Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Tolven Inc * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Contact: */ package org.tolven.web; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.faces.component.UIInput; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.model.DataModel; import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.servlet.ServletUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets; import org.tolven.ajax.GridBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.tolven.ccr.ContinuityOfCareRecord; import org.tolven.core.TolvenRequest; import org.tolven.core.entity.AccountExchange; import org.tolven.core.entity.AccountRole; import org.tolven.core.entity.AccountUser; import org.tolven.doc.entity.DocAttachment; import org.tolven.doc.entity.DocBase; import org.tolven.doc.entity.DocCCR; import org.tolven.doc.entity.DocXML; import org.tolven.logging.TolvenLogger; import; /** * Faces Action Bean concerned with menu configuration and display. Note that menus include both metadata (MenuStructure) and * actual instance data (MenuData) sometimes called index data. * @author John Churin * */ public class MenuAction extends TolvenAction { private String graphURL = null; private String element; private String role; private String visible; private MenuPath targetMenuPath; private long accountId = 0; private MenuDataVersion menuDataVersion; private MenuStructure ms = null; private List<MenuStructure> prefChildren = null; private MenuData menuDataItem = null; private Long menuDataCount = null; private GridBuilder grid; private List<String> childPaths; private List<AccountExchange> providers; private DataModel providersModel; private String attachmentDescription; private String attachmentType; private String givenName; private String value; static final String TRIM_NS = "urn:tolven-org:trim:4.0"; static final String CCR_NS = "urn:astm-org:CCR"; private List<MenuStructure> menus = null; private DataModel menuModel; private AccountMenuStructure menuToEdit; private List<String> menuAllowRoles = null; private List<String> menuDenyRoles = null; private String menuToEditPath; private UIInput menuToEditPathCtrl; private List<MSColumn> menuToEditColumns; private List<MenuStructure> visibleChildren; // The CCR document for this menuDataItem, if any private ContinuityOfCareRecord ccr; public MenuAction() { super(); } /** * Get the object for the requested element */ public MenuStructure getThisMenu() { // "******** [MenuAction] Fetch MenuStructure for account: " + getAccountId() + " path: " + getTargetMenuPath().getPath() + " element: " + getElement(), MenuAction.class); // MenuData md = getMenuLocal().findMenuDataItem(getAccountId(), getElement()); if (ms == null) ms = getMenuLocal().findMenuStructure(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser(), getTargetMenuPath().getPath()); return ms; } /* * Get children */ public List<MenuStructure> getPreferredSortedChildren() { //" getPreferredSortedChildren " + getTargetMenuPath().getPath(), MenuAction.class); MenuStructure ms = getThisMenu(); if (null == prefChildren) prefChildren = getMenuLocal().findSortedChildren(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser(), ms.getAccountMenuStructure()); //new ArrayList<MenuStructure>( amsList.size() ); return prefChildren; } /* * List of Menu items for setting user preferences. */ public List<MenuStructure> getTabsAndLists() { List<MenuStructure> tabsAndLists = new ArrayList<MenuStructure>(); getPreferredSortedChildren(); if ("tabs".equalsIgnoreCase(getRole())) { for (MenuStructure item : prefChildren) { if (("tab".equalsIgnoreCase(item.getRole()) || "list".equalsIgnoreCase(item.getRole())) && item.getSequence() > 0) { tabsAndLists.add(item); } } } return tabsAndLists; } /* * List of portlets for the summary preferences popup menu */ public List<MenuStructure> getPortlets() { List<MenuStructure> portlets = new ArrayList<MenuStructure>(); getPreferredSortedChildren(); if ("summary".equals(getRole())) { for (MenuStructure ms : prefChildren) { if ("portlet".equals(ms.getRole()) && ms.getSequence() > 0 && (!"true".equals(ms.getVisible()))) { portlets.add(ms); } } } return portlets; } public List<String> getPreferredChildPaths() { if (childPaths == null) { childPaths = new ArrayList<String>(10); MenuStructure msParent = getThisMenu(); List<MenuStructure> children = getMenuLocal().findSortedChildren( TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser(), msParent.getAccountMenuStructure()); for (MenuStructure msChild : children) { if ("true".equals(msChild.getVisible())) { MenuPath msPath = new MenuPath(msChild.getPath(), getTargetMenuPath()); childPaths.add(msPath.getPathString()); } } // getElement() + " children: " + childPaths, MenuAction.class); } return childPaths; } public List<String> getPreferredChildPathsByColumn(int colNumber) { //" getPreferredChildPaths " + colNumber, MenuAction.class); List<String> childrenPaths = new ArrayList<String>(getPreferredSortedChildren().size()); try { for (MenuStructure ms : getPreferredSortedChildren()) { if ("true".equals(ms.getVisible())) { if (ms.getColumnNumber() != null) { //" col number not null ", MenuAction.class); if (ms.getColumnNumber() == colNumber) { MenuPath msPath = new MenuPath(ms.getPath(), getTargetMenuPath()); // + " :- ADDED ", MenuAction.class); childrenPaths.add(msPath.getPathString()); } } else { //" col number is null ", MenuAction.class); if (ms.getSequence() >= ((colNumber * 3) - 2) && ms.getSequence() <= (colNumber * 3)) { MenuPath msPath = new MenuPath(ms.getPath(), getTargetMenuPath()); // + " :- ADDED .. col number is null ", MenuAction.class); int originalIndex = ms.getSequence() - ((colNumber * 3) - 2); int index = (childrenPaths.size() < originalIndex) ? childrenPaths.size() : originalIndex; childrenPaths.add(index, msPath.getPathString()); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return childrenPaths; } // One for each column. public List<String> getPreferredChildPathsColumn1() { return getPreferredChildPathsByColumn(1); } public List<String> getPreferredChildPathsColumn2() { return getPreferredChildPathsByColumn(2); } public List<String> getPreferredChildPathsColumn3() { return getPreferredChildPathsByColumn(3); } /* * Get Default Path Suffix */ public String getDefaultPathSuffix() { return getThisMenu().getDefaultPathSuffix(); } /** * Return the path to the drilldown element, if any. for example, from the problem summary (heading) to the detailed problem list. */ public String getDrilldown() { MenuStructure ms = getThisMenu(); if (ms == null || ms.getRepeating() == null) return null; // Merge ids in the current path with the repeating path, if any. MenuPath mp = new MenuPath(ms.getRepeating(), getTargetMenuPath()); return mp.getPathString(); } /** * Get the parent of the requested element */ public MenuStructure getThisParentMenu() { // return getMenuLocal().findMenuStructure( getAccountId(), getTargetMenuPath().getParentPath() ); //commented by Arun return getMenuLocal().findMenuStructure(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser(), getTargetMenuPath().getParentPath()); } public MenuPath getTargetMenuPath() { if (targetMenuPath == null) { targetMenuPath = new MenuPath(getElement()); } return targetMenuPath; } public DataModel getMenuModel() { if (menuModel == null) { menuModel = new ListDataModel(); menuModel.setWrappedData(getMenus()); } return menuModel; } /** * Return the entire menu structure list for the logged in user. */ public List<MenuStructure> getMenus() { if (menus == null) { menus = getMenuLocal().findFullMenuStructure(getAccountId()); } return menus; } public void setMenus(List<MenuStructure> menus) { this.menus = menus; } /* * All roles associated with the Account User. */ public List<String> getRoles() { Set<AccountRole> roleSet = getAccountBean().findAccount(getAccountId()).getAccountRoles(); List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AccountRole role : roleSet) { roles.add(role.getRole()); } return roles; } /** * Action to update the menus for this account to that specified in the accountType. */ public String refreshMetaData() { getMenuLocal().updateMenuStructure(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser().getAccount()); return "success"; } /** * Action to update the menus for this user. */ public String updateMenus() { // getMenuLocal().updateMenus( getMenus()); return "success"; } /** * Get the accountId for this menu. * @return tolven accountId */ public long getAccountId() { if (accountId == 0) { accountId = getSessionAccountId(); } if (accountId == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[MenuAction] Missing AccountId"); } return accountId; } public void setAccountId(long accountId) { this.accountId = accountId; } public String getParameterFromRequest(String name) { String value = null; String referer = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestHeaderMap() .get("Referer");"Got referer: " + referer, MenuAction.class); int queryParamIndex = referer.indexOf("?"); if (queryParamIndex >= 0) { String queryParams[] = referer.substring(queryParamIndex + 1).split("&"); for (int p = 0; p < queryParams.length; p++) {"Referer [" + p + "]: " + queryParams[p], MenuAction.class); String param[] = queryParams[p].split("="); if (name.equals(param[0])) { value = param[1];"Got element: " + value, MenuAction.class); break; } } } return