Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Tolven Inc * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Contact: * * @author Joseph Isaac * @version $Id: 1881 2011-07-28 03:56:25Z joe.isaac $ */ package org.tolven.assembler.jboss6; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import org.tolven.naming.JndiManager; import org.tolven.naming.JndiManagerFactory; import org.tolven.plugin.TolvenCommandPlugin; import; import; /** * This plugin assembles all of the tolven specific configuration files for the JBoss6 appserver * * @author Joseph Isaac * */ public class JBoss6Assembler extends TolvenCommandPlugin { public static final String CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR = "propertiesDir"; public static final String EXNPT_DB_PLUGIN = "databasePlugin"; public static final String EXNPT_LIBPROD_ADPTR = "libProduct-adaptor"; public static final String EXNPT_LIBJAR = "libJar"; public static final String EXNPT_CONFIG = "config"; public static final String EXNPT_DEPLOY = "deploy"; public static final String EXNPT_LIB_CLASSES = "classes"; public static final String ATTR_STAGE_LIB = "libDir"; public static final String ATTR_STAGE_CONFIG_DIR = "configDir"; public static final String ATTR_STAGE_DEPLOY_DIR = "deployDir"; public static final String CMD_LINE_DESTDIR_OPTION = "destDir"; public static final String SRC_PLUGIN_ID = "source-plugin-id"; public static final String EXNPT_ID = "extension-point"; public static final String TABS = "\t\t\t\t\t"; //This value in the JBoss jndi prefix file must be substitued with the JndiManger's TOLVEN_ID_REF public static final String TOLVEN_ID_REF = "TOLVEN_ID_REF"; private String appServerDirname; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JBoss6Assembler.class); protected String getAppServerDirname() { if (appServerDirname == null) { String appserverPathname = (String) evaluate("#{globalProperty['appserver.home']}", getDescriptor()); File appserverDir = new File(appserverPathname); appServerDirname = appserverDir.getName(); } return appServerDirname; } @Override protected void doStart() throws Exception { logger.debug("*** start ***"); logger.debug("deleting: " + getPluginTmpDir()); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(getPluginTmpDir()); getPluginTmpDir().mkdirs(); } @Override public void execute(String[] args) throws Exception { logger.debug("*** execute ***"); CommandLine commandLine = getCommandLine(args); String propertiesDirname = commandLine.getOptionValue(CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR); if (propertiesDirname == null) { File[] tmpFiles = getPluginTmpDir().listFiles(); if (tmpFiles != null && tmpFiles.length > 0) { return; } executeRequiredPlugins(args); assembleLibProductAdaptors(); assembleLibClasses(); assembleConfigFiles(); assembleDeployFiles(); copyToStageDir(); } else { Properties srcProperties = getSrcProperties(propertiesDirname); assembleJNDI(srcProperties); assembleLDAP(srcProperties); } } private CommandLine getCommandLine(String[] args) { GnuParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { return parser.parse(getCommandOptions(), args, true); } catch (ParseException ex) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(getClass().getName(), getCommandOptions()); throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse command line for: " + getClass().getName(), ex); } } private Options getCommandOptions() { Options cmdLineOptions = new Options(); Option installBuildDirOption = new Option(CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR, CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR, true, "\"" + CMD_PROPERTIES_DIR + " installer directory\""); cmdLineOptions.addOption(installBuildDirOption); return cmdLineOptions; } protected void executeRequiredPlugins(String[] args) throws Exception { ExtensionPoint dbPluginExnPt = getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(EXNPT_DB_PLUGIN); Extension dbPluginExn = getSingleConnectedExtension(dbPluginExnPt); String dbPD = dbPluginExn.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor().getId(); execute(dbPD, args); } protected void assembleLibClasses() { String relativeLibDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_STAGE_LIB).getValue(); File tmpStageLibDir = new File(getPluginTmpDir(), getAppServerDirname() + "/" + relativeLibDirPath); File destJar = new File(tmpStageLibDir, getDescriptor().getId() + ".jar"); destJar.delete(); destJar.getParentFile().mkdirs(); ExtensionPoint classesExnPt = getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(EXNPT_LIB_CLASSES); for (Extension classesExn : classesExnPt.getConnectedExtensions()) { PluginDescriptor pd = classesExn.