Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.test; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Lecture; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.RoomLocation; import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.StudentSectioningLoader; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.StudentSectioningModel; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.Test; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.AcademicAreaCode; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Config; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Course; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Enrollment; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.FreeTimeRequest; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Offering; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Student; import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Subpart; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.unitime.timetable.model.AcademicAreaClassification; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Assignment; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ClassInstructor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ClassWaitList; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Class_; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseDemand; import org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.DatePattern; import org.unitime.timetable.model.ExactTimeMins; import org.unitime.timetable.model.InstrOfferingConfig; import org.unitime.timetable.model.InstructionalOffering; import org.unitime.timetable.model.LastLikeCourseDemand; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Location; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PosMajor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PosMinor; import org.unitime.timetable.model.PreferenceLevel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Room; import org.unitime.timetable.model.RoomPref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.SchedulingSubpart; import org.unitime.timetable.model.Session; import org.unitime.timetable.model.StudentClassEnrollment; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimePatternModel; import org.unitime.timetable.model.TimePref; import org.unitime.timetable.model.comparators.SchedulingSubpartComparator; import org.unitime.timetable.model.dao.SessionDAO; import org.unitime.timetable.util.Formats; import org.unitime.timetable.util.duration.DurationModel; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class BatchStudentSectioningLoader extends StudentSectioningLoader { private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(BatchStudentSectioningLoader.class); private boolean iIncludeCourseDemands = true; private boolean iIncludeLastLikeStudents = true; private boolean iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments = false; private boolean iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs = false; private boolean iLoadStudentInfo = false; private String iInitiative = null; private String iTerm = null; private String iYear = null; private long iMakeupAssignmentId = 0; public BatchStudentSectioningLoader(StudentSectioningModel model, org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment) { super(model, assignment); iIncludeCourseDemands = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.IncludeCourseDemands", iIncludeCourseDemands); iIncludeLastLikeStudents = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.IncludeLastLikeStudents", iIncludeLastLikeStudents); iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments = model.getProperties() .getPropertyBoolean("Load.IncludeUseCommittedAssignments", iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments); iLoadStudentInfo = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("Load.LoadStudentInfo", iLoadStudentInfo); iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs = model.getProperties() .getPropertyBoolean("Load.MakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs", iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs); iInitiative = model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Initiative"); iYear = model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Year"); iTerm = model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Term"); } public void load() throws Exception { Session session = Session.getSessionUsingInitiativeYearTerm(iInitiative, iYear, iTerm); if (session == null) throw new Exception("Session " + iInitiative + " " + iTerm + iYear + " not found!");"Loading data for " + iInitiative + " " + iTerm + iYear + "..."); load(session); } private String getInstructorIds(Class_ clazz) { if (!clazz.isDisplayInstructor().booleanValue()) return null; String ret = null; TreeSet ts = new TreeSet(clazz.getClassInstructors()); for (Iterator i = ts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ClassInstructor ci = (ClassInstructor); if (!ci.isLead().booleanValue()) continue; if (ret == null) ret = ci.getInstructor().getUniqueId().toString(); else ret += ":" + ci.getInstructor().getUniqueId().toString(); } return ret; } private String getInstructorNames(Class_ clazz) { if (!clazz.isDisplayInstructor().booleanValue()) return null; String ret = null; TreeSet ts = new TreeSet(clazz.getClassInstructors()); for (Iterator i = ts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ClassInstructor ci = (ClassInstructor); if (!ci.isLead().booleanValue()) continue; if (ret == null) ret = ci.getInstructor().nameShort(); else ret += ":" + ci.getInstructor().nameShort(); } return ret; } public TimeLocation makeupTime(Class_ c) { DatePattern datePattern = c.effectiveDatePattern(); if (datePattern == null) { sLog.warn(" -- makup time for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": no date pattern set"); return null; } for (Iterator i = c.getEffectiveTimePreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { TimePref tp = (TimePref); TimePatternModel pattern = tp.getTimePatternModel(); if (pattern.isExactTime()) { DurationModel dm = c.getSchedulingSubpart().getInstrOfferingConfig().getDurationModel(); int minsPerMeeting = dm.getExactTimeMinutesPerMeeting(c.getSchedulingSubpart().getMinutesPerWk(), c.effectiveDatePattern(), pattern.getExactDays()); int length = ExactTimeMins.getNrSlotsPerMtg(minsPerMeeting); int breakTime = ExactTimeMins.getBreakTime(minsPerMeeting); return new TimeLocation(pattern.getExactDays(), pattern.getExactStartSlot(), length, PreferenceLevel.sIntLevelNeutral, 0, datePattern.getUniqueId(), datePattern.getName(), datePattern.getPatternBitSet(), breakTime); } else { for (int time = 0; time < pattern.getNrTimes(); time++) { for (int day = 0; day < pattern.getNrDays(); day++) { String pref = pattern.getPreference(day, time); if (pref.equals(PreferenceLevel.sRequired)) { return new TimeLocation(pattern.getDayCode(day), pattern.getStartSlot(time), pattern.getSlotsPerMtg(), PreferenceLevel.prolog2int(pattern.getPreference(day, time)), pattern.getNormalizedPreference(day, time, 0.77), datePattern.getUniqueId(), datePattern.getName(), datePattern.getPatternBitSet(), pattern.getBreakTime()); } } } } } if (c.getEffectiveTimePreferences().isEmpty()) sLog.warn(" -- makup time for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": no time preference set"); else sLog.warn(" -- makup time for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": no required time set"); return null; } public Vector makeupRooms(Class_ c) { Vector rooms = new Vector(); for (Iterator i = c.getEffectiveRoomPreferences().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RoomPref rp = (RoomPref); if (!PreferenceLevel.sRequired.equals(rp.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog())) { sLog.warn(" -- makup room for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": preference for " + rp.getRoom().getLabel() + " is not required"); continue; } Location room = (Location) rp.getRoom(); RoomLocation roomLocation = new RoomLocation(room.getUniqueId(), room.getLabel(), (room instanceof Room ? ((Room) room).getBuilding().getUniqueId() : null), 0, room.getCapacity().intValue(), room.getCoordinateX(), room.getCoordinateY(), room.isIgnoreTooFar().booleanValue(), null); rooms.addElement(roomLocation); } return rooms; } public Placement makeupPlacement(Class_ c) { TimeLocation time = makeupTime(c); if (time == null) return null; Vector rooms = makeupRooms(c); Vector times = new Vector(1); times.addElement(time); Lecture lecture = new Lecture(c.getUniqueId(), null, c.getSchedulingSubpart().getUniqueId(), c.getClassLabel(), times, rooms, rooms.size(), new Placement(null, time, rooms), 0, 0, 1.0); lecture.setNote(c.getNotes()); Placement p = (Placement) lecture.getInitialAssignment(); p.setAssignmentId(new Long(iMakeupAssignmentId++)); lecture.setBestAssignment(p, 0l); sLog.debug(" -- makup placement