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 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 sventon project. All rights reserved.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
 * are also available at
 * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
 * newer version instead, at your option.
 * ====================================================================
package org.sventon.service.svnkit;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sventon.*;
import org.sventon.diff.DiffException;
import org.sventon.diff.DiffProducer;
import org.sventon.diff.IdenticalFilesException;
import org.sventon.model.*;
import org.sventon.model.Properties;
import org.sventon.service.AbstractRepositoryService;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.*;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.*;

import java.util.*;

 * Service class for accessing the subversion repository.
 * @author
public class SVNKitRepositoryService extends AbstractRepositoryService {

     * Logger for this class and subclasses.
    final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    public LogEntry getLogEntry(final SVNConnection connection, final RepositoryName repositoryName,
            final long revision) throws SventonException {

        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        try {
            return SVNKitConverter.toLogEntry((SVNLogEntry) repository
                    .log(new String[] { "/" }, null, revision, revision, true, false).iterator().next());
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Error getting log entry: ", ex);

    public final List<LogEntry> getLogEntriesFromRepositoryRoot(final SVNConnection connection,
            final long fromRevision, final long toRevision) throws SventonException {

        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        final List<LogEntry> revisions = new ArrayList<LogEntry>();
        try {
            repository.log(new String[] { "/" }, fromRevision, toRevision, true, false, new ISVNLogEntryHandler() {
                public void handleLogEntry(final SVNLogEntry logEntry) {
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Unable to get logs", ex);
        return revisions;

    public List<LogEntry> getLogEntries(final SVNConnection connection, final RepositoryName repositoryName,
            final long fromRevision, final long toRevision, final String path, final long limit,
            final boolean stopOnCopy, boolean includeChangedPaths) throws SventonException {

                "Fetching [" + limit + "] revisions in the interval [" + toRevision + "-" + fromRevision + "]");
        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        final List<LogEntry> logEntries = new ArrayList<LogEntry>();
        try {
            repository.log(new String[] { path }, fromRevision, toRevision, includeChangedPaths, stopOnCopy, limit,
                    new ISVNLogEntryHandler() {
                        public void handleLogEntry(final SVNLogEntry logEntry) {
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Unable to get logs", ex);
        return logEntries;

    public final void export(final SVNConnection connection, final List<PathRevision> targets,
            final long pegRevision, final File exportDirectory) throws SventonException {

        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        for (final PathRevision fileRevision : targets) {
            final String path = fileRevision.getPath();
            final long revision = fileRevision.getRevision().getNumber();
            final File revisionRootDir = new File(exportDirectory, String.valueOf(revision));

            if (!revisionRootDir.exists() && !revisionRootDir.mkdirs()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create directory: " + revisionRootDir.getAbsolutePath());

            try {
                final File destination = new File(revisionRootDir, path);
                final SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(null,
                final SVNUpdateClient updateClient = clientManager.getUpdateClient();
                final String pathToExport = repository.getLocation().toDecodedString() + path;

                logger.debug("Exporting file [" + pathToExport + "] revision [" + revision + "]");
                updateClient.doExport(org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL.parseURIDecoded(pathToExport), destination,
                        SVNRevision.create(pegRevision), SVNRevision.create(revision), null, true,
            } catch (SVNException ex) {
                translateException("Error exporting [" + path + "@" + revision + "]", ex);

    public void getFileContents(final SVNConnection connection, final String path, final long revision,
            final OutputStream output) throws SventonException {
        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        try {
            final SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(null,
            final SVNWCClient wcClient = clientManager.getWCClient();
            final org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL fileURL = org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL
                    .parseURIDecoded(repository.getLocation().toDecodedString() + path);
            wcClient.doGetFileContents(fileURL, SVNRevision.create(revision), SVNRevision.create(revision), true,
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            translateException("Cannot get contents of file [" + path + "@" + revision + "]", ex);

    public final Properties listProperties(final SVNConnection connection, final String path, final long revision)
            throws SventonException {
        final SVNProperties props = new SVNProperties();
        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        try {
            repository.getFile(path, revision, props, null);
        } catch (SVNException e) {
            return translateException("Could not get file properties for " + path + " at revision " + revision, e);

        final Properties properties = new Properties();
        for (Object o : props.nameSet()) {
            final String key = (String) o;
            final String value = SVNPropertyValue.getPropertyAsString(props.getSVNPropertyValue(key));
            properties.put(new Property(key), new PropertyValue(value));

        return properties;

    public final Long getLatestRevision(final SVNConnection connection) throws SventonException {
        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        try {
            return repository.getLatestRevision();
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Cannot get latest revision", ex);

