Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Veniamin Isaias. * * This file is part of web4thejob. * * Web4thejob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * Web4thejob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with web4thejob. If not, see <>. */ package org.web4thejob.web.util; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.web4thejob.command.*; import org.web4thejob.message.Message; import org.web4thejob.message.MessageAware; import org.web4thejob.setting.SettingEnum; import org.web4thejob.web.panel.BorderedLayoutPanel; import org.web4thejob.web.panel.HtmlViewPanel; import org.web4thejob.web.panel.PlaceholderPanel; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zul.Panel; import org.zkoss.zul.Separator; import org.zkoss.zul.Space; import org.zkoss.zul.Toolbar; import java.util.*; /** * @author Veniamin Isaias * @since 1.0.0 */ @org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Scope("prototype") public class ToolbarRenderer implements CommandRenderer { // ------------------------------ FIELDS ------------------------------ private static final CommandsSorter COMMANDS_SORTER = new CommandsSorter(); private final Set<CommandAware> commandOwners = new LinkedHashSet<CommandAware>(0); private Component container; private Toolbar toolbar; private String align; private boolean supressed; // --------------------- GETTER / SETTER METHODS --------------------- @Override public String getAlign() { return align; } @Override public void setAlign(String align) { this.align = align; } @Override public boolean isSupressed() { return supressed; } // ------------------------ INTERFACE METHODS ------------------------ // --------------------- Interface CommandRenderer --------------------- @Override public void render() { final boolean isEmpty = isEmpty(); if (toolbar != null && isEmpty) { reset(); return; } else if (toolbar != null || isEmpty) { return; } toolbar = new Toolbar(); toolbar.setAlign(align); container.insertBefore(toolbar, container.getFirstChild()); if (!HtmlViewPanel.class.isInstance(getPrimaryOwner())) { toolbar.setStyle("border-width: 0;"); } SortedMap<CommandEnum, List<Command>> map = mergeCommands(); for (final CommandEnum id : map.keySet()) { CommandDecorator commandDecorator = null; if (map.get(id).size() == 1) { commandDecorator = getDecorator(map.get(id).get(0)); } else { for (Command command : map.get(id)) { if (commandDecorator == null) { commandDecorator = new DefaultDropdownCommandDecorator(command); } else { ((DropdownCommandDecorator) commandDecorator).add(command); } } } if (id.isRequiresStartSeparator() && id != map.firstKey() && !isPreviousSeparator()) { addSeparator(); } if (commandDecorator != null) { commandDecorator.attach(toolbar); commandDecorator.addMessageListener(this); commandDecorator.render(); } if (id.isRequiresEndSeparator() && id != map.lastKey()) { addSeparator(); } Space space = new Space(); space.setSpacing("8px"); space.setParent(toolbar); } } private boolean isPreviousSeparator() { Component component = toolbar.getLastChild(); while (component != null) { if (Space.class.isInstance(component)) { component = component.getPreviousSibling(); } else { break; } } return Separator.class.isInstance(component); } private void addSeparator() { Separator separator = new Separator("vertical"); separator.setParent(toolbar); separator.setSclass("z-toolbarbutton"); separator.setStyle("overflow: visible;"); separator.setBar(true); } @Override public void reset() { if (toolbar != null) { List<CommandDecorator> decorators = new ArrayList<CommandDecorator>(); for (Object item : toolbar.getChildren()) { CommandDecorator decorator = ((CommandDecorator) ((Component) item) .getAttribute(CommandDecorator.ATTRIB_DECORATOR)); if (decorator != null) { decorators.add(decorator); } } for (CommandDecorator decorator : decorators) { decorator.dettach(); } toolbar.detach(); toolbar = null; } } @Override public void setContainer(Object container) { if (this.container != null) throw new IllegalStateException("container can only be set once"); if (container instanceof Panel) { container = ((Panel) container).getPanelchildren(); } this.container = (Component) container; } @Override public void supress(boolean supress) { if (supressed != supress) { supressed = supress; reset(); } } @Override public void addCommandOwner(CommandAware commandAware) { commandOwners.add(commandAware); } @Override public void removeCommandOwner(CommandAware commandAware) { commandOwners.remove(commandAware); } @Override public Set<CommandAware> getCommandOwners() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(commandOwners); } // --------------------- Interface MessageAware --------------------- @Override public boolean addMessageListener(MessageAware messageAware) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void dispatchMessage(Message message) { processMessage(message); } @Override public boolean removeMessageListener(MessageAware messageAware) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Set<MessageAware> getListeners() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // --------------------- Interface