Java tutorial
// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Talend Inc. - // // This source code is available under agreement available at // // // You should have received a copy of the agreement // along with this program; if not, write to Talend SA // 9 rue Pages 92150 Suresnes, France // // ============================================================================ package org.talend.dataprep.dataset.service; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static; import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE; import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE; import static org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.*; import static; import static org.talend.dataprep.exception.error.DataSetErrorCodes.UNABLE_TO_CREATE_OR_UPDATE_DATASET; import static org.talend.dataprep.quality.AnalyzerService.Analysis.SEMANTIC; import static org.talend.dataprep.util.SortAndOrderHelper.getDataSetMetadataComparator; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Marker; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.*; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.DataSetGovernance.Certification; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.Import.ImportBuilder; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.location.DataSetLocationService; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.location.LocalStoreLocation; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.location.locator.DataSetLocatorService; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.row.DataSetRow; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.row.FlagNames; import org.talend.dataprep.api.dataset.statistics.SemanticDomain; import; import org.talend.dataprep.api.user.UserData; import org.talend.dataprep.configuration.EncodingSupport; import org.talend.dataprep.conversions.BeanConversionService; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.DataSetMetadataBuilder; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.StatisticsAdapter; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.event.DataSetMetadataBeforeUpdateEvent; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.event.DataSetRawContentUpdateEvent; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.service.analysis.synchronous.ContentAnalysis; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.service.analysis.synchronous.FormatAnalysis; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.service.analysis.synchronous.SchemaAnalysis; import org.talend.dataprep.dataset.service.api.UpdateColumnParameters; import; import org.talend.dataprep.exception.TDPException; import org.talend.dataprep.exception.error.DataSetErrorCodes; import org.talend.dataprep.exception.json.JsonErrorCodeDescription; import org.talend.dataprep.grants.AccessGrantChecker; import org.talend.dataprep.grants.CommonRestrictedActions; import org.talend.dataprep.http.HttpResponseContext; import org.talend.dataprep.lock.DistributedLock; import org.talend.dataprep.log.Markers; import org.talend.dataprep.metrics.Timed; import org.talend.dataprep.metrics.VolumeMetered; import org.talend.dataprep.parameters.jsonschema.ComponentProperties; import org.talend.dataprep.quality.AnalyzerService; import org.talend.dataprep.schema.DraftValidator; import org.talend.dataprep.schema.FormatFamily; import org.talend.dataprep.schema.FormatFamilyFactory; import org.talend.dataprep.schema.Schema; import; import; import; import org.talend.dataprep.util.SortAndOrderHelper; import org.talend.dataprep.util.SortAndOrderHelper.Order; import org.talend.dataprep.util.SortAndOrderHelper.Sort; import org.talend.dataquality.common.inference.Analyzer; import org.talend.dataquality.common.inference.Analyzers; import io.swagger.annotations.Api; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; @RestController @Api(value = "datasets", basePath = "/datasets", description = "Operations on data sets") public class DataSetService extends BaseDataSetService { /** This class' logger. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataSetService.class); /** Date format to use. */ private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-YYYY HH:mm"); // $NON-NLS-1 private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; static { DATE_FORMAT.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); } /** * Format analyzer needed to update the schema. */ @Autowired private FormatAnalysis formatAnalyzer; /** * User repository. */ @Autowired private UserDataRepository userDataRepository; /** * Format guess factory. */ @Autowired private FormatFamilyFactory formatFamilyFactory; /** * Dataset locator (used for remote datasets). */ @Autowired private DataSetLocatorService datasetLocator; /** * DataPrep abstraction to the underlying security (whether it's enabled or not). */ @Autowired private Security security; /** * Encoding support service. */ @Autowired private EncodingSupport encodings; /** * All possible data set locations. */ @Autowired private DataSetLocationService locationsService; @Autowired private VersionService versionService; @Autowired private AccessGrantChecker accessGrantChecker; @Autowired private BeanConversionService conversionService; @Value("#{'${dataset.imports}'.split(',')}") private Set<String> enabledImports; @Value("${dataset.list.limit:10}") private int datasetListLimit; @Autowired private AnalyzerService analyzerService; @Value("${dataset.local.file.size.limit:2000000}") private long maximumInputStreamSize; @InitBinder