    public final DirEntry.Kind getNodeKind(final SVNConnection connection, final String path, final long revision)
            throws SventonException {
        try {
            final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
            final SVNNodeKind nodeKind = repository.checkPath(path, revision);
            return DirEntry.Kind.valueOf(nodeKind.toString().toUpperCase());
        } catch (SVNException svnex) {
            return translateException("Unable to get node kind for: " + path + "@" + revision, svnex);

    public Map<String, DirEntryLock> getLocks(final SVNConnection connection, final String startPath,
            final boolean recursive) {
        final String path = startPath == null ? "/" : startPath;
        logger.debug("Getting lock info for path [" + path + "] and below");

        final Map<String, DirEntryLock> locks = new HashMap<String, DirEntryLock>();
        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();

        try {
            for (final SVNLock lock : repository.getLocks(path)) {
                logger.debug("Lock found: " + lock);
                final DirEntryLock dirEntryLock = new DirEntryLock(lock.getID(), lock.getPath(), lock.getOwner(),
                        lock.getComment(), lock.getCreationDate(), lock.getExpirationDate());
                locks.put(lock.getPath(), dirEntryLock);
        } catch (SVNException svne) {
            logger.debug("Unable to get locks for path [" + path + "]. Directory may not exist in HEAD", svne);
        return locks;

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public final DirList list(final SVNConnection connection, final String path, final long revision)
            throws SventonException {
        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        final SVNProperties properties = new SVNProperties();
        final Collection<SVNDirEntry> entries;

        try {
            entries = repository.getDir(path, revision, properties, (Collection) null);
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Could not get directory listing from [" + path + "@" + revision + "]", ex);

        final List<DirEntry> dirEntries = SVNKitConverter.convertDirEntries(entries, path);
        final Properties dirProperties = SVNKitConverter.convertProperties(properties);
        return DirEntry.createDirectoryList(dirEntries, dirProperties);

    public final DirEntry getEntryInfo(final SVNConnection connection, final String path, final long revision)
            throws SventonException {

        final SVNDirEntry dirEntry;
        try {
            final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
            dirEntry =, revision);
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Cannot get info for [" + path + "@" + revision + "]", ex);

        if (dirEntry != null) {
            return SVNKitConverter.createDirEntry(dirEntry, FilenameUtils.getFullPath(path));
        } else {
            logger.warn("Entry [" + path + "] does not exist in revision [" + revision + "]");
            throw new DirEntryNotFoundException(path + "@" + revision);

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public final List<FileRevision> getFileRevisions(final SVNConnection connection, final String path,
            final long revision) throws SventonException {

        //noinspection unchecked
        final List<SVNFileRevision> svnFileRevisions;
        try {
            final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
            svnFileRevisions = (List<SVNFileRevision>) repository.getFileRevisions(path, null, 0, revision);
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Cannot get file revisions for [" + path + "@" + "]", ex);

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            final List<Long> fileRevisionNumbers = new ArrayList<Long>();
            for (final SVNFileRevision fileRevision : svnFileRevisions) {
            logger.debug("Found revisions: " + fileRevisionNumbers);
        return SVNKitConverter.convertFileRevisions(svnFileRevisions);

    public final String diffUnified(final SVNConnection connection, final PathRevision from, final PathRevision to,
            final Revision pegRevision, final String charset) throws SventonException {

        assertNotBinary(connection, from, to, pegRevision);

        try {
            final TextFile leftFile = getTextFile(connection, from.getPath(),
                    getProperRevision(from.getRevision(), pegRevision), charset);
            final TextFile rightFile = getTextFile(connection, to.getPath(),
                    getProperRevision(to.getRevision(), pegRevision), charset);
            return createUnifiedDiff(from, to, charset, leftFile, rightFile);
        } catch (final IOException ioex) {
            throw new DiffException("Unable to produce unified diff", ioex);

    public final List<DiffStatus> diffPaths(final SVNConnection connection, final PathRevision from,
            final PathRevision to) throws SventonException {

        final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
        final SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(null,
        final SVNDiffClient diffClient = clientManager.getDiffClient();
        final List<DiffStatus> result = new ArrayList<DiffStatus>();
        final String repoRoot = repository.getLocation().toDecodedString();

        try {
            diffClient.doDiffStatus(org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL.parseURIDecoded(repoRoot + from.getPath()),
                    org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL.parseURIDecoded(repoRoot + to.getPath()),
                    SVNRevision.parse(to.getRevision().toString()), SVNDepth.INFINITY, false,
                    new ISVNDiffStatusHandler() {
                        public void handleDiffStatus(final org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNDiffStatus diffStatus)
                                throws SVNException {
                            if (diffStatus
                                    .getModificationType() != org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNStatusType.STATUS_NONE
                                    || diffStatus.isPropertiesModified()) {
                                        new DiffStatus(ChangeType.parse(diffStatus.getModificationType().getCode()),
                                                diffStatus.getPath(), diffStatus.isPropertiesModified()));
        } catch (SVNException e) {
            return translateException("Could not calculate diff for [" + from + "/" + to + "]", e);
        return result;

