {

        // Examples: using ::f;  
        //           using A::g;
        // Because C++ is really whatever as a programming
        // language, we cannot do really anything because
        // anything goes:
        //   - namespace::type
        //   - namespace:type::function or attribute
        //   - namespace::type:innertype::...
        // WTF is C++?

    void convertDeclaration(final Accumulator accumulator, final ICPPASTUsingDirective aDeclaration,
            final Stack<IContainer> someContainers) {

        // Example: using namespace std;
        // Here, I am sure that the name (even
        // qualified), is the name of a package.
        IContainer container = this.codeLevelModel;
        final char[][] names = Utils.getQualifiedName(aDeclaration.getQualifiedName().toCharArray());
        for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
            final char[] name = names[i];
            char[] id = name;
            if (i > 0) {
                id = ArrayUtils.addAll(ArrayUtils.add(id, Utils.SEPARATOR), name);
            if (!container.doesContainConstituentWithID(id)) {
                        ((ICPPFactoryEclipse) CPPFactoryEclipse.getInstance()).createPackageGhost(id));
            container = (IContainer) container.getConstituentFromName(name);