Java tutorial
package org.tdl.vireo.model.jpa; import; import; import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.CollectionTable; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.OrderBy; import javax.persistence.OrderColumn; import javax.persistence.PostLoad; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Temporal; import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.apache.commons.lang.LocaleUtils; import org.tdl.vireo.model.ActionLog; import org.tdl.vireo.model.Attachment; import org.tdl.vireo.model.AttachmentType; import org.tdl.vireo.model.CommitteeMember; import org.tdl.vireo.model.CustomActionDefinition; import org.tdl.vireo.model.CustomActionValue; import org.tdl.vireo.model.DegreeLevel; import org.tdl.vireo.model.EmbargoType; import org.tdl.vireo.model.Language; import org.tdl.vireo.model.NameFormat; import org.tdl.vireo.model.Person; import org.tdl.vireo.model.Submission; import org.tdl.vireo.proquest.ProquestLanguage; import; import; import org.tdl.vireo.state.State; import org.tdl.vireo.state.StateManager; import play.modules.spring.Spring; /** * JPA specific implementation of Vireo's Submission interface. * * @author <a href="">Scott Phillips</a> */ @Entity @Table(name = "submission") public class JpaSubmissionImpl extends JpaAbstractModel<JpaSubmissionImpl> implements Submission { @ManyToOne(optional = false, targetEntity = JpaPersonImpl.class) public Person submitter; @Column(length = 255) public String studentFirstName; @Column(length = 255) public String studentLastName; @Column(length = 255) public String studentMiddleName; public Integer studentBirthYear; @Column(length = 326768) // 2^15 public String documentTitle; @Column(length = 326768) // 2^15 public String documentAbstract; @Column(length = 326768) // 2^15 public String documentKeywords; @ElementCollection @OrderColumn @CollectionTable(name = "submission_subjects") public List<String> documentSubjects; @Column(length = 255) public String documentLanguage; @Column(length = 326768) // 2^15 public String publishedMaterial; @OneToOne(targetEntity = JpaEmbargoTypeImpl.class) public EmbargoType embargoType; @OneToMany(targetEntity = JpaAttachmentImpl.class, mappedBy = "submission", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) public List<Attachment> attachments; @OneToMany(targetEntity = JpaCommitteeMemberImpl.class, mappedBy = "submission", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @OrderBy("displayOrder") public List<CommitteeMember> committeeMembers; @Column(length = 255) public String committeeContactEmail; @Column(unique = true, length = 255) public String committeeEmailHash; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date committeeApprovalDate; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date committeeEmbargoApprovalDate; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date submissionDate; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date approvalDate; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date licenseAgreementDate; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date defenseDate; @Column(length = 255) public String degree; public DegreeLevel degreeLevel; @Column(length = 255) public String department; @Column(length = 255) public String college; @Column(length = 255) public String program; @Column(length = 255) public String major; @Column(length = 255) public String documentType; public Integer graduationYear; public Integer graduationMonth; public String stateName; @OneToOne(targetEntity = JpaPersonImpl.class) public Person assignee; public Boolean UMIRelease; @OneToMany(targetEntity = JpaCustomActionValueImpl.class, mappedBy = "submission", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) public List<CustomActionValue> customActions; @Column(length = 1024) public String depositId; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date depositDate; @Column(length = 326768) // 2^15 public String reviewerNotes; @Column(length = 326768) // 2^15 public String lastActionLogEntry; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) public Date lastActionLogDate; // This is not publicly available, only present for queries. @OneToMany(targetEntity = JpaActionLogImpl.class, mappedBy = "submission") public List<ActionLog> actionLogs; // List of log items pending a save. @Transient protected List<ActionLog> pendingLogs = new ArrayList<ActionLog>(); // Flag whether the subjects list has changed. @Transient protected boolean documentSubjectsChanged = false; /** * Insure that the pendingLogs array is initialized when loading the object * from the database. */ @PostLoad private void onPostLoad() { pendingLogs = new ArrayList<ActionLog>(); } /** * Construct a new JpaSubmissionImpl * * @param submitter * The student submitting this submission. */ protected JpaSubmissionImpl(Person submitter) { if (submitter == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Submissions require a submitter"); assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); this.submitter = submitter; this.documentSubjects = new ArrayList<String>(); this.attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); this.committeeMembers = new ArrayList<CommitteeMember>(); this.customActions = new ArrayList<CustomActionValue>(); this.actionLogs = new ArrayList<ActionLog>(); this.stateName = (Spring.getBeanOfType(StateManager.class).getInitialState()).getBeanName(); generateLog("Submission