Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2015, the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.trpr.platform.batch.impl.spring.web; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import org.trpr.platform.batch.common.utils.ConfigFileUtils; import org.trpr.platform.batch.spi.spring.admin.JobConfigurationService; import org.trpr.platform.batch.spi.spring.admin.JobService; import org.trpr.platform.core.PlatformException; import org.trpr.platform.core.impl.logging.LogFactory; import org.trpr.platform.core.spi.logging.Logger; /** * <code> JobConfigController </code> is a controller for handling requests related to * job configuration (Uploading job files, dependencies, editing job Files) * * @author devashishshankar * @version 1.1, 5 Feb, 2013 */ @Controller public class JobConfigController { /**Trooper services used by this class **/ private JobService jobService; private JobConfigurationService jobConfigService; /** Logger instance for this class*/ private static final Logger LOGGER = LogFactory.getLogger(JobConfigController.class); /** * Autowired default constructor */ @Autowired public JobConfigController(JobService jobService, JobConfigurationService jobConfigService) { this.jobService = jobService; this.jobConfigService = jobConfigService; } /** * Finds the jobname from the request URL */ @ModelAttribute("jobName") public String getJobName(HttpServletRequest request) { String path = request.getPathInfo(); int index = path.lastIndexOf("jobs/") + 5; if (index >= 0) { path = path.substring(index); } return path; } /** * Controller for job edit page. Adds XML File contents and dependencies to the view */ @RequestMapping(value = "/configuration/modify/jobs/{jobName}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String modifyJob(ModelMap model, @ModelAttribute("jobName") String jobName) { //Load & Add JobName, XMLFileContents, Dependencies to the view jobName = jobName.substring(jobName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", ConfigFileUtils.getContents(this.jobConfigService.getJobConfig(jobName)).trim()); model.addAttribute("jobName", ConfigFileUtils.getJobName(this.jobConfigService.getJobConfig(jobName))); if (jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName) != null) { model.addAttribute("dependencies", jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName)); } return "configuration/modify/jobs/job"; } /** * Controller for new job. Just adds an attribute jobName to the model. And redirects to the job edit page. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/configuration/modify_job", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String addNewJob(ModelMap model, @RequestParam MultipartFile jobFile) { String jobFileName = jobFile.getOriginalFilename(); //Check if file is empty or doesn't have an extension if (jobFile.isEmpty() || (jobFileName.lastIndexOf('.') < 0)) { model.remove("jobFile"); model.addAttribute("Error", "File is Empty or invalid. Only .xml files can be uploaded"); return "redirect:/configuration"; } else if (!jobFileName.substring(jobFileName.lastIndexOf('.')).equals(".xml")) { //Check if file is .xml model.remove("jobFile"); model.addAttribute("Error", "Only .xml files can be uploaded"); return "redirect:/configuration"; } else { //Read file to view boolean invalidJobFile = false; List<String> jobNameList = null; try { byte[] buffer = jobFile.getBytes(); String XMLFileContents = new String(buffer); model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", XMLFileContents); jobNameList = ConfigFileUtils.getJobName(new ByteArrayResource(jobFile.getBytes())); if (jobNameList == null || jobNameList.size() == 0) { throw new PlatformException("Empty list"); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { invalidJobFile = true; } catch (IOException e) { invalidJobFile = true; } catch (PlatformException p) { invalidJobFile = true; } for (String jobName : jobNameList) { if (jobName == null || invalidJobFile) { model.clear(); model.addAttribute("Error", "invalid jobFile. Couldn't find job's name"); return "redirect:/configuration"; } if (jobService.contains(jobName)) { model.clear(); model.addAttribute("Error", "The JobName '" + jobName + "' already exists. Please choose another name"); return "redirect:/configuration"; } } model.addAttribute("jobName", jobNameList); return "configuration/modify/jobs/job"; } } /** * This method handles all the configuration changes: * Uploading of XML File * Uploading of dependency * Saving the changes in XML File */ @RequestMapping(value = "configuration/modify/jobs/{jobName}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String editJob(ModelMap model, @RequestParam(value = "jobName") String[] jobNames, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String XMLFileContents, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") MultipartFile jobFile, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") MultipartFile depFile, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") String identifier) throws Exception { List<String> jobNameList = Arrays.asList(jobNames); //FOr getter methods, such as getJobdependency, any of the jobNames among the list would do String jobName = jobNameList.get(0); //Button 1: Upload XML if (identifier.equals("Upload file")) { String