Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 YAMJ Members * * * This file is part of the Yet Another Media Jukebox (YAMJ). * * YAMJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * YAMJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with YAMJ. If not, see <>. * * Web: * */ package org.yamj.core.database.dao; import java.util.*; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.yamj.common.type.StatusType; import org.yamj.core.DatabaseCache; import org.yamj.core.database.model.*; import org.yamj.core.database.model.dto.CreditDTO; import org.yamj.core.database.model.dto.QueueDTO; import org.yamj.core.database.model.type.ArtworkType; import org.yamj.core.hibernate.HibernateDao; import; @Transactional @Repository("metadataDao") public class MetadataDao extends HibernateDao { private static final String IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; public List<QueueDTO> getMetadataQueue(final CharSequence sql, final int maxResults) { SQLQuery query = currentSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()); query.setReadOnly(true); query.setCacheable(true); if (maxResults > 0) { query.setMaxResults(maxResults); } List<QueueDTO> queueElements = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object[]> objects = query.list(); for (Object[] object : objects) { QueueDTO queueElement = new QueueDTO(); queueElement.setId(convertRowElementToLong(object[0])); queueElement.setMetadataType(convertRowElementToString(object[1])); queueElement.setDate(convertRowElementToDate(object[3])); if (queueElement.getDate() == null) { queueElement.setDate(convertRowElementToDate(object[2])); } queueElements.add(queueElement); } Collections.sort(queueElements); return queueElements; } public VideoData getVideoData(String identifier) { return getByNaturalIdCaseInsensitive(VideoData.class, IDENTIFIER, identifier); } public Season getSeason(String identifier) { return getByNaturalIdCaseInsensitive(Season.class, IDENTIFIER, identifier); } public Series getSeries(String identifier) { return getByNaturalIdCaseInsensitive(Series.class, IDENTIFIER, identifier); } @Cacheable(value = DatabaseCache.PERSON, key = "#id", unless = "#result==null") public Person getPerson(Long id) { return getById(Person.class, id); } public synchronized void storePerson(CreditDTO dto) { Person person = getByNaturalIdCaseInsensitive(Person.class, IDENTIFIER, dto.getIdentifier()); if (person == null) { // create new person person = new Person(dto.getIdentifier()); person.setSourceDbId(dto.getSource(), dto.getSourceId()); person.setName(dto.getName(), dto.getSource()); person.setFirstName(dto.getFirstName(), dto.getSource()); person.setLastName(dto.getLastName(), dto.getSource()); person.setBirthName(dto.getRealName(), dto.getSource()); person.setStatus(StatusType.NEW); person.setFilmographyStatus(StatusType.NEW); this.saveEntity(person); } else { // these values are not regarded for updating status if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteFirstName(person, dto.getSource())) { person.setFirstName(dto.getFirstName(), dto.getSource()); } if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteLastName(person, dto.getSource())) { person.setLastName(dto.getLastName(), dto.getSource()); } if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteBirthName(person, dto.getSource())) { person.setBirthName(dto.getRealName(), dto.getSource()); } if (person.setSourceDbId(dto.getSource(), dto.getSourceId())) { // if IDs have changed then person update is needed person.setStatus(StatusType.UPDATED); } if (StatusType.DELETED.equals(person.getStatus())) { // if previously deleted then set as updated now person.setStatus(StatusType.UPDATED); } // update person in database this.updateEntity(person); } // set person id for later use dto.setPersonId(person.getId()); } public List<Artwork> findPersonArtworks(String identifier) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select a "); sb.append("from Artwork a "); sb.append("join a.person p "); sb.append("WHERE a.artworkType=:artworkType "); sb.append("AND lower(p.identifier)=:identifier "); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("artworkType", ArtworkType.PHOTO); params.put(IDENTIFIER, identifier.toLowerCase()); return this.findByNamedParameters(sb, params); } }