Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2018, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.esb.scenario.test.common; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.awaitility.Awaitility; import org.testng.SkipException; import org.wso2.carbon.application.mgt.stub.ApplicationAdminExceptionException; import org.wso2.carbon.esb.scenario.test.common.ftp.FTPClientWrapper; import org.wso2.carbon.integration.common.admin.client.ApplicationAdminClient; import org.wso2.carbon.integration.common.admin.client.CarbonAppUploaderClient; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.FileDataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This is the base class of scenario test classes. */ public class ScenarioTestBase { private static final String INPUTS_LOCATION = System.getProperty("data.bucket.location"); private static final String INFRASTRUCTURE_PROPERTIES = ""; private static final String DEPLOYMENT_PROPERTIES = ""; private static final String JOB_PROPERTIES = ""; public static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ScenarioTestBase.class); protected static final String testResourcesDir = System.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.TEST_RESOURCES_DIR); protected static final String commonResourcesDir = System.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.COMMON_RESOURCES_DIR); private static final String PRODUCT_VERSION = "ProductVersion"; private static Properties infraProperties; private static String backendURL; private static String serviceURL; private static String securedServiceURL; private static String mgtConsoleURL; private static String elasticSearchHostname; private static String deploymentStackName; private static String runningProductVersion; private static String localVfsLocation; private static String testRunUUID; private String sessionCookie; private boolean standaloneMode; private static String ftpHostName; private static String ftpUsername; private static String ftpPassword; private CarbonAppUploaderClient carbonAppUploaderClient = null; private ApplicationAdminClient applicationAdminClient = null; /** * Initialize testcase * * @throws Exception if the logging in fails */ public void init() throws Exception {"Started Executing Scenario TestBase "); configureUrls(); //standaloneMode = Boolean.valueOf(infraProperties.getProperty(STANDALONE_DEPLOYMENT)); // TODO : remove this once test environment is stable standaloneMode = true; // Retrieve test execution run UUID testRunUUID = System.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.TEST_RUN_UUID); // login AuthenticatorClient authenticatorClient = new AuthenticatorClient(backendURL); sessionCookie = authenticatorClient.login("admin", "admin", getServerHost());"Service URL: " + serviceURL + " | Secured Service URL: " + securedServiceURL);"The Backend service URL : " + backendURL + ". session cookie: " + sessionCookie); } /** * Validates if the test case is one that should be executed on the running product version. * <p> * All test methods of the test case will be skipped if it is not compatible with the running version. This is * introduced to cater tests introduced for fixes done as patches for released product versions as they may only * be valid for the product version for which the fix was done for. * * @param incompatibleVersions product versions that the test is not compatible with */ protected void skipTestsForIncompatibleProductVersions(String... incompatibleVersions) { //running product version can be null if the property is not in deployment properties if (null != runningProductVersion && Arrays.asList(incompatibleVersions).contains(runningProductVersion)) { String errorMessage = "Skipping test: " + this.getClass().getName() + " due to version mismatch. Running " + "product version: " + runningProductVersion + ", Non allowed versions: " + Arrays.toString(incompatibleVersions); log.warn(errorMessage); throw new SkipException(errorMessage); } } /** * Skip test if the test is executed in standalone mode since some tests need to be executed in distributed * infrastructure. For example some tests required to assert log entries from ELK stack */ protected void skipTestsIfStandaloneDeployment() { if (Boolean.valueOf(getInfrastructureProperty(ScenarioConstants.STANDALONE_DEPLOYMENT))) { String errorMessage = "Skipping test: " + this.getClass().getName() + " since this test require distributed deployment"; log.warn(errorMessage); throw new SkipException(errorMessage); } } /** * Perform cleanup. * * @throws Exception if an error occurs while performing clean up task */ public void cleanup() throws Exception { } /** * This is a utility method to load the deployment details. * The deployment details are available as key-value pairs in {@link #INFRASTRUCTURE_PROPERTIES}, * {@link #DEPLOYMENT_PROPERTIES}, and {@link #JOB_PROPERTIES} under the * {@link #INPUTS_LOCATION}. * * This method loads these files into one single properties, and return it. * * @return properties the deployment properties */ public static Properties getDeploymentProperties() { Path infraPropsFile = Paths.get(INPUTS_LOCATION + File.separator + INFRASTRUCTURE_PROPERTIES); Path deployPropsFile = Paths.get(INPUTS_LOCATION + File.separator + DEPLOYMENT_PROPERTIES); Path jobPropsFile = Paths.get(INPUTS_LOCATION + File.separator + JOB_PROPERTIES); Properties props = new Properties(); loadProperties(infraPropsFile, props); loadProperties(deployPropsFile, props); loadProperties(jobPropsFile, props); return props; } public String getInfrastructureProperty(String propertyName) { return infraProperties.getProperty(propertyName); } protected String getApiInvocationURLHttp(String resourcePath) { return serviceURL + (resourcePath.startsWith("/") ? resourcePath.substring(1) : resourcePath); } public String getApiInvocationURLHttps(String resourcePath) { return securedServiceURL + (resourcePath.startsWith("/") ? resourcePath.substring(1) : resourcePath); } protected String getProxyServiceURLHttp(String proxyServiceName) { return serviceURL + "services" + (proxyServiceName.