value; } /** * Get the element we're currently processing. The element comes from the browser as a parameter "element=xxx". * In most cases, we will need to parse the element in order to do anything with it. * @return */ public String getElement() { if (element == null) { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); // Parse the element if specified element = params.get("element"); if (element == null) { element = getParameterFromRequest("element"); } } // "getElement: " + element, MenuAction.class); return element; } public void setRole(String role) { this.role = role; } public String getRole() { if (role == null) { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); // Parse the element if specified role = params.get("role"); if (role == null) { role = getParameterFromRequest("role"); } } return role; } /** * Get the element cleansed to be suitable for a javascript label. (Remove ":", "-" and other special characters) * Update: Now just return E and a big number * @return */ public String getElementLabel() { return getTargetMenuPath().getLabel(); } /** * Get the original element leading to the current element. The original element comes from the browser as a * parameter "element=xxx". In most cases, we will need to parse the element in order to do anything with it. * @return */ public String getOriginal() { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); // Parse the element if specified return params.get("original"); } public void setElement(String element) { this.element = element; } private MDItem mdItem; class MDItem extends HashMap<String, MenuData> { private MenuLocal menuLocal; private long accountId; public MDItem(MenuLocal menuLocal, long accountId) { this.menuLocal = menuLocal; this.accountId = accountId; } public MenuData get(Object path) { if (!this.containsKey(path)) { MenuData item = menuLocal.findMenuDataItem(accountId, (String) path); put((String) path, item); return item; } return super.get(path); } } /** * Shortcut to any supplied menu data item in the account. * @param path (accountId is implied) * @return * @throws Exception */ public MDItem getItem() throws Exception { if (mdItem == null) { mdItem = new MDItem(this.getMenuLocal(), this.getAccountId()); } return mdItem; } /** * Get the menudata for the requested element */ public List<MenuData> getMenuData() { MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setLimit(50000); // TODO: This is a hard coded hard query limit that should be in a property or something ctrl.setMenuStructure(getThisMenu().getAccountMenuStructure()); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOffset(0); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setRequestedPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setSortDirection("ASC"); ctrl.setSortOrder("id"); return getMenuLocal().findMenuData(ctrl); } /** * From the current element, return a list of elements referencing each of the child * nodes of the current MenuStructure item. Used to build summary pages from metaData. * @return list of elements to include. */ public List<String> getChildPaths() { if (childPaths == null) { childPaths = new ArrayList<String>(10); MenuStructure msParent = getThisMenu(); for (MenuStructure msChild : msParent.getSortedChildren()) { if ("true".equals(msChild.getVisible())) { MenuPath msPath = new MenuPath(msChild.getPath(), getTargetMenuPath()); childPaths.add(msPath.getPathString()); } } // getElement() + " children: " + childPaths, MenuAction.class); } return childPaths; } /** * Get the menudata for the requested element */ public List<MenuData> getSummaryMenuData() { MenuStructure ms = getThisMenu().getAccountMenuStructure(); MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setLimit(getThisMenu().getNumSummaryItems()); ctrl.setMenuStructure(ms); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOffset(0); ctrl.setFilter(ms.getFilter()); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setRequestedPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setSortDirection("DESC"); // TODO: Hard-coded limit of default sort criteria should be in MenuStructure. ctrl.setSortOrder(ms.getInitialSort()); if (ctrl.getSortOrder() == null) { ctrl.setSortOrder("date01"); } return getMenuLocal().findMenuData(ctrl); } /** * Add escape characters for things like < > * @param writer * @param val * @throws IOException */ public static void escapeString(StringBuffer sb, String val) { for (char c : val.toCharArray()) { switch (c) { case '<': sb.append("<"); break; case '>': sb.append(">"); break; case '&': sb.append("&"); break; case '"': sb.append("""); break; default: sb.append(c); } } } /** * Return summary data as a