Java tutorial
package org.vaadin.testbenchsauce; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import; import; import com.jayway.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.testbench.Parameters; import com.vaadin.testbench.TestBench; import com.vaadin.testbench.TestBenchTestCase; import com.vaadin.testbench.screenshot.ImageFileUtil; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent; import org.fest.util.Strings; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriverService; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import; import; import org.testng.ITestNGMethod; import org.testng.ITestResult; import org.testng.Reporter; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.internal.BaseTestMethod; import org.vaadin.testbenchsauce.webdriverwrapper.WebDriverWrapper; import org.vaadin.testbenchsauce.webdriverwrapper.WebElementWrapper; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.*; import static com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured.given; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.trimToEmpty; import static org.fest.assertions.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNull; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import static; abstract public class BaseTestBenchTestCase extends TestBenchTestCase { protected static final Logger logStep = Logger .getLogger(BaseTestBenchTestCase.class.getCanonicalName() + ".stepLogger"); private static final boolean USE_REMOTE_WEB_DRIVER = true; private static final boolean TAKE_SCREENSHOT = false; public static final String USERNAME = ""; public static final String PASSWORD = ""; private static final String SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = "JSESSIONID"; public static final int SLOW_FIND_ELEMENTS_WARNING_MILLIS = 150; public static int REMOTE_DRIVER_PORT; private static String BASE_URL; private static boolean USE_CHROME_DRIVER; private static boolean UPDATE_RALLY_TEST_CASE = false; private static String JENKINS_BUILD_NUMBER; private static String JENKINS_BUILD_URL; private static String RALLY_SERVER_URL; private static String RALLY_USERNAME; private static String RALLY_PASSWORD; static { String appDir = getPhantomJsPath(); //Change to "true" to enable ChromeDriver (or launch with -dtestbench.useChromeDriver=true USE_CHROME_DRIVER = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("testbench.useChromeDriver", "false")); BASE_URL = System.getProperty("testbench.baseUrl", "http://localhost:8080/quicktickets-dashboard-1b/"); UPDATE_RALLY_TEST_CASE = Boolean .parseBoolean(System.getProperty("testbench.updateRallyTestCases", "false")); RALLY_SERVER_URL = System.getProperty("rallyServerUrl", ""); RALLY_USERNAME = System.getProperty("rallyUsername", "not defined"); // RALLY_PASSWORD = System.getProperty("rallyPassword", "not defined"); JENKINS_BUILD_NUMBER = System.getProperty("jenkinsBuildNumber", "unknown"); JENKINS_BUILD_URL = System.getProperty("jenkinsBuildUrl", "javascript://alert('No jenkins url exists because this build was not run by jenkins for some reason...')"); if (!USE_CHROME_DRIVER) {"Initializing GhostDriver"); launchPhantomJs(appDir); } else {"Initializing ChromeDriver"); } } private boolean closeBrowserOnFailEnabled = true; private WebDriver wrappedDriver; private Map<String, String> restAuthCookies; private TestngAppender testngAppender; private static int findElementCount; private static int tempScreenshotCounter; private static String getPhantomJsPath() { return System.getProperty("testbench.phantomjs.path", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/test/resources/programs/phantomjs/"); } public WebDriver getDriverWrapper() { if (wrappedDriver == null) { wrappedDriver = new WebDriverWrapper(super.getDriver()); } return wrappedDriver; } private static void launchPhantomJs(String appDir) { // System.out.println("Locating open port for phantomjs..."); REMOTE_DRIVER_PORT = findFreePort(); // System.out.println("Found open port for phantomjs: "+ REMOTE_DRIVER_PORT); String executionString = appDir + "phantomjs.exe --proxy-type=none --webdriver-loglevel=info --webdriver=" + REMOTE_DRIVER_PORT; //--webdriver-loglevel=debug for full js output and phantomjs commands System.out.println("Executing " + executionString); CommandLine commandLine = CommandLine.parse(executionString); try { ProcessExecutor.runProcess(appDir, commandLine, new ProcessExecutorHandler() { @Override public void onStandardOutput(String msg) { System.out.println("phantomjs:" + msg); } @Override public void onStandardError(String msg) { System.err.println("phantomjs:" + msg); } }, 20 * 60 * 1000); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error starting phantomjs", e); } } private Integer walkThroughWaitMillis; @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void afterMethod(ITestResult testResult) { if (!testResult.isSuccess()) { onTestFailure(testResult); } else { assertNoWarningMessage(); } if (UPDATE_RALLY_TEST_CASE) { updateTestDescriptionWithRallyLinks(testResult); //Let's Jenkins test reports link back to Rally updateRally(testResult); } quitDriver(); } private void updateTestDescriptionWithRallyLinks(ITestResult testResult) { ITestNGMethod method = testResult.getMethod(); String extraDescriptionDetail = null; if (method instanceof BaseTestMethod) { BaseTestMethod baseTestMethod = (BaseTestMethod) method; extraDescriptionDetail = "Rally test case(s): "; Method baseTestMethodMethod = baseTestMethod.getMethod(); if (baseTestMethodMethod.isAnnotationPresent(RallyTestCase.class)) { String[] rallyTestCaseIds = baseTestMethodMethod.getAnnotation(RallyTestCase.class).value(); if (rallyTestCaseIds != null) { for (String rallyTestCaseId : rallyTestCaseIds) { if (rallyTestCaseId != null && !rallyTestCaseId.isEmpty()) { extraDescriptionDetail += "<a target='_blank' href=\"" + rallyTestCaseId + "\">" + rallyTestCaseId + "</a> "; } } } if (extraDescriptionDetail != null) { String description = method.getDescription(); baseTestMethod.setDescription(description != null ? description + " - " + extraDescriptionDetail : extraDescriptionDetail); } } } } private void updateRally(ITestResult testResult) { //check to see if the test method has the RallyTestCase annoation. Method method = testResult.getMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(); if (method.isAnnotationPresent(RallyTestCase.class)) { String[] rallyTestCaseIds = method.getAnnotation(RallyTestCase.class).value(); if (rallyTestCaseIds != null) { for (String rallyTestCaseId : rallyTestCaseIds) { if (rallyTestCaseId != null && !rallyTestCaseId.isEmpty()) { try { updateRallyTestCase(rallyTestCaseId, testResult); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { printRallyServerError(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { printRallyServerError(e.getMessage()); } } } } } } private void printRallyServerError(String message) { System.out.println("------Rally Integration Error--------"); System.out.println(message); System.out.println("Rally Server parameters:"); System.out.println("rallyServerUrl:" + RALLY_SERVER_URL); System.out.println("rallyUsername:" + RALLY_USERNAME); System.out.println("rallyPassword:" + RALLY_PASSWORD); System.out.println("-------------------------------------"); } private void updateRallyTestCase(String testCaseId, ITestResult testResult) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { //Rally API Setup RallyRestApi restApi = new RallyRestApi(new URI(RALLY_SERVER_URL), RALLY_USERNAME, RALLY_PASSWORD); restApi.setApplicationName("VaadinTestBench"); int status = testResult.getStatus(); String verdict = null; if (status == ITestResult.FAILURE) { verdict = "Fail"; } else if (status == ITestResult.SUCCESS) { verdict = "Pass"; } else { //For now if it's not a failure or success, don't update rally return; } Duration duration = new Duration(testResult.getStartMillis(), testResult.getEndMillis()); try { //Get a reference to the test case QueryRequest testCaseRequest = new QueryRequest("TestCase"); testCaseRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("FormattedID", "Name")); testCaseRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("FormattedID", "=", testCaseId)); QueryResponse testCaseResponse = restApi.query(testCaseRequest); if (testCaseResponse.getTotalResultCount() <= 0) { System.out.println("WARNING: Could not add test result to Rally test case '" + testCaseId + "' because it was not found."); return; } JsonObject testCaseJsonObject = testCaseResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject(); String testCaseRef = testCaseJsonObject.get("_ref").getAsString(); //Add a test result to that test case JsonObject testCaseResult = new JsonObject(); testCaseResult.addProperty("Verdict", verdict); testCaseResult.addProperty("Build", JENKINS_BUILD_NUMBER); testCaseResult.addProperty("TestCase", testCaseRef); testCaseResult.addProperty("Date", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ").format(new Date())); testCaseResult.addProperty("Duration", duration.getMillis()); //rallyTestCaseIntegration(SolutionsTabUiTest) String methodName = testResult.getName(); Class realClass = testResult.getTestClass().getRealClass(); String jobHref = "<b><a target='_blank' href=\"" + JENKINS_BUILD_URL + "\">Jenkins Job</a></b>"; //testngreports/<package>/<package>.<Class>/<methodName>/ String testUrl = JENKINS_BUILD_URL + "testngreports/" + realClass.getPackage().getName() + "/" + realClass.getName() + "/" + methodName + "/"; String testHref = "<a target='_blank' href=\"" + testUrl + "\">" + "Test Method: " + methodName + "(" + realClass.getSimpleName() + ")" + "</a>"; String notes = jobHref + " " + testHref; notes += "<div><b>Release Build Test Output:</b></div>"; notes += getHtmlTestOutput(testResult); if (!testResult.isSuccess()) { notes += "<div style='color:red;'><b>Failure Details:</b></div>"; notes += ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(testResult.getThrowable()); } testCaseResult.addProperty("Notes", notes); CreateRequest createTestResultRequest = new CreateRequest("testcaseresult", testCaseResult); CreateResponse createTestResultResponse = restApi.create(createTestResultRequest); //Output response if (createTestResultResponse.wasSuccessful()) { System.out.println("Created test result for Rally test case '" + testCaseId + "' - " + testCaseRef); } else { String[] createErrors; createErrors = createTestResultResponse.getErrors(); System.out.println( "WARNING: Error occurred creating Rally test case result for '" + testCaseId + "'"); for (int i = 0; i < createErrors.length; i++) { System.out.println(createErrors[i]); } } } finally { restApi.close(); } } private String getHtmlTestOutput(ITestResult testResult) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<String> iterator = Reporter.getOutput(testResult).iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String line =; output.append(line); if (iterator.hasNext()) { output.append("<br/>"); } } return StringUtils.abbreviate(output.toString(), 4000); //don't overload rally, only allow up to 1000 characters } public void quitDriver() { if (isCloseBrowserOnFailEnabled() || !USE_CHROME_DRIVER) { //quit unless is closeBrowser disabled and using chrome driver getDriverWrapper().quit(); wrappedDriver = null; } } /** * Preparing for actual test, create a firefox driver and define the address * where the app is located. */ @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public final void setUpBase() throws Exception { // System.out = new PrintStream(); testngAppender = new TestngAppender(); Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(testngAppender); setUpInternal(); } public void setUpInternal() throws Exception { initDriver(); new Retry<Void>(new Retryable<Void>() { @Override public Void run() { if (USE_CHROME_DRIVER) { driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1280, 1024)); } else { //look into if we can use driver.manage.window.setSize for phantomjs and not just chrome driver testBench().resizeViewPortTo(1280, 1024); } return null; } }).run(); } private void initDriver() throws Exception { System.setProperty("vaadin.testbench.developer.license", "license-here"); Parameters.setScreenshotErrorDirectory("target/test-classes/screenshots/errors"); if (USE_CHROME_DRIVER) { useChromeDriver(); } else { useGhostDriver(); } Parameters.setDebug(false); //init the driver wrapper getDriverWrapper(); } private void onTestFailure(ITestResult testResult) { Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult); onTestFailure(testResult.getName(), testResult.getTestClass().getName()); Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null); } public void onTestFailure(String methodName, String className) { if (getDriverWrapper() == null) { Reporter.log("Unable to take screenshot on failure, since getDriverWrapper is null"); return; } // Grab a screenshot when a test fails try { BufferedImage screenshotImage = ByteArrayInputStream( ((TakesScreenshot) getDriverWrapper()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES))); // Store the screenshot in the errors directory ImageFileUtil.createScreenshotDirectoriesIfNeeded(); File errorScreenshotFile = ImageFileUtil .getErrorScreenshotFile(methodName + "(" + className + ")" + ".png"); System.out.println("Writing error image to: " + errorScreenshotFile.getCanonicalPath()); ImageIO.write(screenshotImage, "png", errorScreenshotFile); // Reporter.log("<a href='../../../" + errorScreenshotFile + "'>screenshot</a>"); //TODO: make work with real jenkins path. } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); Reporter.log("Couldn't