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 * Created on Jan 19, 2010, 3:12:10 PM
 * Description: X509 utilities adapted from "Beginning Cryptography With Java", David Hook, WROX.
 * Copyright (C) Jan 19, 2010 reed.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
 * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// refer to for substitutes for deprecated references
package org.texai.x509;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.BasicConstraints;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.KeyUsage;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509v3CertificateBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX509CertificateConverter;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX509ExtensionUtils;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentSigner;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.jcajce.JcaContentSignerBuilder;
import org.texai.util.StringUtils;
import org.texai.util.TexaiException;

/** X509 utilities adapted from "Beginning Cryptography With Java", David Hook, WROX.
 * How to regenerate the root X.509 certificate on the development system.
 * (1) delete /home/reed/texai-keystore.jceks
 * (2) run the JUnit test - expect several unit test failures [none on most recent regeneration]
 * (3) copy the byte array values from the unit test output (root certificate bytes...)
 *     into the array initialialization value for ROOT_CERTIFICATE_BYTES.
 * (4) delete X509Security/data/truststore.*, test-client-keystore.*, test-server-keystore.*
 * (5) re-run the unit test correcting for the new root UID
 * (6) likewise correct KeyStoreTestUtilsTest, X509SecurityInfoTest and TexaiSSLContextFactoryTest
 * (7) ensure that Git updates the new keystore files when committing
 * (7) copy truststore.uber and truststore.jceks files to the Network, AlbusHCNSupport, WebServer, X509CertificateServerTest, and X509CertificateServer
 *     (development and production) data directories
 * (8) copy test-client-keystore.uber and test-client-keystore.jceks to AlbusHCNSupport, Network, WebServer and X509CertificateServerTest data directories
 * @author reed
public final class X509Utils {

    /** the logger */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(X509Utils.class);
    /** the default secure random serialization path */
    public static final String DEFAULT_SECURE_RANDOM_PATH = "data/secure-random.ser";
    /** the root certificate alias */
    public static final String ROOT_ALIAS = "root";
    /** the root certificate alias */
    public static final String JAR_SIGNER_ALIAS = "jar-signer";
    /** the period in which the certificate is valid */
    private static final long VALIDITY_PERIOD = 10L * 365L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L; // ten years
    /** the Bouncy Castle cryptography provider */
    public static final String BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER = "BC";
    /** the digital signature algorithm */
    public static final String DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = "SHA512withRSA";
    /** the indicator whether the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files are installed */
    private static boolean isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy;
    /** the root certificate bytes */
    private final static byte[] ROOT_CERTIFICATE_BYTES = { 48, -126, 4, -94, 48, -126, 3, 10, -96, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2,
            3, -72, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122, 72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 13, 5, 0, 48, 114, 49, 52, 48, 50, 6, 10, 9,
            -110, 38, -119, -109, -14, 44, 100, 1, 1, 12, 36, 101, 100, 54, 100, 54, 55, 49, 56, 45, 56, 48, 100,
            101, 45, 52, 56, 52, 56, 45, 97, 102, 52, 51, 45, 102, 101, 100, 55, 98, 100, 98, 97, 51, 99, 51, 54,
            49, 38, 48, 36, 6, 3, 85, 4, 10, 12, 29, 84, 101, 120, 97, 105, 32, 67, 101, 114, 116, 105, 102, 105,
            99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 32, 65, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121, 49, 18, 48, 16, 6, 3, 85, 4,
            3, 12, 9, 116, 101, 120, 97, 105, 46, 111, 114, 103, 48, 30, 23, 13, 49, 52, 48, 54, 50, 48, 49, 54, 50,
            57, 49, 53, 90, 23, 13, 50, 52, 48, 54, 49, 55, 49, 54, 50, 57, 50, 53, 90, 48, 114, 49, 52, 48, 50, 6,
            10, 9, -110, 38, -119, -109, -14, 44, 100, 1, 1, 12, 36, 101, 100, 54, 100, 54, 55, 49, 56, 45, 56, 48,
            100, 101, 45, 52, 56, 52, 56, 45, 97, 102, 52, 51, 45, 102, 101, 100, 55, 98, 100, 98, 97, 51, 99, 51,
            54, 49, 38, 48, 36, 6, 3, 85, 4, 10, 12, 29, 84, 101, 120, 97, 105, 32, 67, 101, 114, 116, 105, 102,
            105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 32, 65, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114, 105, 116, 121, 49, 18, 48, 16, 6, 3,
            85, 4, 3, 12, 9, 116, 101, 120, 97, 105, 46, 111, 114, 103, 48, -126, 1, -94, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122,
            72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 1, 5, 0, 3, -126, 1, -113, 0, 48, -126, 1, -118, 2, -126, 1, -127, 0, -125, 91,
            21, -120, -83, -108, -52, 15, -18, -128, -104, -68, -70, -9, 58, 58, -111, 5, -47, -7, -119, 110, 63,
            -24, 89, -61, -98, -108, -53, -84, 56, -65, 62, -40, 31, -97, -99, -121, 64, -77, 43, -15, -12, -16,
            -108, 110, 101, -12, -7, -98, -50, -62, -121, -41, -69, -118, 37, 19, -3, 119, 26, 111, -80, 62, 124,
            -99, -42, 86, 125, 32, -74, 97, 79, -26, 3, -30, 13, -61, 35, -54, 44, 114, -43, 84, -13, -33, 80, 22,
            73, 93, 77, 90, 12, -117, 50, -104, 63, 38, 99, -109, -119, -118, 19, 86, 18, -48, 87, -14, 119, 69,
            -67, -69, -74, -13, 24, 31, 60, -79, -62, -2, -114, -118, -15, 121, 68, 116, 67, -97, -9, -69, -36, -94,
            -33, -93, 12, -46, -105, -92, 21, 27, 120, -58, -37, 5, 47, -21, 106, 25, -101, 3, -104, 31, -5, 60,
            -89, -74, 20, 25, 65, -116, -75, 48, -8, 50, -11, 70, 108, -49, -43, -35, 67, 106, -51, 127, 39, 87,
            -93, 71, -10, 103, -13, -54, 101, -80, 15, 11, 112, 19, -107, -44, -49, -63, 86, -112, -74, 9, 102,
            -124, 81, 74, -98, -109, 44, 29, 37, 42, 106, 87, -58, -128, -58, 67, 73, -39, -103, -30, -2, -13, 121,
            -90, -95, 120, -4, 20, 114, 8, 97, 40, -26, 38, -96, -87, -4, 6, -87, -48, -53, 72, 10, 1, -62, -15, -2,
            54, -67, 3, 4, -115, -90, 31, -25, 102, -30, 89, 124, -46, -91, -83, 83, 95, -39, -70, 57, -121, -13,
            -35, 105, -84, -33, -30, -93, -94, -79, -7, -15, 21, -15, 36, -11, -92, 90, 36, 61, 110, 103, 66, 31,
            103, -71, 24, 4, 45, -72, -60, 26, 45, -123, 11, 0, 97, -34, -113, -99, -99, -33, -71, 102, 127, 29, 36,
            95, -17, 0, -3, -97, -124, 117, -52, -92, -23, -41, -45, 76, -115, 61, -38, -44, 52, -51, 94, -118, 110,
            -126, -7, -51, -44, -69, -19, 88, -25, -28, -89, -75, -113, 26, -99, -16, -90, 97, 56, -91, 26, -58, 22,
            81, 48, -92, -65, -95, -28, 50, -73, 110, -63, -63, 43, 111, 76, 58, 102, 96, 25, -4, 48, -52, -20, 123,
            100, 21, 116, -26, 65, 115, -107, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, -93, 66, 48, 64, 48, 29, 6, 3, 85, 29, 14, 4, 22, 4,
            20, 1, 119, 4, -4, 27, -14, 82, -42, -46, -98, -16, -87, -109, -19, -27, -102, 72, -75, -126, -44, 48,
            15, 6, 3, 85, 29, 19, 1, 1, -1, 4, 5, 48, 3, 1, 1, -1, 48, 14, 6, 3, 85, 29, 15, 1, 1, -1, 4, 4, 3, 2,
            1, 6, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122, 72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 13, 5, 0, 3, -126, 1, -127, 0, 42, -128, -7, -36,
            -35, -1, -54, -87, 47, -61, -18, 77, 93, 80, -116, -62, 110, 2, 97, -79, -54, -29, 68, 0, 87, 25, -77,
            -4, -81, 78, 65, -14, 30, 127, 28, -2, -36, 82, -97, 38, -119, -68, -25, 100, -41, -102, -11, 101, -60,
            -26, 0, 58, 35, -50, 11, 98, -59, 23, 56, -89, 99, 26, 91, -80, -122, -83, -64, -99, 84, 9, -94, 37,
            -63, 114, 126, -123, -110, -60, 111, -102, -36, -114, -58, 82, -106, -73, -56, 86, -67, 105, -122, -67,
            -41, 32, -47, -75, -30, -44, -114, -22, -121, -95, 78, -76, 70, -66, 32, 78, 37, 101, 5, 121, -120, 124,
            -90, -13, 84, -62, -73, 84, -84, 28, -54, 113, 98, 29, 62, 14, -61, 80, 13, 107, 85, 65, -114, -36,
            -103, 50, 114, 52, 56, 125, -1, 97, 38, 106, -6, -73, -102, -60, 109, -115, -86, -37, 107, -67, -36, 80,
            45, -53, -124, -85, -21, -101, 13, 67, -70, -38, -78, 54, -53, -128, -93, -98, 52, 34, 23, -74, -95,
            -49, 115, 45, 96, 21, 85, -31, 106, -128, -28, 15, -67, 79, 52, -89, -111, -93, -41, -3, 6, -118, -64,
            -73, -16, 106, 100, -86, -61, 41, 25, -48, 113, -69, -63, 80, 77, 28, 12, 2, 120, 26, -7, 51, 69, 34,
            -101, 25, -68, -25, -43, -8, 35, -26, -38, -101, 26, -120, -38, 86, -82, 89, -75, 31, 84, 101, 27, -95,
            86, -114, 30, -12, -120, -16, 49, 67, 32, -1, 111, 87, 101, 119, 127, 43, -9, -39, 68, 127, -74, 34, 54,
            -25, 58, -91, -69, -26, -7, -31, 73, 127, -105, -34, 8, 19, 52, 127, 3, -55, -115, 56, 100, 29, 94, -32,
            80, 108, 47, 84, -103, 12, -118, 99, 29, -67, 88, -95, -126, -66, -16, 35, 62, -59, -10, -95, -50, 111,
            -76, 112, 84, 77, -21, -100, 98, -95, 13, -56, -86, -60, -28, -94, -4, 93, 25, 19, -89, -38, 126, 80,
            -24, 20, -109, -19, 95, -42, -48, 23, -7, -36, 105, -33, 60, 3, -24, -62, 76, 89, 9, 7, -64, -123, 123,
            22, 26, 96, -24, -40, 117, 118, 126, 60, -118, -91, -61, 20, 105, -72, -3, 113, -35, 66, -36, 117, -45,
            -120, 31, -85 };
    /** the root certificate */
    private static final X509Certificate ROOT_X509_CERTIFICATE;
    /** the truststore entry alias */
    public static final String TRUSTSTORE_ENTRY_ALIAS = "texai root certificate";
    /** the truststore */
    private static KeyStore truststore;
    /** the truststore password */
    public static final char[] TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = "truststore-password".toCharArray();
    /** the certificate entry alias */
    public static final String ENTRY_ALIAS = "certificate";
    /** the installer keystore password */
    public static final char[] INSTALLER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "installer-keystore-password".toCharArray();
    /** the intermediate, signing entry alias */
    public static final String INTERMEDIATE_ENTRY_ALIAS = "Texai intermediate certificate";

