Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.user.core.system; import org.apache.axis2.util.Base64; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserCoreConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.util.DatabaseUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.util.UserCoreUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.dbcreator.DatabaseCreator; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class SystemUserRoleManager { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SystemUserRoleManager.class); int tenantId; private DataSource dataSource; private Random random = new Random(); public SystemUserRoleManager(DataSource dataSource, int tenantId) throws UserStoreException { super(); this.dataSource = dataSource; this.tenantId = tenantId; //persist system domain UserCoreUtil.persistDomain(UserCoreConstants.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME, this.tenantId, this.dataSource); } public void addSystemRole(String roleName, String[] userList) throws UserStoreException { Connection dbConnection = null; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); if (!this.isExistingRole(roleName)) { DatabaseUtil.updateDatabase(dbConnection, SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_ROLE_SQL, roleName, tenantId); } if (userList != null) { String sql = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_USER_TO_ROLE_SQL; String type = DatabaseCreator.getDatabaseType(dbConnection); if (UserCoreConstants.MSSQL_TYPE.equals(type)) { sql = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_USER_TO_ROLE_SQL_MSSQL; } if (UserCoreConstants.OPENEDGE_TYPE.equals(type)) { sql = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_USER_TO_ROLE_SQL_OPENEDGE; DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sql, userList, tenantId, roleName, tenantId); } else { DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sql, userList, roleName, tenantId, tenantId); } } dbConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while adding system role : " + roleName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting database type from DB connection"; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } } public boolean isExistingRole(String roleName) throws UserStoreException { Connection dbConnection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean isExisting = false; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SystemJDBCConstants.GET_ROLE_ID); prepStmt.setString(1, roleName); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int value = rs.getInt(1); if (value > -1) { isExisting = true; } } return isExisting; } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while checking is existing role : " + roleName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection, rs, prepStmt); } } public String[] getSystemRoles() throws UserStoreException { String sqlStmt = SystemJDBCConstants.GET_ROLES; Connection dbConnection = null; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); String[] roles = DatabaseUtil.getStringValuesFromDatabase(dbConnection, sqlStmt, tenantId); return UserCoreUtil.addDomainToNames(roles, UserCoreConstants.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting system roles"; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } } public String[] getUserListOfSystemRole(String roleName) throws UserStoreException { String sqlStmt = SystemJDBCConstants.GET_USER_LIST_OF_ROLE_SQL; Connection dbConnection = null; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); String[] users = DatabaseUtil.getStringValuesFromDatabase(dbConnection, sqlStmt, roleName, tenantId, tenantId); return UserCoreUtil.addDomainToNames(users, UserCoreConstants.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting user list of system role : " + roleName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } } public void updateUserListOfSystemRole(String roleName, String[] deletedUsers, String[] newUsers) throws UserStoreException { String sqlStmt1 = SystemJDBCConstants.REMOVE_USER_FROM_ROLE_SQL; String sqlStmt2 = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_USER_TO_ROLE_SQL; Connection dbConnection = null; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); String type = DatabaseCreator.getDatabaseType(dbConnection); if (UserCoreConstants.MSSQL_TYPE.equals(type)) { sqlStmt2 = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_USER_TO_ROLE_SQL_MSSQL; } if (deletedUsers != null && deletedUsers.length > 0) { DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sqlStmt1, deletedUsers, roleName, tenantId, tenantId); } if (newUsers != null && newUsers.length > 0) { if (UserCoreConstants.OPENEDGE_TYPE.equals(type)) { sqlStmt2 = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_USER_TO_ROLE_SQL_OPENEDGE; DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sqlStmt2, newUsers, tenantId, roleName, tenantId); } else { DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sqlStmt2, newUsers, roleName, tenantId, tenantId); } } dbConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while updating user list of system role : " + roleName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting database type from DB connection"; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } } public String[] getSystemRoleListOfUser(String userName) throws UserStoreException { String sqlStmt = SystemJDBCConstants.GET_ROLE_LIST_OF_USER_SQL; Connection dbConnection = null; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); String[] roles = DatabaseUtil.getStringValuesFromDatabase(dbConnection, sqlStmt, userName, tenantId, tenantId); return UserCoreUtil.addDomainToNames(roles, UserCoreConstants.