Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Yann-Gal Guhneuc and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Yann-Gal Guhneuc and others, see in file; API and its implementation
package padl.creator.classfile.relationship;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import padl.creator.classfile.util.ExtendedMethodInfo;
import padl.creator.classfile.util.ExtendedMethodInvocation;
import padl.creator.classfile.util.Utils;
import padl.kernel.Constants;
import padl.kernel.IClass;
import padl.kernel.ICodeLevelModel;
import padl.kernel.IConstructor;
import padl.kernel.IElement;
import padl.kernel.IEntity;
import padl.kernel.IField;
import padl.kernel.IFirstClassEntity;
import padl.kernel.IGhost;
import padl.kernel.IMethod;
import padl.kernel.IMethodInvocation;
import padl.kernel.IOperation;
import padl.kernel.IParameter;
import padl.kernel.IRelationship;
import padl.kernel.impl.Factory;
import padl.util.Util;
import util.lang.Modifier;

 * @author Yann-Gal Guhneuc
 * @since  2004/08/01
public class RelationshipAnalyzer {
    private static final char[] EQUAL_SIGN = "=".toCharArray();
    private static IMethod ASSIGNMENT_METHOD;
    private static Map MapOfIDsEntities;

    private static void addRelationship(final IFirstClassEntity anEntity, final IRelationship aRelationship) {

        // Yann 2004/08/07: Duplicates!
        // When adding relationships, I must check for duplicate
        // according to their type (use, association...), their
        // target entity, their visibility, and their multiplicity.
        // However, this check may dramatically decrease performance!
        // TODO: Improve performance by stocking relationships in
        // a hashtable or something...
        final Iterator iterator = anEntity.getIteratorOnConstituents();
        IRelationship duplicateRelationship = null;
        while (iterator.hasNext() && duplicateRelationship == null) {
            final IElement element = (IElement);
            if (element.getClass().equals(aRelationship.getClass())) {
                final IRelationship relationship = (IRelationship) element;
                if (relationship.getTargetEntity().equals(aRelationship.getTargetEntity())
                        && relationship.getCardinality() == aRelationship.getCardinality()
                        && relationship.getVisibility() == aRelationship.getVisibility()) {

                    duplicateRelationship = relationship;

        // Yann 2005/07/11: Duplicate relationships
        // If a relationship is duplicated (existing because of two
        // different piece of code), I concatenate their names.
        if (duplicateRelationship == null) {
        } else {
            final char[] newName = new char[duplicateRelationship.getName().length + 1
                    + aRelationship.getName().length];
            System.arraycopy(duplicateRelationship.getName(), 0, newName, 0,
            newName[duplicateRelationship.getName().length] = '+';
            System.arraycopy(aRelationship.getName(), 0, newName, duplicateRelationship.getName().length + 1,

    private static int computeMethodInvocationTypeDirect(final IOperation currentMethod,
            final IOperation calledMethod) {

        // Yann 2004/07/31: Type.
        // I compute the type and cardinality
        //  of the method invocation.
        if (currentMethod.isStatic()) {
            if (calledMethod.isStatic()) {
                return IMethodInvocation.CLASS_CLASS;
            } else {
                return IMethodInvocation.CLASS_INSTANCE;
        } else {
            // Yann 2010/01/20: Missing method
            // If there is a discrepancy between the method called
            // on a class and those provided by the class, it is
            // possible that the calledMethod be null... and I
            // assume that it is a instance method, by default.
            if (calledMethod != null && calledMethod.isStatic()) {
                return IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CLASS;
            } else {
                return IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_INSTANCE;

    private static int computeMethodInvocationTypeThroughField(final IField receivedField,
            final IOperation calledMethod) {

        // Yann 2004/07/31: Type.
        // I compute the type and cardinality
        //  of the method invocation.
        if (receivedField.isStatic()) {
            if (calledMethod.isStatic()) {
                return IMethodInvocation.CLASS_CLASS_FROM_FIELD;
            } else {
                return IMethodInvocation.CLASS_INSTANCE_FROM_FIELD;
        } else {
            // Yann 2010/01/20: Missing method
            // If there is a discrepancy between the method called
            // on a class and those provided by the class, it is
            // possible that the calledMethod be null... and I
            // assume that it is a instance method, by default.
            if (calledMethod != null && calledMethod.isStatic()) {
                return IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CLASS_FROM_FIELD;
            } else {
                return IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_INSTANCE_FROM_FIELD;

    private static char[] computeSignature(final String completeNameMethod) {
        String methodName = completeNameMethod.substring(completeNameMethod.indexOf(' ') + 1);
        methodName = methodName.substring(0, methodName.indexOf('.'));
        final String localArgs = completeNameMethod.substring(completeNameMethod.indexOf('('),
                completeNameMethod.indexOf(')') + 1);
        return (methodName + localArgs).toCharArray();