    static {
        try {
            setIsJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy(Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") == Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            assert !isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()
                    || X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() : "JCE unlimited strength policy must be in effect";
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    static {"adding Bouncy Castle cryptography provider");
        Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());"initializing the root X.509 certificate");

        try {
        } catch (CertificateException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);
    /** the secure random */
    private static SecureRandom secureRandom;
    /** the secure random synchronization lock */
    private static final Object secureRandom_lock = new Object();

    static {

    /** Prevents the instantiation of this utility class. */
    private X509Utils() {

    /** Makes a canonical X.509 certificate by serializing it to bytes and reconsituting it. This ensures
     * that all issuer and subject names have no space following the commas.
     * @param x509Certificate the input certificate
     * @return the canonical certificate
    public static X509Certificate makeCanonicalX509Certificate(final X509Certificate x509Certificate) {
        assert x509Certificate != null : "x509Certificate must not be null";

        X509Certificate canonicalX509Certificate;
        try {
            final byte[] certificateBytes = x509Certificate.getEncoded();
            final ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(certificateBytes);
            canonicalX509Certificate = readX509Certificate(byteArrayInputStream);
        } catch (CertificateException | NoSuchProviderException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

        LOGGER.debug("x509Certificate (" + x509Certificate.getClass().getName() + ")...\n" + x509Certificate
                + "\ncanonicalX509Certificate(" + canonicalX509Certificate.getClass().getName() + ")...\n"
                + canonicalX509Certificate);

        assert canonicalX509Certificate.equals(
                x509Certificate) : "canonicalX509Certificate must equal x509Certificate,\ncanonicalX509Certificate...\n"
                        + canonicalX509Certificate + "\nx509Certificate...\n" + x509Certificate;

        return canonicalX509Certificate;

    /** Gets the secure random, and lazily initializes it.
     * @return the initialized secure random
    public static SecureRandom getSecureRandom() {
        synchronized (secureRandom_lock) {
            if (secureRandom == null) {
      "creating and seeding secure random");
                try {
                    secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
                } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
                    throw new TexaiException(ex);
            return secureRandom;

    /** Initializes the secure random from a serialized object.
     * @param path the path to the previously serialized secure random
     * @return the initialized secure random
    public static SecureRandom initializeSecureRandom(final String path) {
        assert path != null : "path must not be null";
        assert !path.isEmpty() : "path must not be empty";

        final File file = new File(path);
        if (file.exists()) {
            // read the secure random from a file to avoid the potentially long delay of creating and initializing it
            try {
                try (ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path))) {
                    synchronized (secureRandom_lock) {
                        secureRandom = (SecureRandom) in.readObject();
          "secure random loaded from " + path);
            } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                throw new TexaiException(ex);
        } else {
        return secureRandom;

    /** Serializes the secure random to a file for a subsequent restart.
     * @param path the path to the previously serialized secure random
    public static void serializeSecureRandom(final String path) {
        assert path != null : "path must not be null";
        assert !path.isEmpty() : "path must not be empty";

        try {
            // serialize the secure random in a file for reuse during a restart
            try (ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path))) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Gets the root X509 certificate.
     * @return the root X509 certificate
    public static X509Certificate getRootX509Certificate() {
        return ROOT_X509_CERTIFICATE;

    /** Gets the indicator whether the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files are installed.
     * @return the indicator whether the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files are installed
    public static synchronized boolean isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() {
        return isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy;

    /** Sets the indicator whether the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files are installed.
     * @param _isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy the indicator whether the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files are installed
    public static synchronized void setIsJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy(boolean _isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy) {
        isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy = _isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy;
        LOGGER.debug("isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy: " + isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy);