create screenshot"); Reporter.log(e1.getMessage()); } } @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void tearDown() throws Exception { Logger.getRootLogger().removeAppender(testngAppender); if (TAKE_SCREENSHOT) { takeScreenshot(); } } protected void takeScreenshot() { File screenshotAs = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); String pathname = "c:/temp/screenshot_" + tempScreenshotCounter++ + ".png"; try { FileUtils.copyFile(screenshotAs, new File(pathname)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to write screenshot file: " + pathname, e); } } private void useGhostDriver() throws Exception { final DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); desiredCapabilities.setCapability("takesScreenshot", true); final URL remoteAddress = new URL("http://localhost:" + REMOTE_DRIVER_PORT); if (USE_REMOTE_WEB_DRIVER) { RemoteWebDriver remoteWebDriver = new Retry<RemoteWebDriver>(new Retryable<RemoteWebDriver>() { @Override public RemoteWebDriver run() { return new RemoteWebDriver(remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities); } }).run(); setDriver(TestBench.createDriver(remoteWebDriver)); } else { //Haven't tested this in a while, sicne the remote driver always gave higher performance desiredCapabilities.setCapability(PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE_PATH_PROPERTY, getPhantomJsPath() + "phantomjs.exe"); PhantomJSDriver phantomJSDriver = new PhantomJSDriver(desiredCapabilities); // phantomJSDriver.setLogLevel(java.util.logging.Level.ALL); driver = phantomJSDriver; setDriver(TestBench.createDriver(driver)); } } private void useChromeDriver() { System.setProperty("", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/test/resources/programs/chromedriver/chromedriver2_win32_0.8/chromedriver.exe"); setDriver(TestBench.createDriver(new ChromeDriver())); } protected boolean isCloseBrowserOnFailEnabled() { return closeBrowserOnFailEnabled; } public void keepBrowserOpenOnFail() { closeBrowserOnFailEnabled = false; } protected void assertSubWindowNotActive() { assertSubWindowActiveInternal(false); } protected void assertSubWindowActive() { assertSubWindowActiveInternal(true); } private void assertSubWindowActiveInternal(boolean expectActive) { boolean windowPresent = isElementPresent(By.className("v-window")); if (windowPresent && !expectActive) { fail("SubWindow was expect to be NOT be active, but was found"); } if (!windowPresent && expectActive) { fail("SubWindow was expect to be be active, but was NOT found"); } } protected void closeSubWindow() { getDriverWrapper().findElement(By.className("v-window-closebox")).click(); } protected boolean isSelected(WebElement webElement) { String selected = webElement.getAttribute("selected"); return "true".equals(selected) || "selected".equals(selected); } protected boolean isDisabled(WebElement webElement) { return webElement.getAttribute("class").contains("v-disabled"); } protected void assertTabSelected(String title) { assertTabExists(title); WebElement element = findElement(com.vaadin.testbench.By .xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'v-tabsheet-tabitem-selected')]/div/div[contains(text(), '" + title + "')]")); assertNotNull("Tab should have been selected containing text '" + title + "'", element); } protected void assertTextFieldHasFocus(String caption) {"Asserting that field: " + caption + " has focus"); WebElement current = getDriverWrapper().switchTo().activeElement(); WebElement field = getTextField(caption); assertEquals("Expected field: " + caption + " to have focus", current, field); } protected void assertTextFieldHasValue(String textFieldCaption, String expectedValue) {"Asserting that field: " + textFieldCaption + " has value: " + expectedValue); WebElement field = getTextField(textFieldCaption); assertEquals("Text field '" + textFieldCaption + "' has wrong value", expectedValue, getElementValue(field)); } protected void assertFieldHasValue(WebElement textField, String expectedValue) { assertFieldHasValue(null, textField, expectedValue); } protected void assertFieldHasValue(String fieldDescription, WebElement textField, String expectedValue) { String formattedFieldDescription = fieldDescription == null ? "" : "'" + fieldDescription + "'"; assertEquals("Field " + formattedFieldDescription + " value doesn't match", expectedValue, getElementValue(textField)); } protected void assertTextFieldValuesMatch(WebElement email1, WebElement email2) { assertEquals("Field values don't match", getElementValue(email1), getElementValue(email2)); } protected void assertTabExists(String title) {"Asserting that tab exists: " + title); WebElement element = findElement(com.vaadin.testbench.By .xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'v-tabsheet-tabitem')]/div/div[contains(text(), '" + title + "')]")); assertNotNull("Tab not found: '" + title + "'. Found:" + getTabsAsText(), element); } protected void assertButtonExists(String title) {"Asserting that button exists: " + title); WebElement button = getButton(title); assertNotNull("Button not found containing text '" + title + "'", button); } protected void assertButtonDoesNotExist(String title) {"Asserting that button does not exist: " + title); WebElement button = getButton(title); assertNull("Button found containing text '" + title + "', expected none", button); } protected List<WebElement> getTableRows() { List<WebElement> elements = findElements(By.xpath("//tr[contains(@class, 'v-table-row')]")); assertNotNull("Could not find table rows", elements); return elements; } protected List<WebElement> getColumnsForTableRow(WebElement element) { return element.findElements(By.xpath(".//div[contains(@class,'v-table-cell-wrapper')]")); } protected WebElement getButton(String text) { return getButton(null, text); } protected WebElement getButton(WebElement parentElement, String text) { String xPath = "//span[contains(@class, 'v-button-caption') or contains(@class, 'v-nativebutton-caption')][contains(text(),'" + text + "')]"; WebElement button; if (parentElement != null) { button = parentElement.findElement(By.xpath("." + xPath)); } else { button = findElement(By.xpath(xPath)); } return button; } protected void doPostOperationChecks() { assertNoExceptionOccurred(); doWalkThroughWait(); //enable to do get a screenshot history of the test // takeScreenshot(); } protected abstract void doPreOperationChecks(); protected abstract void assertNoExceptionOccurred(); protected void doWalkThroughWait() { if (walkThroughWaitMillis != null) { System.out.println("Walk-through Wait: " + walkThroughWaitMillis + "ms"); sleep(walkThroughWaitMillis); } } protected void clickButton(String value, String failureMessage, WebElement parent) { doPreOperationChecks();"Clicking button in a subsection of