table * @return */ public String getSummaryMenuDataRows() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(512); List<MenuData> mdList = getSummaryMenuData(); MenuStructure ms = getThisMenu().getAccountMenuStructure().getReferenced(); List<MSColumn> cols = ms.getSortedColumns(); TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getTimeZone()); MSColumn.MDFieldGetter fieldGetter = new MSColumn.MDFieldGetter(); fieldGetter.setNow(getNow()); fieldGetter.setTimeZone(timeZone); fieldGetter.setLocale(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getLocale()); for (MenuData md : mdList) { fieldGetter.setMenuData(md); sb.append("<tr>"); for (MSColumn col : cols) { sb.append("<td>"); escapeString(sb, col.getFormattedColumn(fieldGetter)); sb.append("</td>"); } sb.append("</tr>"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the count of menudata for the requested element */ public long getMenuDataCount() { if (menuDataCount == null) { MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setLimit(0); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setMenuStructure(getThisMenu().getAccountMenuStructure()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOffset(0); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setRequestedPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setSortDirection("ASC"); ctrl.setSortOrder(""); menuDataCount = new Long(getMenuLocal().countMenuData(ctrl)); } return menuDataCount; } /** * Get a single menudata item for the requested element. Throw an exception if more (or less) than one item is found. * @throws Exception */ public MenuData getMenuDataItem() throws Exception { if (menuDataItem == null) { MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setMenuStructure(getThisMenu().getAccountMenuStructure()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setRequestedPath(getTargetMenuPath()); menuDataItem = getMenuLocal().findMenuDataItem(ctrl); } return menuDataItem; } /** * get the repeating item if specified in MenuStructure or * @return * @throws Exception */ public MenuData getDrilldownItem() throws Exception { if (menuDataItem == null) { MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); String drilldownItem = this.getDrilldown(); if (drilldownItem != null) { ctrl.setRequestedPath(new MenuPath(drilldownItem)); } else { ctrl.setRequestedPath(getTargetMenuPath()); } ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setMenuStructure(getThisMenu().getAccountMenuStructure()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); menuDataItem = getMenuLocal().findMenuDataItem(ctrl); } return menuDataItem; } /** * This method is needed because menuData only contains documentId, a separate query is needed * to get the document itself. * @return * @throws Exception */ public DocBase getDrilldownItemDoc() throws Exception { MenuData md = getDrilldownItem(); if (md == null) return null; DocBase doc = getDocumentLocal().findDocument(md.getDocumentId()); return doc; } /** * Created to get at the first attachment to a document * @return * @throws Exception */ public DocBase getFirstAttachedDocument() throws Exception { List<DocAttachment> attachments = getDrilldownAttachments(); if (attachments.size() > 0) { return attachments.get(0).getAttachedDocument(); } return null; } /** * Return the XML namespace of the document if it is an XML document. * @return the XML namespace or null if the document is not XML * @throws Exception */ public String getxmlNS() throws Exception { DocBase docBase = getDrilldownItemDoc(); if (docBase != null && docBase instanceof DocXML) { return ((DocXML) docBase).getXmlNS(); } return null; } /** * Construct and return a string containing HTML for a grid control for the current item. * @return * @throws IOException */ public String getGridControl() throws IOException { if (grid == null) { // java script method for grid rows on-click String scriptMethodName = (String) getRequestParameter("method"); // Form id for . String scriptMethodArgs = (String) getRequestParameter("methodArgs"); // Setup a query control MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setLimit(0); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setMenuStructure(getThisMenu().getAccountMenuStructure()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOffset(0); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setRequestedPath(getTargetMenuPath()); ctrl.setSortDirection("ASC"); ctrl.setSortOrder(""); // Get the number of rows menuDataCount = new Long(getMenuLocal().countMenuData(ctrl)); grid = new GridBuilder(ctrl, menuDataCount); grid.createGrid(scriptMethodName, scriptMethodArgs); // grid.toString(), MenuAction.class); } return grid.toString(); } /** * This