Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.vaadin.presentation.views; import; import com.vaadin.cdi.CDIView; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.MouseEvents; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.server.StreamResource; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Image; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.vaadin.backend.TaggedUserService; import org.vaadin.backend.domain.Tag; import org.vaadin.backend.domain.TagUser; import org.vaadin.cdiviewmenu.ViewMenuItem; import org.vaadin.viritin.label.Header; import org.vaadin.viritin.layouts.MVerticalLayout; /** * * @author Java */ @CDIView(value = "News") @ViewMenuItem(icon = FontAwesome.GLOBE, order = 1) public class NewsView extends MVerticalLayout implements View { @Inject TaggedUserService service; @PostConstruct void init() { add(new Header("News").setHeaderLevel(2)); int records = service.findAll().size(); add(new Label("There are " + records + " new photos.")); setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, true, true, true)); setStyleName(ValoTheme.LAYOUT_CARD); // BeanItemContainer<Person> people // = new BeanItemContainer<>(Person.class); // // people.addBean(new Person("Nicolaus Copernicus", 1473)); // people.addBean(new Person("Galileo Galilei", 1564)); // people.addBean(new Person("Johannes Kepler", 1571)); // //// Generate button caption column // GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc // = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(people); // gpc.addGeneratedProperty("delete", // new PropertyValueGenerator<String>() { // // @Override // public String getValue(Item item, Object itemId, // Object propertyId) { // return "Delete"; // The caption // } // // @Override // public Class<String> getType() { // return String.class; // } // }); // //// Create a grid // Grid grid = new Grid(gpc); //// Render a button that deletes the data row (item) // grid.getColumn("delete") // .setRenderer(new ButtonRenderer(e -> // Java 8 // grid.getContainerDataSource() // .removeItem(e.getItemId()))); // add(grid); // Grid grid = new Grid(); // grid.setHeaderVisible(false); // grid.addColumn("picture1", Resource.class) // .setRenderer(new ImageRenderer()); // grid.addColumn("picture2", Resource.class) // .setRenderer(new ImageRenderer()); // grid.addColumn("picture3", Resource.class) // .setRenderer(new ImageRenderer()); // // grid.addRow(new ExternalResource(""), // new ExternalResource(""), // new ExternalResource("")); // grid.addRow(new ExternalResource(""), // new ExternalResource(""), // new ExternalResource("")); // grid.addRow(new ExternalResource(""), // new ExternalResource(""), // new ExternalResource("")); //// grid.setStyleName("gridwithpics128px"); //// grid.getColumn("picture1").setWidth(120); // grid.setCellStyleGenerator(cell // -> cell.getPropertyId().toString().contains("picture") // ? "imagecol" : null); // add(grid); try { IndexedContainer container = createContainer(); Table table = createTable(container); VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(); mainLayout.addComponent(table); mainLayout.setSizeFull(); add(mainLayout); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } /* Build a model for the table with the data : Lots of ways of doing this; Just a quick-and-dirty example */ private IndexedContainer createContainer() { IndexedContainer container = new IndexedContainer(); container.addContainerProperty("title", String.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("url1", Resource.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("url2", Resource.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("url3", Resource.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("tags1", String.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("tags2", String.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("tags3", String.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("height", Integer.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("width", Integer.class, null); List<TagUser> users = new ArrayList<>(service.findAll()); Collections.reverse(users); for (List<TagUser> partition : Lists.partition(users, 3)) { // do something with partition TagUser first = partition.get(0), second = null, third = null; Resource firstR = getRes(first), secondR = null, thirdR = null; if (partition.size() > 1) { second = partition.get(1); secondR = getRes(second); } if (partition.size() > 2) { third = partition.get(2); thirdR = getRes(third); } System.out.println(firstR + " " + secondR + " " + thirdR); addItem(container, "Sami Viitanen", firstR, secondR, thirdR, 121, 134, getLabel(first), getLabel(second), getLabel(third)); } return container; } private String getLabel(TagUser user) { if (user == null) { return ""; } List<Tag> tags = user.getTags(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Tag a : tags) { sb.append(a.getName()).append(" "); } return sb.toString(); } private Resource getRes(TagUser customer) { StreamResource.StreamSource ss = new