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor(); String srcDirname = classesExn.getParameter("dir").valueAsString(); String eval_srcDirname = (String) evaluate(srcDirname, pd); if (eval_srcDirname == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "plugin property: dir '" + srcDirname + "'evaluated to: null for: " + pd); } File srcDir = getFilePath(pd, srcDirname); TolvenJar.jarDir(srcDir, destJar, true); } } /** * Add libraries located by extension-point libProduct-adaptor to the appserver lib directory * * @param pd * @throws IOException */ protected void assembleLibProductAdaptors() throws IOException { ExtensionPoint exnPt = getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(EXNPT_LIBPROD_ADPTR); ExtensionPoint appServerExnPt = getParentExtensionPoint(exnPt); String relativeLibExtDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_STAGE_LIB).getValue(); File destDir = new File(getPluginTmpDir(), getAppServerDirname() + "/" + relativeLibExtDirPath); for (Extension exn : appServerExnPt.getConnectedExtensions()) { for (File src : getAdaptorFiles(exn)) { FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(src, destDir); } } } protected void assembleConfigFiles() throws IOException { ExtensionPoint exnPt = getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(EXNPT_CONFIG); ExtensionPoint appServerExnPt = getParentExtensionPoint(exnPt); String relativeConfigExtDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_STAGE_CONFIG_DIR).getValue(); File destDir = new File(getPluginTmpDir(), getAppServerDirname() + "/" + relativeConfigExtDirPath); for (Extension exn : appServerExnPt.getConnectedExtensions()) { PluginDescriptor pd = exn.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor(); for (Parameter param : exn.getParameters("file")) { File src = getFilePath(pd, param.valueAsString()); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(src, destDir); } for (Parameter param : exn.getParameters("dir")) { File srcDir = getFilePath(pd, param.valueAsString()); FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcDir, destDir); } } } protected void assembleDeployFiles() throws IOException { ExtensionPoint exnPt = getDescriptor().getExtensionPoint(EXNPT_DEPLOY); ExtensionPoint appServerExnPt = getParentExtensionPoint(exnPt); String relativeConfigExtDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_STAGE_DEPLOY_DIR).getValue(); File destDir = new File(getPluginTmpDir(), getAppServerDirname() + "/" + relativeConfigExtDirPath); for (Extension exn : appServerExnPt.getConnectedExtensions()) { PluginDescriptor pd = exn.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor(); for (Parameter param : exn.getParameters("file")) { File src = getFilePath(pd, param.valueAsString()); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(src, destDir); } for (Parameter param : exn.getParameters("dir")) { File srcDir = getFilePath(pd, param.valueAsString()); FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(srcDir, destDir); } } } protected void copyToStageDir() throws IOException { File tmpAppServerStageDir = new File(getPluginTmpDir(), getAppServerDirname()); File stageAppServerDir = new File(getStageDir(), getAppServerDirname()); logger.debug("Copy " + tmpAppServerStageDir.getPath() + " to " + stageAppServerDir.getPath()); stageAppServerDir.mkdirs(); FileUtils.copyDirectory(tmpAppServerStageDir, stageAppServerDir); } private List<File> getAdaptorFiles(Extension exn) { String pluginId = exn.getParameter(SRC_PLUGIN_ID).valueAsString(); if (pluginId == null || pluginId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "No parameter value for " + SRC_PLUGIN_ID + " found in " + exn.getUniqueId()); } String exnPtId = exn.getParameter(EXNPT_ID).valueAsString(); if (exnPtId == null || exnPtId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No parameter value for " + EXNPT_ID + " found in " + exn.getUniqueId()); } ExtensionPoint exnPt = getManager().getRegistry().getExtensionPoint(pluginId + "@" + exnPtId); List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); for (ParameterDefinition paramDef : exnPt.getParameterDefinitions()) { String filename = paramDef.getDefaultValue(); if (filename == null || filename.trim().length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No default-value for parameter-def found in " + exnPt.getUniqueId()); } File src = getFilePath(exnPt.