Java tutorial
/* // Copyright(c)2015 IntelCorporation // // LicensedundertheApacheLicense,Version2.0(the"License"); // youmaynotusethisfileexceptincompliancewiththeLicense. // YoumayobtainacopyoftheLicenseat // // // // Unlessrequiredbyapplicablelaworagreedtoinwriting,software // distributedundertheLicenseisdistributedonan"ASIS"BASIS, // WITHOUTWARRANTIESORCONDITIONSOFANYKIND,eitherexpressorimplied. // SeetheLicenseforthespecificlanguagegoverningpermissionsand // limitationsundertheLicense. */ package org.trustedanalytics.atk.giraph.algorithms.lda; import org.apache.giraph.Algorithm; import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.AggregatorWriter; import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.DoubleMaxAggregator; import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.DoubleSumAggregator; import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.LongSumAggregator; import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration; import org.apache.giraph.counters.GiraphStats; import org.apache.giraph.edge.Edge; import org.apache.giraph.graph.BasicComputation; import org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex; import org.apache.giraph.master.DefaultMasterCompute; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context; import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector; import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector; import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable; import org.apache.mahout.math.function.Functions; import org.trustedanalytics.atk.giraph.aggregators.VectorSumAggregator; import org.trustedanalytics.atk.giraph.config.lda.LdaConfig; import org.trustedanalytics.atk.giraph.config.lda.LdaConfiguration; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; /** * CVB0 Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic Modelling * The algorithm presented in * Y.W. Teh, D. Newman, and M. Welling, A Collapsed Variational Bayesian * Inference Algorithm for Latent Dirichlet Allocation, NIPS 19, 2007. */ @Algorithm(name = "CVB0 Latent Dirichlet Allocation") public class CVB0LDAComputation extends BasicComputation<LdaVertexId, LdaVertexData, LdaEdgeData, LdaMessage> { // TODO: looks like SUM_OCCURRENCE_COUNT might cause divide by zero error if word_count is zero or you had an unconnected vertex private LdaConfig config = null; /** This value gets changed on convergence */ private static final String CURRENT_MAX_SUPERSTEPS = "lda.maxSupersteps"; /** Aggregator name for number of document-vertices */ private static String SUM_DOC_VERTEX_COUNT = "num_doc_vertices"; /** Aggregator name for number of word-vertices */ private static String SUM_WORD_VERTEX_COUNT = "num_word_vertices"; /** Aggregator name for number of word occurrences */ private static String SUM_OCCURRENCE_COUNT = "num_occurrences"; /** Aggregator name for sum of word-vertex values, the nk in LDA */ private static String SUM_WORD_VERTEX_VALUE = "nk"; /** Aggregator name for max of delta at each super step */ private static String SUM_COST = "sum_cost"; /** Aggregator name for max of delta at each super step */ private static String MAX_DELTA = "max_delta"; /** Max delta value of previous super step for convergence monitoring */ private static String PREV_MAX_DELTA = "prev_max_delta"; /** Number of words in vocabulary */ private long numWords = 0; /** Sum of word-vertex values */ private Vector nk = null; @Override public void preSuperstep() { config = new LdaConfiguration(getConf()).ldaConfig(); getConf().setLong(CURRENT_MAX_SUPERSTEPS, config.maxIterations()); // Set custom parameters numWords = this.<LongWritable>getAggregatedValue(SUM_WORD_VERTEX_COUNT).get(); nk = this.<VectorWritable>getAggregatedValue(SUM_WORD_VERTEX_VALUE).get().clone(); } @Override public void compute(Vertex<LdaVertexId, LdaVertexData, LdaEdgeData> vertex, Iterable<LdaMessage> messages) throws IOException { long step = getSuperstep(); if (step == 0) { initialize(vertex); vertex.voteToHalt(); return; } // collect messages HashMap<LdaVertexId, Vector> map = new HashMap<LdaVertexId, Vector>(); for (LdaMessage message : messages) { map.put(message.getVid().copy(), message.getVector()); } // evaluate cost if (config.evaluationCost()) { evaluateCost(vertex, messages, map); } updateEdge(vertex, map); updateVertex(vertex); if (step < getConf().getLong(CURRENT_MAX_SUPERSTEPS, config.maxIterations())) { // send out messages LdaMessage newMessage = new LdaMessage(vertex.getId().copy(), vertex.getValue().getLdaResult()); sendMessageToAllEdges(vertex, newMessage); } else { // normalize vertex value, i.e., theta and phi in LDA, for final output normalizeVertex(vertex); } vertex.voteToHalt(); } /** * Initialize vertex/edges, collect graph statistics and send out messages * * @param vertex of the graph */ private void initialize(Vertex<LdaVertexId, LdaVertexData, LdaEdgeData> vertex) { // initialize vertex vector, i.e., the theta for doc and phi