Java tutorial
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.xerela.provider.telemetry; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.ScrollMode; import org.hibernate.classic.Session; import org.xerela.addressing.IPAddress; import org.xerela.addressing.MACAddress; import org.xerela.addressing.NetworkAddressElf; import org.xerela.provider.devices.ZDeviceCore; import org.xerela.zap.jta.TransactionElf; /** * TelemetryProvider */ public class TelemetryProvider implements ITelemetryProvider { /** {@inheritDoc} */ public SwitchPortResult findSwitchPort(String host) { SwitchPortResult result = new SwitchPortResult(); MACAddress targetMacAddress = null; boolean ownTransaction = TransactionElf.beginOrJoinTransaction(); try { if (NetworkAddressElf.isValidMacAddress(host)) { targetMacAddress = new MACAddress(host); } else { try { IPAddress ipAddress = new IPAddress(InetAddress.getByName(host)); result.setHostIpAddress(ipAddress.getIPAddress()); DeviceArpTableEntry entry = null; if (ipAddress.isVersion6()) { entry = findNdpEntry(ipAddress); } else { entry = findArpEntry(ipAddress); } if (entry != null) { result.setArpEntry(entry); String mac = entry.getMacAddress(); targetMacAddress = new MACAddress(mac); } else { result.setError(SwitchPortResult.NO_ARP_ENTRY); return result; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { result.setError(SwitchPortResult.UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_HOST); return result; } } result.setMacEntry(findMacTableEntry(targetMacAddress)); result.setHostMacAddress(targetMacAddress.getMACAddress()); if (result.getMacEntry() == null) { result.setError(SwitchPortResult.NO_MAC_ENTRY); } return result; } finally { if (ownTransaction) { TransactionElf.commit(); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "nls" }) public MacPageData getMacTable(MacPageData pageData, String ipAddress, String managedNetwork) { ZDeviceCore device = getDevice(ipAddress, managedNetwork); if (device == null) { pageData.setMacEntries(new MacTableEntry[0]); pageData.setTotal(0); return pageData; } boolean ownTransaction = TransactionElf.beginOrJoinTransaction(); try { Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); String fromClause = "FROM discovery_mac WHERE device_id = " + device.getDeviceId(); SQLQuery query = session .createSQLQuery("SELECT mac_address, interface, vlan " + fromClause + " ORDER BY interface"); query.addScalar("mac_address", Hibernate.LONG); query.addScalar("interface", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("vlan", Hibernate.STRING); query.setFirstResult(pageData.getOffset()).setMaxResults(pageData.getPageSize()); query.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); List<Object[]> resultList = (List<Object[]>) query.list(); if (resultList == null || resultList.isEmpty()) { pageData.setMacEntries(new MacTableEntry[0]); pageData.setTotal(0); return pageData; } else { if (pageData.getOffset() == 0) { // Set the total result size into the page data. query = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT count(mac_address) " + fromClause); pageData.setTotal(getCount(query)); } List<MacTableEntry> macTable = new ArrayList<MacTableEntry>(); for (Object[] resultEntry : resultList) { MacTableEntry entry = new MacTableEntry(); entry.setMacAddress((Long) resultEntry[0]); entry.setPort((String) resultEntry[1]); entry.setVlan((String) resultEntry[2]); macTable.add(entry); } pageData.setMacEntries(macTable.toArray(new MacTableEntry[0])); return pageData; } } finally { if (ownTransaction) { TransactionElf.commit(); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "nls" }) public ArpPageData getArpTable(ArpPageData pageData, String ipAddress, String managedNetwork) { ZDeviceCore device = getDevice(ipAddress, managedNetwork); if (device == null) { pageData.setArpEntries(new ArpTableEntry[0]); pageData.setTotal(0); return pageData; } boolean ownTransaction = TransactionElf.beginOrJoinTransaction(); try { Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); String fromClause = "FROM discovery_arp arp WHERE arp.device_id = " + device.getDeviceId(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery( "SELECT ip_address, mac_address, interface " + fromClause + " ORDER BY ip_address"); query.addScalar("ip_address", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("mac_address", Hibernate.LONG); query.addScalar("interface", Hibernate.STRING); query.setFirstResult(pageData.getOffset()).setMaxResults(pageData.getPageSize()); query.