for " + c.getClassLabel() + ": " + p.getLongName(true)); return p; } private Section loadSection(Subpart subpart, Section parentSection, Class_ c, int limit) { Placement p = null; if (iMakeupAssignmentsFromRequiredPrefs) { p = makeupPlacement(c); } else { Assignment a = c.getCommittedAssignment(); p = (a == null ? null : a.getPlacement()); } Section section = new Section(c.getUniqueId().longValue(), limit, c.getClassLabel(), subpart, p, getInstructorIds(c), getInstructorNames(c), parentSection); if (section.getTime() != null && section.getTime().getDatePatternId() .equals(c.getSession().getDefaultDatePattern().getUniqueId())) section.getTime().setDatePattern(section.getTime().getDatePatternId(), "", section.getTime().getWeekCode()); if (section.getTime() != null && section.getTime().getDatePatternName().startsWith("generated")) { Formats.Format<Date> sdf = Formats.getDateFormat(Formats.Pattern.DATE_EVENT_SHORT); section.getTime().setDatePattern( section.getTime().getDatePatternId(), sdf.format(c.effectiveDatePattern().getStartDate()) + " - " + sdf.format(c.effectiveDatePattern().getEndDate()), section.getTime().getWeekCode()); } return section; } private Offering loadOffering(InstructionalOffering io, Hashtable courseTable, Hashtable classTable) { sLog.debug("Loading offering " + io.getCourseName()); if (!io.hasClasses()) { sLog.debug(" -- offering " + io.getCourseName() + " has no class"); return null; } Offering offering = new Offering(io.getUniqueId().longValue(), io.getCourseName()); boolean unlimited = false; for (Iterator i = io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InstrOfferingConfig ioc = (InstrOfferingConfig); if (ioc.isUnlimitedEnrollment().booleanValue()) unlimited = true; } for (Iterator i = io.getCourseOfferings().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { CourseOffering co = (CourseOffering); int projected = (co.getProjectedDemand() == null ? 0 : co.getProjectedDemand().intValue()); int limit = co.getInstructionalOffering().getLimit().intValue(); if (unlimited) limit = -1; if (co.getReservation() != null) limit = co.getReservation(); Course course = new Course(co.getUniqueId().longValue(), co.getSubjectAreaAbbv(), co.getCourseNbr(), offering, limit, projected); courseTable.put(co.getUniqueId(), course); sLog.debug(" -- created course " + course); } Hashtable class2section = new Hashtable(); Hashtable ss2subpart = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InstrOfferingConfig ioc = (InstrOfferingConfig); if (!ioc.hasClasses()) { sLog.debug(" -- config " + ioc.getName() + " has no class"); continue; } Config config = new Config(ioc.getUniqueId().longValue(), (ioc.isUnlimitedEnrollment() ? -1 : ioc.getLimit()), ioc.getCourseName() + " [" + ioc.getName() + "]", offering); sLog.debug(" -- created config " + config); TreeSet subparts = new TreeSet(new SchedulingSubpartComparator()); subparts.addAll(ioc.getSchedulingSubparts()); for (Iterator j = subparts.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { SchedulingSubpart ss = (SchedulingSubpart); String sufix = ss.getSchedulingSubpartSuffix(); Subpart parentSubpart = (ss.getParentSubpart() == null ? null : (Subpart) ss2subpart.get(ss.getParentSubpart())); if (ss.getParentSubpart() != null && parentSubpart == null) { sLog.error(" -- subpart " + ss.getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + " has parent " + ss.getParentSubpart().getSchedulingSubpartLabel() + ", but the appropriate parent subpart is not loaded."); } Subpart subpart = new Subpart(ss.getUniqueId().longValue(), ss.getItype().getItype().toString() + sufix, ss.getItypeDesc().trim() + (sufix == null || sufix.length() == 0 ? "" : " (" + sufix + ")"), config, parentSubpart); subpart.setAllowOverlap(ss.isStudentAllowOverlap()); ss2subpart.put(ss, subpart); sLog.debug(" -- created subpart " + subpart); for (Iterator k = ss.getClasses().iterator(); k.hasNext();) { Class_ c = (Class_); int limit = c.getClassLimit(); if (ioc.isUnlimitedEnrollment().booleanValue()) limit = -1; if (!c.isEnabledForStudentScheduling()) limit = 0; Section parentSection = (c.getParentClass() == null ? null : (Section) class2section.get(c.getParentClass())); if (c.getParentClass() != null && parentSection == null) { sLog.error(" -- class " + c.getClassLabel() + " has parent " + c.getParentClass().getClassLabel() + ", but the appropriate parent section is not loaded."); } Section section = loadSection(subpart, parentSection, c, limit); class2section.put(c, section); classTable.put(c.getUniqueId(), section); sLog.debug(" -- created section " + section); } } } return offering; } public Student loadStudent(org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s, Hashtable courseTable, Hashtable classTable) { sLog.debug("Loading student " + s.getUniqueId() + " (id=" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ", name=" + s.getFirstName() + " " + s.getMiddleName() + " " + s.getLastName() + ")"); Student student = new Student(s.getUniqueId().longValue()); if (iLoadStudentInfo) loadStudentInfo(student, s); int priority = 0; for (Iterator i = new TreeSet(s.getCourseDemands()).iterator(); i.hasNext();) { CourseDemand cd = (CourseDemand); if (cd.getFreeTime() != null) { Request request = new FreeTimeRequest(cd.getUniqueId().longValue(), priority++, cd.isAlternative().booleanValue(), student, new TimeLocation(cd.getFreeTime().getDayCode().intValue(), cd.getFreeTime().getStartSlot().intValue(), cd.getFreeTime().getLength().intValue(), 0, 0, s.getSession().getDefaultDatePattern().getUniqueId(), "", s.getSession().getDefaultDatePattern().getPatternBitSet(), 0)); sLog.debug(" -- added request " + request); } else if (!cd.getCourseRequests().isEmpty()) { Vector courses = new Vector(); HashSet selChoices = new HashSet(); HashSet wlChoices = new HashSet(); HashSet assignedSections = new HashSet(); Config assignedConfig = null; for (Iterator j = new TreeSet(cd.getCourseRequests()).iterator(); j.hasNext();) { org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest cr = (org.unitime.timetable.model.CourseRequest) j .next(); Course course = (Course) courseTable.get(cr.getCourseOffering().getUniqueId()); if (course == null) { sLog.warn(" -- course " + cr.getCourseOffering().getCourseName() + " not loaded"); continue; } for (Iterator k = cr.getClassWaitLists().iterator(); k.hasNext();) { ClassWaitList cwl = (ClassWaitList); Section section = course.getOffering().getSection(cwl.getClazz().getUniqueId().longValue()); if (section != null) { if (cwl.getType().equals(ClassWaitList.TYPE_SELECTION)) selChoices.add(section.getChoice()); else if (cwl.getType().equals(ClassWaitList.TYPE_WAITLIST)) wlChoices.add(section.getChoice()); } } if (assignedConfig == null) { for (Iterator k = cr.getClassEnrollments().iterator(); k.hasNext();) { StudentClassEnrollment sce = (StudentClassEnrollment); Section section = course.getOffering() .getSection(sce.getClazz().getUniqueId().longValue()); if (section != null) { assignedSections.add(section); assignedConfig = section.getSubpart().getConfig(); } } } courses.addElement(course); } if (courses.isEmpty()) continue; CourseRequest request = new CourseRequest(cd.getUniqueId().longValue(), priority++, cd.isAlternative().booleanValue(), student, courses, cd.isWaitlist().booleanValue(), cd.getTimestamp().getTime()); request.getSelectedChoices().addAll(selChoices); request.getWaitlistedChoices().addAll(wlChoices); if (assignedConfig != null && assignedSections.size() == assignedConfig.getSubparts().size()) { Enrollment enrollment = new Enrollment(request, 0, assignedConfig, assignedSections, getAssignment()); request.setInitialAssignment(enrollment); } sLog.debug(" -- added request " + request); } else { sLog.warn(" -- course demand " + cd.getUniqueId() + " has no course requests"); } } return student; } private void fixWeights() { Hashtable lastLike = new Hashtable(); Hashtable real = new Hashtable(); for (Student student : getModel().getStudents()) { for (Request request : student.getRequests()) { if (request instanceof CourseRequest) { CourseRequest courseRequest = (CourseRequest) request; Course course = (Course) courseRequest.getCourses().get(0); Integer cnt = (Integer) (student.isDummy() ? lastLike : real).get(course); (student.isDummy() ? lastLike : real).put(course, new Integer((cnt == null ? 0 : cnt.intValue()) + 1)); } } } for (Enumeration e = new Vector(getModel().getStudents()).elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Student student = (Student) e.nextElement(); for (Enumeration f = new Vector(student.getRequests()).elements(); f.hasMoreElements();) { Request request = (Request) f.nextElement(); if (!student.isDummy()) { request.setWeight(1.0); continue; } if (request instanceof CourseRequest) { CourseRequest courseRequest = (CourseRequest) request; Course course = (Course) courseRequest.getCourses().get(0); Integer lastLikeCnt = (Integer) lastLike.get(course); Integer realCnt = (Integer) real.get(course); courseRequest.setWeight( Test.getLastLikeStudentWeight(course, realCnt == null ? 