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor(), filename); files.add(src); } return files; } private Properties getSrcProperties(String propertiesDirname) { File propertiesDir = new File(propertiesDirname); Properties properties = new Properties(); File overridePropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, ""); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(overridePropertiesFile, properties); File buildPropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, ""); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(buildPropertiesFile, properties); String passwordPropertiesFilename = properties.getProperty(""); File passwordPropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, passwordPropertiesFilename); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(passwordPropertiesFile, properties); String databasePropertiesFilename = properties.getProperty(""); File databasePropertiesFile = new File(propertiesDir, databasePropertiesFilename); properties = TolvenLoadProperties.load(databasePropertiesFile, properties); return properties; } private void assembleJNDI(Properties srcProperties) { JndiManager jndiManager = JndiManagerFactory.getInstance(); Properties jndiProperties = jndiManager.getJndiProperties(srcProperties); File stageAppServerDir = new File(getStageDir(), getAppServerDirname()); String relativeConfigExtDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_STAGE_DEPLOY_DIR).getValue(); File destDir = new File(stageAppServerDir, "/" + relativeConfigExtDirPath); File dest = new File(destDir, "tolven-jndi-service.xml"); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); try { buff.append(FileUtils.readFileToString(getFilePath("tolven-jndi-service-prefix.txt"))); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(jndiProperties.stringPropertyNames()); Collections.sort(keys); for (String key : keys) { String value = xmlEscape(jndiProperties.getProperty(key)); if (value == null) { throw new RuntimeException("null value for JNDI property: " + key); } buff.append("\n" + TABS + "<tolven:property>"); buff.append("\n" + TABS + "\t<tolven:key>" + key + "</tolven:key>"); buff.append("\n" + TABS + "\t<tolven:value>" + value + "</tolven:value>"); buff.append("\n" + TABS + "</tolven:property>"); } buff.append("\n"); buff.append(FileUtils.readFileToString(getFilePath("tolven-jndi-service-suffix.txt"))); String substitutedString = substitute(buff.toString(), srcProperties); if (substitutedString.indexOf("${") != -1) { int index = substitutedString.indexOf("${"); String s = substitutedString.substring(index); throw new RuntimeException("Missing JNDI substitution: ${" + s.substring(0, s.indexOf("}")) + "}"); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(dest, substitutedString); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create " + dest.getPath(), ex); } } private void assembleLDAP(Properties srcProperties) { String relativeConfigExtDirPath = getDescriptor().getAttribute(ATTR_STAGE_DEPLOY_DIR).getValue(); File stageDeployDir = new File(getStageDir(), getAppServerDirname() + "/" + relativeConfigExtDirPath); File tolvenLdapServiceXMLFile = new File(stageDeployDir, "tolven-ldap-service.xml"); String xml = null; try { xml = FileUtils.readFileToString(tolvenLdapServiceXMLFile, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not read xml from : " + tolvenLdapServiceXMLFile, ex); } String substibutedXML = substitute(xml, srcProperties); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tolvenLdapServiceXMLFile, substibutedXML, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not write xml to file: " + tolvenLdapServiceXMLFile.getPath(), ex); } } private String xmlEscape(String string) { return string.replaceAll("\"", """).replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(";", "&apos").replaceAll("&", "&"); } private String substitute(String string, Properties properties) { String substitutedString = string; for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { substitutedString = substitutedString.replace("${" + key + "}", properties.getProperty(key)); } return substitutedString; } @Override protected void doStop() throws Exception { logger.debug("*** stop ***"); } }