Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Tolven Inc * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Contact: * * @author Joseph Isaac * @version $Id$ */ package org.tolven.plugin.repository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.tolven.plugin.boot.TPFBoot; import org.tolven.plugin.registry.xml.ManifestParser; import org.tolven.plugin.registry.xml.ModelPluginManifest; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.DependentPluginDetail; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.InfoDetail; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.MessageDigestDetail; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.ObjectFactory; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.PluginDetail; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.PluginPropertyDetail; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.PluginVersionDetail; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.Plugins; import org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean.RootPluginDetail; /** * The class initializes and/or upgrades the runtime repository * * @author Joseph Isaac * */ public class RepositoryUpgrade { public static final String REPOSITORY_LIBRARY_URL = "repositoryLibraryURL"; public static final String CMD_LINE_CONF_OPTION = "conf"; public static final String ENV_CONF = "TOLVEN_CONFIG_DIR"; public static final String PLUGINS_PACKAGE = "org.tolven.plugin.repository.bean"; public static final String INFO_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHHmmss"; public static final String CMD_LINE_NOOP_OPTION = "noop"; public static final String NOOP = "NOOP"; private ObjectFactory objectFactory; private boolean noop = false; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RepositoryUpgrade.class); public RepositoryUpgrade() { setObjectFactory(new ObjectFactory()); } public ConfigPluginsWrapper getConfigPluginsWrapper() { return TPFBoot.pluginsWrapper; } private File getConfigDir() { return getConfigPluginsWrapper().getConfigDir(); } private File getRepositoryRuntimeDir() { return getConfigPluginsWrapper().getRepositoryRuntimeDir(); } private File getRepositoryRuntimePluginsDir() { return getConfigPluginsWrapper().getRepositoryRuntimePluginsDir(); } private ObjectFactory getObjectFactory() { return objectFactory; } private void setObjectFactory(ObjectFactory objectFactory) { this.objectFactory = objectFactory; } private boolean isNoop() { return noop; } private void setNoop(boolean noop) { this.noop = noop; } public void initialize(String[] args) { CommandLine commandLine = getCommandLine(args); setNoop(commandLine.hasOption(CMD_LINE_NOOP_OPTION)); debug("*** start ***"); Plugins libraryPlugins = getLibraryPlugins(); Plugins runtimePlugins = getRuntimePlugins(); Plugins rootPlugins = getRootPlugins(getConfigPluginsWrapper().getPlugins()); Plugins mergePlugins = mergePlugins(libraryPlugins, runtimePlugins, rootPlugins); Plugins upgradePlugins = getUpgradePlugins(mergePlugins); upgrade(upgradePlugins, runtimePlugins); if (pluginsChanged()) { deleteBuildDir(); } } private CommandLine getCommandLine(String[] args) { GnuParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { return parser.parse(getCommandOptions(), args, true); } catch (ParseException ex) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(getClass().getName(), getCommandOptions()); throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse command line for: " + getClass().getName(), ex); } } private Options getCommandOptions() { Options cmdLineOptions = new Options(); Option noopOption = new Option(CMD_LINE_NOOP_OPTION, CMD_LINE_NOOP_OPTION, false, "noop i.e. do nothing but produce what the repositoryRuntime would look like"); cmdLineOptions.addOption(noopOption); return cmdLineOptions; } private Plugins getLibraryPlugins() { Plugins mergedLibraryPlugins = getObjectFactory().createPlugins(); PluginPropertyDetail repositoryLibraryGroupProperty = getConfigPluginsWrapper().getRepositoryLibrary(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<PluginPropertyDetail> it = repositoryLibraryGroupProperty.getProperty().