Java tutorial
// @@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@ // // (C) Copyright 2013-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@ package org.trafodion.dtm; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TransactionManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TransactionState; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.CommitUnsuccessfulException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.UnsuccessfulDDLException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.UnknownTransactionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.HBaseBackedTransactionLogger; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TransactionRegionLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TransState; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TransReturnCode; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TransactionMap; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TransactionalReturn; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.transactional.TmDDL; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.trafodion.dtm.HBaseTmZK; import org.trafodion.dtm.TmAuditTlog; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.transactional.IdTm; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.transactional.IdTmException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.transactional.IdTmId; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class HBaseTxClient { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HBaseTxClient.class); private static TmAuditTlog tLog; private static HBaseTmZK tmZK; private static RecoveryThread recovThread; private static TmDDL tmDDL; private short dtmID; private int stallWhere; private IdTm idServer; private static final int ID_TM_SERVER_TIMEOUT = 1000; public enum AlgorithmType { MVCC, SSCC } public AlgorithmType TRANSACTION_ALGORITHM; boolean useTlog; boolean useForgotten; boolean forceForgotten; boolean useRecovThread; boolean useDDLTrans; private static Configuration config; TransactionManager trxManager; static Map<Long, TransactionState> mapTransactionStates = TransactionMap.getInstance(); Map<Integer, RecoveryThread> mapRecoveryThreads = new HashMap<Integer, org.trafodion.dtm.HBaseTxClient.RecoveryThread>(); static final Object mapLock = new Object(); void setupLog4j() { //System.out.println("In setupLog4J"); System.setProperty("trafodion.root", System.getenv("MY_SQROOT")); String confFile = System.getenv("MY_SQROOT") + "/conf/log4j.dtm.config"; PropertyConfigurator.configure(confFile); } public boolean init(String hBasePath, String zkServers, String zkPort) throws Exception { //System.out.println("In init - hbp"); setupLog4j(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enter init, hBasePath:" + hBasePath); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("mapTransactionStates " + mapTransactionStates + " entries " + mapTransactionStates.size()); config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); config.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", zkServers); config.set("", zkPort); config.set("hbase.rootdir", hBasePath); config.set("dtmid", "0"); this.dtmID = 0; this.useRecovThread = false; this.stallWhere = 0; useForgotten = true; try { String useAuditRecords = System.getenv("TM_ENABLE_FORGOTTEN_RECORDS"); if (useAuditRecords != null) { useForgotten = (Integer.parseInt(useAuditRecords) != 0); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TM_ENABLE_FORGOTTEN_RECORDS is not in ms.env"); }"useForgotten is " + useForgotten); forceForgotten = false; try { String forgottenForce = System.getenv("TM_TLOG_FORCE_FORGOTTEN"); if (forgottenForce != null) { forceForgotten = (Integer.parseInt(forgottenForce) != 0); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("forgottenForce != null"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TM_TLOG_FORCE_FORGOTTEN is not in ms.env"); }"forceForgotten is " + forceForgotten); useTlog = false; useRecovThread = false; try { String useAudit = System.getenv("TM_ENABLE_TLOG_WRITES"); if (useAudit != null) { useTlog = useRecovThread = (Integer.parseInt(useAudit) != 0); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TM_ENABLE_TLOG_WRITES is not in ms.env"); } if (useTlog) { try { tLog = new TmAuditTlog(config); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to create TmAuditTlog, throwing exception"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } try { trxManager = TransactionManager.getInstance(config); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to create TransactionManager, throwing exception"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (useRecovThread) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Starting recovery thread for tm ID: " + dtmID); try { tmZK = new HBaseTmZK(config, dtmID); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to create HBaseTmZK TM-zookeeper class, throwing exception"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } recovThread = new RecoveryThread(tLog, tmZK, trxManager); recovThread.start(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Exit init(String, String, String)"); return true; } public boolean init(short dtmid) throws Exception { //System.out.println("In init - dtmId" + dtmid); setupLog4j(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enter init(" + dtmid + ")"); config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); config.set("hbase.hregion.