    /** Returns the maximum key length allowed by the ciphers on this JVM, which depends on whether the unlimited
     * strength encryption policy jar files have been downloaded and installed.
     * @return the maximum allowed key size
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when the encryption algorithm cannot be found
    public static int getMaxAllowedKeyLength() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        return Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES");

    /** Logs the cryptography providers. */
    public static void logProviders() {"cryptography providers ...");
        final Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders();
        for (int i = 0; i != providers.length; i++) {
  "  Name: " + providers[i].getName()
                    + StringUtils.makeBlankString(15 - providers[i].getName().length()) + " Version: "
                    + providers[i].getVersion());

    /** Logs the capabilities of the cryptography providers.
     * @param providerString the provider identifier
    public static void logProviderCapabilities(final String providerString) {
        assert providerString != null : "providerString must not be null";
        assert !providerString.isEmpty() : "providerString must not be empty";

        final Provider provider = Security.getProvider(providerString);

        final Iterator<Object> propertyKey_iter = provider.keySet().iterator();"cryptography provider " + providerString + " capabilities ...");
        final List<String> propertyStrings = new ArrayList<>();
        while (propertyKey_iter.hasNext()) {
            String propertyString = (String);
            if (propertyString.startsWith("Alg.Alias.")) {
                // this indicates the entry refers to another entry
                propertyString = propertyString.substring("Alg.Alias.".length());
        for (final String propertyString : propertyStrings) {
            final String factoryClass = propertyString.substring(0, propertyString.indexOf('.'));
            final String name = propertyString.substring(factoryClass.length() + 1);
  "  " + factoryClass + ": " + name);

    /** Creates a random 3072 bit RSA key pair.
     * @return a random 3072 bit RSA key pair
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when an invalid algorithm is given
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException  when an invalid provider is given
     * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException when an invalid algorithm parameter is given
    public static KeyPair generateRSAKeyPair3072()
            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
        final KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
        final AlgorithmParameterSpec algorithmParameterSpec = new RSAKeyGenParameterSpec(3072,
        keyPairGenerator.initialize(algorithmParameterSpec, getSecureRandom());
        return keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();

    /** Creates a random 2048 bit RSA key pair.
     * @return a random 2048 bit RSA key pair
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when an invalid algorithm is given
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException  when an invalid provider is given
     * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException when an invalid algorithm parameter is given
    public static KeyPair generateRSAKeyPair2048()
            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
        final KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
        final AlgorithmParameterSpec algorithmParameterSpec = new RSAKeyGenParameterSpec(2048,
        keyPairGenerator.initialize(algorithmParameterSpec, getSecureRandom());
        return keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();

    /** Gets the truststore that contains the single trusted root X.509 certificate.
     * @return the truststore
    public static synchronized KeyStore getTruststore() {
        assert (new File("data/truststore.uber")).exists()
                || (new File("data/truststore.jceks")).exists() : "truststore file must exist";
        assert !isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()
                || X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() : "JCE unlimited strength policy must be in effect";

        String filePath = "";
        if (truststore == null) {

            if (X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy()) {
                filePath = "data/truststore.uber";
            } else {
                filePath = "data/truststore.jceks";
  "reading truststore from " + filePath);
            try {
                truststore = X509Utils.findOrCreateKeyStore(filePath, TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            } catch (KeyStoreException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException
                    | NoSuchProviderException ex) {
                throw new TexaiException(ex);

        assert truststore != null : "truststore must not be null";
        assert X509Utils.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER
                .equals(truststore.getProvider().getName()) : "truststore type must be " + BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER
                        + ", but was " + truststore.getProvider().getName() + ", filePath: " + filePath;
        assert !filePath.endsWith(".uber")
                || truststore.getType().equals("UBER") : "truststore type must be UBER, but was "
                        + truststore.getType() + ", filePath: " + filePath;

        return truststore;

    /** Generates an intermediate CA certificate, that is to be used to sign end-use certificates.
     * @param myPublicKey the public key for this certificate
     * @param issuerPrivateKey the issuer's private key
     * @param issuerCertificate the issuer's certificate, which is either the root CA certificate or another intermediate
     * CA certificate
     * @param pathLengthConstraint the maximum number of CA certificates that may follow this certificate in a certification
     * path. (Note: One end-entity certificate will follow the final CA certificate in the path. The last certificate in a path
     * is considered an end-entity certificate, whether the subject of the certificate is a CA or not.)
     * @return an intermediate CA certificate
     * @throws CertificateParsingException when the certificate cannot be parsed
     * @throws CertificateEncodingException when the certificate cannot be encoded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException when an invalid provider is given
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when an invalid algorithm is given
     * @throws SignatureException when the an invalid signature is present
     * @throws InvalidKeyException when the given key is invalid
     * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurs while processing the serial number file
    public static X509Certificate generateIntermediateX509Certificate(final PublicKey myPublicKey,
            final PrivateKey issuerPrivateKey, final X509Certificate issuerCertificate, int pathLengthConstraint)
            throws CertificateParsingException, CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchProviderException,
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {
        assert myPublicKey != null : "myPublicKey must not be null";
        assert issuerPrivateKey != null : "issuerPrivateKey must not be null";
        assert issuerCertificate != null : "issuerCertificate must not be null";

        //final X500Name issuer = new X500Name(issuerCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal().getName());
        final X500Name issuer = new X500Name(
        final UUID intermediateUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
        // provide items to X500Principal in reverse order
        final X500Principal x500Principal = new X500Principal(
                "UID=" + intermediateUUID + ", DC=IntermediateCertificate,");
        final X500Name subject = new X500Name(x500Principal.getName());
        SubjectPublicKeyInfo publicKeyInfo = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(
        final X509v3CertificateBuilder x509v3CertificateBuilder = new X509v3CertificateBuilder(issuer,
                getNextSerialNumber(), // serial
                new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 10000L), // notBefore,
                new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + VALIDITY_PERIOD), // notAfter,
                subject, publicKeyInfo);

        // see
        // see
        final JcaX509ExtensionUtils jcaX509ExtensionUtils = new JcaX509ExtensionUtils();

        // Add authority key identifier
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.authorityKeyIdentifier, false, // isCritical

        // Add subject key identifier
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.subjectKeyIdentifier, false, // isCritical

        // add basic constraints
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.basicConstraints, true, // isCritical
                new BasicConstraints(pathLengthConstraint)); // is a CA certificate with specified certification path length

        // add key usage
        final KeyUsage keyUsage = new KeyUsage(
                // the keyCertSign bit indicates that the subject public key may be used for verifying a signature on
                // certificates
                KeyUsage.keyCertSign | // the cRLSign indicates that the subject public key may be used for verifying a signature on revocation
                                       // information

        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.keyUsage, true, // isCritical

        X509Certificate x509Certificate;
        try {
            final ContentSigner contentSigner = new JcaContentSignerBuilder(DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM)
            final X509CertificateHolder x509CertificateHolder =;
            final JcaX509CertificateConverter jcaX509CertificateConverter = new JcaX509CertificateConverter();
            x509Certificate = makeCanonicalX509Certificate(
        } catch (CertificateException | OperatorCreationException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

        try {
        } catch (CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | NoSuchProviderException
                | SignatureException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

        return x509Certificate;

