Java tutorial
/* *Copyright (c) 2015, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * *WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, *Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except *in compliance with the License. *You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *software distributed under the License is distributed on an *"AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY *KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the *specific language governing permissions and limitations *under the License. */ package; import org.apache.axiom.attachments.ByteArrayDataSource; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.testng.Assert; import; import; import; import; import org.wso2.carbon.authenticator.stub.LoginAuthenticationExceptionException; import org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine.context.AutomationContext; import org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine.context.TestUserMode; import org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine.context.beans.ContextUrls; import org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine.frameworkutils.FrameworkPathUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.endpoint.stub.types.EndpointAdminEndpointAdminException; import org.wso2.carbon.integration.common.utils.LoginLogoutClient; import org.wso2.carbon.localentry.stub.types.LocalEntryAdminException; import org.wso2.carbon.proxyadmin.stub.ProxyServiceAdminProxyAdminException; import; import org.wso2.carbon.sequences.stub.types.SequenceEditorException; import org.wso2.carbon.task.stub.TaskManagementException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import*; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** * Base class for all API Manager integration tests * Users need to extend this class to write integration tests. */ public class AMIntegrationBaseTest { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AMIntegrationBaseTest.class); protected AutomationContext apimContext, storeContext, publisherContext, gatewayContext; protected String sessionCookie; protected String storeSessionCookie; protected String publisherSessionCookie; protected String gatewaySessionCookie; protected String backendURL; protected String webAppURL; protected LoginLogoutClient loginLogoutClient; protected OMElement synapseConfiguration = null; private List<String> proxyServicesList = null; private List<String> sequencesList = null; private List<String> endpointsList = null; private List<String> localEntryList = null; private List<String> messageProcessorsList = null; private List<String> messageStoresList = null; private List<String> sequenceTemplateList = null; private List<String> apiList = null; private List<String> priorityExecutorList = null; private List<String[]> scheduledTaskList = null; protected APIMTestCaseUtils apimTestCaseUtils; protected TestUserMode userMode; protected ContextUrls contextUrls, storeUrls, publisherUrls, gatewayUrls; /** * init basic class * * @throws Exception */ protected void init() throws Exception { userMode = TestUserMode.SUPER_TENANT_ADMIN; init(userMode); } /** * init the object with user mode , create context objects and get session cookies * * @param userMode * @throws Exception */ protected void init(TestUserMode userMode) throws Exception { apimContext = new AutomationContext(AMIntegrationConstants.AM_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME, userMode); contextUrls = apimContext.getContextUrls(); sessionCookie = login(apimContext); apimTestCaseUtils = new APIMTestCaseUtils(); storeContext = new AutomationContext(AMIntegrationConstants.AM_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME, AMIntegrationConstants.AM_STORE_INSTANCE, userMode); storeUrls = storeContext.getContextUrls(); storeSessionCookie = login(storeContext); publisherContext = new AutomationContext(AMIntegrationConstants.AM_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME, AMIntegrationConstants.AM_PUBLISHER_INSTANCE, userMode); publisherUrls = publisherContext.getContextUrls(); publisherSessionCookie = login(publisherContext); gatewayContext = new AutomationContext(AMIntegrationConstants.AM_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME, AMIntegrationConstants.AM_GATEWAY_INSTANCE, userMode); gatewayUrls = gatewayContext.getContextUrls(); //gatewaySessionCookie = login(gatewayContext); } protected void init(String domainKey, String userKey) throws Exception { apimContext = new AutomationContext(AMIntegrationConstants.AM_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME, AMIntegrationConstants.AM_1ST_INSTANCE, domainKey, userKey); loginLogoutClient = new LoginLogoutClient(apimContext); sessionCookie = loginLogoutClient.login(); backendURL = apimContext.getContextUrls().getBackEndUrl(); webAppURL = apimContext.getContextUrls().getWebAppURL(); } /** * get main url non secure * * @return */ protected String getMainSequenceURL() { String mainSequenceUrl = contextUrls.getServiceUrl(); if (mainSequenceUrl.endsWith("/services")) { mainSequenceUrl = mainSequenceUrl.replace("/services", ""); } if (!mainSequenceUrl.endsWith("/")) { mainSequenceUrl = mainSequenceUrl + "/"; } return mainSequenceUrl; } /** * get main url secure * * @return */ protected String getMainSequenceURLHttps() { String mainSequenceUrl = contextUrls.getSecureServiceUrl(); if (mainSequenceUrl.endsWith("/services")) { mainSequenceUrl = mainSequenceUrl.replace("/services", ""); } if (!mainSequenceUrl.endsWith("/")) { mainSequenceUrl = mainSequenceUrl + "/"; } return mainSequenceUrl; } /** * api invocation URL non secure * * @param