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting system role list of user : " + userName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } } public void updateSystemRoleListOfUser(String user, String[] deletedRoles, String[] addRoles) throws UserStoreException { String sqlStmt1 = SystemJDBCConstants.REMOVE_ROLE_FROM_USER_SQL; String sqlStmt2 = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_ROLE_TO_USER_SQL; Connection dbConnection = null; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); String type = DatabaseCreator.getDatabaseType(dbConnection); if (UserCoreConstants.MSSQL_TYPE.equals(type)) { sqlStmt2 = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_ROLE_TO_USER_SQL_MSSQL; } if (deletedRoles != null && deletedRoles.length > 0) { DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sqlStmt1, deletedRoles, tenantId, user, tenantId); } if (addRoles != null && addRoles.length > 0) { if (UserCoreConstants.OPENEDGE_TYPE.equals(type)) { sqlStmt2 = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_ROLE_TO_USER_SQL_OPENEDGE; DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sqlStmt2, user, tenantId, addRoles, tenantId); } else { DatabaseUtil.udpateUserRoleMappingInBatchMode(dbConnection, sqlStmt2, addRoles, tenantId, user, tenantId); } } dbConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting system role list of user : " + user; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting database type from DB connection"; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } } public boolean isUserInRole(String userName, String roleName) throws UserStoreException { Connection dbConnection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean isUserInRole = false; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SystemJDBCConstants.IS_USER_IN_ROLE_SQL); prepStmt.setString(1, userName); prepStmt.setString(2, roleName); prepStmt.setInt(3, tenantId); prepStmt.setInt(4, tenantId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int value = rs.getInt(1); if (value != -1) { isUserInRole = true; } } dbConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while checking is user : " + userName + " & in role : " + roleName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection, rs, prepStmt); } return isUserInRole; } public boolean isExistingSystemUser(String userName) throws UserStoreException { Connection dbConnection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean isExisting = false; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SystemJDBCConstants.GET_USER_ID_SQL); prepStmt.setString(1, userName); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int value = rs.getInt(1); if (value > -1) { isExisting = true; } } return isExisting; } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while checking is existing system user : " + userName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection, rs, prepStmt); } } public void addSystemUser(String userName, Object credential, String[] roleList) throws UserStoreException { Connection dbConnection = null; String password = (String) credential; try { dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); String sqlStmt1 = SystemJDBCConstants.ADD_USER_SQL; String saltValue = null; try { SecureRandom secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance(UserCoreConstants.SHA_1_PRNG); byte[] bytes = new byte[16]; //secureRandom is automatically seeded by calling nextBytes secureRandom.nextBytes(bytes); saltValue = Base64.encode(bytes); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException("SHA1PRNG algorithm could not be found."); } password = this.preparePassword(password, saltValue); this.updateStringValuesToDatabase(dbConnection, sqlStmt1, userName, password, saltValue, false, new Date(), tenantId); // add user to role. updateSystemRoleListOfUser(userName, null, roleList); dbConnection.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { try { if (dbConnection != null) { dbConnection.rollback(); } } catch (SQLException e1) { log.error("Error while rollbacking add system user operation", e1); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } } public String[] getSystemUsers() throws UserStoreException { Connection dbConnection = null; String sqlStmt = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String filter = "*"; int maxItemLimit = 100; String[] systemsUsers = new String[0]; try { if (filter != null && filter.trim().length() != 0) { filter = filter.trim(); filter = filter.replace("*", "%"); filter = filter.replace("?", "_"); } else { filter = "%"; } List<String> lst = new LinkedList<String>(); dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); if (dbConnection == null) { throw new UserStoreException("null connection"); } dbConnection.setAutoCommit(false); dbConnection.