    /** Generates a signed end-use certificate that cannot be used to sign other certificates.
     * @param myPublicKey the public key for this certificate
     * @param issuerPrivateKey the issuer's private key
     * @param issuerCertificate the issuer's certificate
     * @param domainComponent the domain component
     * @return a signed end-use certificate
     * @throws CertificateParsingException when the certificate cannot be parsed
     * @throws CertificateEncodingException when the certificate cannot be encoded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException when an invalid provider is given
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when an invalid algorithm is given
     * @throws SignatureException when the an invalid signature is present
     * @throws InvalidKeyException when the given key is invalid
     * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurs while processing the serial number file
    public static X509Certificate generateX509Certificate(final PublicKey myPublicKey,
            final PrivateKey issuerPrivateKey, final X509Certificate issuerCertificate,
            final String domainComponent)
            throws CertificateParsingException, CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchProviderException,
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {
        assert myPublicKey != null : "myPublicKey must not be null";
        assert issuerPrivateKey != null : "issuerPrivateKey must not be null";
        assert issuerCertificate != null : "issuerCertificate must not be null";

        return generateX509Certificate(myPublicKey, issuerPrivateKey, issuerCertificate, UUID.randomUUID(),

    /** Generates a certificate path for a signed end-use certificate that cannot be used to sign other certificates, but can be used for authentication
     * and for message signing.
     * @param myPublicKey the public key for this certificate
     * @param issuerPrivateKey the issuer's private key
     * @param issuerCertificate the issuer's X.509 certificate
     * @param issuerCertPath the issuer's certificate path
     * @param domainComponent the domain component, e.g. NodeRuntime
     * @return a certificate path for a signed end-use certificate
     * @throws CertificateParsingException when the certificate cannot be parsed
     * @throws CertificateEncodingException when the certificate cannot be encoded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException when an invalid provider is given
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when an invalid algorithm is given
     * @throws SignatureException when the an invalid signature is present
     * @throws InvalidKeyException when the given key is invalid
     * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurs while processing the serial number file
     * @throws CertificateException when an invalid certificate is present
    public static CertPath generateX509CertificatePath(final PublicKey myPublicKey,
            final PrivateKey issuerPrivateKey, final X509Certificate issuerCertificate,
            final CertPath issuerCertPath, final String domainComponent)
            throws CertificateParsingException, CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchProviderException,
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, InvalidKeyException, IOException, CertificateException {
        assert myPublicKey != null : "myPublicKey must not be null";
        assert issuerPrivateKey != null : "issuerPrivateKey must not be null";
        assert issuerCertificate != null : "issuerCertificate must not be null";
        assert issuerCertPath != null : "issuerCertPath must not be null";

        final X509Certificate generatedCertificate = generateX509Certificate(myPublicKey, issuerPrivateKey,
                issuerCertificate, UUID.randomUUID(), domainComponent);
        final List<Certificate> certificateList = new ArrayList<>();
        return generateCertPath(certificateList);

    /** Generates a signed end-use certificate that cannot be used to sign other certificates, but can be used for authentication
     * and for message signing.
     * @param myPublicKey the public key for this certificate
     * @param issuerPrivateKey the issuer's private key
     * @param issuerCertificate the issuer's certificate
     * @param uid the subject UID
     * @param domainComponent the domain component, e.g. TexaiLauncher or NodeRuntime
     * @return a signed end-use certificate
     * @throws CertificateParsingException when the certificate cannot be parsed
     * @throws CertificateEncodingException when the certificate cannot be encoded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException when an invalid provider is given
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when an invalid algorithm is given
     * @throws SignatureException when the an invalid signature is present
     * @throws InvalidKeyException when the given key is invalid
     * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurs while processing the serial number file
    public static X509Certificate generateX509Certificate(final PublicKey myPublicKey,
            final PrivateKey issuerPrivateKey, final X509Certificate issuerCertificate, final UUID uid,
            final String domainComponent)
            throws CertificateParsingException, CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchProviderException,
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {
        assert myPublicKey != null : "myPublicKey must not be null";
        assert issuerPrivateKey != null : "issuerPrivateKey must not be null";
        assert issuerCertificate != null : "issuerCertificate must not be null";
        assert uid != null : "uid must not be null";

        final String x500PrincipalString;
        // provide items to X500Principal in reverse order
        if (domainComponent == null || domainComponent.isEmpty()) {
            x500PrincipalString = "UID=" + uid + ",";
        } else {
            x500PrincipalString = "UID=" + uid + ", DC=" + domainComponent + " ,";
        final X500Principal x500Principal = new X500Principal(x500PrincipalString);"issuer: " + issuerCertificate.getIssuerX500Principal().getName());

        final X509v3CertificateBuilder x509v3CertificateBuilder = new X509v3CertificateBuilder(
                new X500Name(StringUtils
                        .reverseCommaDelimitedString(issuerCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal().getName())), // issuer,
                getNextSerialNumber(), // serial
                new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 10000L), // notBefore,
                new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + VALIDITY_PERIOD), // notAfter,
                new X500Name(x500Principal.getName()), // subject,
                new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(myPublicKey.getEncoded()))); // publicKeyInfo

        // see
        // see
        final JcaX509ExtensionUtils jcaX509ExtensionUtils = new JcaX509ExtensionUtils();
        // Add authority key identifier
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.authorityKeyIdentifier, false, // isCritical

        // Add subject key identifier
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.subjectKeyIdentifier, false, // isCritical

        // add basic constraints
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.basicConstraints, true, // isCritical
                new BasicConstraints(false)); // is not a CA certificate

        // add key usage
        final KeyUsage keyUsage = new KeyUsage(
                // the digitalSignature usage indicates that the subject public key may be used with a digital signature
                // mechanism to support security services other than non-repudiation, certificate signing, or revocation
                // information signing
                KeyUsage.digitalSignature | // the nonRepudiation usage indicates that the subject public key may be used to verify digital signatures
                                            // used to provide a non-repudiation service which protects against the signing entity falsely denying some
                                            // action, excluding certificate or CRL signing
                        KeyUsage.nonRepudiation | // the keyEncipherment usage indicates that the subject public key may be used for key transport, e.g. the
                                                  // exchange of efficient symmetric keys in SSL
                        KeyUsage.keyEncipherment | // the dataEncipherment usage indicates that the subject public key may be used for enciphering user data,
                                                   // other than cryptographic keys
                        KeyUsage.dataEncipherment | // the keyAgreement usage indicates that the subject public key may be used for key agreement, e.g. when a
                                                    // Diffie-Hellman key is to be used for key management
                        KeyUsage.keyAgreement | // the keyCertSign bit indicates that the subject public key may be used for verifying a signature on
                                                // certificates
                        KeyUsage.keyCertSign | // the cRLSign indicates that the subject public key may be used for verifying a signature on revocation
                                               // information
                        KeyUsage.cRLSign | // see - bit 0 needs to set for SSL
                                           // client authorization
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.keyUsage, true, // isCritical

        X509Certificate x509Certificate;
        try {
            final ContentSigner contentSigner = new JcaContentSignerBuilder(DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM)
            final X509CertificateHolder x509CertificateHolder =;
            final JcaX509CertificateConverter jcaX509CertificateConverter = new JcaX509CertificateConverter();
            x509Certificate = makeCanonicalX509Certificate(
        } catch (CertificateException | OperatorCreationException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

        try {
        } catch (CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | NoSuchProviderException
                | SignatureException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);
        assert x509Certificate.getKeyUsage()[0] : "must have digital signature key usage";

        return x509Certificate;

    /** Returns whether the given certificate has the given key usage bit set, i.e. digitalSignature usage.
     *       digitalSignature        (0)
     *       nonRepudiation          (1)
     *       keyEncipherment         (2)
     *       dataEncipherment        (3)
     *       keyAgreement            (4)
     *       keyCertSign             (5)
     *       cRLSign                 (6)
     *       encipherOnly            (7)
     *       decipherOnly            (8)
     * @param x509Certificate the given certificate
     * @param keyUsageBitMask the given key usage bit, i.e. KeyUsage.digitalSignature
     * @return whether the given certificate has the given key usage bit set
    public static boolean hasKeyUsage(final X509Certificate x509Certificate, final int keyUsageBitMask) {
        assert x509Certificate != null : "x509Certificate must not be null";

        final boolean[] keyUsage = x509Certificate.getKeyUsage();
        int certificateKeyUsageBitmask = 0;
        final int keyUsage_len = keyUsage.length - 1; // ignore pad bit
        for (int i = 0; i < keyUsage_len; i++) {
            if (keyUsage[i]) {
                certificateKeyUsageBitmask += Math.pow(2, (keyUsage_len - i - 1));

        return (certificateKeyUsageBitmask & keyUsageBitMask) != 0;