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PluginPropertyDetail repositoryLibraryProperty =; boolean useSnapshotDefault = getUseSnapshotDefault(repositoryLibraryProperty); String libraryURL = null; if (useSnapshotDefault) { libraryURL = getProperty(ConfigPluginsWrapper.REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOT_METADATA, repositoryLibraryProperty.getProperty()); if (libraryURL == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Property undefined: " + ConfigPluginsWrapper.REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOT_METADATA); } } else { libraryURL = getProperty(ConfigPluginsWrapper.REPOSITORY_TRUNK_METADATA, repositoryLibraryProperty.getProperty()); if (libraryURL == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Property undefined: " + ConfigPluginsWrapper.REPOSITORY_TRUNK_METADATA); } } String evaluatedURL = getConfigPluginsWrapper().evaluate(libraryURL); if (evaluatedURL == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Library URL: " + libraryURL + " evaluated to null"); } buff.append(evaluatedURL); if (it.hasNext()) { buff.append(","); } URL metadataURL = null; try { metadataURL = new URL(evaluatedURL); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert to URL: '" + evaluatedURL + "'", ex); } try { InputStream in = null; try { in = metadataURL.openStream(); Plugins libraryPlugins = RepositoryMetadata.getPlugins(in); merge(libraryPlugins, mergedLibraryPlugins); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not load plugins metadata from: " + metadataURL.toExternalForm(), ex); } } String evaluatedRepositoryURLString = buff.toString(); info(ConfigPluginsWrapper.REPOSITORY_LIBRARY + "=" + evaluatedRepositoryURLString); return mergedLibraryPlugins; } private boolean getUseSnapshotDefault(PluginPropertyDetail repositoryLibraryProperty) { String useSnapshotDefaultValue = getProperty(ConfigPluginsWrapper.USE_SNAPSHOT, repositoryLibraryProperty.getProperty()); boolean useSnapshotDefault = false; if (useSnapshotDefaultValue == null) { useSnapshotDefault = false; } else if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(useSnapshotDefaultValue)) { useSnapshotDefault = true; } else if (Boolean.FALSE.toString().equals(useSnapshotDefaultValue)) { useSnapshotDefault = false; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized property value for: " + ConfigPluginsWrapper.USE_SNAPSHOT + ": " + useSnapshotDefaultValue); } return useSnapshotDefault; } private String getProperty(String name, List<PluginPropertyDetail> properties) { for (PluginPropertyDetail property : properties) { if (property.getName().equals(name)) { return property.getValue(); } } return null; } private void merge(Plugins source, Plugins destination) { List<PluginDetail> newPlugins = new ArrayList<PluginDetail>(); for (PluginDetail sourcePlugin : source.getPlugin()) { PluginDetail destPlugin = getPlugin(sourcePlugin.getId(), destination); if (destPlugin == null) { newPlugins.add(sourcePlugin); } else { mergeVersions(sourcePlugin, destPlugin); mergeDependents(sourcePlugin, destPlugin); } } destination.getPlugin().addAll(newPlugins); } private void mergeVersions(PluginDetail source, PluginDetail destination) { List<PluginVersionDetail> newPluginVersions = new ArrayList<PluginVersionDetail>(); for (PluginVersionDetail sourcePluginVersion : source.getVersion()) { PluginVersionDetail destPluginVersion = getPluginVersion(sourcePluginVersion.getId(), destination); if (destPluginVersion == null) { newPluginVersions.add(sourcePluginVersion); } } destination.getVersion().addAll(newPluginVersions); } private void mergeDependents(PluginDetail source, PluginDetail destination) { List<DependentPluginDetail> newDependentPlugins = new ArrayList<DependentPluginDetail>(); for (DependentPluginDetail sourceDependentPlugin : source.getDependent()) { DependentPluginDetail destDependentPlugin = getDependentPlugin(sourceDependentPlugin, destination); if (destDependentPlugin == null) { newDependentPlugins.add(sourceDependentPlugin); } } destination.getDependent().addAll(newDependentPlugins); } private Plugins getRuntimePlugins() { File repositoryDir = getRepositoryRuntimePluginsDir(); if (!repositoryDir.getPath().equals(repositoryDir.getAbsolutePath())) { repositoryDir = new File(getConfigDir(), repositoryDir.getPath()); } if (!isNoop()) { repositoryDir.mkdirs(); } URL repositoryURL; try { repositoryURL = repositoryDir.