Java tutorial
package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.witness.informacam.R; import; import; import; import; import; import org.witness.informacam.utils.Constants.App; import org.witness.informacam.utils.Constants.Informa.Keys.Data; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; public class ImageRegion implements OnActionItemClickListener { public static final String LOGTAG = "SSC.ImageRegion"; // Rect for this when unscaled public RectF mBounds; //public RectF mTmpBounds; // Start point for touch events PointF mStartPoint = null; PointF mNonMappedStartPoint = null; // Our current mode public static final int NORMAL_MODE = 0; public static final int EDIT_MODE = 1; // The current touch event mode public final static int NONE = 0; public final static int MOVE = 1; // What should be done to this region public static final int NOTHING = 0; public static final int OBSCURE = 1; public static final int REDACT = 0; // PaintSquareObscure public static final int PIXELATE = 1; // PixelizeObscure public static final int BG_PIXELATE = 2; // BlurObscure public static final int CONSENT = 3; // PixelizeObscure boolean selected = false; public static final int CORNER_UPPER_LEFT = 1; public static final int CORNER_LOWER_LEFT = 2; public static final int CORNER_UPPER_RIGHT = 3; public static final int CORNER_LOWER_RIGHT = 4; public static final int CORNER_NONE = -1; /* Add each ObscureMethod to this list and update the * createObscuredBitmap method in ImageEditor */ int mObscureType = PIXELATE; //the other of these strings and resources determines the order in the popup menu private final static String[] mFilterLabels = { "Redact", "Pixelate", "CrowdPixel", "Identify" }; private final static int[] mFilterIcons = { R.drawable.ic_context_fill, R.drawable.ic_context_pixelate, R.drawable.ic_context_pixelate, R.drawable.ic_context_id }; public final Drawable unidentifiedBorder, identifiedBorder; public Drawable imageRegionBorder; // The ImageEditor object that contains us ImageEditor mImageEditor; // Popup menu for region // What's the license for this? QuickAction mPopupMenu; ActionItem[] mActionFilters; RegionProcesser mRProc; private final static float MIN_MOVE = 5f; private final static float CORNER_MAX = 50f; private int cornerMode = -1; private long timestampOnGeneration; public RegionProcesser getRegionProcessor() { return mRProc; } public void setRegionProcessor(RegionProcesser rProc) { mRProc = rProc; Properties prop = mRProc.getProperties(); prop.put(Data.ImageRegion.TIMESTAMP, timestampOnGeneration); mRProc.setProperties(prop); } public JSONObject getRepresentation() throws JSONException { JSONObject representation = new JSONObject(); Enumeration<?> e = mRProc.getProperties().propertyNames(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String prop = (String) e.nextElement(); representation.put(prop, mRProc.getProperties().get(prop)); } return representation; } public void setCornerMode(float x, float y) { float[] points = { x, y }; iMatrix.mapPoints(points); float cSize = CORNER_MAX; cSize = iMatrix.mapRadius(cSize); if (Math.abs(mBounds.left - points[0]) < cSize && Math.abs( - points[1]) < cSize) { cornerMode = CORNER_UPPER_LEFT; return; } else if (Math.abs(mBounds.left - points[0]) < cSize && Math.abs(mBounds.bottom - points[1]) < cSize) { cornerMode = CORNER_LOWER_LEFT; return; } else if (Math.abs(mBounds.right - points[0]) < cSize && Math.abs( - points[1]) < cSize) { cornerMode = CORNER_UPPER_RIGHT; return; } else if (Math.abs(mBounds.right - points[0]) < cSize && Math.abs(mBounds.bottom - points[1]) < cSize) { cornerMode = CORNER_LOWER_RIGHT; return; } cornerMode = CORNER_NONE; } /* For touch events, whether or not to show the menu */ boolean moved = false; Matrix mMatrix, iMatrix; int fingerCount = 0; public ImageRegion(ImageEditor imageEditor, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, Matrix matrix) { //super(imageEditor); super(); // Set the mImageEditor that this region belongs to to the one passed in mImageEditor = imageEditor; // set the borders for tags in Non-Edit mode identifiedBorder = imageEditor.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.border_idtag); unidentifiedBorder = imageEditor.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.border); mMatrix = matrix; iMatrix = new Matrix(); mMatrix.invert(iMatrix); mBounds = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); timestampOnGeneration = System.currentTimeMillis(); //set default processor this.setRegionProcessor(new PixelizeObscure()); mImageEditor.associateImageRegionData(this); } public void setMatrix(Matrix matrix) { mMatrix = matrix; iMatrix = new Matrix(); mMatrix.invert(iMatrix); } public void inflatePopup(boolean showDelayed) { if (mPopupMenu == null) initPopup(); if (showDelayed) { // We need layout to pass again, let's wait a second or two new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { //float[] points = {mBounds.centerX(), mBounds.centerY()}; //mMatrix.mapPoints(points); //, (int)points[0], (int)points[1]);, (int) mBounds.centerX(), (int) mBounds.centerY()); } }.sendMessageDelayed(new Message(), 300); } else { float[] points = { mBounds.centerX(), mBounds.centerY() }; mMatrix.mapPoints(points); //, (int)points[0], (int)points[1]);, (int) mBounds.centerX(), (int) mBounds.centerY()); } } private void initPopup() { mPopupMenu = new QuickAction(mImageEditor); ActionItem aItem; for (int i = 0; i < mFilterLabels.length; i++) { aItem = new ActionItem(); aItem.setTitle(mFilterLabels[i]); aItem.setIcon(mImageEditor.getResources().getDrawable(mFilterIcons[i])); mPopupMenu.addActionItem(aItem); } aItem = new ActionItem(); aItem.setTitle("Clear Tag"); aItem.setIcon(mImageEditor.