the page with value: " + value); WebElement button = getButton(parent, value); assertNotNull(failureMessage, button);; doPostOperationChecks(); } protected void clickButton(String value, String failureMessage) { doPreOperationChecks();"Clicking button with value: " + value); WebElement button = getButton(value); assertNotNull(failureMessage, button);; doPostOperationChecks(); } protected void clickButton(String value) { clickButton(value, "Could not find button with label " + value + " to click"); } protected void clickSaveButton() { clickButton("Save", "Save button was not found"); } protected void clickApplyButton() { clickButton("Apply", "Apply button was not found"); } protected void clickEditButton() { clickButton("Edit", "Edit button was not found"); } protected void clickCancelButton(WebElement parent) { clickButton("Cancel", "Cancel button was not found", parent); } protected void clickCancelButton() { clickButton("Cancel", "Cancel button was not found"); } protected void clickOkButton() { clickOkButton(null); } protected void clickOkButton(WebElement parent) { clickButton("Ok", "Ok button was not found", parent); } protected WebElement findElement(final By by) { return findElementInternal(by); } protected WebElement findElementInternal(final By by) { // System.out.println("Find element count: " + findElementCount++); long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<WebElement> elements = getDriverWrapper().findElements(by); //findElements() is faster when expecting element not to be found WebElement element; if (elements.isEmpty()) { element = null; } else { element = elements.get(0); } long endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = endMillis - startMillis; // if (duration > SLOW_FIND_ELEMENTS_WARNING_MILLIS) { // System.out.println("slow findElement() in " + duration + " ms for: " + by); // } return element; } protected List<WebElement> findElements(final By by) { long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<WebElement> elements = getDriverWrapper().findElements(by); long endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = endMillis - startMillis; // if (duration > SLOW_FIND_ELEMENTS_WARNING_MILLIS) { // System.out.println("slow findElements() in " + duration + " ms for: " + by); // } return elements; } protected String getTabsAsText() { List<WebElement> elements = findElements( com.vaadin.testbench.By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'v-tabsheet-tabitem')]/div/div")); if (elements.isEmpty()) { return "No tabs found."; } return joinFrom(elements, ", ").getText(); } protected void clickTab(String title) { clickTab(null, title); } protected void clickTab(WebElement element, String title) { doPreOperationChecks();"Clicking tab with title: " + title); String xpathValue = "//div[contains(@class, 'v-tabsheet-tabitem')]/div/div[contains(text(), '" + title + "')]"; WebElement tabDiv; if (element != null) { tabDiv = element.findElement(By.xpath("." + xpathValue)); } else { tabDiv = findElement(By.xpath(xpathValue)); } assertNotNull(tabDiv);; assertTabSelected(title); doPostOperationChecks(); } protected void sleep(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void openWithoutAutoLogin(String pageUrl) { open(pageUrl, false); } public void open(String pageUrl) { open(pageUrl, true); } private void open(String pageUrl, boolean performAutoLogin) { doPreOperationChecks(); openInternal(pageUrl); if (performAutoLogin && loginIfNeededInternal()) { //doesn't jump to final url, so we need to try again. openInternal(pageUrl); } doPostOperationChecks(); } /** * Not used anymore, seemed like Vaadin might be releasing itself to early after load, but now we just retry the open when that happens */ private void blockUntilAppLoaded() { //v-app-loading WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriverWrapper(), 10, 100); wait.until(new Predicate<WebDriver>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable WebDriver webDriver) { WebElement appLoadingDiv = findElement(By.className("v-loading-indicator")); if (appLoadingDiv != null) { System.out.println("v-loading-indicator found, displayed: " + appLoadingDiv.isDisplayed()); } else { System.out.println("****SOURCE:"); System.out.println(getDriverWrapper().getPageSource()); } boolean loadingDivIsDisplayed = appLoadingDiv != null && appLoadingDiv.isDisplayed(); if (loadingDivIsDisplayed) { System.out.println( "v-loading-indicator is displayed, shouldn't Base Testbench be catching this?!?"); //System.out.println(getDriverWrapper().getPageSource()); } return !loadingDivIsDisplayed; } }); } /** * Return true if no auto-redirect after login occurs and login was needed */ protected abstract boolean loginIfNeededInternal(); private void openInternal(final String pageUrl) { // WebElement appLoadingDiv = findElement(By.className("v-loading-indicator")); //In some odd cases, appLoadingDiv is shown (seems to be an underlying vaadin startup error occasionally final String url = getUrl(pageUrl);"Opening page : " + url); getDriverWrapper().get(url); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriverWrapper(), 10, 500); wait.until(new Predicate<WebDriver>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable WebDriver webDriver) { WebElement appLoadingDiv = findElement(By.className("v-loading-indicator")); boolean loadingDivIsDisplayed = appLoadingDiv != null && appLoadingDiv.isDisplayed(); if (loadingDivIsDisplayed) { logStep.error( "v-loading-indicator is still displayed (TestBench would normally block until this is gone), retrying page load to avoid this intermittent Vaadin hiccup(turn driver logging on the see js exception"); getDriverWrapper().get(url); } return !loadingDivIsDisplayed; } }); System.out.println("Page opened : " + url);//not logStep since this doesn't seem like key step info. } private String getUrl(String pageUrl) { String url; if (pageUrl.startsWith("http")) { url = pageUrl; } else { url = BASE_URL + pageUrl; } return url; } protected void assertSuccessMessage() {"Asserting success message is seen..."); assertNoWarningMessage(); final WebElement notification = getSuccessMessageElement(); assertNotNull("The success message should have been displayed.", notification); new Retry<Boolean>(new Retryable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean run() { try { return testBenchElement(((WebElementWrapper) notification).getWrappedElement()) .closeNotification(); //just clicking it causes it to fade away so next command fails } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ignored) { //2nd chance WebElement notificationSecondChance = getSuccessMessageElement(); if (notificationSecondChance != null) {; sleep(200); //to allow fade away to occur } } return false; } }).run(); } protected void assertNoWarningMessage() { assertNull("A