Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018 Signal Iduna Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Signal Iduna Corporation - initial API and implementation * akquinet AG * itemis AG *******************************************************************************/ package org.testeditor.fixture.web; import java.awt.DisplayMode; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxBinary; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxOptions; import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.BrowserType; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Marker; import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.FixtureException; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.MaskingString; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.TestRunListener; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.TestRunReportable; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.TestRunReporter; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.TestRunReporter.Action; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.TestRunReporter.SemanticUnit; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.TestRunReporter.Status; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.artifacts.TestArtifact; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.artifacts.TestArtifactRegistry; import org.testeditor.fixture.core.interaction.FixtureMethod; import org.testeditor.fixture.web.json.BrowserSetting; import org.testeditor.fixture.web.json.BrowserSettingsManager; import org.testeditor.fixture.web.json.BrowserSetupElement; import; import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.ChromeDriverManager; import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.DriverManagerType; import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.FirefoxDriverManager; import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.InternetExplorerDriverManager; import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager; /** * The {@code WebDriverFixture} class represents methods for automating * browser-actions like clicking on gui-widgets by means of a test-driver called * {@code WebDriver}. */ public class WebDriverFixture implements TestRunListener, TestRunReportable { // Proxy keys public static final String HTTP_PROXY_HOST = "http_proxyHost"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD = "http_proxyPassword"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_USER = "http_proxyUser"; // Proxy values private static String httpProxyHost; private static String httpProxyPassword; private static String httpProxyUser; private WebDriver driver; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebDriverFixture.class); Marker fatal = MarkerFactory.getMarker("FATAL"); private String executeScript = null; private final Supplier<TestArtifactRegistry> testArtifactRegistrySupplier; public WebDriverFixture() { this(TestArtifactRegistry::getInstance); } public WebDriverFixture(Supplier<TestArtifactRegistry> testArtifactRegistry) { this.testArtifactRegistrySupplier = testArtifactRegistry; } /** * specifies the time to wait (in seconds) before an action will be performed. * * @param timeToWait * @throws InterruptedException */ @FixtureMethod public void waitSeconds(long timeToWait) throws FixtureException { wrappedSleep(timeToWait * 1000, "wait interrupted", FixtureException.keyValues()); } /** * @return {@code WebDriver} to perform actions. */ public WebDriver getDriver() { return driver; } /** * sets the {@code WebDriver} * * @param driver */ @FixtureMethod public void setDriver(WebDriver driver) throws FixtureException { if (driver == null) { logger.error(fatal, "WebDriver is null"); throw new FixtureException("WebDriver cannot be null", new IllegalArgumentException()); } else { this.driver = driver; logger.trace("WebDriver is set"); } } /** * Sets a String as a script-name for execution. * * @param executionScript */ @FixtureMethod public void setExecuteScript(String executionScript) throws FixtureException { executeScript = executionScript; logger.trace("Execution script is set - name = {}", executionScript); } /** * Starts a specified browser. Following Strings are available:<br> * * <ul> * <li><b>default</b> -opens a specific browser (On Windows -> Internet * Explorer, on others -> Firefox), but Firefox will only work for versions > * 55.0.3</li> * <li><b>firefox</b> - starts a locally installed firefox instance with * {@code GeckoDriver}</li> * <li><b>ie</b> - opens Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer</li> * <li><b>chrome</b> - opens Google Chrome</li> * </ul> * * @param browser String literal for used browser * @return {@code WebDriver} */ @FixtureMethod public WebDriver startBrowser(String browser) throws FixtureException { logger.debug("Starting