Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2014, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.provider; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.base.ServerConfiguration; import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.wso2.carbon.context.CarbonContext; import org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.LogViewerException; import org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.config.ServiceConfigManager; import org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.config.SyslogConfigManager; import org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.config.SyslogConfiguration; import; import; import; import org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.provider.api.LogFileProvider; import org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.util.LoggingConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.util.LoggingUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.CarbonUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; public class FileLogProvider implements LogFileProvider { private static final String APPLICATION_TYPE_ZIP = "application/zip"; private static final String SERVER_KEY = "ServerKey"; private static final String URL_ENCODED_SPACE_CHAR = "%20"; private static final String CARBON_LOGFILE_APPENDER = "CARBON_LOGFILE"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FileLogProvider.class); /** * Initialize the log provider by reading the property comes with logging configuration file * This will be called immediate after create new instance of LogProvider * * @param loggingConfig - */ @Override public void init(LoggingConfig loggingConfig) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("FileLogProvider is initialized."); } } @Override public List<LogFileInfo> getLogFileInfoList(String tenantDomain, String serverKey) throws LogViewerException { String folderPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonLogsPath(); List<LogFileInfo> logs = new ArrayList<LogFileInfo>(); LogFileInfo logFileInfo; String currentServerName = getCurrentServerName(); if ((((tenantDomain == null || "".equals(tenantDomain)) && isSuperTenantUser()) || (tenantDomain != null && MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(tenantDomain))) && (serverKey == null || "".equals(serverKey) || serverKey.equalsIgnoreCase(currentServerName))) { File folder = new File(folderPath); FileFilter fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(LoggingConstants.RegexPatterns.LOCAL_CARBON_LOG_PATTERN); File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(fileFilter); // folder.listFiles consumes lot of memory when there are many files in the folder // (> 10 000), can be fixed with nio support in Java7 if (listOfFiles == null) { // folder.listFiles can return a null, in that case return a default log info if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("List of log files of the given pattern is null."); } return getDefaultLogInfoList(); } for (File file : listOfFiles) { String filename = file.getName(); String[] fileDates = filename.split(LoggingConstants.RegexPatterns.LOG_FILE_DATE_SEPARATOR); String filePath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonLogsPath() + LoggingConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + filename; File logfile = new File(filePath); if (fileDates.length == 2) { logFileInfo = new LogFileInfo(filename, fileDates[1], getFileSize(logfile)); } else { logFileInfo = new LogFileInfo(filename, LoggingConstants.RegexPatterns.CURRENT_LOG, getFileSize(logfile)); } logs.add(logFileInfo); } } return getSortedPerLogInfoList(logs); } @Override public DataHandler downloadLogFile(String logFile, String tenantDomain, String serverKey) throws LogViewerException { InputStream is = null; ByteArrayDataSource bytArrayDS; int tenantId = LoggingUtil.getTenantIdForDomain(tenantDomain); try { is = getInputStream(logFile, tenantId, serverKey); bytArrayDS = new ByteArrayDataSource(is, APPLICATION_TYPE_ZIP); return new DataHandler(bytArrayDS); } catch (LogViewerException e) { log.error("Cannot read InputStream from the file " + logFile, e); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Cannot read file size from the " + logFile; log.error(msg, e); throw new LogViewerException(msg, e); } finally { if (null != is) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error while closing inputStream of log file", e); } } } } private boolean isSyslogOn() { SyslogConfiguration syslogConfig = SyslogConfigManager.loadSyslogConfiguration(); return syslogConfig.isSyslogOn(); } private List<LogFileInfo> getSortedPerLogInfoList(List<LogFileInfo> logs) { if (logs == null || logs.isEmpty()) { return getDefaultLogInfoList(); } else { Collections.sort(logs, new Comparator<Object>() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { LogFileInfo log1 = (LogFileInfo) o1; LogFileInfo log2 = (LogFileInfo) o2; return log1.getLogName().compareToIgnoreCase(log2.getLogName()); } }); return logs; } } private InputStream getLogDataStream(String logFile, int tenantId, String productName) throws Exception { SyslogData syslogData = getSyslogData(); //throws an Exception, so cannot throw a // specific exception from getLogDataStream() String url; // manager can view all the products tenant log information url = getLogsServerURLforTenantService(syslogData.getUrl(), logFile, tenantId, productName); String password = syslogData.getPassword(); String userName = syslogData.getUserName(); int port = Integer.parseInt(syslogData.getPort()); String realm = syslogData.getRealm(); URI uri = new URI(url); String host = uri.getHost(); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(host, port, realm), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, password)); GetMethod