Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for



import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.commons.lang.LocaleUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index;
import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.tdl.vireo.error.ErrorLog;
import org.tdl.vireo.model.ActionLog;
import org.tdl.vireo.model.CommitteeMember;
import org.tdl.vireo.model.CustomActionValue;
import org.tdl.vireo.model.NameFormat;
import org.tdl.vireo.model.Submission;

import play.Logger;
import play.modules.spring.Spring;

 * This is an abstract lucene job, from which all lucene jobs must extend. Jobs
 * are background threads to update the index. This abstract implementation
 * shares code between the various implementations.
 * @author <a href="">Scott Phillips</a>
public abstract class LuceneAbstractJobImpl extends Job {

    // The indexer who's background job this belongs too.
    public final LuceneIndexerImpl indexer;

    // The number of submissions which have been processed so far.
    public int progress = 0;

    // The total number of submissions to be indexed by this job. This
    // should be updated when the job is created, the job is merged, and
    // lastly just before a job is about to run.
    public int total = 0;

    // Flag to stop this job immediately abandoning any results.
    public boolean cancel = false;

     * Construct a new index job. 
     * @param indexer The indexer
    public LuceneAbstractJobImpl(LuceneIndexerImpl indexer) {
        this.indexer = indexer;

     * Merge the two jobs together forming one job. The particular
     * implementation of the job needs to figure out the details so that no
     * submission update is left without being updated. It may be assumed
     * that this method will only be called prior to a job actual being
     * started.
     * @param job
     *            The job to merge with.
     * @return The merged job (it may be the same instance, or a new
     *         instance)
    public abstract LuceneAbstractJobImpl mergeJob(LuceneAbstractJobImpl job);

     * @return the displayabel label of this index job.
    public abstract String getLabel();

     * @return The number of processed submissions.
    public int getProgress() {
        return progress;

     * @return The total number of submissions to be processed.
    public int getTotal() {
        return total;

     * Single to the running job that it should be cancelled. If the job is
     * currently in progress it will stop after the next submission, rollback
     * any uncommitted changes to the index and finish processing.
    public void cancelJob() {
        this.cancel = true;

     * Start an index job.
     * This method handles the exceptions
    public void doJob() {
        try {
            if (cancel) {
                throw new InterruptedException("Lucene '" + this.getLabel()
                        + "' job recieved a cancel request before begining processing.");

            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();


            Logger.debug("Lucene '" + this.getLabel() + "' job processed " + total
                    + " submissions completed succesfully in " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000F)
                    + " seconds.");

            // If we successfully finished, then the index is no longer corrupted.
            indexer.corruptIndex = false;

        } catch (CorruptIndexException cie) {

            // Attempt to automaticall rebuild the index without intervention. To prevent infinate loops we will only rebuild a maximum of 5 times.
            if (!indexer.corruptIndex) {
                        "Lucene is unable to update index because it is corrupted, attempting to recover by rebuilding the index.");

                ErrorLog errorLog = Spring.getBeanOfType(ErrorLog.class);
                errorLog.logError(cie, "Updating search index");

                cancel = true;

            } else {
                        "Lucene's attempt to rebuild a corrupted index has failed. No further attempts will be made, and searching is disabled.");

                ErrorLog errorLog = Spring.getBeanOfType(ErrorLog.class);
                errorLog.logError(cie, "Updating search index");
            throw new RuntimeException(cie);

        } catch (LockObtainFailedException lofe) {
                    "Lucene is unable to update search index because it is being locked by another process.");

            ErrorLog errorLog = Spring.getBeanOfType(ErrorLog.class);
            errorLog.logError(lofe, "Updating search index");

            throw new RuntimeException(lofe);

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            Logger.error(ioe, "Lucene is unable to update search index because of IO exception.");

            ErrorLog errorLog = Spring.getBeanOfType(ErrorLog.class);
            errorLog.logError(ioe, "Updating search index");

            throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            // We were asked to stop.
        } finally {
            // If we were cancled don't start the next job.
            if (!cancel)

     * Write the index.
     * This method may throw the following exceptions, and the caller is
     * expected to handle them.
     * @throws CorruptIndexException
     * @throws LockObtainFailedException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public abstract void writeIndex()
            throws CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException, InterruptedException;