    private static String extractFieldName(final String aFieldInfo) {
        final String result = aFieldInfo.substring(aFieldInfo.indexOf(' ') + 1);
        // Yann 2007/01/24: Bug in the givn fieldInfo
        // When analysing the relationships in Java AWT v1.4.2_04
        // at one point, the fieldInfo is actually a method
        // descriptor (erroneously!): 
        //      "getDefaultComponent" "(Ljava/awt/Container;)Ljava/awt/Component;"
        // Thus, the need of the following test:
        if (result.indexOf('.') > -1) {
            return result.substring(0, result.indexOf('.'));
        } else {
            return "";

    private static String extractFieldType(final String completeNameField) {
        String fieldType = completeNameField.substring(completeNameField.indexOf(" ") + 1);
        fieldType = fieldType.substring(fieldType.indexOf(".") + 1);
        return fieldType;

    private static char[] extractReturnType(final String completeNameMethod) {
        String returnType = completeNameMethod.substring(completeNameMethod.indexOf(" ") + 1);
        returnType = returnType.substring(returnType.indexOf(".") + 1, returnType.indexOf(" "));
        return returnType.toCharArray();

    public static void initialise(final Map aMapOfIDsEntities) {
        RelationshipAnalyzer.MapOfIDsEntities = aMapOfIDsEntities;

    public static List recogniseRelationship(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents,
            final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel, final boolean storeMethodInvocation) {

        final RelationshipAnalyzer analyzer = new RelationshipAnalyzer(aListOfSubmittedConstituents,
                aCodeLevelModel, storeMethodInvocation);

        // Yann 2004/08/02: Explanations.
        // First, I build the method invocations for all methods
        // in the idiom-level model.

        // Then, I create relationships according to the
        // method invocations created.
        // Yann 2007/10/30: AACRelationshipAnalyse!
        // The building of the relationships is now
        // externalised in a real analysis.

        return aListOfSubmittedConstituents;

    // TODO: This list should be a set.
    private final ICodeLevelModel codeLevelModel;
    private final LightMethodInvocationAnalyzer lightMethodInvocationAnalyzer;
    private final List listOfMethodInvocations;
    private final List listOfSubmittedConstituents;
    private final boolean storeMethodInvocation;

    private RelationshipAnalyzer(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel,
            final boolean storeMethodInvocation) {

        this.listOfSubmittedConstituents = aListOfSubmittedConstituents;
        this.codeLevelModel = aCodeLevelModel;
        this.storeMethodInvocation = storeMethodInvocation;

        this.lightMethodInvocationAnalyzer = new LightMethodInvocationAnalyzer(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(),

        this.listOfMethodInvocations = new ArrayList();

    private void addMethodInvocations() {
        // Yann 2004/06/02: Diry hack!
        // See the construction of method invocations...
        if (RelationshipAnalyzer.ASSIGNMENT_METHOD == null) {
            RelationshipAnalyzer.ASSIGNMENT_METHOD = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory()
                    .createMethod(RelationshipAnalyzer.EQUAL_SIGN, RelationshipAnalyzer.EQUAL_SIGN);
            // Yann 2007/11/13: Clone!
            // I should not forget to prepare a possible clone
            // of this "method" in case I clone a model in
            // which it is used... BAD BAD UGLY CODE!!!

        // A method submitted is a Use if inside the
        // method body there are some methods calls or some fields
        // access (at least one) or some instance creation.
        // A method is also a Use when it returns an
        // object, not a primitive type.
        // Well, all methods (almost) are PLinkingMethods.
        final Iterator iterator = this.listOfSubmittedConstituents.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            final Object member =;
            if (member instanceof ExtendedMethodInfo) {
                final ExtendedMethodInfo methodInfo = (ExtendedMethodInfo) member;
                final IFirstClassEntity currentEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                        methodInfo.getDeclaringClassName(), RelationshipAnalyzer.MapOfIDsEntities);

                // final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                this.listOfMethodInvocations.addAll(this.analyseLightMethodInvocations(currentEntity, methodInfo));
                // OutputManager.getCurrentOutputManager().getOutput().println(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);

                // TODO: This is not the best place to call computeMethodInvocations(),
                // this method should be called within the recognizeMethod() method.

                // Yann 2004/03/25: Hack!
                // There seems to be some bugs in the computation
                // of method invocations. I surround the method call
                // with a catch block to prevent the failure of tests.
                // Even though, some tests still fail and also an
                // infinite loop occurs in
                // MethodInvocationAnalyer.createCouples(...).
                // Also, the name of method added to Ghost should not
                // include parentheses:
                //     public void <init>()()
                // ->
                //     public void <init>()
                // Yann 2004/08/02: Comment.
                // The previous comment is no longer valid.

