Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 The Tongue-Tied Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not 
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy 
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT 
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the 
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations 
 * under the License. 
package org.tonguetied.web;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.tonguetied.web.UserForm.*;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
import org.springframework.validation.FieldError;
import org.tonguetied.usermanagement.User;
import org.tonguetied.usermanagement.UserService;
import org.tonguetied.usermanagement.UserServiceStub;

 * Unit tests for the {@link UserValidator} class.
 * @author bsion
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class UserValidatorTest {
    private UserService userService;
    private UserForm userForm;
    private String fieldName;

    public static final Collection<Object[]> data() {
        return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
                //                {null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true, FIELD_USER_USERNAME},
                { null, "", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_USERNAME },
                { null, "   ", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_USERNAME },
                { null, null, "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_USERNAME },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_FIRSTNAME },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "   ", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_FIRSTNAME },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", null, "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_FIRSTNAME },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_LASTNAME },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "   ", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_LASTNAME },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", null, "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_LASTNAME },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true, FIELD_USER_EMAIL },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "\t\t", true,
                        FIELD_USER_EMAIL },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", null, true, FIELD_USER_EMAIL },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "email", true,
                        FIELD_USER_EMAIL },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "test@email", true,
                        FIELD_USER_EMAIL },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_EMAIL },
                { null, "username", "password", "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_EMAIL },
                { null, "existing", "existing", "existing", "existing", "existing", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_USERNAME },
                { 1L, "existing", "existing", "existing", "existing", "existing", "", true, null },
                { null, "username", null, "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_PASSWORD },
                { null, "username", null, null, "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_PASSWORD },
                { null, "username", "password", "different", "firstName", "lastName", "", true,
                        FIELD_USER_REPEATED_PASSWORD },
                { 1L, "username", "password", "different", "firstName", "lastName", "", true, null },
                { 1L, "username", null, "password", "firstName", "lastName", "", true, null }, });

    public UserValidatorTest(final Long id, final String username, final String password,
            final String repeatedPassword, final String firstName, final String lastName, final String email,
            final boolean isEnabled, final String fieldName) {
        User user = new User(username, password, firstName, lastName, email, isEnabled, true, true, true);
        this.userForm = new UserForm(user);
        this.fieldName = fieldName;

    public void setUp() {
        this.userService = new UserServiceStub();
        User existing = new User("existing", "existing", "existing", "existing", "", true, true, true,

     * Test method for {@link org.tonguetied.web.UserValidator#validate(java.lang.Object, org.springframework.validation.Errors)}.
    public final void testValidateInvalidObject() {
        UserValidator validator = new UserValidator();
        Errors errors = new BindException(this.userForm, "userForm");
        validator.validate(this.userForm, errors);

        if (fieldName == null) {
        } else {
            FieldError error = errors.getFieldError(fieldName);
            if (FIELD_USER_USERNAME.equals(fieldName)) {
                assertEquals(this.userForm.getUser().getUsername(), error.getRejectedValue());
            if (FIELD_USER_FIRSTNAME.equals(fieldName)) {
                assertEquals(this.userForm.getUser().getFirstName(), error.getRejectedValue());
            if (FIELD_USER_LASTNAME.equals(fieldName)) {
                assertEquals(this.userForm.getUser().getLastName(), error.getRejectedValue());
            if (FIELD_USER_EMAIL.equals(fieldName)) {
                assertEquals(this.userForm.getUser().getEmail(), error.getRejectedValue());
            if (FIELD_USER_PASSWORD.equals(fieldName)) {
                assertEquals(this.userForm.getUser().getPassword(), error.getRejectedValue());
            if (FIELD_USER_REPEATED_PASSWORD.equals(fieldName)) {
                assertEquals(this.userForm.getUser().getRepeatedPassword(), error.getRejectedValue());