Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.xwoot.xwootApp.web; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import net.jxta.exception.JxtaException; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.PlatformConfig; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.RdvConfigAdv; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.RelayConfigAdv; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.RdvConfigAdv.RendezVousConfiguration; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup; import net.jxta.platform.NetworkConfigurator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xwoot.contentprovider.Utils; import org.xwoot.contentprovider.XWootContentProviderException; import org.xwoot.contentprovider.XWootContentProviderFactory; import org.xwoot.contentprovider.XWootContentProviderInterface; import org.xwoot.antiEntropy.AntiEntropy; import org.xwoot.antiEntropy.AntiEntropyException; import org.xwoot.clockEngine.Clock; import org.xwoot.clockEngine.ClockException; import org.xwoot.jxta.Peer; import org.xwoot.jxta.PeerFactory; import org.xwoot.jxta.NetworkManager.ConfigMode; import org.xwoot.thomasRuleEngine.ThomasRuleEngine; import org.xwoot.thomasRuleEngine.ThomasRuleEngineException; import org.xwoot.wootEngine.WootEngine; import org.xwoot.wootEngine.WootEngineException; import org.xwoot.xwootApp.AutoSynchronizationThread; import org.xwoot.xwootApp.XWoot3; import org.xwoot.xwootApp.XWootAPI; import org.xwoot.xwootApp.XWootException; import org.xwoot.xwootUtil.FileUtil; /** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @author $author$ * @version $Revision$ */ public class XWootSite { /** Logging helper object. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(XWootSite.class); // singleton instance private static XWootSite instance = new XWootSite(); private boolean started = false; private XWootAPI XWootEngine; public static final String XWIKI_PROPERTIES_FILENAME = ""; public static final String XWOOT_PROPERTIES_FILENAME = ""; public static final String CONTENT_MANAGER_PROPERTIES_FILENAME = ""; public static final String XWIKI_ENDPOINT = "xwiki_endpoint"; public static final String XWIKI_USERNAME = "xwiki_username"; public static final String XWIKI_PASSWORD = "xwiki_password"; public static final String XWOOT_WORKING_DIR = "xwoot_working_dir"; public static final String XWOOT_SERVER_NAME = "xwoot_server_name"; private static final String WOOT_CLOCK_DIR_NAME = "wootclock"; private static final String JXTA_DIR_NAME = "jxta"; private static final String WOOTENGINE_DIR_NAME = "wootEngine"; private static final String TRE_DIR_NAME = "tre"; private static final String AE_DIR_NAME = "antientropy"; private static final String XWOOT_DIR_NAME = "xwoot"; private static final String CONTENT_PROVIDER_DIR_NAME = "contentProvider"; private AutoSynchronizationThread autoSynchronizationThread; // FIXME: 60 seconds for now. Read this from a properties file. private static final int AUTO_SYNCHRONIZE_INTERVAL = 60000; /** @return the singleton instance. */ public static XWootSite getInstance() { return instance; } public static Properties getProperties(String path) { Properties p = new Properties(); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path); p.load(fis); fis.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Cannot load properties, return empty properties. } return p; } /** @return the XWoot engine managed by this XWoot site. */ public XWootAPI getXWootEngine() { return this.XWootEngine; } public AutoSynchronizationThread getAutoSynchronizationThread() { return this.autoSynchronizationThread; } /** * @param siteName * @param workingDirPath * @param contentProviderXmlRpcUrl * @param contentProviderLogin * @param contentProviderPassword * @param contenProviderPropertiesFilePath * @throws RuntimeException * @throws ClockException * @throws WikiContentManagerException * @throws WootEngineException * @throws JxtaException * @throws AntiEntropyException * @throws XWootException * @throws ThomasRuleEngineException * @throws XWootContentProviderException */ public void init(String siteName, String workingDirPath, String contentProviderXmlRpcUrl, String contentProviderLogin, String contentProviderPassword, String contenProviderPropertiesFilePath) throws RuntimeException, ClockException, WootEngineException, JxtaException, AntiEntropyException, XWootException, ThomasRuleEngineException, XWootContentProviderException { // Module directories. File jxtaDir = new File(workingDirPath, JXTA_DIR_NAME); File wootEngineDir = new File(workingDirPath, WOOTENGINE_DIR_NAME); File wootEngineClockDir = new File(workingDirPath, WOOT_CLOCK_DIR_NAME); File treDir = new File(workingDirPath, TRE_DIR_NAME); File aeDir = new File(workingDirPath, AE_DIR_NAME); File xwootDir = new File(workingDirPath, XWOOT_DIR_NAME); File contentProviderDir = new File(workingDirPath, CONTENT_PROVIDER_DIR_NAME); try { // Check and/or create the working dir. FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(workingDirPath); // Do the same for all the components. FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(jxtaDir.toString()); FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(wootEngineDir.toString()); FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(wootEngineClockDir.toString()); FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(treDir.toString()); FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(aeDir.toString()); FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(xwootDir.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("The provided working directory is not usable.", e); } // Init modules. Clock wootEngineClock = new Clock(wootEngineClockDir.toString()); AntiEntropy ae = new AntiEntropy(aeDir.toString()); Peer peer = PeerFactory.createPeer(); ConfigMode initMode = ConfigMode.EDGE; NetworkConfigurator existingNetworkConfigurator = new NetworkConfigurator(); existingNetworkConfigurator.setStoreHome(new File(jxtaDir, siteName).toURI()); if (existingNetworkConfigurator.exists()) { try { existingNetworkConfigurator.load(); PlatformConfig platformConfig = (PlatformConfig) existingNetworkConfigurator.getPlatformConfig(); RelayConfigAdv relayAdvertisement = (RelayConfigAdv) platformConfig .getSvcConfigAdvertisement(PeerGroup.relayProtoClassID); boolean isRelay = relayAdvertisement.isServerEnabled(); RdvConfigAdv rdvAdvertisement = (RdvConfigAdv) platformConfig .getSvcConfigAdvertisement(PeerGroup.rendezvousClassID); boolean isRendezVous = rdvAdvertisement.getConfiguration() .equals(RendezVousConfiguration.RENDEZVOUS); if (isRendezVous && isRelay) { initMode = ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY; } else if (isRendezVous) { initMode = ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS; } else if (isRelay) { initMode = ConfigMode.RELAY; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to read existing network configuration.", e); } } peer.configureNetwork(siteName, jxtaDir, initMode); if (existingNetworkConfigurator.exists()) { // Set the peerID to the one of the existing configuration. peer.getManager().setPeerID(existingNetworkConfigurator.getPeerID()); } PlatformConfig platformConfig = (PlatformConfig) existingNetworkConfigurator.getPlatformConfig(); RdvConfigAdv rdvAdvertisement = (RdvConfigAdv) platformConfig .getSvcConfigAdvertisement(PeerGroup.rendezvousClassID); rdvAdvertisement.setLeaseDuration(11 * 60 * 1000L); rdvAdvertisement.setLeaseMargin(11 * 60 * 1000L); String peerName = peer.getMyPeerName(); String peerId = peer.getMyPeerID().getUniqueValue().toString(); // TODO better properties management Properties contentProviderProperties = XWootSite.getProperties(contenProviderPropertiesFilePath); LOG.debug(contentProviderProperties); String dbLocation = new File(contentProviderDir, peerName).toString(); XWootContentProviderInterface xwiki = XWootContentProviderFactory .getXWootContentProvider(contentProviderXmlRpcUrl, dbLocation, false, contentProviderProperties); WootEngine wootEngine = new WootEngine(peerId, wootEngineDir.toString(), wootEngineClock); ThomasRuleEngine tre = new ThomasRuleEngine(peerId, treDir.toString()); this.XWootEngine = new XWoot3(xwiki, wootEngine, peer, xwootDir.toString(), tre, ae, contentProviderLogin, contentProviderPassword); // FIXME: read the interval from the properties file. this.autoSynchronizationThread = new AutoSynchronizationThread(this.XWootEngine, AUTO_SYNCHRONIZE_INTERVAL); // Mark as started. this.started = true; LOG.debug("Site " + this.XWootEngine.getXWootPeerId() + " initialisation"); } /** @return true if this instance is initialized. */ public boolean isStarted() { return this.started; } public static void savePropertiesInFile(String path, String comments, Properties p) throws IOException { File f = new File(path); f.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);, comments); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } public String updatePropertiesFiles(HttpServletRequest request, String xwikiPropertiesPath, String xwootPropertiesPath) throws IOException { String result = ""; Properties properties; // Update XWiki connection properties. properties = updateXWikiPropertiesFromRequest(request, xwikiPropertiesPath); result += this.validateXWikiProperties(properties); if (result.equals("")) { XWootSite.savePropertiesInFile(xwikiPropertiesPath, " -- XWiki XML-RPC connection properties --", properties); } // Update XWoot properties. properties = updateXWootPropertiesFromRequest(request, xwootPropertiesPath); result += this.validateXWootProperties(properties); if (result.equals("")) { XWootSite.savePropertiesInFile(xwootPropertiesPath, " -- XWoot properties --", properties); } return result; } public Properties updateXWikiPropertiesFromRequest(ServletRequest request, String xwikiPropertiesPath) { Properties p = getProperties(xwikiPropertiesPath); p.put(XWootSite.XWIKI_ENDPOINT, request.getParameter(XWootSite.XWIKI_ENDPOINT)); p.put(XWootSite.XWIKI_USERNAME, request.getParameter(XWootSite.XWIKI_USERNAME)); p.put(XWootSite.XWIKI_PASSWORD, request.getParameter(XWootSite.XWIKI_PASSWORD)); return p; } public Properties updateXWootPropertiesFromRequest(ServletRequest request, String xwootPropertiesPath) { Properties p = getProperties(xwootPropertiesPath); p.put(XWootSite.XWOOT_WORKING_DIR, request.getParameter(XWootSite.XWOOT_WORKING_DIR)); p.put(XWootSite.XWOOT_SERVER_NAME, request.getParameter(XWootSite.XWOOT_SERVER_NAME)); return p; } /** * Checks that the XWiki connection configuration is good: the connection URL is a valid URL, and the username and * password are provided. * * @param properties The configuration to validate. * @return A list of error messages to display to the user, as a <code>String</code>. If the configuration is good, * then an <string>empty <code>String</code></strong> is returned. * @todo Message localization. * @todo Make a simple call to the wiki to verify that there is a wiki at that address, and that the * username/password are valid. */ private final String validateXWikiProperties(Properties properties) { String result = ""; String xwikiEndpoint = properties.getProperty(XWootSite.XWIKI_ENDPOINT); String xwikiUserName = properties.getProperty(XWootSite.XWIKI_USERNAME); String xwikiPassword = properties.getProperty(XWootSite.XWIKI_PASSWORD); // Check that the XWiki endpoint is a valid URL. if (xwikiEndpoint == null || xwikiEndpoint.trim().length() == 0) { result += "Please enter a non-empty XWiki endpoint URL.\n"; } else { try { new URL(xwikiEndpoint); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { result += "Please enter a valid XWiki endpoint URL (the given URL is malformed)\n"; } } // Check that the username and password are provided. if (xwikiUserName == null || xwikiUserName.trim().length() == 0) { result += "Please enter a non-empty username.\n"; } if (xwikiPassword == null || xwikiPassword.length() == 0) { result += "Please enter a non-empty password.\n"; } if (result != null && result.length() == 0) { boolean connectionFailed = false; try { HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) (new URL(xwikiEndpoint).openConnection()); connection.setConnectTimeout(15000); int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_METHOD) { result += "An XWiki server is not available at the provided address."; connectionFailed = true; } } catch (Exception e) { connectionFailed = true; result += "Failed to contact the remote XWiki server. Make sure XWiki is started at the provided address and that it is reachable."; } if (!connectionFailed) { try { if (!Utils.checkLogin(xwikiEndpoint, xwikiUserName, xwikiPassword)) { result += "The remote XWiki server refused the provided username/password combination.\n"; } } catch (Exception e) { result += "Please enter a valid XWiki endpoint URL (the given URL is malformed)\n"; } } } return result; } /** * Checks that the XWoot configuration is good. * * @param properties The configuration to validate. * @return A list of error messages to display to the user, as a <code>String</code>. If the configuration is good, * then an <string>empty <code>String</code></string> is returned. * @todo Message localization. */ private String validateXWootProperties(Properties properties) { String result = ""; String wootWorkingDir = properties.getProperty(XWootSite.XWOOT_WORKING_DIR); String xwootServerName = properties.getProperty(XWootSite.XWOOT_SERVER_NAME); // Check that the directory for storing data is valid and writable. if (wootWorkingDir == null || wootWorkingDir.trim().length() == 0) { result += "Please enter a non-empty " + XWootSite.XWOOT_WORKING_DIR + " field.\n"; } else { try { File dir = new File((String) properties.get(XWootSite.XWOOT_WORKING_DIR)); FileUtil.checkDirectoryPath(dir); // if (!f.exists()) { // if (!f.mkdirs()) { // result += // "The provided directory does not exist and cannot be created. Please enter a writable serialization folder.\n"; // } // } else if (!f.canRead() || !f.canWrite()) { // result += "Please enter a writable serialization folder.\n"; // } } catch (Exception ex) { result += ex.getMessage() + " Please enter a writable serialization folder.\n"; } } // Check the server name if (xwootServerName == null || xwootServerName.trim().length() == 0) { result += "Please enter a non-empty server name.\n"; } return result; } }