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.transactional.TransactionalRegion"); config.set("hbase.hlog.splitter.impl", "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.transactional.THLogSplitter"); config.set("dtmid", String.valueOf(dtmid)); config.set("CONTROL_POINT_TABLE_NAME", "TRAFODION._DTM_.TLOG" + String.valueOf(dtmid) + "_CONTROL_POINT"); config.set("TLOG_TABLE_NAME", "TRAFODION._DTM_.TLOG" + String.valueOf(dtmid)); this.dtmID = dtmid; this.useRecovThread = false; this.stallWhere = 0; this.useDDLTrans = false; String useSSCC = System.getenv("TM_USE_SSCC"); TRANSACTION_ALGORITHM = AlgorithmType.MVCC; if (useSSCC != null) TRANSACTION_ALGORITHM = (Integer.parseInt(useSSCC) == 1) ? AlgorithmType.SSCC : AlgorithmType.MVCC; try { idServer = new IdTm(false); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception creating new IdTm: " + e); } try { String useDDLTransactions = System.getenv("TM_ENABLE_DDL_TRANS"); if (useDDLTransactions != null) { useDDLTrans = (Integer.parseInt(useDDLTransactions) != 0); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TM_ENABLE_DDL_TRANS is not in ms.env"); } if (useDDLTrans) { try { tmDDL = new TmDDL(config); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to create TmDDL, throwing exception " + e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } useForgotten = true; try { String useAuditRecords = System.getenv("TM_ENABLE_FORGOTTEN_RECORDS"); if (useAuditRecords != null) { useForgotten = (Integer.parseInt(useAuditRecords) != 0); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TM_ENABLE_FORGOTTEN_RECORDS is not in ms.env"); }"useForgotten is " + useForgotten); forceForgotten = false; try { String forgottenForce = System.getenv("TM_TLOG_FORCE_FORGOTTEN"); if (forgottenForce != null) { forceForgotten = (Integer.parseInt(forgottenForce) != 0); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("forgottenForce != null"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TM_TLOG_FORCE_FORGOTTEN is not in ms.env"); }"forceForgotten is " + forceForgotten); useTlog = false; useRecovThread = false; try { String useAudit = System.getenv("TM_ENABLE_TLOG_WRITES"); if (useAudit != null) { useTlog = useRecovThread = (Integer.parseInt(useAudit) != 0); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TM_ENABLE_TLOG_WRITES is not in ms.env"); } if (useTlog) { try { tLog = new TmAuditTlog(config); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to create TmAuditTlog, throwing exception " + e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } try { trxManager = TransactionManager.getInstance(config); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to create TransactionManager, Exception: " + e + "throwing new RuntimeException"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (useDDLTrans) trxManager.init(tmDDL); if (useRecovThread) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering recovThread Usage"); try { tmZK = new HBaseTmZK(config, dtmID); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to create HBaseTmZK TM-zookeeper class, throwing exception"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } recovThread = new RecoveryThread(tLog, tmZK, trxManager, this, useForgotten, forceForgotten, useTlog); recovThread.start(); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Exit init()"); return true; } public TmDDL getTmDDL() { return tmDDL; } public void nodeDown(int nodeID) throws IOException { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("nodeDown -- ENTRY node ID: " + nodeID); RecoveryThread newRecovThread; if (dtmID == nodeID) throw new IOException("Down node ID is the same as current dtmID, Incorrect parameter"); try { if (mapRecoveryThreads.containsKey(nodeID)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "nodeDown called on a node that already has RecoveryThread running node ID: " + nodeID); } else { newRecovThread = new RecoveryThread(tLog, new HBaseTmZK(config, (short) nodeID), trxManager, this, useForgotten, forceForgotten, useTlog); newRecovThread.start(); mapRecoveryThreads.put(nodeID, recovThread); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("nodeDown -- mapRecoveryThreads size: " + mapRecoveryThreads.size()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to create rescue recovery thread for TM" + dtmID); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("nodeDown -- EXIT node ID: " + nodeID); } public void nodeUp(int nodeID) throws IOException { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("nodeUp -- ENTRY node ID: " + nodeID); RecoveryThread rt = mapRecoveryThreads.get(nodeID); if (rt == null) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) LOG.warn("nodeUp called on a node that has RecoveryThread removed already, node ID: " + nodeID); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("nodeUp -- EXIT node ID: " + nodeID); return; } rt.stopThread(); try { rt.join(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Problem while waiting for the recovery thread to stop for node ID: " + nodeID); } mapRecoveryThreads.remove(nodeID); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("nodeUp -- mapRecoveryThreads size: " + mapRecoveryThreads.size()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("nodeUp -- EXIT node ID: " + nodeID); } public short stall(int where) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering stall with parameter " + where); this.stallWhere = where; return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public long beginTransaction(final long transactionId) throws Exception { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Enter beginTransaction, txid: " + transactionId); TransactionState tx = trxManager.beginTransaction(transactionId); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:beginTransaction new transactionState created: " + tx); if (tx == null) { LOG.error("null Transaction State returned by the Transaction Manager, txid: " + transactionId); throw new Exception("TransactionState is null"); } synchronized (mapLock) { TransactionState tx2 = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (tx2 != null) { // Some other thread added the transaction while we were creating one. It's already in the // map, so we can use the existing one. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "HBaseTxClient:beginTransaction, found TransactionState object while creating a new one " + tx2); tx = tx2; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("HBaseTxClient:beginTransaction, adding new TransactionState to map " + tx); mapTransactionStates.put(transactionId, tx); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Exit beginTransaction, Transaction State: " + tx + " mapsize: " + mapTransactionStates.size()); return transactionId; } public short abortTransaction(final long transactionID) throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enter abortTransaction, txid: " + transactionID); TransactionState ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionID); if (ts == null) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:abortTransaction, txid: " + transactionID + " retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.toString()); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort(); } try { ts.setStatus(TransState.STATE_ABORTED); if (useTlog) { tLog.putSingleRecord(transactionID, "ABORTED", ts.getParticipatingRegions(), false); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:abortTransaction, txid: " + transactionID + " tLog.putRecord: EXCEPTION"); return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } if ((stallWhere == 1) || (stallWhere == 3)) {"Stalling in phase 2 for abortTransaction"); Thread.sleep(300000); // Initially set to run every 5 min } try { trxManager.abort(ts); } catch (IOException e) { synchronized (mapLock) { mapTransactionStates.remove(transactionID); } LOG.error( "Returning from HBaseTxClient:abortTransaction, txid: " + transactionID + " retval: EXCEPTION"); return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } catch (UnsuccessfulDDLException ddle) { LOG.error("FATAL DDL Exception from HBaseTxClient:abort, WAITING INDEFINETLY !! retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " UnsuccessfulDDLException" + " txid: " + transactionID); //Reaching here means several attempts to perform the DDL operation has failed in abort phase. //Generally if only DML operation is involved, returning error causes TM to call completeRequest() //which causes a hang(abort work is outstanding forever) due to doAbortX thread holding the //commitSendLock (since doAbortX raised an exception and exited without clearing the commitSendLock count). //In the case of DDL exception, no doAbortX thread is involved and commitSendLock is not held. Hence to mimic //the same hang behaviour, the current worker thread will be put to wait indefinitely for user intervention. //Long Term solution to this behaviour is currently TODO. Object commitDDLLock = new Object(); synchronized (commitDDLLock) { commitDDLLock.wait(); } return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } if (useTlog && useForgotten) { if (forceForgotten) { tLog.putSingleRecord(transactionID, "FORGOTTEN", null, true); } else { tLog.putSingleRecord(transactionID, "FORGOTTEN", null, false); } } // mapTransactionStates.remove(transactionID); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Exit abortTransaction, retval: OK txid: " + transactionID + " mapsize: " + mapTransactionStates.size()); return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public short prepareCommit(long transactionId) throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enter prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("mapTransactionStates " + mapTransactionStates + " entries " + mapTransactionStates.size()); TransactionState ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId + " retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.toString()); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort(); } try { short result = (short) trxManager.prepareCommit(ts); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("prepareCommit, [ " + ts + " ], result " + result + ((result == TransactionalReturn.COMMIT_OK_READ_ONLY) ? ", Read-Only" : "")); switch (result) { case TransactionalReturn.COMMIT_OK: if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Exit OK prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); case TransactionalReturn.COMMIT_OK_READ_ONLY: synchronized (mapLock) { mapTransactionStates.remove(transactionId); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Exit OK_READ_ONLY prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_READONLY.getShort(); case TransactionalReturn.COMMIT_UNSUCCESSFUL:"Exit RET_EXCEPTION prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); case TransactionalReturn.COMMIT_CONFLICT:"Exit RET_HASCONFLICT prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_HASCONFLICT.getShort(); default:"Exit default RET_EXCEPTION prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId + " retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_IOEXCEPTION.toString() + " IOException"); return TransReturnCode.RET_IOEXCEPTION.getShort(); } catch (CommitUnsuccessfulException e) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId + " retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOCOMMITEX.toString() + " CommitUnsuccessfulException"); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOCOMMITEX.getShort(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:prepareCommit, txid: " + transactionId + " retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOCOMMITEX.toString() + " Exception " + e); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOCOMMITEX.getShort(); } } public short doCommit(long transactionId) throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enter doCommit, txid: " + transactionId); TransactionState ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:doCommit, (null tx) retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort(); } // Set the commitId IdTmId commitId = null; if (TRANSACTION_ALGORITHM == AlgorithmType.SSCC) { try { commitId = new IdTmId(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("doCommit