private void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { // This allow to bind Sort and Order parameters in lower-case even if the key is uppercase. // URLs are cleaner in lowercase. binder.registerCustomEditor(Sort.class, SortAndOrderHelper.getSortPropertyEditor()); binder.registerCustomEditor(Order.class, SortAndOrderHelper.getOrderPropertyEditor()); } @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "List all data sets and filters on certified, or favorite or a limited number when asked", notes = "Returns the list of data sets (and filters) the current user is allowed to see. Creation date is a Epoch time value (in UTC time zone).") @Timed public Callable<Stream<UserDataSetMetadata>> list( @ApiParam(value = "Sort key (by name, creation or modification date)") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "creationDate") Sort sort, @ApiParam(value = "Order for sort key (desc or asc or modif)") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "desc") Order order, @ApiParam(value = "Filter on name containing the specified name") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String name, @ApiParam(value = "Filter on certified data sets") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") boolean certified, @ApiParam(value = "Filter on favorite data sets") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") boolean favorite, @ApiParam(value = "Only return a limited number of data sets") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") boolean limit) { return () -> { // Build filter for data sets String userId = security.getUserId(); final UserData userData = userDataRepository.get(userId); final List<String> predicates = new ArrayList<>(); predicates.add("lifecycle.importing = false"); if (favorite) { if (userData != null && !userData.getFavoritesDatasets().isEmpty()) { predicates.add("id in [" + userData.getFavoritesDatasets().stream().map(ds -> '\'' + ds + '\'') .collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + "]"); } else { // Wants favorites but user has no favorite return Stream.empty(); } } if (certified) { predicates.add("governance.certificationStep = '" + Certification.CERTIFIED + "'"); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { predicates.add("name contains '" + name + "'"); } final String tqlFilter =" and ")); LOG.debug("TQL Filter in use: {}", tqlFilter); // Get all data sets according to filter try (Stream<DataSetMetadata> stream = dataSetMetadataRepository.list(tqlFilter, sort, order)) { Stream<UserDataSetMetadata> userDataSetMetadataStream = stream .map(m -> conversionService.convert(m, UserDataSetMetadata.class)); if (sort == Sort.AUTHOR || sort == Sort.NAME) { // As theses are not well handled by mongo repository userDataSetMetadataStream = userDataSetMetadataStream .sorted(getDataSetMetadataComparator(sort, order)); } return userDataSetMetadataStream.limit(limit ? datasetListLimit : Long.MAX_VALUE); } }; } /** * Returns a list containing all data sets that are compatible with the data set with id <tt>dataSetId</tt>. If no * compatible data set is found an empty list is returned. The data set with id <tt>dataSetId</tt> is never returned * in the list. * * @param dataSetId the specified data set id * @param sort the sort criterion: either name or date. * @param order the sorting order: either asc or desc. * @return a list containing all data sets that are compatible with the data set with id <tt>dataSetId</tt> and * empty list if no data set is compatible. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/compatibledatasets", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "List all compatible data sets", notes = "Returns the list of data sets the current user is allowed to see and which are compatible with the specified data set id.") @Timed public Iterable<UserDataSetMetadata> listCompatibleDatasets( @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the data set metadata") String dataSetId, @ApiParam(value = "Sort key (by name or date).") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "creationDate") Sort sort, @ApiParam(value = "Order for sort key (desc or asc).") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "desc") Order order) { Spliterator<DataSetMetadata> iterator = dataSetMetadataRepository.listCompatible(dataSetId).spliterator(); final Comparator<DataSetMetadata> comparator = getDataSetMetadataComparator(sort, order); // Return sorted results try (Stream<DataSetMetadata> stream = stream(iterator, false)) { return stream.filter(metadata -> !metadata.getLifecycle().isImporting()) // .map(m -> conversionService.convert(m, UserDataSetMetadata.class)) // .sorted(comparator) // .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } /** * Creates a new data set and returns the new data set id as text in the response. * * @param name An optional name for the new data set (might be <code>null</code>). * @param contentType the request content type. * @param content The raw content of the data set (might be a CSV, XLS...) or the connection parameter in case of a * remote csv. * @return The new data id. * @see DataSetService#get(boolean, boolean, String) */ //@formatter:off @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets", method = POST, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Create a data set", consumes = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE, notes = "Create a new data set based on content provided in POST body. For documentation purposes, body is typed as 'text/plain' but operation accepts binary content too. Returns the id of the newly created data set.") @Timed @VolumeMetered public String create( @ApiParam(value = "User readable name of the data set (e.g. 