     * Write a the provided submission and all associated action logs to the
     * index writer. This method expects that the submission and action logs
     * have been removed from the index, either through a specific delete,
     * or a delete all in the case of rebuilding the index.
     * This method is used to share code between the various index job
     * implementations so that submissions are written the same no matter
     * who indexes them first.
     * @param writer
     *            The index writer.
     * @param sub
     *            The submission to index.
    public void indexSubmission(IndexWriter writer, Submission sub) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException {

        StringBuilder searchText = new StringBuilder();

        long subId = sub.getId();

        String state = sub.getState().getDisplayName();
        searchText.append(state).append(" ");

        long searchAssigned = 0;
        String sortAssigned = "";
        if (sub.getAssignee() != null) {
            searchAssigned = sub.getAssignee().getId();
            sortAssigned = sub.getAssignee().getFormattedName(NameFormat.LAST_FIRST_MIDDLE_BIRTH);
            searchText.append(sortAssigned).append(" ");

        Date graduationSemester = null;
        if (sub.getGraduationYear() != null) {
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, sub.getGraduationYear());
            if (sub.getGraduationMonth() != null)
                cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, sub.getGraduationMonth());

            graduationSemester = cal.getTime();

        Date defenseDate = sub.getDefenseDate();

        String department = sub.getDepartment();
        String program = sub.getProgram();
        String college = sub.getCollege();
        String major = sub.getMajor();
        searchText.append(department).append(" ").append(program).append(" ").append(college).append(" ")
                .append(major).append(" ");

        String embargo = null;
        if (sub.getEmbargoType() != null) {
            embargo = sub.getEmbargoType().getName();
            searchText.append(embargo).append(" ");

        String degree = sub.getDegree();
        String documentType = sub.getDocumentType();
        searchText.append(degree).append(" ").append(documentType).append(" ");

        Date submissionDate = sub.getSubmissionDate();

        String studentName = "";
        if (sub.getStudentLastName() != null)
            studentName += sub.getStudentLastName() + " ";
        if (sub.getStudentFirstName() != null)
            studentName += sub.getStudentFirstName() + " ";
        if (sub.getStudentMiddleName() != null)
            studentName += sub.getStudentMiddleName() + " ";
        searchText.append(studentName).append(" ");

        searchText.append(sub.getStudentFormattedName(NameFormat.LAST_FIRST_BIRTH)).append(" ");
        searchText.append(sub.getStudentFormattedName(NameFormat.FIRST_LAST_BIRTH)).append(" ");

        String studentEmail = sub.getSubmitter().getEmail();
        searchText.append(studentEmail).append(" ");

        String institutionalIdentifier = sub.getSubmitter().getInstitutionalIdentifier();
        searchText.append(institutionalIdentifier).append(" ");

        String documentTitle = sub.getDocumentTitle();
        String documentAbstract = sub.getDocumentAbstract();
        String documentKeywords = sub.getDocumentKeywords();
        searchText.append(documentTitle).append(" ").append(documentAbstract).append(" ").append(documentKeywords)
                .append(" ");

        String documentSubjects = "";
        for (String subject : sub.getDocumentSubjects()) {
            documentSubjects += subject + " ";
        searchText.append(documentSubjects).append(" ");

        String documentLanguage = null;
        if (sub.getDocumentLanguageLocale() != null) {
            Locale locale = sub.getDocumentLanguageLocale();
            searchText.append(locale.getDisplayName()).append(" ");
            searchText.append(locale.getDisplayLanguage()).append(" ");
            searchText.append(locale.getDisplayCountry()).append(" ");
            searchText.append(locale.getDisplayVariant()).append(" ");

            documentLanguage = locale.getDisplayName();

        String publishedMaterial = sub.getPublishedMaterial();
        searchText.append(publishedMaterial).append(" ");

        String primaryDocument = null;
        if (sub.getPrimaryDocument() != null) {
            primaryDocument = sub.getPrimaryDocument().getName();
            searchText.append(primaryDocument).append(" ");

        Date licenseAgreementDate = sub.getLicenseAgreementDate();
        Date approvalDate = sub.getApprovalDate();
        Date committeeApprovalDate = sub.getCommitteeApprovalDate();
        Date committeeEmbargoApprovalDate = sub.getCommitteeEmbargoApprovalDate();