get = new GetMethod(url); get.setDoAuthentication(true); client.executeMethod(get); return get.getResponseBodyAsStream(); } private SyslogData getSyslogData() throws Exception { return LoggingUtil.getSyslogData(); } private String getLogsServerURLforTenantService(String syslogServerURL, String logFile, int tenantId, String serverKey) throws LogViewerException { String serverUrl; String lastChar = String.valueOf(syslogServerURL.charAt(syslogServerURL.length() - 1)); if (lastChar.equals(LoggingConstants.URL_SEPARATOR)) { // http://my.log.server/logs/stratos/ syslogServerURL = syslogServerURL.substring(0, syslogServerURL.length() - 1); } if (isSuperTenantUser()) { // ST can view tenant specific log files. if (isManager()) { // manager can view different services log // messages. if (serverKey != null && serverKey.length() > 0) { serverUrl = getServerUrl(syslogServerURL, tenantId, serverKey); } else { serverUrl = getServerUrl(syslogServerURL, tenantId, LoggingConstants.WSO2_STRATOS_MANAGER); } if (!isStratosService()) { // stand-alone apps. serverUrl = getServerUrl(syslogServerURL, tenantId, ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(SERVER_KEY)); } } else { // for other stratos services can view only their relevant // logs. serverUrl = getServerUrl(syslogServerURL, tenantId, ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(SERVER_KEY)); } } else { // tenant level logging if (isManager()) { if (serverKey != null && serverKey.length() > 0) { serverUrl = getServerUrl(syslogServerURL, CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(), serverKey); } else { serverUrl = getServerUrl(syslogServerURL, CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(), LoggingConstants.WSO2_STRATOS_MANAGER); } } else { serverUrl = getServerUrl(syslogServerURL, CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(), ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(SERVER_KEY)); } } serverUrl = serverUrl.replaceAll("\\s", URL_ENCODED_SPACE_CHAR); logFile = logFile.replaceAll("\\s", URL_ENCODED_SPACE_CHAR); return serverUrl + logFile; } private String getServerUrl(String syslogServerURL, int tenantId, String serverKey) { return syslogServerURL + LoggingConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + tenantId + LoggingConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + serverKey + LoggingConstants.URL_SEPARATOR; } private boolean isStratosService() throws LogViewerException { String serverKey = ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(SERVER_KEY); return ServiceConfigManager.isStratosService(serverKey); } private boolean isManager() { return LoggingConstants.WSO2_STRATOS_MANAGER .equalsIgnoreCase(ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(SERVER_KEY)); } private boolean isSuperTenantUser() { CarbonContext carbonContext = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext(); int tenantId = carbonContext.getTenantId(); return tenantId == MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID; } private String getCurrentServerName() { return ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(SERVER_KEY); } private String getFileSize(File file) { long bytes = file.length(); int unit = 1024; if (bytes < unit) { return bytes + " B"; } int exp = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit)); char pre = "KMGTPE".charAt(exp - 1); return String.format("%.1f %sB", bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp), pre); } private InputStream getInputStream(String logFile, int tenantId, String serverKey) throws LogViewerException { InputStream inputStream; try { if (isSyslogOn()) { inputStream = getLogDataStream(logFile, tenantId, serverKey); } else { if (isSuperTenantUser()) { Path logFilePath = Paths.get(CarbonUtils.getCarbonLogsPath(), logFile); if (!isPathInsideBaseDirectory(Paths.get(CarbonUtils.getCarbonLogsPath()), logFilePath)) { throw new LogViewerException("Specified log file path is outside carbon logs directory."); } FileAppender carbonLogFileAppender = (FileAppender) Logger.getRootLogger() .getAppender(CARBON_LOGFILE_APPENDER); String carbonLogFileName = new File(carbonLogFileAppender.getFile()).getName(); if (!logFilePath.getFileName().toString().startsWith(carbonLogFileName)) { throw new LogViewerException( "Trying to access logs other than " + "CARBON_LOGFILE appender log file."); } inputStream = getLocalInputStream(logFilePath.toString()); } else { throw new LogViewerException("Syslog Properties are not properly configured"); } } return inputStream; } catch (Exception e) { // cannot catch a specific exception since RegistryManager.getSyslogConfig (which is // used in the call stack of getLogDataStream()) throws an exception throw new LogViewerException("Error getting the file input stream", e); } } private InputStream getLocalInputStream(String logFile) throws FileNotFoundException { return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(logFile)); } private List<LogFileInfo> getDefaultLogInfoList() { List<LogFileInfo> defaultLogFileInfoList = new ArrayList<LogFileInfo>(); defaultLogFileInfoList.add(new LogFileInfo("NO_LOG_FILES", "---", "---")); return defaultLogFileInfoList; } /** * Tests if the provided path is inside the base directory path. * * @param baseDirPath absolute {@link Path} of the base directory in which we want to check whether the given path * is inside * @param path relative {@link Path} to be tested * @return {@code true} if the given path is inside the base directory path, otherwise {@code false} */ private static boolean isPathInsideBaseDirectory(Path baseDirPath, Path path) { Path resolvedPath = baseDirPath.resolve(path.normalize()).normalize(); return resolvedPath.startsWith(baseDirPath.normalize()); } }