    /** Gets the UUID from the subject name contained in the given X.509 certificate.
     * @param x509Certificate the given X.509 certificate
     * @return the UUID
    public static UUID getUUID(final X509Certificate x509Certificate) {
        assert x509Certificate != null : "x509Certificate must not be null";

        final String subjectString = x509Certificate.getSubjectX500Principal().toString();
        assert !subjectString.isEmpty() : "subject DN must not be empty";
        final int index = subjectString.indexOf("UID=");
        assert index > -1 : "UID not found in the subject DN";
        final String uuidString = subjectString.substring(index + 4, index + 40);
        return UUID.fromString(uuidString);

    /** Reads a DER encoded certificate from an input stream.
     * @param inputStream the input stream containing the DER encoded bytes of an X.509 certificate
     * @return the certificate
     * @throws CertificateException when an invalid certificate is read
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException when the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static X509Certificate readX509Certificate(final InputStream inputStream)
            throws CertificateException, NoSuchProviderException {
        assert inputStream != null : "inputStream must not be null";

        try {
            return new X509CertImpl(IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream));
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Writes a DER encoded certificate to the given file path.
     * @param x509Certificate the X.509 certificate
     * @param filePath the given file path
     * @throws CertificateEncodingException if the certificate cannot be encoded
     * @throws IOException when an input/output error occurs
    public static void writeX509Certificate(final X509Certificate x509Certificate, final String filePath)
            throws CertificateEncodingException, IOException {
        assert x509Certificate != null : "x509Certificate must not be null";
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        assert !filePath.isEmpty() : "filePath must not be empty";
        try (OutputStream certificateOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(filePath)) {

    /** Finds or creates the keystore specified by the given path.
     * @param filePath the file path to the keystore
     * @param password the keystore password
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static KeyStore findOrCreateKeyStore(final String filePath, final char[] password)
            throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
            NoSuchProviderException {
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        if (isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy()) {
            assert filePath.endsWith(".uber") : "file extension must be .uber";
        } else {
            assert filePath.endsWith(".jceks") : "file extension must be .jceks";
        assert password != null : "password must not be null";
        assert password.length > 0 : "password must not be empty";

        final File keyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        KeyStore keyStore;
        if (isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy()) {
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("UBER", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
        } else {
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
        if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
            try (final FileInputStream keyStoreInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
                keyStore.load(keyStoreInputStream, password);
        } else {
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            try (final FileOutputStream keyStoreOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
      , password);

        assert !filePath.endsWith(".uber") || keyStore.getType().equals("UBER") : "keyStore type is "
                + keyStore.getType() + ", expected UBER, filePath: " + filePath;

        return keyStore;

    /** Finds or creates the jceks keystore specified by the given path.
     * @param filePath the file path to the keystore
     * @param password the keystore password
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static KeyStore findOrCreateJceksKeyStore(final String filePath, final char[] password)
            throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
            NoSuchProviderException {
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        assert filePath.endsWith(".jceks") : "file extension must be .jceks";
        assert password != null : "password must not be null";
        assert password.length > 0 : "password must not be empty";

        final File keyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        final KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
        if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
            try (final FileInputStream keyStoreInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
                keyStore.load(keyStoreInputStream, password);
        } else {
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            try (final FileOutputStream keyStoreOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
      , password);
        return keyStore;

    /** Finds or creates the uber keystore specified by the given path.
     * @param filePath the file path to the keystore
     * @param password the keystore password
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static KeyStore findOrCreateUberKeyStore(final String filePath, final char[] password)
            throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
            NoSuchProviderException {
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        assert filePath.endsWith(".uber") : "file extension must be .uber";
        assert isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() : "JCE unlimited strength policy file must be installed";
        assert password != null : "password must not be null";
        assert password.length > 0 : "password must not be empty";

        final File keyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        final KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("UBER", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
        if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
            try (final FileInputStream keyStoreInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
                keyStore.load(keyStoreInputStream, password);
        } else {
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            try (final FileOutputStream keyStoreOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
      , password);
        return keyStore;

    /** Copies the given keystore from the .uber format to the .jceks format.
     * @param uberKeyStorePath the .uber keystore path
     * @param uberKeyStorePassword the .uber keystore password
     * @param jceksKeyStorePath the .jceks keystore path
     * @param jceksKeyStorePassword the .jceks keystore password
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
     * @throws UnrecoverableEntryException if the keystore entry cannot be recovered with the provided password and alias
    public static synchronized void copyKeyStoreUberToJceks(final String uberKeyStorePath,
            final char[] uberKeyStorePassword, final String jceksKeyStorePath, final char[] jceksKeyStorePassword)
            throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
            NoSuchProviderException, UnrecoverableEntryException {
        assert uberKeyStorePath != null : "uberKeyStorePath must not be null";
        assert !uberKeyStorePath.isEmpty() : "uberKeyStorePath must not be empty";
        assert uberKeyStorePath.endsWith(".uber") : "uber keystore file extension must be .uber";
        assert uberKeyStorePassword != null : "uberKeyStorePassword must not be null";
        assert jceksKeyStorePath != null : "jceksKeyStorePath must not be null";
        assert !jceksKeyStorePath.isEmpty() : "jceksKeyStorePath must not be empty";
        assert jceksKeyStorePath.endsWith(".jceks") : "jceks keystore file extension must be .jceks";
        assert uberKeyStorePassword != null : "uberKeyStorePassword must not be null";"copying keystore contents of " + uberKeyStorePath + " to " + jceksKeyStorePath);
        final KeyStore uberKeyStore = findOrCreateUberKeyStore(uberKeyStorePath, uberKeyStorePassword);
        final KeyStore jceksKeyStore = findOrCreateJceksKeyStore(jceksKeyStorePath, jceksKeyStorePassword);
        final Enumeration<String> aliases_enumeration = uberKeyStore.aliases();
        final PasswordProtection uberPasswordProtection = new PasswordProtection(uberKeyStorePassword);
        final PasswordProtection jceksPasswordProtection = new PasswordProtection(jceksKeyStorePassword);
        while (aliases_enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
            final String alias = aliases_enumeration.nextElement();
            final KeyStore.Entry entry = uberKeyStore.getEntry(alias, uberPasswordProtection);
            assert entry != null;
            jceksKeyStore.setEntry(alias, entry, jceksPasswordProtection);
  "  copied entry: " + alias);
        } FileOutputStream(jceksKeyStorePath), jceksKeyStorePassword);

    /** Finds the keystore specified by the given path.
     * @param filePath the file path to the keystore
     * @param password the keystore password
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static KeyStore findKeyStore(final String filePath, final char[] password) throws KeyStoreException,
            IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, NoSuchProviderException {
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        assert filePath.endsWith(".uber") || filePath.endsWith(".jceks") : "file extension must be .uber or .jceks";
        assert password != null : "password must not be null";
        assert password.length > 0 : "password must not be empty";

        final File keyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        KeyStore keyStore;
        if (filePath.endsWith(".uber")) {
            assert isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() : "must have unlimited security policy files installed";
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("UBER", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
        } else {
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
        if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
            try (FileInputStream keyStoreStream = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
                keyStore.load(keyStoreStream, password);
            return keyStore;
        } else {
            return null;

