Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2008 Devin Weaver * Licensed under the Educational Community License version 1.0 * See the file COPYING with this distrobution for details. */ package org.tritarget.client; // Imports {{{ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; // }}} /** * Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>. */ public class CipherEncoder implements EntryPoint, ChangeListener, ClickListener { // Constants public static final String APP_NAME = "Cipher Encoder"; public static final String APP_VERSION = "0.4"; // Private fields {{{ private TextBox key1; private TextBox key2; private TextArea text; private TextArea output; private RadioButton[] cipher_choice; private Button encode_btn; private Button decode_btn; private VerticalPanel debug_panel; private TabPanel main_tab_panel; // }}} /** * This is the entry point method. */ // onModuleLoad() {{{ public void onModuleLoad() { int tab_index = 1; // Setup debug panel {{{2 this.debug_panel = new VerticalPanel(); // Setup the main panel. {{{2 debug("Initializing main panel."); VerticalPanel main_panel = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel top_panel = new HorizontalPanel(); VerticalPanel chooser_panel = new VerticalPanel(); VerticalPanel keys_panel = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel buttons_panel = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel text_panel = new HorizontalPanel(); DisclosurePanel disclose_panel = new DisclosurePanel("Debug Console"); disclose_panel.add(this.debug_panel); // Setup the key entries {{{2 debug("Initializing key entry panel."); this.key1 = new TextBox(); this.key1.addChangeListener(this); this.key1.setTabIndex(tab_index++); this.key2 = new TextBox(); this.key2.addChangeListener(this); this.key2.setTabIndex(tab_index++); keys_panel.add(new Label("First Key:")); keys_panel.add(key1); keys_panel.add(new Label("Second Key:")); keys_panel.add(key2); top_panel.add(keys_panel); // Setup the cipher chooser. {{{2 debug("Initializing cipher chooser panel."); chooser_panel.add(new Label("Choose Cipher:")); this.cipher_choice = new RadioButton[4]; this.cipher_choice[0] = new RadioButton("cipher_choice_group", "Double Box Playfair"); this.cipher_choice[1] = new RadioButton("cipher_choice_group", "Double Transposition"); this.cipher_choice[2] = new RadioButton("cipher_choice_group", "Both"); this.cipher_choice[3] = new RadioButton("cipher_choice_group", "Rot13"); for (int i = 0; i < this.cipher_choice.length; i++) { this.cipher_choice[i].setTabIndex(-1); this.cipher_choice[i].addClickListener(this); chooser_panel.add(this.cipher_choice[i]); } this.cipher_choice[2].setChecked(true); top_panel.add(chooser_panel); // Setup the Text input and output box {{{2 debug("Initializing text area panels."); this.text = new TextArea(); this.text.setCharacterWidth(40); this.text.setVisibleLines(5); this.text.addChangeListener(this); this.text.setTabIndex(tab_index++); this.output = new TextArea(); this.output.setCharacterWidth(40); this.output.setVisibleLines(5); this.output.setTabIndex(-1); this.output.setReadOnly(true); this.output.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { TextArea ta = (TextArea) sender; ta.setSelectionRange(0, ta.getText().length()); } }); VerticalPanel left_text_panel = new VerticalPanel(); left_text_panel.add(new Label("Enter text to encode/decode:")); left_text_panel.add(this.text); text_panel.add(left_text_panel); VerticalPanel right_text_panel = new VerticalPanel(); right_text_panel.add(new Label("Result:")); right_text_panel.add(this.output); Button copy_btn = new Button("Use as new text"); copy_btn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { CipherEncoder.this.text.setText(CipherEncoder.this.output.getText()); CipherEncoder.this.output.setText(""); } }); right_text_panel.add(copy_btn); right_text_panel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(copy_btn, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); text_panel.add(right_text_panel); // Setup the buttons panel {{{2 debug("Initializing button panel."); this.encode_btn = new Button("Encode"); this.encode_btn.setEnabled(false); this.encode_btn.setTabIndex(tab_index++); this.encode_btn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { CipherEncoder.this.encode(); } }); this.decode_btn = new Button("Decode"); this.decode_btn.setEnabled(false); this.decode_btn.setTabIndex(tab_index++); this.decode_btn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { CipherEncoder.this.decode(); } }); buttons_panel.add(this.encode_btn); buttons_panel.add(new Label("<-->")); buttons_panel.add(this.decode_btn); // Setup tabs {{{2 debug("Initializing main tab panel"); this.main_tab_panel = new TabPanel(); this.main_tab_panel.add(main_panel, "Main"); this.main_tab_panel.add(AboutBox.getHtml(), "About"); this.main_tab_panel.selectTab(0); // Setting style classes. {{{2 debug("Stylizing