Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2018, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License */ package org.wso2.carbon.identity.openidconnect.util; import com.nimbusds.jose.EncryptionMethod; import com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException; import com.nimbusds.jose.JWEAlgorithm; import com.nimbusds.jose.JWEHeader; import com.nimbusds.jose.JWEObject; import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm; import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSHeader; import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSSigner; import com.nimbusds.jose.Payload; import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSAEncrypter; import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSASSASigner; import com.nimbusds.jwt.EncryptedJWT; import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet; import com.nimbusds.jwt.PlainJWT; import com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT; import net.minidev.json.JSONArray; import net.minidev.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.testng.Assert; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.util.IdentityDatabaseUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.dao.SQLQueries; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.RequestObjectException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.openidconnect.model.Constants; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserCoreConstants; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class TestUtils { public static final String DB_NAME = "jdbc/WSO2CarbonDB"; public static final String H2_SCRIPT_NAME = "scope_claim.sql"; public static Map<String, BasicDataSource> dataSourceMap = new HashMap<>(); public static void initiateH2Base() throws SQLException { BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); dataSource.setDriverClassName("org.h2.Driver"); dataSource.setUsername("username"); dataSource.setPassword("password"); dataSource.setUrl("jdbc:h2:mem:test" + DB_NAME); Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); connection.createStatement().executeUpdate("RUNSCRIPT FROM '" + getFilePath(H2_SCRIPT_NAME) + "'"); dataSourceMap.put(DB_NAME, dataSource); } public static String getFilePath(String fileName) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileName)) { return Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "src", "test", "resources", "dbScripts", fileName) .toString(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("DB Script file name cannot be empty."); } public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { if (dataSourceMap.get(DB_NAME) != null) { return dataSourceMap.get(DB_NAME).getConnection(); } throw new RuntimeException("No data source initiated for database: " + DB_NAME); } /** * Return a JWT string with provided info, and default time * * @param issuer * @param subject * @param jti * @param audience * @param algorythm * @param privateKey * @param notBeforeMillis * @return * @throws org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.RequestObjectException */ public static String buildJWT(String issuer, String subject, String jti, String audience, String algorythm, Key privateKey, long notBeforeMillis, Map<String, Object> claims) throws RequestObjectException { JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet = getJwtClaimsSet(issuer, subject, jti, audience, notBeforeMillis, claims); if (JWSAlgorithm.NONE.getName().equals(algorythm)) { return new PlainJWT(jwtClaimsSet).serialize(); } return signJWTWithRSA(jwtClaimsSet, privateKey); } private static JWTClaimsSet getJwtClaimsSet(String issuer, String subject, String jti, String audience, long notBeforeMillis, Map<String, Object> claims) { long lifetimeInMillis = 3600 * 1000; long curTimeInMillis = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // Set claims to jwt token. JWTClaimsSet.Builder jwtClaimsSetBuilder = new JWTClaimsSet.Builder(); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.issuer(issuer); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.subject(subject); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.audience(Arrays.asList(audience)); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.jwtID(jti); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.expirationTime(new Date(curTimeInMillis + lifetimeInMillis)); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.issueTime(new Date(curTimeInMillis)); if (notBeforeMillis > 0) { jwtClaimsSetBuilder.notBeforeTime(new Date(curTimeInMillis + notBeforeMillis)); } if (claims != null && !claims.