Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.xwiki.rendering.block; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.xwiki.rendering.block.match.BlockMatcher; import org.xwiki.rendering.listener.Listener; /** * Implementation for Block operations. All blocks should extend this class. Supports the notion of generic parameters * which can be added to a block (see {@link #getParameter(String)} for more details. * * @version $Id: 799ddb19e2c4a0da9f12e195163ad83e531928ca $ * @since 1.5M2 */ public abstract class AbstractBlock implements Block { /** * Store parameters, see {@link #getParameter(String)} for more explanations on what parameters are. */ private Map<String, String> parameters; /** * The Blocks this Block contains. */ private List<Block> childrenBlocks; /** * The Block containing this Block. */ private Block parentBlock; /** * The next Sibling Block or null if no next sibling exists. */ private Block nextSiblingBlock; /** * The previous Sibling Block or null if no previous sibling exists. */ private Block previousSiblingBlock; /** * Empty constructor to construct an empty block. */ public AbstractBlock() { // Nothing to do } /** * Construct a block with parameters. * * @param parameters the parameters to set */ public AbstractBlock(Map<String, String> parameters) { setParameters(parameters); } /** * Constructs a block with a child block. * * @param childBlock the child block of this block * @since 3.0M1 */ public AbstractBlock(Block childBlock) { this(childBlock, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); } /** * Constructs a block with children blocks. * * @param childrenBlocks the list of children blocks of the block to construct * @since 3.0M1 */ public AbstractBlock(List<? extends Block> childrenBlocks) { this(childrenBlocks, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); } /** * Construct a block with a child block and parameters. * * @param childBlock the child block of this block * @param parameters the parameters to set * @since 3.0M1 */ public AbstractBlock(Block childBlock, Map<String, String> parameters) { this(parameters); addChild(childBlock); } /** * Construct a block with children blocks and parameters. * * @param childrenBlocks the list of children blocks of the block to construct * @param parameters the parameters to set * @since 3.0M1 */ public AbstractBlock(List<? extends Block> childrenBlocks, Map<String, String> parameters) { this(parameters); addChildren(childrenBlocks); } @Override public void addChild(Block blockToAdd) { insertChildAfter(blockToAdd, null); } @Override public void addChildren(List<? extends Block> blocksToAdd) { if (!blocksToAdd.isEmpty()) { if (this.childrenBlocks == null) { // Create the list with just the exact required size this.childrenBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>(blocksToAdd.size()); } for (Block blockToAdd : blocksToAdd) { addChild(blockToAdd); } } } @Override public void setChildren(List<? extends Block> children) { if (children.isEmpty()) { if (this.childrenBlocks != null) { this.childrenBlocks.clear(); } } else { if (this.childrenBlocks != null) { this.childrenBlocks.clear(); } addChildren(children); } } @Override public void setNextSiblingBlock(Block nextSiblingBlock) { this.nextSiblingBlock = nextSiblingBlock; } @Override public void setPreviousSiblingBlock(Block previousSiblingBlock) { this.previousSiblingBlock = previousSiblingBlock; } @Override public void insertChildBefore(Block blockToInsert, Block nextBlock) { blockToInsert.setParent(this); if (nextBlock == null) { // Last block becomes last but one if (this.childrenBlocks != null && !this.childrenBlocks.isEmpty()) { Block lastBlock = this.childrenBlocks.get(this.childrenBlocks.size() - 1); blockToInsert.setPreviousSiblingBlock(lastBlock); lastBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(blockToInsert); } else { blockToInsert.setPreviousSiblingBlock(null); if (this.childrenBlocks == null) { this.childrenBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>(1); } } blockToInsert.setNextSiblingBlock(null); this.childrenBlocks.add(blockToInsert); } else { // If there's a previous block to nextBlock then get it to set its next sibling Block previousBlock = nextBlock.getPreviousSibling(); if (previousBlock != null) { previousBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(blockToInsert); blockToInsert.setPreviousSiblingBlock(previousBlock); } else { blockToInsert.setPreviousSiblingBlock(null); } blockToInsert.setNextSiblingBlock(nextBlock); nextBlock.setPreviousSiblingBlock(blockToInsert); if (this.childrenBlocks == null || this.childrenBlocks.isEmpty()) { this.childrenBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>(1); this.childrenBlocks.add(blockToInsert); } else { this.childrenBlocks.add(indexOfChild(nextBlock), blockToInsert); } } } @Override public void insertChildAfter(Block blockToInsert, Block previousBlock) { if (previousBlock == null) { insertChildBefore(blockToInsert, null); } else { // If there's a next block to previousBlock then get it to set its previous sibling Block nextBlock = previousBlock.getNextSibling(); if (nextBlock != null) { nextBlock.setPreviousSiblingBlock(blockToInsert); blockToInsert.setNextSiblingBlock(nextBlock); } else { blockToInsert.setNextSiblingBlock(null); } blockToInsert.setPreviousSiblingBlock(previousBlock); previousBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(blockToInsert); if (this.childrenBlocks == null) { this.childrenBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>(1); } this.childrenBlocks.add(indexOfChild(previousBlock) + 1, blockToInsert); } } @Override public void replaceChild(Block newBlock, Block oldBlock) { replaceChild(Collections.singletonList(newBlock), oldBlock); } @Override public void replaceChild(List<Block> newBlocks, Block oldBlock) { int position = indexOfChild(oldBlock); if (position == -1) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Provided Block to replace is not a child"); } List<Block> blocks = getChildren(); // Remove old child blocks.remove(position); oldBlock.setParent(null); // Insert new children Block previousBlock = oldBlock.getPreviousSibling(); if (newBlocks.isEmpty()) { previousBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(oldBlock.getNextSibling()); } Block lastBlock = null; for (Block block : newBlocks) { block.setParent(this); block.setPreviousSiblingBlock(previousBlock); if (previousBlock != null) { previousBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(block); } previousBlock = block; lastBlock = block; } Block nextBlock = oldBlock.getNextSibling(); if (nextBlock != null) { nextBlock.setPreviousSiblingBlock(lastBlock); } if (lastBlock != null) { lastBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(nextBlock); } blocks.addAll(position, newBlocks); oldBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(null); oldBlock.setPreviousSiblingBlock(null); } /** * Get the position of the provided block in the list of children. * <p> * Can't use {@link List#indexOf(Object)} since it's using {@link Object#equals(Object)} internally which is not * what we want since two WordBlock with the same text or two spaces are equals for example but we want to be able * to target one specific Block. * * @param block the block * @return the position of the block, -1 if the block can't be found */ private int indexOfChild(Block block) { return indexOfBlock(block, getChildren()); } /** * Get the position of the provided block in the provided list of blocks. * <p> * Can't use {@link List#indexOf(Object)} since it's using {@link Object#equals(Object)} internally which is not * what we want since two WordBlock with the same text or two spaces are equals for example but we want to be able * to target one specific Block. * * @param block the block for which to find the position * @param blocks the list of blocks in which to look for the passed block * @return the position of the block, -1 if the block can't be found */ private int indexOfBlock(Block block, List<Block> blocks) { int position = 0; for (Block child : blocks) { if (child == block) { return position; } ++position; } return -1; } @Override public List<Block> getChildren() { return this.childrenBlocks == null ? Collections.<Block>emptyList() : this.childrenBlocks; } @Override public Block getParent() { return this.parentBlock; } @Override public Map<String, String> getParameters() { return this.parameters == null ? Collections.