panels"); main_panel.addStyleName("main-panel"); top_panel.addStyleName("top-panel"); keys_panel.addStyleName("keys-panel"); chooser_panel.addStyleName("chooser-panel"); buttons_panel.addStyleName("buttons-panel"); text_panel.addStyleName("text-panel"); disclose_panel.addStyleName("disclose-panel"); this.main_tab_panel.addStyleName("main-tab-panel"); this.text.addStyleDependentName("input"); this.output.addStyleDependentName("output"); // Add panels to main container {{{2 debug("Rendering."); main_panel.add(InstructionBox.getHtml()); main_panel.add(top_panel); main_panel.add(buttons_panel); main_panel.add(text_panel); main_panel.add(disclose_panel); // Add main panel to the root {{{2 RootPanel.get().add(this.main_tab_panel); RootPanel.get("loading").setVisible(false); this.key1.setFocus(true); debug("Application ready."); } // }}}1 /** * Runs the encoding logic. */ // encode() {{{ public void encode() { debugClear(); String output = ""; String input = this.text.getText(); int choice; for (choice = 0; choice < this.cipher_choice.length; choice++) { if (this.cipher_choice[choice].isChecked()) { // Offset found. End loop. break; } } // Double Box Playfair if (choice == 0 || choice == 2) { DoublePlayfairCipher dpc = new DoublePlayfairCipher(this.key1.getText(), this.key2.getText()); debug("Executing DoublePlayfairCipher"); debugFixed(dpc.toString()); output = dpc.encode(input); debug("Result: " + output); } if (choice == 2) { input = output; } // Double Transposition if (choice == 1 | choice == 2) { TranspositionCipher tc = new TranspositionCipher(this.key1.getText()); debug("Executing first TranspositionCipher"); debugFixed(tc.toString()); output = tc.encode(input); debug("Result: " + output); tc = new TranspositionCipher(this.key2.getText()); debug("Executing second TranspositionCipher"); debugFixed(tc.toString()); output = tc.encode(output); debug("Result: " + output); } // Rot13 if (choice == 3) { output = Rot13.encode(input); debug("Rot13 result: " + output); } this.output.setText(output); } // }}} /** * Runs the decoding logic. */ // decode() {{{ public void decode() { debugClear(); String output = ""; String input = this.text.getText(); int choice; for (choice = 0; choice < this.cipher_choice.length; choice++) { if (this.cipher_choice[choice].isChecked()) { // Offset found. End loop. break; } } // Double Transposition if (choice == 1 | choice == 2) { TranspositionCipher tc = new TranspositionCipher(this.key2.getText()); debug("Executing second TranspositionCipher"); debugFixed(tc.toString()); output = tc.decode(input); debug("Result: " + output); tc = new TranspositionCipher(this.key1.getText()); debug("Executing first TranspositionCipher"); debugFixed(tc.toString()); output = tc.decode(output); debug("Result: " + output); } if (choice == 2) { input = output; } // Double Box Playfair if (choice == 0 || choice == 2) { DoublePlayfairCipher dpc = new DoublePlayfairCipher(this.key1.getText(), this.key2.getText()); debug("Executing DoublePlayfairCipher"); debugFixed(dpc.toString()); output = dpc.decode(input); debug("Result: " + output); } // Rot13 if (choice == 3) { output = Rot13.encode(input); debug("Rot13 result: " + output); } this.output.setText(output); } // }}} /** * Checks field verification when a radio button is clicked. * @param sender the widget that triggered the event. */ // onClick(Widget) {{{ public void onClick(Widget sender) { this.verification(); } // }}} /** * Checks field verification when a text box changes. * @param sender the widget that triggered the event. */ // onChange(Widget) {{{ public void onChange(Widget sender) { this.verification(); } // }}} /** * Validates the fields and enable/disables the buttons. */ // verification() {{{ private void verification() { // TODO: disale text entry depending. if (this.cipher_choice[3].isChecked()) { this.key1.setEnabled(false); this.key2.setEnabled(false); this.encode_btn.setEnabled(true); this.decode_btn.setEnabled(true); } else { this.key1.setEnabled(true); this.key2.setEnabled(true); if (this.key1.getText().length() > 0 && this.key2.getText().length() > 0) { this.encode_btn.setEnabled(true); this.decode_btn.setEnabled(true); } else { this.encode_btn.setEnabled(false); this.decode_btn.setEnabled(false); } } } // }}} /** * Add text to the debug console. * @param text the text to add to the debug console. */ // debug(String) {{{ public void debug(String text) { this.debug_panel.add(new Label(text)); } // }}} /** * Clear the debug console. */ // debugClear() {{{ public void debugClear() { this.debug_panel.clear(); } // }}} /** * Add HTML to the debug console. * @param text the text to add to the debug console. */ // debugHtml(String) {{{ public void debugHtml(String text) { this.debug_panel.add(new HTML(text)); } // }}} /** * Add text pre formatted to the debug console. * @param text the text to add to the debug console. */ // debugFixed(String) {{{ public void debugFixed(String text) { this.debug_panel.add(new HTML("<pre>" + text + "</pre>")); } // }}} } /* vim:set et sw=4 fdm=marker: */