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not convert repository directory " + repositoryDir.getPath() + " to a URL: ", ex); } info("Runtime repository: " + repositoryURL.toExternalForm()); String repositoryLibraryURLString = repositoryURL.toExternalForm(); Plugins plugins = getObjectFactory().createPlugins(); String[] repositoryDirList = repositoryDir.list(); List<String> pluginZipList = null; if (repositoryDirList == null) { pluginZipList = new ArrayList<String>(); } else { pluginZipList = Arrays.asList(repositoryDir.list()); } ManifestParser manifestParser = new ManifestParser(false); for (String pluginZip : pluginZipList) { URL pluginURL; String pluginURLString = repositoryLibraryURLString + "/" + pluginZip; try { pluginURL = new URL(pluginURLString); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert plugin " + pluginURLString + " to a URL: ", ex); } URL pluginManifestURL = null; String pluginManifestURLString = "jar:" + repositoryLibraryURLString + "/" + pluginZip + "!/tolven-plugin.xml"; try { pluginManifestURL = new URL(pluginManifestURLString); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not convert plugin manifest " + pluginManifestURLString + " to a URL: ", ex); } ModelPluginManifest pluginManifest; try { pluginManifest = manifestParser.parseManifest(pluginManifestURL.toURI().toURL()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse plugin manifest: " + pluginManifestURL.toExternalForm(), ex); } String pluginId = pluginManifest.getId(); PluginDetail plugin = getPlugin(pluginId, plugins); if (plugin == null) { plugin = createPlugin(pluginId); plugins.getPlugin().add(plugin); } String pluginVersionString = null; if (pluginManifest.getVersion() == null) { pluginVersionString = ""; } else { pluginVersionString = pluginManifest.getVersion().toString(); } if (pluginVersionString.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException(pluginManifestURL.toExternalForm() + " must have a version "); } PluginVersionDetail pluginVersion = getObjectFactory().createPluginVersionDetail(); pluginVersion.setId(pluginVersionString); pluginVersion.setUri(pluginURL.toExternalForm()); MessageDigestDetail messageDigest = getMessageDigest(pluginURL); pluginVersion.setMessageDigest(messageDigest); pluginVersion.setRuntime("true"); plugin.getVersion().add(pluginVersion); } return plugins; } private Plugins getRootPlugins(Plugins plugins) { Plugins rootPlugins = getObjectFactory().createPlugins(); for (PluginDetail plugin : plugins.getPlugin()) { if (plugin.getRoot() != null) { rootPlugins.getPlugin().add(plugin); } } return rootPlugins; } private MessageDigestDetail getMessageDigest(URL pluginURL) { MessageDigestDetail messageDetail = getObjectFactory().createMessageDigestDetail(); String digest = TolvenMessageDigest.checksum(pluginURL, RepositoryMetadata.MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM); messageDetail.setType(RepositoryMetadata.MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM); messageDetail.setValue(digest); return messageDetail; } private PluginDetail getPlugin(String pluginId, Plugins plugins) { for (PluginDetail pluginDetail : plugins.getPlugin()) { if (pluginDetail.getId().equals(pluginId)) { return pluginDetail; } } return null; } private PluginDetail createPlugin(String pluginId) { PluginDetail pluginDetail = getObjectFactory().createPluginDetail(); pluginDetail.setId(pluginId); return pluginDetail; } private PluginVersionDetail getSinglePluginVersion(PluginDetail plugin) { if (plugin.getVersion().size() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected to find one and only one version for plugin: " + plugin); } return plugin.getVersion().get(0); } private PluginVersionDetail getPluginVersion(String version, PluginDetail plugin) { for (PluginVersionDetail pluginDetailVersion : plugin.getVersion()) { if (pluginDetailVersion.getId().equals(version)) { return pluginDetailVersion; } } return null; } private DependentPluginDetail getDependentPlugin(DependentPluginDetail dependentPlugin, PluginDetail plugin) { for (DependentPluginDetail dp : plugin.getDependent()) { if (dp.getId().equals(dependentPlugin.getId()) && dp.getVersion().equals(dependentPlugin.getVersion())) { if (dp.getRequiresMinVersion() == null && dependentPlugin.getRequiresMinVersion() != null) { return null; } if (dp.getRequiresMinVersion() != null && !dp.getRequiresMinVersion().equals(dependentPlugin.getRequiresMinVersion())) { return null; } if (dp.getRequiresMaxVersion() == null && dependentPlugin.getRequiresMaxVersion() != null) { return null; } if (dp.getRequiresMaxVersion() != null && !dp.getRequiresMaxVersion().equals(dependentPlugin.getRequiresMaxVersion())) { return null; } return dp; } } return null; } private Plugins mergePlugins(Plugins libraryPlugins, Plugins runtimePlugins, Plugins rootPlugins) { List<PluginDetail> missingRootPlugins = new ArrayList<PluginDetail>(); for (PluginDetail plugin : rootPlugins.getPlugin()) { PluginDetail libraryPlugin = getPlugin(plugin.getId(), libraryPlugins); if (libraryPlugin == null) { missingRootPlugins.add(plugin); } } if (!missingRootPlugins.