method is needed because menuData only contains documentId, a separate query is needed * to get the document itself. * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getDrilldownItemDocContentString() throws Exception { AccountUser activeAccountUser = getAccountUser(); return getDocProtectionBean().getDecryptedContentString(getDrilldownItemDoc(), activeAccountUser, getUserPrivateKey()); } public DocCCR getDocCCR() throws Exception { MenuData md = getDrilldownItem(); // "[getDocCCR]" + md.getId(), MenuAction.class); if (md.getDocumentId() == 0) return null; DocBase doc = getDocumentLocal().findDocument(md.getDocumentId()); if (doc == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Document id invalid in MD " + md.getId()); } if (!(doc instanceof DocXML)) { return null; } if (!((DocXML) doc).getXmlNS().equals(CCR_NS)) { return null; } if (!(doc instanceof DocCCR)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Document is not CCR " + doc.getId() + " Class: " + doc.getClass().getName()); } return (DocCCR) doc; } public ContinuityOfCareRecord getCcr() throws Exception { if (ccr == null && getDocCCR() != null) { ccr = (ContinuityOfCareRecord) getXMLProtectedBean().unmarshal(getDocCCR(), TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser(), getUserPrivateKey()); } return ccr; } /** * Creates a chart based on MenuData * @param dataset a dataset * @return A chart suitable for rendering */ public JFreeChart createChart(String title, XYDataset dataset) { JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(title, // title "Date", // x-axis label "Value", // y-axis label dataset, // data true, // create legend? true, // generate tooltips? false // generate URLs? ); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)); plot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(true); plot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(true); XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(); if (r instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) r; renderer.setBaseShapesVisible(true); renderer.setBaseShapesFilled(true); } DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-yyyy")); return chart; } /** * Creates a dataset from menuData. * * @return An XY dataset */ public XYDataset createDataset(String path) { // Adjust the path to make this work MenuStructure msLab = getMenuLocal().findMenuStructure(getAccountId(), path); if (msLab == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path not valid for this account"); // Create a new path based on the matching id(s) from the called path // for example, if patient were specified in the input nodeValues and the new path has a patient node, then // it's pulled. MenuPath mdPath = new MenuPath(msLab.getPath(), getTargetMenuPath()); //"dataset: Query from " + msLab.getPath() + " for requested path: " + getTargetMenuPath(), MenuAction.class); MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setLimit(5000); // TODO: This is a hard coded hard query limit that should be in a property or something ctrl.setMenuStructure(msLab); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOffset(0); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(mdPath); ctrl.setRequestedPath(mdPath); List<MenuData> menuData = getMenuLocal().findMenuData(ctrl); TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("triglycerides (mg/dL)", Month.class); TimeSeries s2 = new TimeSeries("low-density lipoprotein - LDL (mg/dL)", Month.class); for (MenuData md : menuData) { TimeSeries sx; //"MD Item: " + md.getId(), MenuAction.class); String result = md.getString02(); if ("triglycerides".equals(result)) { sx = s1; } else if (result != null && result.startsWith("low-density")) { sx = s2; } else continue; GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(md.getDate01()); Month m = new Month(cal.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR)); // "Graph Data: " + m.getMonth() + "/" + m.getYear() + "=" + md.getPqValue01(), MenuAction.class); sx.addOrUpdate(m, md.getPqValue01()); } TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(s1); dataset.addSeries(s2); dataset.setDomainIsPointsInTime(true);"Done preparing Dataset", MenuAction.class); return dataset; } public String getGraphURL() throws IOException { if (graphURL == null) { //"Preparing Graph", MenuAction.class); MenuStructure ms = getThisMenu(); JFreeChart chart = createChart("Lipids", createDataset(ms.getAccount().getAccountType().getKnownType() + ":patient:results:lab")); String filename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chart, 600, 400, (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false)); graphURL = "my.graph?filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8");"Graph