'Finance Report 2015', 'Test Data Set').") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String name, @ApiParam(value = "An optional tag to be added in data set metadata once created.") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String tag, @RequestHeader(CONTENT_TYPE) String contentType, @ApiParam(value = "content") InputStream content) throws IOException { //@formatter:on HttpResponseContext.header(CONTENT_TYPE, TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE); final String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); final Marker marker = Markers.dataset(id); LOG.debug(marker, "Creating..."); // check that the name is not already taken checkIfNameIsAvailable(name); // get the location out of the content type and the request body final DataSetLocation location; try { location = datasetLocator.getDataSetLocation(contentType, content); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.UNABLE_TO_READ_DATASET_LOCATION, e); } DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = null; final TDPException hypotheticalException; try { dataSetMetadata = metadataBuilder.metadata() // .id(id) // .name(name) // .author(security.getUserId()) // .location(location) // .created(System.currentTimeMillis()) // .tag(tag) // .build(); dataSetMetadata.getLifecycle().setImporting(true); // Indicate data set is being imported // Save data set content LOG.debug(marker, "Storing content..."); contentStore.storeAsRaw(dataSetMetadata, new StrictlyBoundedInputStream(content, maximumInputStreamSize)); LOG.debug(marker, "Content stored."); // Create the new data set; LOG.debug(marker, "dataset metadata stored {}", dataSetMetadata); // Queue events (format analysis, content indexing for search...) analyzeDataSet(id, true, emptyList()); LOG.debug(marker, "Created!"); return id; } catch (StrictlyBoundedInputStream.InputStreamTooLargeException e) { hypotheticalException = new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.LOCAL_DATA_SET_INPUT_STREAM_TOO_LARGE, e, build().put("limit", maximumInputStreamSize)); } catch (TDPException e) { hypotheticalException = e; } catch (Exception e) { hypotheticalException = new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.UNABLE_CREATE_DATASET, e); } dataSetMetadataRepository.remove(id); if (dataSetMetadata != null) { contentStore.delete(dataSetMetadata); } throw hypotheticalException; } /** * Returns the <b>full</b> data set content for given id. * * @param metadata If <code>true</code>, includes data set metadata information. * @param dataSetId A data set id. * @return The full data set. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/content", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Get a data set by id", notes = "Get a data set content based on provided id. Id should be a UUID returned by the list operation. Not valid or non existing data set id returns empty content.") @Timed @ResponseBody public Callable<DataSet> get( @RequestParam(defaultValue = "true") @ApiParam(name = "metadata", value = "Include metadata information in the response") boolean metadata, // @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(name = "includeInternalContent", value = "Include internal content in the response") boolean includeInternalContent, // @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the requested data set") String dataSetId) { return () -> { final Marker marker = Markers.dataset(dataSetId); LOG.debug(marker, "Get data set #{}", dataSetId); try { DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); assertDataSetMetadata(dataSetMetadata, dataSetId); // Build the result DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); if (metadata) { dataSet.setMetadata(conversionService.convert(dataSetMetadata, UserDataSetMetadata.class)); } Stream<DataSetRow> stream =, -1); // Disable line limit if (!includeInternalContent) { LOG.debug("Skip internal content when serving data set #{} content.", dataSetId); stream = -> { final Map<String, Object> values = r.values(); final Map<String, Object> filteredValues = new HashMap<>(values); values.forEach((k, v) -> { if (k != null && k.startsWith(FlagNames.INTERNAL_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { // Removes technical properties // from returned values. filteredValues.remove(k); } }); filteredValues.put(FlagNames.TDP_ID, r.getTdpId()); // Include TDP_ID anyway return new DataSetRow(r.getRowMetadata(), filteredValues); }); } dataSet.setRecords(stream); return dataSet; } finally { LOG.debug(marker, "Get done."); } }; } /** * Returns the data set {@link DataSetMetadata metadata} for given <code>dataSetId</code>. * * @param dataSetId A data set id. If <code>null</code> <b>or</b> if no data set with provided id exits, operation * returns {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus#SC_NO_CONTENT} if metadata does not exist. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/metadata", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Get metadata information of a data set by id", notes = "Get metadata information of a data set by id. Not valid or non existing data set id returns empty content.") @Timed @ResponseBody public DataSet getMetadata( @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the data set metadata") String dataSetId) { if (dataSetId == null) { HttpResponseContext.status(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT); return null; } LOG.debug("get dataset metadata for {}", dataSetId); DataSetMetadata metadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); if (metadata == null) { throw new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.DATASET_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", dataSetId)); } if (!metadata.getLifecycle().schemaAnalyzed()) { HttpResponseContext.status(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED); return DataSet.empty(); } DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); dataSet.setMetadata(conversionService.convert(metadata, UserDataSetMetadata.class));"found dataset {} for #{}", dataSet.getMetadata().getName(), dataSetId); return dataSet; } /** * Deletes a data set with provided id. * * @param dataSetId A data set id. If data set id is unknown, no exception nor status code to indicate this is set. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Delete a data set by id", notes = "Delete a data set content based on provided id. Id should be a UUID returned by the list operation. Not valid or non existing data set id returns empty content.") @Timed public void delete( @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the data set to delete") String dataSetId) { DataSetMetadata metadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); final DistributedLock lock = dataSetMetadataRepository.createDatasetMetadataLock(dataSetId); try { lock.lock(); if (metadata != null) { dataSetMetadataRepository.remove(dataSetId); // first remove the metadata as there may be additional check contentStore.delete(metadata); } // do nothing if the dataset does not exists } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Copy this dataset to a new one and returns the new data set id as text in the response. * * @param copyName the name of the copy * @return The new data id. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/copy", method = POST, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Copy a data set", produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE, notes = "Copy a new data set based on the given id. Returns the id of the newly created data set.") @Timed public String copy( @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the data set to clone") String dataSetId, @ApiParam(value = "The name of the cloned dataset.") @RequestParam(required = false) String copyName) throws IOException { HttpResponseContext.header(CONTENT_TYPE, TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE); DataSetMetadata original = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); if (original == null) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } // use a default name if empty (original name + " Copy" ) final String newName; if (StringUtils.isBlank(copyName)) { newName = original.getName() + " Copy"; } else { newName = copyName; } final DistributedLock lock = dataSetMetadataRepository.createDatasetMetadataLock(dataSetId); try { lock.lock(); // lock to ensure any asynchronous analysis is completed. // check that the name is not already taken checkIfNameIsAvailable(newName); // Create copy (based on original data set metadata) final String newId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); final Marker marker = Markers.dataset(newId); LOG.debug(marker, "Cloning..."); DataSetMetadata target = metadataBuilder.metadata() // .copy(original) // .id(newId) // .name(newName) // .author(security.getUserId()) // .location(original.getLocation()) // .created(System.currentTimeMillis()) // .build(); // Save data set content LOG.debug(marker, "Storing content..."); try (InputStream content = contentStore.getAsRaw(original)) { contentStore.storeAsRaw(target, content); } LOG.debug(marker, "Content stored."); // Create the new data set;, "Copy done --> {}", newId); return newId; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/processcertification", method = PUT, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Ask certification for a dataset", notes = "Advance certification step of this dataset.") @Timed public void processCertification( @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the data set to update") String dataSetId) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Ask certification for dataset #{}", dataSetId); } // Check if the user has sufficient grants to perform the action accessGrantChecker.allowed(CommonRestrictedActions.CERTIFICATION); DistributedLock datasetLock = dataSetMetadataRepository.createDatasetMetadataLock(dataSetId); datasetLock.lock(); try { DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); if (dataSetMetadata != null) { LOG.trace( "Current certification step is " + dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().getCertificationStep()); if (dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().getCertificationStep() == Certification.NONE) { dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().setCertificationStep(Certification.PENDING);; } else if (dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().getCertificationStep() == Certification.PENDING) { dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().setCertificationStep(Certification.CERTIFIED);; } else if (dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().getCertificationStep() == Certification.CERTIFIED) { dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().setCertificationStep(Certification.NONE);; } LOG.debug("New certification step is " + dataSetMetadata.getGovernance().getCertificationStep()); } // else do nothing if the dataset does not exists } finally { datasetLock.unlock(); } } /** * Updates a data set content and metadata. If no data set exists for given id, data set is silently created. * * @param dataSetId The id of data set to be updated. * @param name The new name for the data set. Empty name (or <code>null</code>) does not update dataset name. * @param dataSetContent The new content for the data set. If empty, existing content will <b>not</b> be replaced. * For delete operation, look at {@link #delete(String)}. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/raw", method = PUT, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Update a data set by id", consumes = "text/plain", notes = "Update a data set content based on provided id and PUT body. Id should be a UUID returned by the list operation. Not valid or non existing data set id returns empty content. For documentation purposes, body is typed as 'text/plain' but operation accepts binary content too.") @Timed @VolumeMetered public void updateRawDataSet( @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the data set to update") String dataSetId, // @RequestParam(value = "name", required = false) @ApiParam(name = "name", value = "New value for the data set name") String name, // @ApiParam(value = "content") InputStream dataSetContent) { LOG.debug("updating dataset content #{}", dataSetId); final DistributedLock lock = dataSetMetadataRepository.createDatasetMetadataLock(dataSetId); try { lock.lock(); final DataSetMetadataBuilder datasetBuilder = metadataBuilder.metadata().id(dataSetId); final DataSetMetadata metadataForUpdate = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); if (metadataForUpdate != null) { datasetBuilder.copyNonContentRelated(metadataForUpdate); datasetBuilder.modified(System.currentTimeMillis()); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {; } final DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata =; // Save data set content contentStore.storeAsRaw(dataSetMetadata, dataSetContent);; publisher.publishEvent(new DataSetRawContentUpdateEvent(dataSetMetadata)); } finally { lock.unlock(); } // Content was changed, so queue events (format analysis, content indexing for search...) analyzeDataSet(dataSetId, true, emptyList()); } /** * List all dataset related error codes. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/errors", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Get all dataset related error codes.", notes = "Returns the list of all dataset related error codes.") @Timed public Iterable<JsonErrorCodeDescription> listErrors() { // need to cast the typed dataset errors into mock ones to use json parsing List<JsonErrorCodeDescription> errors = new ArrayList<>(DataSetErrorCodes.values().length); for (DataSetErrorCodes code : DataSetErrorCodes.values()) { errors.add(new JsonErrorCodeDescription(code)); } return errors; } /** * Returns preview of the the data set content for given id (first 100 rows). Service might return * {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus#SC_ACCEPTED} if the data set exists but analysis is not yet fully * completed so content is not yet ready to be served. * * @param metadata If <code>true</code>, includes data set metadata information. * @param sheetName the sheet name to preview * @param dataSetId A data set id. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/preview", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Get a data preview set by id", notes = "Get a data set preview content based on provided id. Not valid or non existing data set id returns empty content. Data set not in drat status will return a redirect 301") @Timed @ResponseBody public DataSet preview( @RequestParam(defaultValue = "true") @ApiParam(name = "metadata", value = "Include metadata information in the response") boolean metadata, // @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") @ApiParam(name = "sheetName", value = "Sheet name to preview") String sheetName, // @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the requested data set") String dataSetId) { DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); if (dataSetMetadata == null) { HttpResponseContext.status(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT); return DataSet.empty(); // No data set, returns empty content. } if (!dataSetMetadata.isDraft()) { // Moved to get data set content operation HttpResponseContext.status(HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY); HttpResponseContext.header("Location", "/datasets/" + dataSetId + "/content"); return DataSet.empty(); // dataset not anymore a draft so preview doesn't make sense. } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sheetName)) { dataSetMetadata.setSheetName(sheetName); } // take care of previous data without schema parser result if (dataSetMetadata.getSchemaParserResult() != null) { // sheet not yet set correctly so use the first one if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataSetMetadata.getSheetName())) { String theSheetName = dataSetMetadata.getSchemaParserResult().getSheetContents().get(0).getName(); LOG.debug("preview for dataSetMetadata: {} with sheetName: {}", dataSetId, theSheetName); dataSetMetadata.setSheetName(theSheetName); } String theSheetName = dataSetMetadata.getSheetName(); Optional<Schema.SheetContent> sheetContentFound = dataSetMetadata.getSchemaParserResult() .getSheetContents().stream().filter(sheetContent -> theSheetName.equals(sheetContent.getName())) .findFirst(); if (!sheetContentFound.isPresent()) { HttpResponseContext.status(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT); return DataSet.empty(); // No sheet found, returns empty content. } List<ColumnMetadata> columnMetadatas = sheetContentFound.get().getColumnMetadatas(); if (dataSetMetadata.getRowMetadata() == null) { dataSetMetadata.setRowMetadata(new RowMetadata(emptyList())); } dataSetMetadata.getRowMetadata().setColumns(columnMetadatas); } else { LOG.warn("dataset#{} has draft status but any SchemaParserResult"); } // Build the result DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); if (metadata) { dataSet.setMetadata(conversionService.convert(dataSetMetadata, UserDataSetMetadata.class)); } dataSet.setRecords(; return dataSet; } /** * Updates a data set metadata. If no data set exists for given id, a {@link TDPException} is thrown. * * @param dataSetId The id of data set to be updated. * @param dataSetMetadata The new content for the data set. If empty, existing content will <b>not</b> be replaced. * For delete operation, look at {@link #delete(String)}. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}", method = PUT, consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Update a data set metadata by id", consumes = "application/json", notes = "Update a data set metadata according to the content of the PUT body. Id should be a UUID returned by the list operation. Not valid or non existing data set id return an error response.") @Timed public void updateDataSet( @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the data set to update") String dataSetId, @RequestBody DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata) { final DistributedLock lock = dataSetMetadataRepository.createDatasetMetadataLock(dataSetId); lock.lock(); try { LOG.debug("updateDataSet: {}", dataSetMetadata); publisher.publishEvent(new DataSetMetadataBeforeUpdateEvent(dataSetMetadata)); // // Only part of the metadata can be updated, so the original dataset metadata is loaded and updated // DataSetMetadata metadataForUpdate = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); DataSetMetadata original = metadataBuilder.metadata().copy(metadataForUpdate).build(); if (metadataForUpdate == null) { // No need to silently create the data set metadata: associated content will most likely not exist. throw new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.DATASET_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", dataSetId)); } try { // update the name metadataForUpdate.setName(dataSetMetadata.getName()); // update the sheet content (in case of a multi-sheet excel file) if (metadataForUpdate.getSchemaParserResult() != null) { Optional<Schema.SheetContent> sheetContentFound = metadataForUpdate.getSchemaParserResult() .getSheetContents().stream() .filter(sheetContent -> dataSetMetadata.getSheetName().equals(sheetContent.getName())) .findFirst(); if (sheetContentFound.isPresent()) { List<ColumnMetadata> columnMetadatas = sheetContentFound.get().getColumnMetadatas(); if (metadataForUpdate.getRowMetadata() == null) { metadataForUpdate.setRowMetadata(new RowMetadata(emptyList())); } metadataForUpdate.getRowMetadata().setColumns(columnMetadatas); } metadataForUpdate.setSheetName(dataSetMetadata.getSheetName()); metadataForUpdate.setSchemaParserResult(null); } // Location updates metadataForUpdate.setLocation(dataSetMetadata.getLocation()); // update parameters & encoding (so that user can change import parameters for CSV) metadataForUpdate.getContent().setParameters(dataSetMetadata.getContent().getParameters()); metadataForUpdate.setEncoding(dataSetMetadata.getEncoding()); // update limit final Optional<Long> newLimit = dataSetMetadata.getContent().getLimit(); if (newLimit.isPresent()) { metadataForUpdate.getContent().setLimit(newLimit.get()); } // Validate that the new data set metadata and removes the draft status final String formatFamilyId = dataSetMetadata.getContent().getFormatFamilyId(); if (formatFamilyFactory.hasFormatFamily(formatFamilyId)) { FormatFamily format = formatFamilyFactory.getFormatFamily(formatFamilyId); try { DraftValidator draftValidator = format.getDraftValidator(); DraftValidator.Result result = draftValidator.validate(dataSetMetadata); if (result.isDraft()) { // This is not an exception case: data set may remain a draft after update (although rather // unusual) LOG.warn("Data set #{} is still a draft after update.", dataSetId); return; } // Data set metadata to update is no longer a draft metadataForUpdate.setDraft(false); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // no need to validate draft here } } // update schema formatAnalyzer.update(original, metadataForUpdate); // save the result; // all good mate!! so send that to jms // Asks for a in depth schema analysis (for column type information). analyzeDataSet(dataSetId, true, singletonList(FormatAnalysis.class)); } catch (TDPException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TDPException(UNABLE_TO_CREATE_OR_UPDATE_DATASET, e); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * list all the favorites dataset for the current user * * @return a list of the dataset Ids of all the favorites dataset for the current user or an empty list if none * found */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/favorites", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "return all favorites datasets of the current user", notes = "Returns the list of favorites datasets.") @Timed public Iterable<String> favorites() { String userId = security.getUserId(); UserData userData = userDataRepository.get(userId); return userData != null ? userData.getFavoritesDatasets() : emptyList(); } /** * update the current user data dataset favorites list by adding or removing the dataSetId according to the unset * flag. The user data for the current will be created if it does not exist. If no data set exists for given id, a * {@link TDPException} is thrown. * * @param unset, if true this will remove the dataSetId from the list of favorites, if false then it adds the * dataSetId to the favorite list * @param dataSetId, the id of the favorites data set. If the data set does not exists nothing is done. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/favorite", method = PUT, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "set or unset a dataset as favorite", notes = "Specify if a dataset is or is not a favorite for the current user.") @Timed public void setFavorites( @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") @ApiParam(name = "unset", value = "if true then unset the dataset as favorite, if false (default value) set the favorite flag") boolean unset, // @PathVariable(value = "id") @ApiParam(name = "id", value = "Id of the favorite data set, do nothing is the id does not exist.") String dataSetId) { String userId = security.getUserId(); // check that dataset exists DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); if (dataSetMetadata != null) { LOG.debug("{} favorite dataset for #{} for user {}", unset ? "Unset" : "Set", dataSetId, userId); // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$ UserData userData = userDataRepository.get(userId); if (unset) {// unset the favorites if (userData != null) { userData.getFavoritesDatasets().remove(dataSetId);; } // no user data for this user so nothing to unset } else {// set the favorites if (userData == null) {// let's create a new UserData userData = new UserData(userId, versionService.version().getVersionId()); } // else already created so just update it. userData.addFavoriteDataset(dataSetId);; } } else {// no dataset found so throws an error throw new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.DATASET_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", dataSetId)); } } /** * Update the column of the data set and computes the * * @param dataSetId the dataset id. * @param columnId the column id. * @param parameters the new type and domain. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{datasetId}/column/{columnId}", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Update a column type and/or domain", consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @Timed public void updateDatasetColumn( @PathVariable(value = "datasetId") @ApiParam(name = "datasetId", value = "Id of the dataset") final String dataSetId, @PathVariable(value = "columnId") @ApiParam(name = "columnId", value = "Id of the column") final String columnId, @RequestBody final UpdateColumnParameters parameters) { final DistributedLock lock = dataSetMetadataRepository.createDatasetMetadataLock(dataSetId); lock.lock(); try { // check that dataset exists final DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); if (dataSetMetadata == null) { throw new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.DATASET_DOES_NOT_EXIST, build().put("id", dataSetId)); } LOG.debug("update dataset column for #{} with type {} and/or domain {}", dataSetId, parameters.getType(), parameters.getDomain()); // get the column final ColumnMetadata column = dataSetMetadata.getRowMetadata().getById(columnId); if (column == null) { throw new TDPException(DataSetErrorCodes.COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXIST, // build() // .put("id", dataSetId) // .put("columnid", columnId)); } // update type/domain if (parameters.getType() != null) { column.setType(parameters.getType()); } if (parameters.getDomain() != null) { // erase domain to let only type if (parameters.getDomain().isEmpty()) { column.setDomain(""); column.setDomainLabel(""); column.setDomainFrequency(0); } // change domain else { final SemanticDomain semanticDomain = column.getSemanticDomains() // .stream() // .filter(dom -> StringUtils.equals(dom.getId(), parameters.getDomain())) // .findFirst().orElse(null); if (semanticDomain != null) { column.setDomain(semanticDomain.getId()); column.setDomainLabel(semanticDomain.getLabel()); column.setDomainFrequency(semanticDomain.getFrequency()); } } } // save; // analyze the updated dataset (not all analysis are performed) analyzeDataSet(dataSetId, // false, // asList(ContentAnalysis.class, FormatAnalysis.class, SchemaAnalysis.class)); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Search datasets. * * @param name what to searched in datasets. * @param strict If the searched name should be the full name * @return the list of found datasets metadata. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/search", method = GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Search the dataset metadata", notes = "Search the dataset metadata.") @Timed public Stream<UserDataSetMetadata> search( // @RequestParam @ApiParam(value = "What to search in datasets") final String name, // @RequestParam @ApiParam(value = "The searched name should be the full name") final boolean strict) { LOG.debug("search datasets metadata for {}", name); final String filter; if (strict) { filter = "name = '" + name + "'"; } else { filter = "name contains '" + name + "'"; } return dataSetMetadataRepository.list(filter, null, null) // .map(d -> conversionService.convert(d, UserDataSetMetadata.class)); } @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/encodings", method = GET, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "list the supported encodings for dataset", notes = "This list can be used by user to change dataset encoding.") @Timed @PublicAPI public Stream<String> listSupportedEncodings() { return encodings.getSupportedCharsets().stream().map(Charset::displayName); } @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/imports/{import}/parameters", method = GET, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Get the import parameters", notes = "This list can be used by user to change dataset encoding.") @Timed @PublicAPI // This method have to return Object because it can either return the legacy List<Parameter> or the new TComp oriented // ComponentProperties public Object getImportParameters(@PathVariable("import") final String importType) { DataSetLocation matchingDatasetLocation = locationsService.findLocation(importType); Object parametersToReturn; if (matchingDatasetLocation == null) { parametersToReturn = emptyList(); } else { if (matchingDatasetLocation.isSchemaOriented()) { parametersToReturn = matchingDatasetLocation.getParametersAsSchema(); } else { parametersToReturn = matchingDatasetLocation.getParameters(); } } return parametersToReturn; } @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{id}/datastore/properties", method = GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "Get the dataset import parameters", notes = "This list can be used by user to change dataset encoding.") @Timed // This method have to return Object because it can either return the legacy List<Parameter> or the new TComp oriented // ComponentProperties public Object getDataStoreParameters(@PathVariable("id") final String dataSetId) { DataSetMetadata dataSetMetadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(dataSetId); Object parametersToReturn = null; if (dataSetMetadata != null) { DataSetLocation matchingDatasetLocation = locationsService .findLocation(dataSetMetadata.getLocation().getLocationType()); if (matchingDatasetLocation == null) { parametersToReturn = emptyList(); } else { if (matchingDatasetLocation.isSchemaOriented()) { ComponentProperties parametersAsSchema = matchingDatasetLocation.getParametersAsSchema(); parametersAsSchema .setProperties(dataSetMetadata.getLocation().getParametersAsSchema().getProperties()); parametersToReturn = parametersAsSchema; } else { parametersToReturn = matchingDatasetLocation.getParameters(); } } } return parametersToReturn; } @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/imports", method = GET, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "list the supported encodings for dataset", notes = "This list can be used by user to change dataset encoding.") @Timed @PublicAPI public Stream<Import> listSupportedImports() { return locationsService.getAvailableLocations().stream() // .filter(l -> enabledImports.contains(l.getLocationType())) // .filter(DataSetLocation::isEnabled) // .map(l -> { // final boolean defaultImport = LocalStoreLocation.NAME.equals(l.getLocationType()); ImportBuilder builder = ImportBuilder.builder() // .locationType(l.getLocationType()) // .contentType(l.getAcceptedContentType()) // .defaultImport(defaultImport) // .label(l.getLabel()) // .title(l.getTitle()); if (l.isDynamic()) { builder = builder.dynamic(true); } else { builder = builder.dynamic(false).parameters(l.getParameters()); } return; }) // .sorted((i1, i2) -> { // int i1Value = i1.isDefaultImport() ? 1 : -1; int i2Value = i2.isDefaultImport() ? 1 : -1; final int compare = i2Value - i1Value; if (compare == 0) { // Same level, use location type alphabetical order to determine order. return i1.getLocationType().compareTo(i2.getLocationType()); } else { return compare; } }); } /** * Return the semantic types for a given dataset / column. * * @param datasetId the datasetId id. * @param columnId the column id. * @return the semantic types for a given dataset / column. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/datasets/{datasetId}/columns/{columnId}/types", method = GET, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation(value = "list the types of the wanted column", notes = "This list can be used by user to change the column type.") @Timed @PublicAPI public List<SemanticDomain> getDataSetColumnSemanticCategories( @ApiParam(value = "The dataset id") @PathVariable String datasetId, @ApiParam(value = "The column id") @PathVariable String columnId) { LOG.debug("listing semantic categories for dataset #{} column #{}", datasetId, columnId); final DataSetMetadata metadata = dataSetMetadataRepository.get(datasetId); try (final Stream<DataSetRow> records = { final ColumnMetadata columnMetadata = metadata.getRowMetadata().getById(columnId); final Analyzer<Analyzers.Result> analyzer =, SEMANTIC); analyzer.init(); -> r.get(columnId)).forEach(analyzer::analyze); analyzer.end(); final List<Analyzers.Result> analyzerResult = analyzer.getResult(); final StatisticsAdapter statisticsAdapter = new StatisticsAdapter(40); statisticsAdapter.adapt(singletonList(columnMetadata), analyzerResult); LOG.debug("found {} for dataset #{}, column #{}", columnMetadata.getSemanticDomains(), datasetId, columnId); return columnMetadata.getSemanticDomains(); } } }