warning message should not have been displayed.", getWarningMessageElement()); } private WebElement getSuccessMessageElement() { return findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'success-notification')]")); } protected String getElementValue(WebElement element) { return element.getAttribute("value"); } protected void assertElementValueMatches(WebElement element, String expectedValue) { assertEquals(expectedValue, getElementValue(element)); } protected void assertWarningMessage() {"Asserting warning message is seen..."); assertNull("A success message should not have been displayed.", getSuccessMessageElement()); final WebElement notification = getWarningMessageElement(); assertNotNull("A warning message should have been displayed.", notification); new Retry<Boolean>(new Retryable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean run() { try { return testBenchElement(((WebElementWrapper) notification).getWrappedElement()) .closeNotification(); //just clicking it causes it to fade away so next command fails } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ignored) { //2nd chance WebElement notificationSecondChance = getWarningMessageElement(); if (notificationSecondChance != null) {; sleep(200); //to allow fade away to occur } } return false; } }).run(); } private WebElement getWarningMessageElement() { return findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'warning-notification')]")); } protected Select getSelect(String label) { //first attempt to find the select within a form layout WebElement element = findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'v-caption')]/span[contains(text(),'" + label + "')]/../../../td[contains(@class, 'v-formlayout-contentcell')]/div/select")); if (element == null) { //select appears to be outside a form element = findElement(By.xpath( "//span[contains(@class,'v-caption') and contains(text(),'" + label + "')]/../../div/select")); } assertNotNull("Select was not found with label:" + label, element); return new Select(element); } protected void setSelectValue(String caption, int index) { doPreOperationChecks();"Setting select with caption: " + caption + " to index: " + index); Select select = getSelect(caption); select.selectByIndex(index); doPostOperationChecks(); } protected WebElement setTextInTextField(String caption, String value) {"Setting text in text field with caption '" + caption + "' to '" + value + "'"); WebElement textField = getTextField(caption); assertNotNull("Could not set text in textfield with caption " + caption + " because it wasn't found.", textField); return setTextInTextField(caption, textField, value); } private WebElement setTextInTextField(String fieldDescription, WebElement textField, String value) { doPreOperationChecks(); assertNotNull("Could not set text because field was wasn't found.", textField);; //so that it receives focus, otherwise sendKeys() loses characters textField.clear(); textField.sendKeys(value); assertFieldHasValue(fieldDescription, textField, value); unblurField(textField); doPostOperationChecks(); return textField; } protected void unblurField(WebElement textField) { //Send TAB key - only works in Ghost driver (doesn't work in chrome, etc.) textField.sendKeys(Keys.TAB); //Otherwise when a "per character" text listener is used, the results of it will appear too late for hte next test assert. //Is this really working??? Only in Ghost driver. if (USE_CHROME_DRIVER) { //Also do a click on the root, works as unblur for chrome, etc but not ghost driver. System.out.println("TODO: find an innocuous area to click to force unblur"); //findElement("logoContainer")).click(); //create a blur by click on a known innocuous part of the page } } protected void setTextInTextFieldById(String textFieldId, String value) {"Setting text in text field with id: " + textFieldId + " to: " + value); WebElement textField = getElementById(textFieldId); assertNotNull("Could not set text in textfield with id " + textFieldId + " because it wasn't found.", textField);; //so that it receives focus, otherwise sendKeys() loses characters textField.clear(); textField.sendKeys(value); assertFieldHasValue("id: " + textFieldId, textField, value); unblurField(textField); } protected WebElement setTextInTextArea(String caption, String value) {"Setting text in text area with caption: " + caption + " to: " + value); WebElement textArea = getTextArea(caption); assertNotNull("Could not set text in text area with caption " + caption + " because it wasn't found.", textArea); return setTextInTextField(caption, textArea, value); } protected WebElement setLocalDateTimeInDateField(String caption, LocalDateTime localDateTime) { doPreOperationChecks(); String localDateAsString = localDateTime == null ? "" : localDateTime.toString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa");"Setting date in date field with caption: " + caption + " to: " + localDateAsString); WebElement textField = getDateField(caption); assertNotNull("Could not set date in datefield with caption " + caption + " because it wasn't found.", textField);; //so that it receives focus, otherwise sendKeys() loses characteres textField.clear(); textField.sendKeys(localDateAsString); assertNoExceptionOccurred(); assertFieldHasValue(caption, textField, localDateAsString); unblurField(textField); doPostOperationChecks(); return textField; } protected WebElement setLocalDateInDateField(String caption, LocalDate localDate) { String localDateAsString = localDate == null ? "" : localDate.toString("MM/dd/yyyy"); return setLocalDateInDateFieldAsString(caption, localDateAsString); } protected WebElement setLocalDateInDateFieldAsString(String caption, String dateString) { doPreOperationChecks();"Setting date in date field with caption: " + caption + " to: " + dateString); WebElement textField = getDateField(caption); assertNotNull("Could not set date in datefield with caption " + caption + " because it wasn't found.", textField);; //so that it receives focus, otherwise sendKeys() loses characters textField.clear(); textField.sendKeys(dateString); assertNoExceptionOccurred(); assertFieldHasValue(caption, textField, dateString); unblurField(textField); doPostOperationChecks(); return textField; } protected void assertFieldIsReadOnly(String caption) { doPreOperationChecks(); WebElement field = getField(caption); assertNotNull("Could not assert field is read-only with caption " + caption + " because it wasn't found.", field); assertThat(field.getAttribute("class")) .describedAs("Field with caption " + caption + " should have been read-only") .contains("v-readonly"); doPostOperationChecks(); } protected WebElement getTextField(String caption) { return getField(caption); } protected WebElement getDateField(String caption) { return getField(caption); } private WebElement getField(String caption) { return findElement(By.xpath( "//div[contains(@class,'v-caption')]/span[contains(text(),'" + caption + "')]/../../..