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + proxyServiceName; } protected String getProxyServiceURLHttps(String proxyServiceName) { return securedServiceURL + "services" + (proxyServiceName.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + proxyServiceName; } /** * Function to get absolute local VFS location for VFS tests * * @param resourcePath - relative path * @return absolute vfs path for VFS tests */ protected String getLocalVfsLocation(String resourcePath) { return localVfsLocation + (localVfsLocation.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + resourcePath; } /** * Function to get absolute VFS location for VFS tests * * @param resourcePath - relative path * @return absolute vfs source directory for VFS tests */ protected String getVfsSourceDir(String resourcePath) { return testResourcesDir + (testResourcesDir.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + resourcePath; } /** * Function to upload carbon application * * @param carFileName the name of the carbon application to be deployed * @throws RemoteException if the admin client becomes unable to connect to the admin service */ protected void deployCarbonApplication(String carFileName) throws RemoteException, InterruptedException { if (standaloneMode) { // If standalone mode, deploy the CAPP to the server String cappFilePath = testResourcesDir + File.separator + "artifacts" + File.separator + carFileName + ".car"; if (carbonAppUploaderClient == null) { carbonAppUploaderClient = new CarbonAppUploaderClient(backendURL, sessionCookie); } DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(new File(cappFilePath))); // Upload carbon application carbonAppUploaderClient.uploadCarbonAppArtifact(carFileName + ".car", dh); //TODO - This thread sleep is added temporarily to wait until the ESB Instances sync in the cluster in clustered test environment if (!Boolean.valueOf(infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.STANDALONE_DEPLOYMENT))) {"Waiting for artifacts synchronized across cluster nodes"); Thread.sleep(120000); } if (applicationAdminClient == null) { applicationAdminClient = new ApplicationAdminClient(backendURL, sessionCookie); } // Wait for Capp to sync"Waiting for Carbon Application deployment .."); Awaitility.await().pollInterval(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .atMost(ScenarioConstants.ARTIFACT_DEPLOYMENT_WAIT_TIME_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .until(isCAppDeployed(applicationAdminClient, carFileName)); } } /** * Function to undeploy carbon application * * @param applicationName name of the Carbon application to be undeployed * @throws ApplicationAdminExceptionException if an error occurs while undeploying carbon application * @throws RemoteException if the admin client becomes unable to connect to the service */ public void undeployCarbonApplication(String applicationName) throws ApplicationAdminExceptionException, RemoteException { if (standaloneMode) { applicationAdminClient.deleteApplication(applicationName); // Wait for Capp to undeploy Awaitility.await().pollInterval(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .atMost(ScenarioConstants.ARTIFACT_DEPLOYMENT_WAIT_TIME_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .until(isCAppUnDeployed(applicationAdminClient, applicationName)); } } private static void loadProperties(Path propsFile, Properties props) { String msg = "Deployment property file not found: "; if (!Files.exists(propsFile)) { log.warn(msg + propsFile); return; } try (InputStream propsIS = Files.newInputStream(propsFile)) { props.load(propsIS); } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private String getServerHost() { String url = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.MGT_CONSOLE_URL); if (url != null && url.contains("/")) { url = url.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; } else if (url == null) { url = "localhost"; }"Backend URL is set as : " + url); return url; } private Callable<Boolean> isCAppDeployed(final ApplicationAdminClient applicationAdminClient, final String cAppName) { return new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception {"Check CApp deployment : " + cAppName); String[] applicationList = applicationAdminClient.listAllApplications(); if (applicationList != null) { for (String app : applicationList) { if (app.equals(cAppName)) {"Carbon Application : " + cAppName + " Successfully deployed"); return true; } } } return false; } }; } private Callable<Boolean> isCAppUnDeployed(final ApplicationAdminClient applicationAdminClient, final String cAppName) { return new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception {"Check CApp un-deployment : " + cAppName); boolean undeployed = true; String[] applicationList = applicationAdminClient.listAllApplications(); if (applicationList != null) { for (String app : applicationList) { if (app.equals(cAppName)) { undeployed = false; } } } if (undeployed)"Carbon