0 : realCnt.intValue(), lastLikeCnt == null ? 0 : lastLikeCnt.intValue())); } else request.setWeight(1.0); if (request.getWeight() <= 0.0) { getModel().removeVariable(request); student.getRequests().remove(request); } } if (student.getRequests().isEmpty()) { getModel().getStudents().remove(student); } } } public void loadLastLikeStudent(org.hibernate.Session hibSession, LastLikeCourseDemand d, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s, Long courseOfferingId, Hashtable studentTable, Hashtable courseTable, Hashtable classTable, Hashtable classAssignments) { sLog.debug("Loading last like demand of student " + s.getUniqueId() + " (id=" + s.getExternalUniqueId() + ", name=" + s.getFirstName() + " " + s.getMiddleName() + " " + s.getLastName() + ") for " + courseOfferingId); Student student = (Student) studentTable.get(s.getUniqueId()); if (student == null) { student = new Student(s.getUniqueId().longValue(), true); if (iLoadStudentInfo) loadStudentInfo(student, s); studentTable.put(s.getUniqueId(), student); } int priority = student.getRequests().size(); Vector courses = new Vector(); Course course = (Course) courseTable.get(courseOfferingId); if (course == null) { sLog.warn(" -- course " + courseOfferingId + " not loaded"); return; } courses.addElement(course); CourseRequest request = new CourseRequest(d.getUniqueId().longValue(), priority++, false, student, courses, false, null); sLog.debug(" -- added request " + request); if (classAssignments != null && !classAssignments.isEmpty()) { HashSet assignedSections = new HashSet(); HashSet classIds = (HashSet) classAssignments.get(s.getUniqueId()); if (classIds != null) for (Iterator i = classIds.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Long classId = (Long); Section section = (Section) request.getSection(classId.longValue()); if (section != null) assignedSections.add(section); } if (!assignedSections.isEmpty()) { sLog.debug(" -- committed assignment: " + assignedSections); for (Enrollment enrollment : request.values(getAssignment())) { if (enrollment.getAssignments().containsAll(assignedSections)) { request.setInitialAssignment(enrollment); sLog.debug(" -- found: " + enrollment); break; } } } } } public void loadStudentInfo(Student student, org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s) { HashSet majors = new HashSet(); HashSet minors = new HashSet(); for (Iterator i = s.getAcademicAreaClassifications().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { AcademicAreaClassification aac = (AcademicAreaClassification); student.getAcademicAreaClasiffications() .add(new AcademicAreaCode(aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation(), aac.getAcademicClassification().getCode())); sLog.debug(" -- aac: " + aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation() + ":" + aac.getAcademicClassification().getCode()); for (Iterator j = aac.getAcademicArea().getPosMajors().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { PosMajor major = (PosMajor); if (s.getPosMajors().contains(major)) { student.getMajors().add(new AcademicAreaCode( aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation(), major.getCode())); majors.add(major); sLog.debug(" -- mj: " + aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation() + ":" + major.getCode()); } } for (Iterator j = aac.getAcademicArea().getPosMinors().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { PosMinor minor = (PosMinor); if (s.getPosMinors().contains(minor)) { student.getMinors().add(new AcademicAreaCode( aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation(), minor.getCode())); minors.add(minor); sLog.debug(" -- mn: " + aac.getAcademicArea().getAcademicAreaAbbreviation() + ":" + minor.getCode()); } } } for (Iterator i = s.getPosMajors().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { PosMajor major = (PosMajor); if (!majors.contains(major)) { student.getMajors().add(new AcademicAreaCode(null, major.getCode())); sLog.debug(" -- mj: " + major.getCode()); } } for (Iterator i = s.getPosMinors().