//input")); } protected WebElement getTextArea(String caption) { return findElement(By.xpath( "//div[contains(@class,'v-caption')]/span[contains(text(),'" + caption + "')]/../../..//textarea")); } protected WebElement getLabel(String text) { return findElement(By.xpath( "//*[self::div or self::span][contains(@class,'v-label')][contains(text(),'" + text + "')]")); } protected void assertLabelExists(String text) {"Asserting that label exists: '" + text + "'"); WebElement label = getLabel(text); assertNotNull("Could not find label with text: " + text, label); assertTrue("Expected label found, but is not displayed: " + text, label.isDisplayed()); } protected void assertLabelNotExists(String text) {"Asserting that label does not exist: '" + text + "'"); WebElement label = getLabel(text); if (label != null) { assertFalse("Unexpected label found, but and is displayed: " + text, label.isDisplayed()); } } protected void assertDateFieldHasValue(String textFieldCaption, String expectedValue) {"Asserting that date field '" + textFieldCaption + "' has value: " + expectedValue); WebElement field = getDateField(textFieldCaption); assertEquals("Date field '" + textFieldCaption + "' has wrong value", expectedValue, getElementValue(field)); } protected void clickCheckBox(String caption) { doPreOperationChecks(); WebElement checkBox = getCheckBox(caption); assertNotNull("Could not click on checkbox with caption " + caption + " because it wasn't found.");; doPostOperationChecks(); } private WebElement getCheckBox(String caption) { return findElement(By.xpath( "//span[contains(@class, 'v-checkbox')]/label[contains(text(), '" + caption + "')]/../input")); } /** * Find table cell with a particular cell value. Note this method will only look for visible cells currently displayed in the table. */ protected void assertCellInTable(String tableCaption, String cellValue) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(tableCaption)) {"Asserting that cell in first table on page has value:" + cellValue); } else {"Asserting that cell in table with caption: " + tableCaption + " has value:" + cellValue); } WebElement table = getTableByCaption(tableCaption); assertNotNull("Could not find table with caption:" + table); WebElement cell = getCellInTable(table, cellValue); assertNotNull("Could not find cell in table with value:" + cellValue, cell); } //Highly custom - Only working if you put the count in the caption using the string "Total Records" // protected int getTableRowCount() { // WebElement element = findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(@class, 'v-captiontext') and contains(text(),'Total Records')]")); // if (element == null) { // //try non-vaadin-caption way of placing "Row Count" on the page // element = findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'v-label') and contains(text(),'Total Records')]")); // } // assertNotNull("Could not find table row count label 'Total Records'",element); // String count = element.getText().split(":")[1].trim(); // return Integer.parseInt(count); // } private WebElement getCellInTable(WebElement table, String cellValue) { try { return table.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[contains(text(), '" + cellValue + "')]"));//Note the .// that will start the search at the table element passed in. } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private WebElement getTableByCaption(String caption) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(caption)) { return findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'v-table')]")); } return findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(@class, 'v-captiontext') and contains(text(), '" + caption + "')]/../../div[contains(@class, 'v-table')]")); } protected void setComboboxValue(String caption, String value) { setComboboxValue(null, caption, value); } protected void setComboboxValue(WebElement element, String caption, String value) { doPreOperationChecks(); WebElement input = null; String xpathValue = "//div[contains(@class, 'v-caption')]/span[contains(text(),'" + caption + "')]/ancestor::tr[contains(@class,'v-formlayout-row')][1]//input"; if (element == null) { //global search input = findElement(By.xpath(xpathValue)); } else { //search within element that was passed in input = element.findElement(By.xpath("." + xpathValue)); } assertNotNull("Could not find combobox with caption '" + caption + "'", input);; input.sendKeys(value); input.sendKeys(Keys.TAB); assertFieldHasValue(caption, input, value); doPostOperationChecks(); } protected WebElement getElementById(String elementId) { return findElement(; } protected void assertFieldIsBlankById(String fieldId) { System.out.println("Checking to make sure " + fieldId + " is blank"); WebElement element = getElementById(fieldId); assertNotNull("Could not find field with id " + fieldId, element); assertElementIsBlank(element); } protected void assertElementIsBlank(WebElement field) { assertEquals("Field should be blank", "", trimToEmpty(getElementValue(field))); } public void setWalkThroughWaitMillis(Integer walkThroughWaitMillis) { this.walkThroughWaitMillis = walkThroughWaitMillis; } private static int findFreePort() { ServerSocket socket = null; try { socket = new ServerSocket(0); socket.setReuseAddress(true); int port = socket.getLocalPort(); try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore IOException on close() } return port; } catch (IOException ignored) { } finally { if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find a free TCP/IP port to start embedded Jetty HTTP Server on"); } protected void clickBrowserBack() { doPreOperationChecks();"Clicking browser back button"); getDriverWrapper().navigate().back();"After back, at: " + getDriverWrapper().getCurrentUrl()); doPostOperationChecks(); } protected void clickBrowserForward() { doPreOperationChecks();"Clicking browser forward button");"After forward, at: " + getDriverWrapper().getCurrentUrl()); getDriverWrapper().navigate().forward(); doPostOperationChecks(); } protected void assertViewHashExists(String viewName) { String currentUrl = getDriverWrapper().getCurrentUrl(); assertTrue(currentUrl.contains("!" + viewName)); } protected void assertRadioButtonSelected(String formFieldCaption, String radioButtonCaption) {"Asserting radio button is selected: with form caption " + formFieldCaption + " and radio button caption " + radioButtonCaption); WebElement radioButton = getRadioButton(formFieldCaption, radioButtonCaption); assertNotNull("Could not find radio button with form caption " + formFieldCaption + " and radio button caption " + radioButtonCaption, radioButton); assertThat(radioButton.isSelected()); } protected void clickRadioButton(String formFieldCaption, String radioButtonCaption) { doPreOperationChecks();"Clicking: radio button with form caption " + formFieldCaption + " and radio button caption " + radioButtonCaption); WebElement radioButton = getRadioButton(formFieldCaption, radioButtonCaption); assertNotNull("Could not click on checkbox with form caption " + formFieldCaption + " and radio button caption " + radioButtonCaption + " because it was not found", radioButton);; doPostOperationChecks(); } private WebElement getRadioButton(String formFieldCaption, String radioButtonCaption) { return findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'v-caption')]/span[contains(text(),'" + formFieldCaption + "')]/../../../td[contains(@class,'v-formlayout-contentcell')]/div/span/label[contains(text(),'" + radioButtonCaption + "')]/../input")); } protected void loginRestClient() { String loginUrl = "TODO-app-specific"; restAuthCookies = given().param("username", USERNAME).param("password", PASSWORD).expect().statusCode(200) .post(getRestUrl() + loginUrl).getCookies(); } private String getRestUrl() { return "TODO:put any rest url here"; } protected RequestSpecification givenWithAuth(String description) { if (description != null) {"REST call ): " + description); } if (restAuthCookies == null) { loginRestClient(); } return given().cookie(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, restAuthCookies.get(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME)); } protected void refreshPage() { String currentUrl = getDriverWrapper().getCurrentUrl();"Refreshing the page (first going to blank to avoid picking up old data: " + currentUrl); open("about:blank"); //to insure we are cleared, otherwise the wait hooks don't seem to work open(currentUrl); } public Object executeScript(String script, Object... args) { doPreOperationChecks(); System.out.println(" Executing: " + script); Object object = ((JavascriptExecutor) getDriverWrapper()).executeScript(script, args); doPostOperationChecks(); return object; } public Object executeScriptAsync(String script, Object... args) { doPreOperationChecks(); System.out.println(" Executing(async): " + script); Object object = ((JavascriptExecutor) getDriverWrapper()).executeAsyncScript(script, args); doPostOperationChecks(); return object; } public static final String EXTERNAL_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS_JS_VARIABLE = "window.fooo_vaadin_externalOperationInProgress"; protected void performSomeJsOperation(int propertyId) {"performSomeJsOperation" + propertyId); executeScript(EXTERNAL_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS_JS_VARIABLE + " = true"); //to allow testing tools to determine when the non-vaadin operation is complete. The work context change will trigger a vaadin call, which when complete will set the flag to false. executeScript("foooo_barr.someJsOperation(" + propertyId + ")"); waitForExternalOperationCompleteFlag(); } protected void waitForExternalOperationCompleteFlag() { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriverWrapper(), 10); wait.until(new Predicate<WebDriver>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable WebDriver webDriver) { Object inProgress = executeScript("return " + EXTERNAL_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS_JS_VARIABLE); testBench().waitForVaadin(); //not sure if this matters, but is at least quick! :) return Boolean.FALSE.equals(inProgress); } }); } protected void assertGridCellTextFieldEnabledInRow(String rowTitle, int rowIndexAfterTitle, boolean expectedEnabled, WebElement webElement) {"Asserting that input in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle + " is enabled: " + expectedEnabled); WebElement field = getGridCellTextFieldInRow(rowTitle, rowIndexAfterTitle, webElement); assertNotNull("Could not find input in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, field); if (expectedEnabled && isDisabled(field)) { fail("Text field in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle + " has wrong enabled state, expected enable state: " + expectedEnabled); } if (!expectedEnabled & !isDisabled(field)) { fail("Text field in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle + " has wrong enabled state, expected enable state: " + expectedEnabled); } } protected void assertGridCellTextFieldHasValueInRow(String rowTitle, int rowIndexAfterTitle, String expectedValue, WebElement webElement) {"Asserting that input in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle + " has value: " + (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(expectedValue) ? "-Unset-" : expectedValue)); WebElement field = getGridCellTextFieldInRow(rowTitle, rowIndexAfterTitle, webElement); assertNotNull("Could not find input in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, field); assertEquals("Text field in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle + "' has wrong value", expectedValue, getElementValue(field)); } protected void assertGridCellLabelHasValueInRow(String rowTitle, int rowIndexAfterTitle, String expectedValue, WebElement webElement) {"Asserting that label in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle + " has value: " + expectedValue); WebElement gridCellElement = getGridCellInRow(rowTitle, rowIndexAfterTitle, webElement); assertNotNull("Could not find cell in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, gridCellElement); WebElement label = gridCellElement.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[contains(@class, 'v-label')")); assertNotNull("Could not find label in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, label); assertEquals("Label in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle + "' has wrong value", expectedValue, label.getText()); } protected void setGridCellTextValueInRow(String rowTitle, int rowIndexAfterTitle, String value, WebElement baseElement) { WebElement field = getGridCellTextFieldInRow(rowTitle, rowIndexAfterTitle, baseElement); assertNotNull("Could not find input in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, field); setTextInTextField("text field in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, field, value); } private WebElement getGridCellTextFieldInRow(String rowTitle, int rowIndexAfterTitle, WebElement baseElement) { WebElement gridCellElement = getGridCellInRow(rowTitle, rowIndexAfterTitle, baseElement); assertNotNull("Could not find cell in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, gridCellElement); WebElement input = gridCellElement.findElement(By.tagName("input")); assertNotNull("Could not find input in grid with row title '" + rowTitle + "' and index(after title): " + rowIndexAfterTitle, input); return input; } private WebElement getGridCellInRow(String rowTitle, int rowIndexAfterTitle, WebElement baseElement) { return baseElement.findElement(By.xpath( ".