getting new commitId");, commitId); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("doCommit returned: " + commitId.val); } catch (IdTmException exc) { LOG.error("doCommit: IdTm threw exception " + exc); throw new CommitUnsuccessfulException("doCommit: IdTm threw exception " + exc); } } final long commitIdVal = (TRANSACTION_ALGORITHM == AlgorithmType.SSCC) ? commitId.val : -1; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("doCommit setting commitId (" + commitIdVal + ") for tx: " + ts.getTransactionId()); ts.setCommitId(commitIdVal); try { ts.setStatus(TransState.STATE_COMMITTED); if (useTlog) { tLog.putSingleRecord(transactionId, "COMMITTED", ts.getParticipatingRegions(), true); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:doCommit, txid: " + transactionId + " tLog.putRecord: EXCEPTION " + e); return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } if ((stallWhere == 2) || (stallWhere == 3)) {"Stalling in phase 2 for doCommit"); Thread.sleep(300000); // Initially set to run every 5 min } try { trxManager.doCommit(ts); } catch (CommitUnsuccessfulException e) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:doCommit, retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " IOException" + " txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } catch (UnsuccessfulDDLException ddle) { LOG.error("FATAL DDL Exception from HBaseTxClient:doCommit, WAITING INDEFINETLY !! retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " UnsuccessfulDDLException" + " txid: " + transactionId); //Reaching here means several attempts to perform the DDL operation has failed in commit phase. //Generally if only DML operation is involved, returning error causes TM to call completeRequest() //which causes a hang(commit work is outstanding forever) due to doCommitX thread holding the //commitSendLock (since doCommitX raised an exception and exited without clearing the commitSendLock count). //In the case of DDL exception, no doCommitX thread is involved and commitSendLock is not held. Hence to mimic //the same hang behaviour, the current worker thread will be put to wait indefinitely for user intervention. //Long Term solution to this behaviour is currently TODO. Object commitDDLLock = new Object(); synchronized (commitDDLLock) { commitDDLLock.wait(); } return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } if (useTlog && useForgotten) { if (forceForgotten) { tLog.putSingleRecord(transactionId, "FORGOTTEN", null, true); } else { tLog.putSingleRecord(transactionId, "FORGOTTEN", null, false); } } // mapTransactionStates.remove(transactionId); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Exit doCommit, retval(ok): " + TransReturnCode.RET_OK.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId + " mapsize: " + mapTransactionStates.size()); return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public short completeRequest(long transactionId) throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enter completeRequest, txid: " + transactionId); TransactionState ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:completeRequest, (null tx) retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort(); } try { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("TEMP completeRequest Calling CompleteRequest() Txid :" + transactionId); ts.completeRequest(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:completeRequest, ts.completeRequest: txid: " + transactionId + ", EXCEPTION: " + e); throw new Exception("Exception during completeRequest, unable to commit. Exception: " + e); } synchronized (mapLock) { mapTransactionStates.remove(transactionId); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Exit completeRequest txid: " + transactionId + " mapsize: " + mapTransactionStates.size()); return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public short tryCommit(long transactionId) throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enter tryCommit, txid: " + transactionId); short err, commitErr, abortErr = TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); try { err = prepareCommit(transactionId); if (err != TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("tryCommit prepare failed with error " + err); return err; } commitErr = doCommit(transactionId); if (commitErr != TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort()) { abortErr = abortTransaction(transactionId); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("tryCommit commit failed and was aborted. Commit error " + commitErr + ", Abort error " + abortErr); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("TEMP tryCommit Calling CompleteRequest() Txid :" + transactionId); err = completeRequest(transactionId); if (err != TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort()) if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("tryCommit completeRequest failed with error " + err); } catch (Exception e) { mapTransactionStates.remove(transactionId); LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:tryCommit, ts: EXCEPTION" + " txid: " + transactionId); throw new Exception("Exception " + e + "during tryCommit, unable to commit."); } synchronized (mapLock) { mapTransactionStates.remove(transactionId); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Exit completeRequest txid: " + transactionId + " mapsize: " + mapTransactionStates.size()); return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public short callCreateTable(long transactionId, byte[] pv_htbldesc, Object[] beginEndKeys) throws Exception { TransactionState ts; HTableDescriptor htdesc; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Enter callCreateTable, txid: [" + transactionId + "], htbldesc bytearray: " + pv_htbldesc + "desc in hex: " + Hex.encodeHexString(pv_htbldesc)); ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:callCreateTable, (null