Source code

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 * Copyright 2000-2018 Vaadin Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.vaadin.event;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails;
import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails.MouseButton;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
import com.vaadin.util.ReflectTools;

 * Interface that serves as a wrapper for mouse related events.
 * @author Vaadin Ltd.
 * @see ClickListener
 * @since 6.2
public interface MouseEvents {

     * Class for holding information about a mouse click event. A
     * {@link ClickEvent} is fired when the user clicks on a
     * <code>Component</code>.
     * The information available for click events are terminal dependent.
     * Correct values for all event details cannot be guaranteed.
     * @author Vaadin Ltd.
     * @see ClickListener
     * @since 6.2
    public static class ClickEvent extends Component.Event {
         * @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link MouseButton#LEFT} instead.
        public static final MouseButton BUTTON_LEFT = MouseButton.LEFT;
         * @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link MouseButton#MIDDLE} instead.
        public static final MouseButton BUTTON_MIDDLE = MouseButton.MIDDLE;
         * @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link MouseButton#RIGHT} instead.
        public static final MouseButton BUTTON_RIGHT = MouseButton.RIGHT;
        private final MouseEventDetails details;

        public ClickEvent(Component source, MouseEventDetails mouseEventDetails) {
            details = mouseEventDetails;

         * Returns an identifier describing which mouse button the user pushed.
         * Compare with {@link MouseButton#LEFT},{@link MouseButton#MIDDLE},
         * {@link MouseButton#RIGHT} to find out which button it is.
         * @return one of {@link MouseButton#LEFT}, {@link MouseButton#MIDDLE},
         *         {@link MouseButton#RIGHT}.
        public MouseButton getButton() {
            return details.getButton();

         * Returns the mouse position (x coordinate) when the click took place.
         * The position is relative to the browser client area.
         * @return The mouse cursor x position
        public int getClientX() {
            return details.getClientX();

         * Returns the mouse position (y coordinate) when the click took place.
         * The position is relative to the browser client area.
         * @return The mouse cursor y position
        public int getClientY() {
            return details.getClientY();

         * Returns the relative mouse position (x coordinate) when the click
         * took place. The position is relative to the clicked component.
         * @return The mouse cursor x position relative to the clicked layout
         *         component or -1 if no x coordinate available
        public int getRelativeX() {
            return details.getRelativeX();

         * Returns the relative mouse position (y coordinate) when the click
         * took place. The position is relative to the clicked component.
         * @return The mouse cursor y position relative to the clicked layout
         *         component or -1 if no y coordinate available
        public int getRelativeY() {
            return details.getRelativeY();

         * Checks if the event is a double click event.
         * @return true if the event is a double click event, false otherwise
        public boolean isDoubleClick() {
            return details.isDoubleClick();

         * Checks if the Alt key was down when the mouse event took place.
         * @return true if Alt was down when the event occurred, false otherwise
        public boolean isAltKey() {
            return details.isAltKey();

         * Checks if the Ctrl key was down when the mouse event took place.
         * @return true if Ctrl was pressed when the event occurred, false
         *         otherwise
        public boolean isCtrlKey() {
            return details.isCtrlKey();

         * Checks if the Meta key was down when the mouse event took place.
         * @return true if Meta was pressed when the event occurred, false
         *         otherwise
        public boolean isMetaKey() {
            return details.isMetaKey();

         * Checks if the Shift key was down when the mouse event took place.
         * @return true if Shift was pressed when the event occurred, false
         *         otherwise
        public boolean isShiftKey() {
            return details.isShiftKey();

         * Returns a human readable string representing which button has been
         * pushed. This is meant for debug purposes only and the string returned
         * could change. Use {@link #getButton()} to check which button was
         * pressed.
         * @since 6.3
         * @return A string representation of which button was pushed.
        public String getButtonName() {
            return details.getButtonName();

         * Returns an information about mouse event like position, buttons
         * pressed etc.
         * @since 8.1
         * @return An information about mouse event
        public MouseEventDetails getMouseEventDetails() {
            return details;

     * Interface for listening for a {@link ClickEvent} fired by a
     * {@link Component}.
     * @see ClickEvent
     * @author Vaadin Ltd.
     * @since 6.2
    public interface ClickListener extends ConnectorEventListener {

        public static final Method clickMethod = ReflectTools.findMethod(ClickListener.class, "click",

         * Called when a {@link Component} has been clicked. A reference to the
         * component is given by {@link ClickEvent#getComponent()}.
         * @param event
         *            An event containing information about the click.
        public void click(ClickEvent event);

     * Class for holding additional event information for DoubleClick events.
     * Fired when the user double-clicks on a <code>Component</code>.
     * @see ClickEvent
     * @author Vaadin Ltd.
     * @since 6.2
    public static class DoubleClickEvent extends Component.Event {

        public DoubleClickEvent(Component source) {

     * Interface for listening for a {@link DoubleClickEvent} fired by a
     * {@link Component}.
     * @see DoubleClickEvent
     * @author Vaadin Ltd.
     * @since 6.2
    public interface DoubleClickListener extends ConnectorEventListener {

        public static final Method doubleClickMethod = ReflectTools.findMethod(DoubleClickListener.class,
                "doubleClick", DoubleClickEvent.class);

         * Called when a {@link Component} has been double clicked. A reference
         * to the component is given by {@link DoubleClickEvent#getComponent()}.
         * @param event
         *            An event containing information about the double click.
        public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event);