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); for (PluginDetail rootPlugin : missingRootPlugins) { buff.append(rootPlugin.getId() + ","); } throw new RuntimeException( "Repository does not contain the following root plugins: " + buff.toString() + "\n"); } Plugins mergePlugins = RepositoryMetadata.copyPlugins(libraryPlugins); for (PluginDetail mergePlugin : mergePlugins.getPlugin()) { PluginDetail runtimePlugin = getPlugin(mergePlugin.getId(), runtimePlugins); if (runtimePlugin != null) { if (runtimePlugin.getVersion().size() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException( "The runtime plugin id: " + runtimePlugin.getId() + " should have only one version"); } String runtimeVersion = runtimePlugin.getVersion().get(0).getId(); for (PluginVersionDetail pluginDetailVersion : mergePlugin.getVersion()) { if (runtimeVersion.equals(pluginDetailVersion.getId())) { pluginDetailVersion.setRuntime("true"); break; } } } PluginDetail rootPlugin = getPlugin(mergePlugin.getId(), rootPlugins); if (rootPlugin != null) { RootPluginDetail root = getObjectFactory().createRootPluginDetail(); root.setMinVersion(rootPlugin.getRoot().getMinVersion()); root.setMaxVersion(rootPlugin.getRoot().getMaxVersion()); mergePlugin.setRoot(root); } } return mergePlugins; } private Plugins getUpgradePlugins(Plugins mergePlugins) { Plugins upgradePlugins = RepositoryMetadata.copyPlugins(mergePlugins); List<PluginDetail> pluginsWithVersionErrors = new ArrayList<PluginDetail>(); List<PluginDetail> pluginsWithVersionMatchErrors = new ArrayList<PluginDetail>(); for (PluginDetail plugin : upgradePlugins.getPlugin()) { if (plugin.getRoot() != null) { try { addUpgrade(plugin, upgradePlugins); } catch (NoVersionException ex) { pluginsWithVersionErrors.add(ex.getPlugin()); } catch (NoVersionMatchException ex) { pluginsWithVersionMatchErrors.add(ex.getPlugin()); } } } if (!pluginsWithVersionErrors.isEmpty() || !pluginsWithVersionMatchErrors.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); if (!pluginsWithVersionErrors.isEmpty()) { buff.append("\n\nPlugins with no known version:\n\n"); for (PluginDetail plugin : pluginsWithVersionErrors) { buff.append(plugin.getId() + "\n"); } } if (!pluginsWithVersionMatchErrors.isEmpty()) { buff.append("\n\nPlugins with no matching version:\n\n"); for (PluginDetail plugin : pluginsWithVersionMatchErrors) { buff.append(plugin.getId() + "\n"); } } throw new RuntimeException("Plugin version errors: " + buff.toString()); } return upgradePlugins; } private void addUpgrade(PluginDetail sourcePlugin, Plugins upgradePlugins) { if (sourcePlugin.getUseVersion() != null) { return; } PluginVersionDetail latestPluginVersion = RepositoryMetadata.getLatestVersion(sourcePlugin, getConfigPluginsWrapper().getPlugins().getConstraint()); sourcePlugin.setUseVersion(latestPluginVersion.getId()); List<PluginDetail> requiredPlugins = getRequiredPlugins(sourcePlugin, upgradePlugins); if (requiredPlugins.isEmpty()) { return; } else { for (PluginDetail requiredPlugin : requiredPlugins) { addUpgrade(requiredPlugin, upgradePlugins); } } } private List<PluginDetail> getRequiredPlugins(PluginDetail sourcePlugin, Plugins upgradePlugins) { List<PluginDetail> requiredPlugins = new ArrayList<PluginDetail>(); for (PluginDetail plugin : upgradePlugins.getPlugin()) { for (DependentPluginDetail dependent : plugin.getDependent()) { if (dependent.getId().equals(sourcePlugin.getId()) && sourcePlugin.getUseVersion().equals(dependent.getVersion())) { requiredPlugins.add(plugin); } } } return requiredPlugins; } private void upgrade(Plugins upgradePlugins, Plugins runtimePlugins) { File repositoryPluginsDir = getRepositoryRuntimePluginsDir(); if (!repositoryPluginsDir.getPath().equals(repositoryPluginsDir.getAbsolutePath())) { repositoryPluginsDir = new File(getConfigDir(), repositoryPluginsDir.getPath()); } boolean runtimeChanged = false; for (PluginDetail plugin : upgradePlugins.getPlugin()) { if (plugin.getUseVersion() != null) { PluginVersionDetail usePluginVersion = getPluginVersion(plugin.getUseVersion(), plugin); PluginDetail runtimePlugin = getPlugin(plugin.getId(), runtimePlugins); PluginVersionDetail