tx) retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort() + " txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort(); } try { htdesc = HTableDescriptor.parseFrom(pv_htbldesc); } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callCreateTable exception in htdesc parseFrom, retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId + " DeserializationException: " + e); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); LOG.error(sw.toString()); throw new Exception( "DeserializationException in callCreateTable parseFrom, unable to send callCreateTable"); } try { trxManager.createTable(ts, htdesc, beginEndKeys); } catch (Exception cte) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callCreateTable exception trxManager.createTable, retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId + " Exception: " + cte); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); cte.printStackTrace(pw); LOG.error("HBaseTxClient createTable call error: " + sw.toString()); throw new Exception("createTable call error"); } return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public short callRegisterTruncateOnAbort(long transactionId, byte[] pv_tblname) throws Exception { TransactionState ts; String strTblName = new String(pv_tblname, "UTF-8"); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace( "Enter callRegisterTruncateOnAbort, txid: [" + transactionId + "], tablename: " + strTblName); ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:callRegisterTruncateOnAbort, (null tx) retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort() + " txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort(); } try { trxManager.registerTruncateOnAbort(ts, strTblName); } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace( "HBaseTxClient:callRegisterTruncateOnAbort exception trxManager.registerTruncateOnAbort, retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId + " Exception: " + e); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); String msg = "HBaseTxClient registerTruncateOnAbort call error "; LOG.error(msg + " : " + sw.toString()); throw new Exception(msg); } return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public short callDropTable(long transactionId, byte[] pv_tblname) throws Exception { TransactionState ts; String strTblName = new String(pv_tblname, "UTF-8"); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Enter callDropTable, txid: [" + transactionId + "], tablename: " + strTblName); ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { LOG.error("Returning from HBaseTxClient:callDropTable, (null tx) retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort() + " txid: " + transactionId); return TransReturnCode.RET_NOTX.getShort(); } try { trxManager.dropTable(ts, strTblName); } catch (Exception cte) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callDropTable exception trxManager.dropTable, retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId + " Exception: " + cte); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); cte.printStackTrace(pw); LOG.error("HBaseTxClient dropTable call error: " + sw.toString()); } return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public short callRegisterRegion(long transactionId, long startId, int pv_port, byte[] pv_hostname, long pv_startcode, byte[] pv_regionInfo) throws Exception { String hostname = new String(pv_hostname); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Enter callRegisterRegion, txid: [" + transactionId + "], startId: " + startId + ", port: " + pv_port + ", hostname: " + hostname + ", reg info len: " + pv_regionInfo.length + " " + new String(pv_regionInfo, "UTF-8")); HRegionInfo lv_regionInfo; try { lv_regionInfo = HRegionInfo.parseFrom(pv_regionInfo); } catch (Exception de) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callRegisterRegion exception in lv_regionInfo parseFrom, retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " txid: " + transactionId + " DeserializationException: " + de); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); de.printStackTrace(pw); LOG.error(sw.toString()); throw new Exception("DeserializationException in lv_regionInfo parseFrom, unable to register region"); } // TODO Not in CDH 5.1 ServerName lv_servername = ServerName.valueOf(hostname, pv_port, pv_startcode); String lv_hostname_port_string = hostname + ":" + pv_port; String lv_servername_string = ServerName.getServerName(lv_hostname_port_string, pv_startcode); ServerName lv_servername = ServerName.parseServerName(lv_servername_string); TransactionRegionLocation regionLocation = new TransactionRegionLocation(lv_regionInfo, lv_servername); String regionTableName = regionLocation.getRegionInfo().getTable().getNameAsString(); TransactionState ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callRegisterRegion transactionId (" + transactionId + ") not found in mapTransactionStates of size: " + mapTransactionStates.size()); try { ts = trxManager.beginTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IdTmException exc) { LOG.error("HBaseTxClient: beginTransaction for tx (" + transactionId + ") caught exception " + exc); throw new IdTmException( "HBaseTxClient: beginTransaction for tx (" + transactionId + ") caught exception " + exc); } synchronized (mapLock) { TransactionState ts2 = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts2 != null) { // Some other thread added the transaction while we were creating one. It's already in the // map, so we can use the existing one. if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace( "HBaseTxClient:callRegisterRegion, found TransactionState object while creating a new one " + ts2); ts = ts2; } else { ts.setStartId(startId); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callRegisterRegion new transactionState created: " + ts); } } // end synchronized } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callRegisterRegion existing transactionState found: " + ts); if (ts.getStartId() == -1) { ts.setStartId(startId); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient:callRegisterRegion reset startId for transactionState: " + ts); } } try { trxManager.registerRegion(ts, regionLocation); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("HBaseTxClient:callRegisterRegion exception in registerRegion call, txid: " + transactionId + " retval: " + TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.toString() + " IOException " + e); return TransReturnCode.RET_EXCEPTION.getShort(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("RegisterRegion adding table name " + regionTableName); ts.addTableName(regionTableName); // Removing unnecessary put back into the map // mapTransactionStates.put(ts.getTransactionId(), ts); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Exit callRegisterRegion, txid: [" + transactionId + "] with mapsize: " + mapTransactionStates.size()); return TransReturnCode.RET_OK.getShort(); } public int participatingRegions(long transactionId) throws Exception { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Enter participatingRegions, txid: " + transactionId); TransactionState ts = mapTransactionStates.get(transactionId); if (ts == null) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Returning from HBaseTxClient:participatingRegions, txid: " + transactionId + " not found returning: 0"); return 0; } int participants = ts.getParticipantCount() - ts.getRegionsToIgnoreCount(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace( "Exit participatingRegions , txid: [" + transactionId + "] " + participants + " participants"); return (ts.getParticipantCount() - ts.getRegionsToIgnoreCount()); } public long addControlPoint() throws Exception { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Enter addControlPoint"); long result = 0L; try { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient calling tLog.addControlPoint with mapsize " + mapTransactionStates.size()); result = tLog.addControlPoint(mapTransactionStates); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("addControlPoint IOException " + e); throw e; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Exit addControlPoint, returning: " + result); return result; } /** * Thread to gather recovery information for regions that need to be recovered */ private static class RecoveryThread extends Thread { final int SLEEP_DELAY = 10000; // Initially set to run every 10sec private TmAuditTlog audit; private HBaseTmZK zookeeper; private TransactionManager txnManager; private short tmID; private Set<Long> inDoubtList; private boolean continueThread = true; private int recoveryIterations = -1; private int retryCount = 0; private boolean useForgotten; private boolean forceForgotten; private boolean useTlog; HBaseTxClient hbtx; public RecoveryThread(TmAuditTlog audit, HBaseTmZK zookeeper, TransactionManager txnManager, HBaseTxClient hbtx, boolean useForgotten, boolean forceForgotten, boolean useTlog) { this(audit, zookeeper, txnManager); this.hbtx = hbtx; this.useForgotten = useForgotten; this.forceForgotten = forceForgotten; this.useTlog = useTlog; } /** * * @param audit * @param zookeeper * @param txnManager */ public RecoveryThread(TmAuditTlog audit, HBaseTmZK zookeeper, TransactionManager txnManager) { this.audit = audit; this.zookeeper = zookeeper; this.txnManager = txnManager; this.inDoubtList = new HashSet<Long>(); this.tmID = zookeeper.getTMID(); } public void stopThread() { this.continueThread = false; } private void addRegionToTS(String hostnamePort, byte[] regionInfo, TransactionState ts) throws Exception { HRegionInfo regionInfoLoc; // = new HRegionInfo(); final byte[] delimiter = ",".getBytes(); String[] result = hostnamePort.split(new String(delimiter), 3); if (result.length < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Region array format is incorrect"); String hostname = result[0]; int port = Integer.parseInt(result[1]); try { regionInfoLoc = HRegionInfo.parseFrom(regionInfo); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to parse region byte array, " + e); throw e; } /* ByteArrayInputStream lv_bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(regionInfo); DataInputStream lv_dis = new DataInputStream(lv_bis); try { regionInfoLoc.readFields(lv_dis); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(); } */ //HBase98 TODO: need to set the value of startcode correctly //HBase98 TODO: Not in CDH 5.1: ServerName lv_servername = ServerName.valueOf(hostname, port, 0); String lv_hostname_port_string = hostname + ":" + port; String lv_servername_string = ServerName.getServerName(lv_hostname_port_string, 0); ServerName lv_servername = ServerName.parseServerName(lv_servername_string); TransactionRegionLocation loc = new TransactionRegionLocation(regionInfoLoc, lv_servername); ts.addRegion(loc); } @Override public void run() { int sleepTimeInt = 0; String sleepTime = System.getenv("TMRECOV_SLEEP"); if (sleepTime != null) sleepTimeInt = Integer.parseInt(sleepTime); while (this.continueThread) { try { Map<String, byte[]> regions = null; Map<Long, TransactionState> transactionStates = new HashMap<Long, TransactionState>(); try { regions = zookeeper.checkForRecovery(); } catch (Exception e) { if (regions != null) { // ignore no object returned by zookeeper.checkForRecovery LOG.error("An ERROR occurred while checking for regions to recover. " + "TM: " + tmID); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); LOG.error(sw.toString()); } } if (regions != null) { recoveryIterations++; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TRAF RCOV THREAD: in-doubt region size " + regions.