        String committeeMembers = "";
        for (CommitteeMember member : sub.getCommitteeMembers()) {
            // TODO: sort by display order?
            committeeMembers += member.getFormattedName(NameFormat.LAST_FIRST) + " " + member.getFormattedRoles();
        searchText.append(committeeMembers).append(" ");

        String committeeContactEmail = sub.getCommitteeContactEmail();
        searchText.append(committeeContactEmail).append(" ");

        String umiRelease;
        if (sub.getUMIRelease() == null) {
            umiRelease = "";
        } else if (sub.getUMIRelease()) {
            umiRelease = "yes";
        } else {
            umiRelease = "no";

        int customActions = 0;
        for (CustomActionValue action : sub.getCustomActions()) {
            if (action.getValue())

        String degreeLevel = null;
        if (sub.getDegreeLevel() != null)
            degreeLevel = sub.getDegreeLevel().name();
        searchText.append(degreeLevel).append(" ");

        String depositId = sub.getDepositId();
        searchText.append(depositId).append(" ");

        String reviewerNotes = sub.getReviewerNotes();
        searchText.append(reviewerNotes).append(" ");

        String lastEventEntry = null;
        Date lastEventTime = null;

        List<ActionLog> logs = indexer.subRepo.findActionLog(sub);
        if (logs.size() > 0) {
            lastEventEntry = logs.get(0).getEntry();
            lastEventTime = logs.get(0).getActionDate();

        Document doc = new Document();

        doc.add(new NumericField("subId", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(subId));
        doc.add(new Field("type", "submission", Field.Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
        doc.add(new Field("searchText", searchText.toString(), Field.Store.NO, Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS));
        if (state != null)
            doc.add(new Field("state", state, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        doc.add(new NumericField("searchAssigned", Field.Store.NO, true).setLongValue(searchAssigned));

        if (sortAssigned != null)
            doc.add(new Field("sortAssigned", sortAssigned, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (graduationSemester != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("graduationSemester", Field.Store.NO, true)

        if (defenseDate != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("defenseDate", Field.Store.NO, true).setLongValue(defenseDate.getTime()));

        if (department != null)
            doc.add(new Field("department", department, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (program != null)
            doc.add(new Field("program", program, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (college != null)
            doc.add(new Field("college", college, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (major != null)
            doc.add(new Field("major", major, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (embargo != null)
            doc.add(new Field("embargo", embargo, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (degree != null)
            doc.add(new Field("degree", degree, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (documentType != null)
            doc.add(new Field("documentType", documentType, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (submissionDate != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("submissionDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

        if (studentName != null)
            doc.add(new Field("studentName", studentName, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (studentEmail != null)
            doc.add(new Field("studentEmail", studentEmail, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (institutionalIdentifier != null)
            doc.add(new Field("institutionalIdentifier", institutionalIdentifier, Field.Store.NO,

        if (documentTitle != null)
            doc.add(new Field("documentTitle", documentTitle, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (documentAbstract != null)
            doc.add(new Field("documentAbstract", documentAbstract, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (documentKeywords != null)
            doc.add(new Field("documentKeywords", documentKeywords, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (documentSubjects != null)
            doc.add(new Field("documentSubjects", documentSubjects, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (documentLanguage != null)
            doc.add(new Field("documentLanguage", documentLanguage, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (publishedMaterial != null)
            doc.add(new Field("publishedMaterial", publishedMaterial, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (primaryDocument != null)
            doc.add(new Field("primaryDocument", primaryDocument, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (licenseAgreementDate != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("licenseAgreementDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

        if (approvalDate != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("approvalDate", Field.Store.NO, true).setLongValue(approvalDate.getTime()));

        if (committeeApprovalDate != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("committeeApprovalDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

        if (committeeEmbargoApprovalDate != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("committeeEmbargoApprovalDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

        if (committeeMembers != null)
            doc.add(new Field("committeeMembers", committeeMembers, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (committeeContactEmail != null)
            doc.add(new Field("committeeContactEmail", committeeContactEmail, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (umiRelease != null)
            doc.add(new Field("umiRelease", umiRelease, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        doc.add(new NumericField("customActions", Field.Store.NO, true).setIntValue(customActions));