browser: {}", browser); switch (browser) { case "default": if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) { launchInternetExplorer(); } else { launchFirefox(); } break; case "firefox": launchFirefox(); break; case "ie": launchInternetExplorer(); break; case "chrome": launchChrome(); break; default: throw new FixtureException("Unknown browser.", FixtureException.keyValues("browser", browser)); } configureDriver(); return driver; } @Override public void initWithReporter(TestRunReporter reporter) { reporter.addListener(this); } @Override public void reported(SemanticUnit unit, Action action, String msg, String id, Status status, Map<String, String> variables) { if (unit == SemanticUnit.TEST && action == Action.ENTER) { runningTest = msg; } if (screenshotShouldBeMade(unit, action, msg)) { String screenshotFileName = makeScreenshot(msg + '.' + id); testArtifactRegistrySupplier.get().register(new TestArtifact("screenshot", screenshotFileName), id); } } @Override public void reportAssertionExit(AssertionError e) { makeScreenshot("ASSERTION-ERROR"); } @Override public void reportExceptionExit(Exception e) { makeScreenshot("EXCEPTION"); } @Override public void reportFixtureExit(FixtureException e) { makeScreenshot("FIXTURE-EXCEPTION"); } private String runningTest = null; private static final int SCREENSHOT_FILENAME_MAXLEN = 128; private String getCurrentTestCase() { return runningTest != null ? runningTest : "UNKNOWN_TEST"; } private String getScreenshotPath() { // configurable through maven build? return "screenshots"; } private boolean screenshotShouldBeMade(SemanticUnit unit, Action action, String msg) { // configurable through maven build? return (((action == Action.LEAVE) && unit == SemanticUnit.STEP) || unit == SemanticUnit.TEST) && driver != null; } private String reduceToMaxLen(String base, int maxLen) { logger.trace("BaseFilename : {} should have the maximal length of: {} characters.", base, maxLen); if (base.length() < maxLen) { logger.trace("BaseFileName used with maximal length of {} characters: {}", maxLen, base); return base; } else { String shortedString = base.substring(0, maxLen); logger.trace("Shortened baseFileName to maximal lenght of {} characters : {}", maxLen, base); return shortedString; } } private String constructScreenshotFilename(String filenameBase, String testcase) { String additionalGraphicType = ".png"; String escapedBaseName = filenameBase.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]", "_").replaceAll("_+", "_") .replaceAll("_+\\.", ".").replaceAll("\\._+", "."); String timeStr = new SimpleDateFormat("HHmmss.SSS").format(new Date()); String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYYMMdd").format(new Date()); StringBuffer finalFilenameBuffer = new StringBuffer(); int lenOfFixedElements = timeStr.length() + additionalGraphicType.length() + 1/* hyphen */; finalFilenameBuffer // .append(getScreenshotPath()) // .append('/').append(reduceToMaxLen(testcase, SCREENSHOT_FILENAME_MAXLEN))// .append('/').append(dateStr) // .append('/').append(timeStr).append('-') // .append(reduceToMaxLen(escapedBaseName, SCREENSHOT_FILENAME_MAXLEN - lenOfFixedElements))// .append(additionalGraphicType); String fileName = finalFilenameBuffer.toString(); logger.trace("Screenshot fileName: {}", fileName); return fileName; } /** * Write a screenshot of the current ui into a file, based on the basic * filenameBase provided. The final filename is constructed using the testcase a * hash of the fixture itself and a shortened timestamp. * * @param filenameBase user definable part of the final filename */ @FixtureMethod public String screenshot(String filenameBase) throws FixtureException { return makeScreenshot(filenameBase); } protected String makeScreenshot(String filenameBase) { String testcase = getCurrentTestCase(); String finalFilename = constructScreenshotFilename(filenameBase, testcase); if (driver != null) { try { File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File(finalFilename)); logger.debug("Wrote screenshot to file='{}'.", finalFilename); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Could not write screenshot to file='{}'.", finalFilename); } } else { logger.warn("Driver not set (yet). Could not write screenshot to file='{}'.", finalFilename); } return finalFilename; } /** * starts Firefox Portable. This works for Versions < 47.0. preferably Firefox * ESR 45.4.0 * * @param browserPath * @return {@code WebDriver} */ @FixtureMethod public WebDriver startFireFoxPortable(String browserPath) throws FixtureException { logger.debug("Starting Firefox Portable on path : {} ...", browserPath); setupDrivermanager(FirefoxDriverManager.getInstance(DriverManagerType.FIREFOX)); logger.trace("WebDriverManager setup executed!"); FirefoxBinary binary = new FirefoxBinary(new