runtimePluginVersion = null; if (runtimePlugin != null) { runtimePluginVersion = getSinglePluginVersion(runtimePlugin); } if (runtimePluginVersion != null && !runtimePluginVersion.getId().equals(plugin.getUseVersion())) { File[] oldPluginVersionFiles = getPluginZips(plugin.getId(), repositoryPluginsDir); for (File oldPluginVersionFile : oldPluginVersionFiles) { info("Deleting: " + oldPluginVersionFile.getPath()); if (!isNoop()) { if (!oldPluginVersionFile.delete()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not delete old plugin version: " + oldPluginVersionFile.getPath()); } } } File oldPluginDir = new File(repositoryPluginsDir, plugin.getId()); if (oldPluginDir.exists()) { if (!new File(oldPluginDir, "tolven-plugin.xml").exists()) { throw new RuntimeException(oldPluginDir + " is not a plugin directory"); } } } if (runtimePluginVersion == null) { info("INSTALLING...: " + usePluginVersion.getUri()); String downloadInfo = copy(usePluginVersion, repositoryPluginsDir); info(".............. Download Info : " + downloadInfo); runtimeChanged = true; } else if (!runtimePluginVersion.getId().equals(usePluginVersion.getId())) { info("UPDATING...: " + usePluginVersion.getUri()); String downloadInfo = copy(usePluginVersion, repositoryPluginsDir); info(".............. Download Info : " + downloadInfo); runtimeChanged = true; } else if (!runtimePluginVersion.getMessageDigest().getValue() .equals(usePluginVersion.getMessageDigest().getValue())) { info("UPDATING: " + usePluginVersion.getUri()); String downloadInfo = copy(usePluginVersion, repositoryPluginsDir); info(".............. Download Info : " + downloadInfo); runtimeChanged = true; } } } if (deleteUnknownRuntimePlugins(upgradePlugins, runtimePlugins)) { runtimeChanged = true; } File runtimePluginsFile = new File(getRepositoryRuntimeDir(), RepositoryMetadata.METADATA_XML); if (!runtimePluginsFile.exists() || runtimeChanged) { updateRuntimePluginsXML(upgradePlugins, runtimePluginsFile); } } private boolean deleteUnknownRuntimePlugins(Plugins upgradePlugins, Plugins runtimePlugins) { boolean runtimeChanged = false; for (PluginDetail runtimePlugin : runtimePlugins.getPlugin()) { PluginVersionDetail runtimePluginVersion = getSinglePluginVersion(runtimePlugin); PluginDetail upgradePlugin = getPlugin(runtimePlugin.getId(), upgradePlugins); File runtimeFile = null; try { runtimeFile = new File(new URL(runtimePluginVersion.getUri()).getFile()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert " + runtimePluginVersion.getUri() + " to a File", ex); } String deleteMessage = null; if (upgradePlugin == null) { deleteMessage = "REMOVED " + runtimeFile.getPath(); runtimeChanged = true; } else if (upgradePlugin.getUseVersion() == null || !upgradePlugin.getUseVersion().equals(runtimePluginVersion.getId())) { deleteMessage = "REMOVED " + runtimeFile.getPath(); runtimeChanged = true; } if (deleteMessage != null && runtimeFile.exists()) { if (!isNoop()) { runtimeFile.delete(); } info(deleteMessage); } } return runtimeChanged; } private void updateRuntimePluginsXML(Plugins upgradePlugins, File runtimePluginsFile) { Iterator<PluginDetail> pluginIt = upgradePlugins.getPlugin().iterator(); while (pluginIt.hasNext()) { PluginDetail plugin =; PluginVersionDetail usePluginVersion = getPluginVersion(plugin.getUseVersion(), plugin); if (usePluginVersion == null) { pluginIt.remove(); } else { Iterator<PluginVersionDetail> pluginVersionIt = plugin.getVersion().iterator(); while (pluginVersionIt.hasNext()) { PluginVersionDetail pluginVersion =; if (!usePluginVersion.getId().equals(pluginVersion.getId())) { pluginVersionIt.remove(); } } } } info("Write Library plugins to " + runtimePluginsFile); try { upgradePlugins.setInfo(getInfo()); String runtimeRepositoryPluginsXML = RepositoryMetadata.getPluginsXML(upgradePlugins); if (isNoop()) { System.out.println(runtimeRepositoryPluginsXML); } else { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(runtimePluginsFile, runtimeRepositoryPluginsXML); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create the repositoryRuntime plugins.xml", ex); } } private InfoDetail getInfo() { InfoDetail info = getObjectFactory().createInfoDetail(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(INFO_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); String timestamp = dateFormat.format(new Date()); info.setTimestamp(timestamp); return info; } private File[] getPluginZips(String pluginId, File repositoryDir) { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(pluginId + "-\\d*.