        if (degreeLevel != null)
            doc.add(new Field("degreeLevel", degreeLevel, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (depositId != null)
            doc.add(new Field("depositId", depositId, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (reviewerNotes != null)
            doc.add(new Field("reviewerNotes", reviewerNotes, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (lastEventEntry != null)
            doc.add(new Field("lastEventEntry", lastEventEntry, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

        if (lastEventTime != null)
            doc.add(new NumericField("lastEventTime", Field.Store.NO, true).setLongValue(lastEventTime.getTime()));


        for (ActionLog log : logs) {

            Long logId = log.getId();
            String logEntry = log.getEntry();
            String logState = log.getSubmissionState().getDisplayName();
            long logSearchAssigned = 0;
            String logSortAssigned = null;
            if (log.getPerson() != null) {
                logSearchAssigned = log.getPerson().getId();
                logSortAssigned = log.getPerson().getFormattedName(NameFormat.FIRST_LAST);
            Date logTime = log.getActionDate();

            // The new special things for action logs.
            doc = new Document();
            doc.add(new NumericField("subId", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(subId));
            doc.add(new NumericField("logId", Field.Store.YES, true).setLongValue(logId));
            doc.add(new Field("type", "actionlog", Field.Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (logEntry != null)
                doc.add(new Field("searchText", logEntry, Field.Store.NO, Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS));

            if (logState != null)
                doc.add(new Field("state", logState, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            doc.add(new NumericField("searchAssigned", Field.Store.NO, true).setLongValue(logSearchAssigned));

            if (logSortAssigned != null)
                doc.add(new Field("sortAssigned", logSortAssigned, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (logEntry != null)
                doc.add(new Field("lastEventEntry", logEntry, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (logTime != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("lastEventTime", Field.Store.NO, true).setLongValue(logTime.getTime()));

            // Stuff that is the same as the submission.
            if (graduationSemester != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("graduationSemester", Field.Store.NO, true)

            if (defenseDate != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("defenseDate", Field.Store.NO, true).setLongValue(defenseDate.getTime()));

            if (department != null)
                doc.add(new Field("department", department, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (program != null)
                doc.add(new Field("program", program, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (college != null)
                doc.add(new Field("college", college, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (major != null)
                doc.add(new Field("major", major, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (embargo != null)
                doc.add(new Field("embargo", embargo, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (degree != null)
                doc.add(new Field("degree", degree, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (documentType != null)
                doc.add(new Field("documentType", documentType, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (submissionDate != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("submissionDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

            if (studentName != null)
                doc.add(new Field("studentName", studentName, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (studentEmail != null)
                doc.add(new Field("studentEmail", studentEmail, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (institutionalIdentifier != null)
                doc.add(new Field("institutionalIdentifier", institutionalIdentifier, Field.Store.NO,

            if (documentAbstract != null)
                doc.add(new Field("documentAbstract", documentAbstract, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (documentKeywords != null)
                doc.add(new Field("documentKeywords", documentKeywords, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (documentSubjects != null)
                doc.add(new Field("documentSubjects", documentSubjects, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (documentLanguage != null)
                doc.add(new Field("documentLanguage", documentLanguage, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (publishedMaterial != null)
                doc.add(new Field("publishedMaterial", publishedMaterial, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (primaryDocument != null)
                doc.add(new Field("primaryDocument", primaryDocument, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (licenseAgreementDate != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("licenseAgreementDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

            if (approvalDate != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("approvalDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

            if (committeeApprovalDate != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("committeeApprovalDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

            if (committeeEmbargoApprovalDate != null)
                doc.add(new NumericField("committeeEmbargoApprovalDate", Field.Store.NO, true)

            if (committeeMembers != null)
                doc.add(new Field("committeeMembers", committeeMembers, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (committeeContactEmail != null)
                doc.add(new Field("committeeContactEmail", committeeContactEmail, Field.Store.NO,

            if (umiRelease != null)
                doc.add(new Field("umiRelease", umiRelease, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            doc.add(new NumericField("customActions", Field.Store.NO, true).setIntValue(customActions));

            if (degreeLevel != null)
                doc.add(new Field("degreeLevel", degreeLevel, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (depositId != null)
                doc.add(new Field("depositId", depositId, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));

            if (reviewerNotes != null)
                doc.add(new Field("reviewerNotes", reviewerNotes, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));


            // Detach the log so it dosn't keep stacking up in memory.
        } // for logs
    } // indexSubmission(writer,sub)
} // IndexJob