Application : " + cAppName + " Successfully un-deployed"); return undeployed; } }; } /** * Get the list of request,response and header of the each testcase * * @param testCase - the name of the testCase. Please follow the common conventions to store request and response files * @return - List of Arrays consisting request, response and header. * @throws IOException - if and error occurs file extracting the file content */ protected List<Object[]> getRequestResponseHeaderList(String testCase) throws IOException { List<Request> requests = extractRequests(testCase); List<String> responses = extractResponses(testCase); List<Object[]> requestResponseList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) { String[] tmp = { requests.get(i).getPayload(), responses.get(i), requests.get(i).getMessageIdHeader() }; requestResponseList.add(tmp); } return requestResponseList; } protected List<String> getListOfFiles(String folderLocation) { File filePath = new File(getClass().getResource(folderLocation).getPath()); File[] listOfFiles = filePath.listFiles(); List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<>(); if (listOfFiles != null) { for (File file : listOfFiles) { if (file.isFile()) { fileNames.add(file.getName()); } } } return fileNames; } protected String getFileContent(String folderLocation, String fileName) throws IOException { File fileLocation = new File(getClass().getResource(folderLocation + File.separator + fileName).getPath()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(String.valueOf(fileLocation))))) { String currentLine; while ((currentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(currentLine); } } return sb.toString(); } public static synchronized void configureUrls() { if (null == infraProperties) { infraProperties = getDeploymentProperties(); backendURL = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.CARBON_SERVER_URL) + (infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.CARBON_SERVER_URL).endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); serviceURL = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.ESB_HTTP_URL) + (infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.ESB_HTTP_URL).endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); securedServiceURL = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.ESB_HTTPS_URL) + (infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.ESB_HTTPS_URL).endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); runningProductVersion = infraProperties.getProperty(PRODUCT_VERSION); mgtConsoleURL = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.MGT_CONSOLE_URL); if (Boolean.valueOf(infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.STANDALONE_DEPLOYMENT))) { localVfsLocation = System.getProperty("user.home"); } else { localVfsLocation = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.LOCAL_VFS_LOCATION); } deploymentStackName = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.INFRA_EI_STACK_NAME); elasticSearchHostname = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTNAME); ftpHostName = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.FTP_HOST_NAME); ftpUsername = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.FTP_USERNAME); ftpPassword = infraProperties.getProperty(ScenarioConstants.FTP_PASSWORD); } } public static String getBackendURL() { return backendURL; } public static String getMgtConsoleURL() { return mgtConsoleURL; } public static String getElasticSearchHostname() { return elasticSearchHostname; } public static String getDeploymentStackName() { return deploymentStackName; } public String getTestRunUUID() { return testRunUUID; } private String appendSourceFolder(String testCase, String relativeSourceFolderPath) { return File.separator + ScenarioConstants.SOURCE_FILES + File.separator + testCase + File.separator + relativeSourceFolderPath; } private List<String> getFilesFromSourceDirectory(String relativePath) { List<String> requestFiles = getListOfFiles(relativePath); java.util.Collections.sort(requestFiles, Collator.getInstance()); return requestFiles; } protected List<Request> extractRequests(String testCase) throws IOException { String relativeRequestFolderLocation = appendSourceFolder(testCase, ScenarioConstants.REQUEST); List<String> requestFiles = getFilesFromSourceDirectory(relativeRequestFolderLocation); ArrayList<Request> requestArray = new ArrayList(); for (String file : requestFiles) { String fileContent = getFileContent(relativeRequestFolderLocation, file); String header = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(file); requestArray.add(new Request(fileContent, header)); } return requestArray; } protected List<String> extractResponses(String testCase) throws IOException { String relativeResponseFolderLocation = appendSourceFolder(testCase, ScenarioConstants.RESPONSE); List<String> responseFiles = getFilesFromSourceDirectory(relativeResponseFolderLocation); ArrayList<String> responseArray = new ArrayList(); for (String file : responseFiles) { String fileContent = getFileContent(relativeResponseFolderLocation, file); responseArray.add(fileContent); } return responseArray; } /** * Function to connect to an FTP Server * * @param port - ftp port * @return - VFSClient * @throws IOException - if connecting to FTP server fails */ protected FTPClientWrapper connectToFTP(int port) throws IOException { FTPClientWrapper vfsClient = new FTPClientWrapper(ftpHostName, ftpUsername, ftpPassword, port); vfsClient.connectToFtp(); return vfsClient; } }