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 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.web.reactive.function;

import java.util.List;

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference;
import org.springframework.core.ReactiveAdapter;
import org.springframework.core.ReactiveAdapterRegistry;
import org.springframework.core.ResolvableType;
import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ReactiveHttpOutputMessage;
import org.springframework.http.client.MultipartBodyBuilder;
import org.springframework.http.client.reactive.ClientHttpRequest;
import org.springframework.http.codec.HttpMessageWriter;
import org.springframework.http.codec.ServerSentEvent;
import org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServerHttpResponse;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;

 * Static factory methods for {@link BodyInserter} implementations.
 * @author Arjen Poutsma
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @author Sebastien Deleuze
 * @since 5.0
public abstract class BodyInserters {

    private static final ResolvableType RESOURCE_TYPE = ResolvableType.forClass(Resource.class);

    private static final ResolvableType SSE_TYPE = ResolvableType.forClass(ServerSentEvent.class);

    private static final ResolvableType FORM_DATA_TYPE = ResolvableType.forClassWithGenerics(MultiValueMap.class,
            String.class, String.class);

    private static final ResolvableType MULTIPART_DATA_TYPE = ResolvableType
            .forClassWithGenerics(MultiValueMap.class, String.class, Object.class);

    private static final BodyInserter<Void, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> EMPTY_INSERTER = (response,
            context) -> response.setComplete();

    private static final ReactiveAdapterRegistry registry = ReactiveAdapterRegistry.getSharedInstance();

     * Inserter that does not write.
     * @return the inserter
    public static <T> BodyInserter<T, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> empty() {
        return (BodyInserter<T, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage>) EMPTY_INSERTER;

     * Inserter to write the given object.
     * <p>Alternatively, consider using the {@code body(Object)} shortcuts on
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient WebClient} and
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse ServerResponse}.
     * @param body the body to write to the response
     * @param <T> the type of the body
     * @return the inserter to write a single object
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code body} is a {@link Publisher} or an
     * instance of a type supported by {@link ReactiveAdapterRegistry#getSharedInstance()},
     * for which {@link #fromPublisher(Publisher, Class)} or
     * {@link #fromProducer(Object, Class)} should be used.
     * @see #fromPublisher(Publisher, Class)
     * @see #fromProducer(Object, Class)
    public static <T> BodyInserter<T, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> fromObject(T body) {
        Assert.notNull(body, "'body' must not be null");
                "'body' should be an object, for reactive types use a variant specifying a publisher/producer and its related element type");
        return (message, context) -> writeWithMessageWriters(message, context, Mono.just(body),
                ResolvableType.forInstance(body), null);

     * Inserter to write the given producer of value(s) which must be a {@link Publisher}
     * or another producer adaptable to a {@code Publisher} via
     * {@link ReactiveAdapterRegistry}.
     * <p>Alternatively, consider using the {@code body} shortcuts on
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient WebClient} and
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse ServerResponse}.
     * @param <T> the type of the body
     * @param producer the source of body value(s).
     * @param elementClass the class of values to be produced
     * @return the inserter to write a producer
     * @since 5.2
    public static <T> BodyInserter<T, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> fromProducer(T producer, Class<?> elementClass) {
        Assert.notNull(producer, "'producer' must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(elementClass, "'elementClass' must not be null");
        ReactiveAdapter adapter = ReactiveAdapterRegistry.getSharedInstance().getAdapter(producer.getClass());
        Assert.notNull(adapter, "'producer' type is unknown to ReactiveAdapterRegistry");
        return (message, context) -> writeWithMessageWriters(message, context, producer,
                ResolvableType.forClass(elementClass), adapter);

     * Inserter to write the given producer of value(s) which must be a {@link Publisher}
     * or another producer adaptable to a {@code Publisher} via
     * {@link ReactiveAdapterRegistry}.
     * <p>Alternatively, consider using the {@code body} shortcuts on
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient WebClient} and
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse ServerResponse}.
     * @param <T> the type of the body
     * @param producer the source of body value(s).
     * @param elementTypeRef the type of values to be produced
     * @return the inserter to write a producer
     * @since 5.2
    public static <T> BodyInserter<T, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> fromProducer(T producer,
            ParameterizedTypeReference<?> elementTypeRef) {
        Assert.notNull(producer, "'producer' must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(elementTypeRef, "'elementTypeRef' must not be null");
        ReactiveAdapter adapter = ReactiveAdapterRegistry.getSharedInstance().getAdapter(producer.getClass());
        Assert.notNull(adapter, "'producer' type is unknown to ReactiveAdapterRegistry");
        return (message, context) -> writeWithMessageWriters(message, context, producer,
                ResolvableType.forType(elementTypeRef), adapter);