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED); sqlStmt = SystemJDBCConstants.GET_SYSTEM_USER_FILTER_SQL; prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); prepStmt.setString(1, filter); if (sqlStmt.contains(UserCoreConstants.UM_TENANT_COLUMN)) { prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); } rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); int i = 0; while ( { if (i < maxItemLimit) { String name = rs.getString(1); lst.add(name); } else { break; } i++; } rs.close(); if (lst.size() > 0) { systemsUsers = lst.toArray(new String[lst.size()]); } Arrays.sort(systemsUsers); systemsUsers = UserCoreUtil.addDomainToNames(systemsUsers, UserCoreConstants.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME); } catch (SQLException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while getting system users"; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } finally { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection, rs, prepStmt); } return systemsUsers; } // public void deleteUser(String userName) throws UserStoreException { // // Connection dbConnection = null; // PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; // // try { // dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); // preparedStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SystemJDBCConstants.REMOVE_USER_SQL); // preparedStatement.setString(1, userName); // preparedStatement.execute(); // //needs to clear authz cache of user // this.userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().clearUserAuthorization(userName); // dbConnection.commit(); // } catch (SQLException e) { // log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); // } finally { // DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection, preparedStatement); // } // } // public void deleteSystemRole(String roleName) throws UserStoreException { // // Connection dbConnection = null; // try { // dbConnection = getDBConnection(); // DatabaseUtil.updateDatabase(dbConnection, // SystemJDBCConstants.ON_DELETE_ROLE_REMOVE_USER_ROLE_SQL, roleName, tenantId, // tenantId); // DatabaseUtil.updateDatabase(dbConnection, SystemJDBCConstants.DELETE_ROLE_SQL, // roleName, tenantId); // dbConnection.commit(); // } catch (SQLException e) { // log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); // } finally { // DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); // } // //also need to clear role authorization // userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().clearRoleAuthorization(roleName); // } // // public void updateSystemRoleName(String roleName, String newRoleName) throws UserStoreException { // // String sqlStmt = SystemJDBCConstants.UPDATE_ROLE_NAME_SQL; // Connection dbConnection = null; // try { // dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); // if (sqlStmt.contains(UserCoreConstants.UM_TENANT_COLUMN)) { // DatabaseUtil.updateDatabase(dbConnection, sqlStmt, newRoleName, roleName, tenantId); // } else { // DatabaseUtil.updateDatabase(dbConnection, sqlStmt, newRoleName, roleName); // } // dbConnection.commit(); // this.userRealm.getAuthorizationManager().resetPermissionOnUpdateRole(roleName, // newRoleName); // } catch (SQLException e) { // log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // log.error("Using sql : " + sqlStmt); // throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); // } finally { // DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); // } // } private String preparePassword(String password, String saltValue) throws UserStoreException { try { String digestInput = password; if (saltValue != null) { digestInput = password + saltValue; } MessageDigest dgst = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); byte[] byteValue = dgst.digest(digestInput.getBytes()); password = Base64.encode(byteValue); return password; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { String errorMessage = "Error occurred while preparing password : " + password; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(errorMessage, e); } throw new UserStoreException(errorMessage, e); } } private void updateStringValuesToDatabase(Connection dbConnection, String sqlStmt, Object... params) throws UserStoreException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; boolean localConnection = false; try { if (dbConnection == null) { localConnection = true; dbConnection = DatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(dataSource); } prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); if (params != null && params.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { Object param = params[i]; if (param == null) { throw new UserStoreException("Invalid data provided"); } else if (param instanceof String) { prepStmt.setString(i + 1, (String) param); } else if (param instanceof Integer) { prepStmt.setInt(i + 1, (Integer) param); } else if (param instanceof Date) { //Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(((Date) param).getTime()); //prepStmt.setTimestamp(i + 1, timestamp); prepStmt.setTimestamp(i + 1, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); } else if (param instanceof Boolean) { prepStmt.setBoolean(i + 1, (Boolean) param); } } } int count = prepStmt.executeUpdate(); if (count == 0) {"No rows were updated"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Executed querry is " + sqlStmt + " and number of updated rows :: " + count); } if (localConnection) { dbConnection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (localConnection) { DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(dbConnection); } DatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(null, prepStmt); } } }