apiContext * @return * @throws XPathExpressionException */ protected String getApiInvocationURLHttp(String apiContext) throws XPathExpressionException { return getGatewayServerURLHttp() + apiContext; } /** * api invocation URL secure * * @param apiContext * @return * @throws XPathExpressionException */ protected String getApiInvocationURLHttps(String apiContext) throws XPathExpressionException { return getGatewayServerURLHttps() + apiContext; } /** * proxy service URL of deployed server non secure * * @param proxyServiceName * @return */ protected String getProxyServiceURLHttp(String proxyServiceName) { return contextUrls.getServiceUrl() + "/" + proxyServiceName; } /** * proxy service URL of deployed server secure * * @param proxyServiceName * @return */ protected String getProxyServiceURLHttps(String proxyServiceName) { return contextUrls.getSecureServiceUrl() + "/" + proxyServiceName; } /** * get server back end url secure * * @return */ protected String getBackEndURLHttps() { String serverUrl = contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(); if (serverUrl.endsWith("/services")) { serverUrl = serverUrl.replace("/services", ""); } if (serverUrl.endsWith("/")) { serverUrl = serverUrl.substring(0, (serverUrl.length() - 1)); } return serverUrl; } /** * get server back end url non secure * * @return */ protected String getServerBackendUrlHttp() throws XPathExpressionException { String serverUrl = contextUrls.getWebAppURL(); return serverUrl; } /** * login and return session cookie * * @param apimContext * @return * @throws IOException * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws LoginAuthenticationExceptionException * */ protected String login(AutomationContext apimContext) throws IOException, XPathExpressionException, URISyntaxException, SAXException, XMLStreamException, LoginAuthenticationExceptionException { LoginLogoutClient loginLogoutClient = new LoginLogoutClient(apimContext); return loginLogoutClient.login(); } protected String getAMResourceLocation() { return FrameworkPathUtil.getSystemResourceLocation() + "artifacts" + File.separator + "AM"; } /** * this is used for for call axis2 server externally * * @param serviceName * @return * @throws XPathExpressionException */ protected String getBackEndServiceUrl(String serviceName) throws XPathExpressionException { return EndpointGenerator.getBackEndServiceEndpointUrl(serviceName); } protected boolean isBuilderEnabled() throws XPathExpressionException { return apimContext.getConfigurationValue("//executionEnvironment").equals("standalone"); } /** * @param relativeFilePath * @throws Exception */ protected void loadAPIMConfigurationFromClasspath(String relativeFilePath) throws Exception { relativeFilePath = relativeFilePath.replaceAll("[\\\\/]", Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator)); OMElement synapseConfig = apimTestCaseUtils.loadResource(relativeFilePath); updateAPIMConfiguration(synapseConfig); } /** * update API manager synapse configs * * @param synapseConfig * @throws Exception */ protected void updateAPIMConfiguration(OMElement synapseConfig) throws Exception { if (synapseConfiguration == null) { synapseConfiguration = synapseConfig; } else { Iterator<OMElement> itr = synapseConfig.cloneOMElement().getChildElements(); while (itr.hasNext()) { synapseConfiguration.addChild(; } } apimTestCaseUtils.updateAPIMConfiguration(synapseConfig, contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie); if (apimContext.getProductGroup().isClusterEnabled()) { long deploymentDelay = Long.parseLong(apimContext.getConfigurationValue("//deploymentDelay")); Thread.sleep(deploymentDelay); Iterator<OMElement> proxies = synapseConfig.getChildrenWithLocalName("proxy"); while (proxies.hasNext()) { String proxy = QName("name")); Assert.assertTrue(isProxyWSDlExist(getProxyServiceURLHttp(proxy), deploymentDelay), "Deployment Synchronizing failed in workers"); Assert.assertTrue(isProxyWSDlExist(getProxyServiceURLHttp(proxy), deploymentDelay), "Deployment Synchronizing failed in workers"); Assert.assertTrue(isProxyWSDlExist(getProxyServiceURLHttp(proxy), deploymentDelay), "Deployment Synchronizing failed in workers"); } } } /** * add proxy service config * * @param proxyConfig * @throws Exception */ protected void addProxyService(OMElement proxyConfig) throws Exception { String proxyName = proxyConfig.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isProxyServiceExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteProxyService(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyName); } if (proxyServicesList == null) { proxyServicesList = new ArrayList<String>(); } proxyServicesList.add(proxyName); apimTestCaseUtils.addProxyService(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyConfig); } /** * check proxy deployed * * @param proxyServiceName * @throws Exception */ protected void isProxyDeployed(String proxyServiceName) throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue( apimTestCaseUtils.isProxyDeployed(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyServiceName), "Proxy Deployment failed or time out"); } /** * delete proxy services * * @param proxyServiceName * @throws Exception */ protected void deleteProxyService(String proxyServiceName) throws Exception { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isProxyServiceExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyServiceName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteProxyService(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyServiceName); if (!apimTestCaseUtils.isProxyUnDeployed(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyServiceName)) { log.error("Proxy