    /** Finds or creates the PKCS12 keystore specified by the given path.
     * @param filePath the file path to the keystore, having the .pkcs12 extension
     * @param password the keystore password
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static KeyStore findOrCreatePKCS12KeyStore(final String filePath, final char[] password)
            throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
            NoSuchProviderException {
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        assert filePath.endsWith(".p12") : "file extension must be .p12";
        assert password != null : "password must not be null";
        assert password.length > 0 : "password must not be empty";

        final File keyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        final KeyStore keyStore;
        if (isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy()) {
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
        } else {
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12");
        if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
            try (final FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
                keyStore.load(fileInputStream, password);
        } else {
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            try (final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
      , password);
        return keyStore;

    /** Finds or creates the BKS keystore specified by the given path.
     * @param filePath the file path to the keystore, having the .bks extension
     * @param password the keystore password
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static KeyStore findOrCreateBKSKeyStore(final String filePath, final char[] password)
            throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
            NoSuchProviderException {
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        assert filePath.endsWith(".bks") : "file extension must be .bks";
        assert password != null : "password must not be null";
        assert password.length > 0 : "password must not be empty";

        final File keyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        final KeyStore keyStore;
        keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("BKS");
        if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
            try (final FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
                keyStore.load(fileInputStream, password);
        } else {
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            try (final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
      , password);
        return keyStore;

    /** Finds or creates the JKS keystore specified by the given path.
     * @param filePath the file path to the keystore, having the .jks extension
     * @param password the keystore password
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException if no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the specified type
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data,
     * if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
     * @throws CertificateException if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography provider cannot be found
    public static KeyStore findOrCreateJKSKeyStore(final String filePath, final char[] password)
            throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
            NoSuchProviderException {
        assert filePath != null : "filePath must not be null";
        assert filePath.endsWith(".jks") : "file extension must be .jks";
        assert password != null : "password must not be null";
        assert password.length > 0 : "password must not be empty";

        final File keyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        final KeyStore keyStore;
        keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
        if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
            try (final FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
                keyStore.load(fileInputStream, password);
        } else {
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            try (final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile)) {
      , password);
        return keyStore;

    /** Adds an entry to the specified keystore, creating the keystore if it does not already exist.
     * @param keyStoreFilePath the file path to the keystore
     * @param keyStorePassword the keystore's password
     * @param certPath the certificate path to add
     * @param privateKey the private key associated with the first certificate in the path
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @throws CertificateException
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException
    public static KeyStore addEntryToKeyStore(final String keyStoreFilePath, final char[] keyStorePassword,
            final CertPath certPath, final PrivateKey privateKey) throws KeyStoreException, IOException,
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, NoSuchProviderException {
        assert keyStoreFilePath != null : "keyStoreFilePath must not be null";
        assert !keyStoreFilePath.isEmpty() : "keyStoreFilePath must not be empty";
        assert keyStorePassword != null : "keyStorePassword must not be null";

        return addEntryToKeyStore(keyStoreFilePath, keyStorePassword, X509Utils.ENTRY_ALIAS, certPath, privateKey);

    /** Adds an entry to the specified keystore, creating the keystore if it does not already exist.
     * @param keyStoreFilePath the file path to the keystore
     * @param keyStorePassword the keystore's password
     * @param alias the entry alias
     * @param certPath the certificate path to add
     * @param privateKey the private key associated with the first certificate in the path
     * @return the keystore
     * @throws KeyStoreException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @throws CertificateException
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException
    public static KeyStore addEntryToKeyStore(final String keyStoreFilePath, final char[] keyStorePassword,
            final String alias, final CertPath certPath, final PrivateKey privateKey) throws KeyStoreException,
            IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, NoSuchProviderException {
        assert keyStoreFilePath != null : "keyStoreFilePath must not be null";
        assert !keyStoreFilePath.isEmpty() : "keyStoreFilePath must not be empty";
        assert keyStorePassword != null : "keyStorePassword must not be null";
        assert alias != null : "alias must not be null";
        assert !alias.isEmpty() : "alias must not be empty";

        final KeyStore keyStore = X509Utils.findOrCreateKeyStore(keyStoreFilePath, keyStorePassword);
        final Certificate[] certificateChain = new Certificate[certPath.getCertificates().size() + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < certPath.getCertificates().size(); i++) {
            certificateChain[i] = certPath.getCertificates().get(i);
        certificateChain[certPath.getCertificates().size()] = X509Utils.getRootX509Certificate();
        keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privateKey, keyStorePassword, certificateChain); FileOutputStream(keyStoreFilePath), keyStorePassword);

        assert keyStore != null : "keyStore must not be null";

        return keyStore;

    /** Resets the certificate serial number.
     * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurred
    protected static void resetSerialNumber() throws IOException {
        File serialNumberFile = new File("../X509Security/data/certificate-serial-nbr.txt");
        try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(serialNumberFile))) {

    /** Returns the next certificate serial number.
     * @return the next certificate serial number
     * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurred
    protected static BigInteger getNextSerialNumber() throws IOException {
        File serialNumberFile = null;
        File dataDirectoryFile = new File("../X509Security/data");
        if (dataDirectoryFile.exists()) {
            serialNumberFile = new File("../X509Security/data/certificate-serial-nbr.txt");
            if (!serialNumberFile.exists()) {
                try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(serialNumberFile))) {
        } else {
            // for testing the message router
            dataDirectoryFile = new File("data");
            assert dataDirectoryFile.exists();
            serialNumberFile = new File("data/certificate-serial-nbr.txt");
            if (!serialNumberFile.exists()) {
                try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(serialNumberFile))) {
        final String line;
        try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(serialNumberFile))) {
            line = bufferedReader.readLine();
        final Long nextSerialNumber = Long.valueOf(line.trim()) + 1L;
        try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(serialNumberFile))) {
        return new BigInteger(String.valueOf(nextSerialNumber));

    /** Returns whether this is the trusted development system.
     * @return whether this is the trusted development system
    public static boolean isTrustedDevelopmentSystem() {
        final File keyStorePasswordFile = new File(System.getenv("SECURITY_DIR") + "/texai-keystore-password.txt");
        return keyStorePasswordFile.exists();

    /** Returns a certificate path consisting of the given certificate array.
     * @param certificates the given certificate array
     * @return the certificate path consisting of the given certificate list
     * @throws CertificateException if an invalid certificate is present
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography service provider is not found
    public static CertPath generateCertPath(final Certificate[] certificates)
            throws CertificateException, NoSuchProviderException {
        final List<Certificate> certificateList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Certificate certificate : certificates) {
        return generateCertPath(certificateList);

    /** Returns a certificate path consisting of the given certificate list.
     * @param certificateList the given certificate list
     * @return the certificate path consisting of the given certificate list
     * @throws CertificateException if an invalid certificate is present
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the cryptography service provider is not found
    public static CertPath generateCertPath(final List<Certificate> certificateList)
            throws CertificateException, NoSuchProviderException {
        final CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509",
        return certificateFactory.generateCertPath(certificateList);

    /** Validates the given X.509 certificate path, throwing an exception if the path is invalid.
     * @param certPath the given X.509 certificate path, which does not include the trust anchor in contrast to a
     * certificate chain that does
     * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if an invalid certificate path validation parameter is provided
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if an invalid encryption algorithm is specified
     * @throws CertPathValidatorException if the given x.509 certificate path is invalid
    public static void validateCertificatePath(final CertPath certPath)
            throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertPathValidatorException {
        assert certPath != null : "certPath must not be null";

        final Set<TrustAnchor> trustAnchors = new HashSet<>();
        trustAnchors.add(new TrustAnchor(X509Utils.getRootX509Certificate(), null)); // nameConstraints
        final PKIXParameters params = new PKIXParameters(trustAnchors);
        final CertPathValidator certPathValidator = CertPathValidator
        certPathValidator.validate(certPath, params);