     * Inserter to write the given {@link Publisher}.
     * <p>Alternatively, consider using the {@code body} shortcuts on
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient WebClient} and
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse ServerResponse}.
     * @param publisher the publisher to write with
     * @param elementClass the class of elements in the publisher
     * @param <T> the type of the elements contained in the publisher
     * @param <P> the {@code Publisher} type
     * @return the inserter to write a {@code Publisher}
    public static <T, P extends Publisher<T>> BodyInserter<P, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> fromPublisher(P publisher,
            Class<T> elementClass) {

        Assert.notNull(publisher, "'publisher' must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(elementClass, "'elementClass' must not be null");
        return (message, context) -> writeWithMessageWriters(message, context, publisher,
                ResolvableType.forClass(elementClass), null);

     * Inserter to write the given {@link Publisher}.
     * <p>Alternatively, consider using the {@code body} shortcuts on
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient WebClient} and
     * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse ServerResponse}.
     * @param publisher the publisher to write with
     * @param elementTypeRef the type of elements contained in the publisher
     * @param <T> the type of the elements contained in the publisher
     * @param <P> the {@code Publisher} type
     * @return the inserter to write a {@code Publisher}
    public static <T, P extends Publisher<T>> BodyInserter<P, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> fromPublisher(P publisher,
            ParameterizedTypeReference<T> elementTypeRef) {

        Assert.notNull(publisher, "'publisher' must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(elementTypeRef, "'elementTypeRef' must not be null");
        return (message, context) -> writeWithMessageWriters(message, context, publisher,
                ResolvableType.forType(elementTypeRef.getType()), null);

     * Inserter to write the given {@code Resource}.
     * <p>If the resource can be resolved to a {@linkplain Resource#getFile() file}, it will
     * be copied using <a href="">zero-copy</a>.
     * @param resource the resource to write to the output message
     * @param <T> the type of the {@code Resource}
     * @return the inserter to write a {@code Publisher}
    public static <T extends Resource> BodyInserter<T, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> fromResource(T resource) {
        Assert.notNull(resource, "'resource' must not be null");
        return (outputMessage, context) -> {
            ResolvableType elementType = RESOURCE_TYPE;
            HttpMessageWriter<Resource> writer = findWriter(context, elementType, null);
            return write(Mono.just(resource), elementType, null, outputMessage, context, writer);

     * Inserter to write the given {@code ServerSentEvent} publisher.
     * <p>Alternatively, you can provide event data objects via
     * {@link #fromPublisher(Publisher, Class)} or {@link #fromProducer(Object, Class)},
     * and set the "Content-Type" to {@link MediaType#TEXT_EVENT_STREAM text/event-stream}.
     * @param eventsPublisher the {@code ServerSentEvent} publisher to write to the response body
     * @param <T> the type of the data elements in the {@link ServerSentEvent}
     * @return the inserter to write a {@code ServerSentEvent} publisher
     * @see <a href="">Server-Sent Events W3C recommendation</a>
    // Parameterized for server-side use
    public static <T, S extends Publisher<ServerSentEvent<T>>> BodyInserter<S, ServerHttpResponse> fromServerSentEvents(
            S eventsPublisher) {

        Assert.notNull(eventsPublisher, "'eventsPublisher' must not be null");
        return (serverResponse, context) -> {
            ResolvableType elementType = SSE_TYPE;
            MediaType mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM;
            HttpMessageWriter<ServerSentEvent<T>> writer = findWriter(context, elementType, mediaType);
            return write(eventsPublisher, elementType, mediaType, serverResponse, context, writer);

     * Return a {@link FormInserter} to write the given {@code MultiValueMap}
     * as URL-encoded form data. The returned inserter allows for additional
     * entries to be added via {@link FormInserter#with(String, Object)}.
     * <p>Note that you can also use the {@code body(Object)} method in the
     * request builders of both the {@code WebClient} and {@code WebTestClient}.
     * In that case the setting of the request content type is also not required,
     * just be sure the map contains String values only or otherwise it would be
     * interpreted as a multipart request.
     * @param formData the form data to write to the output message
     * @return the inserter that allows adding more form data
    public static FormInserter<String> fromFormData(MultiValueMap<String, String> formData) {
        return new DefaultFormInserter().with(formData);

     * Return a {@link FormInserter} to write the given key-value pair as
     * URL-encoded form data. The returned inserter allows for additional
     * entries to be added via {@link FormInserter#with(String, Object)}.
     * @param name the key to add to the form
     * @param value the value to add to the form
     * @return the inserter that allows adding more form data
    public static FormInserter<String> fromFormData(String name, String value) {
        Assert.notNull(name, "'name' must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(value, "'value' must not be null");
        return new DefaultFormInserter().with(name, value);