//div[contains(@class, 'v-gridlayout')]/descendant::div[contains(@class, 'v-label') and contains(text(), '" + rowTitle + "')]" + "/ancestor::div[contains(@class, 'v-gridlayout-slot')][1]/following-sibling::div[" + rowIndexAfterTitle + "]")); } /** * Not yet workign reliably in both ChromeDriver and GhostDriver */ protected void assertTooltipAppears(String fieldCaption, String tooltipText) { "Asserting that tooltip appears on field '" + fieldCaption + "' with tooltip text: " + tooltipText); WebElement textField = getTextField(fieldCaption); testBenchElement(((WebElementWrapper) textField).getWrappedElement()).showTooltip(); // System.out.println("showTooltip: " + findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'v-tooltip')]"))); // // new Actions(getDriverWrapper()).moveToElement(textField, 3, 3).build().perform(); // System.out.println("moveToElement: " + findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'v-tooltip')]"))); assertNotNull( "Tooltip not found (note: make sure to click save button or showing tooltip fails on ghost driver) with text: " + tooltipText, findElement(By.xpath( "//div[contains(@class,'v-tooltip')]//div[contains(text(),'" + tooltipText + "')]"))); } protected void assertDateFieldValidation(String fieldCaption, LocalDate value, String validationText) { assertDateFieldValidation(fieldCaption, value, validationText, false); } protected void assertDateFieldValidation(String fieldCaption, LocalDate value, String validationText, boolean isApplyButton) {"Field Validation: Asserting date field '" + fieldCaption + "' set to '" + value + "' shows validation message: " + validationText); setLocalDateInDateField(fieldCaption, value); assertValidationText(fieldCaption, validationText, isApplyButton); } protected void assertFieldValidation(String fieldCaption, String value, String validationText) { assertFieldValidation(fieldCaption, value, validationText, false); } protected void assertFieldValidation(String fieldCaption, String value, String validationText, boolean isApplyButton) {"Field Validation: Asserting field '" + fieldCaption + "' set to '" + value + "' shows validation message: " + validationText); setTextInTextField(fieldCaption, value); assertValidationText(fieldCaption, validationText, isApplyButton); } private void assertValidationText(String fieldCaption, String validationText, boolean isApplyButton) { if (isApplyButton) { clickApplyButton(); } else { clickSaveButton(); }"TODO: Using simplified approach, reassert tooltip when can be done reliably"); assertWarningMessage(); // assertTooltipAppears(fieldCaption, validationText); } public void clickContextMenuItem(String contentMenuItemToFind) { WebElement element = findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(@class,'v-button-caption') and contains(text(),'" + contentMenuItemToFind + "')]")); assertNotNull("Could not find the menu item '" + contentMenuItemToFind + "' in the dashboard content selection menu.", element);; } protected void clickPieChartLabel(String name) {"Looking for chart label: " + name); WebElement element = findElement(By.xpath("//*[name()='tspan'][contains(text(),'" + name + "')]")); assertNotNull("Label '" + name + "' could not be found ", element);; } protected void assertTableIsEmpty(String tableCaption) { assertCellInTable(tableCaption, "No data found"); } // protected void assertTableRowCount(int expectedCount) { //"Asserting that first table found has row count: " + expectedCount); // assertEquals(getTableRowCount(), expectedCount); // } protected void selectMultiSelectOptionByIndex(String caption, int listSelectIndex) {"Setting multi-select with caption: " + caption + " to index: " + listSelectIndex); //Chrome driver and ghost driver don't support clicking multi selects well (on change isn't fired)- bug reports - due to and //Workaround is to arrow down to the item (which does trigger the on change logic) WebElement selectElement = getSelectElement(caption); assertNotNull("Could not find the multi-select field '" + caption + "'.", selectElement); selectElement.sendKeys(Keys.HOME); for (int i = 0; i < listSelectIndex; i++) { selectElement.sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN); } } protected WebElement getSelectElement(String optionGroupLabel) { return findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'" + optionGroupLabel + "')]/../../..//select[contains(@class, 'v-select-select')]")); } protected WebElement getDivOrSpanWithClassAndText(String className, String text) { return findElement(By.xpath("//*[self::div or self::span][contains(@class,'" + className + "')][contains(text()," + escapeQuotes(text) + ")]")); } protected String selectComboBoxOptionByIndex(int optionIndex) {"Selecting combobox(0) option index: " + optionIndex); WebElement comboBox = findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'v-filterselect')]")); WebElement filterSelectButton = comboBox.findElement(By.className("v-filterselect-button"));//show how to find this in the chrome dev tools; WebElement filterInput = comboBox.findElement(By.className("v-filterselect-input")); filterInput.sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN); //one to enter list selection for (int i = 0; i < optionIndex; i++) { filterInput.sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN); } filterInput.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); return getElementValue(filterInput); } private static class TestngAppender extends AppenderSkeleton { @Override protected void append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent) { Reporter.log(String.valueOf(loggingEvent.getMessage())); } @Override public void close() { } @Override public boolean requiresLayout() { return false; } } @SuppressWarnings("IndexOfReplaceableByContains") protected String escapeQuotes(String toEscape) { // Convert strings with both quotes and ticks into: foo'"bar -> concat("foo'", '"', "bar") if (toEscape.indexOf("\"") > -1 && toEscape.indexOf("'") > -1) { boolean quoteIsLast = false; if (toEscape.lastIndexOf("\"") == toEscape.length() - 1) { quoteIsLast = true; } String[] substrings = toEscape.split("\""); StringBuilder quoted = new StringBuilder("concat("); for (int i = 0; i < substrings.length; i++) { quoted.append("\"").append(substrings[i]).append("\""); quoted.append(((i == substrings.length - 1) ? (quoteIsLast ? ", '\"')" : ")") : ", '\"', ")); } return quoted.toString(); } // Escape string with just a quote into being single quoted: f"oo -> 'f"oo' if (toEscape.indexOf("\"") > -1) { return String.format("'%s'", toEscape); } // Otherwise return the quoted string return String.format("\"%s\"", toEscape); } }