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); List<Object[]> resultList = (List<Object[]>) query.list(); if (resultList == null || resultList.isEmpty()) { pageData.setArpEntries(new ArpTableEntry[0]); pageData.setTotal(0); return pageData; } else { if (pageData.getOffset() == 0) { // Set the total result size into the page data. query = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT count(arp.ip_address) " + fromClause); pageData.setTotal(getCount(query)); } List<ArpTableEntry> arpTable = new ArrayList<ArpTableEntry>(); for (Object[] resultEntry : resultList) { ArpTableEntry entry = new ArpTableEntry(); entry.setIpAddress((String) resultEntry[0]); entry.setMacAddress((Long) resultEntry[1]); entry.setInterfaceName((String) resultEntry[2]); arpTable.add(entry); } pageData.setArpEntries(arpTable.toArray(new ArpTableEntry[0])); return pageData; } } finally { if (ownTransaction) { TransactionElf.commit(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "nls" }) public DeviceArpPageData getArpEntries(DeviceArpPageData pageData, String networkAddress, String sort, boolean descending) { StringBuilder selectClause = new StringBuilder( "SELECT d.ip_address as device, as managedNetwork, arp.device_id as device_id, arp.ip_address as ipAddress, arp.mac_address as macAddress, arp.interface as interfaceName"); StringBuilder fromClause = new StringBuilder( " FROM discovery_arp arp LEFT JOIN device d on arp.device_id = d.device_id"); if (networkAddress.indexOf('/') > 0) { Long[] hiLoRange = NetworkAddressElf.getHiLoRange(networkAddress); if (hiLoRange[0] == null) { if (NetworkAddressElf.isIPv6AddressOrMask(networkAddress)) { String[] ipAndCidr = networkAddress.split("/"); long[] hiLo = NetworkAddressElf.getHiLo(ipAndCidr[0]); fromClause.append(String.format(" WHERE arp.ip_low BETWEEN %d AND %d AND arp.ip_high=%d", hiLoRange[2], hiLoRange[1], hiLo[0])); } else { fromClause.append( String.format(" WHERE arp.ip_low BETWEEN %d AND %d", hiLoRange[2], hiLoRange[1])); } } else { fromClause .append(String.format(" WHERE arp.ip_high BETWEEN %d AND %d", hiLoRange[1], hiLoRange[0])); } } else { long[] hiLo = NetworkAddressElf.getHiLo(networkAddress); fromClause.append(String.format(" WHERE arp.ip_high=%d AND arp.ip_low=%d", hiLo[0], hiLo[1])); } selectClause.append(fromClause); if (sort != null) { selectClause.append(" ORDER BY ").append(sort); if (descending) { selectClause.append(" DESC"); } } boolean ownTransaction = TransactionElf.beginOrJoinTransaction(); try { Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(selectClause.toString()); query.addScalar("device", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("managedNetwork", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("device_id", Hibernate.INTEGER); query.addScalar("ipAddress", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("macAddress", Hibernate.LONG); query.addScalar("interfaceName", Hibernate.STRING); query.setFirstResult(pageData.getOffset()).setMaxResults(pageData.getPageSize()); query.scroll(ScrollMode.SCROLL_INSENSITIVE); List<Object[]> resultList = (List<Object[]>) query.list(); if (resultList == null || resultList.isEmpty()) { pageData.setArpEntries(new DeviceArpTableEntry[0]); pageData.setTotal(0); return pageData; } else { if (pageData.getOffset() == 0) { // Set the total result size into the page data. query = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT count(arp.ip_address) " + fromClause.toString()); pageData.setTotal(getCount(query)); } List<DeviceArpTableEntry> arpTable = new ArrayList<DeviceArpTableEntry>(); for (Object[] resultEntry : resultList) { DeviceArpTableEntry entry = new DeviceArpTableEntry(); entry.setDevice((String) resultEntry[0]); entry.setManagedNetwork((String) resultEntry[1]); entry.setDeviceId((Integer) resultEntry[2]); entry.setIpAddress((String) resultEntry[3]); entry.setMacAddress((Long) resultEntry[4]); entry.setInterfaceName((String) resultEntry[5]); arpTable.add(entry); } pageData.setArpEntries(arpTable.toArray(new DeviceArpTableEntry[0])); return pageData; } } finally { if (ownTransaction) { TransactionElf.commit(); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Neighbor> getNeighbors(String ipAddress, String managedNetwork) { ZDeviceCore device = getDevice(ipAddress, managedNetwork); List<Neighbor> neighborList = new ArrayList<Neighbor>(); if (device != null) { boolean ownTransaction = TransactionElf.beginOrJoinTransaction(); try { Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); addRoutingNeighbors(neighborList, session, device); addDiscoveryProtocolNeighbors(neighborList, session, device); } finally { if (ownTransaction) { TransactionElf.commit(); } } } return neighborList; } /** * Retrieve neighbors from the routing table * @param neighborList the list of neighbors so far * @param session * @param device */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "nls" }) private void addRoutingNeighbors(List<Neighbor> neighborList, Session session, ZDeviceCore device) { SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery( "SELECT protocol, remote_ip_address, router_id_ip_address, interface FROM discovery_routing WHERE device_id=" + device.getDeviceId() + " ORDER by remote_ip_address"); query.addScalar("protocol", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("remote_ip_address", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("router_id_ip_address", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("interface", Hibernate.STRING); List<Object[]> resultList = (List<Object[]>) query.list(); for (Object[] resultEntry : resultList) { Neighbor neighbor = new Neighbor(); neighbor.setProtocol((String) resultEntry[0]); neighbor.setIpAddress((String) resultEntry[1]); neighbor.setOtherId(NetworkAddressElf.fromDatabaseString((String) resultEntry[2])); neighbor.setLocalInterface((String) resultEntry[3]); neighborList.add(neighbor); } } /** * Add discovery protocol neighbors * @param neighborList * @param session * @param device */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "nls" }) private void addDiscoveryProtocolNeighbors(List<Neighbor> neighborList, Session session, ZDeviceCore device) { SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery( "SELECT protocol, ip_address, local_interface, remote_interface, sys_name FROM discovery_xdp WHERE device_id=" + device.getDeviceId() + " ORDER by ip_address"); query.addScalar("protocol", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("ip_address", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("local_interface", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("remote_interface", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("sys_name", Hibernate.STRING); List<Object[]> resultList = (List<Object[]>) query.list(); for (Object[] resultEntry : resultList) { Neighbor neighbor = new Neighbor(); neighbor.setProtocol((String) resultEntry[0]); neighbor.setIpAddress((String) resultEntry[1]); neighbor.setLocalInterface((String) resultEntry[2]); neighbor.setRemoteInterface((String) resultEntry[3]); neighbor.setOtherId((String) resultEntry[4]); neighborList.add(neighbor); } } /** * Find the best matching MAC forwarding entry for the provided MAC address * @param targetMacAddress what to look for * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "nls" }) private DeviceMacTableEntry findMacTableEntry(MACAddress targetMacAddress) { boolean ownTransaction = TransactionElf.beginOrJoinTransaction(); try { Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); String queryString = "SELECT d.ip_address as device, as net, m.device_id as device_id, m.mac_address as mac, m.interface as interface, m.vlan as vlan FROM discovery_mac m LEFT JOIN device d on m.device_id = d.device_id where m.mac_address=" + targetMacAddress.getMacLong(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(queryString); query.addScalar("device", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("net", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("device_id", Hibernate.INTEGER); query.addScalar("mac", Hibernate.LONG); query.addScalar("interface", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("vlan", Hibernate.STRING); List<Object[]> resultList = (List<Object[]>) query.list(); List<DeviceMacTableEntry> possibleMatches = new ArrayList<DeviceMacTableEntry>(); for (Object[] resultEntry : resultList) { DeviceMacTableEntry entry = new DeviceMacTableEntry(); entry.setDevice((String) resultEntry[0]); entry.setManagedNetwork((String) resultEntry[1]); entry.setDeviceId((Integer) resultEntry[2]); entry.setMacAddress((Long) resultEntry[3]); entry.setPort((String) resultEntry[4]); entry.setVlan((String) resultEntry[5]); possibleMatches.add(entry); } int portMacCount = 0; DeviceMacTableEntry leader = null; for (DeviceMacTableEntry macEntry : possibleMatches) { int frequency = getMacFrequency(macEntry); if (leader == null || portMacCount > frequency) { portMacCount = frequency; leader = macEntry; } } return leader; } finally { if (ownTransaction) { TransactionElf.commit(); } } } /** * Tries to find