                // Yann 2004/07/31: Message types.
                // I know add the method invocations created during the
                // analysis of method bodies to create more relationships
                // if appropriate.
                // Yann 2004/07/30: Object-orientation.
                // The flag "storeMethodInvocation" is *not* object-oriented
                // programming. However, it helps in increasing performances
                // by avoiding to recompute many variables to compute then
                // method invocations.
                this.listOfMethodInvocations.addAll(this.analyseDeepMethodInvocations(currentEntity, methodInfo));

    private List analyseDeepMethodInvocations(final IFirstClassEntity currentEntity,
            final ExtendedMethodInfo methodInfo) {

        final IOperation currentMethod = (IOperation) currentEntity
        final DeepMethodInvocationAnalyzer analyzer = DeepMethodInvocationAnalyzer.getUniqueInstance();
        final List couplesOfUsedAttributes = analyzer.analyzeMethod(methodInfo);

        final List methodInvocations = new ArrayList();
        boolean foundArrayStaticOrNot = false;
        Vector foundFieldStaticOrNot = null;
        IFirstClassEntity foundEntityDeclaringField = null;
        boolean foundArrayLoad = false;
        final Iterator iterAttributes = couplesOfUsedAttributes.iterator();
        while (iterAttributes.hasNext()) {
            final String[] nextCouple = (String[]);
            final boolean isFieldEmpty = Utils.isMemberNameEmptyOrEqual(nextCouple[0]);
            final boolean isMethodEmpty = Utils.isMemberNameEmpty(nextCouple[1]);

            final IFirstClassEntity entityDeclaringField;
            final IFirstClassEntity entityDeclaringMethod;
            final Vector callingFields;
            final IOperation calledMethod;
            ExtendedMethodInvocation methodInvocation = null;

            // Yann 2012/02/02: Dealing with static arrays!
            // The idea is to remember if a static array is
            // used just before an instance method invocation,
            // then a dedicated IMetodInvocation is created.
            if (nextCouple[1] != null && nextCouple[1].endsWith(":" + JVMConstants.AALOAD)) {

                foundArrayLoad = true;

            if (!isFieldEmpty && !isMethodEmpty && !Utils.isAnonymousOrLocalEntity(
                    nextCouple[0].substring(0, nextCouple[0].indexOf(" ")).toCharArray())) {

                callingFields = this.createFieldsFromFieldInfos(nextCouple[0]);

                // Yann 2004/06/02: Field assignment!
                // I want to know when a field is assigned to
                // distinguish data type from ordanary class.
                if (nextCouple[1].equals(String.valueOf(RelationshipAnalyzer.EQUAL_SIGN))) {

                    calledMethod = RelationshipAnalyzer.ASSIGNMENT_METHOD;
                } else {
                    calledMethod = this.createOperation(nextCouple[1]);
                entityDeclaringField = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                        nextCouple[0].substring(0, nextCouple[0].indexOf(" ")).toCharArray(),
                if (nextCouple[1].equals(String.valueOf(RelationshipAnalyzer.EQUAL_SIGN))) {

                    entityDeclaringMethod = null;
                } else {
                    final String fieldNameAndType = nextCouple[0].substring(nextCouple[0].indexOf(" ") + 1);

                    String fieldType = fieldNameAndType.substring(fieldNameAndType.indexOf('.') + 1);
                    final int hashCharPos = fieldType.indexOf('#');
                    if (hashCharPos > 0) {
                        fieldType = fieldType.substring(0, hashCharPos);

                    entityDeclaringMethod = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                            fieldType.toCharArray(), RelationshipAnalyzer.MapOfIDsEntities);
                methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(), currentEntity,
                        // Yann 2012/02/02: Not sure!
                        // I believe that we should use the commented code
                        // instead of the uncommented code. However, the
                        // commented code leads to the creation of more
                        // aggregation relationships than expected, see
                        // for example the test
                        //   padl.creator.test.classfile.example.CreationLink_INSTANCE_CREATION_3
                                (IField) callingFields.lastElement(), calledMethod),
                        ((IField) callingFields.lastElement()).getCardinality(), entityDeclaringMethod,
            } else if (!isFieldEmpty && isMethodEmpty && !Utils.isAnonymousOrLocalEntity(
                    nextCouple[0].substring(0, nextCouple[0].indexOf(" ")).toCharArray())) {

                callingFields = this.createFieldsFromFieldInfos(nextCouple[0]);
                // Yann 2007/01/24: Unneeded test
                // The test of the callingFields being null
                // is only needed because of the bug documented
                // in method extractFieldName()!
                if (callingFields.get(0) == null) {
                entityDeclaringField = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                        nextCouple[0].substring(0, nextCouple[0].indexOf(" ")).toCharArray(),
                // Yann 2012/02/02: Null Object!
                // The use of the "null" value below is really ugly
                // and suggest misadapted interface: at least a Null
                // Object should be used in this code.
                // TODO: Remove the use of "null"
                methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(), currentEntity,
                        currentMethod, IMethodInvocation.OTHER,
                        ((IField) callingFields.lastElement()).getCardinality(), null, entityDeclaringField);

                // Yann 2012/02/02: Dealing with static arrays!
                // The idea is to remember if a static array is
                // used just before an instance method invocation,
                // then a dedicated IMetodInvocation is created.
                if (((IField) callingFields.lastElement()).getCardinality() == Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY) {
                    foundArrayStaticOrNot = true;
                    foundFieldStaticOrNot = callingFields;
                    foundEntityDeclaringField = entityDeclaringField;
            } else if (isFieldEmpty && !isMethodEmpty && !Utils.isAnonymousOrLocalEntity(
                    nextCouple[1].substring(0, nextCouple[1].indexOf(" ")).toCharArray())) {

                calledMethod = this.createOperation(nextCouple[1]);
                entityDeclaringMethod = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                        nextCouple[1].substring(0, nextCouple[1].indexOf(" ")).toCharArray(),