Deletion failed or time out"); } } if (proxyServicesList != null && proxyServicesList.contains(proxyServiceName)) { proxyServicesList.remove(proxyServiceName); } } /** * deleteSequence * * @param sequenceName * @throws SequenceEditorException * @throws RemoteException */ protected void deleteSequence(String sequenceName) throws SequenceEditorException, RemoteException { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isSequenceExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequenceName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteSequence(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequenceName); } if (sequencesList != null && sequencesList.contains(sequenceName)) { sequencesList.remove(sequenceName); } } /** * addSequence * * @param sequenceConfig * @throws Exception */ protected void addSequence(OMElement sequenceConfig) throws Exception { String sequenceName = sequenceConfig.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isSequenceExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequenceName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteSequence(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequenceName); } apimTestCaseUtils.addSequence(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequenceConfig); if (sequencesList == null) { sequencesList = new ArrayList<String>(); } sequencesList.add(sequenceName); } /** * addEndpoint * * @param endpointConfig * @throws Exception */ protected void addEndpoint(OMElement endpointConfig) throws Exception { String endpointName = endpointConfig.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isSequenceExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, endpointName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteEndpoint(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, endpointName); } apimTestCaseUtils.addEndpoint(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, endpointConfig); if (endpointsList == null) { endpointsList = new ArrayList<String>(); } endpointsList.add(endpointName); } /** * addLocalEntry * * @param localEntryConfig * @throws Exception */ protected void addLocalEntry(OMElement localEntryConfig) throws Exception { String localEntryName = localEntryConfig.getAttributeValue(new QName("key")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isLocalEntryExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, localEntryName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteLocalEntry(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, localEntryName); } apimTestCaseUtils.addLocalEntry(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, localEntryConfig); if (localEntryList == null) { localEntryList = new ArrayList<String>(); } localEntryList.add(localEntryName); } /** * addMessageProcessor * * @param messageProcessorConfig * @throws Exception */ protected void addMessageProcessor(OMElement messageProcessorConfig) throws Exception { String messageProcessorName = messageProcessorConfig.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isMessageProcessorExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageProcessorName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteMessageProcessor(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageProcessorName); } apimTestCaseUtils.addMessageProcessor(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageProcessorConfig); if (messageProcessorsList == null) { messageProcessorsList = new ArrayList<String>(); } messageProcessorsList.add(messageProcessorName); } /** * addMessageStore * * @param messageStoreConfig * @throws Exception */ protected void addMessageStore(OMElement messageStoreConfig) throws Exception { String messageStoreName = messageStoreConfig.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isMessageStoreExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageStoreName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteMessageStore(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageStoreName); } apimTestCaseUtils.addMessageStore(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageStoreConfig); if (messageStoresList == null) { messageStoresList = new ArrayList<String>(); } messageStoresList.add(messageStoreName); } /** * addSequenceTemplate * * @param sequenceTemplate * @throws Exception */ protected void addSequenceTemplate(OMElement sequenceTemplate) throws Exception { String name = sequenceTemplate.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isSequenceTemplateExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, name)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteSequenceTemplate(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, name); } apimTestCaseUtils.addSequenceTemplate(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequenceTemplate); if (sequenceTemplateList == null) { sequenceTemplateList = new ArrayList<String>(); } sequenceTemplateList.add(name); } /** * addAPI * * @param api * @throws Exception */ protected void addAPI(OMElement api) throws Exception { String apiName = api.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isApiExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, apiName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteApi(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, apiName); } apimTestCaseUtils.addAPI(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, api); if (apiList == null) { apiList = new ArrayList<String>(); } apiList.add(apiName); } /** * addPriorityExecutor * * @param priorityExecutor * @throws Exception */ protected void addPriorityExecutor(OMElement priorityExecutor) throws Exception { String executorName = priorityExecutor.