    /** Generates the X.509 security information.
     * @param keyPair the key pair for the generated certificate
     * @param issuerPrivateKey the issuer's private key
     * @param issuerCertificate the issuer's certificate
     * @param uid the generated certificate's subject UID
     * @param keystorePassword the keystore password
     * @param isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy the indicator whether the generated X.509 security information will be
     * hosted on a system with unlimited strength policy
     * @param domainComponent the domain component
     * @return the X509 security information
    public static X509SecurityInfo generateX509SecurityInfo(final KeyPair keyPair,
            final PrivateKey issuerPrivateKey, final X509Certificate issuerCertificate, final UUID uid,
            final char[] keystorePassword, final boolean isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy,
            final String domainComponent) {
        assert keyPair != null : "keyPair must not be null";
        assert issuerPrivateKey != null : "issuerPrivateKey must not be null";
        assert issuerCertificate != null : "issuerCertificate must not be null";
        assert uid != null : "uid must not be null";
        assert keystorePassword != null : "keystorePassword must not be null";

        try {
            final X509Certificate x509Certificate = generateX509Certificate(keyPair.getPublic(), issuerPrivateKey,
                    issuerCertificate, uid, domainComponent);
            assert X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy();

            final KeyStore keyStore;
            if (isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy) {
                keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("UBER", BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER);
            } else {
                keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            keyStore.setKeyEntry(X509Utils.ENTRY_ALIAS, keyPair.getPrivate(), keystorePassword,
                    new Certificate[] { x509Certificate, X509Utils.getRootX509Certificate() });

            return new X509SecurityInfo(X509Utils.getTruststore(), keyStore, keystorePassword, null);
        } catch (NoSuchProviderException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | SignatureException | InvalidKeyException
                | IOException | KeyStoreException | CertificateException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Gets the X509 security information for the given keystore and private key alias.
     * @param keyStoreFilePath the file path to the keystore
     * @param keyStorePassword the keystore password
     * @param alias the private key entry alias
     * @return the X509 security information for a test client
    public static X509SecurityInfo getX509SecurityInfo(final String keyStoreFilePath, final char[] keyStorePassword,
            final String alias) {
        assert keyStoreFilePath != null : "keyStoreFilePath must not be null";
        assert !keyStoreFilePath.isEmpty() : "keyStoreFilePath must not be empty";
        assert keyStoreFilePath.endsWith(".uber")
                || keyStoreFilePath.endsWith(".jceks") : "keystore file extension must be .uber or .jceks";
        assert keyStorePassword != null : "keyStorePassword must not be null";

        try {
            return new X509SecurityInfo(X509Utils.getTruststore(),
                    findOrCreateKeyStore(keyStoreFilePath, keyStorePassword), // keyStore
                    keyStorePassword, alias);
        } catch (KeyStoreException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException
                | NoSuchProviderException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Initializes the installer keystore on the trusted development system, from where it is copied into the distributed code. */
    public static synchronized void initializeInstallerKeyStore() {
        if (!X509Utils.isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()) {
        String filePath = "data/installer-keystore.uber";
        File file = new File(filePath);
        if (file.exists()) {
            // do not overwrite it
        try {
  "creating the installer keystores");
            // the installer keystore consists of the single client X.509 certificate, which is generated and signed by
            // the Texai root certificate on the developement system that has the root private key.
            final KeyPair installerKeyPair = X509Utils.generateRSAKeyPair2048();
            final X509Certificate installerX509Certificate = X509Utils.generateX509Certificate(
                    installerKeyPair.getPublic(), X509Utils.getRootPrivateKey(), X509Utils.getRootX509Certificate(),

            // proceed as though the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files are installed, which they will be on the
            // trusted development system.
  "creating installer-keystore.uber");
            assert X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy();
            KeyStore installerKeyStore = X509Utils.findOrCreateKeyStore(filePath, INSTALLER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
            installerKeyStore.setKeyEntry(X509Utils.ENTRY_ALIAS, installerKeyPair.getPrivate(),
                    new Certificate[] { installerX509Certificate, X509Utils.getRootX509Certificate() });
   FileOutputStream(filePath), INSTALLER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);

            // then proceed after disabling the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files indicator
            filePath = "data/installer-keystore.jceks";
  "creating installer-keystore.jceks");
            installerKeyStore = X509Utils.findOrCreateKeyStore(filePath, INSTALLER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
            installerKeyStore.setKeyEntry(X509Utils.ENTRY_ALIAS, installerKeyPair.getPrivate(),
                    new Certificate[] { installerX509Certificate, X509Utils.getRootX509Certificate() });
   FileOutputStream(filePath), INSTALLER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
            // restore the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files indicator
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
                | SignatureException | InvalidKeyException | IOException | KeyStoreException
                | CertificateException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

        assert !isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()
                || X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() : "JCE unlimited strength policy must be in effect";

    /** Generates a self-signed certificate to use as a CA root certificate.
     * @param keyPair the root public/private key pair
     * @return a self-signed CA root certificate
     * @throws CertificateEncodingException when the certificate cannot be encoded
     * @throws NoSuchProviderException when an invalid provider is given
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when an invalid algorithm is given
     * @throws SignatureException when the an invalid signature is present
     * @throws InvalidKeyException when the given key is invalid
     * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurs while processing the serial number file
    protected static X509Certificate generateRootX509Certificate(final KeyPair keyPair)
            throws CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            SignatureException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {
        assert keyPair != null : "keyPair must not be null";

        final UUID rootUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
        // provide items to X500Principal in reverse order
        final X500Principal rootX500Principal = new X500Principal(
                "UID=" + rootUUID + ", O=Texai Certification Authority,");
        final X500Name subject = new X500Name(rootX500Principal.getName());
        final X509v3CertificateBuilder x509v3CertificateBuilder = new X509v3CertificateBuilder(
                new X500Name(rootX500Principal.getName()), // issuer,
                getNextSerialNumber(), // serial
                new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 10000L), // notBefore,
                new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + VALIDITY_PERIOD), // notAfter,
                subject, new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(keyPair.getPublic().getEncoded()))); // publicKeyInfo

        // see
        // see
        final JcaX509ExtensionUtils jcaX509ExtensionUtils = new JcaX509ExtensionUtils();

        // Add subject key identifier
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.subjectKeyIdentifier, false, // isCritical

        // add basic constraints
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.basicConstraints, true, // isCritical
                new BasicConstraints(true)); // is a CA certificate with an unlimited certification path length

        final KeyUsage keyUsage = new KeyUsage(
                // the keyCertSign bit indicates that the subject public key may be used for verifying a signature on
                // certificates
                KeyUsage.keyCertSign | // the cRLSign indicates that the subject public key may be used for verifying a signature on revocation
                                       // information

        // add key usage
        x509v3CertificateBuilder.addExtension(Extension.keyUsage, true, // isCritical