created", true); } @Override public JpaSubmissionImpl save() { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (documentSubjectsChanged) { // Generate a note that the subjects have been updated. String entry = ""; if (documentSubjects.size() == 0) entry = "Document subjects cleared"; else { for (String subject : documentSubjects) { if (entry.length() != 0) entry += "; "; entry += "'" + subject + "'"; } entry = "Document subjects changed to " + entry; } generateLog(entry, false); documentSubjectsChanged = false; } if (pendingLogs.size() > 0) { lastActionLogEntry = pendingLogs.get(pendingLogs.size() - 1).getEntry(); lastActionLogDate = pendingLogs.get(pendingLogs.size() - 1).getActionDate(); } // Scrub all user-exposed String fields of Unicode control stuff this.documentTitle = Utilities.scrubControl(this.documentTitle, ""); this.documentAbstract = Utilities.scrubControl(this.documentAbstract, " "); this.documentKeywords = Utilities.scrubControl(this.documentKeywords, " "); this.publishedMaterial = Utilities.scrubControl(this.publishedMaterial, " ");; // After saving save all pending actionlogs for (ActionLog log : pendingLogs) {; } pendingLogs.clear(); return this; } @Override public JpaSubmissionImpl delete() { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); // Don't rely on the cascade for deleting attachments because the files // need to be deleted on disk. List<Attachment> attachmentsCopy = new ArrayList<Attachment>(attachments); for (Attachment attachment : attachmentsCopy) { attachment.delete(); } // Explicitly delete the committee members because their roles will not // delete on cascade. List<CommitteeMember> membersCopy = new ArrayList<CommitteeMember>(committeeMembers); for (CommitteeMember member : membersCopy) { member.delete(); } // Delete all action logs associated with this submission em().createQuery("DELETE FROM JpaActionLogImpl " + "WHERE Submission_Id = ? ").setParameter(1, this.getId()) .executeUpdate(); return super.delete(); } @Override public JpaSubmissionImpl detach() { submitter.detach(); if (assignee != null) assignee.detach(); if (embargoType != null) embargoType.detach(); return super.detach(); } @Override public Person getSubmitter() { return submitter; } @Override public String getStudentFirstName() { return studentFirstName; } @Override public void setStudentFirstName(String firstName) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (firstName != null && firstName.trim().length() == 0) firstName = null; if (!equals(this.studentFirstName, firstName)) { this.studentFirstName = firstName; generateChangeLog("Student first name", firstName, false); updatePrimaryDocumentName(); } } @Override public String getStudentLastName() { return studentLastName; } @Override public void setStudentLastName(String lastName) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (lastName != null && lastName.trim().length() == 0) lastName = null; if (!equals(this.studentLastName, lastName)) { this.studentLastName = lastName; generateChangeLog("Student last name", lastName, false); updatePrimaryDocumentName(); } } @Override public String getStudentMiddleName() { return studentMiddleName; } public void setStudentMiddleName(String middleName) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (middleName != null && middleName.trim().length() == 0) middleName = null; if (!equals(this.studentMiddleName, middleName)) { this.studentMiddleName = middleName; generateChangeLog("Student middle name", middleName, false); } } @Override public Integer getStudentBirthYear() { return studentBirthYear; } @Override public void setStudentBirthYear(Integer year) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.studentBirthYear, year)) { this.studentBirthYear = year; if (year == null) generateChangeLog("Student birth year", null, false); else generateChangeLog("Student birth year", String.valueOf(year), false); } } @Override public String getStudentFormattedName(NameFormat format) { return NameFormat.format(format, studentFirstName, studentMiddleName, studentLastName, studentBirthYear); } @Override public String getDocumentTitle() { return documentTitle; } @Override public void setDocumentTitle(String title) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.documentTitle, title)) { this.documentTitle = title; generateChangeLog("Document title", title, false); } } @Override public String getDocumentAbstract() { return documentAbstract; } @Override public void setDocumentAbstract(String docAbstract) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.documentAbstract, docAbstract)) { this.documentAbstract = docAbstract; generateChangeLog("Document abstract", docAbstract, false); } } @Override public String getDocumentKeywords() { return documentKeywords; } @Override public void setDocumentKeywords(String keywords) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.documentKeywords, keywords)) { this.documentKeywords = keywords; generateChangeLog("Document keywords", keywords, false); } } @Override public List<String> getDocumentSubjects() { return documentSubjects; } @Override public void addDocumentSubject(String subject) { documentSubjects.add(subject); documentSubjectsChanged = true; } @Override public void removeDocumentSubject(String subject) { documentSubjects.remove(subject); documentSubjectsChanged = true; } @Override public void setDocumentLanguage(String language) { if (language != null) { if (language.isEmpty()) language = null; else if (JpaLanguageImpl._toLocale(language) == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Language is an invalid locale"); } assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.documentLanguage, language)) { this.documentLanguage = language; if (language != null) generateChangeLog("Document language", JpaLanguageImpl._toLocale(language).getDisplayName(), false); else generateChangeLog("Document language", null, false); } } @Override public String getDocumentLanguage() { return documentLanguage; } @Override public Locale getDocumentLanguageLocale() { return JpaLanguageImpl._toLocale(documentLanguage); } @Override public String getPublishedMaterial() { return publishedMaterial; } @Override public void setPublishedMaterial(String material) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.publishedMaterial, material)) { this.publishedMaterial = material; if (material != null) generateChangeLog("Published material", material, false); else generateChangeLog("Published material", null, false); } } @Override public EmbargoType getEmbargoType() { return embargoType; } @Override public void setEmbargoType(EmbargoType embargo) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.embargoType, embargo)) { this.embargoType = embargo; generateChangeLog("Embargo type", embargo.getName(), false); } } @Override public Attachment getPrimaryDocument() { for (Attachment attachment : attachments) { if (AttachmentType.PRIMARY == attachment.getType()) return attachment; } return null; } @Override public List<Attachment> getSupplementalDocuments() { return getAttachmentsByType(AttachmentType.SUPPLEMENTAL); } @Override public List<Attachment> getAttachmentsByType(AttachmentType... types) { List<Attachment> filteredAttachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); for (AttachmentType type : types) { for (Attachment attachment : attachments) { if (type == attachment.getType()) filteredAttachments.add(attachment); } } return filteredAttachments; } @Override public List<Attachment> getAttachments() { return attachments; } /** * Internal call back method when an attachment has been deleted. * * @param attachment * The attachment to remove. */ protected void removeAttachment(Attachment attachment) { attachments.remove(attachment); } @Override public Attachment addAttachment(File file, AttachmentType type) throws IOException { Attachment attachment = new JpaAttachmentImpl(this, type, file); attachments.add(attachment); return attachment; } @Override public Attachment addAttachment(byte[] content, String filename, AttachmentType type) throws IOException { Attachment attachment = new JpaAttachmentImpl(this, type, filename, content); attachments.add(attachment); return attachment; } @Override public Attachment findAttachmentById(Long id) { for (Attachment attachment : attachments) { if (id.compareTo(attachment.getId()) == 0) return attachment; } return null; } @Override public Attachment findAttachmentByName(String name) { if (name == null) return null; for (Attachment attachment : attachments) { if (name.equals(attachment.getName())) return attachment; } return null; } @Override public List<CommitteeMember> getCommitteeMembers() { return committeeMembers; } @Override public CommitteeMember addCommitteeMember(String firstName, String lastName, String middleName) { CommitteeMember member = new JpaCommitteeMemberImpl(this, firstName, lastName, middleName); committeeMembers.add(member); return member; } /** * Internal call back for when a committee member has been deleted, so that * it will be removed from the list. * * @param member * The member to remove. */ protected void removeCommitteeMember(CommitteeMember member) { this.committeeMembers.remove(member); } @Override public String getCommitteeContactEmail() { return committeeContactEmail; } @Override public void setCommitteeContactEmail(String email) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.committeeContactEmail, email)) { this.committeeContactEmail = email; generateChangeLog("Committee contact email address", email, false); } } @Override public String getCommitteeEmailHash() { return committeeEmailHash; } @Override public void setCommitteeEmailHash(String hash) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.committeeEmailHash, hash)) { this.committeeEmailHash = hash; generateLog("New committee email hash generated", false); } } @Override public Date getCommitteeApprovalDate() { return committeeApprovalDate; } @Override public void setCommitteeApprovalDate(Date date) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.committeeApprovalDate, date)) { this.committeeApprovalDate = date; if (date == null) generateLog("Committee approval of submission cleared", false); else generateLog("Committee approval of submission set", false); } } @Override public Date getCommitteeEmbargoApprovalDate() { return committeeEmbargoApprovalDate; } @Override public void setCommitteeEmbargoApprovalDate(Date date) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.committeeEmbargoApprovalDate, date)) { this.committeeEmbargoApprovalDate = date; if (date == null) generateLog("Committee approval of embargo cleared", false); else generateLog("Committee approval of embargo set", false); } } @Override public Date getSubmissionDate() { return submissionDate; } @Override public void setSubmissionDate(Date date) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.submissionDate, date)) { this.submissionDate = date; if (date == null) { generateLog("Submission date cleared", true); } else { DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); String formattedDate = format.format(date); generateLog("Submission date set to " + formattedDate, true); } } } @Override public Date getApprovalDate() { return approvalDate; } @Override public void setApprovalDate(Date date) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.approvalDate, date)) { this.approvalDate = date; if (date == null) generateLog("Submission approval cleared", true); else generateLog("Submission approval set", true); } } @Override public Date getLicenseAgreementDate() { return licenseAgreementDate; } @Override public void setLicenseAgreementDate(Date date) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.licenseAgreementDate, date)) { this.licenseAgreementDate = date; if (date == null) generateLog("Submission license agreement cleared", true); else generateLog("Submission license agreement set", true); } } @Override public Date getDefenseDate() { return defenseDate; } @Override public void setDefenseDate(Date date) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.defenseDate, date)) { this.defenseDate = date; if (date == null) { generateLog("Defense date cleared", true); } else { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); generateChangeLog("Defense date", formatter.format(date), true); } } } @Override public String getDegree() { return degree; } @Override public void setDegree(String degree) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(, degree)) { = degree; generateChangeLog("Degree", degree, false); } } @Override public DegreeLevel getDegreeLevel() { return degreeLevel; } @Override public void setDegreeLevel(DegreeLevel level) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.degreeLevel, level)) { this.degreeLevel = level; generateChangeLog("Degree level", (degreeLevel == null) ? null :, false); } } @Override public String getDepartment() { return department; } @Override public void setDepartment(String department) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.department, department)) { this.department = department; generateChangeLog("Department", department, false); } } @Override public String getCollege() { return college; } @Override public void setCollege(String college) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(, college)) { = college; generateChangeLog("College", college, false); } } @Override public String getProgram() { return program; } @Override public void setProgram(String program) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.program, program)) { this.program = program; generateChangeLog("Program", program, false); } } @Override public String getMajor() { return major; } @Override public void setMajor(String major) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.major, major)) { this.major = major; generateChangeLog("Major", major, false); } } @Override public String getDocumentType() { return documentType; } @Override public void setDocumentType(String documentType) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.documentType, documentType)) { this.documentType = documentType; generateChangeLog("Document type", documentType, false); updatePrimaryDocumentName(); } } @Override public Integer getGraduationYear() { return graduationYear; } @Override public void setGraduationYear(Integer year) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.graduationYear, year)) { this.graduationYear = year; if (year == null) generateChangeLog("Graduation year", null, false); else generateChangeLog("Graduation year", String.valueOf(year), false); updatePrimaryDocumentName(); } } @Override public Integer getGraduationMonth() { return graduationMonth; } @Override public void setGraduationMonth(Integer month) { if (month != null && (month < 0 || month > 11)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Month is out of bounds."); assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.graduationMonth, month)) { this.graduationMonth = month; if (month == null) generateChangeLog("Graduation month", null, false); else generateChangeLog("Graduation month", new DateFormatSymbols().getMonths()[month], false); } } @Override public State getState() { return Spring.getBeanOfType(StateManager.class).getState(stateName); } @Override public void setState(State state) { if (state == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("State is required"); assertReviewer(); if (!equals(this.stateName, state.getBeanName())) { this.stateName = state.getBeanName(); generateChangeLog("Submission status", state.getDisplayName(), true); // Check if this state is approved if (this.approvalDate == null && state.isApproved()) this.setApprovalDate(new Date()); } } @Override public Person getAssignee() { return assignee; } @Override public void setAssignee(Person assignee) { assertReviewer(); this.assignee = assignee; if (assignee == null) generateChangeLog("Assignee", null, true); else generateChangeLog("Assignee", assignee.getFormattedName(NameFormat.FIRST_LAST), true); } @Override public Boolean getUMIRelease() { return UMIRelease; } @Override public void setUMIRelease(Boolean umiRelease) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.UMIRelease, umiRelease)) { this.UMIRelease = umiRelease; if (umiRelease == null) generateLog("UMI Release cleared", false); else if (umiRelease == true) generateChangeLog("UMI