MessageListener --------------------- @Override public void processMessage(Message message) { switch (message.getId()) { case AFTER_ADD: reset(); render(); break; case AFTER_REMOVE: if (toolbar != null && isEmpty()) { reset(); } break; default: break; } } // -------------------------- OTHER METHODS -------------------------- private CommandDecorator getDecorator(Command command) { if (CommandEnum.QUERY_LOOKUP == command.getId()) { return new QueryLookupCommandDecorator(command); } else if (CommandEnum.RENDER_SCHEME_LOOKUP == command.getId()) { return new RenderSchemeLookupCommandDecorator(command); } else if (CommandEnum.RELATED_PANELS == command.getId()) { return new DefaultArbitraryDropdownCommandDecorator(command); } else if (!command.getId().getSubcommands().isEmpty()) { return new DefaultSubcommandsCommandDecorator(command); } else { return new DefaultToolbarbuttonCommandDecorator(command); } } private boolean isEmpty() { CommandAware primaryOwner = getPrimaryOwner(); if (primaryOwner.hasCommand(CommandEnum.DESIGN) || primaryOwner.hasCommand(CommandEnum.LOCALIZE) || (!primaryOwner.isCommandsSupressed() && !primaryOwner.getCommands().isEmpty())) { return false; } else if (!primaryOwner.isCommandsSupressed()) { for (CommandAware owner : commandOwners) { if (owner instanceof CommandMerger) { if (!((CommandMerger) owner).getMergedCommands().isEmpty()) { return false; } } else { if (!owner.getCommands().isEmpty()) { return false; } } } } return true; } @Override public CommandAware getPrimaryOwner() { if (!commandOwners.isEmpty()) { return commandOwners.iterator().next(); } return null; } protected boolean isMergable(Command command) { boolean isPrimaryOwner = command.getOwner().equals(getPrimaryOwner()); if (supressed && command.getId() != CommandEnum.DESIGN && command.getId() != CommandEnum.LOCALIZE) { // always show settiings and localization commands return false; } else if ((command.getId() == CommandEnum.DESIGN || command.getId() == CommandEnum.LOCALIZE) && !isPrimaryOwner) { // don't integrate settings and localization command for child panels return false; } else if (command instanceof Subcommand) { return false; } else if (!isPrimaryOwner && command.getId().isCrud() && command.getOwner() instanceof org.web4thejob.web.panel.Panel) { // special toolbar rendering hint if (getPrimaryOwner() instanceof BorderedLayoutPanel && command.getArg(CommandMerger.ATTRIB_COMMAND_MERGER, CommandMerger.class) != null) { CommandMerger commandMerger = command.getArg(CommandMerger.ATTRIB_COMMAND_MERGER, CommandMerger.class); if (commandMerger.equals(((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()).getNorth())) { return !((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()) .getSettingValue(SettingEnum.NORTH_EXCLUDE_CRUD_COMMANDS, false); } else if (commandMerger.equals(((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()).getSouth())) { return !((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()) .getSettingValue(SettingEnum.SOUTH_EXCLUDE_CRUD_COMMANDS, false); } else if (commandMerger.equals(((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()).getCenter())) { return !((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()) .getSettingValue(SettingEnum.CENTER_EXCLUDE_CRUD_COMMANDS, false); } else if (commandMerger.equals(((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()).getWest())) { return !((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()) .getSettingValue(SettingEnum.WEST_EXCLUDE_CRUD_COMMANDS, false); } else if (commandMerger.equals(((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()).getEast())) { return !((BorderedLayoutPanel) getPrimaryOwner()) .getSettingValue(SettingEnum.EAST_EXCLUDE_CRUD_COMMANDS, false); } } else { Object val = (((org.web4thejob.web.panel.Panel) command.getOwner()) .getAttribute(CommandRenderer.ATTRIB_SUPPRESS_CRUD_COMMANDS)); if (val instanceof Boolean) { return !((Boolean) val); } } } return true; } private SortedMap<CommandEnum, List<Command>> mergeCommands() { SortedMap<CommandEnum, List<Command>> map = new TreeMap<CommandEnum, List<Command>>(COMMANDS_SORTER); for (CommandAware owner : commandOwners) { if (owner instanceof PlaceholderPanel && !owner.equals(getPrimaryOwner())) { continue; } SortedSet<Command> commands; if (owner instanceof CommandMerger) { commands = ((CommandMerger) owner).getMergedCommands(); } else { commands = owner.getCommands(); } for (final Command command : commands) { if (isMergable(command)) { if (map.containsKey(command.getId())) { if (!map.get(command.getId()).contains(command)) { map.get(command.getId()).add(command); } } else { List<Command> list = new ArrayList<Command>(); list.add(command); map.put(command.getId(), list); } } } } return map; } private static class CommandsSorter implements Comparator<CommandEnum> { @Override public int compare(CommandEnum o1, CommandEnum o2) { Integer i1 = (o1.getSubcommands().isEmpty() ? 10000 : 0) + o1.ordinal(); Integer i2 = (o2.getSubcommands().isEmpty() ? 10000 : 0) + o2.ordinal(); return i1.compareTo(i2); } } }