<String, String>emptyMap() : Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.parameters); } @Override public String getParameter(String name) { return this.parameters == null ? null : this.parameters.get(name); } @Override public void setParameter(String name, String value) { if (this.parameters == null) { this.parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(1); } this.parameters.put(name, value); } @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) { if (this.parameters == null) { this.parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(parameters); } else { this.parameters.clear(); this.parameters.putAll(parameters); } } @Override public void setParent(Block parentBlock) { this.parentBlock = parentBlock; } @Override public Block getRoot() { Block block = this; while (block.getParent() != null) { block = block.getParent(); } return block; } @Override public Block getNextSibling() { return this.nextSiblingBlock; } @Override public Block getPreviousSibling() { return this.previousSiblingBlock; } @Override public void removeBlock(Block childBlockToRemove) { getChildren().remove(childBlockToRemove); if (childBlockToRemove != null) { Block previousBlock = childBlockToRemove.getPreviousSibling(); if (previousBlock != null) { previousBlock.setNextSiblingBlock(childBlockToRemove.getNextSibling()); } Block nextBlock = childBlockToRemove.getNextSibling(); if (nextBlock != null) { nextBlock.setPreviousSiblingBlock(previousBlock); } childBlockToRemove.setNextSiblingBlock(null); childBlockToRemove.setPreviousSiblingBlock(null); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj); } @Override public int hashCode() { return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this); } @Override public Block clone() { return clone(null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 1.8RC2 */ @Override public Block clone(BlockFilter blockFilter) { Block block; try { block = (AbstractBlock) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // Should never happen throw new RuntimeException("Failed to clone object", e); } if (this.parameters != null) { ((AbstractBlock) block).parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(this.parameters); } if (this.childrenBlocks != null) { ((AbstractBlock) block).childrenBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>(this.childrenBlocks.size()); for (Block childBlock : this.childrenBlocks) { if (blockFilter != null) { Block clonedChildBlocks = childBlock.clone(blockFilter); List<Block> filteredBlocks = blockFilter.filter(clonedChildBlocks); if (filteredBlocks.size() == 0) { filteredBlocks = clonedChildBlocks.getChildren(); } block.addChildren(filteredBlocks); } else { block.addChild(childBlock.clone()); } } } return block; } @Override public void traverse(Listener listener) { before(listener); for (Block block : getChildren()) { block.traverse(listener); } after(listener); } /** * Send {@link org.xwiki.rendering.listener.Listener} events corresponding to the start of the block. For example * for a Bold block, this allows an XHTML Listener (aka a Renderer) to output <code><b></code>. * * @param listener the listener that will receive the events sent by this block before its children blocks have * emitted their own events. */ public void before(Listener listener) { // Do nothing by default, should be overridden by extending Blocks } /** * Send {@link Listener} events corresponding to the end of the block. For example for a Bold block, this allows an * XHTML Listener (aka a Renderer) to output <code></b></code>. * * @param listener the listener that will receive the events sent by this block before its children blocks have * emitted their own events. */ public void after(Listener listener) { // Do nothing by default, should be overridden by extending Blocks } @Override public <T extends Block> List<T> getBlocks(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { List<T> blocks = null; if (axes == Axes.SELF) { blocks = addBlock(this, matcher, blocks); } else if (axes.compareTo(Axes.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF) <= 0) { blocks = getAncestorBlocks(matcher, axes); } else if (axes.compareTo(Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) <= 0) { blocks = getDescendantBlocks(matcher, axes); } else { blocks = getSiblingBlocks(matcher, axes); } return blocks != null ? blocks : Collections.<T>emptyList(); } /** * Get all blocks following provided {@link BlockMatcher} and ancestor {@link Axes}. * * @param <T> the class of the Blocks to return * @param matcher filter the blocks to return * @param axes indicate the search axes * @return the matched {@link Block}s, empty list of none was found */ private <T extends Block> List<T> getAncestorBlocks(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { List<T> blocks = null; T nextBlock = (T) getParent(); Axes nextAxes = axes; switch (axes) { case ANCESTOR_OR_SELF: blocks = addBlock(this, matcher, blocks); break; case ANCESTOR: nextAxes = Axes.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF; break; case PARENT: nextAxes = Axes.SELF; break; default: break; } if (nextBlock != null) { blocks = getBlocks(nextBlock, matcher, nextAxes, blocks); } return blocks != null ? blocks : Collections.