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry entry : claims.entrySet()) { jwtClaimsSetBuilder.claim(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } } return; } public static String buildJWT(String issuer, String subject, String jti, String audience, String algorythm, Key privateKey, long notBeforeMillis, long lifetimeInMillis, long issuedTime) throws RequestObjectException { long curTimeInMillis = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); if (issuedTime < 0) { issuedTime = curTimeInMillis; } if (lifetimeInMillis <= 0) { lifetimeInMillis = 3600 * 1000; } // Set claims to jwt token. JWTClaimsSet.Builder jwtClaimsSetBuilder = new JWTClaimsSet.Builder(); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.issuer(issuer); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.subject(subject); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.audience(Arrays.asList(audience)); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.jwtID(jti); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.expirationTime(new Date(issuedTime + lifetimeInMillis)); jwtClaimsSetBuilder.issueTime(new Date(issuedTime)); if (notBeforeMillis > 0) { jwtClaimsSetBuilder.notBeforeTime(new Date(issuedTime + notBeforeMillis)); } JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet =; if (JWSAlgorithm.NONE.getName().equals(algorythm)) { return new PlainJWT(jwtClaimsSet).serialize(); } return signJWTWithRSA(jwtClaimsSet, privateKey); } /** * sign JWT token from RSA algorithm * * @param jwtClaimsSet contains JWT body * @param privateKey * @return signed JWT token * @throws RequestObjectException */ public static String signJWTWithRSA(JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet, Key privateKey) throws RequestObjectException { SignedJWT signedJWT = getSignedJWT(jwtClaimsSet, (RSAPrivateKey) privateKey); return signedJWT.serialize(); } private static SignedJWT getSignedJWT(JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet, RSAPrivateKey privateKey) throws RequestObjectException { try { JWSSigner signer = new RSASSASigner(privateKey); SignedJWT signedJWT = new SignedJWT(new JWSHeader(JWSAlgorithm.RS256), jwtClaimsSet); signedJWT.sign(signer); return signedJWT; } catch (JOSEException e) { throw new RequestObjectException("error_signing_jwt", "Error occurred while signing JWT."); } } /** * Create a auth-app in the given tenant with given consumerKey and consumerSecreat * * @param consumerKey * @param consumerSecret * @param tenantId */ public static void createApplication(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, int tenantId) { try (Connection connection = IdentityDatabaseUtil.getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection .prepareStatement(SQLQueries.OAuthAppDAOSQLQueries.ADD_OAUTH_APP)) { prepStmt.setString(1, consumerKey); prepStmt.setString(2, consumerSecret); prepStmt.setString(3, "testUser"); prepStmt.setInt(4, tenantId); prepStmt.setString(5, UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME); prepStmt.setString(6, "oauth2-app"); prepStmt.setString(7, "OAuth-2.0"); prepStmt.setString(8, "some-call-back"); prepStmt.setString(9, "refresh_token urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer implicit password " + "client_credentials iwa:ntlm authorization_code urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"); prepStmt.execute(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) {"Unable to add Oauth application."); } } /** * Read Keystore from the file identified by given keystorename, password * * @param keystoreName * @param password * @param home * @return * @throws Exception */ public static KeyStore getKeyStoreFromFile(String keystoreName, String password, String home) throws Exception { Path tenantKeystorePath = Paths.get(home, "repository", "resources", "security", keystoreName); FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(tenantKeystorePath.toString()); KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); keystore.load(file, password.toCharArray()); return keystore; } public static String buildJWE(String issuer, String subject, String jti, String audience, String algorythm, Key privateKey, Key publicKey, long notBeforeMillis, Map<String, Object> claims) throws RequestObjectException { JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet = getJwtClaimsSet(issuer, subject, jti, audience, notBeforeMillis, claims); if (JWSAlgorithm.NONE.getName().equals(algorythm)) { return getEncryptedJWT((RSAPublicKey) publicKey, jwtClaimsSet); } else { return getSignedAndEncryptedJWT(publicKey, (RSAPrivateKey) privateKey, jwtClaimsSet); } } private static String getSignedAndEncryptedJWT(Key publicKey, RSAPrivateKey privateKey, JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet) throws RequestObjectException { SignedJWT signedJWT = getSignedJWT(jwtClaimsSet, privateKey); // Create