                // Yann 2012/03/23: New case!
                // Sgla found out that in Lucene Core v3.0.3, the callee is
                // actually "long[]", which leads to entityDeclaringMethod being
                // null and thus break the code below...
                if (entityDeclaringMethod != null) {

                    // Yann 2012/02/02: Dealing with static arrays!
                    // The idea is to remember if a static array is
                    // used just before an instance method invocation,
                    // then a dedicated IMetodInvocation is created.
                    if (foundArrayStaticOrNot && foundArrayLoad) {
                        methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(),
                                currentEntity, currentMethod,
                                        (IField) foundFieldStaticOrNot.lastElement(), calledMethod),
                                ((IField) foundFieldStaticOrNot.lastElement()).getCardinality(),
                                entityDeclaringMethod, foundEntityDeclaringField);

                        foundArrayStaticOrNot = false;
                        foundFieldStaticOrNot = null;
                        foundEntityDeclaringField = null;
                        foundArrayLoad = false;
                    } else {
                        // Yann 2012/02/21: Cardinality
                        // Thanks to Aminata, we have now clear test about
                        // method invocations and we unify the created MIs
                        // between the JavaFile Creator and the ClassFile 
                        // Creator. From now on, cardinality also matters
                        // in the following...

                        final int cardinality;
                        // I must use getID because I need the package name, not just the simple name.
                        if (Util.isArrayOrCollection(entityDeclaringMethod.getID()) || foundArrayLoad) {

                            cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY;
                        } else {
                            cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_ONE;

                        methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(),
                                currentEntity, currentMethod,
                                RelationshipAnalyzer.computeMethodInvocationTypeDirect(currentMethod, calledMethod),
                                cardinality, entityDeclaringMethod);

            if (this.storeMethodInvocation && methodInvocation != null) {

        return methodInvocations;

    //   private static int computeMethodInvocationType(
    //      final IField lastCallingField,
    //      final IOperation calledMethod) {
    //      // Aminata and Yann 2011/09/06: Type.
    //      // I compute the type and cardinality
    //      // of the method invocation.
    //      if (lastCallingField.isStatic()) {
    //         if (calledMethod.isStatic()) {
    //            return IMethodInvocation.CLASS_CLASS_FROM_FIELD;
    //         }
    //         else {
    //            return IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CLASS_FROM_FIELD;
    //         }
    //      }
    //      else {
    //         if (calledMethod != null && calledMethod.isStatic()) {
    //            return IMethodInvocation.CLASS_INSTANCE_FROM_FIELD;
    //         }
    //         else {
    //            return IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_INSTANCE_FROM_FIELD;
    //         }
    //      }
    //   }
    private List analyseLightMethodInvocations(final IFirstClassEntity anEntity,
            final ExtendedMethodInfo aMethodInfo) {

        final List methodInvocations = new ArrayList();
        // Yann 2004/04/04: Context!
        // The RelationshipAnalyzer builds its 
        // initial context itself.
        //   final Context context =
        //      new Context(
        //         anEntity,
        //         anAbstractLevelModel,
        //         aMethodInfo,
        //         aConstantPool,
        //         messageTypes);
        final AttrInfoList attributeInfoList = aMethodInfo.getAttributes();
        final CodeAttrInfo codeAttributeInfo = (CodeAttrInfo) attributeInfoList.get("Code");

        if (codeAttributeInfo != null) {
            final byte[] rawCode = codeAttributeInfo.getCode();
            final ImmutableCodeSegment immutableCodeSegment = new ImmutableCodeSegment(rawCode);

            // For each instruction found into the class file.
            //      AbstractState state = DefaultState.getCurrentDefaultState();
            this.lightMethodInvocationAnalyzer.initialise(anEntity, aMethodInfo);
            for (int j = 0; j < immutableCodeSegment.getNumInstructions(); j++) {
                final int offset = immutableCodeSegment.getOffset(j);
                // state.handleRequest(context, offset);
                // state = state.getNextState();

        // Yann 2004/08/02: Question!
        // How could the enclosing method be null?
        // In the case aMethodInfo.getName().equals("<init>"), of course!
        // final String methodName = aMethodInfo.getName();
        final IOperation method;
        // Yann 2008/09/05: Is this code necessary?
        // It generates a bug in case a member class is named
        // as its enclosing class because getEntityFromName() will
        // return the member class instead of the constructor!
        // Thanks to Alban for discovering this bug!
        //   if (Utils.isSpecialMethod(methodName)) {
        //      method =
        //         (IAbstractMethod) anEntity.getEntityFromName(
        //            Util.computeSimpleName(anEntity.getName()));
        //   }
        //   else {
        method = (IOperation) anEntity.getConstituentFromID(Utils.computeSignature(aMethodInfo));
        //   }
        methodInvocations.addAll(this.analyseParameters(anEntity, method));
        methodInvocations.addAll(this.analyseReturnType(anEntity, method));

