Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Tolven Inc * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Contact: * * @author Joseph Isaac * @version $Id: 2249 2011-08-05 22:17:59Z joe.isaac $ */ package org.tolven.deploy.glassfish3; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.tolven.naming.JndiManager; import org.tolven.naming.JndiManagerFactory; import org.tolven.plugin.TolvenCommandPlugin; import; import; import; /** * This plugin deploys the JBoss configuration files. * * @author Joseph Isaac * */ public class GlassFish3Deploy extends TolvenCommandPlugin { public static final String ATTR_STAGE_DEPLOY_DIR = "deployDir"; public static final String ATTR_BIN_DIR = "binDir"; public static final String CMD_LINE_EAR_PLUGINS_OPTION = "earPlugins"; public static final String CMD_LINE_RAR_PLUGINS_OPTION = "rarPlugins"; public static final String CMD_LINE_CONFIG_OPTION = "config"; public static final String CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR = "propertiesDir"; public static final String MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM = "md5"; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GlassFish3Deploy.class); @Override protected void doStart() throws Exception { logger.debug("*** start ***"); } @Override public void execute(String[] args) throws Exception { logger.debug("*** execute ***"); CommandLine commandLine = getCommandLine(args); String appserverHomeDirname = (String) evaluate("#{globalProperty['appserver.home']}", getDescriptor()); File appserverHomeDir = new File(appserverHomeDirname); if (!appserverHomeDir.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("appserver home does not exist at: " + appserverHomeDir.getPath()); } boolean deployConfigFiles = commandLine.hasOption(CMD_LINE_CONFIG_OPTION); if (deployConfigFiles) { deployConfig(); } String earPluginIds = commandLine.getOptionValue(CMD_LINE_EAR_PLUGINS_OPTION); if (earPluginIds != null) { deployEarFiles(earPluginIds.split(","), appserverHomeDir); } String rarPluginIds = commandLine.getOptionValue(CMD_LINE_RAR_PLUGINS_OPTION); if (rarPluginIds != null) { deployRarFiles(rarPluginIds.split(","), appserverHomeDir); } String propertiesDirname = commandLine.getOptionValue(CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR); if (propertiesDirname != null) { Properties srcProperties = getSrcProperties(propertiesDirname); assembleJNDI(srcProperties); } } private CommandLine getCommandLine(String[] args) { GnuParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { return parser.parse(getCommandOptions(), args, true); } catch (ParseException ex) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(getClass().getName(), getCommandOptions()); throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse command line for: " + getClass().getName(), ex); } } private Options getCommandOptions() { Options cmdLineOptions = new Options(); Option rarPluginsOption = new Option(CMD_LINE_RAR_PLUGINS_OPTION, CMD_LINE_RAR_PLUGINS_OPTION, true, "comma-separated list of rar plugins"); cmdLineOptions.addOption(rarPluginsOption); Option earPluginsOption = new Option(CMD_LINE_EAR_PLUGINS_OPTION, CMD_LINE_EAR_PLUGINS_OPTION, true, "comma-separated list of ear plugins"); cmdLineOptions.addOption(earPluginsOption); Option configOption = new Option(CMD_LINE_CONFIG_OPTION, CMD_LINE_CONFIG_OPTION, false, "glassfish configuration files"); cmdLineOptions.addOption(configOption); Option installBuildDirOption = new Option(CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR, CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR, true, "\"" + CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR + " installer directory\""); cmdLineOptions.addOption(installBuildDirOption); return cmdLineOptions; } protected void deployConfig() throws Exception { String appserverHomeDirname = (String) evaluate("#{globalProperty['appserver.home']}", getDescriptor()); File appserverHomeDir = new File(appserverHomeDirname); if (!appserverHomeDir.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("appserver home does not exist at: " + appserverHomeDir.getPath()); } File appserverStageDir = new File(getStageDir(), appserverHomeDir.getName()); if (!appserverStageDir.exists()) { appserverStageDir.mkdirs(); } Collection<File> stageFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(appserverStageDir, null, true); for (File stageFile : stageFiles) { String relativeStageFilename = stageFile.getPath().substring(appserverStageDir.getPath().length()); File deployedFile = new File(appserverHomeDir, relativeStageFilename); if (deployedFile.exists()) { String stageFileDigest = TolvenMessageDigest.checksum(stageFile.toURI().toURL(), MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM); String deployedFileDigest = TolvenMessageDigest.checksum(deployedFile.toURI().toURL(), MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM); if (deployedFileDigest.equals(stageFileDigest)) { continue; } }"Deploy " + stageFile.getPath() + " to " + deployedFile.getPath()); FileUtils.copyFile(stageFile, deployedFile); } } protected void deployRarFiles(String[] rarPlugins, File appserverHomeDir) throws Exception { Collection<File> filesToDeploy = null; for (String rarPlugin : rarPlugins) { File rarDir = new File(getStageDir(), rarPlugin); if (!rarDir.