Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************** * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright 2011-2014 VLC authors and VideoLAN * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ package org.videolan.vlc; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import org.videolan.libvlc.util.AndroidUtil; public class MediaDatabase { public final static String TAG = "VLC/MediaDatabase"; private static MediaDatabase instance; private SQLiteDatabase mDb; private static final String DB_NAME = "vlc_database"; private static final int DB_VERSION = 21; private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 50; private static final String DIR_TABLE_NAME = "directories_table"; private static final String DIR_ROW_PATH = "path"; private static final String MEDIA_TABLE_NAME = "media_table"; private static final String MEDIA_VIRTUAL_TABLE_NAME = "media_table_fts"; public static final String MEDIA_LOCATION = "_id"; //standard key for primary key, needed for search suggestions private static final String MEDIA_TIME = "time"; private static final String MEDIA_LENGTH = "length"; private static final String MEDIA_TYPE = "type"; private static final String MEDIA_PICTURE = "picture"; public static final String MEDIA_TITLE = "title"; private static final String MEDIA_ARTIST = "artist"; private static final String MEDIA_GENRE = "genre"; private static final String MEDIA_ALBUM = "album"; private static final String MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST = "albumartist"; private static final String MEDIA_WIDTH = "width"; private static final String MEDIA_HEIGHT = "height"; private static final String MEDIA_ARTWORKURL = "artwork_url"; private static final String MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK = "audio_track"; private static final String MEDIA_SPUTRACK = "spu_track"; private static final String MEDIA_TRACKNUMBER = "track_number"; private static final String MEDIA_DISCNUMBER = "disc_number"; private static final String MEDIA_LAST_MODIFIED = "last_modified"; private static final String PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME = "playlist_table"; private static final String PLAYLIST_NAME = "name"; private static final String PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME = "playlist_media_table"; private static final String PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ID = "id"; private static final String PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME = "playlist_name"; private static final String PLAYLIST_MEDIA_MEDIALOCATION = "media_location"; private static final String PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER = "playlist_order"; private static final String SEARCHHISTORY_TABLE_NAME = "searchhistory_table"; private static final String SEARCHHISTORY_DATE = "date"; private static final String SEARCHHISTORY_KEY = "key"; private static final String MRL_TABLE_NAME = "mrl_table"; private static final String MRL_DATE = "date"; private static final String MRL_URI = "uri"; private static final String MRL_TABLE_SIZE = "100"; private static final String NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME = "fav_table"; private static final String NETWORK_FAV_URI = "uri"; private static final String NETWORK_FAV_TITLE = "title"; public enum mediaColumn { MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, MEDIA_PATH, MEDIA_TIME, MEDIA_LENGTH, MEDIA_TYPE, MEDIA_PICTURE, MEDIA_TITLE, MEDIA_ARTIST, MEDIA_GENRE, MEDIA_ALBUM, MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST, MEDIA_WIDTH, MEDIA_HEIGHT, MEDIA_ARTWORKURL, MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK, MEDIA_SPUTRACK, MEDIA_TRACKNUMBER, MEDIA_DISCNUMBER, MEDIA_LAST_MODIFIED } /** * Constructor * * @param context */ private MediaDatabase(Context context) { // create or open database DatabaseHelper helper = new DatabaseHelper(context); this.mDb = helper.getWritableDatabase(); } public synchronized static MediaDatabase getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new MediaDatabase(VLCApplication.getAppContext()); } return instance; } private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public DatabaseHelper(Context context) { super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION); } @Override public SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() { SQLiteDatabase db; try { return super.getWritableDatabase(); } catch (SQLiteException e) { try { db = SQLiteDatabase .openOrCreateDatabase(VLCApplication.getAppContext().getDatabasePath(DB_NAME), null); } catch (SQLiteException e2) { Log.w(TAG, "SQLite database could not