        // Yann 2005/08/05: Method invocations!
        // I must not forget to add to the current method
        // its appropriate method invocations, else how could
        // I reproduce the AAC algorithm elsewhere???
        if (this.storeMethodInvocation) {
            final IOperation currentMethod = (IOperation) anEntity

            final Iterator iterator = methodInvocations.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                final ExtendedMethodInvocation methodInvocation = (ExtendedMethodInvocation);


        return methodInvocations;

    private List analyseParameters(final IFirstClassEntity anOriginEntity, final IOperation aMethod) {

        // Parameters.
        final List methodInvocations = new ArrayList();
        // Yann 2005/10/12: Iterator!
        // I have now an iterator able to iterate over a
        // specified type of constituent of a list.
        final Iterator iterator = aMethod.getIteratorOnConstituents(IParameter.class);
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            final IParameter parameter = (IParameter);
            if (!padl.util.Util.isPrimtiveType(parameter.getTypeName())) {
                final IEntity targetEntity = parameter.getType();
                if (targetEntity instanceof IFirstClassEntity) {

                    // Yann 2006/02/08: Members!
                    // The getEntityFromID() method takes care of members and ghosts...
                    //   // Yann 2002/08/01: Ghost!
                    //   // From now on, if an entity cannot be found in the
                    //   // list of entities, I create a ghost for it...
                    //   if (targetEntity == null) {
                    //      try {
                    //         targetEntity =
                    //            aFactory.createGhost(parameter.getType());
                    //         anAbstractLevelModel.addEntity(targetEntity);
                    //      }
                    //      catch (final ModelDeclarationException mde) {
                    //      }
                    //   }

                    final ExtendedMethodInvocation methodInvocation;
                    if (Access.isStatic(aMethod.getVisibility())) {
                        methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(),
                                anOriginEntity, aMethod, IMethodInvocation.CLASS_CLASS, parameter.getCardinality(),
                                (IFirstClassEntity) targetEntity);
                    } else {
                        methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(),
                                anOriginEntity, aMethod, IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CLASS,
                                parameter.getCardinality(), (IFirstClassEntity) targetEntity);

                    // Yann 2004/04/04: Duplicate!
                    // Now that we record method invocations,
                    // is the duplication test valid still?
                    if (!methodInvocations.contains(methodInvocation)) {

        // Yann 2007/11/14: Method invocations!
        // I should NOT forget to add the newly
        // created method invocations to the
        // current method... Well, actually, this
        // increases the number of UseRelationships
        // possibly unduly... and it fails many tests!
        //   iterator = methodInvocations.iterator();
        //   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        //      final ExtendedMethodInvocation methodInvocation =
        //         (ExtendedMethodInvocation);
        //      final IMethodInvocation mi =
        //         methodInvocation.getMethodInvocation();
        //      try {
        //         if (!aMethod.doesContainConstituentWithID(mi.getID())) {
        //            aMethod.addConstituent(mi);
        //         }
        //      }
        //      catch (final ModelDeclarationException e) {
        //         e.printStackTrace();
        //      }
        //   }

        return methodInvocations;

    private List analyseReturnType(final IFirstClassEntity anEntity, final IOperation aMethod) {

        final List methodInvocations = new ArrayList();
        if (aMethod instanceof IMethod) {
            // Return type.
            char[] invocationSiteName = ((IMethod) aMethod).getReturnType();
            String invocationSiteDisplayName = String.valueOf(invocationSiteName);
            int cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY;
            int index;
            if ((index = invocationSiteDisplayName.indexOf('[')) == -1) {
                cardinality = Constants.CARDINALITY_ONE;
                index = invocationSiteDisplayName.length();
            invocationSiteDisplayName = invocationSiteDisplayName.substring(0, index);
            invocationSiteName = invocationSiteDisplayName.toCharArray();

            if (!Util.isPrimtiveType(invocationSiteName)) {
                final IFirstClassEntity targetEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                        invocationSiteName, RelationshipAnalyzer.MapOfIDsEntities);
                // Yann 2006/02/08: Members!
                // The getConstituentFromID() method takes care of members and ghosts...
                //   // Yann 2002/08/01: Ghost!
                //   // From now on, if an entity cannot be found in the
                //   // list of entities, I create a ghost for it...
                //   if (targetEntity == null) {
                //      try {
                //         targetEntity =
                //            aFactory.createGhost(invocationSiteName);
                //         anAbstractLevelModel.addConstituent(targetEntity);
                //      }
                //      catch (final ModelDeclarationException mde) {
                //      }
                //   }

                final ExtendedMethodInvocation methodInvocation;
                if (Access.isStatic(aMethod.getVisibility())) {
                    methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(), anEntity,
                            aMethod, IMethodInvocation.CLASS_INSTANCE, cardinality, targetEntity);
                } else {
                    methodInvocation = new ExtendedMethodInvocation(this.codeLevelModel.getFactory(), anEntity,
                            aMethod, IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_INSTANCE, cardinality, targetEntity);

                // Yann 2004/04/04: Duplicate!
                // Now that we record method invocations,
                // is the duplication test valid still?
                // (See also method Context.addMessageType().)
                if (!methodInvocations.contains(methodInvocation)) {

