Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The AppCan Open Source Project. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.zywx.wbpalmstar.engine; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.zywx.wbpalmstar.engine.universalex.EUExWidget.SpaceClickListener; import org.zywx.wbpalmstar.platform.myspace.MySpaceView; import org.zywx.wbpalmstar.widgetone.WidgetOneApplication; import org.zywx.wbpalmstar.widgetone.dataservice.WWidgetData; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import; public class EBrowser { public static final int F_BRW_FLAG_NONE = 0x0; public static final int F_BRW_FLAG_OPENING = 0x1; public static int webview_count = 0; private Context mContext; private EBrowserWidgetPool mBrwWindPol; private ENotification mNotifyMgr; private static int mflag; private boolean mfromPush; private Map<String, Bitmap> mBgBitmapCache; private WidgetOneApplication mApp; public EBrowser(Context context) { mContext = context; mApp = (WidgetOneApplication) mContext.getApplicationContext(); } public void init(EBrowserWidgetPool eBrwWidPo) { mBrwWindPol = eBrwWidPo; webview_count = 0; } public static void setFlag(int flag) { mflag |= flag; } public static void clearFlag() { mflag &= F_BRW_FLAG_NONE; } public static boolean checkFlag(int flag) { return (mflag & flag) != 0; } public static int assignCountID() { int c = webview_count; webview_count++; return c; } public void dumpPageInfo(int type) { mBrwWindPol.dumpPageInfo(type); } public WWidgetData getRootWidget() { return mBrwWindPol.getRootWidget(); } public EWidgetStack getWidgetStack() { return mBrwWindPol.getWidgetStack(); } public boolean isFromPush() { return mfromPush; } public void setFromPush(boolean flag) { mfromPush = flag; } protected void start() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.start(); } protected void clean() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } clearFlag(); mBrwWindPol.clean(); } protected void hiddenShelter() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } ((EBrowserActivity) mContext).setPageFinish(true); mBrwWindPol.notifyHiddenShelter(); } protected void pushNotify(String appType) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.pushNotify(appType); } public void uexOnAuthorize(String id) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.uexOnAuthorize(id); } protected void showHover(boolean isInSubWidget) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.showHover(isInSubWidget); } public EBrowserWidget getWidget(String app_id) { return mBrwWindPol.getWidget(app_id); } protected Bitmap getImage(String bgPath) { if (null == bgPath) { return null; } if (null == mBgBitmapCache) { mBgBitmapCache = new Hashtable<String, Bitmap>(); } Bitmap result = mBgBitmapCache.get(bgPath); if (null != result) { return result; } InputStream in = null; try { if (null != bgPath && 0 != bgPath.length()) { if (bgPath.startsWith("/sdcard")) { File file = new File(bgPath); in = new FileInputStream(file); } else if (bgPath.startsWith("widget/")) { AssetManager asm = mContext.getAssets(); in =; } else if (bgPath.startsWith("/data/data")) { File file = new File(bgPath); in = new FileInputStream(file); } else { File file = new File(bgPath); in = new FileInputStream(file); } if (null != in) { result = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in); in.close(); mBgBitmapCache.put(bgPath, result); return result; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (null != in) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } } } return null; } public void systemNotification(String title, String msg) { if (null == mNotifyMgr) { mNotifyMgr = new ENotification(mContext); } mNotifyMgr.notification(title, msg); } public void systemNotificationCancel(int id) { if (null == mNotifyMgr) { mNotifyMgr = new ENotification(mContext); } mNotifyMgr.cancelOne(id); } protected boolean isSpaceShown() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return false; } return mBrwWindPol.isSpaceShown(); } protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } protected void goBack() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.goBack(); } protected void stopLoad() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.stopLoad(); } protected void refresh() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.refresh(); } public void onAppPause() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.onAppPause(); } public void onAppStop() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.onAppStop(); } public void onAppResume() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.onAppResume(); } public void onAppKeyPress(int keyCode) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.onAppKeyPress(keyCode); } public boolean isLockBackKey() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return false; } return mBrwWindPol.isLockBackKey(); } public boolean isLockMenuKey() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return false; } return mBrwWindPol.isLockMenuKey(); } public MySpaceView getAppCenter() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return null; } return mBrwWindPol.getAppCentView(); } public void setMySpaceInfo(String inForResult, String inAnimiId, String inInfo) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.setMySpaceInfo(inForResult, inAnimiId, inInfo); } public void startWidget(WWidgetData inData, EWgtResultInfo inResult) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.startWidget(inData, inResult); } public void exitMySpace() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.exitMySpace(); } public void finishWidget(String inResultInfo, String appId, boolean isWgtBG) { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.finishWidget(inResultInfo, appId, isWgtBG); } protected void showWidget() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.showWidget(); } protected void goMySpace() { if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.goMySpace(); } public void windowOpenAnalytics(EBrowserWindow preWind, EBrwViewEntry entry) { if (! { return; } String beEndUrl = preWind.getRelativeUrl(); String beShowUrl = entry.mRelativeUrl; Map<String, EBrowserView> endPopTable = preWind.getAllPopOver(); int size = endPopTable.size(); String[] beEndPopupUrls = new String[size]; if (size > 0) { Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = endPopTable.