Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Andrey Timofeev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.xsystem.sql2.http; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ClassFunctions; import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xsystem.http.RestApiTemplate; import org.xsystem.system.sql.JDBCTransationManager2; import static org.xsystem.sql2.http.Enviroment.FILEPRFX; import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.ActionExecuter; import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.Config; import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.FileFormat; import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.HttpHelper; import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.PageLoader; //import org.xsystem.sql2.dml.SqlHelper; //import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.ActionExecuter; //import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.Config; //import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.FileFormat; //import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.HttpHelper; //import org.xsystem.sql2.http.impl.PageLoader; import org.xsystem.utils.Auxilary; import org.xsystem.utils.FileTransfer; import org.xsystem.utils.XMLUtil; /** * * @author Andrey Timofeev */ public class PageServlet2 extends RestApiTemplate { String repositoryPath; ServletConfig config; Config pagesConfig = null; volatile String errorReport = null; static ThreadLocal<Enviroment> enviromentLocal = new ThreadLocal(); FilesWatcher fileWatcher = null; @Override public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); this.config = config; repositoryPath = config.getInitParameter("repository"); repositoryPath = config.getServletContext().getRealPath(repositoryPath); loadRepository(); } synchronized void loadRepository() { PageLoader loader = new PageLoader(); EnviromentImpl enviroment = createEnviroment(); pagesConfig = null; try { loader.load(repositoryPath); pagesConfig = new Config(); pagesConfig.setConnectionManager(loader.getConnectionManager()); pagesConfig.setActions(loader.getActions()); pagesConfig.setConnections(loader.getConnections()); pagesConfig.setAfterCreateConnectionEventListeners(loader.getAfterCreateConnectionEventListeners()); pagesConfig.setBeforeCloseConnectionEventListeners(loader.getBeforeCloseConnectionEventListeners()); pagesConfig.setFileStorages(loader.getFileStorages()); pagesConfig.setErrorHandler(loader.getErrorHandler()); pagesConfig.setObjectNames(loader.getObjectNames()); Set<File> fileSet = loader.getFileSet(); List<File> listFile = new ArrayList(); listFile.addAll(fileSet); if (fileWatcher != null) { if (fileWatcher.isStopped()) { fileWatcher.stopThread(); } } fileWatcher = new FilesWatcher(listFile, (f -> { changeFile(f); })); fileWatcher.start(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); errorReport = Auxilary.throwableToString(ex); } finally { destroyEnviroment(enviroment); } } synchronized void changeFile(File f) { fileWatcher.stopThread(); loadRepository(); } synchronized void chekLoadRepository() { } synchronized Config getConfig() { return pagesConfig; } static Enviroment getEnviroment() { return enviromentLocal.get(); } EnviromentImpl createEnviroment() { EnviromentImpl enviroment = new EnviromentImpl(); enviromentLocal.set(enviroment); return enviroment; } void destroyEnviroment(EnviromentImpl enviroment) { if (enviroment != null) { enviroment.close(); } enviromentLocal.remove(); } @Override protected Object getJson(ServletInputStream input) throws IOException { String json = getContentAsString(input); if (Auxilary.isEmptyOrNull(json)) { return new HashMap(); } Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); Object jsonContext = gson.fromJson(json, Object.class); return jsonContext; } static Map<String, Object> getContext(Map<String, String> evals, Map<String, Object> reqContext) { JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(reqContext); context.setFunctions(new ClassFunctions(Base64Decode.class, "BASE64")); context.setLenient(true); Map ret = new HashMap(); evals.entrySet().forEach(entry -> { String key = entry.getKey(); String eval = entry.getValue(); Object value = context.getValue(eval); ret.put(key, value); }); return ret; } void onCreateConnection(Config cofig, String connectionName) {//, Connection connection) { AfterCreateConnectionEventListener listener = cofig.getAfterCreateConnectionEventListeners() .get(connectionName); if (listener != null) { Connection connection = JDBCTransationManager2.getConnection(); listener.onCreateConnection(connection); } } void onCloseConnection(Config cofig, String connectionName) {//, Connection connection) { BeforeCloseConnectionEventListener listener = cofig.getBeforeCloseConnectionEventListeners() .get(connectionName); if (listener != null) { try { Connection connection = JDBCTransationManager2.getConnection(); listener.onCloseConnection(connection); } catch (Throwable tr) { tr.printStackTrace(); } } } Object execute(HttpServletRequest request, Config cofig, ActionExecuter action, Map params) { EnviromentImpl enviroment = createEnviroment(); String connectionName = action.getConnectionName(); enviroment.setHttpRequest(request); enviroment.setObjectNames(pagesConfig.getObjectNames()); String path = action.getLocation(); File f = enviroment.getFile(path); Document doc = XMLUtil.getDocumentE(f); enviroment.setDocument(doc); JDBCTransationManager2 tm = new JDBCTransationManager2(() -> cofig.getConnection(connectionName)); Executer executer = action.getAction(); boolean isError = true; try { tm.begin(); onCreateConnection(cofig, connectionName); ActionEventListener beforeEvent = action.getBeforeEvent(); if (beforeEvent != null) { beforeEvent.onEvent(params); } Object ret = executer.execute(params); ActionEventListener afterEvent = action.getAfterEvent(); if (afterEvent != null) { if (ret instanceof Map) { params.putAll((Map) ret); // ret = params; } afterEvent.onEvent(ret); } onCloseConnection(cofig, connectionName); tm.commit(); isError = false; return ret; } finally { if (isError) { tm.rollback(); } destroyEnviroment(enviroment); tm.close(); } } @Override public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); //response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); String path = request.getPathInfo(); ErrorHandler errorHansdler = null; try (ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); ServletInputStream input = request.getInputStream()) { try { if (path == null) { loadRepository(); if (errorReport != null) { Map error = Auxilary.makeJsonError("Loading error-" + errorReport); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); writeJson(error, out); } else { writeJson(Auxilary.makeJsonSuccess(), out); } return; } if (errorReport != null) { Map error = Auxilary.makeJsonError("Loading error-" + errorReport); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); writeJson(error, out); return; } Config cofig = getConfig(); errorHansdler = cofig.getErrorHandler(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("").matcher(path); List<ActionExecuter> lstActions = cofig.getActions(); Optional<ActionExecuter> opt = .filter(action -> matcher.reset().usePattern(action.getPattern()).find()).findFirst(); if (opt.isPresent()) { ActionExecuter action = opt.get(); List groups = HttpHelper.getGroups(matcher); Map params = Collections.emptyMap(); Object json = Collections.emptyMap(); Long skip = null; Integer total = null; if (action.isMultipart()) { json = HttpHelper.getMultipartJson(request); } else { params = HttpHelper.getParams(request); skip = HttpHelper.getParamSkip(request); total = HttpHelper.getParamTotal(request); if (!action.isForm()) { json = getJson(input); } } Map<String, Object> context = Auxilary.newMap("groups", groups, "params", params, "json", json, "request", request); Map<String, String> evals = action.getContextParams(); FileFormat fileFormat = action.getFileFormat(); int thumb = HttpHelper.getThumb(fileFormat, context); context = getContext(evals, context); if (skip != null) { context.put("skip", skip); } if (total != null) { context.put("total", total); } Object rezult = execute(request, cofig, action, context); if (fileFormat == null) { writeJson(Auxilary.makeJsonSuccess("data", rezult), out); } else { FileTransfer fileTransfer = HttpHelper.getFileTransfer(fileFormat, rezult, (format, data) -> { return getContent(format, data, "defualt"); }); if (fileTransfer == null && !fileFormat.isDownload() && !Auxilary.isEmptyOrNull(fileFormat.getNotfound())) { String fname = fileFormat.getNotfound(); if (fname.startsWith(FILEPRFX)) { fname = fname.substring(FILEPRFX.length()); fname = config.getServletContext().getRealPath(fname); File f = new File(fname); if (f.exists()) { fileTransfer = new FileTransfer(); String contentType = Files.probeContentType(Paths.get(fname)); String fileType = Auxilary.getFileExtention(fname); byte[] b = Auxilary.readBinaryFile(f); fileTransfer.setContentType(contentType); fileTransfer.setFileType(fileType); fileTransfer.setData(b); } } } if (fileTransfer == null) { Map error = Auxilary.makeJsonError("File not found "); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); writeJson(error, out); } else { boolean isDownload = fileFormat.isDownload(); HttpHelper.writeFile(fileTransfer, isDownload, thumb, request, response, out); } } } else { Map error = Auxilary.makeJsonError("Page not found [" + path + "]"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); writeJson(error, out); } } catch (Throwable err) { // response.setStatus(); if (errorHansdler == null) { error(err, out); } else { Object error = errorHansdler.handler(err); writeJson(error, out); } } } } byte[] getContent(String srcType, Object data, String storage) { String type = srcType.trim().toLowerCase(); if (data == null) { return null; } switch (type) { case "blob": { byte[] content = (byte[]) data; return content; } case "file": { String path = (String) data; byte[] content = getFileContent(storage, path); return content; } } return null; } byte[] getFileContent(String storageName, String path) { Map<String, String> fileStorages = pagesConfig.getFileStorages(); if (fileStorages == null) { throw new Error("fileStorages not define"); } String res = fileStorages.get(storageName); if (res == null) { return null; } String rootpath = Auxilary.getJndiResource(res, String.class); File f = new File(rootpath, path); try { byte[] ret = Auxilary.readBinaryFile(f); return ret; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); } } class EnviromentImpl implements Enviroment { Map<String, String> objectNames; //Connection connection = null; Document document = null; HttpServletRequest request = null; @Override public Map<String, String> getObjectNames() { return this.objectNames; } void setObjectNames(Map<String, String> objectNames) { this.objectNames = objectNames; } //void setConnection(Connection connection) { // this.connection = connection; //} void setDocument(Document document) { this.document = document; } void setHttpRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } public HttpServletRequest getHttpRequest() { return request; } void close() { request = null; // Auxilary.close(connection); } @Override public Connection getConnection() { return JDBCTransationManager2.getConnection(); } @Override public Document getDocument() { return document; } @Override public File getFile(String fname) { if (fname.startsWith(FILEPRFX)) { fname = fname.substring(FILEPRFX.length()); String path = config.getServletContext().getRealPath(fname); File f = new File(path); return f; } return null; } } public static <T> T getJndiResource(String path, Class<T> type) { try { InitialContext cxt = new InitialContext(); Object ret = cxt.lookup(path); return (T) ret; } catch (NamingException ex) { throw new Error(ex); } } public static java.sql.Connection getJndiJDBConnection(String path) { try { javax.sql.DataSource ds = getJndiResource(path, javax.sql.DataSource.class); return ds.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new Error(ex); } } }