<T>emptyList(); } /** * Get all blocks following provided {@link BlockMatcher} and descendant {@link Axes}. * * @param <T> the class of the Blocks to return * @param matcher filter the blocks to return * @param axes indicate the search axes * @return the matched {@link Block}s, empty list of none was found */ private <T extends Block> List<T> getDescendantBlocks(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { List<T> blocks = null; T nextBlock = null; Axes nextAxes = axes; switch (axes) { case CHILD: if (!getChildren().isEmpty()) { nextBlock = (T) getChildren().get(0); nextAxes = Axes.FOLLOWING_SIBLING; blocks = addBlock(nextBlock, matcher, blocks); } break; case DESCENDANT_OR_SELF: blocks = addBlock(this, matcher, blocks); blocks = getBlocks((List) getChildren(), matcher, Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, blocks); break; case DESCENDANT: blocks = getBlocks((List) getChildren(), matcher, Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, blocks); break; default: break; } if (nextBlock != null) { blocks = getBlocks(nextBlock, matcher, nextAxes, blocks); } return blocks != null ? blocks : Collections.<T>emptyList(); } /** * Get all blocks following provided {@link BlockMatcher} and following/preceding sibling {@link Axes}. * * @param <T> the class of the Blocks to return * @param matcher filter the blocks to return * @param axes indicate the search axes * @return the matched {@link Block}s, empty list of none was found */ private <T extends Block> List<T> getSiblingBlocks(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { List<T> blocks = null; T nextBlock = null; Axes nextAxes = axes; switch (axes) { // FOLLOWING case FOLLOWING_SIBLING: nextBlock = (T) getNextSibling(); blocks = addBlock(nextBlock, matcher, blocks); break; case FOLLOWING: for (Block nextSibling = getNextSibling(); nextSibling != null; nextSibling = nextSibling .getNextSibling()) { blocks = getBlocks((T) nextSibling, matcher, Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, blocks); } break; // PRECEDING case PRECEDING_SIBLING: nextBlock = (T) getPreviousSibling(); blocks = addBlock(nextBlock, matcher, blocks); break; case PRECEDING: for (Block previousSibling = getPreviousSibling(); previousSibling != null; previousSibling = previousSibling .getPreviousSibling()) { blocks = getBlocks((T) previousSibling, matcher, Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, blocks); } break; default: break; } if (nextBlock != null) { blocks = getBlocks(nextBlock, matcher, nextAxes, blocks); } return blocks != null ? blocks : Collections.<T>emptyList(); } /** * Add provided {@link Block} to provided list (or create list of null) if block validate the provided * {@link BlockMatcher}. * * @param <T> the class of the Blocks to return * @param block the block * @param matcher the matcher * @param blocks the list of blocks to fill * @return the modified list, null if provided list is null and provided {@link Block} does not validate provided * {@link BlockMatcher} */ private <T extends Block> List<T> addBlock(Block block, BlockMatcher matcher, List<T> blocks) { List<T> newBlocks = blocks; if (block != null && matcher.match(block)) { if (newBlocks == null) { newBlocks = new ArrayList<T>(); } newBlocks.add((T) block); } return newBlocks; } /** * Add all blocks following provided {@link BlockMatcher} and {@link Axes} in the provide list (or create a new list * of provided list is null). * * @param <T> the class of the Blocks to return * @param blocks the blocks from where to search * @param matcher the block matcher * @param axes the axes * @param blocksOut the list of blocks to fill * @return the modified list, null if provided list is null and provided {@link Block} does not validate provided * {@link BlockMatcher} */ private <T extends Block> List<T> getBlocks(List<T> blocks, BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes, List<T> blocksOut) { List<T> newBlocks = blocksOut; for (T child : blocks) { newBlocks = getBlocks(child, matcher, axes, newBlocks); } return newBlocks; } /** * Add all blocks following provided {@link BlockMatcher} and {@link Axes} in the provide list (or create a new list * of provided list is null). * * @param <T> the class of the Blocks to return * @param block the block from where to search * @param matcher the block matcher * @param axes the axes * @param blocksOut the list of blocks to fill * @return the modified list, null if provided list is null and provided {@link Block} does not validate provided * {@link BlockMatcher} */ private <T extends Block> List<T> getBlocks(T block, BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes, List<T> blocksOut) { List<T> newBlocks = blocksOut; List<T> nextBlocks = block.getBlocks(matcher, axes); if (!nextBlocks.isEmpty()) { if (newBlocks == null) { newBlocks = nextBlocks; } else { newBlocks.addAll(nextBlocks); } } return newBlocks; } @Override public <T extends Block> T getFirstBlock(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { T block = null; if (axes == Axes.SELF) { if (matcher.match(this)) { block = (T) this; } } else if (axes.compareTo(Axes.