Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2012 Peter Brewer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contributors: * Peter Brewer ******************************************************************************/ package org.tellervo.desktop.graph; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.tellervo.desktop.Range; import org.tellervo.desktop.Year; import org.tellervo.desktop.core.App; import org.tellervo.desktop.hardware.UnsupportedPortParameterException; import org.tellervo.desktop.hardware.AbstractMeasuringDevice.PortParity; import org.tellervo.desktop.index.Index; import org.tellervo.desktop.prefs.Prefs.PrefKey; import org.tellervo.desktop.sample.Sample; import org.tellervo.desktop.util.ColorUtils; import org.tridas.schema.TridasDerivedSeries; import org.tridas.schema.TridasRemark; public class SkeletonPlot implements TellervoGraphPlotter { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SkeletonPlot.class); private Integer baselineY = 0; protected Boolean areBonesBelowLine = false; public enum SkeletonPlotAlgorithm { PERCENTILES("Percentiles"), CROPPER1979_0POINT5("Cropper 1979 (0.50 stdev)"), CROPPER1979_0POINT75( "Cropper 1979 (0.75 stdev)"); private String value; SkeletonPlotAlgorithm(String str) { value = str; } public String toString() { return value; } public static String[] allValuesAsArray() { ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SkeletonPlotAlgorithm val : SkeletonPlotAlgorithm.values()) { arr.add(val.toString()); } return arr.toArray(new String[0]); } public static SkeletonPlotAlgorithm fromString(String str) { for (SkeletonPlotAlgorithm val : SkeletonPlotAlgorithm.values()) { if (val.toString().equals(str)) return val; } return null; } } public SkeletonPlot() { // no initializing to do, I am STATELESS! } // PERF: too many new's! can i memoize this? or just use constants for the 6(?) strokes i use? protected BasicStroke makeStroke(float width, boolean dotted) { if (dotted) return new BasicStroke(width, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 10f, new float[] { 8f }, 0f); else return new BasicStroke(width, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL); } // We don't do any y transform for the standard plot; this is here for overriding. protected int yTransform(float y) { return (int) y; } protected boolean validValue(int value) { // if MR, draw a vertical line -- use Sample.MR, for now if (value <= Sample.missingRingValue) return false; return true; } // TESTING: perf protected Rectangle tempRect = new Rectangle(); // returns the maximum size, in pixels, that the graph will take up. public int getYRange(GraphSettings gInfo, Graph g) { float unitScale = gInfo.getHundredUnitHeight() / 100.0f; // the size of 1 "unit" in pixels. int miny = 0; // minimum always starts at zero... int maxy = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int value; int n = g.graph.getRingWidthData().size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { value = yTransform(g.graph.getRingWidthData().get(i).intValue() * g.scale); int y = (int) (value * unitScale) - (int) (g.yoffset * unitScale); if (y < miny) miny = y; if (y > maxy) maxy = y; } return maxy - miny; } public void draw(GraphSettings gInfo, Graphics2D g2, int bottom, Graph g, int thickness, int xscroll) { // cache yearsize, we use this a lot int yearWidth = gInfo.getYearWidth(); // the size of a year, in pixels float unitScale = gInfo.getHundredUnitHeight() / 100.0f; // the size of 1 "unit" in pixels. // set pen boolean dotted = (gInfo.isDottedIndexes() && (g.graph instanceof Index)); g2.setStroke(makeStroke(thickness, dotted)); // If it's a chronology, point bones down /*if(g.graph instanceof Sample) { if (((Sample) g.graph).getSeries() instanceof TridasDerivedSeries) { this.areBonesBelowLine = true; } }*/ // left/right int l = g2.getClipBounds().x; int r = l + g2.getClipBounds().width; // no data? stop. if (g.graph.getRingWidthData().isEmpty()) return; // compare g.getClipBounds() to [x,0]..[x+yearSize*data.size(),bottom] tempRect.x = yearWidth * (g.graph.getStart().diff(gInfo.getDrawBounds().getStart()) + g.xoffset); // REDUNDANT! see x later tempRect.y = 0; // - g.yoffset, IF you're sure there are no negative values (but there are) tempRect.width = yearWidth * (g.graph.getRingWidthData().size() - 1); tempRect.height = bottom; // TODO: compute top/bottom as min/max? // REFACTOR: will this be obsolete with the start/end stuff below? if (!tempRect.intersects(g2.getClipBounds())) { // skip this graph, it's off the screen return; } // Draw standard line int x = yearWidth * (g.graph.getStart().diff(gInfo.getDrawBounds().getStart()) + g.xoffset); //int value1 = yTransform((float) getMeanValue(g)); int value1 = yTransform((float) baselineY); int baseYVal = bottom - (int) (value1 * unitScale) - (int) (g.yoffset * unitScale); try { // x-position int x1 = x; int x2 = yearWidth * (g.graph.getStart().diff(gInfo.getDrawBounds().getStart()) + g.xoffset + g.graph.getRingWidthData().size()); // if we're past the end, draw only as far as we need if (x2 > r + yearWidth) { x2 = r + yearWidth; } //log.debug("Drawing mean line: "+x1+", "+meanYVal+", "+x2+", "+meanYVal); g2.drawLine(x1, baseYVal, x2, baseYVal); // Calcs for start/end triangles int YLineHeight = 50; int YTriangleHeight = 25; int XTriangleWidth = 15; if (areBonesBelowLine) { YLineHeight = -50; YTriangleHeight = -25; } // Draw start triangle g2.drawLine(x1, baseYVal, x1, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight); g2.drawLine(x1, baseYVal, x1 - XTriangleWidth, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight); g2.drawLine(x1 - XTriangleWidth, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight, x1, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight); g2.drawLine(x1, baseYVal, x1, baseYVal - YLineHeight); // Draw end triangle g2.drawLine(x2, baseYVal, x2, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight); g2.drawLine(x2, baseYVal, x2 + XTriangleWidth, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight); g2.drawLine(x2 + XTriangleWidth, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight, x2, baseYVal - YTriangleHeight); g2.drawLine(x2, baseYVal, x2, baseYVal - YLineHeight); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { } int value; try { value = ((Number) g.graph.getRingWidthData().get(0)).intValue(); value = yTransform(value * g.scale); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { value = yTransform(0); } int n = g.graph.getRingWidthData().size(); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { // new x-position for this point x += yearWidth; // if we're past the end, draw what we've got, and say goodbye // (go +_yearsize so the line going off the screen is visible) if (x > r + yearWidth) { break; } // Extract the window of interest int ringsEitherSideOfFocus = (App.prefs.getIntPref(PrefKey.STATS_SKELETON_PLOT_WINDOW_SIZE, 7) - 1) / 2; // Convert to ArrayList first as its easier to handle ArrayList<Double> ringWidths = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int z = 0; z < n; z++) { ringWidths.add((double) g.graph.getRingWidthData().get(z).intValue()); } int firstind = i - 1 - ringsEitherSideOfFocus; int lastind = i + ringsEitherSideOfFocus; if (firstind < 0) firstind = 0; if (lastind > n) lastind = n; int size = lastind - firstind; double[] window = new double[size]; int t = 0; for (int w = firstind; w < lastind; w++) { window[t] = ringWidths.get(w); t++; } DescriptiveStatistics windowStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(window); /*if(i<7 ) { log.debug("Stats for ring: "+i); try{ log.debug(" Window 0: "+window[0]); log.debug(" Window 1: "+window[1]); log.debug(" Window 2: "+window[2]); log.debug(" Window 3: "+window[3]); log.debug(" Window 4: "+window[4]); log.debug(" Window 5: "+window[5]); log.debug(" Window 6: "+window[6]); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} log.debug(" Mean is "+i+" - "+(int) windowStats.getMean()); log.debug(" Min is "+i+" - "+(int) windowStats.getMin()); log.debug(" Std is "+i+" - "+(int) windowStats.getStandardDeviation()); log.debug(" Std/2 is "+i+" - "+(int) windowStats.getStandardDeviation()/2); }*/ // y-position for this point try { value = yTransform(((Number) g.graph.getRingWidthData().get(i)).intValue() * g.scale); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { value = yTransform(0); // e.g., if it's being edited, it's still a string // BAD! instead: (1) draw what i've got so far, and (2) NEXT point is a move-to. // -- try to parse String as an integer? } int y = bottom - (int) (value * unitScale) - (int) (g.yoffset * unitScale); // Calculate skeleton category Integer skeletonCateogory = null; String prefAlg = App.prefs.getPref(PrefKey.STATS_SKELETON_PLOT_ALGORITHM, SkeletonPlotAlgorithm.PERCENTILES.toString()); if (prefAlg.equals(SkeletonPlotAlgorithm.PERCENTILES.toString())) { skeletonCateogory = getSkeletonCategoryFromPercentiles(value, windowStats); } else if (prefAlg.equals(SkeletonPlotAlgorithm.CROPPER1979_0POINT5.toString())) { skeletonCateogory = getSkeletonCategoryFromCropper1979(value, windowStats, 0.5); } else if (prefAlg.equals(SkeletonPlotAlgorithm.CROPPER1979_0POINT75.toString())) { skeletonCateogory = getSkeletonCategoryFromCropper1979(value, windowStats, 0.75); } // Draw the skeleton line if (areBonesBelowLine) { g2.drawLine(x, baseYVal, x, baseYVal + (skeletonCateogory * 5)); } else { g2.drawLine(x, baseYVal, x, baseYVal - (skeletonCateogory * 5)); } // Try and paint remark icons try { List<TridasRemark> remarks = g.graph.getTridasValues().get(i).getRemarks(); if (areBonesBelowLine) { Graph.drawRemarkIcons(g2, gInfo, remarks, g.graph.getTridasValues().get(i), x, baseYVal, false); } else { Graph.drawRemarkIcons(g2, gInfo, remarks, g.graph.getTridasValues().get(i), x, baseYVal, true); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception drawing icons to graph: " + e.getClass()); } } } public void setShowBonesBelow(Boolean b) { areBonesBelowLine = b; } // if it's within this many pixels, it's considered a hit (see "correct?" comment) private final static int NEAR = 5; public boolean contact(GraphSettings gInfo, Graph g, Point p, int bottom) { // snap to year int yearWidth = gInfo.getYearWidth(); int firstYearIdx = (p.x / yearWidth) - 1; int nYears = 3; // Check three years' worth of data: the year prior to and after the year the mouse is inside Year startYear = gInfo.getDrawBounds().getStart().add(firstYearIdx); List<Point2D> points = this.getPointsFrom(gInfo, g, startYear, nYears, bottom); int nLines = points.size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { Line2D line = new Line2D.Float(points.get(i), points.get(i + 1)); int distance = Math.round((float) line.ptSegDist(p)); if (distance <= NEAR) return true; } return false; } private Integer getSkeletonCategoryFromCropper1979(Integer value, DescriptiveStatistics windowStats, Double criticalLevel) { Integer skeletonCategory = 0; if (criticalLevel == null) criticalLevel = 0.5; double mean = windowStats.getMean(); double stdev = windowStats.getStandardDeviation(); double smallRingThreshold = mean - (stdev * criticalLevel); int min = (int) windowStats.getMin(); if (value == min) { skeletonCategory = 10; } else if (value > smallRingThreshold) { skeletonCategory = 0; } else { Integer range = (int) (smallRingThreshold - min); Integer categoryStepSize = range / 10; skeletonCategory = (int) (0 - ((value - smallRingThreshold) / categoryStepSize)); } return skeletonCategory; } private Integer getSkeletonCategoryFromPercentiles(Integer value, DescriptiveStatistics windowStats) { Integer skeletonCategory = 0; // Calculate skeleton category if (value == (int) windowStats.getMin()) { skeletonCategory = 10; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(10)) { skeletonCategory = 9; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(15)) { skeletonCategory = 8; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(20)) { skeletonCategory = 7; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(25)) { skeletonCategory = 6; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(30)) { skeletonCategory = 5; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(35)) { skeletonCategory = 4; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(40)) { skeletonCategory = 3; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(45)) { skeletonCategory = 2; } else if (value < windowStats.getPercentile(50)) { skeletonCategory = 1; } return skeletonCategory; } private final int getDataValue(Graph g, Year y) { int i = y.diff(g.graph.getStart().add(g.xoffset)); return g.graph.getRingWidthData().get(i).intValue(); } private final int getYValue(Graph g, float unitScale, int value, int bottom) { return bottom - (int) (yTransform(value * g.scale) * unitScale) - (int) (g.yoffset * unitScale); // DUPLICATE: this line appears above 3 times } private final List<Point2D> getPointsFrom(GraphSettings gInfo, Graph g, Year startYear, int nYears, int bottom) { // make a list of points // this is ok, because we know points are continuous List<Point2D> points = new ArrayList<Point2D>(nYears); int yearWidth = gInfo.getYearWidth(); float unitScale = gInfo.getHundredUnitHeight() / 100.0f; List<? extends Number> data = g.graph.getRingWidthData(); double[] dataDbl = new double[data.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { Integer intval = (Integer) data.get(i); dataDbl[i] = (double) intval; } int x = yearWidth * (g.graph.getStart().diff(gInfo.getDrawBounds().getStart()) + g.xoffset); //int value1 = yTransform((float) stats.getMean()); int value1 = yTransform((float) baselineY); int meanYVal = bottom - (int) (value1 * unitScale) - (int) (g.yoffset * unitScale); try { // x-position int x1 = x; int x2 = yearWidth * (g.graph.getStart().diff(gInfo.getDrawBounds().getStart()) + g.xoffset + g.graph.getRingWidthData().size()); points.add(new Point2D.Float(x1, meanYVal)); points.add(new Point2D.Float(x2, meanYVal)); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { } return points; } protected final int getPosition(GraphSettings gInfo, Graph g, Year y, int bottom) { return getYValue(g, gInfo.getHundredUnitHeight() / 100.0f, getDataValue(g, y), bottom); } @Override public int getFirstValue(Graph g) { return yTransform((float) baselineY); } // REFACTOR: use this same method above when actually drawing it }