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beEndPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } } mApp.disPatchWindowOpen(beEndUrl, beShowUrl, beEndPopupUrls); } public void windowCloseAnalytics(EBrowserWindow preWind, EBrowserWindow nexWindow) { if (! { return; } String beEndUrl = nexWindow.getRelativeUrl(); String beShowUrl = preWind.getRelativeUrl(); Map<String, EBrowserView> showPopTable = preWind.getAllPopOver(); int showSize = showPopTable.size(); String[] beShowPopupUrls = new String[showSize]; if (showSize > 0) { Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = showPopTable.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beShowPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } } Map<String, EBrowserView> endPopTable = nexWindow.getAllPopOver(); int endSize = endPopTable.size(); String[] beEndPopupUrls = new String[endSize]; if (endSize > 0) { Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = endPopTable.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beEndPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } } mApp.disPatchWindowClose(beEndUrl, beShowUrl, beEndPopupUrls, beShowPopupUrls); } public void windowBackAnalytics(EBrowserWindow preWind, EBrowserWindow curWind) { if (! { return; } String beEndUrl = curWind.getRelativeUrl(); String beShowUrl = preWind.getRelativeUrl(); Map<String, EBrowserView> showPopTable = preWind.getAllPopOver(); int showSize = showPopTable.size(); String[] beShowPopupUrls = new String[showSize]; if (showSize > 0) { Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = showPopTable.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beShowPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } } Map<String, EBrowserView> endPopTable = curWind.getAllPopOver(); int endSize = endPopTable.size(); String[] beEndPopupUrls = new String[endSize]; if (endSize > 0) { Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = endPopTable.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beEndPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } } mApp.disPatchWindowBack(beEndUrl, beShowUrl, beEndPopupUrls, beShowPopupUrls); } public void windowForwardAnalytics(EBrowserWindow curWind, EBrowserWindow nextWind) { if (! { return; } String beEndUrl = curWind.getRelativeUrl(); String beShowUrl = nextWind.getRelativeUrl(); Map<String, EBrowserView> showPopTable = nextWind.getAllPopOver(); int showSize = showPopTable.size(); String[] beShowPopupUrls = new String[showSize]; if (showSize > 0) { Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = showPopTable.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beShowPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } } Map<String, EBrowserView> endPopTable = curWind.getAllPopOver(); int endSize = endPopTable.size(); String[] beEndPopupUrls = new String[endSize]; if (endSize > 0) { Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = endPopTable.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beEndPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } } mApp.disPatchWindowForward(beEndUrl, beShowUrl, beEndPopupUrls, beShowPopupUrls); } public void popOpenAnalytics(String curWindowUrl, String beShowPopupUrl) { if (! { return; } mApp.disPatchPopupOpen(curWindowUrl, beShowPopupUrl); } public void popCloseAnalytics(String beEndPopupUrl) { if (! { return; } mApp.disPatchPopupClose(beEndPopupUrl); } public void onAppResumeAnalytics(String beShowUrl, Map<String, EBrowserView> beShowPops) { if (! { return; } int showSize = beShowPops.size(); String[] beShowPopupUrls = new String[showSize]; Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = beShowPops.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beShowPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } mApp.disPatchAppResume(null, beShowUrl, beShowPopupUrls); } public void onAppPauseAnalytics(String beEndUrl, Map<String, EBrowserView> beEndPops) { if (! { return; } int endSize = beEndPops.size(); String[] beEndPopupUrls = new String[endSize]; Set<Entry<String, EBrowserView>> set = beEndPops.entrySet(); int counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, EBrowserView> enry : set) { EBrowserView temp = enry.getValue(); String url = temp.getRelativeUrl(); beEndPopupUrls[counter] = url; counter++; } mApp.disPatchAppPause(beEndUrl, null, beEndPopupUrls); } public void startAnalytics(String startUrl) { if (! { return; } mApp.disPatchAppStart(startUrl); } public void onLoadAppData(JSONObject json) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (null == mBrwWindPol) { return; } mBrwWindPol.onLoadAppData(json); } public void setSpaceEnable(SpaceClickListener listener) { mBrwWindPol.setSpaceEnable(listener); } public void onSlidingWindowStateChanged(int position) { if (null != mBrwWindPol) { mBrwWindPol.onSlidingWindowStateChanged(position); } } }