Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.rooms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.P; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeDialogBox; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.client.widgets.UniTimeHeaderPanel; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.command.client.GwtRpcService; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.command.client.GwtRpcServiceAsync; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtConstants; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtMessages; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.resources.GwtResources; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.PreferenceInterface; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomSharingDisplayMode; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomSharingModel; import org.unitime.timetable.gwt.shared.RoomInterface.RoomSharingOption; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class RoomSharingWidget extends Composite implements HasValue<RoomSharingModel> { private static GwtRpcServiceAsync RPC = GWT.create(GwtRpcService.class); private static final GwtConstants CONSTANTS = GWT.create(GwtConstants.class); private static final GwtMessages MESSAGES = GWT.create(GwtMessages.class); private static final GwtResources RESOURCES = GWT.create(GwtResources.class); private AbsolutePanel iPanel; private ListBox iModeSelection; private RoomSharingDisplayMode iMode = null; private CheckBox iHorizontal; private RoomSharingOption iOption = null; private P iSelectedIcon = null, iSelectedTitle = null; private RoomSharingModel iModel; protected boolean iEditable = true; private TextArea iNote = null; private Set<Long> iAddedOptions = new HashSet<Long>(); public RoomSharingWidget(boolean editable) { this(editable, true); } public RoomSharingWidget(boolean editable, boolean includeNote) { iEditable = editable; VerticalPanel container = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); iModeSelection = new ListBox(); iModeSelection.setStyleName("unitime-TextBox"); hp.add(iModeSelection); hp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(iModeSelection, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); iHorizontal = new CheckBox(MESSAGES.roomSharingHorizontal()); hp.add(iHorizontal); hp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(iHorizontal, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); hp.setCellVerticalAlignment(iHorizontal, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hp.setWidth("100%"); container.add(hp); iModeSelection.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { setMode(iModel.getModes().get(iModeSelection.getSelectedIndex()), iHorizontal.getValue()); } }); iHorizontal.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { setMode(iModel.getModes().get(iModeSelection.getSelectedIndex()), iHorizontal.getValue()); } }); iPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); iPanel.setStyleName("unitime-RoomSharingWidget"); container.add(iPanel); if (iEditable && includeNote) { iNote = new TextArea(); iNote.setStyleName("unitime-TextArea"); iNote.setVisibleLines(10); iNote.setCharacterWidth(50); iNote.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { if (iModel != null) iModel.setNote(event.getValue()); } }); } initWidget(container); } public AbsolutePanel getPanel() { return iPanel; } public boolean isEditable() { return iEditable && iModel != null && iModel.isEditable(); } public void setEditable(boolean editable) { iEditable = editable; } public boolean isEditable(RoomSharingOption option) { return isEditable() && option.isEditable(); } public boolean isEditable(int day, int slot) { return isEditable() && iModel.isEditable(day, slot, iMode.getStep()); } public RoomSharingModel getModel() { return iModel; } public void setModel(RoomSharingModel model) { iModel = model; if (iEditable && iModel.isNoteEditable() && iNote != null) iNote.setValue(iModel.hasNote() ? iModel.getNote() : ""); iModeSelection.clear(); for (RoomSharingDisplayMode mode : iModel.getModes()) iModeSelection.addItem(mode.getName()); iModeSelection.setSelectedIndex(0); RoomCookie cookie = RoomCookie.getInstance(); if (cookie.hasMode()) { for (int i = 0; i < iModel.getModes().size(); i++) if (cookie.getMode().equals(iModel.getModes().get(i).toHex())) { iModeSelection.