        // Yann 2007/11/14: Method invocations!
        // I should NOT forget to add the newly
        // created method invocations to the
        // current method... Well, actually, this
        // increases the number of UseRelationships
        // possibly unduly... and it fails many tests!
        //   final Iterator iterator = methodInvocations.iterator();
        //   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        //      final ExtendedMethodInvocation methodInvocation =
        //         (ExtendedMethodInvocation);
        //      final IMethodInvocation mi =
        //         methodInvocation.getMethodInvocation();
        //      try {
        //         if (!aMethod.doesContainConsituentWithID(mi.getID())) {
        //            aMethod.addConstituent(mi);
        //         }
        //      }
        //      catch (final ModelDeclarationException e) {
        //         e.printStackTrace();
        //      }
        //   }

        return methodInvocations;

    private IOperation createConstructor(final IFirstClassEntity anOriginEntity, final char[] anID) {

        final IConstructor constructor = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory().createConstructor(anID,

        // Yann 2004/08/02: Analysis of parameters.
        // I don't really need to analyse parameters of newly created
        // methods (in ghosts) because these don't have any parameters.
        this.listOfMethodInvocations.addAll(this.analyseParameters(anOriginEntity, constructor));

        return constructor;

    private IOperation createOperation(final String methodData) {
        // Get the method signature, return type, and declaring class name.
        final char[] usedMethodName = RelationshipAnalyzer.computeSignature(methodData);
        final char[] methodClassName = methodData.substring(0, methodData.indexOf(" ")).toCharArray();
        final char[] returnType = RelationshipAnalyzer.extractReturnType(methodData);

        // Get the declaring entity from the abstract level model.

        // Yann 2008/12/15: Arrays!
        // There is the case of the clone() method
        // defined in a java.lang.String[] and
        // returning as expected a java.lang.Object.
        // I handle this case by giving back to Ceasar,
        // what belongs to Ceasar...
        final IFirstClassEntity entityDeclaringMethod;
        if (Util.isArray(methodClassName)) {
            entityDeclaringMethod = Factory.getInstance().createHierarchyRoot();
            RelationshipAnalyzer.MapOfIDsEntities.put(methodClassName, entityDeclaringMethod);
            //   Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(
            //      this.codeLevelModel,
            //      RelationshipAnalyzer.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT,
            //      RelationshipAnalyzer.MapOfIDsEntities);
        } else {
            entityDeclaringMethod = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel, methodClassName,

        // Yann 2006/02/08: Members!
        // The searchForEntity() method takes care of members and ghosts...
        //   IEntity entityDeclaringMethod =
        //      (IEntity) (anAbstractLevelModel.getConstituentFromID(methodClassName));
        //   if (entityDeclaringMethod == null) {
        //      try {
        //         // I create a ghost because the entity is null.
        //         entityDeclaringMethod = aFactory.createGhost(methodClassName);
        //         // The ghost is added to the abstract level model.
        //         anAbstractLevelModel.addConstituent(entityDeclaringMethod);
        //      }
        //      catch (final ModelDeclarationException e) {
        //         e.printStackTrace(
        //            OutputManager.getCurrentOutputManager().getErrorOutput());
        //      }
        //   }

        final IOperation calledMethod = this.searchForMethod(usedMethodName, returnType, entityDeclaringMethod);

        if (calledMethod == null) {
            ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput().println("Cannot find called method!");
            ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput().print("Method name   :");
            ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput().print("Return type   :");
            ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput().print("Declaring type: ");
                    "Missing called method can happen if there is a compile error: a method is called but undefined in the class of the instance on which it is called.");

        return calledMethod;

    private Vector createFieldsFromFieldInfos(final String fieldInfos) {
        final Vector callingFields = new Vector();
        final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fieldInfos, "#");
        IFirstClassEntity entityDeclaringField = null;
        IField aCallingField = null;
        while (st.hasMoreElements()) {

            final String oneFieldInfo = st.nextToken();
            //Extracts the field name
            final String usedFieldName = RelationshipAnalyzer.extractFieldName(oneFieldInfo);

            try {
                //Extracts the entity name that declares the field
                final String entityNameDeclaringField = oneFieldInfo.substring(0, oneFieldInfo.indexOf(" "));

