Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) Zenoss, Inc. 2013, all rights reserved. * * This content is made available according to terms specified in * License.zenoss distributed with this file. * * *************************************************************************** */ package; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; @Component class OpenTsdbMetricService implements MetricService { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenTsdbMetricService.class); @Autowired OpenTsdbMetricService(MetricServiceConfiguration config, @Qualifier("zapp::event-bus::async") EventBus eventBus, MetricsQueue metricsQueue) { // Dependencies this.eventBus = eventBus; this.metricsQueue = metricsQueue; // Configuration this.highCollisionMark = config.getHighCollisionMark(); this.lowCollisionMark = config.getLowCollisionMark(); this.perClientMaxBacklogSize = config.getPerClientMaxBacklogSize(); this.perClientMaxPercentOfFairBacklogSize = config.getPerClientMaxPercentOfFairBacklogSize(); this.maxClientWaitTime = config.getMaxClientWaitTime(); this.minTimeBetweenRetries = config.getMinTimeBetweenNotification(); // State this.lastCollisionCount = new AtomicLong(); } @Override public void incrementReceived(long received) { metricsQueue.incrementReceived(received); } @Override public void incrementSentClientCollision() { metricsQueue.incrementSentClientCollision(); } @Override public void incrementBroadcastLowCollision() { metricsQueue.incrementBroadcastLowCollision(); } @Override public void incrementBroadcastHighCollision() { metricsQueue.incrementBroadcastHighCollision(); } @Override public Control push(final List<Metric> metrics, final String clientId, Runnable onCollision) { if (metrics == null) { return Control.malformedRequest("metrics not nullable"); } if (clientId == null) { metricsQueue.incrementRejected(metrics.size());"Rejected: [{}] clientId not nullable", metrics.size()); return Control.malformedRequest("clientId not nullable"); } long maxPushSize = Math.max(highCollisionMark - 1, perClientMaxBacklogSize()); if (metrics.size() > maxPushSize) { String reason = String.format("cannot push more than %d metrics at a time", maxPushSize); metricsQueue.incrementRejected(metrics.size());"Rejected: [{}] {}", metrics.size(), reason); return Control.malformedRequest(reason); } final List<Metric> copy = Lists.newArrayList(metrics); if (!copy.isEmpty()) { long totalInFlight = metricsQueue.getTotalInFlight(); log.debug("totalInFlight = {}", totalInFlight); if (keepsColliding(copy.size(), clientId, onCollision)) {"Rejected: [{}] consumer is overwhelmed", metrics.size()); metricsQueue.incrementRejected(metrics.size()); return Control.dropped("consumer is overwhelmed"); } metricsQueue.addAll(copy, clientId); // Notify the bus that we are going from no data to some data. if (totalInFlight == 0) {; log.debug("Data received with zero metrics in flight"); } else { log.debug("totalInFlight is nonzero. Sending dataReceived event anyway."); // ZEN-11665: In the event of an openTSDB shutdown, we could be left with inFlight metrics, but not have an event triggered. // Post event for nonzero inFlight so queue doesn't stop polling.; } } return Control.ok(); } /** * Checks {@link #collides(long, String)} until it returns false, or we give up. * Periodic checks are spaced out using an exponential back off. * @param incomingSize the number of metrics being added * @param clientId an identifier for the source of the metrics * @return false if and only if {@link #collides(long, String)} returned false before we gave up. */ private boolean keepsColliding(final long incomingSize, final String clientId, Runnable onCollision) { ExponentialBackOff backOffTracker = null; long retryAt = 0L; long backOff; int collisions = 0; while (true) { if (collisions > 0 && onCollision != null); if (System.currentTimeMillis() > retryAt) { if (collides(incomingSize, clientId)) { metricsQueue.incrementClientCollision(); collisions++; if (backOffTracker == null) { backOffTracker = buildExponentialBackOff(); } try { backOff = backOffTracker.nextBackOffMillis(); retryAt = System.currentTimeMillis() + backOff; } catch (IOException e) { // should never happen log.error("Caught IOException backing off tracker.", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } long elapsed = backOffTracker.getElapsedTimeMillis(); if (ExponentialBackOff.STOP == backOff) { log.warn("Too many collisions ({}). Gave up after {}ms.", collisions, elapsed); return true; } else { log.debug("Collision detected ({} in {}ms). Backing off for {} ms", collisions, elapsed, backOff); } } else { return false; } } try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* no biggie */ } } } private ExponentialBackOff buildExponentialBackOff() { return new ExponentialBackOff.Builder().setInitialIntervalMillis(1) .setMaxIntervalMillis(minTimeBetweenRetries).setMaxElapsedTimeMillis(maxClientWaitTime).build(); } /** * high/low collision test and increment, broad cast control messages */ private boolean collides(final long incomingSize, final String clientId) { long totalInFlight = metricsQueue.getTotalInFlight() + incomingSize; final long collisionCount = lastCollisionCount.getAndSet(totalInFlight); long perClientMaxBacklogSize = perClientMaxBacklogSize(); if (totalInFlight >= highCollisionMark) {;"High collision: {}", totalInFlight); metricsQueue.incrementHighCollision(); return true; } long clientBacklogSize = metricsQueue.clientBacklogSize(clientId); if (totalInFlight >= lowCollisionMark) { if (totalInFlight > collisionCount) {; log.debug("Low collision: {}", totalInFlight); metricsQueue.incrementLowCollision(); } if (clientBacklogSize > 0) return true; } else if (clientBacklogSize + incomingSize > perClientMaxBacklogSize) { log.debug("Client's max backlog size ({}) exceeded.", perClientMaxBacklogSize); return true; } return false; } private long perClientMaxBacklogSize() { if (this.perClientMaxBacklogSize > 0) return this.perClientMaxBacklogSize; long clientCount = Math.max(1, metricsQueue.clientCount()); long result = perClientMaxPercentOfFairBacklogSize * lowCollisionMark / clientCount / 100; if (result > highCollisionMark - 1) return highCollisionMark - 1; if (result < 64) return 64; return result; } /** * event bus for high/low collisions */ private final EventBus eventBus; /** * Shared data structure holding metrics to be pushed into TSDB */ private final TsdbMetricsQueue metricsQueue; /** * high collision detection mark */ private final int highCollisionMark; /** * low collision detection mark */ private final int lowCollisionMark; /** * Each client should be allowed to backlog up to global max backlog (lowCollisionMark) divided by the number of clients. * To allow them to go over that amount, bump this above 100. */ private final int perClientMaxPercentOfFairBacklogSize; /** * per-client maximum backlog size */ private final int perClientMaxBacklogSize; /** * maximum time for a client to wait to add metrics to a backlogged queue before giving up. */ private final int maxClientWaitTime; /** * Maximum time between retries to accept metrics into a back-logged metric queue. */ private final int minTimeBetweenRetries; /** * Variable for tracking whether or not the number of collisions is * still going up or if it is going down */ private final AtomicLong lastCollisionCount; }