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } iHorizontal.setValue(cookie.areRoomsHorizontal()); } else { iHorizontal.setValue(model.isDefaultHorizontal()); iModeSelection.setSelectedIndex(iModel.getDefaultMode()); } iOption = iModel.getDefaultOption(); if (iOption == null) iOption = iModel.getOptions().get(0); setMode(iModel.getModes().get(iModeSelection.getSelectedIndex()), iHorizontal.getValue()); } public void insert(final RootPanel panel, boolean eventAvailability) { Long locationId = Long.valueOf(panel.getElement().getInnerHTML().trim()); RPC.execute(RoomInterface.RoomSharingRequest.load(locationId, eventAvailability), new AsyncCallback<RoomSharingModel>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { UniTimeNotifications.error(MESSAGES.failedToLoadRoomAvailability(caught.getMessage())); } @Override public void onSuccess(RoomSharingModel result) { panel.getElement().setInnerText(null); setModel(result); panel.add(RoomSharingWidget.this); panel.setVisible(true); } }); } public static String slot2short(int slot) { int h = slot / 12; int m = 5 * (slot % 12); if (CONSTANTS.useAmPm()) return (h > 12 ? h - 12 : h) + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m + (h == 24 ? "a" : h >= 12 ? "p" : "a"); else return h + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m; } private class Cell extends P { private int iDay, iSlot; Cell(int day, int slot) { super("cell", "item", isEditable(day, slot) ? "clickable" : null); iDay = day; iSlot = slot; RoomSharingOption option = iModel.getOption(day, slot); if (option == null) { getElement().getStyle().clearBackgroundColor(); setHTML(""); setTitle(""); } else { getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor(option.getColor()); setHTML(option.getCode() == null ? "" : option.getCode()); setTitle(CONSTANTS.longDays()[day] + " " + slot2short(slot) + " - " + slot2short(slot + iMode.getStep()) + ": " + option.getName()); } if (isEditable(day, slot)) addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { setOption(iOption); } }); } public void setOption(RoomSharingOption option) { if (!isEditable(iDay, iSlot)) return; iModel.setOption(iDay, iSlot, iMode.getStep(), option); if (option == null) { getElement().getStyle().clearBackgroundColor(); setHTML(""); setTitle(""); } else { getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor(option.getColor()); setHTML(option.getCode() == null ? "" : option.getCode()); setTitle(CONSTANTS.longDays()[iDay] + " " + slot2short(iSlot) + " - " + slot2short(iSlot + iMode.getStep()) + ": " + option.getName()); }, getValue()); } } protected void addPreferenceIfNeeded(P line, final RoomSharingOption option) { if (option.hasPreference() && iModel.getPreferences() != null) { final ListBox pref = new ListBox(); pref.setStyleName("unitime-TextBox"); pref.addStyleName("preference"); for (PreferenceInterface p : iModel.getPreferences()) { pref.addItem(p.getName(), p.getId().toString()); } SelectElement selectElement =; NodeList<OptionElement> items = selectElement.getOptions(); for (int i = 0; i < items.getLength(); i++) { PreferenceInterface p = iModel.getPreferences().get(i); if (p.getColor() != null) items.getItem(i).getStyle().setBackgroundColor(p.getColor()); if (items.getItem(i).getValue().equals(option.getPreference().toString())) pref.setSelectedIndex(i); } pref.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { option.setPreference(iModel.getPreferences().get(pref.getSelectedIndex()).getId()); } }); line.add(pref); } } public void setMode(final RoomSharingDisplayMode mode, final boolean horizontal) { iMode = mode; RoomCookie.getInstance().setMode(horizontal, mode.toHex()); iPanel.clear(); if (horizontal) { for (int page = 0; iMode.getFirstSlot() + 24 * page * iMode.getStep() < iMode.getLastSlot(); page++) { P table = new P("table"); iPanel.add(table); P box = new P("box"); table.add(box); P header = new P("row"); box.add(header); P corner = new P("cell", "corner", isEditable() ? "clickable" : null); corner.setHTML(MESSAGES.roomSharingCorner()); header.add(corner); int first = iMode.getFirstSlot() + 24 * page * iMode.getStep(); int last = Math.min(first + 24 * iMode.getStep() * (page + 1), iMode.getLastSlot()); final List<List<Cell>> thisTime = new ArrayList<List<Cell>>(); for (int slot = first; slot < last; slot += iMode.getStep()) { P p = new P("cell", "time", isEditable() ? "clickable" : null); p.setHTML(MESSAGES.roomSharingTimeHeader(slot2short(slot), slot2short(slot + iMode.getStep()))); final List<Cell> t = new ArrayList<Cell>(); thisTime.add(t); header.add(p); if (isEditable()) p.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { for (Cell d : t) d.setOption(iOption); } }); } final List<Cell> thisPage = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (int day = iMode.getFirstDay(); day <= iMode.getLastDay(); day++) { P line = new P("row"); box.add(line); P d = new P("cell", "day", isEditable() ? "clickable" : null); d.setHTML(CONSTANTS.days()[day % 7]); line.add(d); final List<Cell> thisDay = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (int slot = first; slot < last; slot += iMode.getStep()) { Cell p = new Cell(day, slot); line.add(p); thisDay.add(p); thisPage.add(p); thisTime.get((slot - first) / iMode.getStep()).add(p); } if (isEditable()) d.