                // Gets from the abstract level model the entity within its name
                entityDeclaringField = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(this.codeLevelModel,
                        entityNameDeclaringField.toCharArray(), RelationshipAnalyzer.MapOfIDsEntities);
                // Yann 2006/02/08: Members!
                // The getConstituentFromID() method takes care of members and ghosts...
                //   // Tests if the entity exists. Otherwise, I create a ghost. 
                //   if (entityDeclaringField == null) {
                //      try {
                //         // Extracts the field type
                //         String fieldType =
                //            RelationshipAnalyzer.extractFieldType(
                //               oneFieldInfo);
                //         final int cardinality =
                //            padl.util.Util.isArrayOrCollection(fieldType)
                //               ? Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY
                //               : Constants.CARDINALITY_ONE;
                //         // Creates a new Ghost and a field by the Factory
                //         entityDeclaringField =
                //            aFactory.createGhost(entityNameDeclaringField);
                //         aCallingField =
                //            aFactory.createField(
                //               usedFieldName,
                //               fieldType,
                //               cardinality);
                //         // The field is added to the new ghost
                //         entityDeclaringField.addConstituent(aCallingField);
                //         anAbstractLevelModel.addConstituent(entityDeclaringField);
                //      }
                //      catch (final ModelDeclarationException e) {
                //         e.printStackTrace(
                //            OutputManager
                //               .getCurrentOutputManager()
                //               .getErrorOutput());
                //      }
                //   }
                //   else {
                aCallingField = (IField) entityDeclaringField.getConstituentFromID(usedFieldName);
                // Yann 2007/01/24: Unneeded test
                // The test of the usedFieldName being empty
                // is only needed because of the bug documented
                // in method extractFieldName()!
                if (aCallingField == null && !usedFieldName.equals("")) {
                    final String fieldType = RelationshipAnalyzer.extractFieldType(oneFieldInfo);
                    final int cardinality = padl.util.Util.isArrayOrCollection(fieldType.toCharArray())
                            ? Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY
                            : Constants.CARDINALITY_ONE;

                    aCallingField = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory().createField(usedFieldName.toCharArray(),
                            usedFieldName.toCharArray(), fieldType.toCharArray(), cardinality);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
        return callingFields;

    private IOperation createMethod(final IFirstClassEntity anOriginEntity, final char[] anID,
            final char[] aReturnType, final char[] aName) {

        final IMethod method = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory().createMethod(anID, aName);

        this.listOfMethodInvocations.addAll(this.analyseReturnType(anOriginEntity, method));
        // Yann 2004/08/02: Analysis of parameters.
        // I don't really need to analyse parameters of newly created
        // methods (in ghosts) because these don't have any parameters.
        this.listOfMethodInvocations.addAll(this.analyseParameters(anOriginEntity, method));

        return method;

    private void createRelationships() {
        IRelationship relationship = null;
        final Iterator e = this.listOfMethodInvocations.iterator();

        while (e.hasNext()) {
            // This is a Use because it has object references.
            final ExtendedMethodInvocation methodInvocation = (ExtendedMethodInvocation);
            final char[] name = methodInvocation.getEnclosingMethod().getName();

            //   System.err.print(
            //      methodInvocation.getType() == IMethodInvocation.CLASS_CLASS
            //         || methodInvocation.getType()
            //            == IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CLASS);
            //   System.err.print(" ");
            //   System.err.println(methodInvocation.getTargetEntity() != null);

            // Yann 2004/08/02: Assignment.
            // I record assignments as method invocations which
            // name is "=" and target entity is null. I don't
            // create relationships for such method invocations.
            if (methodInvocation.getTargetEntity() != null) {
                switch (methodInvocation.getType()) {
                case IMethodInvocation.CLASS_CLASS:
                case IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CLASS:
                    // Yann 2002/12/15: Distinction!
                    // If the current entity is an interface
                    // then we have an agregation relationship,
                    // not a use relationship: If an
                    // interface returns an object, the concrete
                    // implementation must store this object
                    // somewhere! So... aggregation!
                    // Yann 2003/06/12: Spurious?
                    // Well, the preceding comment and its
                    // implementation lead to hard-to-understand
                    // relationships... So, removed!
                    //   if (currentEntity.isAbstract()) {
                    //      element =
                    //         new Aggregation(
                    //            actorName,
                    //            messageType.getTargetEntity(),
                    //            messageType.getCardinality());
                    //   }
                    //   else {
                    relationship = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory().createUseRelationship(name,
                            methodInvocation.getTargetEntity(), methodInvocation.getCardinality());
                    // Yann 2004/07/31: Origin entity.
                    // The current entity is not the origin entity,
                    // the origin entity is stored in the message
                    // type from now on.
                    //   currentEntity.addConstituent(element);
                    RelationshipAnalyzer.addRelationship(methodInvocation.getOriginEntity(), relationship);

                case IMethodInvocation.CLASS_INSTANCE:
                case IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_INSTANCE:
                    relationship = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory().createAssociationRelationship(name,
                            methodInvocation.getTargetEntity(), methodInvocation.getCardinality());
                    // Yann 2004/07/31: Origin entity.
                    // The current entity is not the origin entity,
                    // the origin entity is stored in the message
                    // type from now on.
                    //   currentEntity.addConstituent(element);
                    RelationshipAnalyzer.addRelationship(methodInvocation.getOriginEntity(), relationship);

                case IMethodInvocation.CLASS_CLASS_FROM_FIELD:
                case IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CLASS_FROM_FIELD:
                case IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_INSTANCE_FROM_FIELD:
                    relationship = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory().createAggregationRelationship(name,
                            methodInvocation.getTargetEntity(), methodInvocation.getCardinality());
                    // Yann 2004/07/31: Origin entity.
                    // The current entity is not the origin entity,
                    // the origin entity is stored in the message
                    // type from now on.
                    //   currentEntity.addConstituent(element);
                    RelationshipAnalyzer.addRelationship(methodInvocation.getOriginEntity(), relationship);

                case IMethodInvocation.INSTANCE_CREATION:
                    relationship = this.codeLevelModel.getFactory().createCreationRelationship(name,
                            methodInvocation.getTargetEntity(), methodInvocation.getCardinality());
                    // Yann 2004/07/31: Origin entity.
                    // The current entity is not the origin entity,
                    // the origin entity is stored in the message
                    // type from now on.
                    //   currentEntity.addConstituent(element);
                    RelationshipAnalyzer.addRelationship(methodInvocation.getOriginEntity(), relationship);

                case IMethodInvocation.OTHER:

                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "An instance of MethodInvocation must have a recognized type value (was "
                                    + methodInvocation.getType() + ')');

    private IOperation searchForMethod(final char[] usedMethodName, final char[] returnType,
            final IFirstClassEntity entityDeclaringMethod) {

        IOperation calledMethod = null;

        // Yann 2006/07/29: Compatiblity!
        // There is a compatibility issue between classfiles v1.1-
        // and v1.2+, i.e., compiled with a 1.3- compiler and with
        // a 1.4+ compiler: the methodref pointed by the index in
        // a invokevirtual bytecode has changed. In the case of two
        // classes A and B such as A -<|- B, A defines foo(), B
        // defines bar() that calls, the 1.1- bytcode 
        // looks like this (from BCEL):
        //   [Code(max_stack = 1, max_locals = 1, code_length = 5)
        //   0:    aload_0
        //   1:    invokevirtual ()V (17)
        //   4:    return
        //   Attribute(s) = 
        //   LineNumber(0, 5), LineNumber(4, 6)
        //   LocalVariable(start_pc = 0, length = 5, index = 0:padl.test.method.B this)
        //   ]
        // while the 1.2+ looks like that:
        //   [Code(max_stack = 1, max_locals = 1, code_length = 5)
        //   0:    aload_0
        //   1:    invokevirtual ()V (17)
        //   4:    return
        //   Attribute(s) = 
        //   LineNumber(0, 5), LineNumber(4, 6)
        //   LocalVariable(start_pc = 0, length = 5, index = 0:padl.test.method.B this)
        //   ]
        // Note the change in the methodref: with 1.1- it is:
        // while with 1.2+ it is:
        // and that actually makes a hell of a difference,  because we 
        // were assuming that if the method did not exist we should add 
        // it, regardless if this was to a IGhost or a IClass.
        // Thus, with 1.2+ bytecode, class B would define an additional
        // method foo() because of "": indeed,
        // method foo() does not exist in B and thus it would be added!
        // I modified the test below to add the "instanceof", which
        // fixes nicely the problem.
        if (!entityDeclaringMethod.doesContainConstituentWithID(usedMethodName)
                && entityDeclaringMethod instanceof IGhost) {

            // Yann 2004/04/03: Constituent ID!
            // When creating a new method, we give it a unique actorID.
            // We must also give it a name without extra parentheses.
            // TODO: Refactor to remove the call to substring().
            // Yann 2004/04/09: Modifiers!
            // When creating a new method, we must also set its modifier:
            // Test case padl.test.example.Composite1 fails because the
            // print() method built should be set abstract.
            // Yann 2004/05/20: Constructors.
            // If the method is a constructor, its name is
            // its declaring class name.
            final char[] name = ArrayUtils.subarray(usedMethodName, 0, ArrayUtils.indexOf(usedMethodName, '('));
            if (Utils.isSpecialMethod(name)) {
                // Creates a new constructor that will be added to the ghost
                calledMethod = this.createConstructor(entityDeclaringMethod, usedMethodName);
            } else {
                // Creates a new method that will be added to the ghost
                calledMethod = this.createMethod(entityDeclaringMethod, usedMethodName, returnType, name);
        } else {
            calledMethod = (IOperation) entityDeclaringMethod.getConstituentFromID(usedMethodName);

        // Yann 2006/08/03: Compatibility!
        // Now that I don't add a method in silly cases, I must
        // look for this method in the hierarchy of the current 
        // entity, because it can be defined higher up in the
        // hierarchy...
        // We are in Java, only one super-class is allowed.
        // Yann 2007/03/16: Interfaces...
        // But we could be dealing with an interface,
        // with no super-interfaces...
        // TODO: Anyhow, it is strange to deal with interfaces here...
        Iterator iterator = entityDeclaringMethod.getIteratorOnInheritedEntities();
        if (calledMethod == null && iterator.hasNext()) {
             * Alban : 2008/09/30
             * Iterate on all parents to find method
            while (iterator.hasNext() && calledMethod == null) {
                calledMethod = this.searchForMethod(usedMethodName, returnType,

        if (entityDeclaringMethod instanceof IClass) {
            iterator = ((IClass) entityDeclaringMethod).getIteratorOnImplementedInterfaces();
            if (calledMethod == null && iterator.hasNext()) {
                * Aminata & Venera : 2011/08/19 
                * Iterate on all interfaces to find method
                while (iterator.hasNext() && calledMethod == null) {
                    calledMethod = this.searchForMethod(usedMethodName, returnType,

        return calledMethod;