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { PosMinor minor = (PosMinor); if (!minors.contains(minor)) { student.getMajors().add(new AcademicAreaCode(null, minor.getCode())); sLog.debug(" -- mj: " + minor.getCode()); } } } public void load(Session session) { org.hibernate.Session hibSession = new SessionDAO().getSession(); Transaction tx = hibSession.beginTransaction(); try { Hashtable courseTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable classTable = new Hashtable(); List offerings = hibSession .createQuery("select distinct io from InstructionalOffering io " + "left join fetch io.courseOfferings as co " + "left join fetch io.instrOfferingConfigs as ioc " + "left join fetch ioc.schedulingSubparts as ss " + "left join fetch ss.classes as c " + "where " + "io.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and io.notOffered=false") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId().longValue()).setFetchSize(1000).list(); for (Iterator i = offerings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { InstructionalOffering io = (InstructionalOffering); Offering offering = loadOffering(io, courseTable, classTable); if (offering != null) getModel().addOffering(offering); } HashSet loadedStudentIds = new HashSet(); if (iIncludeCourseDemands) { List students = hibSession .createQuery("select distinct s from Student s " + "left join fetch s.courseDemands as cd " + "left join fetch cd.courseRequests as cr " + "where s.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId().longValue()).setFetchSize(1000).list(); for (Iterator i = students.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student); if (s.getCourseDemands().isEmpty()) continue; Student student = loadStudent(s, courseTable, classTable); if (student != null) getModel().addStudent(student); if (s.getExternalUniqueId() != null) loadedStudentIds.add(s.getExternalUniqueId()); } } if (iIncludeLastLikeStudents) { Hashtable classAssignments = null; if (iIncludeUseCommittedAssignments) { classAssignments = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = hibSession.createQuery( "select distinct se.studentId, se.clazz.uniqueId from StudentEnrollment se where " + "se.solution.commited=true and se.solution.owner.session.uniqueId=:sessionId") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId().longValue()).iterate(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); Long studentId = (Long) o[0]; Long classId = (Long) o[1]; HashSet classIds = (HashSet) classAssignments.get(studentId); if (classIds == null) { classIds = new HashSet(); classAssignments.put(studentId, classIds); } classIds.add(classId); } } Hashtable lastLikeStudentTable = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = hibSession.createQuery( "select d, c.uniqueId from LastLikeCourseDemand d left join fetch d.student s, CourseOffering c left join c.demandOffering cx " + "where d.subjectArea.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and c.subjectArea.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and " + "((c.permId=null and d.subjectArea=c.subjectArea and d.courseNbr=c.courseNbr ) or " + " (c.permId!=null and c.permId=d.coursePermId) or " + " (cx.permId=null and d.subjectArea=cx.subjectArea and d.courseNbr=cx.courseNbr) or " + " (cx.permId!=null and cx.permId=d.coursePermId)) " + "order by s.uniqueId, d.priority, d.uniqueId") .setLong("sessionId", session.getUniqueId().longValue()).list().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object[] o = (Object[]); LastLikeCourseDemand d = (LastLikeCourseDemand) o[0]; org.unitime.timetable.model.Student s = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Student) d.getStudent(); Long courseOfferingId = (Long) o[1]; if (s.getExternalUniqueId() != null && loadedStudentIds.contains(s.getExternalUniqueId())) continue; loadLastLikeStudent(hibSession, d, s, courseOfferingId, lastLikeStudentTable, courseTable, classTable, classAssignments); } for (Enumeration e = lastLikeStudentTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Student student = (Student) e.nextElement(); getModel().addStudent(student); } if (classAssignments != null && !classAssignments.isEmpty()) { for (Request request : getModel().variables()) { if (request.getInitialAssignment() == null) continue; Set conflicts = getModel().conflictValues(getAssignment(), request.getInitialAssignment()); if (conflicts.isEmpty()) getAssignment().assign(0, request.getInitialAssignment()); else sLog.debug("Unable to assign " + request.getInitialAssignment() + ", conflicts: " + conflicts); } } fixWeights(); } tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { tx.rollback(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { hibSession.close(); } } }