File(browserPath)); FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions(); options.setBinary(binary); FirefoxDriver firefoxdriver = new FirefoxDriver(options); driver = firefoxdriver; logger.trace("Firefox portable setup executed!"); logBrowserVersion(options, firefoxdriver); return driver; } /** * launches Google Chrome with the ChromeDriverManager, this will be downloaded * automatically and will be saved in the directory * /~USER_HOME/m2/repository/webdriver/ in every according OS. * * @throws FixtureException */ private void launchChrome() throws FixtureException { logger.debug("Starting Google Chrome ..."); setupDrivermanager(ChromeDriverManager.getInstance(DriverManagerType.CHROME)); logger.trace("WebDriverManager setup executed!"); ChromeOptions options = populateBrowserSettingsForChrome(); ChromeDriver chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(options); driver = chromeDriver; logger.trace("Google Chrome setup executed!"); logBrowserVersion(options, chromeDriver); registerShutdownHook(driver); } /** * launches Firefox with FirefoxDriverManager, this will be downloaded * automatically and will be saved in the directory * /~USER_HOME/m2/repository/webdriver/ in every according OS. * * @throws FixtureException */ private void launchFirefox() throws FixtureException { logger.debug("Starting Firefox ..."); setupDrivermanager(FirefoxDriverManager.getInstance(DriverManagerType.FIREFOX)); logger.trace("WebDriverManager setup executed succesfully!"); FirefoxOptions options = populateBrowserSettingsForFirefox(); FirefoxDriver firefoxdriver = new FirefoxDriver(options); driver = firefoxdriver; logger.trace("Firefox setup executed!"); logBrowserVersion(options, firefoxdriver); registerShutdownHook(driver); } /** * launches Windows Internet Explorer with IEDriverServerManager, this will be * downloaded automatically and will be saved in the directory * /~USER_HOME/m2/repository/webdriver/ in every according OS. * * @throws FixtureException */ private void launchInternetExplorer() throws FixtureException { logger.debug("Starting Internet Explorer ..."); setupDrivermanager(InternetExplorerDriverManager.getInstance(DriverManagerType.IEXPLORER)); logger.trace("WebDriverManager setup executed!"); InternetExplorerOptions options = populateBrowserSettingsForInternetExplorer(); InternetExplorerDriver iedriver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options); driver = iedriver; logger.trace("Internet Explorer setup executed!"); logBrowserVersion(options, iedriver); registerShutdownHook(driver); } private void logBrowserVersion(Capabilities capabilities, RemoteWebDriver remoteDriver) { String browserName = capabilities.getBrowserName(); String version = remoteDriver.getCapabilities().getVersion(); logger.debug("Browser \"{}\" has version \"{}\".", browserName, version); } private ChromeOptions populateBrowserSettingsForChrome() throws FixtureException { List<BrowserSetting> options = new ArrayList<>(); // specifying capabilities and options with the aid of the browser type. populateWithBrowserSpecificSettings(BrowserType.CHROME, options); ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions(); // Specific method because a ChromeOption is just a String like // "allow-outdated-plugins" or "load-extension=/path/to/unpacked_extension" populateChromeOption(options, chromeOptions); return chromeOptions; } private FirefoxOptions populateBrowserSettingsForFirefox() throws FixtureException { List<BrowserSetting> options = new ArrayList<>(); // specifying capabilities and options with the aid of the browser type. populateWithBrowserSpecificSettings(BrowserType.FIREFOX, options); FirefoxOptions firefoxOptions = new FirefoxOptions(); // Specific method because Firefox Options consists of key value pairs // with different data types. populateFirefoxOption(options, firefoxOptions); return firefoxOptions; } private InternetExplorerOptions populateBrowserSettingsForInternetExplorer() throws FixtureException { List<BrowserSetting> options = new ArrayList<>(); // specifying capabilities and options with the aid of the browser type. populateWithBrowserSpecificSettings(BrowserType.IE, options); // Specific method because an InternetExplorerOption is just a key value like // "ignoreProtectedModeSettings = true" or "requireWindowFocus = true" InternetExplorerOptions ieOptions = new InternetExplorerOptions(); populateIeOptions(options, ieOptions); return ieOptions; } private void populateChromeOption(List<BrowserSetting> options, ChromeOptions chromeOptions) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (options != null) { options.forEach((option) -> { buffer.append(" " + (String) option.getValue() + " "); chromeOptions.addArguments((String) option.getValue()); }); } logger.trace("All Chrome options: {}", buffer.toString()); } private void