URL: " + graphURL, MenuAction.class); } return graphURL; } class TolvenHour extends Hour { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy hh"); public TolvenHour(Date date) { super(date); } public String toString() { String s = sdf.format(this.getStart());"[TolvenDate:toString]" + s, MenuAction.class); return s; } } /** * Creates a dataset from menuData. * * @return An XY dataset */ public XYDataset createDataset2(String path) { // Adjust the path to make this work MenuStructure msLab = getMenuLocal().findMenuStructure(getAccountId(), path); if (msLab == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path not valid for this account"); // Create a new path based on the matching id(s) from the called path // for example, if patient were specified in the input nodeValues and the new path has a patient node, then // it's pulled. MenuPath mdPath = new MenuPath(msLab.getPath(), getTargetMenuPath()); //"dataset: Query from " + msLab.getPath() + " for requested path: " + getTargetMenuPath(), MenuAction.class); MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setLimit(5000); // TODO: This is a hard coded hard query limit that should be in a property or something ctrl.setMenuStructure(msLab); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOffset(0); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(mdPath); ctrl.setRequestedPath(mdPath); List<MenuData> menuData = getMenuLocal().findMenuData(ctrl); TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("glucose (mg/dL)", TolvenHour.class); TimeSeries s2 = new TimeSeries("Weight (lb)", TolvenHour.class); for (MenuData md : menuData) { TimeSeries sx; //"MD Item: " + md.getId(), MenuAction.class); String result = md.getString01(); if ("Blood Glucose".equals(result)) { sx = s1; } else if ("Weight".equals(result)) { sx = s2; } else continue; Hour d = new TolvenHour(md.getDate01()); // "Graph Data: " + m.getMonth() + "/" + m.getYear() + "=" + md.getPqValue01(), MenuAction.class); TimeSeriesDataItem di = sx.getDataItem(d); if (di != null) "Date: " + di.getPeriod() + " replacing " + di.getValue() + " with " + md.getPqValue01(), MenuAction.class); sx.addOrUpdate(d, md.getPqValue01()); } TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(s1); dataset.addSeries(s2); // dataset.setDomainIsPointsInTime(true);"Done preparing Dataset", MenuAction.class); return dataset; } public String getGraphURL2() throws IOException { if (graphURL == null) { //"Preparing Graph", MenuAction.class); MenuStructure ms = getThisMenu(); JFreeChart chart = createChart("Diabetes", createDataset2(ms.getAccount().getAccountType().getKnownType() + ":patient:observations:all")); String filename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chart, 600, 400, (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false)); graphURL = "my.graph?filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8");"Graph2 URL: " + graphURL, MenuAction.class); } return graphURL; } /** * Creates a dataset from menuData. * * @return An XY dataset */ public XYDataset createDataset3(String path) { // Adjust the path to make this work MenuStructure msLab = getMenuLocal().findMenuStructure(getAccountId(), path); if (msLab == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path not valid for this account"); // Create a new path based on the matching id(s) from the called path // for example, if patient were specified in the input nodeValues and the new path has a patient node, then // it's pulled. MenuPath mdPath = new MenuPath(msLab.getPath(), getTargetMenuPath()); //"dataset: Query from " + msLab.getPath() + " for requested path: " + getTargetMenuPath(), MenuAction.class); MenuQueryControl ctrl = new MenuQueryControl(); ctrl.setLimit(5000); // TODO: This is a hard coded hard query limit that should be in a property or something ctrl.setMenuStructure(msLab); ctrl.setAccountUser(TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); ctrl.setNow(getNow()); ctrl.setOffset(0); ctrl.setOriginalTargetPath(mdPath); ctrl.setRequestedPath(mdPath); List<MenuData> menuData = getMenuLocal().findMenuData(ctrl); TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("Peak Flow", TolvenHour.class); for (MenuData md : menuData) { TimeSeries sx; //"MD Item: " + md.getId(), MenuAction.class); String result = md.getString01().toLowerCase(); if ("peak flow".equals(result) || "peakflow".equals(result)) { sx = s1; } else continue; Hour d = new TolvenHour(md.getDate01()); // "Graph Data: " + m.getMonth() + "/" + m.getYear() + "=" + md.getPqValue01(), MenuAction.class); TimeSeriesDataItem di = sx.getDataItem(d); if (di != null) "Date: " + di.getPeriod() + " replacing " + di.getValue() + " with " + md.getPqValue01(), MenuAction.class); sx.addOrUpdate(d, md.getPqValue01()); } TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(s1); // dataset.setDomainIsPointsInTime(true);"Done preparing Dataset", MenuAction.class); return dataset; } public String getGraphURL3() throws IOException { if (graphURL == null) { //"Preparing Graph", MenuAction.class); MenuStructure ms = getThisMenu(); JFreeChart chart = createChart("Peak Flow", createDataset3(ms.getAccount().getAccountType().getKnownType() + ":patient:observations:all")); String filename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chart, 600, 400, (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false)); graphURL = "my.graph?filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8");"Graph2 URL: " + graphURL, MenuAction.class); } return graphURL; } /** * Submit the current menu item, which must be a wizard * @return * @throws Exception */ public String submit() { try { MenuData md = getMenuDataItem(); md.setString03(getValue());"Submitted value: " + md.getString03(), MenuAction.class); AccountUser activeAccountUser = getAccountUser(); getCreatorBean().submit(md, activeAccountUser, getUserPrivateKey()); } catch (Exception e) {"Unable to submit" + e.getMessage(), MenuAction.class); } return "success"; } public String getGivenName() { return givenName; } public void setGivenName(String givenName) { this.givenName = givenName; } public void submitPersonal() { String patientPath = getTargetMenuPath().getSubPathWithIds("patient");"Account: " + getAccountId() + " Path: " + patientPath + " Name is: " + getGivenName(), MenuAction.class); } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } public List<AccountExchange> getAccountExchangeSend() { if (providers == null) { providers = getAccountBean().findActiveEndPoints( TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser().getAccount(), AccountExchange.Direction.SEND, false); } return providers; } public DataModel getProvidersModel() { if (providersModel == null) { providersModel = new ListDataModel(); providersModel.setWrappedData(getAccountExchangeSend()); } return providersModel; } /** * Get the version number of this element * @return */ public MenuDataVersion getMenuDataVersion() { if (menuDataVersion == null) { menuDataVersion = getMenuLocal().findMenuDataVersion(getAccountId(), getElement()); } return menuDataVersion; } public void setMenuDataVersion(MenuDataVersion menuDataVersion) { this.menuDataVersion = menuDataVersion; } /** * Return the attachments for the current drilldown item * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<DocAttachment> getDrilldownAttachments() throws Exception { DocBase doc = getDrilldownItemDoc(); if (doc == null) throw new Exception("Document missing, cannot fetch attachments"); List<DocAttachment> attachments = getDocumentLocal().findAttachments(doc); return attachments; } public String deleteAttachment() { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); long attId = Long.parseLong(params.get("attId")); getDocumentLocal().deleteAttachment(attId, TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); return "success"; } /** * Add an attachment to the current menudataItem * @return success * @throws Exception */ public String addAttachment() throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequest(); FileItem upfile = (FileItem) request.getAttribute("upfile"); if (upfile == null) return "fail"; String contentType = upfile.getContentType();"Upload, contentType: " + contentType, MenuAction.class); boolean isInMemory = upfile.isInMemory(); int sizeInBytes = (int) upfile.getSize(); DocBase doc = getDocumentLocal().createNewDocument(contentType, getAttachmentType(), TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser()); doc.setSchemaURI(getAttachmentType()); byte[] b; if (isInMemory) { b = upfile.get(); } else { InputStream uploadedStream = upfile.getInputStream(); b = new byte[sizeInBytes];; uploadedStream.close(); } String kbeKeyAlgorithm = getTolvenPropertiesBean() .getProperty(DocumentSecretKey.DOC_KBE_KEY_ALGORITHM_PROP); int kbeKeyLength = Integer .parseInt(getTolvenPropertiesBean().getProperty(DocumentSecretKey.DOC_KBE_KEY_LENGTH)); doc.setAsEncryptedContent(b, kbeKeyAlgorithm, kbeKeyLength); getDocBean().createFinalDocument(doc); getDocumentLocal().createAttachment(getDrilldownItemDoc(), doc, getAttachmentDescription(), TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser(), getNow()); setAttachmentDescription(null); return "success"; } public String getAttachmentDescription() { return attachmentDescription; } public void setAttachmentDescription(String attachmentDescription) { this.attachmentDescription = attachmentDescription; } public void setMenuToEditPathCtrl(UIInput menuToEditPathCtrl) { this.menuToEditPathCtrl = menuToEditPathCtrl; } public UIInput getMenuToEditPathCtrl() { return menuToEditPathCtrl; } public void setMenuToEditPath(String menuToEditPath) { this.menuToEditPath = menuToEditPath; } public String getMenuToEditPath() { return menuToEditPath; } public void setMenuToEdit(AccountMenuStructure menuToEdit) { this.menuToEdit = menuToEdit; } protected String getPath() { String path = null; if (null != menuToEditPathCtrl) { path = (String) menuToEditPathCtrl.getValue(); } if (path == null) { path = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("menuPath"); } setMenuToEditPath(path); return path; } public AccountMenuStructure getMenuToEdit() { if (null == menuToEdit) { String path = getPath(); if (path != null) { menuToEdit = getMenuLocal().findAccountMenuStructure( TolvenRequest.getInstance().getAccountUser().getAccount().getId(), path); List<MSColumn> allCols = (List<MSColumn>) menuToEdit.getSortedColumns(); menuToEditColumns = new ArrayList<MSColumn>(); for (MSColumn col : allCols) { if (col.getSequence() >= 0) { menuToEditColumns.add(col); } } } if (menuToEdit != null) setVisible(menuToEdit.getVisible()); } return menuToEdit; } public String editMenu() { getMenuToEdit(); return "edit"; } public void setMenuToEditColumns(List<MSColumn> cols) { menuToEditColumns = cols; } public List<MSColumn> getMenuToEditColumns() { getMenuToEdit(); return menuToEditColumns; } public List<MenuStructure> getVisibleChildren() { if (null == visibleChildren) { getMenuToEdit(); visibleChildren = new ArrayList<MenuStructure>(); if (menuToEdit != null) { for (MenuStructure child : menuToEdit.getSortedChildren()) { if (child.getSequence() >= 0) { visibleChildren.add(child); } } } } return visibleChildren; } public void setVisibleChildren(List<MenuStructure> visibleChildren) { this.visibleChildren = visibleChildren; } public List<String> getMenuAllowRoles() { if (menuAllowRoles == null) { getMenuToEdit(); menuAllowRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); if (menuToEdit != null && null != menuToEdit.getAllowRoles()) { String ar[] = menuToEdit.getAllowRoles().split(","); for (String role : ar) { menuAllowRoles.add(role); } } } return menuAllowRoles; } public List<String> getMenuDenyRoles() { if (menuDenyRoles == null) { getMenuToEdit(); menuDenyRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); if (null != menuToEdit.getDenyRoles()) { String ar[] = menuToEdit.getDenyRoles().split(","); for (String role : ar) { menuDenyRoles.add(role); } } } return menuDenyRoles; } public void setMenuAllowRoles(List<String> menuAllowRoles) { this.menuAllowRoles = menuAllowRoles; } public void setMenuDenyRoles(List<String> menuDenyRoles) { this.menuDenyRoles = menuDenyRoles; } public String getListAsString(List<String> list) { String roles = new String(); if (list != null) { for (String r : list) { if (roles.isEmpty()) roles = r; else roles += "," + r; } } return roles; } /* * update single AccountMenuStructure. * Use the method in MenuBean that updates list of MS. * set values as null for empty fields. This will reduce errors and extra check in MenuBean or * other classes where these fields are checked only for null value. * */ public String updateMenuItem() { //send update to server if (menuToEdit.getTextOverride() == null || menuToEdit.getTextOverride().trim().isEmpty()) { menuToEdit.setTextOverride(null); } if (menuToEdit.getTemplate() == null || menuToEdit.getTemplate().trim().isEmpty()) { menuToEdit.setTemplate(null); } if (menuToEdit.getMenuTemplate() == null || menuToEdit.getMenuTemplate().trim().isEmpty()) { menuToEdit.setMenuTemplate(null); } if (menuToEdit.getRepeating() == null || menuToEdit.getRepeating().trim().isEmpty()) { menuToEdit.setRepeating(null); } menuToEdit.setAllowRoles(getListAsString(menuAllowRoles)); menuToEdit.setDenyRoles(getListAsString(menuDenyRoles)); if (visible == null || visible.trim().isEmpty()) { menuToEdit.setVisible(null); } else { menuToEdit.setVisible(visible); } List<MenuStructure> list = new ArrayList<MenuStructure>(); list.add(menuToEdit); getMenuLocal().updateMenus(list); for (MSColumn col : menuToEditColumns) { if (col.getTextOverride() == null || col.getTextOverride().trim().isEmpty()) { col.setTextOverride(null); } } getMenuLocal().updateColumns(menuToEditColumns); return "success"; } public String getAttachmentType() { return attachmentType; } public void setAttachmentType(String attachmentType) { this.attachmentType = attachmentType; } public String getVisible() { return visible; } public void setVisible(String visible) { this.visible = visible; } }