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_context_delete)); mPopupMenu.addActionItem(aItem); mPopupMenu.setOnActionItemClickListener(this); } boolean isSelected() { return selected; } void setSelected(boolean _selected) { selected = _selected; } private void updateBounds(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { //Log.i(LOGTAG, "updateBounds: " + left + "," + top + "," + right + "," + bottom); mBounds.set(left, top, right, bottom); //updateLayout(); } float scaleX, scaleY, leftOffset, topOffset; public void updateMatrix() { float[] mValues = new float[9]; mMatrix.getValues(mValues); mMatrix.invert(iMatrix); scaleX = mValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X]; scaleY = mValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y]; leftOffset = mValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X]; topOffset = mValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]; } public RectF getBounds() { return mBounds; } public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { fingerCount = event.getPointerCount(); // Log.v(LOGTAG,"onTouch: fingers=" + fingerCount); switch (event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mImageEditor.doRealtimePreview = true; mImageEditor.updateDisplayImage(); //mTmpBounds = new RectF(mBounds); if (fingerCount == 1) { //float[] points = {event.getX(), event.getY()}; //iMatrix.mapPoints(points); //mStartPoint = new PointF(points[0],points[1]); mStartPoint = new PointF(event.getX(), event.getY()); //Log.v(LOGTAG,"startPoint: " + mStartPoint.x + " " + mStartPoint.y); } moved = false; return false; case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: Log.v(LOGTAG, "second finger removed - pointer up!"); return moved; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: mImageEditor.doRealtimePreview = true; mImageEditor.updateDisplayImage(); //mTmpBounds = null; return moved; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (fingerCount > 1) { float[] points = { event.getX(0), event.getY(0), event.getX(1), event.getY(1) }; iMatrix.mapPoints(points); mStartPoint = new PointF(points[0], points[1]); RectF newBox = new RectF(); newBox.left = Math.min(points[0], points[2]); = Math.min(points[1], points[3]); newBox.right = Math.max(points[0], points[2]); newBox.bottom = Math.max(points[1], points[3]); moved = true; if (newBox.left != newBox.right && != newBox.bottom) { updateBounds(newBox.left,, newBox.right, newBox.bottom); } } else if (fingerCount == 1) { if (Math.abs(mStartPoint.x - event.getX()) > MIN_MOVE) { moved = true; float[] points = { mStartPoint.x, mStartPoint.y, event.getX(), event.getY() }; iMatrix.mapPoints(points); float diffX = points[0] - points[2]; float diffY = points[1] - points[3]; float left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0; if (cornerMode == CORNER_NONE) { left = mBounds.left - diffX; top = - diffY; right = mBounds.right - diffX; bottom = mBounds.bottom - diffY; } else if (cornerMode == CORNER_UPPER_LEFT) { left = mBounds.left - diffX; top = - diffY; right = mBounds.right; bottom = mBounds.bottom; } else if (cornerMode == CORNER_LOWER_LEFT) { left = mBounds.left - diffX; top =; right = mBounds.right; bottom = mBounds.bottom - diffY; } else if (cornerMode == CORNER_UPPER_RIGHT) { left = mBounds.left; top = - diffY; right = mBounds.right - diffX; bottom = mBounds.bottom; } else if (cornerMode == CORNER_LOWER_RIGHT) { left = mBounds.left; top =; right = mBounds.right - diffX; bottom = mBounds.bottom - diffY; } if ((left + CORNER_MAX) > right || (top + CORNER_MAX) > bottom) return false; //updateBounds(Math.min(left, right), Math.min(top,bottom), Math.max(left, right), Math.max(top, bottom)); updateBounds(left, top, right, bottom); mStartPoint = new PointF(event.getX(), event.getY()); } else { moved = false; } } mImageEditor.updateDisplayImage(); return true; } return false; } public void updateRegionProcessor(int obscureType) { switch (obscureType) { case ImageRegion.BG_PIXELATE: Log.v(App.LOG, "obscureType: BGPIXELIZE"); setRegionProcessor(new CrowdPixelizeObscure()); break; case ImageRegion.REDACT: Log.v(App.LOG, "obscureType: SOLID"); setRegionProcessor(new SolidObscure()); break; case ImageRegion.PIXELATE: setRegionProcessor(new PixelizeObscure()); break; case ImageRegion.CONSENT: // If the region processor is already a consent tagger, the user wants to edit. // so no need to change the region processor. if (!(getRegionProcessor() instanceof InformaTagger)) { setRegionProcessor(new InformaTagger()); mImageEditor.updateDisplayImage(); } mImageEditor.launchDestinationChooser(this); break; default: setRegionProcessor(new PixelizeObscure()); break; } if (getRegionProcessor().getClass() == InformaTagger.class) imageRegionBorder = identifiedBorder; else imageRegionBorder = unidentifiedBorder; mImageEditor.updateDisplayImage(); } @Override public void onItemClick(QuickAction source, int pos, int actionId) { if (pos == mFilterLabels.length) //meaing after the last one { mImageEditor.deleteRegion(ImageRegion.this); } else { mObscureType = pos; updateRegionProcessor(mObscureType); } mImageEditor.updateDisplayImage(); } }