populateIeOptions(List<BrowserSetting> options, InternetExplorerOptions ieOptions) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (options != null) { options.forEach((option) -> { buffer.append(" key:" + option.getKey() + " value:" + (String) option.getValue() + " "); ieOptions.setCapability(option.getKey(), option.getValue()); }); } logger.trace("All Internet Explorer options: {}", buffer.toString()); } private void populateFirefoxOption(List<BrowserSetting> options, FirefoxOptions firefoxOptions) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (options != null) { options.forEach((option) -> { Object value = option.getValue(); switch (value.getClass().getSimpleName()) { case "String": buffer.append(" key:" + option.getKey() + " value:" + (String) option.getValue() + " "); firefoxOptions.addPreference(option.getKey(), (String) option.getValue()); break; case "Integer": buffer.append(" key:" + option.getKey() + " value:" + (Integer) option.getValue() + " "); firefoxOptions.addPreference(option.getKey(), (Integer) option.getValue()); break; case "Boolean": buffer.append(" key:" + option.getKey() + " value:" + (Boolean) option.getValue() + " "); firefoxOptions.addPreference(option.getKey(), (Boolean) option.getValue()); break; default: logger.error("Only Strings, Integer or Boolean values are allowed for Option values."); throw new RuntimeException( "Only Strings, Integer or Boolean values are allowed for Option values but was: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } ); } logger.trace("All Firefox options: {}", buffer.toString()); } private void populateWithBrowserSpecificSettings(String browserName, List<BrowserSetting> options) throws FixtureException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); BrowserSettingsManager manager = new BrowserSettingsManager(); List<BrowserSetupElement> browserSettings = manager.getBrowserSettings(); browserSettings.forEach((setting) -> { if (setting.getBrowserName().equalsIgnoreCase(browserName)) { List<BrowserSetting> separateOptions = setting.getOptions(); separateOptions.forEach(option -> { builder.append(String.format("key: %23s - value: %s", option.getKey(), option.getValue())); builder.append("\n"); }); options.addAll(separateOptions); } }); logger.trace("\n********************************************************\n" + "Browserspecific settings: \n{}" + "********************************************************\n", builder.toString()); } private void setupDrivermanager(WebDriverManager manager) { if (areProxyCredentialsAvailable()) { settingProxyCredentials(manager); } manager.setup(); } private boolean areProxyCredentialsAvailable() { String proxyHost = System.getenv(HTTP_PROXY_HOST); boolean proxyCredentialsAvailable = false; if (proxyHost != null && !proxyHost.isEmpty()) { httpProxyHost = proxyHost; httpProxyUser = System.getenv(HTTP_PROXY_USER); httpProxyPassword = System.getenv(HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD); proxyCredentialsAvailable = true; logger.debug("Proxy settings found as System Environment Variable: {}", HTTP_PROXY_HOST); logger.trace("Proxy user and password set as System Environment Variables : {} and {}", HTTP_PROXY_USER, HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD); } else { logger.trace( "No proxy set - No settings found as System Environment Variable: {}. " + "If proxy settings are neccessary, following Environment Variables " + "have to be specified for test execution : {} = <YOUR_PROXY_HOSTNAME> ; " + "{} = <YOUR_PROXY_USERNAME> ; {} = <YOUR_PROXYPASSWORD>", HTTP_PROXY_HOST, HTTP_PROXY_HOST, HTTP_PROXY_USER, HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD); } return proxyCredentialsAvailable; } /** * To download the correct version of the WebDriver-Server for each browser * manufacturer for using W3C WebDriver-compatible clients to interact with, we * need proxy credentials if "System under Test" is located behind a proxy. * Because of this reason there is a pleasant way to download the corresponding * WebDriver-Server with the help of the <a href= * "">WebDriverManager</a> * developed by Boni Garcia, which provides an ability performing a download in * an automated way. The proxy credentials should be provided as "System * Environment Variables" before the execution of tests. * <p> * * There are 3 variables to be provided so far.