StreamResource.StreamSource() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public InputStream getStream() { return new ByteArrayInputStream(customer.getPhoto()); } }; Resource res = new StreamResource(ss, "image" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()); return res; } private void addItem(IndexedContainer container, String title, Resource url1, Resource url2, Resource url3, int height, int width, String title1, String title2, String title3) { Object itemId = container.addItem(); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("title").setValue(title); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("url1").setValue(url1); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("url2").setValue(url2); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("url3").setValue(url3); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("tags1").setValue(title1); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("tags2").setValue(title2); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("tags3").setValue(title3); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("height").setValue(height); container.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("width").setValue(width); } private Table createTable(IndexedContainer container) { Table table = new Table("Image Table", container); table.setSizeFull(); table.setColumnHeaderMode(Table.ColumnHeaderMode.HIDDEN); table.addGeneratedColumn("image1", new Table.ColumnGenerator() { @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); Resource url = (Resource) item.getItemProperty("url1").getValue(); String tags = (String) item.getItemProperty("tags1").getValue(); int height = (Integer) item.getItemProperty("height").getValue(); int width = (Integer) item.getItemProperty("width").getValue(); Image enb = new Image("", url); enb.setWidth("320px"); // enb.setWidth(width, Unit.PIXELS); // enb.setHeight(height, Unit.PIXELS); enb.addClickListener(new MouseEvents.ClickListener() { @Override public void click(MouseEvents.ClickEvent event) { showNotify(url, tags); } }); return enb; } }); table.addGeneratedColumn("image2", new Table.ColumnGenerator() { @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); Resource url = (Resource) item.getItemProperty("url2").getValue(); String tags = (String) item.getItemProperty("tags2").getValue(); int height = (Integer) item.getItemProperty("height").getValue(); int width = (Integer) item.getItemProperty("width").getValue(); Image enb = new Image("", url); enb.setWidth("320px"); // enb.setHeight(height, Unit.PIXELS); enb.addClickListener(new MouseEvents.ClickListener() { @Override public void click(MouseEvents.ClickEvent event) { showNotify(url, tags); } }); return enb; } }); table.addGeneratedColumn("image3", new Table.ColumnGenerator() { @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Item item = source.getItem(itemId); Resource url = (Resource) item.getItemProperty("url3").getValue(); String tags = (String) item.getItemProperty("tags3").getValue(); int height = (Integer) item.getItemProperty("height").getValue(); int width = (Integer) item.getItemProperty("width").getValue(); Image enb = new Image("", url); enb.setWidth("320px"); // enb.setWidth(width, Unit.PIXELS); // enb.setHeight(height, Unit.PIXELS); enb.addClickListener(new MouseEvents.ClickListener() { @Override public void click(MouseEvents.ClickEvent event) { showNotify(url, tags); } }); return enb; } }); table.setColumnAlignment("image1", Table.Align.CENTER); table.setColumnAlignment("image2", Table.Align.CENTER); table.setColumnAlignment("image3", Table.Align.CENTER); table.setVisibleColumns(new Object[] { "image1", "image2", "image3" }); // table.setColumnExpandRatio("title", 1f); return table; } @Override public void enter(ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent viewChangeEvent) { } public static void showNotify(Resource url) { showNotify(url, ""); } public static void showNotify(Resource url, String tags) { // Notification not = new Notification("#test #tags #hello #people"); // not.setIcon(new ExternalResource(url)); // not.setDelayMsec(-1); //; MySub sub = new MySub(url, tags); // Add it to the root component UI.getCurrent().addWindow(sub); } public static class MySub extends Window { public MySub(Resource url, String tags) { super("Photo"); // Set window caption center(); // Some basic content for the window VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(); content.addComponent(new Label("Just say it's OK!")); content.setMargin(true); HorizontalLayout context2 = new HorizontalLayout(); // Resource res = new ExternalResource(url); setWidth("640"); // Display the image without caption Image image = new Image(null, url); image.setWidth("400"); context2.setSpacing(true); context2.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, true, true, true)); context2.addComponent(image); Label l = new Label(tags); l.setWidth("200"); l.setStyleName("wrapLine"); context2.addComponent(l); setContent(context2); // Disable the close button setClosable(true); // Trivial logic for closing the sub-window } } }