        X509Certificate rootX509Certificate;
        try {
            final ContentSigner contentSigner = new JcaContentSignerBuilder(DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM)
            final X509CertificateHolder x509CertificateHolder =;
            final JcaX509CertificateConverter jcaX509CertificateConverter = new JcaX509CertificateConverter();
            rootX509Certificate = jcaX509CertificateConverter.getCertificate(x509CertificateHolder);
        } catch (CertificateException | OperatorCreationException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

        try {

            return rootX509Certificate;
        } catch (InvalidKeyException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException | SignatureException
                | CertificateException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Creates the Texai root X.509 certificate keystore on the trusted development system.  This
     * keystore also includes a jar-signing certificate.
    protected static synchronized void createTexaiRootKeyStore() {
        assert !isTrustedDevelopmentSystem() || X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy();

        if (!isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()) {
        final char[] keyStorePassword = getRootKeyStorePassword();
        assert keyStorePassword != null;
        final String filePath = System.getenv("SECURITY_DIR") + "/texai-keystore.jceks";
        final File serverKeyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
        if (serverKeyStoreFile.exists()) {
            // do not overwrite it
        try {
  "creating Texai root key pair");
            final KeyPair rootKeyPair = generateRSAKeyPair3072();
  "creating Texai root X.509 certificate");
            final X509Certificate rootX509Certificate = generateRootX509Certificate(rootKeyPair);
  "root certificate...\n" + rootX509Certificate);
            final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (final byte b : rootX509Certificate.getEncoded()) {
                stringBuilder.append(", ");
  "root certificate...\n" + rootX509Certificate);
  "\nroot certificate bytes...\n" + stringBuilder.toString());
  "creating Texai root X.509 certificate keystore");
            final KeyStore rootKeyStore = X509Utils.findOrCreateJceksKeyStore(filePath, keyStorePassword);
            rootKeyStore.setKeyEntry(ROOT_ALIAS, rootKeyPair.getPrivate(), keyStorePassword,
                    new Certificate[] { rootX509Certificate });

            // create and store the jar-signer certificate
  "creating jar-signer key pair");
            final KeyPair jarSignerKeyPair = generateRSAKeyPair2048();
  "creating jar-signer X.509 certificate");
            final UUID jarSignerUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
  "jar-signer UUID: " + jarSignerUUID);
            final X509Certificate jarSignerX509Certificate = generateX509Certificate(jarSignerKeyPair.getPublic(),
                    rootKeyPair.getPrivate(), rootX509Certificate, jarSignerUUID, "RootCertificate"); // domainComponent
  "jar-signer certificate:\n" + jarSignerX509Certificate);
            rootKeyStore.setKeyEntry(JAR_SIGNER_ALIAS, jarSignerKeyPair.getPrivate(), keyStorePassword,
                    new Certificate[] { jarSignerX509Certificate, rootX509Certificate });
   FileOutputStream(filePath), keyStorePassword);

            final PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) rootKeyStore.getKey(ROOT_ALIAS, keyStorePassword);
            assert privateKey != null;

        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
                | SignatureException | InvalidKeyException | IOException | KeyStoreException | CertificateException
                | UnrecoverableKeyException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Gets the root keystore password, or null if not executing on a trusted root system.
     * @return the root keystore password, or null if not executing on a trusted root system
    protected static char[] getRootKeyStorePassword() {
        if (!isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()) {
            return null;
        File keyStorePasswordFile = new File(System.getenv("SECURITY_DIR") + "/texai-keystore-password.txt");
        try {
            final char[] keyStorePassword;
            try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(keyStorePasswordFile))) {
                final String keyStorePasswordString = bufferedReader.readLine().trim();
                keyStorePassword = keyStorePasswordString.toCharArray();
                assert keyStorePassword != null;
                assert keyStorePassword.length > 0;
            return keyStorePassword;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Gets the root private key or null if not executing on a trusted root system.
     * @return the root private key or null if not executing on a trusted root system
    public static PrivateKey getRootPrivateKey() {
        if (!isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()) {
            return null;
        try {
            final String filePath = System.getenv("SECURITY_DIR") + "/texai-keystore.jceks";
            final File serverKeyStoreFile = new File(filePath);
            assert serverKeyStoreFile.exists();
            final char[] keyStorePassword = getRootKeyStorePassword();
            assert keyStorePassword != null;
            final boolean isJCEUnlimitedStrenthPolicy1 = isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy();
            final KeyStore rootKeyStore = findKeyStore(System.getenv("SECURITY_DIR") + "/texai-keystore.jceks",
            assert rootKeyStore != null;
            final PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) rootKeyStore.getKey(ROOT_ALIAS, keyStorePassword);

            assert privateKey != null : "privateKey must not be null";
            assert !isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()
                    || X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() : "JCE unlimited strength policy must be in effect";

            return privateKey;
        } catch (KeyStoreException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException
                | NoSuchProviderException | UnrecoverableKeyException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);

    /** Initializes the truststore on the trusted development system, from where the truststore is copied to the
     * code repository. */
    public static synchronized void initializeTrustore() {
        if (!isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()) {

        // The truststore consists of the single Texai root X.509 certificate, which was generated and self-signed on the
        // developement system that has its private key. Proceed as though the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy
        // files are installed, which they will be on the trusted development system.
        assert isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy();
        String filePath = "data/truststore.uber";

        try {
  "creating truststore.uber");
            (new File(filePath)).delete();
            truststore = X509Utils.findOrCreateKeyStore(filePath, TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            truststore.setCertificateEntry(TRUSTSTORE_ENTRY_ALIAS, getRootX509Certificate());
            final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(filePath);
            assert "UBER".equals(truststore.getType());
            Enumeration<String> aliases = truststore.aliases();
            int aliasCnt = 0;
            while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
            assert aliasCnt > 0;

            // then proceed after disabling the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files indicator
            filePath = "data/truststore.jceks";
            (new File(filePath)).delete();
  "creating truststore.jceks");
            truststore = X509Utils.findOrCreateKeyStore(filePath, TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            truststore.setCertificateEntry(TRUSTSTORE_ENTRY_ALIAS, getRootX509Certificate());
   FileOutputStream(filePath), TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            assert "JCEKS".equals(truststore.getType());
            aliases = truststore.aliases();
            aliasCnt = 0;
            while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
            assert aliasCnt > 0;

            filePath = "data/truststore.jks";
            (new File(filePath)).delete();
  "creating truststore.jks");
            truststore = X509Utils.findOrCreateJKSKeyStore(filePath, TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            truststore.setCertificateEntry(TRUSTSTORE_ENTRY_ALIAS, getRootX509Certificate());
   FileOutputStream(filePath), TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            assert "JKS".equals(truststore.getType());
            aliases = truststore.aliases();
            aliasCnt = 0;
            while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
            assert aliasCnt > 0;

            filePath = "data/truststore.bks";
            (new File(filePath)).delete();
  "creating truststore.bks");
            truststore = X509Utils.findOrCreateBKSKeyStore(filePath, TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            truststore.setCertificateEntry(TRUSTSTORE_ENTRY_ALIAS, getRootX509Certificate());
   FileOutputStream(filePath), TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            assert "BKS".equals(truststore.getType());
            aliases = truststore.aliases();
            aliasCnt = 0;
            while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
            assert aliasCnt > 0;

            // create the PKCS12 keystore from which the trusted certificate can be imported into a web browser
            filePath = "data/truststore.p12";
            (new File(filePath)).delete();
  "creating truststore.p12");
            truststore = X509Utils.findOrCreatePKCS12KeyStore(filePath, TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            truststore.setCertificateEntry(TRUSTSTORE_ENTRY_ALIAS, getRootX509Certificate());
   FileOutputStream(filePath), TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
            assert truststore != null;
            assert "pkcs12".equals(truststore.getType());
            aliases = truststore.aliases();
            aliasCnt = 0;
            while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
            assert aliasCnt > 0;

        } catch (KeyStoreException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException
                | NoSuchProviderException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);
        } finally {
            // restore the JCE unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files indicator
            // refresh the cached reference to the truststore
            truststore = null;

            assert !isTrustedDevelopmentSystem()
                    || X509Utils.isJCEUnlimitedStrengthPolicy() : "JCE unlimited strength policy must be in effect";

    /** Logs the aliases contained in the given keystore.
    @param keyStore the given keystore
    public static void logAliases(final KeyStore keyStore) {
        Enumeration<String> aliases;
        try {
            aliases = keyStore.aliases();
        } catch (KeyStoreException ex) {
            throw new TexaiException(ex);
        while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
  "  " + aliases.nextElement());