for word in LDA double[] vertexValues = new double[config.numTopics()]; vertex.getValue().setLdaResult(new DenseVector(vertexValues)); // initialize edge vector, i.e., the gamma in LDA Random rand1 = new Random(vertex.getId().seed()); long seed1 = rand1.nextInt(); double maxDelta = 0d; double sumWeights = 0d; for (Edge<LdaVertexId, LdaEdgeData> edge : vertex.getMutableEdges()) { double weight = edge.getValue().getWordCount(); // generate the random seed for this edge Random rand2 = new Random(edge.getTargetVertexId().seed()); long seed2 = rand2.nextInt(); long seed = seed1 + seed2; Random rand = new Random(seed); double[] edgeValues = new double[config.numTopics()]; for (int i = 0; i < config.numTopics(); i++) { edgeValues[i] = rand.nextDouble(); } Vector vector = new DenseVector(edgeValues); vector = vector.normalize(1d); edge.getValue().setVector(vector); // find the max delta among all edges double delta = vector.norm(1d) / config.numTopics(); if (delta > maxDelta) { maxDelta = delta; } // the sum of weights from all edges sumWeights += weight; } // update vertex value updateVertex(vertex); // aggregate max delta value aggregate(MAX_DELTA, new DoubleWritable(maxDelta)); // collect graph statistics if (vertex.getId().isDocument()) { aggregate(SUM_DOC_VERTEX_COUNT, new LongWritable(1)); } else { aggregate(SUM_OCCURRENCE_COUNT, new DoubleWritable(sumWeights)); aggregate(SUM_WORD_VERTEX_COUNT, new LongWritable(1)); } // send out messages LdaMessage newMessage = new LdaMessage(vertex.getId().copy(), vertex.getValue().getLdaResult()); sendMessageToAllEdges(vertex, newMessage); } /** * Update vertex value according to edge value * * @param vertex of the graph */ private void updateVertex(Vertex<LdaVertexId, LdaVertexData, LdaEdgeData> vertex) { Vector vector = vertex.getValue().getLdaResult().clone().assign(0d); for (Edge<LdaVertexId, LdaEdgeData> edge : vertex.getEdges()) { double weight = edge.getValue().getWordCount(); Vector gamma = edge.getValue().getVector(); vector =; } vertex.getValue().setLdaResult(vector); if (vertex.getId().isWord()) { aggregate(SUM_WORD_VERTEX_VALUE, new VectorWritable(vector)); } } /** * Update edge value according to vertex and messages * * @param vertex of the graph * @param map of type HashMap */ private void updateEdge(Vertex<LdaVertexId, LdaVertexData, LdaEdgeData> vertex, HashMap<LdaVertexId, Vector> map) { Vector vector = vertex.getValue().getLdaResult(); double maxDelta = 0d; for (Edge<LdaVertexId, LdaEdgeData> edge : vertex.getMutableEdges()) { Vector gamma = edge.getValue().getVector(); LdaVertexId id = edge.getTargetVertexId(); if (map.containsKey(id)) { Vector otherVector = map.get(id); Vector newGamma = null; if (vertex.getId().isDocument()) { newGamma = vector.minus(gamma).plus(config.alpha()) .times(otherVector.minus(gamma).plus(config.beta())) .times(nk.minus(gamma).plus(numWords * config.beta()).assign(Functions.INV)); } else { newGamma = vector.minus(gamma).plus(config.beta()) .times(otherVector.minus(gamma).plus(config.alpha())) .times(nk.minus(gamma).plus(numWords * config.beta()).assign(Functions.INV)); } newGamma = newGamma.normalize(1d); double delta = gamma.minus(newGamma).norm(1d) / config.numTopics(); if (delta > maxDelta) { maxDelta = delta; } // update edge vector edge.getValue().setVector(newGamma); } else { // this happens when you don't have your Vertex Id's being setup correctly throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Vertex ID %s: A message is mis-matched.", vertex.getId())); } } aggregate(MAX_DELTA, new DoubleWritable(maxDelta)); } /** * Normalize vertex value * * @param vertex of the graph */ private void normalizeVertex(Vertex<LdaVertexId, LdaVertexData, LdaEdgeData> vertex) { Vector vector = vertex.getValue().getLdaResult(); if (vertex.getId().isDocument()) { vector =; } else { vector = * config.beta()).assign(Functions.INV)); } // update vertex value vertex.getValue().setLdaResult(vector); } /** * Evaluate cost according to vertex and messages * * @param vertex of the graph * @param messages of type iterable * @param map of type HashMap */ private void evaluateCost(Vertex<LdaVertexId, LdaVertexData, LdaEdgeData> vertex, Iterable<LdaMessage> messages, HashMap<LdaVertexId, Vector> map) { if (vertex.getId().isDocument()) { return; } Vector vector = vertex.getValue().getLdaResult(); vector = * config.beta()).assign(Functions.INV)); double cost = 0d; for (Edge<LdaVertexId, LdaEdgeData> edge : vertex.getEdges()) { double weight = edge.getValue().getWordCount(); LdaVertexId id = edge.getTargetVertexId(); if (map.containsKey(id)) { Vector otherVector = map.get(id); otherVector =; cost -= weight * Math.log(; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Vertex ID %s: A message is mis-matched", vertex.getId().getValue())); } } aggregate(SUM_COST, new DoubleWritable(cost)); } /** * Master compute associated with {@link CVB0LDAComputation}. It registers required aggregators. */ public static class