<br> * * Here is an example for naming the proxy variables e.g. on a linux system<br> * * <pre> * 1.) export http.proxyHost = my.proxy.url * 2.) export http.proxyPassword = myProxyPassword * 3.) export http.proxyUser = myProxyUser * </pre> * * @param browserManager The specific BrowserManager of a browser. */ private void settingProxyCredentials(WebDriverManager browserManager) { logger.debug("Proxy Credentials for WebDrivermanager ( {} = {} ; {} = {})", HTTP_PROXY_HOST, httpProxyHost, HTTP_PROXY_USER, httpProxyUser); browserManager.proxy(httpProxyHost); browserManager.proxyUser(httpProxyUser); browserManager.proxyPass(httpProxyPassword); } /** * ShutdownHook for teardown of started Browsermanager * * @param driver Webdriver to be used */ private void registerShutdownHook(final WebDriver driver) { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { driver.quit(); } }); logger.debug("ShutDownHook registered on WebDriver."); } /** * Specifies behavior of Browser. Prerequisite for a test to be executed is, * that browsers are opened maximized to prevent failures. */ protected void configureDriver() { logger.trace("Setting Implicit Wait 10 seconds"); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // because executing tests results in problems on travis build DisplayMode displayMode = getDisplayMode(); int width = displayMode.getWidth(); int height = displayMode.getHeight(); logger.debug("Screen-Width: " + width + " Screen-Height: " + height); driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(width, height)); } private DisplayMode getDisplayMode() { GraphicsDevice gd = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); return gd.getDisplayMode(); } /** * opens a specified URL in the browser * * @param url - an URL-String which represents the Web-Site to open in the * browser. example: url = "" * @throws FixtureException Exception occurs when browser can not open the given URL. */ @FixtureMethod public void goToUrl(String url) throws FixtureException { driver.get(url); } /** * close the Browser window */ @FixtureMethod public void closeBrowser() throws FixtureException { // drive.close() leads to exception with Selenium V. 3.5.3 and Firefox // 55.0.3 preferred method -> just driver.quit(); driver.quit(); logger.trace("Web-Driver quitting completed."); driver = null; logger.trace("Web-Driver is set to null."); } /** * This method waits explicitly for a WebElement in the DOM-Object until the * given timeOut is reached before an Exception is thrown. * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @param timeOutInSeconds The max timeout in seconds when an element is * expected before a NotFoundException will be thrown. * @throws FixtureException Exception occurs when wait until an element is * found on a Web-Element can not be performed. */ @FixtureMethod public void waitUntilElementFound(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType, int timeOutInSeconds) throws FixtureException { logger.debug("Waiting max {} seconds until element {} with strategy {} is found", timeOutInSeconds, elementLocator, locatorType); WebDriverWait webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeOutInSeconds); logger.trace("Timeout for WebDriverWait is set to {}.", timeOutInSeconds); try { webDriverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(getBy(elementLocator, locatorType))); logger.trace("WebDriverWait executed until element with elementlocator {} found.", elementLocator); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new FixtureException("timeout during wait for element", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), // "timeout", Long.valueOf(timeOutInSeconds)), e); } } /** * First empties the input field and then types given text into input fields on a specified Gui-Widget * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @param value String which is set into the textfield * @throws FixtureException Exception occurs when sendKeys can not be performed on a Web-Element. */ @FixtureMethod public void typeInto(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType, String value) throws FixtureException { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); try { element.clear(); element.sendKeys(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new FixtureException("string to be typed into element cannot be null", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), // "value", value.toString()), // e); } } /** * First empties the input field and then types given text obfuscated into input fields on a specified Gui-Widget. * E.g. a HTML input field with type "password". * The specialty about the text which is typed in is, that it will be obfuscated in log files * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget. * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget. * @param value A masked String which is set into the textfield where the type is password. * @throws FixtureException Exception occurs when a secret text will be typed into a * web input field which HTML-Atrribute is not type="password". */ @FixtureMethod public void typeConfidentialIntoConfidential(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType, // MaskingString value) throws FixtureException { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); if (element.getAttribute("type").equals("password")) { try { element.clear(); element.sendKeys(value.get()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new FixtureException("string to be typed into element cannot be null", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString()), e); } } else { throw new FixtureException( "The searched Web-Element is not of type [password] further processing aborted." + "Please prefer an input field of type password ", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString())); } } /** * First empties the input field and then types given text not obfuscated into a non secure input field * on a specified Gui-Widget. The specialty about the text which is typed in is, * that it will be not obfuscated in log files * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget as {@link String}. * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget as enum {@link LocatorStrategy}. * @param value A masked {@link String} which is set into the textfield. * @throws FixtureException Exception occurs when sendKeys can not be performed on a Web-Element. */ @FixtureMethod public void typeConfidentialInto(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType, // MaskingString value) throws FixtureException { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); try { element.clear(); element.sendKeys(value.get()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new FixtureException("string to be typed into element cannot be null", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString()), e); } } /** * Clears the given input field. * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @throws FixtureException Exception occurs when input field could not be emptied. */ @FixtureMethod public void clear(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) throws FixtureException { try { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); element.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FixtureException("Could not find Web Element: " + elementLocator, // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, "locatorType", locatorType.toString()), e); } } /** * click on a specified Gui-Widget * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget */ @FixtureMethod public void clickOn(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) throws FixtureException { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); try {; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { logPageSource(getPageSource()); throw new FixtureException("element to click seems to no longer exist", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), // "element", element.toString(), // "pageSource", getPageSource()), e); } } /** * @return The title of the actual accessed html web site. */ @FixtureMethod public String getTitle() throws FixtureException { return driver.getTitle(); } /** * Submits WebElements like forms ore whole websites * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget */ @FixtureMethod public void submit(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) throws FixtureException { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); try { element.submit(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logPageSource(getPageSource()); throw new FixtureException("element seems not to be part of a form and cannot be submitted", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), // "element", element.toString(), // "pageSource", getPageSource()), e); } } /** * Returns the innerText content of an HTML-Element e.g. {@code <button>My Button</button>} * returns the text "My Button". If the value will not be found, a FixtureException will be thrown. * The expectation is: the value has to be available on the HTML site, because the user typed this value * before this action. * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @return innerText of a HTML-Element * @throws FixtureException */ @FixtureMethod public String readValue(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) throws FixtureException { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); String value = getValueOfWebElement(element); if (value == null) { throw new FixtureException("No value found for given locator " + elementLocator, // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), // "element", element.toString(), // "value", value)); } return value; } protected String getValueOfWebElement(WebElement element) { String value = null; String readValueThroughText = element.getText(); // Selenium getText() vs. getAttribute("value") see if ((readValueThroughText != null) && (!readValueThroughText.isEmpty())) { value = readValueThroughText; logger.trace("readValueThroughText -> element.getText() returned elements successfully"); } else { String readValueThroughAttribute = element.getAttribute("value"); if ((readValueThroughAttribute != null) && (!readValueThroughAttribute.isEmpty())) { value = readValueThroughAttribute; logger.trace("readValueThroughAttribute -> element.getAttribute(\"value\") returned " + "elements successfully {}"); } else { logger.trace("readValueThroughAttribute -> element.getAttribute(\"value\") and element.getText() " + "returned no result for element {}", element.getTagName()); value = null; } } logger.trace("getValueOfWebElement returned: \n{} for element {}", value, element.getTagName()); return value; } /** * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @param value to be selected in a Selectionbox * @throws InterruptedException */ @FixtureMethod public void selectElementInSelection(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType, String value) throws FixtureException { clickOn(elementLocator, locatorType); logger.debug("Select element {} in selection {} located by: {}.", value, elementLocator, locatorType); wrappedSleep(300, "sleep after click on element was interrupted", FixtureException.keyValues( "elementLocator", elementLocator, "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), "value", value)); logger.trace("wait for 300 ms"); WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); try { new Select(element).selectByVisibleText(value); logger.trace("Selected value: {}", value); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new FixtureException( "element could not be selected by visible text (option not part of this selection)", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLoactor", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), // "value", value, "element", element.toString()), e); } catch (UnexpectedTagNameException e) { throw new FixtureException("element expected to be tag SELECT", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLoactor", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), // "value", value, // "element", element.toString()), e); } } /** * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @return a JsonObject of the values in a Selectionbox * @throws InterruptedException */ @FixtureMethod public JsonObject getOptionsInSelection(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) throws FixtureException { JsonObject availableOptions = new JsonObject(); clickOn(elementLocator, locatorType); wrappedSleep(300, "sleep after get options in selection was interrupted", FixtureException .keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, "locatorType", locatorType.toString())); Select selection = new Select(getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType)); for (WebElement webElement : selection.getAllSelectedOptions()) { availableOptions.addProperty(webElement.getText(), webElement.getText()); } logger.trace("All options for the selection with locator = {} and locatorType = {} : " + "{}", elementLocator, locatorType, availableOptions.toString()); return availableOptions; } /** * * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @return true if a checkable Gui-Widget is checked, false otherwise. */ @FixtureMethod public Boolean checkEnabled(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) throws FixtureException { WebElement element = getWebElement(elementLocator, locatorType); boolean enabled = element.isEnabled(); logger.debug("Element with locator: {} and locatorType: {} returned for " + "checkEnabled = {}", elementLocator, locatorType, enabled); return enabled; } /** * @param elementLocator Locator for Gui-Widget * @param locatorType Type of locator for Gui-Widget * @return {@code WebElement} where the Locator String begins in a specific * manner. */ protected WebElement getWebElement(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) throws FixtureException { if (executeScript != null) { executeScript(); } logger.debug("Lookup element with locator \"{}\" and locatorType \"{}\"", elementLocator,; WebElement result = null; try { result = driver.findElement(getBy(elementLocator, locatorType)); logger.trace("Lookup element was successful."); } catch (NoSuchElementException exception) { logPageSource(getPageSource()); throw new FixtureException("element could not be located on the current page", // FixtureException.keyValues("elementLocator", elementLocator, // "locatorType", locatorType.toString(), "pageSource", getPageSource(), "url", driver.getCurrentUrl(), "title", driver.getTitle())); } return result; } private By getBy(String elementLocator, LocatorStrategy locatorType) { By result = null; switch (locatorType) { case XPATH: result = By.xpath(elementLocator); logger.trace("Element {} searched by XPATH", elementLocator); break; case LINK: result = By.linkText(elementLocator); logger.trace("Element {} searched by LINKTEXT", elementLocator); break; case ID: result =; logger.trace("Element {} searched by