    public final AnnotatedTextFile blame(final SVNConnection connection, final String path, final long revision,
            final String charset, final Colorer colorer) throws SventonException {

        try {
            final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
            final long blameRevision;
            if (Revision.UNDEFINED.getNumber() == revision) {
                blameRevision = repository.getLatestRevision();
            } else {
                blameRevision = revision;

            logger.debug("Blaming file [" + path + "] revision [" + revision + "]");
            final AnnotatedTextFile annotatedTextFile = new AnnotatedTextFile(path, charset, colorer);
            final SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(null,
            final SVNLogClient logClient = clientManager.getLogClient();
            final AnnotationHandler handler = new AnnotationHandler(annotatedTextFile);
            final SVNRevision startRev = SVNRevision.create(0);
            final SVNRevision endRev = SVNRevision.create(blameRevision);

                            .parseURIDecoded(repository.getLocation().toDecodedString() + path),
                    endRev, startRev, endRev, false, handler, charset);
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioex) {
                logger.warn("Unable to colorize [" + path + "]", ioex);
            return annotatedTextFile;
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Error blaming [" + path + "@" + revision + "]", ex);

    public Revision translateRevision(final SVNConnection connection, final Revision revision,
            final long headRevision) throws SventonException {
        final long revisionNumber = revision.getNumber();

        try {
            if (revision.isHeadRevision() || revisionNumber == headRevision) {
                return Revision.createHeadRevision(headRevision);

            if (revisionNumber < 0) {
                final Date date = revision.getDate();
                if (date != null) {
                    final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
                    return Revision.create(date, repository.getDatedRevision(date));
                } else {
                    logger.warn("Unexpected revision: " + revision);
                    return Revision.createHeadRevision(headRevision);
            return Revision.create(revisionNumber);
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Unable to translate revision: " + revision, ex);

    public List<Long> getRevisionsForPath(final SVNConnection connection, final String path,
            final long fromRevision, final long toRevision, final boolean stopOnCopy, final long limit)
            throws SventonException {
        final List<Long> revisions = new ArrayList<Long>();

        try {
            final SVNRepository repository = ((SVNKitConnection) connection).getDelegate();
            repository.log(new String[] { path }, fromRevision, toRevision, false, stopOnCopy, limit,
                    new ISVNLogEntryHandler() {
                        public void handleLogEntry(final SVNLogEntry logEntry) {
        } catch (SVNException ex) {
            return translateException("Unable to get logs for path: " + path, ex);
        return revisions;

    protected String createUnifiedDiff(final PathRevision from, final PathRevision to, final String charset,
            final TextFile leftFile, final TextFile rightFile) throws IOException {
        final ByteArrayOutputStream diffResult = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        final DiffProducer diffProducer = new DiffProducer(
                new ByteArrayInputStream(leftFile.getContent().getBytes()),
                new ByteArrayInputStream(rightFile.getContent().getBytes()), charset);


        final String diffResultString = diffResult.toString(charset);
        if ("".equals(diffResultString)) {
            throw new IdenticalFilesException(from.getPath() + ", " + to.getPath());
        return diffResultString;

    private <T extends Object> T translateException(String errorMessage, SVNException exception)
            throws SventonException {
        if (exception instanceof SVNAuthenticationException) {
            throw new AuthenticationException(exception.getMessage(), exception);

        if (SVNErrorCode.FS_NO_SUCH_REVISION == exception.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode()) {
            throw new NoSuchRevisionException("No such revision: " + exception.getMessage());

        throw new SventonException(errorMessage, exception);

    private static class AnnotationHandler implements ISVNAnnotateHandler {

        private final AnnotatedTextFile annotatedTextFile;

         * Constructor.
         * @param annotatedTextFile File
        public AnnotationHandler(final AnnotatedTextFile annotatedTextFile) {
            this.annotatedTextFile = annotatedTextFile;

        public void handleLine(final Date date, final long revision, final String author, final String line)
                throws SVNException {
            handleLine(date, revision, author, line, null, -1, null, null, 0);

        public void handleLine(final Date date, final long revision, final String author, final String line,
                final Date mergedDate, final long mergedRevision, final String mergedAuthor,
                final String mergedPath, final int lineNumber) throws SVNException {
            annotatedTextFile.addRow(date, revision, author, line);

        public boolean handleRevision(Date date, long revision, String author, File contents) throws SVNException {
            // We do not want our file to be annotated for each revision of the range, but only for the last
            // revision of it, so we return false
            return false;

        public void handleEOF() {
            // Nothing to do.