the best MAC address for the IP Address provided. This method looks at all * ARP tables to determine the least used matching MAC address. * @param ipAddress find a mac mapped to this IP * @return the matching ARP entry */ private DeviceArpTableEntry findArpEntry(IPAddress ipAddress) { DeviceArpPageData pageData = new DeviceArpPageData(); pageData.setPageSize(500); List<DeviceArpTableEntry> arpEntries = new ArrayList<DeviceArpTableEntry>(); do { pageData = getArpEntries(pageData, ipAddress.getIPAddress(), "ipAddress", false); //$NON-NLS-1$ DeviceArpTableEntry[] entries = pageData.getArpEntries(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { arpEntries.add(entries[i]); } } while (pageData.getTotal() >= pageData.getPageSize()); int macUseCount = 0; DeviceArpTableEntry leader = null; for (DeviceArpTableEntry arpEntry : arpEntries) { int frequency = getArpFrequency(arpEntry); if (leader == null || macUseCount > frequency) { macUseCount = frequency; leader = arpEntry; } } return leader; } /** * Gives a count of how many times the MAC address on the provided * {@link DeviceArpTableEntry} was seen on the device in the same entry. * @param arpEntry * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") private int getArpFrequency(DeviceArpTableEntry arpEntry) { String queryString = String.format( "SELECT count(*) FROM discovery_arp WHERE device_id=%d AND mac_address=%d", arpEntry.getDeviceId(), arpEntry.getRawMac().getMacLong()); Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(queryString); return getCount(query); } /** * Gets the MAC address for the {@link IPAddress} provided using the discovery_xdp table. * This should be called when working with an IPv6 address as NDP neighbors can be in the X * @param ipAddress * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "nls" }) private DeviceArpTableEntry findNdpEntry(IPAddress ipAddress) { long[] hiLo = ipAddress.getHiLo(); Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); String queryString = "SELECT d.ip_address as device, as net, x.device_id as device_id, x.ip_address as ip, x.mac_address as mac, x.local_interface as interface"; String fromClause = String.format( " FROM discovery_xdp x LEFT JOIN device d on x.device_id = d.device_id WHERE x.ip_high=%d AND x.ip_low=%d AND x.protocol='NDP'", hiLo[0], hiLo[1]); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(queryString + fromClause); query.addScalar("device", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("net", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("device_id", Hibernate.INTEGER); query.addScalar("ip", Hibernate.STRING); query.addScalar("mac", Hibernate.LONG); query.addScalar("interface", Hibernate.STRING); List<Object[]> resultList = (List<Object[]>) query.list(); // pick the first one, which there should only be one anyways for (Object[] resultEntry : resultList) { DeviceArpTableEntry entry = new DeviceArpTableEntry(); entry.setDevice((String) resultEntry[0]); entry.setManagedNetwork((String) resultEntry[1]); entry.setDeviceId((Integer) resultEntry[2]); entry.setIpAddress((String) resultEntry[3]); entry.setMacAddress((Long) resultEntry[4]); entry.setInterfaceName((String) resultEntry[5]); return entry; } return null; } /** * Counts the number of MAC addresses on a certain device's interface. If an * interface only has one MAC address in the MAC forwarding table, then the chances * are good that it is the interface that the end host is directly plugged into. * @param macEntry * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") private int getMacFrequency(DeviceMacTableEntry macEntry) { String queryString = String.format( "SELECT count(*) FROM discovery_mac WHERE device_id=%d AND interface='%s'", macEntry.getDeviceId(), macEntry.getPort()); Session session = TelemetryActivator.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(queryString); return getCount(query); } /** * Get a device by the IP * @param ip * @return */ private ZDeviceCore getDevice(String ip, String managedNetwork) { boolean ownTransaction = TransactionElf.beginOrJoinTransaction(); try { return TelemetryActivator.getDeviceProvider().getDevice(ip, managedNetwork); } finally { if (ownTransaction) { TransactionElf.commit(); } } } private int getCount(Query query) { Object uniqueResult = query.uniqueResult(); if (uniqueResult instanceof Integer) { return (Integer) uniqueResult; } else if (uniqueResult instanceof Long) { return ((Long) uniqueResult).intValue(); } else { return ((BigInteger) uniqueResult).intValue(); } } }