\\d*.\\d*.zip"); return repositoryDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return file.isFile() && pattern.matcher(file.getName()).matches(); } }); } private String copy(PluginVersionDetail usePluginVersion, File runtimeRepository) { try { File tmpFile = null; try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile("tmpPlugin_", ".zip"); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); URL url = new URL(usePluginVersion.getUri()); String destFilename = new File(url.getFile()).getName(); File destFile = new File(runtimeRepository, destFilename); InputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; int bytesDownload = 0; long startTime = 0; long endTime = 0; try { URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); bytesDownload = urlConnection.getContentLength(); in = urlConnection.getInputStream(); out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); IOUtils.copy(in, out); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } if (in != null) { in.close(); } } String downloadSpeedInfo = null; long downloadSpeed = 0; if ((endTime - startTime) > 0) { downloadSpeed = 1000L * bytesDownload / (endTime - startTime); } if (downloadSpeed == 0) { downloadSpeedInfo = "? B/s"; } else if (downloadSpeed < 1000) { downloadSpeedInfo = downloadSpeed + " B/s"; } else if (downloadSpeed < 1000000) { downloadSpeedInfo = downloadSpeed / 1000 + " KB/s"; } else if (downloadSpeed < 1000000000) { downloadSpeedInfo = downloadSpeed / 1000000 + " MB/s"; } else { downloadSpeedInfo = downloadSpeed / 1000000000 + " GB/s"; } String tmpFileMessageDigest = getMessageDigest(tmpFile.toURI().toURL()).getValue(); if (!tmpFileMessageDigest.equals(usePluginVersion.getMessageDigest().getValue())) { throw new RuntimeException("Downloaded file: " + usePluginVersion.getUri() + " does not have required message digest: " + usePluginVersion.getMessageDigest().getValue()); } if (!isNoop()) { FileUtils.copyFile(tmpFile, destFile); } return bytesDownload + " Bytes " + downloadSpeedInfo; } finally { if (tmpFile != null) { tmpFile.delete(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not download " + usePluginVersion.getUri() + " to " + runtimeRepository, ex); } } private boolean pluginsChanged() { Plugins runtimePlugins = getRuntimePlugins(); Long sourceLastModified = null; for (PluginDetail runtimePlugin : runtimePlugins.getPlugin()) { PluginVersionDetail runtimePluginVersion = null; runtimePluginVersion = getSinglePluginVersion(runtimePlugin); URL url; try { url = new URL(runtimePluginVersion.getUri()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create URL " + runtimePluginVersion.getUri(), ex); } File file = new File(url.getFile()); if (sourceLastModified == null || file.lastModified() > sourceLastModified) { sourceLastModified = file.lastModified(); } } Long targetLastModified = null; if (getConfigPluginsWrapper().getBuildDir().exists()) { for (File file : getConfigPluginsWrapper().getBuildDir().listFiles()) { if (!new File(file, ".jpf-shadow").exists()) { if (targetLastModified == null || file.lastModified() > targetLastModified.longValue()) { targetLastModified = file.lastModified(); } } } } if (sourceLastModified != null && targetLastModified != null && targetLastModified > sourceLastModified) { return false; } else { return true; } } private void deleteBuildDir() { info("Deleting " + getConfigPluginsWrapper().getBuildDir()); if (!isNoop()) { String tmpDirname = getConfigPluginsWrapper().getBuildDir().getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp"; File tmpDir = new File(tmpDirname); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpDir); if (getConfigPluginsWrapper().getBuildDir().exists()) { FileUtils.moveDirectory(getConfigPluginsWrapper().getBuildDir(), tmpDir); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not delete build directory: " + getConfigPluginsWrapper().getBuildDir(), ex); } finally { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpDir); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not delete build directory: " + tmpDir, ex); } } } } private void info(String aString) { if (isNoop()) { + ": " + aString); } else {; } } private void debug(String aString) { if (isNoop()) { logger.debug(NOOP + ": " + aString); } else { logger.debug(aString); } } public static void main(String[] args) { new RepositoryUpgrade().initialize(args); } }