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> regionEntry : regions.entrySet()) { List<Long> TxRecoverList = new ArrayList<Long>(); String hostnamePort = regionEntry.getKey(); byte[] regionBytes = regionEntry.getValue(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Recovery Thread Processing region: " + new String(regionBytes)); if (recoveryIterations == 0) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { // Let's get the host name final byte[] delimiter = ",".getBytes(); String[] hostname = hostnamePort.split(new String(delimiter), 3); if (hostname.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostnamePort format is incorrect"); } LOG.warn("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Starting recovery with " + regions.size() + " regions to recover. First region hostname: " + hostnamePort + " Recovery iterations: " + recoveryIterations); } } else { if (recoveryIterations % 10 == 0) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { // Let's get the host name final byte[] delimiter = ",".getBytes(); String[] hostname = hostnamePort.split(new String(delimiter), 3); if (hostname.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostnamePort format is incorrect"); } LOG.warn("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Recovery thread encountered " + regions.size() + " regions to recover. First region hostname: " + hostnamePort + " Recovery iterations: " + recoveryIterations); } } } try { TxRecoverList = txnManager.recoveryRequest(hostnamePort, regionBytes, tmID); } catch (NotServingRegionException e) { TxRecoverList = null; LOG.error( "TRAF RCOV THREAD:NotServingRegionException calling recoveryRequest. regionBytes: " + new String(regionBytes) + " TM: " + tmID + " hostnamePort: " + hostnamePort); try { // First delete the zookeeper entry LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:recoveryRequest. Deleting region entry Entry: " + regionEntry); zookeeper.deleteRegionEntry(regionEntry); } catch (Exception e2) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Error calling deleteRegionEntry. regionEntry key: " + regionEntry.getKey() + " regionEntry value: " + new String(regionEntry.getValue()) + " exception: " + e2); } try { // Create a local HTable object using the regionInfo HTable table = new HTable(config, HRegionInfo.parseFrom(regionBytes).getTable().getNameAsString()); try { // Repost a zookeeper entry for all current regions in the table zookeeper.postAllRegionEntries(table); } catch (Exception e2) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Error calling postAllRegionEntries. table: " + new String(table.getTableName()) + " exception: " + e2); } } // try catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:recoveryRequest exception in new HTable " + HRegionInfo.parseFrom(regionBytes).getTable().getNameAsString() + " Exception: " + e1); } } // NotServingRegionException catch (TableNotFoundException tnfe) { // In this case there is nothing to recover. We just need to delete the region entry. try { // First delete the zookeeper entry LOG.warn( "TRAF RCOV THREAD:TableNotFoundException calling txnManager.recoveryRequest. " + "TM: " + tmID + " regionBytes: [" + regionBytes + "]. Deleting zookeeper region entry. \n exception: " + tnfe); zookeeper.deleteRegionEntry(regionEntry); } catch (Exception e2) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Error calling deleteRegionEntry. regionEntry key: " + regionEntry.getKey() + " regionEntry value: " + new String(regionEntry.getValue()) + " exception: " + e2); } } // TableNotFoundException catch (DeserializationException de) { // We are unable to parse the region info from ZooKeeper We just need to delete the region entry. try { // First delete the zookeeper entry LOG.warn( "TRAF RCOV THREAD:DeserializationException calling txnManager.recoveryRequest. " + "TM: " + tmID + " regionBytes: [" + regionBytes + "]. Deleting zookeeper region entry. \n exception: " + de); zookeeper.deleteRegionEntry(regionEntry); } catch (Exception e2) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Error calling deleteRegionEntry. regionEntry key: " + regionEntry.getKey() + " regionEntry value: " + new String(regionEntry.getValue()) + " exception: " + e2); } } // DeserializationException catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:An ERROR occurred calling txnManager.recoveryRequest. " + "TM: " + tmID + " regionBytes: [" + regionBytes + "] exception: " + e); } if (TxRecoverList != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.trace("TRAF RCOV THREAD:size of TxRecoverList " + TxRecoverList.size()); if (TxRecoverList.size() == 0) { try { // First delete the zookeeper entry LOG.warn( "TRAF RCOV THREAD:Leftover Znode calling txnManager.recoveryRequest. " + "TM: " + tmID + " regionBytes: [" + regionBytes + "]. Deleting zookeeper region entry. "); zookeeper.deleteRegionEntry(regionEntry); } catch (Exception e2) { LOG.error( "TRAF RCOV THREAD:Error calling deleteRegionEntry. regionEntry key: " + regionEntry.getKey() + " regionEntry value: " + new String(regionEntry.getValue()) + " exception: " + e2); } } for (Long txid : TxRecoverList) { TransactionState ts = transactionStates.get(txid); if (ts == null) { ts = new TransactionState(txid); //Identify if DDL is part of this transaction and valid if (hbtx.useDDLTrans) { TmDDL tmDDL = hbtx.getTmDDL(); StringBuilder state = new StringBuilder(); try { tmDDL.getState(txid, state); } catch (Exception egetState) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Error calling TmDDL getState." + egetState); } if (state.toString().equals("VALID")) ts.setDDLTx(true); } } try { this.addRegionToTS(hostnamePort, regionBytes, ts); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "TRAF RCOV THREAD:Unable to add region to TransactionState, region info: " + new String(regionBytes)); e.printStackTrace(); } transactionStates.put(txid, ts); } } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TRAF RCOV THREAD:size od TxRecoverList is NULL "); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TRAF RCOV THREAD: in-doubt transaction size " + transactionStates.size()); for (Map.Entry<Long, TransactionState> tsEntry : transactionStates.entrySet()) { TransactionState ts = tsEntry.getValue(); Long txID = ts.getTransactionId(); // TransactionState ts = new TransactionState(txID); try { audit.getTransactionState(ts); if (ts.getStatus().equals(TransState.STATE_COMMITTED.toString())) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Redriving commit for " + txID + " number of regions " + ts.getParticipatingRegions().size() + " and tolerating UnknownTransactionExceptions"); txnManager.doCommit(ts, true /*ignore UnknownTransactionException*/); if (useTlog && useForgotten) { long nextAsn = tLog.getNextAuditSeqNum((int) (txID >> 32)); tLog.putSingleRecord(txID, "FORGOTTEN", null, forceForgotten, nextAsn); } } else if (ts.getStatus().equals(TransState.STATE_ABORTED.toString())) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Redriving abort for " + txID); txnManager.abort(ts); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Redriving abort for " + txID); LOG.warn("Recovering transaction " + txID + ", status is not set to COMMITTED or ABORTED. Aborting."); txnManager.abort(ts); } } catch (UnsuccessfulDDLException ddle) { LOG.error( "UnsuccessfulDDLException encountered by Recovery Thread. Registering for retry. txID: " + txID + "Exception " + ddle); ddle.printStackTrace(); //Note that there may not be anymore redrive triggers from region server point of view for DDL operation. //Register this DDL transaction for subsequent redrive from Audit Control Event. //TODO: Launch a new Redrive Thread out of auditControlPoint(). TmDDL tmDDL = hbtx.getTmDDL(); try { tmDDL.setState(txID, "REDRIVE"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("TRAF RCOV THREAD:Error calling TmDDL putRow Redrive" + e); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to get audit record for tx: " + txID + ", audit is throwing exception."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if (recoveryIterations > 0) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Recovery completed for TM" + tmID); } recoveryIterations = -1; } try { if (continueThread) { if (sleepTimeInt > 0) Thread.sleep(sleepTimeInt); else Thread.sleep(SLEEP_DELAY); } retryCount = 0; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error in recoveryThread: " + e); } } catch (Exception e) { int possibleRetries = 4; LOG.error("Caught recovery thread exception for tmid: " + tmID + " retries: " + retryCount); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); LOG.error(sw.toString()); retryCount++; if (retryCount > possibleRetries) { LOG.error("Recovery thread failure, aborting process"); System.exit(4); } try { Thread.sleep(SLEEP_DELAY / possibleRetries); } catch (Exception se) { LOG.error(se); } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Exiting recovery thread for tm ID: " + tmID); } } //================================================================================ // DTMCI Calls //================================================================================ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // callRequestRegionInfo // Purpose: Prepares HashMapArray class to get region information //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public HashMapArray callRequestRegionInfo() throws Exception { String tablename, encoded_region_name, region_name, is_offline, region_id, hostname, port, thn; HashMap<String, String> inMap; long lv_ret = -1; Long key; TransactionState value; int tnum = 0; // Transaction number if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient::callRequestRegionInfo:: start\n"); HashMapArray hm = new HashMapArray(); try { for (ConcurrentHashMap.Entry<Long, TransactionState> entry : mapTransactionStates.entrySet()) { key = entry.getKey(); value = entry.getValue(); long id = value.getTransactionId(); TransactionState ts = mapTransactionStates.get(id); final Set<TransactionRegionLocation> regions = ts.getParticipatingRegions(); // TableName Iterator<TransactionRegionLocation> it = regions.iterator(); tablename =; while (it.hasNext()) { tablename = tablename + ";" +; } hm.addElement(tnum, "TableName", tablename); // Encoded Region Name Iterator<TransactionRegionLocation> it2 = regions.iterator(); encoded_region_name =; while (it2.hasNext()) { encoded_region_name = encoded_region_name + ";" +; } hm.addElement(tnum, "EncodedRegionName", encoded_region_name); // Region Name Iterator<TransactionRegionLocation> it3 = regions.iterator(); region_name =; while (it3.hasNext()) { region_name = region_name + ";" +; } hm.addElement(tnum, "RegionName", region_name); // Region Offline Iterator<TransactionRegionLocation> it4 = regions.iterator(); boolean is_offline_bool =; is_offline = String.valueOf(is_offline_bool); hm.addElement(tnum, "RegionOffline", is_offline); // Region ID Iterator<TransactionRegionLocation> it5 = regions.iterator(); region_id = String.valueOf(; while (it5.hasNext()) { region_id = region_id + ";" +; } hm.addElement(tnum, "RegionID", region_id); // Hostname Iterator<TransactionRegionLocation> it6 = regions.iterator(); thn = String.valueOf(; hostname = thn.substring(0, thn.length() - 1); while (it6.hasNext()) { thn = String.valueOf(; hostname = hostname + ";" + thn.substring(0, thn.length() - 1); } hm.addElement(tnum, "Hostname", hostname); // Port Iterator<TransactionRegionLocation> it7 = regions.iterator(); port = String.valueOf(; while (it7.hasNext()) { port = port + ";" + String.valueOf(; } hm.addElement(tnum, "Port", port); tnum = tnum + 1; } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Error in getting region info. Map might be empty. Please ensure sqlci insert was done"); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("HBaseTxClient::callRequestRegionInfo:: end size: " + hm.getSize()); return hm; } }