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { for (Cell d : thisDay) d.setOption(iOption); } }); } if (isEditable()) corner.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { for (Cell d : thisPage) d.setOption(iOption); } }); } } else { P table = new P("table"); iPanel.add(table); P box = new P("box"); table.add(box); P header = new P("row"); box.add(header); P corner = new P("cell", "corner", isEditable() ? "clickable" : null); corner.setHTML(MESSAGES.roomSharingCorner()); header.add(corner); final List<List<Cell>> thisDay = new ArrayList<List<Cell>>(); for (int day = iMode.getFirstDay(); day <= iMode.getLastDay(); day++) { P p = new P("cell", "time", isEditable() ? "clickable" : null); p.setHTML(CONSTANTS.days()[day % 7]); final List<Cell> t = new ArrayList<Cell>(); thisDay.add(t); header.add(p); if (isEditable()) p.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { for (Cell d : t) d.setOption(iOption); } }); } final List<Cell> thisPage = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (int slot = iMode.getFirstSlot(); slot < iMode.getLastSlot(); slot += iMode.getStep()) { P line = new P("row"); box.add(line); P d = new P("cell", "day", isEditable() ? "clickable" : null); d.setHTML(MESSAGES.roomSharingTimeHeader(slot2short(slot), slot2short(slot + iMode.getStep()))); line.add(d); final List<Cell> thisSlot = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (int day = iMode.getFirstDay(); day <= iMode.getLastDay(); day++) { Cell p = new Cell(day, slot); line.add(p); thisSlot.add(p); thisPage.add(p); thisDay.get(day - iMode.getFirstDay()).add(p); } if (isEditable()) d.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { for (Cell d : thisSlot) d.setOption(iOption); } }); } if (isEditable()) corner.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { for (Cell d : thisPage) d.setOption(iOption); } }); } P legend = new P("legend"); iPanel.add(legend); final P box = new P("box"); legend.add(box); iSelectedIcon = null; iSelectedTitle = null; for (final RoomSharingOption option : iModel.getOptions()) { final P line = new P("row"); final P icon = new P("cell", isEditable(option) ? "clickable" : null); if (box.getWidgetCount() == 0) icon.addStyleName("first"); if (option.getCode() != null && !option.getCode().isEmpty()) icon.setHTML(option.getCode()); icon.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor(option.getColor()); line.add(icon); final P title = new P("title", isEditable(option) ? "editable-title" : null); title.setHTML(option.getName()); line.add(title); addPreferenceIfNeeded(line, option); if (option.getId() >= 0 && isEditable(option)) { Image remove = new Image(RESOURCES.delete()); remove.addStyleName("remove"); line.add(remove); remove.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (option.equals(iOption)) iOption = iModel.getDefaultOption(); box.remove(line); iModel.getOptions().remove(option); setMode(mode, horizontal); } }); } if (isEditable(option) && option.equals(iOption)) { icon.addStyleName("selected"); title.addStyleName("selected-title"); iSelectedIcon = icon; iSelectedTitle = title; } if (isEditable(option)) { MouseDownHandler md = new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { iOption = option; if (iSelectedIcon != null) iSelectedIcon.removeStyleName("selected"); if (iSelectedTitle != null) iSelectedTitle.removeStyleName("selected-title"); icon.addStyleName("selected"); title.addStyleName("selected-title"); iSelectedIcon = icon; iSelectedTitle = title; } }; icon.addMouseDownHandler(md); title.addMouseDownHandler(md); } box.add(line); } if (iEditable && iModel.isNoteEditable() && iNote != null) { P note = new P("note"); legend.add(note); P label = new P("label"); label.setText(MESSAGES.propRoomAvailabilityNote()); note.add(label); P value = new P("value"); value.add(iNote); note.add(value); } else if (iModel.hasNote()) { P note = new P("note"); legend.add(note); P label = new P("label"); label.setText(MESSAGES.propRoomAvailabilityNote()); note.add(label); P value = new P("value"); value.setHTML(iModel.getNote()); note.add(value); } final List<RoomSharingOption> other = iModel.getAdditionalOptions(); final List<RoomSharingOption> removable = iModel.getRemovableOptions(); if (isEditable() && (!other.isEmpty() || !removable.isEmpty())) { if (!other.isEmpty() && other.size() <= 20) { P separator = new P("row"); separator.add(new P("blank")); P message = new P("other"); message.setHTML(MESSAGES.separatorAddDepartment()); separator.add(message); box.add(separator); boolean first = true; for (final RoomSharingOption option : other) { final P line = new P("row"); final P icon = new P("cell", "clickable"); if (option.getCode() != null && !option.getCode().isEmpty()) icon.setHTML(option.getCode()); if (first) icon.addStyleName("first"); first = false; icon.