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isPriorityExecutorExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, executorName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deletePriorityExecutor(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, executorName); } apimTestCaseUtils.addPriorityExecutor(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, priorityExecutor); if (priorityExecutorList == null) { priorityExecutorList = new ArrayList<String>(); } priorityExecutorList.add(executorName); } /** * addScheduledTask * * @param task * @throws Exception */ protected void addScheduledTask(OMElement task) throws Exception { String taskName = task.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")); String taskGroup = task.getAttributeValue(new QName("group")); if (apimTestCaseUtils.isScheduleTaskExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, taskName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteScheduleTask(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, taskName, taskGroup); } apimTestCaseUtils.addScheduleTask(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, task); if (scheduledTaskList == null) { scheduledTaskList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); } scheduledTaskList.add(new String[] { taskName, taskGroup }); } /** * deleteMessageProcessors * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteMessageProcessors() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (messageProcessorsList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = messageProcessorsList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String messageProcessor =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isMessageProcessorExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageProcessor)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteMessageProcessor(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageProcessor); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("deleteMessageProcessors error ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteMessageProcessors error ", e); } catch (SequenceEditorException e) { log.error("deleteMessageProcessors error ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteMessageProcessors error ", e); } } messageProcessorsList.clear(); } } /** * deleteMessageStores * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteMessageStores() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (messageStoresList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = messageStoresList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String messageStore =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isMessageStoreExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageStore)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteMessageStore(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, messageStore); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while undeploying Message store. : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteMessageStores error ", e); } catch (SequenceEditorException e) { log.error("while undeploying Message store. : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteMessageStores error ", e); } } messageStoresList.clear(); } } /** * deleteSequences * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteSequences() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (sequencesList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = sequencesList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String sequence =; if (!sequence.equalsIgnoreCase("fault")) { try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isSequenceExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequence)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteSequence(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, sequence); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deleteSequences : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteSequences error ", e); } catch (SequenceEditorException e) { log.error("deleteSequences : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteSequences error ", e); } } } sequencesList.clear(); } } /** * deleteProxyServices * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteProxyServices() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (proxyServicesList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = proxyServicesList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String proxyName =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isProxyServiceExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyName)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteProxyService(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, proxyName); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deleteProxyServices : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteProxyServices error ", e); } catch (ProxyServiceAdminProxyAdminException e) { log.error("while deleteProxyServices : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteProxyServices error ", e); } } proxyServicesList.clear(); } } /** * deleteEndpoints * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteEndpoints() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (endpointsList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = endpointsList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String endpoint =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isEndpointExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, endpoint)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteEndpoint(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, endpoint); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deleteEndpoints : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteEndpoints error ", e); } catch (EndpointAdminEndpointAdminException e) { log.error("while deleteEndpoints : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteEndpoints error ", e); } } endpointsList.clear(); } } /** * deleteLocalEntries * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteLocalEntries() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (localEntryList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = localEntryList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String localEntry =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isLocalEntryExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, localEntry)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteLocalEntry(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, localEntry); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deleteLocalEntries : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteLocalEntries error ", e); } catch (LocalEntryAdminException e) { log.error("while deleteLocalEntries : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteLocalEntries error ", e); } } localEntryList.clear(); } } /** * deleteSequenceTemplates * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteSequenceTemplates() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (sequenceTemplateList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = sequenceTemplateList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String localEntry =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isSequenceTemplateExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, localEntry)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteSequenceTemplate(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, localEntry); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deleteSequenceTemplates : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteSequenceTemplates error ", e); } catch (EndpointAdminEndpointAdminException e) { log.error("while deleteSequenceTemplates : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteSequenceTemplates error ", e); } catch (SequenceEditorException e) { log.error("while deleteSequenceTemplates : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteSequenceTemplates error ", e); } } sequenceTemplateList.clear(); } } /** * deleteAPI * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteAPI() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (apiList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = apiList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String api =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isApiExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, api)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteApi(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, api); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deleteAPI : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteAPI error ", e); } catch (RestApiAdminAPIException e) { log.error("while deleteAPI : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteAPI error ", e); } } apiList.clear(); } } /** * deletePriorityExecutors * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deletePriorityExecutors() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (priorityExecutorList != null) { Iterator<String> itr = priorityExecutorList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String executor =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isPriorityExecutorExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, executor)) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteProxyService(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, executor); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deletePriorityExecutors : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deletePriorityExecutors error ", e); } catch (ProxyServiceAdminProxyAdminException e) { log.error("while deletePriorityExecutors : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deletePriorityExecutors error ", e); } } priorityExecutorList.clear(); } } /** * deleteScheduledTasks * * @throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException * */ private void deleteScheduledTasks() throws APIManagerIntegrationTestException { if (scheduledTaskList != null) { Iterator<String[]> itr = scheduledTaskList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String[] executor =; try { if (apimTestCaseUtils.isScheduleTaskExist(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, executor[0])) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteScheduleTask(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie, executor[0], executor[1]); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("while deleteScheduledTasks : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteScheduledTasks error ", e); } catch (TaskManagementException e) { log.error("while deleteScheduledTasks : ", e); throw new APIManagerIntegrationTestException("deleteScheduledTasks error ", e); } } scheduledTaskList.clear(); } } /** * setEndpoints * @param synapseConfig * @return * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws XPathExpressionException */ /* protected OMElement setEndpoints(OMElement synapseConfig) throws XMLStreamException, XPathExpressionException { String config = replaceEndpoints(synapseConfig.toString()); return AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(config); } */ /** * setEndpoints * @param dataHandler * @return * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws IOException * @throws XPathExpressionException */ /* protected DataHandler setEndpoints(DataHandler dataHandler) throws XMLStreamException, IOException, XPathExpressionException { String config = readInputStreamAsString(dataHandler.getInputStream()); config = replaceEndpoints(config); ByteArrayDataSource dbs = new ByteArrayDataSource(config.getBytes()); return new DataHandler(dbs); }*/ /** * replaceEndpoints * @param config * @return * @throws XPathExpressionException */ /* private String replaceEndpoints(String config) throws XPathExpressionException { //this should be AS context String serviceUrl = new AutomationContext("AS", TestUserMode.SUPER_TENANT_ADMIN).getContextUrls() .getServiceUrl(); config = config.replace("http://localhost:9000/services/" , serviceUrl); config = config.replace("" , serviceUrl); return config; }*/ /** * replaceEndpoints * * @param relativePathToConfigFile * @param serviceName * @param port * @return * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws XPathExpressionException */ protected OMElement replaceEndpoints(String relativePathToConfigFile, String serviceName, String port) throws XMLStreamException, FileNotFoundException, XPathExpressionException { String config = apimTestCaseUtils.loadResource(relativePathToConfigFile).toString(); config = config.replace("http://localhost:" + port + "/services/" + serviceName, getBackEndServiceUrl(serviceName)); return AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(config); } /** * isProxyWSDlExist * * @param serviceUrl * @param synchronizingDelay * @return * @throws Exception */ private boolean isProxyWSDlExist(String serviceUrl, long synchronizingDelay) throws Exception { return new ServiceDeploymentUtil().isServiceWSDlExist(serviceUrl, synchronizingDelay); } /** * read input stream as a string * * @param in * @return * @throws IOException */ private String readInputStreamAsString(InputStream in) throws IOException { String resultStr = null; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(in); ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { int result =; while (result != -1) { byte b = (byte) result; buf.write(b); result =; } resultStr = buf.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Stream error occurred" + e); throw new IOException(e); } finally { buf.close(); bis.close(); } return resultStr; } /** * clean up deployed artifacts and other services * * @throws Exception */ protected void cleanup() throws Exception { try { if (synapseConfiguration != null) { apimTestCaseUtils.deleteArtifact(synapseConfiguration, contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), sessionCookie); if (apimContext.getProductGroup().isClusterEnabled()) { long deploymentDelay = Long.parseLong(apimContext.getConfigurationValue("//deploymentDelay")); Thread.sleep(deploymentDelay); Iterator<OMElement> proxies = synapseConfiguration.getChildrenWithLocalName("proxy"); while (proxies.hasNext()) { String proxy = QName("name")); if (isProxyWSDlExist(getProxyServiceURLHttp(proxy), deploymentDelay)) { log.error("UnDeployment Synchronizing failed in workers"); } } } } deleteProxyServices(); deleteSequences(); deleteEndpoints(); deleteMessageProcessors(); deleteMessageStores(); deleteSequenceTemplates(); deleteLocalEntries(); deleteAPI(); deletePriorityExecutors(); deleteScheduledTasks(); } finally { synapseConfiguration = null; proxyServicesList = null; messageProcessorsList = null; proxyServicesList = null; sequencesList = null; endpointsList = null; localEntryList = null; apiList = null; priorityExecutorList = null; apimTestCaseUtils = null; scheduledTaskList = null; } } /** * return publisher server url non secure * ex : https://localhost:9743 * * @return */ protected String getStoreServerURLHttp() { return storeUrls.getWebAppURL(); } /** * return publisher server url secure * ex : https://localhost:9443 * * @return */ protected String getStoreServerURLHttps() { String httpsURL = null; httpsURL = storeUrls.getBackEndUrl(); if (httpsURL.endsWith("/services")) { httpsURL = httpsURL.replace("/services", ""); } return httpsURL; } /** * return publisher server url non secure * ex : https://localhost:9743 * * @return */ protected String getPublisherServerURLHttp() { return publisherUrls.getWebAppURL(); } /** * return publisher server url secure * ex : https://localhost:9443 * * @return */ protected String getPublisherServerURLHttps() { String httpsURL = publisherUrls.getBackEndUrl(); if (httpsURL.endsWith("/services")) { httpsURL = httpsURL.replace("/services", ""); } return httpsURL; } /** * return gateway server url non secure * ex : http://localhost:8280 * * @return */ protected String getGatewayServerURLHttp() { String httpURL = gatewayUrls.getServiceUrl(); if (httpURL.endsWith("/services")) { httpURL = httpURL.replace("/services", ""); } return httpURL; } /** * return gateway server url secure * ex : https://localhost:8243 * * @return */ protected String getGatewayServerURLHttps() { String httpsURL = gatewayUrls.getSecureServiceUrl(); if (httpsURL.endsWith("/services")) { httpsURL = httpsURL.replace("/services", ""); } return httpsURL; } /** * get APIM server sessionCookie * * @return */ protected String getSessionCookie() { return sessionCookie; } /** * return store session cookie * * @return */ public String getStoreSessionCookie() { return storeSessionCookie; } /** * return publisher session cookie * * @return */ public String getPublisherSessionCookie() { return publisherSessionCookie; } /** * return gateway session cookie * * @return */ public String getGatewaySessionCookie() { return gatewaySessionCookie; } }