be created! Media library cannot be saved."); db = SQLiteDatabase.create(null); } } int version = db.getVersion(); if (version != DB_VERSION) { db.beginTransaction(); try { if (version == 0) { onCreate(db); } else { onUpgrade(db, version, DB_VERSION); } db.setVersion(DB_VERSION); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } return db; } public void dropMediaTableQuery(SQLiteDatabase db) { try { String query = "DROP TABLE " + MEDIA_TABLE_NAME + ";"; db.execSQL(query); query = "DROP TABLE " + MEDIA_VIRTUAL_TABLE_NAME + ";"; db.execSQL(query); } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "SQLite tables could not be dropped! Maybe they were missing..."); } } public void createMediaTableQuery(SQLiteDatabase db) { String query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + MEDIA_TABLE_NAME + " (" + MEDIA_LOCATION + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, " + MEDIA_TIME + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_LENGTH + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_TYPE + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_PICTURE + " BLOB, " + MEDIA_TITLE + " TEXT, " + MEDIA_ARTIST + " TEXT, " + MEDIA_GENRE + " TEXT, " + MEDIA_ALBUM + " TEXT, " + MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST + " TEXT, " + MEDIA_WIDTH + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_HEIGHT + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_ARTWORKURL + " TEXT, " + MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_SPUTRACK + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_TRACKNUMBER + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_DISCNUMBER + " INTEGER, " + MEDIA_LAST_MODIFIED + " INTEGER" + ");"; db.execSQL(query); db.execSQL("PRAGMA recursive_triggers='ON'"); //Needed for delete trigger query = "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE " + MEDIA_VIRTUAL_TABLE_NAME + " USING FTS3 (" + MEDIA_LOCATION + ", " + MEDIA_TITLE + ", " + MEDIA_ARTIST + ", " + MEDIA_GENRE + ", " + MEDIA_ALBUM + ", " + MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST + ");"; db.execSQL(query); query = " CREATE TRIGGER media_insert_trigger AFTER INSERT ON " + MEDIA_TABLE_NAME + " BEGIN " + "INSERT INTO " + MEDIA_VIRTUAL_TABLE_NAME + " (" + MEDIA_LOCATION + ", " + MEDIA_TITLE + ", " + MEDIA_ARTIST + ", " + MEDIA_GENRE + ", " + MEDIA_ALBUM + ", " + MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST + " )" + " VALUES (new." + MEDIA_LOCATION + ", new." + MEDIA_TITLE + ", new." + MEDIA_ARTIST + ", new." + MEDIA_GENRE + ", new." + MEDIA_ALBUM + ", new." + MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST + "); END;"; db.execSQL(query); query = " CREATE TRIGGER media_delete_trigger AFTER DELETE ON " + MEDIA_TABLE_NAME + " BEGIN " + "DELETE FROM " + MEDIA_VIRTUAL_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + MEDIA_LOCATION + " = old." + MEDIA_LOCATION + ";" + " END;"; db.execSQL(query); } private void createPlaylistTablesQuery(SQLiteDatabase db) { String createPlaylistTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME + " (" + PLAYLIST_NAME + " VARCHAR(200) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);"; db.execSQL(createPlaylistTableQuery); String createPlaylistMediaTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME + " (" + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME + " VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL," + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_MEDIALOCATION + " TEXT NOT NULL," + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER + " INTEGER NOT NULL);"; db.execSQL(createPlaylistMediaTableQuery); } private void createMRLTableQuery(SQLiteDatabase db) { String createMrlTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + MRL_TABLE_NAME + " (" + MRL_URI + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," + MRL_DATE + " DATETIME NOT NULL" + ");"; db.execSQL(createMrlTableQuery); createMrlTableQuery = " CREATE TRIGGER mrl_history_trigger AFTER INSERT ON " + MRL_TABLE_NAME + " BEGIN " + " DELETE FROM " + MRL_TABLE_NAME + " where " + MRL_URI + " NOT IN (SELECT " + MRL_URI + " from " + MRL_TABLE_NAME + " ORDER BY " + MRL_DATE + " DESC LIMIT " + MRL_TABLE_SIZE + ");" + " END"; db.execSQL(createMrlTableQuery); } public void dropMRLTableQuery(SQLiteDatabase db) { try { String query = "DROP TABLE " + MRL_TABLE_NAME + ";"; db.execSQL(query); } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "SQLite tables could not be dropped! Maybe they were missing..."); } } private void createNetworkFavTableQuery(SQLiteDatabase db) { String createMrlTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME + " (" + NETWORK_FAV_URI + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, " + NETWORK_FAV_TITLE + " TEXT NOT NULL" + ");"; db.execSQL(createMrlTableQuery); } public void dropNetworkFavTableQuery(SQLiteDatabase db) { try { String query = "DROP TABLE " + NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME + ";"; db.execSQL(query); } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "SQLite tables could not be dropped! Maybe they were missing..."); } } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { String createDirTabelQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + DIR_TABLE_NAME + " (" + DIR_ROW_PATH + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL" + ");"; // Create the directories table db.execSQL(createDirTabelQuery); // Create the media table createMediaTableQuery(db); // Create playlist tables createPlaylistTablesQuery(db); String createSearchhistoryTabelQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + SEARCHHISTORY_TABLE_NAME + " (" + SEARCHHISTORY_KEY + " VARCHAR(200) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, " + SEARCHHISTORY_DATE + " DATETIME NOT NULL" + ");"; // Create the searchhistory table db.execSQL(createSearchhistoryTabelQuery); createMRLTableQuery(db); createNetworkFavTableQuery(db); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { dropMediaTableQuery(db); createMediaTableQuery(db); // Upgrade incrementally from oldVersion to newVersion for (int i = oldVersion + 1; i <= newVersion; i++) { switch (i) { case 9: // Remodelled playlist tables: re-create them db.execSQL("DROP TABLE " + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME + ";"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE " + PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME + ";"); createPlaylistTablesQuery(db); break; case 11: createMRLTableQuery(db); break; case 13: createNetworkFavTableQuery(db); break; case 17: dropMRLTableQuery(db); createMRLTableQuery(db); break; case 18: dropNetworkFavTableQuery(db); createNetworkFavTableQuery(db); break; default: break; } } } } /** * Get all playlists in the database * * @return An array of all the playlist names */ public String[] getPlaylists() { ArrayList<String> playlists = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor c = mDb.query(PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { PLAYLIST_NAME }, null, null, null, null, null); if (c != null) { while (c.moveToNext()) playlists.add(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(PLAYLIST_NAME))); c.close(); } return playlists.toArray(new String[playlists.size()]); } /** * Add new playlist * * @param name Unique name of the playlist * @return False if invalid name or already exists, true otherwise */ public boolean playlistAdd(String name) { // Check length if (name.length() >= 200) return false; // Check if already exists if (playlistExists(name)) return false; // Create new playlist ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(PLAYLIST_NAME, name); long res = mDb.insert(PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME, "NULL", values); return res != -1; } /** * Delete a playlist and all of its entries. * * @param name Unique name of the playlist */ public void playlistDelete(String name) { mDb.delete(PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME, PLAYLIST_NAME + "=?", new String[] { name }); mDb.delete(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME + "=?", new String[] { name }); } /** * Check if the playlist in question exists. * * @param name Unique name of the playlist * @return true if playlist exists, false otherwise */ public boolean playlistExists(String name) { // Check duplicates Cursor c = mDb.query(PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { PLAYLIST_NAME }, PLAYLIST_NAME + "= ?", new String[] { name }, null, null, "1"); if (c != null) { final int count = c.getCount(); c.close(); return (count > 0); } else return false; } /** * Get all items in the specified playlist. * * @param playlistName Unique name of the playlist * @return Array containing MRLs of the playlist in order, or null on error */ @Nullable public String[] playlistGetItems(String playlistName) { if (!playlistExists(playlistName)) return null; Cursor c = mDb.query(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { PLAYLIST_MEDIA_MEDIALOCATION }, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME + "= ?", new String[] { playlistName }, null, null, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER + " ASC"); if (c != null) { int count = c.getCount(); String ret[] = new String[count]; int i = 0; while (c.moveToNext()) { ret[i] = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_MEDIALOCATION)); i++; } c.close(); return ret; } else return null; } /** * Insert an item with location into playlistName at the specified position * * @param playlistName Unique name of the playlist * @param position Position to insert into * @param mrl MRL of the media */ public void playlistInsertItem(String playlistName, int position, String mrl) { playlistShiftItems(playlistName, position, 1); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME, playlistName); values.put(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_MEDIALOCATION, mrl); values.put(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER, position); mDb.insert(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, "NULL", values); } /** * Shifts all items starting at position by the given factor. * * For instance: * Before: * 0 - A * 1 - B * 2 - C * 3 - D * * After playlistShiftItems(playlist, 1, 1): * 0 - A * 2 - B * 3 - C * 4 - D * * @param playlistName Unique name of the playlist * @param position Position to start shifting at * @param factor Factor to shift the order by */ private void playlistShiftItems(String playlistName, int position, int factor) { // Increment all media orders by 1 after the insert position Cursor c = mDb.query(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ID, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER }, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME + "=? AND " + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER + " >= ?", new String[] { playlistName, String.valueOf(position) }, null, null, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER + " ASC"); if (c != null) { while (c.moveToNext()) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); int ii = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER)) + factor; Log.d(TAG, "ii = " + ii); cv.put(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER, ii /* i */); mDb.update(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, cv, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ID + "=?", new String[] { c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ID)) }); } c.close(); } } /** * Removes the item at the given position * * @param playlistName Unique name of the playlist * @param position Position to remove */ public void playlistRemoveItem(String playlistName, int position) { mDb.delete(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME + "=? AND " + PLAYLIST_MEDIA_ORDER + "=?", new String[] { playlistName, Integer.toString(position) }); playlistShiftItems(playlistName, position + 1, -1); } /** * Rename the specified playlist. * * @param playlistName Unique name of the playlist * @param newPlaylistName New name of the playlist * @return false on error, if playlist doesn't exist or if the new name * already exists, true otherwise */ public boolean playlistRename(String playlistName, String newPlaylistName) { if (!playlistExists(playlistName) || playlistExists(newPlaylistName)) return false; // Update playlist table ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(PLAYLIST_NAME, newPlaylistName); mDb.update(PLAYLIST_TABLE_NAME, values, PLAYLIST_NAME + " =?", new String[] { playlistName }); // Update playlist media table values = new ContentValues(); values.put(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME, newPlaylistName); mDb.update(PLAYLIST_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, values, PLAYLIST_MEDIA_PLAYLISTNAME + " =?", new String[] { playlistName }); return true; } private static void safePut(ContentValues values, String key, String value) { if (value == null) values.putNull(key); else values.put(key, value); } /** * Add a new media to the database. The picture can only added by update. * @param media which you like to add to the database */ public synchronized void addMedia(MediaWrapper media) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(MEDIA_LOCATION, media.getUri().toString()); values.put(MEDIA_TIME, media.getTime()); values.put(MEDIA_LENGTH, media.getLength()); values.put(MEDIA_TYPE, media.getType()); values.put(MEDIA_TITLE, media.getTitle()); safePut(values, MEDIA_ARTIST, media.getArtist()); safePut(values, MEDIA_GENRE, media.getGenre()); safePut(values, MEDIA_ALBUM, media.getAlbum()); safePut(values, MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST, media.getAlbumArtist()); values.put(MEDIA_WIDTH, media.getWidth()); values.put(MEDIA_HEIGHT, media.getHeight()); values.put(MEDIA_ARTWORKURL, media.getArtworkURL()); values.put(MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK, media.getAudioTrack()); values.put(MEDIA_SPUTRACK, media.getSpuTrack()); values.put(MEDIA_TRACKNUMBER, media.getTrackNumber()); values.put(MEDIA_DISCNUMBER, media.getDiscNumber()); values.put(MEDIA_LAST_MODIFIED, media.getLastModified()); mDb.replace(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, "NULL", values); } /** * Check