     * Return a {@link MultipartInserter} to write the given
     * {@code MultiValueMap} as multipart data. Values in the map can be an
     * Object or an {@link HttpEntity}.
     * <p>Note that you can also build the multipart data externally with
     * {@link MultipartBodyBuilder}, and pass the resulting map directly to the
     * {@code body(Object)} shortcut method in {@code WebClient}.
     * @param multipartData the form data to write to the output message
     * @return the inserter that allows adding more parts
     * @see MultipartBodyBuilder
    public static MultipartInserter fromMultipartData(MultiValueMap<String, ?> multipartData) {
        Assert.notNull(multipartData, "'multipartData' must not be null");
        return new DefaultMultipartInserter().withInternal(multipartData);

     * Return a {@link MultipartInserter} to write the given parts,
     * as multipart data. Values in the map can be an Object or an
     * {@link HttpEntity}.
     * <p>Note that you can also build the multipart data externally with
     * {@link MultipartBodyBuilder}, and pass the resulting map directly to the
     * {@code body(Object)} shortcut method in {@code WebClient}.
     * @param name the part name
     * @param value the part value, an Object or {@code HttpEntity}
     * @return the inserter that allows adding more parts
    public static MultipartInserter fromMultipartData(String name, Object value) {
        Assert.notNull(name, "'name' must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(value, "'value' must not be null");
        return new DefaultMultipartInserter().with(name, value);

     * Return a {@link MultipartInserter} to write the given asynchronous parts,
     * as multipart data.
     * <p>Note that you can also build the multipart data externally with
     * {@link MultipartBodyBuilder}, and pass the resulting map directly to the
     * {@code body(Object)} shortcut method in {@code WebClient}.
     * @param name the part name
     * @param publisher the publisher that forms the part value
     * @param elementClass the class contained in the {@code publisher}
     * @return the inserter that allows adding more parts
    public static <T, P extends Publisher<T>> MultipartInserter fromMultipartAsyncData(String name, P publisher,
            Class<T> elementClass) {

        return new DefaultMultipartInserter().withPublisher(name, publisher, elementClass);

     * Variant of {@link #fromMultipartAsyncData(String, Publisher, Class)} that
     * accepts a {@link ParameterizedTypeReference} for the element type, which
     * allows specifying generic type information.
     * <p>Note that you can also build the multipart data externally with
     * {@link MultipartBodyBuilder}, and pass the resulting map directly to the
     * {@code body(Object)} shortcut method in {@code WebClient}.
     * @param name the part name
     * @param publisher the publisher that forms the part value
     * @param typeReference the type contained in the {@code publisher}
     * @return the inserter that allows adding more parts
    public static <T, P extends Publisher<T>> MultipartInserter fromMultipartAsyncData(String name, P publisher,
            ParameterizedTypeReference<T> typeReference) {

        return new DefaultMultipartInserter().withPublisher(name, publisher, typeReference);

     * Inserter to write the given {@code Publisher<DataBuffer>} to the body.
     * @param publisher the data buffer publisher to write
     * @param <T> the type of the publisher
     * @return the inserter to write directly to the body
     * @see ReactiveHttpOutputMessage#writeWith(Publisher)
    public static <T extends Publisher<DataBuffer>> BodyInserter<T, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> fromDataBuffers(
            T publisher) {

        Assert.notNull(publisher, "'publisher' must not be null");
        return (outputMessage, context) -> outputMessage.writeWith(publisher);

    private static <M extends ReactiveHttpOutputMessage> Mono<Void> writeWithMessageWriters(M outputMessage,
            BodyInserter.Context context, Object body, ResolvableType bodyType, @Nullable ReactiveAdapter adapter) {

        Publisher<?> publisher;
        if (body instanceof Publisher) {
            publisher = (Publisher<?>) body;
        } else if (adapter != null) {
            publisher = adapter.toPublisher(body);
        } else {
            publisher = Mono.just(body);
        MediaType mediaType = outputMessage.getHeaders().getContentType();
        return context.messageWriters().stream()
                .filter(messageWriter -> messageWriter.canWrite(bodyType, mediaType)).findFirst()
                .map(writer -> write(publisher, bodyType, mediaType, outputMessage, context, writer))
                .orElseGet(() -> Mono.error(unsupportedError(bodyType, context, mediaType)));

    private static UnsupportedMediaTypeException unsupportedError(ResolvableType bodyType,
            BodyInserter.Context context, @Nullable MediaType mediaType) {