Release", "Yes", false); else generateChangeLog("UMI Release", "No", false); } } @Override public List<CustomActionValue> getCustomActions() { return customActions; } @Override public CustomActionValue getCustomAction(CustomActionDefinition definition) { Iterator<CustomActionValue> valueItr = customActions.iterator(); while (valueItr.hasNext()) { CustomActionValue value =; if (value.getDefinition().equals(definition)) return value; } return null; } /** * Internal call back to notify the parent submission when a custom action * value has been deleted. * * @param value * The value being deleted. */ protected void removeCustomAction(CustomActionValue value) { customActions.remove(value); } @Override public CustomActionValue addCustomAction(CustomActionDefinition definition, Boolean value) { CustomActionValue customAction = new JpaCustomActionValueImpl(this, definition, value); customActions.add(customAction); return customAction; } @Override public String getDepositId() { return depositId; } @Override public void setDepositId(String depositId) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); if (!equals(this.depositId, depositId)) { this.depositId = depositId; generateChangeLog("Repository deposit ID", depositId, false); } } @Override public Date getDepositDate() { return depositDate; } @Override public void setDepositDate(Date depositDate) { assertReviewerOrOwner(submitter); this.depositDate = depositDate; } @Override public String getReviewerNotes() { return this.reviewerNotes; } @Override public void setReviewerNotes(String notes) { assertReviewer(); if (!equals(this.reviewerNotes, notes)) { this.reviewerNotes = notes; // Generate a private note String entry; if (notes == null) entry = "Reviewer notes cleared"; else entry = String.format("Reviewer notes changed to '%s'", notes); ActionLog log = logAction(entry); log.setPrivate(true); } } @Override public String getLastLogEntry() { return lastActionLogEntry; } @Override public Date getLastLogDate() { return lastActionLogDate; } @Override public ActionLog logAction(String entry) { return logAction(entry, null); } /** * Create an action log entry about this submission. This is method is not * included in the public interface at the present time. Maybe in the future * we will move it up there. This method operates exactly the same as the * "logAction" method, which is defined in the public interface, but accepts * an attachment object. The action log object generated will be associated * with the attachment object present. * * @param entry * The entry text to be saved, note " by User" will be appended * to the end of this entry text recording who made the action. * @param attachment * The attachment this action log item is associated with (may be * null). * @return The unsaved action log object. */ public ActionLog logAction(String entry, Attachment attachment) { SecurityContext context = Spring.getBeanOfType(SecurityContext.class); Person actor = context.getPerson(); // The "By whom ever" is duplicating data and just uneeded. //if (actor != null) // entry += " by " + actor.getFormattedName(NameFormat.FIRST_LAST); ActionLog log = new JpaActionLogImpl(this, this.getState(), actor, new Date(), attachment, entry, false); pendingLogs.add(log); return log; } /** * Internal method for generating log events. * * This will create an ActionLog entry and append it to a list of pending * changes. Then when this object is saved() those logs will be persisted in * the database. * * @param entry * The log entry (note, "by User" will be appended to the end of * the log entry) * @param always * This log message should be generated no matter what state the submission is currently in. */ protected void generateLog(String entry, boolean always) { if (!always) { // Ignore if the submission is in the initial state. StateManager manager = Spring.getBeanOfType(StateManager.class); if (manager.getInitialState() == this.getState()) return; } pendingLogs.add(logAction(entry)); } /** * Internal method for generating log events. * * This will create a preformatted action log entry for a field change. The * log will then be appended to the list of pending changes which will be * persisted when the submission object is saved. * * @param fieldName * The name of the field being updated. * @param newValue * The new value of the field. (may be null) * @param always * This log message should be generated no matter what state the submission is currently in. */ protected void generateChangeLog(String fieldName, String newValue, boolean always) { String entry; if (newValue == null) entry = fieldName + " cleared"; else entry = String.format("%s changed to '%s'", fieldName, newValue); generateLog(entry, always); } /** * This is called when information that could potentially effect the name of * the primary document has been modified. This method is called to see if * the attachment should be updated. */ protected void updatePrimaryDocumentName() { Attachment primary = this.getPrimaryDocument(); if (primary != null) { ((JpaAttachmentImpl) primary).renamePrimaryDocument();; } } /** * Return true if the two objects are equals, accounting for nulls. * * @param a An object * @param b An object * @return True if a is the same as b, otherwise false. */ private boolean equals(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null) { if (b == null) return true; else return false; } else { return a.equals(b); } } }