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor(option.getColor()); line.add(icon); final P title = new P("title", "editable-title"); title.setHTML(option.getName()); line.add(title); Image add = new Image(RESOURCES.add()); add.addStyleName("remove"); line.add(add); add.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { iModel.getOptions().add(option); iOption = option; setMode(mode, horizontal); } }); MouseDownHandler md = new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { iModel.getOptions().add(option); iOption = option; setMode(mode, horizontal); } }; icon.addMouseDownHandler(md); title.addMouseDownHandler(md); box.add(line); } } if (other.size() >= 20 || removable.size() >= 10) { final P line = new P("row"); line.add(new P("blank")); P p = new P("button"); if (other.size() >= 20) { Button button = new Button(MESSAGES.buttonAddDepartment(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { final UniTimeDialogBox dialog = new UniTimeDialogBox(true, false); dialog.setText(MESSAGES.dialogAddDepartment()); dialog.setAnimationEnabled(false); dialog.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<PopupPanel>() { @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> event) { RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.AUTO); } }); P legend = new P("legend"); P box = new P("box"); legend.add(box); for (final RoomSharingOption option : other) { final P line = new P("row"); final P icon = new P("cell", "clickable"); if (option.getCode() != null && !option.getCode().isEmpty()) icon.setHTML(option.getCode()); if (box.getWidgetCount() == 0) icon.addStyleName("first"); icon.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor(option.getColor()); line.add(icon); final P title = new P("title", "editable-title"); title.setHTML(option.getName()); line.add(title); MouseDownHandler md = new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { iModel.getOptions().add(option); dialog.hide(); iOption = option; setMode(mode, horizontal); } }; icon.addMouseDownHandler(md); title.addMouseDownHandler(md); box.add(line); } final P line = new P("row"); line.add(new P("blank")); Button button = new Button(MESSAGES.buttonAddAllDepartments(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { iModel.getOptions().addAll(other); dialog.hide(); setMode(mode, horizontal); } }); P p = new P("button"); p.add(button); line.add(p); box.add(line); ScrollPanel w = new ScrollPanel(); w.addStyleName("scroll"); w.addStyleName("unitime-RoomSharingWidget"); w.add(legend); if (other.size() >= 12) w.setHeight("300px"); dialog.setWidget(w); RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.HIDDEN);; } }); Character ch = UniTimeHeaderPanel.guessAccessKey(MESSAGES.buttonAddDepartment()); if (ch != null) button.setAccessKey(ch); p.add(button); } if (removable.size() >= 10) { Button button = new Button(MESSAGES.buttonRemoveAll(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { iModel.getOptions().removeAll(removable); if (removable.contains(iOption)) iOption = iModel.getDefaultOption(); setMode(mode, horizontal); } }); Character ch = UniTimeHeaderPanel.guessAccessKey(MESSAGES.buttonRemoveAll()); if (ch != null) button.setAccessKey(ch); button.getElement().getStyle().setMarginLeft(4, Unit.PX); p.add(button); } line.add(p); box.add(line); } } } @Override public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<RoomSharingModel> handler) { return addHandler(handler, ValueChangeEvent.getType()); } @Override public RoomSharingModel getValue() { return getModel(); } @Override public void setValue(RoomSharingModel value) { setValue(value, false); } @Override public void setValue(RoomSharingModel value, boolean fireEvents) { setModel(value); if (fireEvents), getValue()); } public boolean removeOption(Long id) { if (!isEditable() || iModel == null) return false; RoomSharingOption option = iModel.getOption(id); if (option != null && option.getId() > 0 && option.isEditable() && iAddedOptions.remove(id) && iModel.countOptions(id) == 0) { iModel.getOptions().remove(option); iOption = iModel.getDefaultOption(); setMode(iMode, iHorizontal.getValue()); return true; } return false; } public boolean addOption(Long optionId) { if (!isEditable() || iModel == null) return false; for (RoomSharingOption option : iModel.getAdditionalOptions()) { if (option.getId().equals(optionId) && option.isEditable()) { iAddedOptions.add(optionId); iModel.getOptions().add(option); iOption = option; setMode(iMode, iHorizontal.getValue()); return true; } } return false; } }