        List<MediaType> supportedMediaTypes = context.messageWriters().stream()
                .flatMap(reader -> reader.getWritableMediaTypes().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());

        return new UnsupportedMediaTypeException(mediaType, supportedMediaTypes, bodyType);

    private static <T> Mono<Void> write(Publisher<? extends T> input, ResolvableType type,
            @Nullable MediaType mediaType, ReactiveHttpOutputMessage message, BodyInserter.Context context,
            HttpMessageWriter<T> writer) {

        return context.serverRequest().map(request -> {
            ServerHttpResponse response = (ServerHttpResponse) message;
            return writer.write(input, type, type, mediaType, request, response, context.hints());
        }).orElseGet(() -> writer.write(input, type, mediaType, message, context.hints()));

    private static <T> HttpMessageWriter<T> findWriter(BodyInserter.Context context, ResolvableType elementType,
            @Nullable MediaType mediaType) {

        return context.messageWriters().stream()
                .filter(messageWriter -> messageWriter.canWrite(elementType, mediaType)).findFirst()
                .map(BodyInserters::<T>cast).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(
                        "No HttpMessageWriter for \"" + mediaType + "\" and \"" + elementType + "\""));

    private static <T> HttpMessageWriter<T> cast(HttpMessageWriter<?> messageWriter) {
        return (HttpMessageWriter<T>) messageWriter;

     * Extension of {@link BodyInserter} that allows for adding form data or
     * multipart form data.
     * @param <T> the value type
    public interface FormInserter<T> extends BodyInserter<MultiValueMap<String, T>, ClientHttpRequest> {

        // FormInserter is parameterized to ClientHttpRequest (for client-side use only)

         * Adds the specified key-value pair to the form.
         * @param key the key to be added
         * @param value the value to be added
         * @return this inserter for adding more parts
        FormInserter<T> with(String key, T value);

         * Adds the specified values to the form.
         * @param values the values to be added
         * @return this inserter for adding more parts
        FormInserter<T> with(MultiValueMap<String, T> values);


     * Extension of {@link FormInserter} that allows for adding asynchronous parts.
    public interface MultipartInserter extends FormInserter<Object> {

         * Add an asynchronous part with {@link Publisher}-based content.
         * @param name the name of the part to add
         * @param publisher the part contents
         * @param elementClass the type of elements contained in the publisher
         * @return this inserter for adding more parts
        <T, P extends Publisher<T>> MultipartInserter withPublisher(String name, P publisher,
                Class<T> elementClass);

         * Variant of {@link #withPublisher(String, Publisher, Class)} that accepts a
         * {@link ParameterizedTypeReference} for the element type, which allows
         * specifying generic type information.
         * @param name the key to be added
         * @param publisher the publisher to be added as value
         * @param typeReference the type of elements contained in {@code publisher}
         * @return this inserter for adding more parts
        <T, P extends Publisher<T>> MultipartInserter withPublisher(String name, P publisher,
                ParameterizedTypeReference<T> typeReference);


    private static class DefaultFormInserter implements FormInserter<String> {

        private final MultiValueMap<String, String> data = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();

        public FormInserter<String> with(String key, @Nullable String value) {
  , value);
            return this;

        public FormInserter<String> with(MultiValueMap<String, String> values) {
            return this;

        public Mono<Void> insert(ClientHttpRequest outputMessage, Context context) {
            HttpMessageWriter<MultiValueMap<String, String>> messageWriter = findWriter(context, FORM_DATA_TYPE,
            return messageWriter.write(Mono.just(, FORM_DATA_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED,
                    outputMessage, context.hints());

    private static class DefaultMultipartInserter implements MultipartInserter {

        private final MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();

        public MultipartInserter with(String key, Object value) {
            this.builder.part(key, value);
            return this;

        public MultipartInserter with(MultiValueMap<String, Object> values) {
            return withInternal(values);

        private MultipartInserter withInternal(MultiValueMap<String, ?> values) {
            values.forEach((key, valueList) -> {
                for (Object value : valueList) {
                    this.builder.part(key, value);
            return this;

        public <T, P extends Publisher<T>> MultipartInserter withPublisher(String name, P publisher,
                Class<T> elementClass) {

            this.builder.asyncPart(name, publisher, elementClass);
            return this;

        public <T, P extends Publisher<T>> MultipartInserter withPublisher(String name, P publisher,
                ParameterizedTypeReference<T> typeReference) {

            this.builder.asyncPart(name, publisher, typeReference);
            return this;

        public Mono<Void> insert(ClientHttpRequest outputMessage, Context context) {
            HttpMessageWriter<MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>>> messageWriter = findWriter(context,
                    MULTIPART_DATA_TYPE, MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA);
            MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>> body =;
            return messageWriter.write(Mono.just(body), MULTIPART_DATA_TYPE, MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA,
                    outputMessage, context.hints());