jobFileName = jobFile.getOriginalFilename(); //Check if file is empty or doesn't have an extension if (jobFile.isEmpty() || (jobFileName.lastIndexOf('.') < 0)) { model.addAttribute("XMLFileError", "File is Empty or invalid. Only .xml files can be uploaded"); } else if (!jobFileName.substring(jobFileName.lastIndexOf('.')).equals(".xml")) {//Check if file is .xml model.addAttribute("XMLFileError", "Only .xml files can be uploaded"); } else { //Read file to view byte[] buffer = jobFile.getBytes(); XMLFileContents = new String(buffer); model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", XMLFileContents); } } else if (identifier.equals("Upload dependency")) { //Button 2: Upload dependencies String depFileName = depFile.getOriginalFilename(); if (depFile.isEmpty() || (depFileName.lastIndexOf('.') < 0)) { model.addAttribute("DepFileError", "File is Empty or invalid. Only .jar files can be uploaded"); } else if (!depFileName.substring(depFileName.lastIndexOf('.')).equals(".jar")) { //Check if file is valid model.addAttribute("DepFileError", "Only .jar files can be uploaded"); } else {//Move uploaded file //Check if file hasn't been added already if (jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName) != null && jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName).contains(depFileName)) { model.addAttribute("DepFileError", "The filename is already added. Overwriting"); } jobConfigService.addJobDependency(jobNameList, depFile.getOriginalFilename(), depFile.getBytes()); } } else { //Button 3: Save. Overwrite the modified XML File"Request to deploy jobConfig file for: " + jobNameList); try { //Set XML File this.jobConfigService.setJobConfig(jobNameList, new ByteArrayResource(XMLFileContents.getBytes())); this.jobConfigService.deployJob(jobNameList); } catch (Exception e) {"Error while deploying job", e); //View: Add Error and rest of the attributes //Get stacktrace as string StringWriter errors = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)); model.addAttribute("LoadingError", errors.toString()); if (errors.toString() == null) { model.addAttribute("LoadingError", "Unexpected error"); } model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", XMLFileContents.trim()); model.addAttribute("jobName", jobNameList); if (jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName) != null) { model.addAttribute("dependencies", jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName)); } model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", XMLFileContents.trim()); //Redirect return "configuration/modify/jobs/job"; } //Loading worked. Deploy to all hosts if (this.jobConfigService.getSyncService() != null) this.jobConfigService.getSyncService().deployJobToAllHosts(jobName); //Redirect to job configuration page. Load the view details model.addAttribute("SuccessMessage", "The job was successfully deployed!"); model.addAttribute("jobName", jobName); //Push jobs to all servers if (jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName) != null) { model.addAttribute("dependencies", jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName)); } model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", XMLFileContents.trim()); String jobDirectory = this.jobConfigService.getJobStoreURI(jobName).getPath(); model.addAttribute("JobDirectoryName", jobDirectory.substring(jobDirectory.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "/lib"); return "configuration/jobs/job"; } //Update the view model.addAttribute("jobName", jobNameList); if (jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName) != null) { model.addAttribute("dependencies", jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName)); } model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", XMLFileContents); //Redirect to modify page return "configuration/modify/jobs/job"; } /** * Displays a read only version of job configuration * This method gets the XMLFile, Dependencies from jobService and displays it. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/configuration/jobs/{jobName}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String viewConfigDetails(ModelMap model, @ModelAttribute("jobName") String jobName, Errors errors, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int startJobInstance, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "20") int pageSize) throws IOException { //Adding jobName to view jobName = jobName.substring(jobName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); model.addAttribute("jobName", jobName); //Adding XMLFileContents & dependencies to view String XMLFileContents = ConfigFileUtils.getContents(this.jobConfigService.getJobConfig(jobName)); model.addAttribute("XMLFileName", this.jobConfigService.getJobConfig(jobName).getFilename()); model.addAttribute("XMLFileContents", XMLFileContents); String jobDirectory = this.jobConfigService.getJobStoreURI(jobName).getPath(); model.addAttribute("JobDirectoryName", jobDirectory.substring(jobDirectory.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "/lib"); //if job has dependencies if (this.jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName) != null) { model.addAttribute("dependencies", this.jobConfigService.getJobDependencyList(jobName)); } return "configuration/jobs/job"; } }