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF) <= 0) { block = (T) getFirstAncestorBlock(matcher, axes); } else if (axes.compareTo(Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) <= 0) { block = (T) getFirstDescendantBlock(matcher, axes); } else if (axes.compareTo(Axes.FOLLOWING_SIBLING) <= 0) { block = (T) getFirstFollowingSiblingBlock(matcher, axes); } else { block = (T) getFirstPrecedingSiblingBlock(matcher, axes); } return block; } /** * Get the first matched block in the provided ancestor {@link Axes}. * * @param matcher the block matcher * @param axes the axes * @return the matched {@link Block}, null if none was found */ private Block getFirstAncestorBlock(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { Block nextBlock = null; Axes nextAxes = axes; switch (axes) { case ANCESTOR_OR_SELF: if (matcher.match(this)) { return this; } case ANCESTOR: case PARENT: nextAxes = axes == Axes.PARENT ? Axes.SELF : Axes.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF; nextBlock = getParent(); break; default: break; } return nextBlock != null ? nextBlock.getFirstBlock(matcher, nextAxes) : null; } /** * Get the first matched block in the provided descendant {@link Axes}. * * @param matcher the block matcher * @param axes the axes * @return the matched {@link Block}, null if none was found */ private Block getFirstDescendantBlock(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { Block nextBlock = null; Axes nextAxes = axes; switch (axes) { case CHILD: if (!getChildren().isEmpty()) { nextBlock = this.childrenBlocks.get(0); nextAxes = Axes.FOLLOWING_SIBLING; if (matcher.match(nextBlock)) { return nextBlock; } } break; case DESCENDANT_OR_SELF: if (matcher.match(this)) { return this; } case DESCENDANT: for (Block child : getChildren()) { Block matchedBlock = child.getFirstBlock(matcher, Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF); if (matchedBlock != null) { return matchedBlock; } } break; default: break; } return nextBlock != null ? nextBlock.getFirstBlock(matcher, nextAxes) : null; } /** * Get the first matched block in the provided following sibling {@link Axes}. * * @param matcher the block matcher * @param axes the axes * @return the matched {@link Block}, null if none was found */ private Block getFirstFollowingSiblingBlock(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { Block nextBlock = null; Axes nextAxes = axes; switch (axes) { case FOLLOWING_SIBLING: nextBlock = getNextSibling(); if (nextBlock != null && matcher.match(nextBlock)) { return nextBlock; } break; case FOLLOWING: for (Block nextSibling = getNextSibling(); nextSibling != null; nextSibling = nextSibling .getNextSibling()) { Block matchedBlock = nextSibling.getFirstBlock(matcher, Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF); if (matchedBlock != null) { return matchedBlock; } } break; default: break; } return nextBlock != null ? nextBlock.getFirstBlock(matcher, nextAxes) : null; } /** * Get the first matched block in the provided preceding sibling {@link Axes}. * * @param matcher the block matcher * @param axes the axes * @return the matched {@link Block}, null if none was found */ private Block getFirstPrecedingSiblingBlock(BlockMatcher matcher, Axes axes) { Block nextBlock = null; Axes nextAxes = axes; switch (axes) { case PRECEDING_SIBLING: nextBlock = getPreviousSibling(); if (nextBlock != null && matcher.match(nextBlock)) { return nextBlock; } break; case PRECEDING: for (Block previousSibling = getPreviousSibling(); previousSibling != null; previousSibling = previousSibling .getPreviousSibling()) { Block matchedBlock = previousSibling.getFirstBlock(matcher, Axes.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF); if (matchedBlock != null) { return matchedBlock; } } break; default: break; } return nextBlock != null ? nextBlock.getFirstBlock(matcher, nextAxes) : null; } }