if the item is already in the database * @param location of the item (primary key) * @return True if the item exists, false if it does not */ public synchronized boolean mediaItemExists(Uri uri) { try { Cursor cursor = mDb.query(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { MEDIA_LOCATION }, MEDIA_LOCATION + "=?", new String[] { uri.toString() }, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { final boolean exists = cursor.moveToFirst(); cursor.close(); return exists; } else return false; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Query failed"); return false; } } /** * Get all paths from the items in the database * @return list of File */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private synchronized HashSet<File> getMediaFiles() { HashSet<File> files = new HashSet<File>(); Cursor cursor; cursor = mDb.query(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { MEDIA_LOCATION }, null, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { cursor.moveToFirst(); if (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { do { File file = new File(cursor.getString(0)); files.add(file); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } return files; } public synchronized Cursor queryMedia(String query) { String[] queryColumns = new String[] { MEDIA_LOCATION, MEDIA_TITLE }; return mDb.query(MEDIA_VIRTUAL_TABLE_NAME, queryColumns, MEDIA_VIRTUAL_TABLE_NAME + " MATCH ?", new String[] { query + "*" }, null, null, null, null); } public synchronized ArrayList<String> searchMedia(String filter) { ArrayList<String> mediaList = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor cursor = queryMedia(filter); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { mediaList.add(cursor.getString(0)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } return mediaList; } public synchronized ArrayMap<String, MediaWrapper> getMedias() { Cursor cursor; ArrayMap<String, MediaWrapper> medias = new ArrayMap<String, MediaWrapper>(); int chunk_count = 0; int count; do { count = 0; cursor = mDb.rawQuery(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s FROM %s LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", MEDIA_LOCATION, //0 string MEDIA_TIME, //1 long MEDIA_LENGTH, //2 long MEDIA_TYPE, //3 int MEDIA_TITLE, //4 string MEDIA_ARTIST, //5 string MEDIA_GENRE, //6 string MEDIA_ALBUM, //7 string MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST, //8 string MEDIA_WIDTH, //9 int MEDIA_HEIGHT, //10 int MEDIA_ARTWORKURL, //11 string MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK, //12 int MEDIA_SPUTRACK, //13 int MEDIA_TRACKNUMBER, // 14 int MEDIA_DISCNUMBER, //15 int MEDIA_LAST_MODIFIED, //16 long MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_count * CHUNK_SIZE), null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { try { do { final Uri uri = AndroidUtil.LocationToUri(cursor.getString(0)); MediaWrapper media = new MediaWrapper(uri, cursor.getLong(1), // MEDIA_TIME cursor.getLong(2), // MEDIA_LENGTH cursor.getInt(3), // MEDIA_TYPE null, // MEDIA_PICTURE cursor.getString(4), // MEDIA_TITLE cursor.getString(5), // MEDIA_ARTIST cursor.getString(6), // MEDIA_GENRE cursor.getString(7), // MEDIA_ALBUM cursor.getString(8), // MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST cursor.getInt(9), // MEDIA_WIDTH cursor.getInt(10), // MEDIA_HEIGHT cursor.getString(11), // MEDIA_ARTWORKURL cursor.getInt(12), // MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK cursor.getInt(13), // MEDIA_SPUTRACK cursor.getInt(14), // MEDIA_TRACKNUMBER cursor.getInt(15), // MEDIA_DISCNUMBER cursor.getLong(16)); // MEDIA_LAST_MODIFIED medias.put(media.getUri().toString(), media); count++; } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } //Google bug causing IllegalStateException, see } cursor.close(); } chunk_count++; } while (count == CHUNK_SIZE); return medias; } public synchronized ArrayMap<String, Long> getVideoTimes() { Cursor cursor; ArrayMap<String, Long> times = new ArrayMap<String, Long>(); int chunk_count = 0; int count; do { count = 0; cursor = mDb.rawQuery(String.format(Locale.US, "SELECT %s,%s FROM %s WHERE %s=%d LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", MEDIA_LOCATION, //0 string MEDIA_TIME, //1 long MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, MEDIA_TYPE, MediaWrapper.TYPE_VIDEO, CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_count * CHUNK_SIZE), null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { String location = cursor.getString(0); long time = cursor.getLong(1); times.put(location, time); count++; } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } chunk_count++; } while (count == CHUNK_SIZE); return times; } public synchronized MediaWrapper getMedia(Uri uri) { Cursor cursor; MediaWrapper media = null; try { cursor = mDb.query(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { MEDIA_TIME, //0 long MEDIA_LENGTH, //1 long MEDIA_TYPE, //2 int MEDIA_TITLE, //3 string MEDIA_ARTIST, //4 string MEDIA_GENRE, //5 string MEDIA_ALBUM, //6 string MEDIA_ALBUMARTIST, //7 string MEDIA_WIDTH, //8 int MEDIA_HEIGHT, //9 int MEDIA_ARTWORKURL, //10 string MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK, //11 int MEDIA_SPUTRACK, //12 int MEDIA_TRACKNUMBER, //13 int MEDIA_DISCNUMBER, //14 int MEDIA_LAST_MODIFIED, //15 long }, MEDIA_LOCATION + "=?", new String[] { uri.toString() }, null, null, null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the bind value at index 1 is null return null; } if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { media = new MediaWrapper(uri, cursor.getLong(0), cursor.getLong(1), cursor.getInt(2), null, // lazy loading, see getPicture() cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getString(5), cursor.getString(6), cursor.getString(7), cursor.getInt(8), cursor.getInt(9), cursor.getString(10), cursor.getInt(11), cursor.getInt(12), cursor.getInt(13), cursor.getInt(14), cursor.getLong(15)); } cursor.close(); } return media; } public synchronized Bitmap getPicture(Uri uri) { /* Used for the lazy loading */ Cursor cursor; Bitmap picture = null; byte[] blob; cursor = mDb.query(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { MEDIA_PICTURE }, MEDIA_LOCATION + "=?", new String[] { uri.toString() }, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { blob = cursor.getBlob(0); if (blob != null && blob.length > 1 && blob.length < 500000) { try { picture = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(blob, 0, blob.length); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { picture = null; } finally { blob = null; } } } cursor.close(); } return picture; } public synchronized void removeMedia(Uri uri) { mDb.delete(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, MEDIA_LOCATION + "=?", new String[] { uri.toString() }); } public void removeMedias(Collection<Uri> uris) { mDb.beginTransaction(); try { for (Uri uri : uris) removeMedia(uri); mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } } public void removeMediaWrappers(Collection<MediaWrapper> mws) { mDb.beginTransaction(); try { for (MediaWrapper mw : mws) removeMedia(mw.getUri()); mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } } public synchronized void updateMedia(Uri uri, mediaColumn col, Object object) { if (uri == null) return; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); switch (col) { case MEDIA_PICTURE: if (object != null) { Bitmap picture = (Bitmap) object; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); picture.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, out); values.put(MEDIA_PICTURE, out.toByteArray()); } else { values.put(MEDIA_PICTURE, new byte[1]); } break; case MEDIA_TIME: if (object != null) values.put(MEDIA_TIME, (Long) object); break; case MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK: if (object != null) values.put(MEDIA_AUDIOTRACK, (Integer) object); break; case MEDIA_SPUTRACK: if (object != null) values.put(MEDIA_SPUTRACK, (Integer) object); break; case MEDIA_LENGTH: if (object != null) values.put(MEDIA_LENGTH, (Long) object); break; default: return; } mDb.update(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, values, MEDIA_LOCATION + "=?", new String[] { uri.toString() }); } /** * Add directory to the directories table * * @param path */ public synchronized void addDir(String path) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DIR_ROW_PATH, path); mDb.insert(DIR_TABLE_NAME, null, values); } /** * Delete directory from directories table * * @param path */ public synchronized void removeDir(String path) { mDb.delete(DIR_TABLE_NAME, DIR_ROW_PATH + "=?", new String[] { path }); } /** * Delete all matching directories from directories table * * @param path */ public synchronized void recursiveRemoveDir(String path) { for (File f : getMediaDirs()) { final String dirPath = f.getPath(); if (dirPath.startsWith(path)) mDb.delete(DIR_TABLE_NAME, DIR_ROW_PATH + "=?", new String[] { dirPath }); } } /** * * @return */ public synchronized List<File> getMediaDirs() { List<File> paths = new ArrayList<File>(); Cursor cursor; cursor = mDb.query(DIR_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { DIR_ROW_PATH }, null, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { cursor.moveToFirst(); if (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { do { File dir = new File(cursor.getString(0)); paths.add(dir); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } return paths; } private synchronized boolean mediaDirExists(String path) { Cursor cursor = mDb.query(DIR_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { DIR_ROW_PATH }, DIR_ROW_PATH + "=?", new String[] { path }, null, null, null); boolean exists = cursor.moveToFirst(); cursor.close(); return exists; } /** * * @param key */ public synchronized void addSearchhistoryItem(String key) { // set the format to sql date time SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US); Date date = new Date(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SEARCHHISTORY_KEY, key); values.put(SEARCHHISTORY_DATE, dateFormat.format(date)); mDb.replace(SEARCHHISTORY_TABLE_NAME, null, values); } public synchronized ArrayList<String> getSearchhistory(int size) { ArrayList<String> history = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor cursor = mDb.query(SEARCHHISTORY_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { SEARCHHISTORY_KEY }, null, null, null, null, SEARCHHISTORY_DATE + " DESC", Integer.toString(size)); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { history.add(cursor.getString(0)); } cursor.close(); return history; } public synchronized void clearSearchHistory() { mDb.delete(SEARCHHISTORY_TABLE_NAME, null, null); } public synchronized void addMrlhistoryItem(String uri) { // set the format to sql date time SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US); Date date = new Date(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(MRL_URI, uri); values.put(MRL_DATE, dateFormat.format(date)); mDb.replace(MRL_TABLE_NAME, null, values); } public synchronized ArrayList<String> getMrlhistory() { ArrayList<String> history = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor cursor = mDb.query(MRL_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { MRL_URI }, null, null, null, null, MRL_DATE + " DESC", MRL_TABLE_SIZE); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { history.add(cursor.getString(0)); } cursor.close(); } return history; } public synchronized void deleteMrlUri(String uri) { mDb.delete(MRL_TABLE_NAME, MRL_URI + "=?", new String[] { uri }); } public synchronized void clearMrlHistory() { mDb.delete(MRL_TABLE_NAME, null, null); } public synchronized void addNetworkFavItem(Uri uri, String title) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(NETWORK_FAV_URI, uri.toString()); values.put(NETWORK_FAV_TITLE, Uri.encode(title)); mDb.replace(NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME, null, values); } public synchronized boolean networkFavExists(Uri uri) { Cursor cursor = mDb.query(NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { NETWORK_FAV_URI }, NETWORK_FAV_URI + "=?", new String[] { uri.toString() }, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { final boolean exists = cursor.moveToFirst(); cursor.close(); return exists; } else return false; } public synchronized ArrayList<MediaWrapper> getAllNetworkFav() { ArrayList<MediaWrapper> favs = new ArrayList<MediaWrapper>(); MediaWrapper mw; Cursor cursor = mDb.query(NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME, new String[] { NETWORK_FAV_URI, NETWORK_FAV_TITLE }, null, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { mw = new MediaWrapper(Uri.parse(cursor.getString(0))); mw.setTitle(Uri.decode(cursor.getString(1))); mw.setType(MediaWrapper.TYPE_DIR); favs.add(mw); } cursor.close(); } return favs; } public synchronized void deleteNetworkFav(Uri uri) { mDb.delete(NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME, NETWORK_FAV_URI + "=?", new String[] { uri.toString() }); } public synchronized void clearNetworkFavTable() { mDb.delete(NETWORK_FAV_TABLE_NAME, null, null); } /** * Empty the database for debugging purposes */ public synchronized void emptyDatabase() { mDb.delete(MEDIA_TABLE_NAME, null, null); } public static void setPicture(MediaWrapper m, Bitmap p) { Log.d(TAG, "Setting new picture for " + m.getTitle()); try { getInstance().updateMedia(m.getUri(), mediaColumn.MEDIA_PICTURE, p); } catch (SQLiteFullException e) { Log.d(TAG, "SQLiteFullException while setting picture"); } m.setPictureParsed(true); } }