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException(rarDir.getPath() + " does not exist"); } filesToDeploy = FileUtils.listFiles(rarDir, null, true); deploy(filesToDeploy, rarDir, appserverHomeDir); } } protected void deployEarFiles(String[] earPlugins, File appserverHomeDir) throws Exception { Collection<File> filesToDeploy = null; for (String earPlugin : earPlugins) { File earDir = new File(getStageDir(), earPlugin); if (!earDir.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException(earDir.getPath() + " does not exist"); } filesToDeploy = FileUtils.listFiles(earDir, null, true); deploy(filesToDeploy, earDir, appserverHomeDir); } } protected void deploy(Collection<File> filesToDeploy, File sourceDir, File appserverHomeDir) throws Exception { String relativeDeployDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_STAGE_DEPLOY_DIR).getValue(); File deployDir = new File(appserverHomeDir, relativeDeployDirPath); for (File stageFile : filesToDeploy) { String relativeStageFilename = stageFile.getPath().substring(1 + sourceDir.getPath().length()); File deployedFile = new File(deployDir, relativeStageFilename); if (deployedFile.exists()) { String stageFileDigest = TolvenMessageDigest.checksum(stageFile.toURI().toURL(), MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM); String deployedFileDigest = TolvenMessageDigest.checksum(deployedFile.toURI().toURL(), MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM); if (deployedFileDigest.equals(stageFileDigest)) { continue; } } logger.debug("Deploy " + stageFile.getPath() + " to " + deployedFile.getPath()); FileUtils.copyFile(stageFile, deployedFile); } } private void assembleJNDI(Properties srcProperties) { try { JndiManager jndiManager = JndiManagerFactory.getInstance(); Properties jndiProperties = jndiManager.getJndiProperties(srcProperties); String appserverHomeDirname = (String) evaluate("#{globalProperty['appserver.home']}", getDescriptor()); File appserverBinDir = new File(appserverHomeDirname, "bin"); if (!appserverBinDir.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("appserver home does not exist at: " + appserverBinDir.getPath()); } File asadmin = null; if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") == -1) { asadmin = new File(appserverBinDir, "asadmin"); } else { asadmin = new File(appserverBinDir, "asadmin.bat"); } Properties escapedJndiProperties = escape(jndiProperties); String[] commandLine = new String[11]; commandLine[0] = asadmin.getPath(); commandLine[1] = "create-custom-resource"; commandLine[2] = "--description"; commandLine[3] = "\"TolvenContext\""; commandLine[4] = "--restype"; commandLine[5] = "org.tolven.naming.TolvenContext"; commandLine[6] = "--factoryclass"; commandLine[7] = "org.tolven.naming.TolvenContextFactory"; commandLine[8] = "--property"; commandLine[9] = getASAdminPropertyString(escapedJndiProperties); commandLine[10] = jndiProperties.getProperty(JndiManager.TOLVEN_ID_REF); String appserverPathname = (String) evaluate("#{globalProperty['appserver.home']}", getDescriptor()); File appserverDir = new File(appserverPathname); String relativeBinDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_BIN_DIR).getValue(); File binDir = new File(appserverDir, "/" + relativeBinDirPath); int exitValue = new TolvenExecute().execute(commandLine, binDir); if (exitValue != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to execute asadmin command"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not execute asadmin jndi command", ex); } } private Properties getSrcProperties(String propertiesDirname) { File propertiesDir = new File(propertiesDirname); Properties properties = new Properties(); File overridePropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, ""); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(overridePropertiesFile, properties); File buildPropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, ""); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(buildPropertiesFile, properties); String passwordPropertiesFilename = properties.getProperty(""); File passwordPropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, passwordPropertiesFilename); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(passwordPropertiesFile, properties); String databasePropertiesFilename = properties.getProperty(""); File databasePropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, databasePropertiesFilename); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(databasePropertiesFile, properties); return properties; } private Properties escape(Properties jndiProperties) { Properties escapedProperties = new Properties(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(jndiProperties.stringPropertyNames()); Collections.sort(keys); for (String key : keys) { String value = jndiProperties.getProperty(key); if (value == null) { throw new RuntimeException("null value for JNDI property: " + key); } String escapedValue = escape(value); escapedProperties.setProperty(key, escapedValue); } return escapedProperties; } private String escape(String string) { return string.replaceAll("=", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\=")).replaceAll(":", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\:")); } private String getASAdminPropertyString(Properties properties) { List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(properties.stringPropertyNames()); Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; String value = properties.getProperty(key); buff.append(key); buff.append("="); buff.append(value); if (it.hasNext()) { buff.append(":"); } } return buff.toString(); } @Override protected void doStop() throws Exception { logger.debug("*** stop ***"); } }