ID", elementLocator); break; case CSS: result = By.cssSelector(elementLocator); logger.trace("Element {} searched by CSS", elementLocator); break; default: result =; logger.trace("Element {} searched by NAME", elementLocator); break; } return result; } /** * executes a given Javascript file. Name or respectively path of script must be * set before using method {@code setExecuteScript()}. */ private void executeScript() throws FixtureException { try { logger.trace("execute script begin {}", executeScript); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(executeScript)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (br.ready()) { sb.append(br.readLine()).append("\n"); } br.close(); logger.trace("execute script end {}", executeScript); logger.trace("Script for execution : {}", sb.toString()); ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(sb.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Can't read java script", e); throw new FixtureException("could not execute javascript", // FixtureException.keyValues("executeScript", executeScript), e); } } protected void wrappedSleep(long ms, String msg, Map<String, Object> keyValueMap) throws FixtureException { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { keyValueMap.put("timeout", Long.valueOf(ms)); throw new FixtureException(msg, keyValueMap, e); } } /** * A special keyboard key is pressed. * * @param specialKey * the key to press (@see org.openqa.selenium.Keys) * @throws FixtureException * if key is invalid */ @FixtureMethod public void pressSpecialKey(String specialKey) throws FixtureException { logger.debug("Press special Key : {}.", specialKey); if (specialKey == null || specialKey.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new FixtureException("Invalid or empty key!"); } try { Keys seleniumKey = Keys.valueOf(specialKey.trim().toUpperCase()); new Actions(driver).sendKeys(seleniumKey).build().perform(); logger.trace("Press special key performed with key : {}", specialKey); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new FixtureException("Key cannot be converted", FixtureException.keyValues("key", specialKey, "allowed-keys", join(Keys.values())), e); } } private String join(Keys[] keys) { ArrayList<Keys> allKeyentries = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(keys)); String allKeyEntries = ->"\", \"")); logger.trace("All special key entries: {}", allKeyentries); return allKeyEntries; } /** * Checks if a specified text appears on a web site. Even just typed text artifacts * which are currently inserted into the DOM. * The expectation is: The user just wants to search for a specified text on a web site * without an error being reported if the text is not found on the web site. With this * knowledge the user can decide what to do in the test. Using an assertion or just * assigning the result of this method to a variable for later usage. * * @param textTobeFound * @return true if searched text is found on a HTML Page and in DOM , false otherwise * @throws FixtureException */ @FixtureMethod public boolean isTextOnPage(String textTobeFound) throws FixtureException { // First looking in the page source for fix Web Elements logger.debug("Is text '{}' on page?", textTobeFound); if (checkForConstantWebElements(textTobeFound)) { return true; } // Now check for dynamic Web Elements in DOM return checkForDynamicWebElements(textTobeFound, getAllWebElementsOnPage()); } protected List<WebElement> getAllWebElementsOnPage() { List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*")); return elements; } protected boolean checkForConstantWebElements(String textTobeFound) { String pageSource = getPageSource(); logPageSource(pageSource); boolean textFoundOnPageSource = pageSource.contains(textTobeFound); logger.trace("Text \"{}\" is found on page source : {}", textTobeFound, textFoundOnPageSource); return textFoundOnPageSource; } protected String getPageSource() { String pageSource = driver.getPageSource(); return pageSource; } protected void logPageSource(String pageSource) { logger.trace("PageSource: \n " + "************************ Begin Pagesource ********************************************************" + "\n {} \n " + "************************* End Pagesource *********************************************************", pageSource); } protected boolean checkForDynamicWebElements(String textTobeFound, List<WebElement> elements) { boolean textOnpage = false; logger.trace("Text \"{}\" is not found on static HTML, now we try all values of existing Web-Elements", textTobeFound); for (WebElement element : elements) { String valueOfWebElement = getValueOfWebElement(element); if (valueOfWebElement != null && valueOfWebElement.contains(textTobeFound)) { textOnpage = true; logger.trace("Text : \"{}\" is found on page", textTobeFound); break; } } return textOnpage; } }