CVB0LDAMasterCompute extends DefaultMasterCompute { private LdaConfig config = null; @Override public void initialize() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { config = new LdaConfiguration(getConf()).ldaConfig(); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_DOC_VERTEX_COUNT, LongSumAggregator.class); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_WORD_VERTEX_COUNT, LongSumAggregator.class); registerPersistentAggregator(SUM_OCCURRENCE_COUNT, DoubleSumAggregator.class); registerAggregator(SUM_WORD_VERTEX_VALUE, VectorSumAggregator.class); registerAggregator(MAX_DELTA, DoubleMaxAggregator.class); if (config.evaluationCost()) { registerAggregator(SUM_COST, DoubleSumAggregator.class); } } @Override public void compute() { long step = getSuperstep(); if (step <= 0) { return; } // store number of edges for graph statistics if (step != 1) { // evaluate convergence condition float prevMaxDelta = getConf().getFloat(PREV_MAX_DELTA, 0f); if (config.evaluationCost()) { DoubleWritable sumCost = getAggregatedValue(SUM_COST); double numOccurrances = this.<DoubleWritable>getAggregatedValue(SUM_OCCURRENCE_COUNT).get(); double cost = sumCost.get() / numOccurrances; sumCost.set(cost); } double maxDelta = this.<DoubleWritable>getAggregatedValue(MAX_DELTA).get(); if (Math.abs(prevMaxDelta - maxDelta) < config.convergenceThreshold()) { getConf().setLong(CURRENT_MAX_SUPERSTEPS, step); } getConf().setFloat(PREV_MAX_DELTA, (float) maxDelta); } } } /** * This is an aggregator writer for LDA, which after each super step will persist the * aggregator values to disk, by use of the Writable interface. */ public static class CVB0LDAAggregatorWriter implements AggregatorWriter { /** Name of the file we wrote to */ private static String FILENAME; /** Saved output stream to write to */ private FSDataOutputStream output; /** Last superstep number */ private long lastStep = -1L; /** Configuration */ private ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf; @Override public void setConf(ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf) { this.conf = conf; } @Override public ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration getConf() { return conf; } public static String getFilename() { return FILENAME; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public void initialize(Context context, long applicationAttempt) throws IOException { setFilename(applicationAttempt); String outputDir = context.getConfiguration().get("mapred.output.dir"); Path p = new Path(outputDir + "/" + FILENAME); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(context.getConfiguration()); if (fs.exists(p)) { fs.delete(p, true); } output = fs.create(p, true); } /** * Set filename written to * * @param applicationAttempt of type long */ private static void setFilename(long applicationAttempt) { FILENAME = "lda-learning-report_" + applicationAttempt; } @Override public void writeAggregator(Iterable<Entry<String, Writable>> aggregatorMap, long superstep) throws IOException { long realStep = lastStep; // collect aggregator data HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, Writable> entry : aggregatorMap) { map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); } LdaConfig ldaConfig = new LdaConfiguration(getConf()).ldaConfig(); if (realStep == 0) { // output graph statistics long numDocVertices = Long.parseLong(map.get(SUM_DOC_VERTEX_COUNT)); long numWordVertices = Long.parseLong(map.get(SUM_WORD_VERTEX_COUNT)); output.writeBytes("======Graph Statistics======\n"); output.writeBytes(String.format("Number of vertices: %d (doc: %d, word: %d)%n", numDocVertices + numWordVertices, numDocVertices, numWordVertices)); output.writeBytes( String.format("Number of edges: %d%n", GiraphStats.getInstance().getEdges().getValue())); output.writeBytes("\n"); // output LDA configuration output.writeBytes("======LDA Configuration======\n"); output.writeBytes(String.format("numTopics: %d%n", ldaConfig.numTopics())); output.writeBytes(String.format("alpha: %f%n", ldaConfig.alpha())); output.writeBytes(String.format("beta: %f%n", ldaConfig.beta())); output.writeBytes(String.format("convergenceThreshold: %f%n", ldaConfig.convergenceThreshold())); output.writeBytes(String.format("maxIterations: %d%n", ldaConfig.maxIterations())); output.writeBytes(String.format("evaluateCost: %b%n", ldaConfig.evaluationCost())); output.writeBytes("\n"); output.writeBytes("======Learning Progress======\n"); } else if (realStep > 0) { // output learning progress output.writeBytes(String.format("iteration = %d%c", realStep, '\t')); if (ldaConfig.evaluationCost()) { double cost = Double.parseDouble(map.get(SUM_COST)); output.writeBytes(String.format("cost = %f%c", cost, '\t')); } double maxDelta = Double.parseDouble(map.get(MAX_DELTA)); output.writeBytes(String.format("maxDelta = %f%n", maxDelta)); } output.flush(); lastStep = superstep; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { output.close(); } } }