JWE object with signed JWT as payload JWEHeader jweHeader = new JWEHeader(JWEAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP_256, EncryptionMethod.A256GCM); JWEObject jweObject = new JWEObject(jweHeader, new Payload(signedJWT.serialize())); // Perform encryption try { jweObject.encrypt(new RSAEncrypter((RSAPublicKey) publicKey)); return jweObject.serialize(); } catch (JOSEException e) { throw new RequestObjectException("error_building_jwd", "Error occurred while creating JWE."); } } private static String getEncryptedJWT(RSAPublicKey publicKey, JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet) throws RequestObjectException { // Request JWT encrypted with RSA-OAEP-256 and 128-bit AES/GCM JWEHeader header = new JWEHeader(JWEAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP, EncryptionMethod.A128GCM); // Create the encrypted JWT object EncryptedJWT jwt = new EncryptedJWT(header, jwtClaimsSet); try { // Create an encrypter with the specified public RSA key RSAEncrypter encrypter = new RSAEncrypter(publicKey); // Do the actual encryption jwt.encrypt(encrypter); } catch (JOSEException e) { throw new RequestObjectException("error_building_jwd", "Error occurred while creating JWE JWT."); } return jwt.serialize(); } public static Object[][] getRequestObjects(Key privateKey, Key privateKey2, PublicKey publicKey, String testClientId, String audience) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> claims1 = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Object> claims2 = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Object> claims3 = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Object> claims4 = new HashMap<>(); claims1.put(Constants.STATE, "af0ifjsldkj"); claims1.put(Constants.CLIENT_ID, testClientId); JSONObject userInfoClaims = new JSONObject(); userInfoClaims.put("essential", true); userInfoClaims.put("value", "some-value"); JSONArray valuesArray = new JSONArray(); valuesArray.add("value1"); valuesArray.add("value2"); userInfoClaims.put("values", valuesArray); JSONObject userInfoClaim = new JSONObject(); userInfoClaim.put("user_info", userInfoClaims); JSONObject acr = new JSONObject(); acr.put("acr", userInfoClaim); claims2.put("claims", acr); claims3.put(Constants.CLIENT_ID, "some-string"); JSONObject givenName = new JSONObject(); givenName.put("given_name", null); JSONObject idTokenClaim = new JSONObject(); idTokenClaim.put("id_token", givenName); claims4.put("claims", idTokenClaim); String jsonWebToken1 = buildJWT(testClientId, testClientId, "1000", audience, "RSA265", privateKey, 0, claims1); String jsonWebToken2 = buildJWT(testClientId, testClientId, "1001", audience, "none", privateKey, 0, claims1); String jsonWebToken3 = buildJWT(testClientId, testClientId, "1002", audience, "RSA265", privateKey, 0, claims2); String jsonWebToken4 = buildJWT(testClientId, testClientId, "1003", audience, "none", privateKey, 0, claims2); String jsonWebToken5 = buildJWT(testClientId, testClientId, "1004", audience, "none", privateKey, 0, claims3); String jsonWebToken6 = buildJWT(testClientId, testClientId, "1005", audience, "RSA265", privateKey2, 0, claims2); String jsonWebToken7 = buildJWT(testClientId, testClientId, "1000", audience, "RSA265", privateKey, 0, claims4); String jsonWebEncryption1 = buildJWE(testClientId, testClientId, "2000", audience, JWSAlgorithm.NONE.getName(), privateKey, publicKey, 0, claims1); String jsonWebEncryption2 = buildJWE(testClientId, testClientId, "2001", audience, JWSAlgorithm.RS256.getName(), privateKey, publicKey, 0, claims1); return new Object[][] { { jsonWebToken1, claims1, true, false, true, "Valid Request Object, signed, not encrypted." }, { jsonWebToken2, claims1, false, false, true, "Valid Request Object, not signed, not encrypted." }, { jsonWebToken3, claims2, true, false, true, "Valid Request Object, signed, not encrypted." }, { jsonWebToken4, claims2, false, false, true, "Valid Request Object, not signed, not encrypted." }, { jsonWebToken5, claims3, false, false, false, "Invalid Request Object, not signed, not encrypted, " + "mismatching client_id." }, { jsonWebToken6, claims2, true, false, false, "Invalid Request Object, signed but with different key, " + "not encrypted." }, { jsonWebToken7, claims4, true, false, true, "Valid Request Object, signed, not encrypted." }, { "some-request-object", null, false, false, false, "Invalid Request Object string, " + "signed not encrypted." }, { "", null, false, false, false, "Invalid Request Object, signed not encrypted." }, { jsonWebEncryption1, claims1, false, true, true, "Valid Request Object, signed and encrypted." }, { jsonWebEncryption2, claims1, true, true, true, "Valid Request Object, signed and encrypted." } }; } }